#i took that fic from 40k words to 60k with the rewrites
sehtoast · 1 year
shoutout to The Boys for revolutionizing superpowered smut
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tackytigerfic · 4 years
Writing Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @coriesocks 
AO3 name: tackytiger
Fandoms: Harry Potter (plus I wrote one tiny Witcher fic that one time)
Tropes: I’m a pretty tropey writer (and definitely a very tropey reader). Not hugely into school-age stuff, and I don’t like non-magical AUs. I’ve never written creature fic and I think that might be my next project, but I think I’m probably best when I’m writing low-key feelingsy stuff, plotting isn’t my strong point.
Number of fics: 27 (though quite a few of those are drabbles under 500 words)
Fic I spent the most time on: It was A Lick and a Promise, a Drarry fic which I wrote for @hd-erised 2019. I struggled terribly to get started on it, and by the time I came up with something coherent I was fairly low on time. It took weeks and weeks of frantic writing and I didn’t even get to do a final read through of it before I submitted it. It’s also my longest fic by a fair margin.
Fic I spent the least time on: Aside from drabbles? It’s Buttercup, an angsty Harry/ Scorpius fic. I wrote that in an hour or two in bed on my phone one night.
Longest Fic: A Lick and a Promise - 55k which isn’t massive for some people but is very long for me. It’s also a sweet spot for me as a reader. I very rarely read over 60k, and my absolute favourite fic length is probably 15k - 40k. 
Shortest Fic: It’s Fit, a 99 word drabble for the Drarry Discord drabble challenge. If we’re talking non-drabbles (so, anything over 1k?) then it’s A Real Gem which is a tiny little Eighth Year Amortentia ficlet which I actually really love.
Most hits: It’s Lick again!
Most kudos: And yet again, Lick.
Most comment threads:  Erm... you know what I’m going to say here!
Most bookmarks: Again by a pretty strong margin it’s Lick... not surprising though as it got far more readers than my stuff normally does.
Total word count: 183573. I mean, that’s so cool.
Favourite fic I wrote: Silverpoint! I wouldn’t change a word of this one (actually no I’d probably tweak the opener but other than that I still love it). I am also currently very fond of my newest fic, an accidental bonding/ forced proximity/ oblivious idiots in love Drarry fic called If It Takes All Night which I wrote when I was feeling very bad and which was perfectly pitched to cheer me up and act as a sop for all those pesky feelings I was having.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: I would write loads of them differently now I think. I tend to put them aside once I’m done though, I lose interest in them once I’m finished, for the most part. I did write a follow-up fic once (The Poem You Make of Me series which was a dual pov thing set around Draco hiding in a wardrobe watching Harry having a wank... it’s better than it sounds I swear) but that’s the only time I felt the urge to write a follow-up.
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you're planning on: Most of my energy is going on writing something VERY dear to my heart for this year’s @hd-wireless. I’m really excited about it, but it’s anon so I can say no more. I’m hoping to write something small for @hpinspiredby fest and for @tasteofsmut but am waiting to see what prompts come up as am a sinkhole inspiration-wise atm. And I’ve tentatively started an original novel. 
I do have an angsty Eighth Year WIP (Where is Blitzen Baby?) which I intend to finish so here’s an excerpt from that:
And that was how it happened for the second time—in the first week of December, and the cold chill of a deserted corridor, with Harry following the haughty trembling lines of Malfoy's shoulders with his eyes as he walked after him, who knew where. 
It seemed like the thing to do, somehow, when Malfoy turned to him—maybe to crow over him, maybe to tell him to fuck off, maybe to kiss him, who knew?—to just crowd Malfoy up against the nearest wall, to press his cold nose into the soapy-fresh heat of Malfoy's throat and breathe him in. Malfoy made a small noise of surprise, raised his arms up to rest them tentatively on the shuddering swell of Harry's ribcage as he took a sharp inhale, let a slow breath out, and on and on until he felt the ever-present simmer of frustration subside.
They didn't waste much time, because it seemed like there wasn't really much to think about, this time around. But Harry kissed Malfoy—not wanting to be undone by a touch this time, and wanting, without being fully willing to admit it, to taste him—and there was nothing tentative about the greedy press of his mouth, and Malfoy just went ahead and kissed him right back, and it is was utterly, horribly good.
tagging @aibidil @bixgirl1 @bonesliketambourines @drarrytrash @magpiefngrl @maesterchill @nerdherderette @prolix- @quicksilvermaid @shealwaysreads @tasteofshapes
And of course the magic tagging pencil that tags anyone who wants to do this!! And please tag me as I’m a nosy bint and love reading these things.
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