#i tried some new stuff for these ones process-wise but idk how obvious it is shrugs
keymintt · 21 days
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blood & honey
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bibookmerm · 6 months
content notes: long post, personal life, strained family relationships, bad choices?? (neglecting self care, seeing people that are bad for me), thanksgiving, but positive stuff at the end.
Life update!
I've been ill all month, still not recovered because I am working despite my illness. (first of the "bad choices"). So, that's fun. I tried to chill and drink tea today. I've had a week off because my workplaces are closed on thanksgiving day, I get 1 designated weekend off which was last weekend, second job slashed hours, and it just lined up that way. At least for this little break, I've done pretty good with the house cleaning goals I set, but not overdoing it. That's something!
I am trying to emotionally prepare myself for thanksgiving day. Going to visit the extended family. Every time I see my family, I feel stressed, sad, and hurt. I'm really on edge the whole time, then I come home exhausted and I fall apart. Or go numb. So seeing them is the second of the "bad choices." But this year, my wife and I are driving ourselves, so we can leave when we want to. Yay agency!
I'd really like to find a way forward navigating family pressures and obligations and all of my feelings on it with a professional. I liked my past therapist a lot, but I thought her advice about family was...incomplete, and didn't quite fit my situation. I'm hoping to feel comfortable plainly saying when I'd like to look at other options or from a new angle, with my next therapist. But for now, I am going to "celebrate" the holiday I loathe with the people who do not understand me, again. I'm going to try to be kind to myself throughout the day and afterward, even though going at all is not very kind to myself. My friend said his house is open for people to hang out on thursday, so I think going there instead of straight home will cheer me up.
Idk, I posted about my cousin's wedding back in July, and being the only queer there without my wife and no one to even acknowledge how hard it was on me, how disconnected I felt, was part of what made it suck so bad. I am going to reach out to folks this time instead of keeping it in.
So yeah, this time of year is rough. I generally feel I have to trudge through a bunch of stuff I hate when all I want to do is curl up and hibernate until February. I am at least Making Good Choices in small ways. Hydrating, eating, folding the laundry, going for walks, reaching out to friends. Listening to sad music but not ONLY listening to sad music and shutting the world out. It's a process! I think I am staying more, um, recovery minded than backsliding? Overall. Mental health wise. I'm really trying!
Also, this is very obvious but when transphobia gets you down, listening to music by trans artists helps 1000%. It's so healing. I'm gonna have my playlist at the ready.
I have some creative project ideas cooking. Still working on that one story I mentioned a while back! The multiverse one. I'm learning more about the inciting incident in the story and I like how it's developing.
I also made some preliminary sketches tonight for a zine I want to make. Just a cute little fan zine. I have a lot of zine making pals but this will be my first one!
Also! Today I just heard back about the date for session 0 for a TTRPG with cool new friends. I can't wait to try roleplaying again. I'm gonna look into the mechanics of the system before then so I don't feel lost and I can focus on having fun.
Also, after all the thanksgiving day nonsense...on Saturday, I get to see my amazing friend who is visiting from the other side of the country. They're having a party which I'm sure will be amazing. And next tuesday my friends and I are going to the movies. So. thursday is one crummy day, I will survive it, and there is the warmth of friendship on the other side. I got this. Have a great evening, y'all.
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bfictioncorner · 3 years
Rock Candy
One of my few (newish) Chief Hopper fics. Like no plot at all. Just indulgence. Inspired in part by the song “Rock Candy” by Montrose.
Pairing: Hopper x OC (or self insert if you use your imagination)
Warnings: Rated M (idk how we rate things here... it’s adult material); public displays, daddy kink, handcuffs, a bit of humiliation kink...
I’m new to posting my writings here so... with everything mentioned above, if you don’t like, move along. If you like how this sounds, please enjoy!
“You’re rock candy, baby--hard, sweet, and sticky...”
The young woman very willingly pressed herself against the hood of his vehicle, popping out her backside, strategically widening her stance.
“Cut that out and get off the vehicle. I will call back up if you make a scene.” The chief of police was exhausted. Just wanted to go back to the station and... well, not deal with petty theft from the local metalheads.
