#i tried to make it a transparent image but the file simply refuses me
alxor-of-hellsite · 8 months
i made a thing
little sharky man is absolutely sharking all over the place! he is such a thing.
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feel free to do whatever you want with my little sharky boy as long as you credit me & make sure to feed him fish (2+2).
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picksblog285 · 3 years
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A Person's Persona
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The persona, for Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, was the social face the individual presented to the world—'a kind of mask, designed on the one hand to make a definite impression upon others, and on the other to conceal the true nature of the individual'.(1)
Persona is a drop-dead simple way of making sure each character in my story is as accurate as can be. If you write, you need this app. Dave Winston Persona user. Persona – System requirements macOS: Mac OS 10.7 or newer. Catalina supported. Windows: Windows 8 or newer. This Hilton hotel is located in the city center of Jaipur, in close proximity to the CBD. Ideal for business and site-seeing. Check availability. See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
Jung's persona(edit)
The development of a viable social persona is a vital part of adapting to, and preparing for, adult life in the external social world.(2) 'A strong ego relates to the outside world through a flexible persona; identifications with a specific persona (doctor, scholar, artist, etc.) inhibits psychological development.(3)(4) Thus for Jung 'the danger is that (people) become identical with their personas—the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice.'(5) The result could be 'the shallow, brittle, conformist kind of personality which is 'all persona', with its excessive concern for 'what people think'(6)—an unreflecting state of mind 'in which people are utterly unconscious of any distinction between themselves and the world in which they live. They have little or no concept of themselves as beings distinct from what society expects of them'.(7) The stage was set thereby for what Jung termed enantiodromia—the emergence of the repressed individuality from beneath the persona later in life: 'the individual will either be completely smothered under an empty persona or an enantiodromia into the buried opposites will occur'.(8)
Mailsmith mcintosh. 'The breakdown of the persona constitutes the typically Jungian moment both in therapy and in development'—the 'moment' when 'that excessive commitment to collective ideals masking deeper individuality—the persona—breaks down.. disintegrates.'(9) Given Jung's view that 'the persona is a semblance.. the dissolution of the persona is therefore absolutely necessary for individuation.'(10) Nevertheless, its disintegration may well lead initially to a state of chaos in the individual: 'one result of the dissolution of the persona is the release of fantasy.. disorientation.'(11) As the individuation process gets under way, 'the situation has thrown off the conventional husk and developed into a stark encounter with reality, with no false veils or adornments of any kind.'(12)
Negative restoration(edit)
One possible reaction to the resulting experience of archetypal chaos was what Jung called 'the regressive restoration of the persona', whereby the protagonist 'laboriously tries to patch up his social reputation within the confines of a much more limited personality.. pretending that he is as he was before the crucial experience.'(13) Similarly in treatment there can be 'the persona-restoring phase, which is an effort to maintain superficiality';(14) or even a longer phase designed not to promote individuation but to bring about what Jung caricatured as 'the negative restoration of the persona'—that is to say, a reversion to the status quo.(15)
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The alternative is to endure living with the absence of the persona—and for Jung 'the man with no persona.. is blind to the reality of the world, which for him has merely the value of an amusing or fantastic playground.'(16) Inevitably, the result of 'the streaming in of the unconscious into the conscious realm, simultaneously with the dissolution of the 'persona' and the reduction of the directive force of consciousness, is a state of disturbed psychic equilibrium.'(17) Those trapped at such a stage remain 'blind to the world, hopeless dreamers.. spectral Cassandras dreaded for their tactlessness, eternally misunderstood.'(18)
Recovery, the aim of individuation, 'is not only achieved by work on the inside figures but also, as conditio sine qua non, by a readaptation in outer life'(19)—including the recreation of a new and more viable persona. To 'develop a stronger persona.. might feel inauthentic, like learning to 'play a role'.. but if one cannot perform a social role then one will suffer'.(20) Thus one goal for individuation is for people to 'develop a more realistic, flexible persona that helps them navigate in society but does not collide with nor hide their true self'.(21) Eventually, 'in the best case, the persona is appropriate and tasteful, a true reflection of our inner individuality and our outward sense of self.'(22)
