#i tried to make the lipstick look like medic got too excited and started biting the paper like gnawing on the paper
luridcomixofthenuit · 9 months
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throws this at your head and runs the fuck away
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moonloredraws · 4 years
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House of Blood
A story about an overworked and stressed out individual who goes to a vampire brothel for some consensual hypnosis to start off her holiday off work.
M Vampire x F Human (NSFW, tw hypnosis , tw vampire biting ) 4277 words
---  Life had been a cycle of stress and problems, and things had been spiralling for you recently. Your job had become too much to handle, your co-workers had once again proven to be unreliable and your boss had been more unreasonable than usual. Things had been hectic.
Your holiday had come up, fortunately. A couple of weeks away from the incessant stream of issues was a welcome reprieve. You had planned on enjoying yourself, treating yourself to some new clothes and other goodies. 
You had even decided to go to the local smut bookshop. The Moonlore Bookstore had always piqued your interest, but you'd never really had any reason to go in. The interior was surprising, the inside seemed much older than the modern facade of the building led you to believe, but the atmosphere was cozy and welcoming. The front was a cafe, with the back half of the space hiding the books behind some discreet dividers. It had an unusual vibe for a place to buy erotic books.
The thing that most had stood out was an extensive board of flyers, business cards and other advertisements of all kinds.
This was clearly a busy place that many supernatural beings frequented, but that made sense, given how the owner seemed of elven descent and her husband was a werewolf. Much of the ads were specific services for the variety of creatures that shared the human world, though much of the ads were for different places that you hadn't even heard of. Why would there be adverts for services in Amsterdam, Chicago, London and some other notable cities all in one place? It boggled your mind.
However, as you scanned the board with curiosity, you noticed a stack of discreet ash grey cards with a bright red embellished pair of lips. They stood out, and you looked a bit closer.
“Are you stressed? Want to have your worried sucked away?Come to the House of Blood for a fresh reset.”
It was in your area, too. 
  You had never heard of such a place before. You unpinned one of the cards, and took a closer look. It seemed like some kind of establishment run by vampires. Brothels run by the supernatural community was nothing new, but you had never frequented something like it before. Your gut twisted with excitement. You had never really cared for such things, but something about having your stress relieved fast and possibly having fun on the side tickled your fancy.
With your new treats and purchases, you went home, and did some more digging on the House of Blood. It had a discreet website, and it was definitely a brothel of some kind, as you had suspected. It seemed legit, had a small gallery of some incredibly well dressed vampires, some information on the workers and the owner, and you gave a sigh of relief at it being legit.
It did have a appointment form, but encouraged people to go there in person to have a chat about the different options they offered and what would be most appropriate for the client. 
  So you got yourself hyped up. This was all new and exciting, and you waited until an hour after night-fall. Following your phone's GPS, you made your way to the place. It was in an alley off a very busy street, which may have rung some alarms bells if it weren't for the beautiful state of the alley. It was clean, no dumpsters, bright neon signs lighting everything up and with a clear big sign next to the door. You let out a breath you didn't know you had been keeping, and slouched your shoulders as you walked to the door nervously. The beautiful ashen door had the same red lips on it as the card, and you nervously turned the handle, and entered into a small hallway that had some stairs leading upstairs.
Climbing the red carpet covered stairs, you looked around at the rich reds and ashen colours of the interior. Clearly the same person had designed this place and the vampire run nightclub in the area. Or maybe the owner was the same. Perhaps, though, they simply kept up the same “vampire aesthetic” for the other people around. You weren't sure. However, as you got to the top, you came to a brightly lit waiting room. There was a desk of bright cherry red plastic, and behind it was a woman, her blonde hair pulled into a messy bun, with lipstick to match the desk and a slouchy cream coloured sweater. 
  “Welcome to the House of Blood! I don't believe I've seen you here before?” said the woman, her cheeks lifting as she smiled. You nodded as you walked closer, still a bit nervous.
“It's my first time here, yes,” your voice wavered, as you came up to the desk. “ Well, welcome! I'm Amandine, but you can just call me Mandy. Since you're new, I need you to fill out a simple questionnaire, and a little form. I'll help you through everything, so don't worry about it if something is unfamiliar!”
Her cheerful and helpful disposition helped put you at ease, and you swiftly filled in some details, the medical history part took you by surprise, but it made sense. Vampires drink blood, after all. 