“Are you arresting me, officer?” She let her hands fall behind her back, resting just above the curve of her back. “You going to cuff me?”
“ExCUSE mE???” His tone was partially irritated, but more so baffled at what was just said to him. He had to make sure he hadn’t slipped out of it. He may have been wearing his dark shades, but his expression wasn’t hard to read; he was perplexed, and a bit agitated.
Hopper proceeded to unclip the cuffs from his belt and brace them around the offender. Something felt weird and maybe a bit humiliating that the woman had goaded him into it and was now making a bit of a show. People nearby who had been walking to their cars slowed down to watch the encounter. Most of them were women with little quirked grins on their faces.
The now-arrested woman in question had started making small grinding motions against Hopper’s pants, as he was partially draped against her in the cuffing process.
“Hey, HEY,” he barked in his usual frantic way. “None of that!” His eyes widened under his sunglasses. “Jesus Christ, what is with this?”
He moved back and clamped his big hands tight around her forearms, in some effort to get her to cooperate.
“Ooof, maybe harder... please?” She laughed giddily, her expression showing nothing but flirtatious humor at the whole situation.
Hopper just couldn’t comprehend. He wasn’t stupid, but sometimes he was as thick, thought-wise, as he was in his build. His biggest concern was that this display of disrespect was going to make him seem like a joke.
At no point had he ever realized that more and more women around Hawkins were absolutely thirsty for him.
He hated to admit that something was weirdly hot and confusing about this. He felt himself getting stiff. But he was working. Had to keep it together.
“How ‘bout you show a little respect,” Hopper grumbled. He wasn’t that fond of pulling the authority card because he believed it, but more because it was convenient at times. 
“Yes officer,” the young woman chuckled with the most put-on dainty voice. “I mean, ahem, daddy.”
Jim choked up. He felt himself turn pink. He tried his hardest not to let it be obvious, so reactively slammed a hand on the hood of the vehicle to steady himself.
“Young lady...”
“Oooo, you talk like a daddy too,” she teased. “Big Chief Daddy.”
Was she sticking her tongue out? She was!
More and more people seemed to have stopped to watch the “altercation”, which was making Hopper weirdly more anxious, embarrassed, and... turned on?
Now’s a bad time to learn I have a humiliation fetish, he thought to himself.
He had stepped back to get a better grip on the cuffs, now that Little Miss Trouble was fastened in.
Don’t think about the cuffs like that. Nope, not like that. Not now.
The woman turned her head as best as she could to look at the chief behind her. Her voluminous hair parted like a curtain to show a bratty, pleased expression.
“You know, I’ve never been roughed up by a pig before. Pigs are pretty gross. But I think I kinda like that.” A big, pleased grin spread across her red lips.
Hopper sharply removed his sunglasses. He probably shouldn’t have, as it was partially covering the frustrated blush around his cheeks. But he wanted to make one last effort at intimidation. He still had to do his job.
He glared very seriously at her, blue eyes angry under a heavy, furrowed brow. She responded by running her ankle along one of his legs.
How could he be so pissed and so aroused at the same time? But he couldn’t help the thoughts in his mind, let alone what was happening in his tight uniform pants. (If she turned her head any further she might just get too good a look there.)
“Seriously, that’s enough,” he said, attempting to sound calmer, but definitely more exasperated. He smoothed his mustache down with his fingers from the corners of his mouth, the way he often did when he was stressed.
“Oooo, I’d like to know what a ride on that feels like. I’ve never had a mustache ride from a pig before. I bet you eat pussy pretty good.”
She had gotten bold, biting her lip, not hiding her expression after that statement.
It was too much. The forbidden imagery of letting such a sassy little woman sit on him, maybe step on him, call him “daddy” and “pig”... The idea of draping her over his knee and spanking her... Even the image of her crawling on top of him and squeezing her thighs around his face, all while he eagerly licked his long tongue deep in her... That was all too much.
He couldn’t just let her go, with much of the town watching, especially with the record she had stolen very obviously on the ground beside her feet.
“Okay, that’s it. Come on, let’s go.”
