#i totally forgot a lot of lovely people and i'm so sorryyyy but i didn't wanna leave you hanging <3
dylanlila · 7 months
Hey Jo! I really like your tastes and vibes and was wondering if you had any Swiftie blogger recs? I feel like you might know a user or two with gentle typing fingers and cool thoughts on Taylor’s art. I’m trying to mellow out my dash a bit these days. Thanks for being lovely either way! 💛🧡❤️
OHH HII, thank you for the kind words!!! 💕 I don't follow that many strictly TSwift blogs, but these people are my absolute favourite and they all listen to Taylor:
@thehoax @jonismitchell @ithinkheknowss @maliagf @the-girl-who-cried-wolf @wild-and-fluorescents @terrainofheartfelt @insistonyourcupofstars @teresalisbns
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clarz-cc-archive · 3 years
answered April 14, 2020
Q: long cc anon here! hello there <3 this is now my given name in your cc, hehe. ok so first of all i want to say 1. you don’t have anything to apologize for! it’s really difficult to understand someone’s tone on the internet and it’s totally understandable that mine could have seemed different that what i wanted to convey, but i explained in my asks after your twt thread and you understood so it’s all good 😊 2. i totally get the “it’s not my business” type of approach! i am, too, very into rpf and shipping, i write myself, so the comments i am about to make don’t come from a “RPF BAD! U WEIRDOS!” type of mindset, just putting it out there bc i know there is a certain crowd that is like that 😅 but yeah i wanted to say that i often think about the same things you wrote in your reply to me, and you’re absolutely right in saying that there’s not a certain answer for it and it’s a really nuanced conversation, but i think you do a very good job of differentiating between “these are humans i love but that i don’t know personally and i need to keep that in mind remembering they are in fact humans living a real life” and “these are humans i don’t know and because of that i can say or do whatever i want bc they’re just characters to me” if you know what i mean? which is something that i see happening a lot and personally makes me uncomfortable. (like people’s comments about the boys’ personal choices that are not hurting anyone. ex. jk’s tattoos, especially knowing the kind of vitriol he receives bc of them. just an example) i think just thinking about these boundaries, pt.2 (i'm so sorryyyy) / even without knowing the right answer, is as you said something everyone work through differently and we are totally on the same page about that 💖 i am not active on twitter for a different number of reasons so i just keep up with accounts i like and practice fandom similarly to me; you are one of them, and if i was active on twitter you would definitely be one of the people i would love to talk and interact with :) genuinely, really. 3. this is kind of a post scriptum but i agree about the legal action "not making much sense". i will not comment further with absolutes bc i have no real idea of how these kind of things operate so for all i know they could be doing more than what we know but yeah point is i don't really trust corporations no matter what the situation is, so what i am hoping for the most is that jk has a really good support system and that the love is a lot louder than what comes his way negatively, sometimes even by his own fans that he so clearly genuinely loves, and that hurts to think about. (even more so because he's been in the industry since he was so young, but idk if i want to go there as my answer will get even longer and omg i am so sorry this answer is so long isn't it) but hoping for the best is the only thing we do have. but yeah, thank you for entertaining these great conversations (even tho i am sure i probably forgot so much of what i wanted to say 😭). if you do receive ccs in the future with "long cc anon here" then that'll be me hehe :) 💕 (in response to)
A: i kind of assume anyone who talks to me is already down with rpf bc like! how else did you end up here!! i've vaguely seen the discourse around "rpf is damaging bc it treats bts as just characters" before, and i've never really understood it? if you have any insight i would really appreciate it! like i do understand what you mean, that sometimes we need to draw clear boundaries between what we think about bts as Characters and what we think about the real people, but every time i've seen ppl get upset about how "treating bts as characters is dehumanizing" (which obv YOU didn't say, but which i've seen other people say) it rly makes so little sense to me, just bc a) they have public personas that they show us, NONE of us know bts as Real People anyway, and b) bc in my experience rpf characterization comes from a place of deep respect for and concern with humanity? in my experience at least it's all about imagining an inner life and filling in the person and trying to make sense of and have empathy for all the pieces of themselves that they've shown us, like what are the many ways in which we could construct those bits into a real human being, and i've always felt that's the opposite of dehumanizing. that's just my 2 cents into something you barely brought up lol 😂😂
yeah as far as the legal action thing goes, that's my philosophy too! it doesn't make sense to me but i am also very much not a lawyer or in entertainment and they don't owe me an explanation! plus, since i'm american, i tend to view that kind of legal action differently since it's MUCH more difficult here to successfully sue someone over speech than it is in most other countries. i'm glad you have an official name now, very cute 😊 and if you ever do decide to be active on twitter, you are always welcome to dm me and let me know! i've enjoyed talking to you 💜
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