  The 'little form' ended up being a pretty big list, actually. Most of it was kinks and things that you would be alright with in a sexual situation. What intrigued you was the box marked “hypnosis”. 
  “What does that involve?” you looked curiously over to Amandine. “Is that something like becoming puppeted...?”
Amandine shook her head, giving a slight chuckle. “No, when we 'hypnotise' people, it's more like we induce a state of intense tunnel vision. You'll feel things more intensely, and I haven't found an easier way to say this, but it just makes you very horny. We haven't found a better term, so we just use 'hypnotise'.” “Huh,” you hummed at it.
“Since you're looking at some stress relief, I do suggest that. It's very difficult to have your mind wandering while under the effects.” Amandine added helpfully. That sealed the deal. All in all you weren't really looking for a very extreme interaction, you just wanted to have some fun, but the added benefit of not having to worry about much seemed too good to pass up.
Amandine settled the paperwork, clipped it all together, and then pointed at one of the doors. 
  “You'll want to go to room 4. There are no locks, for client and worker safety, but rest assured, nobody except the right person will walk into your room,” she gave a playful wink as she stood up and walked to a different door in the lobby, directly behind the desk. 
  “There's a box for your clothes, and there's a fluffy robe, if you'd like to get into something more comfortable, waiting for you in the room.”
You nodded, butterflies tickling your stomach as you walked through the door, into a well decorated hallway, to a door with the number 4 on it. Cautiously, you opened it, and entered.
The interior was plush. There was a soft looking bed, and a couch, and a door to bathroom. Everything was some sort of red or dark grey tone. You found a small night stand, and a fluffy maroon robe. 
  You did as Amandine suggested, and stripped completely, shoving your clothes unceremoniously into the empty nightstand's drawer. The rest were filled with a pile of sex toys and condoms. Your cheeks flushed as you quickly put the robe on and went to sit down. 
  Your current situation began to dawn on you, and you restlessly played with your hands. Before you could get overwhelmed with doubt and stand up to put your clothes back on, you heard a knock on the door.
“Come in!” You squeaked. It was happening. No turning back now.
The door opened and a tall, pale skinned man slid in, a tray in his hands with two cups and a teapot. Your heart skipped a little as he flashed a fanged smile at you, dimples appearing on his cheeks.
“I'm Xavier, please to meet you!” He quickly set the tray down, and went to shut the door behind him. You nervously introduced yourself, noting how much your voice was shaking. 
  Xavier had a fluffy mop of wavy brown hair, and a slight 5 o'clock shadow painting his jaw. His eyes were a friendly brown, and if it hadn't been for his fangs, you could have sworn he was just some guy who didn't get outside much.
 He wore a lightly cream coloured shirt, an intricately patterned green and gold vest, and some brown dress pants. He seemed much too overdressed to be part of a brothel, he'd be a much more fitting sight in a themed host club. 
  “No need to be so nervous. You're here to have a good time, right?” Xavier said as he sat down on the couch, placing the tray between the two of you. “Mandy said you preferred chamomile, so that's what we have.”
“Can vampires even drink tea?” The question had left your lips involuntarily, and Xavier let out a chuckle.
“Eating and drinking depends on what kind of vampire you are. Most turned vampires have a hard time processing food and some drinks, but I'm a born vampire, I can deal with this all just fine.”
You let out a 'huh' at that, and then picked up one of the cups which Xavier had filled with tea.
“So, a little bird told me that you've been dealt a bad hand by life at the moment.” Xavier took a sip of his tea. 
  You nodded, and began to tentatively recount some of the more frustrating events. Soon, you let yourself get more relaxed, and your gestures become more intense as you vented your worries, and Xavier ended up being a very good listener. 
  The conversation eventually started to lose steam, so Xavier picked up. He started to talk about himself. He had an interest in very fine embroidering, and occasionally would make some clothes for himself. He showed off his vest at that point, beaming at his creation. 
  “So... how come you've ended up working here?” You asked. Someone so skilled at sewing ending up in a brothel instead of working as a designer seemed odd.
“I enjoy helping people like this, and I'm a bit of a social butterfly. I tried being a host once, but that didn't end up working so well. I have... a slightly voracious appetite.” He smiled apologetically. You inhaled sharply at that, and you felt your cheeks warming up, and you felt a jolt in the pit of your stomach.