The chief knew this was going to be a mistake—a mistake for awkward reasons—but it was better than just letting her go. Maybe.
He grabbed the offending party and guided her into his vehicle. Surprisingly, she calmed down with the quips, and just let him seat her inside.
After giving the station a quick head’s up on the radio, they drove off, silently for a bit.
“Still pitchin’ a tent there?” the woman laughed.
Hopper didn’t want to answer.
“It’s okay. Maybe we can revisit some of this handcuff stuff when I’m not being taken in. I’m free most Tuesday evenings.”
The officer rolled his eyes.
“I mean it.”
By this time they had stopped right in front of the station entrance. Jim was trying to figure out his words. He hated admitting that maybe he wanted to take her up on it.
“Look, just behave in there, okay?” He sighed, gesturing to the door. He knew he’d regret that wording.
“Yes, Daddy, I’ll behave,” the woman smirked.
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ryuichirou · 4 years
I really love the way you draw anatomy - you are literally perfect. Would you mind one day if you make a simple tutorial on how to draw anatomy, particularly hands and just keeping things in proportion. Sorry if this sounds like a demanding ask - u can definitely decline or not answer no offence taken x
First of all, thank you so much! <3 I’m so happy to hear that you think my anatomy looks good. I’m not sure if I can teach you anything, but I’ll try! And sorry it took me so long to reply.
I wouldn’t call this a tutorial, more like an outline of what I usually do (maybe with some tips here and there). Hope it’s at least a little bit helpful 🙏
I’ll start with how I draw the hands. Well, as you’ve probably seen on my previous post about this topic, I used to have a hard time with hands because I didn’t understand the logic behind them + my only reference was my own small and blobby hands. Practice helps a lot, but imo mostly because as you draw more hands, it becomes easier for you to break them into simpler shapes (this is important!) and imagine them in 3d in your head or as you draw.
When I draw hands, I start with a rough sketch. Basically I just draw a fingerless block first. It’s a bit illegible right now, but bear with me.
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After this I add fingers. Once again, they’re all broken into shapes: a finger is just 3 short tubes connected to the block we just drew. Sometimes some parts of the “tubes” aren’t visible because of the perspective of the hand, sometimes you can clearly see all of them. As I already said, it’s all about learning how to imagine these things in 3d.
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Since my sketch is so rough, I tried to make the shapes more clear here. I hope it makes sense.
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After the sketch is done, I basically just… draw hands. Remember that this is skin and meat, there are going to be folds (??? Idk if this is the correct word) and stuff. And nails, oh nails… I scream when I remember the times when I used not to draw them lol They help to convey the perspective and the angle of the fingers, so for me it’s better to have them than not. I’m not drawing them the exact correct way, though, but still.
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And once again, it took me a long time to start drawing hands more or less properly, and I still fix them all the time. For example, a thumb of the first one on the left is too short. In fact, I’d make all the thumbs bigger…  
So yeah, something among the lines. It’s not perfect, but this is the basic idea of how it works, at least for me.
About proportions… Well, I’m one of those artists who like to make 1000000 sketches before I move on to the inking phase, it’s just more comfortable to me. This way, I give myself more control of the pose and proportions and have a lot of time to adjust and fix whatever feels off to me. Many good artists don’t do that because they don’t really need it.
First, I make a very quick sketch just to grab the “feel” of the pose I’m going for, plus it helps with the overall composition of the drawing. It isn’t detailed at all, so it takes about 5-10 minutes to draw, even less if I’m confident about what I want and don’t try to find the pose that would work the best. At this stage I try to keep the proportions in mind, but I don’t think about them too much.
