#i took a web development class in highschool and a game design class
baka-monarch · 8 months
Coders who follow me, on a scale of 1-10 how hard is it learning to code if I decide to try learning to code again
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izicodes · 10 months
hello loa! i hope you've been well ! i have a question, apologies if you've gotten one like this before but i want to get into coding as i recently just got the free coding course from harvard and i trie the freecodecamp once.
is math really a staple? i'd like to think i'm techy, i mean i took a really basic compsci class in highschool lol which was heavily html based nso, super easy.. but i'm scared! idk if im particularly good at math bc i didn't get to see my potential back in highschool but idk if this will make or break my decision of pursuing to study computer science bc people will say its not just coding.
if it IS math based, what should i do? i feel like i would need to go all the way back to grade school and start off from scratch. i'm really nervous, idk what to do
Hiya 💗
So for some background: the area in computer science I'm in is Web Development. Basic maths skills needed.
I think I answered a similar ask but I said that the maths I encounter on a day-to-day is maths from Year 10/Grade 9. It's not hard stuff. The maths I learnt at year 12-13-ish (Grade 11-12) was a lot harder than the maths I use at work and personal projects.
I don't have any proper educational experience outside of web development so but I do have a mate who does Computer Science as a degree in university and he has some maths books. But Web Development is creating art online. Designing, I am a creative person so I think that is why I leaned into Web Development more.
Yeah there's more to Computer Science than coding, that's why I niched it down to learning software/web development at my apprenticeship. With Comp Sci I would have learnt unnecessary stuff that would have made me not to continue learning.
There are degree course that are just a specific area within computer science like web deve, machine learning, game dev, systems, etc. look for the one you actually like rather than doing overall computer science - that's one idea!
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emloutay · 3 years
About Me- Week 1 Post
Hi, my name is Emily Taylor! I am a second year Graphic Design student with a focus on Illustration. I took this class, one because it is required for my major, but also because I am curious to see what design is or could be. I believe I have only really made art in my life time so I am curious if this class will give me more of an insight into what it really means to be a graphic designer. The only times I could say I perhaps created design over art is when I was in Science Olympiad in highschool and we had an event called experimental design that I was in. In this event you were given a prompt of something you had to construct with a limited time frame and supplies. For example, one time we had to make a swing for our teams Buckbeak plushie out of paper, sting, paper clips and other things along those lines. The main requirements were that it had to hold the weight and actually swing. Other than that event, I think I am more focused on art. Like I mentioned, I try to focus on Illustration with my art, since the narrative behind art is one of my favorite aspects of it. I am inspired by printmaking, digital web comics, video games, and media that plays with fantasy or ideas outside of reality. I grew up with three older brothers playing games like Zelda Ocarina of Time and watching movies like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Hunger Games, Bridge to Terabithia, Doctor Who, Marvel Movies, and more. I also grew up with an appreciation for nature. My mom would take us on hikes and climb trees with us, it kind of allowed us to create our own little adventures. This mix of media and personal adventures has really helped develop my interests which have molded my artwork.
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thecloudlight-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Cloudlight
New Post has been published on https://cloudlight.biz/mobile-devices-gain-popularity-over-pcs-for-casino-gaming/
Mobile devices gain popularity over PCs for casino gaming
Global Recreation Era might also have bought its online gaming enterprise Double Down Interactive at just the proper time. Social casino games are shying far from apps like Double Down that offer an extensive variety of games in favor of single-genre apps, in line with a report this week through SuperData Studies, an issue of market information for the virtual video games enterprise. The Las Vegas primarily based slot producer sold Double Down — which gives gamers the opportunity to play slots, video poker, blackjack, roulette, bingo, and poker — for $825 million final months to a South Korea-primarily based organization. Double Down’s revenue declined in 2016.
The fading recognition of multigenre social casino apps is being driven
By gamers switching their play far away from private computers to cellular telephones and drugs, in step with SuperData. The share of social online casino gamers who play on Pcs has fallen to forty-nine percentage, at the same time as The share who use a cell smartphone has risen to 85 percentage, in keeping with a recent ballot by way of the organization. The share gambling strictly on Computers has fallen from 15 percentage to six percentage during the last 12 months. Social online casino game enthusiasts gambling multigenre apps like Double Down have a tendency to accomplish that on Pcs, due to the fact the larger display screen gives “visually thrilling casino lobbies,” in step with Carter Rogers, a Research supervisor at SuperData. at the same time as Laptop social casino gamers are declining as a percentage of the overall market, they’re nonetheless the maximum engaged and maximum worthwhile customers for online casino app makers. The average Laptop gamer performs sixty nine mins in line with consultation and spends nearly $eighty per month, compared with 57 minutes and $forty for mobile gamers. The common Computer gamer will spend $629 on a multigenre app and $556 on slots over the path of approximately nine months earlier than jumping the to new social online casino video games, in step with SuperData.
Manual and Automated Testing of Mobile Applications
Applications and applications for mobile devices are very famous built-in recent times integrated. Each the techniques of software program built-in and checking out require some improvements integrated and modifications. Additionally, special built-interest integrated is paid to checking out gear.
Surely, a sizable variety of various equipment for cellular trying out is to be had now. And there is gear for diverse tactics of product check integrated and Both diverse structures.
What Are the steps of Guide Checkintegratedg?
Locate an error. Take a screenshot of the discovered worm. The photograph has to be transmitted to the computer. Open the problem built-integrated trojan horse tracking system. Add the screenshot. Download the application logs. If important, make the video. Add the outline of the device (OS model, version). built-in the records integrated into the app (version, constructed). Specify the steps to reproduce the computer virus. Publish the problem. The manner of Manual checking out is built-in long and requires a while to report the discovered error. built-integrated, the bug tracking device simplifies the manner but nonetheless, it needs a few operations. We will have the pretty built-incentive scenario with automated testing. What’s the procedure of automatic Checkintegratedg?