“I'll follow your lead, whenever you want to move onto something else, we can do that.” Xavier chuckled. 
  You nodded, blushing, and your shoulders tensed up. Xavier regarded you with a warm gaze, and slowly moved the tray to the side and shuffled closer to you, gingerly putting a hand on your shoulder.
“You're a bit tense again. Would you want me to give your shoulders a little massage?” He purred.
The vibrations of his voice went straight to your loins, and you stiffly nodded, turning your back to him. He gently tugged at the collar of your robe.
“Loosen your robe a bit, I can reach a little better that way.” He pulled the robes a little looser around your neck, and then gently pressed his fingers into your shoulders. As it turned out, his skills also extended to massaging, and you slowly found yourself sinking towards him. 
  You sighed, and soon he removed his hands. 
  “Feeling any better?” Xavier smiled at you.
“That was amazing,” you said, and then sighed.
He leaned slightly closer, leaning his head on his hand and sitting in a more casual pose. “I can keep going... or we can move onto something different?”
You debated on it for a moment, before the ache in the pit of your stomach started to become a little more incessant. 
  “I think... something a little different might be nice...” you said, slowly, and something lit up in Xavier's eyes. 
  “Then... may I touch you, pet?” His voice had changed, something almost predatory came alive in him. You nodded, almost afraid, but something about being in the presence of this creature excited you.
He gently placed his hand on your knee, and then slowly slid up your thigh, giving it a little squeeze halfway up. His hand started to skirt along the edge of the fabric of the robe. 
  “I won't touch anywhere that is covered... so you lead.” He purred, keeping his hand on your thigh, rubbing languid circles with his thumb. You let out a little huff, and then bashfully began to untie the belt on the robe. As you slowly let the belt fall away, your robe opened slightly, and Xavier let out an approving sound, slowly trailing his finger higher up your thigh.Soon, his hand dragged up your partially exposed stomach, between the groove of your breasts, then lightly touching the line of your collarbone. 
  “Mmh... you already smell so good and we've barely even started. You must really want this, that, or you're just naturally a treat.” Xavier licked his lips. “If you want me to make you feel better just say the word.”
The slow drag of his fingertips across your skin and the mood of the room made you a little bit braver all of a sudden.
“What do you have in mind?”
Xavier let out a chuckle, and you let his hand travel around to tip your chin upwards. “I can make you feel a way you've never felt before.” 
  “Is that right?” you tested him, before shakily breathing out, “show me what you've got then.”
He grinned, and something changed.
In the split second that you had challenged him, your body suddenly got hot, your vision blurred and your brain suddenly felt trapped in a bubble.
“Look at me, pet,” Xavier whispered, holding the back of your head with one of his hands. “It's alright. Nothing bad will happen.”
Your head was spinning, the sensation was odd and uncomfortable, but soon enough you focused on the way that his other hand was petting your thigh. You focused on the way his eyes were staring at you, the way his lips moved, and before you had a chance to get used to this strange sensation of being partially stuck in your own head, your entire being became a ball of nerves.
You started to breathe heavily as the fabric of the robe began to feel constricting around you, and you started struggling out of the fabric. Your body didn't want to listen very well, and you couldn't managed to make the fabric slip off you.
Xavier hummed, looking at you.
“What's the matter, pet? Having some trouble taking your clothes off?” He was clearly enjoying this, but you found that you didn't mind his teasing. “Do you need me to help you?”
You tried to reply, but all that came out was a moan, so you weakly nodded your head.
In a swift motion, you found yourself pulled onto Xavier's lap, your front exposed to him, your legs spread obscenely. The new sensation of the fabric of his pants made you let out another soft moan, and he quickly pulled the robe from your shoulders. The way his hands felt on you was mind blowing, and you didn't hold back the pleased rumbling that came from your throat.
“You look comfortable.” His eyes scanned you up and down, and his hands began to move up your sides. Everything was so sensitive, his fingers were like fire licking at you. In the haze of this dark, dimly lit room, there was only Xavier. You couldn't think of anything else but his hands, his face, his beautiful full lips. Your stares didn't go unnoticed, and he smirked. 