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When I’m more or less satisfied with the basic idea, I draw my first sketch. At this stage I’m err building the body. There are a lot of ways to do that, I’m drawing something similar to a mannequin that is made out of meat. Oh no, that sounded horrible…
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As you can see, this time I pay more attention to proportions and sketch all parts of the body properly. I make sure that both arms are the same length, both legs are the same length, that the shoulders are on the same level, stuff like that. At this stage I don’t think about the character, just about the body: I’m trying to make it make sense lol
Also you might’ve noticed, but I changed the position of the arms on this sketch because my initial idea didn’t really work (I tried to sit in the same pose and it was uncomfortable lol)
And then I draw yet another sketch. Sometimes this can be the last stage and I ditch the inking altogether and just colour this sketch instead, but more often than not it looks too messy and I have to make another sketch… (This is also where Katsu usually tells me to chill because we were planning to draw something simple and quick and I’m already making it complicated lol)
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Here I’m adding more details, like face, hair, clothing, anything else that I need to sketch before inking/colouring. After this sketch is done, I look at it again and see if anything looks off. If it does, I try to fix it, adjust it, sketch it again, whatever works and whatever makes my sketch less stiff and more proportional.  It doesn’t have to be super realistic proportions-wise though.
Things that I pay attention to when I check the proportions on my drawings:
Shoulders: they should be the same size (although the perspective can create a distortion, but this is a whole other can of worms) + ideally they should be able to fit two heads in them length-wise.
Arms: I check if they’re the correct length (the hand part should start ~at the crotch level). If the arm on the drawing is bent, I try to visualize how it’d look like if they were straightened up. If it’s difficult to imagine, I just sketch it.
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Oh, and the size of hands. I always check if they’re the correct size by comparing them to a face of the character: they should be about the same size (of course some people have larger hands and some of them have smaller hands).
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Legs: same with arms, I try to make sure they are not too long and not too short. Also, when drawing arms or legs, you can draw this thing. The shoulder/hip and the hand/foot have the same distance from the elbow/knee. This… sounds confusing, I hope it at least looks understandable lol
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There are a lot of ways to check if everything is correct: sometimes I just put my fingers on the screen to check if all of the lengths make sense lol and sometimes I draw these lil lines to check if the lengths of the parts that are supposed to be the same match.
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If your drawing looks off, just create another layer and sketch the body (the meaty mannequin thingie) over it again. It might help you see some obvious mistakes if there are any. Some people might say it’s too much work, I call this practice lol
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There are instances when I redraw some parts of the body completely. There are situations when it’s easier to do it all over again than to fix the existing sketch.
Another thing that I do is flip the image as I draw. Not very often though, you need not to get used to the flipped version of your drawing, it should be somewhat new to your eyes, this way your mistakes will be more visible to you. At least I think so…
It also helps to pay attention to details as much as you can, they make a huge difference. I still have a lot to learn about how the abs work, but like a year ago I knew nothing about them aside from “err I think there are 6 or 8 of them?? And they start below the boobs” (my boobs were also more square). After I started drawing them more often and learning how they actually work, my drawings changed accordingly. I think the right one is at least slightly better haha
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So yeah, this is more or less my process. It isn’t necessary to draw 10203100 sketches and to go through all these stages, but I personally feel much more comfortable doing that because this way I can be sure that I would’ve noticed if there was a major fuckup somewhere.
To be honest, if we’re talking proportions, this image is literally the only thing you need to know.
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Just keep in mind how many heads are in the human body length, how many heads can fit inside one’s torso, etc. Compare body parts to each other accordingly. Just make a habit out of checking if the proportions on your drawings are correct: make a shoulder bigger, make sure that the legs are the same size. It might be too much at first, but it’ll literally become a subconscious thing very soon, and you won’t have to actively think about all of this every time you draw. I google this image from time to time just to make sure that I’m fixing everything correctly lol
You don’t have to be exact with these proportions, but they still need to have some logic behind them. Like here, if we look at Osomatsu, who is clearly very stylized, we can still see that his body is proportionate. His shoulders are too small for his head, and his body surely doesn’t have 8 heads in its length, but he still doesn’t fall apart because there is logic behind his stylization: his arms are still long enough for him to put his hands in his pockets; they aren’t too long or too short. Hope that makes sense…
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Sorry for the long read. Once again, I hope it was somewhat helpful or at least interesting. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask!