Built-and out integrated a difficulty.
Run the malicious program-report integrated built-in integrated. built-in the stairs to breed the mistake. Submit the computer virus. The built-in of automation saves tons time. At the same time, it’s miles important to pick out the proper trojan horse report integrated tool. It is go built integrated a large plus if the tool helps the crash report characteristic. Here is the built-in integrated of numerous such problem report integrated tools. InstaBug permits the checking team to document the errors from the app. It could be built-integrated with numerous worm tracking systems, for example, Jira, Zendesk, Slack, Trello, and others. The tool has the alternative of crash report built-ing. Snafu built-in the professionals to create the trojan horse summary built-in the application. The device supports the option of Tak built integrated the logs robotically integrated. Except that, any trouble can be highlighted. Shake bug is a library for report integrated errors of the Android apps. It enables to take the screenshots of the detected errors and Add the build integrated of mobile devices. numerous traits of this tool can be custom designed. BugshotKit helps all iOS versions. It may be released as one gesture. the choice of comment integrated the taken screenshots is to be had. Besides that, there is special crash report integrated gear, built-integrated, Crashlytics for Android and iOS, ACRA for Android. The technique of bug report integrated built-in Android or iOS trying out must now not be too lengthy and need to no longer require plenty attempt.
To carry out mobile, desktop or not integrated web page trying out efficaciously these strategies need to be adjusted for every organization and every assignment. QATestLab is built independent, offshore software program trying out company placed integrated Kiev, UK rebuilt-in. QATestLab plays trying out of merchandise on every stage of software development cycle.
How To Take Care Of Your PC Storage Devices
Your records storage devices, along with detachable disks and USB drives, are distinctly critical mainly because they contain documents that you use in the enterprise or personal existence. Failure to properly contend with those gadgets and disks may want to result in an irreversible lack of vital facts. This is exactly the purpose why every laptop person ought to be diligent about the maintenance of their private statistics storage objects.
The subsequent are some beneficial tips on the way to preserve your flash disks and detachable drives:
Maintain Your storage gadgets Inside Room Temperature
Avoid storing your information drives in extraordinarily cold or excruciatingly warm surroundings. Too much warmth can cause the electronic elements for your power to soften, and An excessive amount of cold can motive disintegration in the physical attributes of the force. Ensure your workplace has enough ventilation or air conditioning to ensure that your backup storage disks aren’t being harmed with the aid of warmth or wet.
Avoid Setting Your detachable Disks On Top Of Other digital devices
That is a crucial one. If you place your USB or Different disk on Top of your Tv set, computer, gaming platform, for a long period of time, this can cause data harm.
Make It A Factor To Eject Your Drives Properly
In case you are a Windows person, Make certain you constantly “safely remove” your detachable statistics hardware from your Pc on every occasion you are about to detach it. This prevents unexpected statistics loss and harm to the drive. However, genuinely pulling your USB or memory card away from its Pc socket without doing the “thoroughly dispose of” action can result in total disk harm.
Preserve The Integrity Of Your documents
If you have a tape force or tough disk that houses huge amounts of vital records, Make certain you Maintain its integrity by way of monitoring what is going in and out of the pressure. Once in a while, documents along with malware and spyware can creep into the drive without the information of the person. Gaining access to peer to look software program, grownup websites, and websites with known malware and spyware problems, can all cause viruses to creep into your Pc garage objects and compromise the integrity of your documents.
Hardcore Gamer Battles Hemorrhoids and Video Games
The alternative day I used to be instructed approximately a hardcore gamer that battles video games and beat a hemorrhoid in actual life. It’s a friend’s son who is going to college. He has been a serious hardcore gamer due to the fact that he become going to highschool. The video games he performs the most are Magazine, Darkish Void, and Dante’s Inferno. Being a gamer had in no way been an problem inside the beyond, outside of him not keeping up what he turned into purported to do to help around the house. This is normal with teenagers that are usually linked to the Internet, gaming, or connecting with human beings on social networks.
His first 12 months in university hit him difficult. He was taking a complete agenda of lessons and nonetheless seeking to get in as many hours as he could playing the video games Darkish Void, Magazine, and Dante’s Inferno. Many proctologists agree that stress can reason outside hemorrhoids to develop. I have recognized the young man due to the fact he turned into in high faculty. He’s usually been extraordinarily aggressive in the global of gaming and creating apps. It is a herbal desire he is pursuing a degree in laptop science. It have to had been the pressure eventually precipitated his digestive device to tighten.
The frightening second in his lifestyles took place when he was having hassle passing bowel moves commonly
the brand new pressure of college and his hardcore video gaming classes had prompted horrific constipation (also known as costiveness, dyssynergia defecation, and dyschezia) that changed into turning into painful. teens on occasion will keep things to themselves that they sense are too embarrassing. He in no way spoke approximately it to his dad and mom. Constipation and straining throughout bowel actions is linked to being a main motive of hemorrhoids.
As a past hemorrhoid patient It is horrifying and shocking to realize you’ve got a painful outside hemorrhoid. This university scholar and hardcore gamer in no way expected that at his younger age hemorrhoids were a medical circumstance he would get. He was terrified when cleansing himself that he felt a mass outdoor of his anus and there had been strains of blood. This would make all of us’s heart pound faster. He ultimately advised his dad and mom what he had discovered. After meeting with a physician this hardcore gamer and college scholar was informed he had an outside hemorrhoid that had ruptured developing bleeding.
  Originally posted 2016-08-28 04:07:45.
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