  “It seems that someone wants something more, hmm?” his voice was a purr, quiet, meant only for your ears. Weakly, you managed another nod, and he pulled your hips a bit closer and pulled on your shoulders to make you lean over. His lips connected with yours, and you let out a lewd mewl, breathing out hard. His kisses started out softly, massaging your lips, clearly ignoring your needy attempts at making out with him. Kissing him, and feeling his hands running up and down your thighs, hips, ass, it made you feel on cloud nine. So much of his touch made you feel turned on, you'd honestly never felt anything like this.
You were momentarily pulled from your frustrations when Xavier ran his tongue over your lips. It sent a jolt down your spine, and you involuntarily shivered. You vaguely heard a chuckle through the murky horniness of your mind, and you let out a deep moan.
You weren't allowed to recover from this assault on your senses when Xavier put one of his hands behind your head and he deepened the kiss, darting his tongue through your lips and exploring your mouth. You had to close your eyes, and grabbed tightly on his shirt to avoid floating away, your brain being bombarded with too many sensations.
You lost track of time, you lost track of yourself, you couldn't tell where you ended, and where Xavier started. Everything that you felt in that moment was so unfocused, but the pleasure was beyond what you believed was possible.
Xavier pulled away, and you were ripped from your intense pleasure. You managed to make a frustrated noise, and Xavier gently stroked your jaw.
  “Come on, surely kissing isn't the reason you came here?” He gave you a curious look and you had a moment of clarity through the haze. He noticed the momentary sobriety, before letting one of his fingers gently rub against one of your nipples.
The sensation shot through your body and another moan ripped through you. “Thought so.”
You were quickly bundled into strong arms, and were laid out onto a soft surface. Xavier joined you on the bed, and moved to trap you between himself and the bed.
“Time for the main event, pet.” he breathed out, his eyes having grown even more intense than before. 
  Something about this well dressed, hungry vampire looming over you made you feel so desired, you wanted him to drink from you, to have a taste of you, to fuck you senseless.
It wasn't long before he dipped down and took your nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue over the sensitive bud. You writhed under him, and he had to grab your shoulders to keep you still. It was torturous, each flick of the tongue made you feel so good, but it wasn't enough.
That is, until he moved one of his hands to gently stroke at your folds.
You came instantly, and almost screamed, the feeling of that sudden action tipping you over the edge. 
  You felt Xavier chuckling against you, still licking at your nipple as he hovered his hand over your pussy.
“That was fast. Do it again,” he went right back to sucking on your breast, and you felt his hand come down on you again.
You didn't come instantly this time, but you weren't far off as the haziness of your mind and the overload of sensitivity had you hurtling towards your next orgasm. Xavier didn't let up though, and your body didn't put up any resistance as his fingers played around with your folds and clit, the little bundle of nerves almost on fire under the thorough touch of his fingers.
You were vaguely aware of him moving upwards, kissing a trail on your skin, before nuzzling your neck.
Xavier hummed in approval, and gave a quick lick over your neck. “You smell so good.... I want a taste.” His voice was quiet, skirting over your skin. “Can I?”
A noise came out from you, approving. You could barely concentrate on anything, and when Xavier's soft lips touched the base of your neck, his fingers still in you, your mind suddenly went blank.
For a while, your mind and consciousness was almost separated from your body, the only thing you were aware of was immense pleasure.
It lasted for so long. You couldn't tell how long you were in this state of pure bliss.
Slowly, you felt like you were coming back to yourself. 
  With a sigh, you blinked your eyes open, finding yourself cradled next to Xavier, wrapped in a blanket.
“Hey,” he said, sheepishly. “How are you feeling?”
You couldn't help the blush that crept on your face at the sight of his warm smile. Were his cheeks a bit red too? Something had changed in him. You couldn't pinpoint it, but he seemed more lively.
“I-I'm ok,” You mumbled into the blanket. “That was... amazing.”
“It's pretty cool, huh?” Xavier laughed, before smoothing back his hair and sitting up, his clothes still impeccable despite what had transpired. “Would you like me to get you some tea and cakes?”
You had requested for a caring service, but you hadn't quite expected to be tucked into bed and to get served tea and sweets after getting fucked thoroughly. You hadn't even fucked, really, but it certainly felt like you had been. Xavier left the room, giving you a warm smile as he exited the room. You were left in this cozy, luxurious room, alone. You tentatively sat up, feeling a bit wobbly, and you reached for the robe that had been set neatly on the bed. 