Although I’m still learning myself of course, so there are things that I probably don’t know or forgot to mention…
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noscorpsaladerive · 5 years
LRA Korea Write Up!!!  This is so freaking long and rambly and fangirly but here we go
So obviously spoiler alert, I’ll mark the appropriate parts with trigger warnings, and also I don’t speak any Korean so obviously I missed a lot of stuff
Okay so first off the theater and stage itself were pretty damn small especially in comparison to the 4000 seat Palais des Congrès in Paris but they def made that stage work for them.  The back of the stage was curved in and had steps going all the way around, a screen above the steps with projections, etc, and a couple of entrances for actors.  They had some minimal set pieces, but the coolest part was the like celestial pattern they had on these giant moving screens that they used for a curtain as well as for backdrops for some of the scenes.  Tbh the costumes weren’t like mind blowing like you could tell they didn’t have the biggest budget but they worked and none were so ugly or awful that it took me out of the story.
So the show starts in a similar way with Merlin and the Dragon, but it was really cool bc the part (i assume at least) where the Dragon mentions the king’s son Arthur pops up at the top of the steps!  As the knights are slowly appearing for the tournament and start fighting, Arthur actually sings part of Je me relève???  Which imo is brilliant???? Anyways it gets down to just Meleagant and as he goes up to try and pull Excalibur from the stone, he sings part of Un Nouveau Départ which is also brilliant????  This production did a great job of establishing and maintaining musical themes for characters and i was living for it.
Anyways Arthur does the thing and yay he’s king now but wait side note Han Jisang who played Arthur was SO FUCKING GOOD.  Like he captured Arthur’s transition from a boyish squire to a grown ass adult king so beautifully and wonderfully it was truly incredible.
Okay so now it’s Advienne que pourra time and holy fuck.  Holy f u c k.  Kang Hongseok was the perfect Meleagant.  I’d link it but I’m on mobile but you can see his Advienne que pourra in the King Arthur press call around the nine minute mark and he just fucking k i l l s it.  Also there were no sword dicks in the choreography so it’s automatically better.  And the projection1!!!  They had a sun up from the beginning bc the Dragon had appeared in the sun but it was still up for Meleagant but then during the bridge it’s eclipsed by the moon and it’s like ooooo symbolism for Meleagant’s feelings~~~
Side note i really really really loved the staging of this like so much of it made soooo much more sense than the french production and like I’m attached to the original because obvious reasons but that doesn’t mean it couldn’t‘ve been better.
The training scene with Gauvain was pretty similar as the original.  Merlin introduces the stag and the wolf again, and ngl the dude who plays the wolf has very nice abs so good for him for being motivated to work out like that lol.  Anyways i really liked the staging of Qui suis-je because Arthur still has his existential crisis but Merlin’s explanation of the Grail is less directed at him???  Like Arthur’s still on stage but he’s not listening and is working on training with Merlin’s brothers.  So it’s much less “I know you’re having a hard time but look at this shiny thing!” Than the french one.
They took out the Danse des guerriers battle dance number music but they did still have a dance battle!  At the top of the stairs they had Guenièvre and Léodagant being held prisoner by Méléagant and they showed Mélé like trying to be romantic ish with Guenièvre so establishing that connection was really nice. And Méléagant had a new song????  That was really short????? But i don’t think it matched any of the melodies of his other songs?????? I’m confused but intrigued.
Oooo what was really cool was how they did Arthur asking Meleagant to knight him.  Like in the french one it’s tense but i really felt the tension among the characters tonight it was sooo great oh my god.  But after Meleagant takes the sword, he sings a few lines of Advienne que pourra and then points the sword at Arthur’s neck and idk i just really liked it it was such a nice touch and maybe it was Hong Seok and the other actors reacting to him but there was a true sense of holy fuck no one knows what he’s gonna do next and Arthur had this look on his face like I’m prepared to die if this is my time and ugh i love them all so much ;alkdjfa;dk 
Okay next is Rêver l’impossible.  I liked our Guenièvre but I’d have to see her again to have a more detailed opinion of her lol.  I really loved this scene because one no pregnant handmaidens and two Arthur was being really cute and acting all in love with her and it was adorable and I love it.  Quelque chose de magique was more of the same like Han Jisang fucking killed it as Arthur like he was such a dork in love and I loved it.  And towards the end of the scene Méléagant walks on stage and looks at Guenièvre and Arthur and so you know he knows he’s lost Guinevere.
