#i took so long writing this my pizza that i ordered an hour ago came in LOL
2bloved · 2 years
So I have a headcanon that I need to put out into the world so here I am, lemme know what you think /nf. So Glitchy Red (in an x reader scenario or something) would absolutely LOVE any sort of physical affection. I mean, man's been stuck in a game for his whole life he has to be some amount of touch starved. So of course stuff like hugs would be perfect but even just like holding hands, sitting back to back, one of them leaning their head against the other's shoulder, etc. Like imagine reader just sitting on the couch doing something (playing a game, reading, doesn't really matter) and Red is maybe only half-interested in what they're doing but he's looking over their shoulder while they lean against him and he's content with it, maybe dozes off a bit, but he's happy. Anyways thank you for coming to my TED Talk. :)
i want to write a oneshot for this. i really do. i love this so much. i may not have the mental energy to rn but if its ok with u i geninuely will /srs
HOWEVER I AGREE it would take him some time (like a couple of days) for glitchy to just. for it to hit him. for him to realize 'hey, there's someone there that just. wants to hold and love him'
if you show him that you're willing to give, he'll gonna want even more! (rest of headcanons or whatever below the cut)
it'd start with when you first meet with him in person for the first time - hooh boy was he estatic to just give someone a hug and maybe something a bit more! that's when he started to realize how neglected of affection he was
of course him showing this at first it'd probably be a little discreet like you arriving home from Undisclosed Job I Mentioned In Oneshot (if we're going off the fact it was indirectly based off of me lets just say dairy queen <3 sorry common dairy queen slander dub) and just flopping down on your couch - glitchy would immediately come out from your room to make sure it was you, of course, and sit down beside you, eventually coursing his way into your arms and you both following asleep like that
or maybe like you mentioned - you're home and somewhere in the house, maybe just playing one of your various games from ur PRIZED video game collection like ur ds or something and glitchy will hover around you until eventually being entangled with you, probably watching not only you but also your determined look to kick youngster joey's ass on pokemon hgss
the way you'll come over to him and gently play around with his hands, his loose locks of black hair, the way you give him gentle kisses.. fndsjfksdf
that's when he'd definitely start showing how much he really loves you. there'd be no more of a need to be shy about it - expect him to start coming up randomly behind you and holding you there in his arms, letting you listen to his fucked up glitched breathing (until u ask to let go that is, and he'll let u go on ur merry day) or when you clock in for the night, if he's not already there, he'll immediately come and curl up beside you at the sound of your bed creaking with you laying down on it
i think its even funnier if you also hc him to be not very talkative similar to canon/og red hehe
either way, he's gonna start looking like a lost puppy following you around if you give him the love he oh so desperately needs /lh /pos
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degree of lewdity x reader years after PC got kidnapped by Kylar
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Kylar was taken away from the police after kidnapping you and impregnating you. Since Kylar had multiple other charges for things he's done long ago, it was gonna be a long time before he got out. After that day, you fail to get your hands on any birth control, making you stuck with his baby inside of you. Plus, there's no abortion clinic in the town. Either way, your budget is too tight to afford it since you've been at the orphanage so long you had to pay Bailey eight thousand dollars. Plus, when the baby is born, Bailey gonna make you pay an extra one hundred dollars fee. With money tight, you were forced to do more extreme jobs like prostitute, stealing, working for the brothel, and doing a few jobs for a smuggler. The day finally came. After hours of labor, your son/daughter was born. Disturbingly, they look exactly like Kylar. Same hair, eyes, and skin. Perfect look alike. Despite the baby's appearance, you tried your best to be a perfect mother. Seem like your good karma payed off in the future. You have an even better modeling job, a good house, your rich, and your child doing well in school. Present day, you're relaxing in bed when your child came into your bedroom wanting you to make dinner. Getting out of bed you head to the kitchen but then you remember you forget to go shopping last week meaning you don't have enough food to make dinner. Feeling lazy, you ordered pizza and headed out to pick it up, leaving your child alone. Once home, you sat the pizza on the dinner table and called out for your child. Getting no response, you cautiously made your way toward their bedroom. Turning the room light on you don't find them in bed but you do find a letter written in red ink. Picking up the paper you noticed writing, it reads, "I missed you so much. Did you miss me?" Before you could put the paper down, you felt something sharp prick your skin, making you fall unchonchance. After some time, you awake tied to a chair. Why does this feel similar to you? looking around the room, you see that the walls are covered in pictures of you and your child. All pictures tooken at an angle that whomever took those pictures and were stalking you. Putting two to two together, know who's doing this. it's Kylar. But that wasn't possible. Kylar shouldn't have been let out this early for the crimes he committed. Panic sets in making you struggle from your ropes. After clawing at the rope with your nails, you freed yourself from your bindings. Now free, you rushed to the basement door, getting close to the basement door, and it swings open, stopping you in your track. Kylar walks in and shuts the door, not minding at all that you escaped from your bindings. Angry you start bombarding Kylar with questions like how you got out, where your child, how he found you, etc. In response, Kylar plants a kiss on your lips, making you pause.
"Don't worry, there's fine. I would never hurt my child that I've been waiting years to see. You know what? I love how overprotective you are towards them. I think it's time we try for another one."
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