  You quickly robed yourself, and it wasn't long before Xavier returned with a new tray and sauntered over to the bed. “Here, we have tea, chamomile again, and some cakes. I wasn't sure which one you'd like, take your pick.” He set down the tray after sitting down, and gestured over to a selection of little slices. “You should definitely eat. I didn't drink much, but you need to make sure that you eat something to get your strength back.”
You reached for what looked like lemon drizzle cake, and took a bite from the slice. It was delicious.
You let out a throaty moan at the taste, and reached for the cup of tea. Xavier lifted up his own cup of tea, and took a sip.
“So, happy with the service?” He turned his head to look at you, smiling. 
  You smiled back at him, feeling your cheeks burn again, and nodded.
“That was... definitely unlike anything else I had ever experience.” You took a sip of your tea. “I'm more than happy.”
You shared that little moment together, silent save for the sound of tea being sipped and cake being eaten. You didn't mind, it was comfortable, and you had a chance to collect yourself. 
  “Would you like me to stay for a bit or are you ready to head home?” Xavier broke the silence, putting his cup down onto the tray with a clink. You sighed, and eventually put down your own cup.
“I think... that I'm ready to head home. Your company was lovely tonight and, well,” you avoided looking at him momentarily as an unprecedented wave of shyness overcame you. “I think... I would definitely like to visit again.”
Xavier smiled, and you felt your heart flutter for a moment as he leaned over and gave your hand a kiss.
“I do hope you come by again, you're delectable, pet.” He winked, before picking up the tray again and heading towards the door. “I'll be going now, I hope you have a safe trip back home and I hope to see you again, but remember, there's a mandatory 2 week wait between visits so you can recover.”
“Yes, I remember,” You nodded, and waved as he disappeared behind the door, shutting it with him.
You got up, cleaned yourself up, and dressed yourself. You left the room behind, and exited the hallway. 
  “Heyo, is that you done for tonight?” Amandine asked, smiling as you came out to the lobby.
“Yes... it was certainly an experience.” You said. You dug through your handbag for your wallet to pay up the fee, and soon you noticed how soft your body felt. “Relaxed? Xavier's a pro at what he does. If you want to make sure you get an appointment with him again, then please do phone up beforehand.” Amandine quickly shuffled some things behind the desk and brought up a small gift parcel, placing it on the counter.
“What's this?” you asked, quizically.
“All visitors get a little gift parcel. It's not much bit it's a few goodies and snacks to make sure you recover.” Amandine smiled, nudging the parcel over. “After all, there's a bit of a symbiotic relationship between us and our clients.”
You have an understanding nod and picked up the parcel, and bid your farewells.
On the way home, you felt calm, but there was a bit of a pep in your step, as you walked with confidence. That visit had definitely left a mark on you, and you made sure to write up a note on your calendar for exactly two weeks from then to set up a second visit to that handsome vampire.
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A Song for You
I know it has been a long time since I updated but with the passing of my mother march 20th my world was rocked to the core and things needed my undivided attention but now im working and things are as steady as their going to get. now I work six days a week so posting will be hard but I love this story and I intend to finish it.
here is chapter nineteen of a song for you I hope you like it!
Masterlist is right here for you all to catch up. 
The night before had been perfect, dinner with her man and her dog. She should have known it would come at a cost like everything else, Jax had called her and Juan to his house bright and early. Saying something went down, she had no idea how fucked today would be until he told her what happened with Otto and Tara. She sees a blur barreling towards her legs and kneels down as Able makes his way over to her from his movie he had been watching, she didn't like how he was so close to talk of his mom's possible Jail time, so she turns off the TV and bring him into his room, setting him down by his toys she gives him a soft smile. “Can you do me a favor conejito?” the little boy nods and looks up at her from the Legos in his hands “Promise me you won't come out no matter what you hear out there? Can you do that for me? Be a big boy and do as I say?” she wasn't a fool, able was quiet, not stupid, he knew something was wrong so she didn't talk dumb to him. She rubs his back with her hand, waiting for him to think it over before he nods. She smiles and holds his small face between her hands, kissing his forehead she stands and heads for the door, closing in behind her she leans against it for a moment. Seeing movement out of the corner of her eye she sees her husband waving her back to the kitchen.