Un Nouveau Départ was great because Kang Hongseok is great and I love him.  They did have the dancers do body rolls which i found very amusing for some reason idk why a;dlkfajd;lfksd Next was my one complaint about the show and it’s that there was no transition whatsoever between Un Nouveau Départ and Au diable but maybe they had Guenièvre do that lyrically???  Still some sort of musical interlude in between would’ve been nice.  I did l o v e how they did the water for her arrival like she stood at the top of the stairs and they had blue fabric covering all the steps then they pulled it down as she started to walk down and the screen was doing these cool star projections and it was just so pretty.
RAPE TW for this next paragraph
Next was A l’enfant and Tu vas le payer.  Nothing really changed story wise but our Leia was soooo good and was such a great dancer.  And I noticed the lady playing the role of child Morgane in the story had such great expressions and body language and tbh the same can be said for the entire ensemble they were amazing. Anyways our Morgane was really amazing too her expressions were also soooo great and I’m running out of adjectives bc it’s three am a;ldkfjad;l but anyways the way things go down for these two songs is about the same in the french but the staging is different obviously like instead of the party scene it’s mostly Morgane jamming out with the ensemble then they roll Arthur and Guenièvre in on rolling platforms and then Morgane waves her arms bc magic and she does the same movements as Guenièvre so it looks like she’s controlling her which I thought was a cool way to do that.  Afterwards Arthur is obviously very distraught but instead of Merlin being like “you have bigger problems your people are dying” Arthur runs off stage to (hopefully) process what just happened so i appreciate that there’s that moment instead of just rushing on to the next thing.
Next was Guenièvre’s garden and Lancelot’s arrival, which was really cute bc her handmaidens blindfold Kay and have him try to find one of them and he ends up in Lancelot’s arms ;aldkfjsdl;k. And the way Kay tries to protect Guinevere was so freaking cute he kept throwing his arms up to protect her and she kept pushing them down then his arms would pop back up it was so cute ;ladkjfadlk
Si je te promets goes down pretty much the same, but what’s interesting is afterwards Merlin shows up and is like hey your people are dying and that’s when they have Délivre-nous!  They also had ensemble member solos instead of just one singer which i thought worked really well.  And Arthur’s moving among them and he tries to reach out to help them as they fall dying and i just love the staging so much like from the very beginning with the dude who rushes in to tell Arthur Méléagant is holding Guenièvre and her father captive you can just tell Arthur is so concerned about caring for his people and i love him so much ;alkdjf;aldk 
After that song ends Arthur’s like hey we gotta fix this shit so he creates the round table then goes into Je me relève!!  Which was a lil creepy bc that’s the exact same idea i had in my own LRA rewrite and i was like fuck did they find my blog but it fucking works y’all!!!!  And they end Act I on that song and ugh it’s so beautiful i love it
Act II starts out with Dors Morgane dors but it’s not about her mother’s rape anymore, we think she’s talking about her plans for Lancelot, Guenièvre, and Arthur but that is to be confirmed.  They then show ARthur and Lancelot kicking ass and taking names which i liked that it showed Lancelot had buddies besides just crushing on Guinevere lol
Next was A nos vœux sacrés which holy shit y’all.  Holy shit.  Both actors are so freaking good and they both hit high notes at the end of the song and i died and went straight to heaven it was sooooo amazing ;alkdjfa;ldskjfas;d also they did not paint Méléagant up like a war boy they had this like branch like mask thing??? It looked really cool omg
Next Lancelot and Guinevere had a short scene that led into L’amour quel idiot and i loved this staging so much!!!! Like instead of having him sing at their faces after the wedding he’s downstage singing and longing for Guinevere while she and Arthur are standing at the top of the steps getting ready for the wedding and i just love it so much y’all
The wedding scene didn’t have a song but Morgane sung Ce que la vie a fait de moi afterwards and holy fuck y’all i freaking died and went to heaven every time this Morgane hit a high note she was soooooo good y’all.  So fucking good.
