#i thouhht i posted these already but guess not
sofiaherzen · 5 years
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Caitlin Fitzgerald in Jim & Helen Forever
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Been a while since I rambled about potential crossovers and things with CotIG...might post some ramblings....but I haven't a clue what. Could try further ramblings concerning the Riordan verse and Cotig. Have exhausted thoughts at present concerning crossover potential between CotIG and RWBY (not in absolute entirety....just my thoughts...).
At present....to potential subjects to delve into rambling about with regards to how a crossover with CotIG might work are probably Discworld, Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics (though I might have covered this one already?)....and ....i don't know She Ra maybe? Been watching that...
Oh! A possibly fun thought....fellow Scowlers! What do you think would be neat things to crossover with CotIG? if I have any familiarity with it...I'll try to...extrapolate? I think that's the right word (checks) hm...might not be the right word....eh...will ramble and what not to the best of my ability. Like how that one ask asked what thouhht I had regarding Vampires in CotIG (that was fun).....yeah...expect something in the near future I guess?
forgive my rambling.
Make of this what you will.
Al, the Chronographing Cottager and Prince of Naming.
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