#i think we sold the doll at a garage sale bc we don’t have it anymore
prettyboysmlm · 1 year
hm. should i make a rash decision once more.
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S1 E19 - Provenance
Director: Philip Sgriccia Writers: Eric Kripke, David Ehrman
These two are def gonna be murdered by this painting which I’m in favor of.
Yes they are getting murdered by the painting
Dean getting digits we love to see it
Lmao I stopped watching this episode like 2 weeks ago now I’m back baby jetlagged and can’t work so here we are back at it
Dean is smiling very uncomfortably and bringing two beers to a table that already has two full beers on it
“What’s that supposed to mean” i think the meaning was pretty clear
Dean is... hungover?? Why is he asleep in the car? This is not explained its just supposed to be funny ?
License plate “the krip”
“It’s like a garage sale for WASPs if you ask me” Dean pretty sure you’re a wasp man, unless you were raised Catholic ??
Dean has some attitude in this episode I like it, eating just everything he can get his hands on
Oh was the setup of Dean getting a woman to contrast with Sam trying to get this woman with his brains and charm
This painting looks ugly AF.
Gross she’s giving Sam wistful looks for literally just that??
Oh this is a choice of hotel decor
Sam is very uncomfortable he looks like a baby. Wow this was the lipgloss era huh
What is the thing with the wine list “I’ll have a beer” girlboss moment
Why is she so quick to give up all this information abt her mom?
We are spending so long on this scene. Ok it’s over now
The lighting in this hotel scene is pretty good, very nice half illuminated faces
we are 10 minutes into the episode this cannot work but this is very good 90s era hacker scifi breakin music/pacing/lighting
It is so bright in my room and I cannot see anything
Yeah it’s a pretty hideous painting
Oh they have to destroy the frame ?
I guess this is how they figure out the painting is still around and this is such an awkward scene Sam trying to act through Dean crushing his story is very funny. “OH MY GOD” cannot contain himself at seeing the painting freaks completely out. Wow this girl has a lot of patience
OHH WE HAVE MORE PAPER PROPS YESSSSS THESE WERE SO WELL DONE BEFORE AND THEY ARE AGAIN NOW!!! Love this librarian too, very excited about the murders and the lore this is me about the paper props
Dad sold the painting again
Dean is actually trying to be a good older brother here what a sweetie. I did forget that Jessica was a thing. Ok so we don’t get an explicit explanation of what “the main part” is
Why would someone actively try to get that painting
She’s just standing by while they pick the lock oh no she’s here too
Is she going to be a regular on the show?
We love Dean standing by forcing Sam to do all the heavy lifting. Why does sam only have one tone of voice.
“Sam. Marry that girl” she’s having some real girlboss moments here.
Wow those pants are so low waisted we hate the 2000s. Another lipgloss moment
“We don’t get paid” big mood
Oh no is it gonna actually get romantic between them? WOW SHE JUST STRAIGHT UP ASKED HIM good for her. This is a lot of progression in one episode after they literally just met. Oh he’s telling her that his girlfriend died. Ok two data points don’t make a curse Sam. “Very sweet and very archaic.” WOW ANOTHER GIRLBOSS MOMENT. She’s really bursting through all his walls at once after knowing him like 3 days. She also lost her mom so this seems a little insensitive on Sam’s part “oh boo hoo my gf died it was so sad” well her mom died and now she wants to bone down after being sad for a year.
I hope it turns out that she’s playing him and leaves him after they fuck that would be so girlboss of her.
It was the little girl the whole time her soul is in the doll that’s a nice twist.
Pretty sure they’ve used the “low sodium freaks” joke before
We need to know how they figure out where her soul is which is why they keep flashing to the doll
“That is just so wrong” great line
THEY LITERALLY KEEP FLASHING TO THE DOLL oh it’s so Sarah can have another girlboss moment
I keep calling these girlboss moments but it doesn’t really count as such I’m sorry
oH NO Sarah is going to have to fight by herself now another girlBOSS moment
Yeah you moron literally just shoot the glass in
Wow the hair really lit up didn’t it
Why is she bleeding oh who cares Sam is touching her finally
Oh I was genuinely hoping they’d kiss bc I’m a freak.
Oh no a touching goodbye. No Dean, we only thank you for getting out of the way so it can be Sam’s episode. SHE WANTS TO FUCK HIM SO BAD lmao that’s sweet.
Oh is she gonna run out and kiss him are we gonna get that no he’s coming back to do it literally stomping on her girlboss moment.
Gross Dean look away.
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locktobre · 7 years
anyway I love Barbie very much and I have for literally all of my life that I can remember. I played with the dolls until I was 14 and I held on to it as long as I could but it just got to that point where I wasn’t a kid anymore so it wasn’t fun, you know? it had lost that spark. so I packed up my dolls but I still held onto them bc I still LIKED them, I just couldn’t play with them anymore. we sold some stuff at a garage sale at some point bc I was trying to Grow Up and it was just taking up space and I didn’t know what to DO with it, only that I wanted it so I tried to get rid of it. we still ended up with most of it, tho. and then when I was about 18, I think? is when I got into the movies. technically it should be again but I don’t remember them from my childhood I’ve said this before. anyway. the 4 years I didn’t have Barbie were some of the most miserable of my whole life which wasn’t really bc of that but it’s like didn’t HELP that I was without one of my most favorite things bc what did I have to comfort me, really... I had my ocs and that was about it. anyway im rambling at this point but the POINT is that there is a direct correlation between Barbie and happiness for me and there has been for my entire life.
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