I don’t really remember much about le Serment d’Arthur prob bc i know they changed things but language barrier so I’m not 100% sure how it changed rip
Faire comme si was good but I’m so attached to the french staging of that song i still miss it ;alkdfjsad; one thing that i really really loved and preferred in this one was Lancelot and Guinevere don’t really touch??  It’s just longing gazes and at one point they touch hands and Lancelot like freezes like oh fuck she’s touching me i can’t believe it but then Guinevere pulls her hand away and he just leaves his in the same spot for a second like he still can’t believe she touched his hand and ugh i loved it the lack of touching really upped the ante on the pining and it was sooo good a;ldfkjadfkl;
Next was another scene with Morgane and Méléagant where Méléagant starts out being all like you promised me!!! And then I *think* Morgane tells him something like be patient and explains her plan but once again Korean and changes so it’s mostly speculation
But y’all
They had Morgane and Méléagant sing Mon combat
Like w h a t
But also y e s
I’m glad they didn’t just leave the song the way it is in the French version bc it doesn’t work very well where it is in the French one???  So I’m so happy they moved things around and tried to make things work better
Next up Merlin peaces out and Arthur?????  Sings a slow reprise?????? Of Quelque chose de magique??????? No clue what he says in the lyrics but i thought it was an interesting melodic choice to bring back in the moment Arthur loses his mentor
So Guinevere gets kidnapped and Kay’s the one who actually realizes she’s gone and who took her but Arthur decides to go after her himself???  Then it switches to Lancelot who’s looking for the Grail and they kept the phrase Wake Up in English bless them but he doesn’t find Guinevere’s handkerchief until partway through the song and Niel (the kid playing Lancelot) was really great??? Like it was so much fun watching him as Lancelot ugh
I don’t remember why but Arthur then has a reprise of Si je te promets jury is still out on what he’s singing about but will keep you posted
Yoooo nos corps à la dérive man.  So. Good.  I’m so in love with Hong Seok’s Méléagant he’s so great and i just ;lakdjf;alkdjfd but the set was so cool they had like all these white ribbons???  That Guinevere was attached to??? Which sounds weird but it was like part spider web effect part almost shattered mirror effect????  That’s not explaining it well but it looked really cool and avant garde ish and there was a significantly fewer number of random creepy skeleton projections so i was here for it
Major difference tho Lancelot shows up ready to throw down except he gets his ass kicked and is seriously injured???  And Arthur shows up but he just listens at first so I think that’s when he really figures out what’s up between Lancelot and Guinevere but then Arthur steps in and kills Méléagant (who sings a reprise of Un Nouveau Départ before being carried off into the afterlife) (rip in peace).  Arthur then leaves Guinevere and Lancelot alone while the latter dies and they sing a really sad reprise of L’amour quel idiot :(((( my son dying meant that Il est temps got cut but like they added soo many reprises and things it makes sense that they’d have to cut at least one song but still sad :(
Next Arthur talks with Morgane and I’m not entirely sure what was happening but it seemed like she was having a breakdown because of what happened and what she did to Arthur and Vanessa said that he said something like “Don’t turn into our mother” or something like that but she breaks down and spirits herself away while she and Arthur sing a reprise of Dors Morgane dors
Then it’s Tout est joué and Merlin is standing on the back of the steps while Arthur is in front of the closed screen so it was nice to have that kind of physical barrier present on stage to further emphasize that Merlin’s not gonna be helpful bc he’s now separated from Arthur rip
Next up was Auprès d’un autre which involved a lot less yelling and shit then the French version and holy shit Han Jisang fucking killed it (again) he was sooo great but Arthur lets Guenièvre go partway through the song and so the show ends with him by himself holding up Excalibur
At curtain call they sang some of Je me relève (i think) again and it was cute esp bc at the end everyone was holding a dramatic pose except Han Jisang was just quietly bopping and jamming to the instrumental outro by himself so everyone is dead still except Arthur who was just bopping along it was so cute ;alkdjf;alskdjf
Anyways it was amazing and they seemed to make changes to make the story make more sense which bless them for doing it but i loved it so much and i need to see it like a million more times it was so good a;ldskfjas;ldkfjads;lkfjasd;k
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