#i tried to keep the hfw mixed feels at bay sorry a little still seeped through
prototypelq · 5 months
GRABS YOU OHHH MY GOD I WASN'T HALLUCINATING YOU'RE A HORIZON FAN OUGH on all fours barking howling I love the series SO Much I'm unwell and have a shrine to Aloy.
I hope it's okay to ask you- who's your fav HZD/HFW character??
Oh WAS I mutual my dear
quick sidenote: sorry for disappearing a bit, I will shortly return to messages and fic commentary, january's been busy xD
HZD was pretty much my 'first big gamer pants' game, it was the first game I played on my ps4 and I sunk hundreds of hours into it, big thanks to photomode for that too! (some self-marketing, I have en entire #hzd photomode and #hfw photmode tags for that)
I remember first seeing an announcement trailer of it and then being really bummed out they changed the aim hexagon from that gameplay showcase to industry-standard circle xD.
So, uh, yeah I am a big Horizon fangirl, though let's just say the HFW story twists had me...somewhat loose interest in this series, it feels too much 'marvelised' to me now. Still, the games are great and I have no choice but to follow where it all will go next.
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Tomato Captain Husbando is my absolute fave. I lost all sense and went rabid when the HFW trailers with him present dropped, it was insane.
Normally I am neutral towards character shipping, like I don't care much for it. Then someone like Erend drops along and oh boy. I legit missed him when playing FW because it felt cold, and very far from base game and just damn, I missed him a lot. Fictional man obsession imprinted on him I swear
Varl is also great, his random bush jumpscare at the start of HFW was hilarious! I cannot make up my mind if I wanna burn him with a flamethrower if I see that beard again or if it's not too bad on him... The moment where he, Erend and Aloy all went on a mission together was comedy gold I would never ever forget, it was adorable.
Kotallo is great, no questions asked. I love seeing disabled characters being badass, and he had a great arc coming to terms with that disability, very good food. (member of a One Armed Nero Supremacy Gang)
I also love Horizon for giving us lots of cool side-characters and stories to explore! There was a sidequest with a captured Nora woman, who had avenged her offenders and then had to make due with surviving as a 'cursed' Nora, really liked that one. The young tenakth get injured by acid spitting machine sidequest was awesome, the musical banuk who played pipes in frozen dam like drums is my fave FW spot, the Lowland Tenakth grandma she is just the best...
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Yeah I love this series a normal amount)
Bonus, fav machines: Behemoths, Broadhorns, Dreadwings (their battle theme is sooooo goooooood)
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