Gathering her wits she sighs and walks to the kitchen, standing behind Tara she puts her hands on the woman's shoulder in comfort as Tara continues speaking to Lowen, the clubs go-to lawyer,  across from her. “It was chaos. They just took a statement and told me they'd be in touch. They're gonna figure it out.” Lowen nods taking in everything Tara says before replying “We can maintain that not updating your insurance was an oversight” Lowens face pinched as she added, “but that request form you forged to see Otto, that could come back to bite us.” Joy couldn't help but grind her teeth as Jax shouts “Oh, come on, she was concerned about a friend.” Joy glares as Jax as she hisses through her teeth “And an overeager prosecutor could sell that shit as she conspired to meet with him, then brought the cross with knowledge of what he'd do with it, Jax. So shut the fuck up and listen.” Lowen waves her hand towards Joy in agreement, Jax flashes his teeth at her “She isn't wrong Jax. I'll start digging in. See how much heat it has.” she combs a calming hand down the back of Tara's head as Lowne locks eyes with her “Uh, you clear on your story?” Tara sighs, her hands coming up your scrub at her face, a trait she picked up from her husband “ My husband did time. Medical care was awful. I wanted to make a difference.” She and Tara both glances at the Hallway as Tommy's wails sound off, she lets Tara up, knowing she needs a minute to herself. She sees Jax grab Tara's arm, but the woman barely looks at him as she marches out of the kitchen to her son. She would talk to Tara later, right now she would focus on making sure she stayed out of jail.
She leans heavy on Taras chair as Jax turns his narrowed gaze to Lowen as she packs up her briefcase, her movements jerky, it was obvious the club wasn't the only one upset about this. “Otto killing that nurse, that will make RICO go away?” the woman turns to Jax, sighing she nods “Yes. Felony charges after the deal would destroy his reliability. But this could unravel for Tara, Jax.” the crack in the woman's voice didn't go unnoticed “She could do serious time for this.” everyone jumps as Jax's voice crashes through the quiet space “Then make sure that doesn't happen!” she pushes herself off the chair she is leaning on to snarl “Get your shit together you brain dead fuck. Yelling and throwing a fucking bitch fit at the people trying to help isn't gonna do shit all besides scare your kid and make you look like a horses ass..” the older woman stands and glares down at the blonde man currently trying to glare holes through her. “I manipulate the law. I don't write it. I'll call you when I know something.” the air in the kitchen is so tense, she wants to jump clear across this table and beat the shit out of her president, but her husband's hands on her back keep her blood pressure down just enough to where she can somewhat contain her more homicidal tendencies.
Her eyes glance at Bobby to the side as she tries to control her breathing. “Club's gonna find out what Otto did. We got to tell them the truth, man.” she nods, the club deserved to know from the jump but Romeo had her and Jax by the short and curlies when it all started. “The CIA knowledge still puts us all at risk, Bobby. We got to get clear of the cartel first. Then they can hear all of it.” She pushes off the chair and runs a hand through her hair “Otto killing that nurse also kills Romeo's leverage. He ain't gonna take that sitting down quietly.” Jax's narrowed eyes glance at her and nods “ Then call Alvarez and Tyler. You, Chibs and Juice Lockdown the muling and the distribution deal.” She nods as Jax turns his focus to Bobby “You call Lin. Set up the meet. If he can't deliver, all of this goes south, and we are stuck being Romeo's coke whore! All right?” she sneers at her president's turn back as he stomps out of the house, slamming the door behind him. She leans her head back into her husband's chest as he wraps a strong arm around her middle “I get he is upset, fuck we all around are but you would think he was the one with a vag and not me.” the guys release a reluctant chuckle, she turns her head to press a kiss to Juan's jaw before reluctantly stepping out of the warmth of his arms “I'm gonna check on Tara and Able, Chibs and Bobby you both go ahead and call Alvarez and Tyler. I'll be back in a minute.” they nod and head outside, her husband presses a quick kiss to her cheek before moving to the living room to turn the TV on.