Later developments(edit)
The persona has become one of the most widely adopted aspects of Jungian terminology, passing into almost common parlance: 'a mask or shield which the person places between himself and the people around him, called by some psychiatrists the persona.'(23) For Eric Berne, 'the persona is formed during the years from six to twelve, when most children first go out on their own.. to avoid unwanted entanglements or promote wanted ones.'(24) He was interested in 'the relationship between ego states and the Jungian persona', and considered that 'as an ad hoc attitude, persona is differentiated also from the more autonomous identity of Erikson.'(25) Perhaps more contentiously, in terms of life scripts, he distinguished 'the Archetypes (corresponding to the magic figures in a script) and the Persona (which is the style the script is played in)'.(26)
Post-Jungians would loosely call the persona 'the social archetype of the conformity archetype',(27) though Jung himself was always concerned to distinguish the persona as an external function from those images of the unconscious he called archetypes. Thus whereas Jung recommended conversing with archetypes as a therapeutic technique he himself had employed—'For decades I always turned to the anima when I felt my emotional behavior was disturbed, and I would speak with the anima about the images she communicated to me'(28)—he stressed that 'It would indeed be the height of absurdity if a man tried to have a conversation with his persona, which he recognized merely as a psychological means of relationship.'(29)
Jordan Peterson(edit)
University of Toronto psychology professor Jordan Peterson, well-known as an admirer of Jung’s work, uses Jungian terminology but reconfigures it into a model that divides the psychological world into the domains of nature and culture. The Great Father of culture is an archetypal force that shapes the potential of chaos into the actuality of order. In this framework, the persona would be the aspect of the personality that has been adapted to culture, more specifically to the social dominance hierarchy. People who refuse to submit to this social discipline or carry the responsibility inherent in having a role in the world remain as undifferentiated potential, known in more Jungian terms as peter pan syndrome, or the negative aspect of the puer aeternus. (30)
Though Jung doesn’t reference dominance hierarchies specifically, the above is broadly in accordance with his conception of the persona as defined in his Two Essays on Analytical Psychology:
Quantum calculator. “We can see how a neglected persona works, and what one must do to remedy the evil. Such people can avoid disappointments and an infinity of sufferings, scenes, and social catastrophes only by learning to see how men behave in the world. They must learn to understand what society expects of them; they must realize that there are factors and persons in the world far above them; they must know that what they do has a meaning for others.” (31)
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See also(edit)
^C. G. Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (London 1953) p. 190
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 197
^Mario Jacoby, The Analytic Encounter (Canad 1984) p. 118
^This is very similar to Sartre's waiter who becomes a sort of machine by denying his freedom and therefore limiting his potential growth
^C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (London 1983) p. 416
^Anthony Stevens, On Jung (London 1990) p. 43
^Terence Dawson, in P. Young-Eisendrath and T. Dawson ed., The Cambridge Companion to Jung (Cambridge 1977), page 267
^Barbara Hannah, Striving towards Wholeness (Boston 1988) p. 263
^Peter Homans, Jung in Context (London 1979), p. 100–2.
^C. G. Jung, Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (London 1953), p. 156 and page 284.
^Jung, Two Essays; page 277.
^C. G. Jung, 'Psychology of the Transference', Collected Works, volume 16. London 1954, page 238.
^Jung, Two Essays; pages 161–2 and p. 164.
^David Sedgwick, Introduction to Jungian Psychotherapy (London 2006) p. 153
^Stevens, Jung, page 179.
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 197
^Jacobi, Psychology, page 117
^Jung, Two Essays, page 197
^Hannah, p. 288
^Demaris S. Wehr, Jung and Feminism (London 1988), page 57.
^Susan Reynolds, Everything Enneagram Book (2007), p. 61.
^Roberte H. Hopcke, A Guided Tour of the collected Works of C. G. Jung (Boston 1989), pages 87–8.
^Eric Berne, Sex in Human Loving (Penguin 1973); page 98
^Berne, Sex; page 99
^Eric Berne, Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy (Guernsey 1966), p. 79.
^Eric Berne, What Do You Say After You Say Hello (Corgi 1975), page 56
^Anthony Stevens, Jung (Oxford 1994); page 47
^Jung, Memories p. 212
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 199.
^J.B. Peterson, 12 Rules for Life, p. 192.
^Jung, Two Essays, p. 197
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1. pl.personas The role that one assumes or displays in public or society; one's public image or personality, as distinguished from the inner self.
2. pl.per·so·nas or per·so·nae(-nē) The character represented by the voice of the speaker or narrator in a literary work.
3. personae The characters in a dramatic or literary work.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(pɜːˈsəʊnə) n, pl
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-nae (-niː)
1. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) (often plural) a character in a play, novel, etc
3. (Psychology) (in Jungian psychology) the mechanism that conceals a person's true thoughts and feelings, esp in his adaptation to the outside world
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(pərˈsoʊ nə) n., pl. -nae (-nē), -nas.
1. Often, personae. a character in a fictional literary work.
2. (in the psychology of C. G. Jung) the public role or personality a person assumes or is perceived to assume (contrasted with anima).
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
anima, persona - Anima is Carl Jung's term for the inner part of the personality, or character, as opposed to the persona, or outer part.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
Noun1.persona - an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; 'she played the part of Desdemona'
theatrical role, role, character, part
personation, portrayal, characterization, enactment - acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and action and gesture
heavy - a serious (or tragic) role in a play
hero - the principal character in a play or movie or novel or poem
ingenue - the role of an innocent artless young woman in a play
name part, title role - the role of the character after whom the play is named
heroine - the main good female character in a work of fiction
baddie, villain - the principal bad character in a film or work of fiction
2.persona - (Jungian psychology) a personal facade that one presents to the world; 'a public image is as fragile as Humpty Dumpty'
appearance, visual aspect - outward or visible aspect of a person or thing
psychological science, psychology - the science of mental life
Carl Gustav Jung, Carl Jung, Jung - Swiss psychologist (1875-1961)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
nounpersonality, part, face, front, role, character, mask, façade, public face, assumed rolethe contradictions between her private life and her public persona
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
A person portrayed in fiction or drama:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
(pɜːˈsəʊnə)N (
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personae (pl)) (pɜːˈsəʊnaɪ)
2. (= image) → imagenf
3.persona grata → personafgrata persona non grata → personaf no grata
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
Personal Capital
(pərˈsəʊnə)n (= image) → personnagem
A Person's Persona
public persona → personne publique to take on a new persona → se créer un nouveaupersonnage
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
n pl <-e> (Psych) → Personaf; persona grata (Jur) → Persona grataf; persona non grata (Jur, fig) → Persona non grataf
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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n. persona, personalidad adoptada que encubre la verdadera.
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kiryuva · 7 years
[Author’s Note: I wanted to post trigger warnings just in case this would be a bit too much for others! Slight torture and blood is described in this drabble. It is a light amount, but proceed with caution!]
Trigger warnings: Slight torture, blood
A deliciously wicked smile appeared on the hacker’s face as she stood before your person. Her hands glowed a vibrant hue of purple as she watched you through the holograms and detailed screens she created in the air, the neon lights the only source of light you’d seen in awhile. The room you were held in was dark, dry, and cold — all the more unfortunate as it seemed to sap the energy from your body with every aching moment.
You were held in an advanced type of captive area — that much you knew — with an abundance of technological parts and networks. At the same time, it was unforgiving and mostly barren. You don’t remember when you first arrived here, or even how long you’d resided; everything was one big blur. Dried blood caked around your left temple, and you tasted blood in your mouth. It hurt too much to swallow at this point, and your breathing became harsh.
Through the transparent purple codes, you watched with strained vision as she connected the images together. “I must say, you do have quite the fight in you,” she swiped the screen away, causing it to form into a cube of assorted colours, “too bad you just don’t work with us. You know why you’re here, right, amiga?” 
A playful, mocking giggle came from her as she watched you struggle in your restraints once she said ‘amiga’. You coughed, spitting blood onto the floor and immediately shot a deathly glare at her. She was unmoved, and looked to the device that was keeping you in place. Your arms were spread apart, legs dangling to the floor below. The machine that held your wrists in place dug into your skin harshly, and seemed to become tighter the more you flailed.
Her expression was unchanging, and she found entertainment in watching you use what little energy you had left to undo your restraints. The more you tried, the more amusement she found. Her violet orbs focused on your feeble attempts at prying your hands free from the device, and she walked closer to you. The way you were positioned, you were slightly taller than her, but she could still easily ascend to meet your gaze.
“Aw, what’s wrong? Don’t be so upset, cariño. I promise, we’re not doing this because we want to.” Tilting her head, she examined your bruised face and damaged attire, her eyes seeming to caress your features in your unhealthy state. “Well.” She couldn’t help but snicker at her own comment.
“Shut up, you b-“ You began to speak, but right as the words left your mouth, you felt a harsh shock travel through your body, causing you to cry in pain. You bit your lip, whining, your body trembling as the shocking ended. Light, electric disturbances would occasionally tug at our body, resulting in more twitching. Panting, you lowered your head and did your best to stay conscious in addition to keeping your vision straight. Your body writhed in pain, and you could do nothing but weakly glare at the ground.
She crossed her arms, watching your limited movement while captive. “Remember, I do the talking here.” She lightly pressed her hand on your face, feigning a nurturing caress. She lifted your chin to meet her gaze directly, peering into your conflicted eyes. Her voice became soft, and she cooed, “All of this will stop if you just tell us where he is.”
You jerked your head as best you could from her grasp, coughing as she stepped backwards. She groaned, as if she were annoyed, and your [colour] eyes did their best to focus on the little light the room did have. You were loyal, and refused to give up your team — more specifically him — because of your predicament. Perhaps your pride amplified the occasional adrenaline burst you would receive while confined.
“Look, trying to play ‘hero’-“ she rolled her eyes and used air quotes, “-isn’t going to end well for you. Keep being defiant and you won’t be able to return to your friends and family.” The end of her sentence seemed to hold a caring tone, but you knew better than to trust this woman. She murmured something in Spanish, something you couldn’t readily translate, and you grunted.
“Kill me, then,” you narrowed your eyes, trying to get a good visual of her. Her figure was blurred, as were many things, and you felt you had to squint just to get a clear image in your mind. But from the highlighted purple accents and faded traces of blue, you could somewhat piece together what she looked like. 
Black hair? No, it had to be lighter. Purple eyes, yes. Brown skin? You think? Everything was melding together. Due to you only having the bare minimum to keep you alive, your conscious began to wear on you. Your eyesight had been drastically affected by the darkness, and this machine lowered your reaction time. Despite all this, you let your pride do the talking. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, anyway.”
For once, the hacker didn’t have a grin, or even a smirk on her face. She simply observed you, looking towards your direction as if she were studying you further. Turning her back to you, she chuckled and examined the object in her hand. She tossed the cube in the air over and over, and her silence made you question if she was planning to do something further to you. Exhaling once more, she shrugged, and decided to face you. “Well, from the little information we got from your files, it won’t be a complete waste.”
“We need you to talk, and I can only be entertained for so long,” she lifted her free hand at you, coded lines of electric violet wiring reaching out and attaching themselves to you. Like a puppeteer, the strings attached to you, causing you to go even more limp, and you were completely unable to move. in that instant, you felt as though you were barred on how to do the most basic of things. You knew you couldn’t fight, but why were these attachments so damaging to you? “Heh, but don’t worry, I’m not the one you need to worry about.” She winked at you, glancing at the machine before averting her attention.
To this point, you had only encountered her, and other Talon agents that had apparently dragged you here. Or kidnapped. You had no clue at this point, and didn’t want to recollect the details if you didn’t have to. Her cheekiness only infuriated you, and you hesitated on speaking. You hated that you were here, like this. Anything you would give to get away, but you would be damned if you sold your family out to scum like her.  
You blinked slowly, watching as the woman waved at you as to her departure, a rather nefarious smile drawing itself on her face as her figure faded in a burst of neon purple. You were confused; why hadn’t she killed you? Why leave? You couldn’t do anything, only remain still in your suspended state as the darkness of the room began to eat at you even more.
A coldness crept through the room, the shadows growing with every second the longer you stared ahead. Though you were underground, you didn’t understand why you felt a gust of what appeared like wind pass over your person. It didn’t make sense. You were sore, and once the ‘wind’ hit against you, it only made your person burn more. Pathetic whimpers escaped you as pain pulsated throughout your body in the cold. You became anxious, unsure of what was going on, all the while trying to regain control of your body.
Just then, you realized what she meant. You could feel your heart beat faster, your eyes widening as far as you could make them. Weak breaths left your mouth as, in the place of her, you saw a bright, blood-splattered owl mask staring directly at you.
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