She decides to start easy, Able first. Walking to his room she smiles when she opens it and sees him focused on his Lego tower. Sitting behind him she combs a hand over his soft blond hair before pressing her lips to the crown of his head. “Thank you for being my good boy. You can head back to your movie now if you want. Uncle Juice is there to watch with you.” he turns and smiles at her and kisses her cheek as he runs past her to the living room, his excited shout of “Uncle Juicy” makes her melt a little as Juan's laughter mixed with ables floats down the hall. She shakes herself and heads to Tommy's room, seeing Tara sitting across from the now napping baby she walks over to the woman and sits next to her. She and Tara weren't as close as she was with the others. But it didn't stop her from caring for the woman, she lets the woman wrap her arms around her waist and lays back on the daybed, the taller woman curled around her as she muffled her sobs into joys hair as not to wake the baby. She combs a hand through Tara's dark hair, not saying a word, sometimes there was no better comfort then letting it all out. Tara was alot like her, steel and grit. But even though they were women of iron will they needed a moment, just a moment to bend and submit to the pressure before wiping their eyes and rebuilding. Pressing a kiss to Tara's forehead she sighs and gets herself comfortable, she wasn't moving until Tara got it all out.
Hour later
After a while Tara pulled herself from joy's hair and wiped her eyes, Joy could see she was embarrassed for falling apart but all she did was smile and let Tara be. She would talk when she was ready, she walked into the living room to see Juan and Able watching the bright and loud Disney movie with the fascination of children. She didn't know what was sweeter, her husband grinning at the movie like a child or the actual child snuggled against his side. She hated to break them apart but they had a job to do, with a parting forehead kiss and a hug to Able they both headed back to the shop. Chibs and Bobby had already left and made their calls, telling Juan to meet up once I was done with Tara. Pulling up to the shop she yanks her helmet off and shakes her hair out and combs a hand through it as Juan moves to stand at her side as she stands. She looks up at her husband, giving him a small grin as he leans down to press a quick kiss to her lips, she swipes at his bottom lip with her thumb to get the small amount of lipstick off his lip before heading towards Bobby, Jax, and Bobby as they head towards them. Meeting them halfway she hears Chibs as he talks “I spoke with Alvarez and Tyler while lass here checked on Able and Tara. They're all in. Percentages are set.” turning she and Juan move to walk with them, she glares sideways at Jax as he wraps an arm around her shoulder. She swats at her husband's stomach as he chuckles, Jax plants a firm kiss to the side of her head. “You love me.” She snorts, not shaking off his arm as she stares forward. “It seems I have poor taste.” She smirks at the loud exclamation from her husband as he yanks her from under Jax's arm to wrap himself around her from behind. She relaxes into him as she looks towards Bobby “Anything on Lin Bobby?” the bearded man shakes his head, swinging a leg over his bike. “Nothing yet.” She and Jax sigh, that wasn't good. Locking eyes they nod might have to check in on this one personally. Her husband releases her once they get to their own bikes, swinging her leg over she slides her sunglasses on as she tries to keep calm, they would figure this out. They had too.
Time Jump
She grins at the full house Diosa has pulled in on the opening day. She lets Jessica, one of the host girls pull her into a one-armed hug, smirking when she sees the lust blown look in Juan's eyes as he watches her hand slide over the other woman's ass as she pulls away. She loved playing with her husband, she lets him pull her tight into his side as he leans down to nip at her bottom lip. She pouts as he pulls away, it seems she wasn't the only one who could play. He rubs his hand over her ass as they walk move into the room, she would get his ass later, pussy teasing fucker. Her pout is quickly gone when she sees her father stand a little straighter as his eyes catch something in the distance, she follows his gaze to see Lyla coming towards them, well being rolled towards them she should say. She pulls away from her husband's roaming hands as she and the rest of the guys move towards the wheelchair-bound woman, she chuckles as she finally catches sight of the costume she is wearing, Lyla winks at her and runs a hand over the thigh garter covering the wound in her thigh. Clever idea, the naughty nurse and the sick patient. Leaning down she presses a kiss to Lyla's cheek as Jax's pulls away. “Hello beautiful, being treated well?” she grins and nods, her hand coming to hold Joys as Jax asks “You seen Nero?” Lyla nods, using her other hand to swipe her blonde bangs from her eyes “He is outback. His old crew showed up. It got tense. Safe to say he wasn't happy.” Joy sighs, leaning down she kisses Lyla's hand and moves past her. The boys calling her name as they follow behind, they could catch up. Pushing open the back door she sees about seven men, three standing before Nero and the rest along with the two cars.
“What's good Nero?” the older man along with the men across from him turn to stare at her, the men she didn't know opened their mouths but thought better when the rest of her crew comes through the door, her husband and father hot on her heels. “Nothing just breaking down a little pleito here.” she nods, standing on Nero’s side she eyes the men before her. The one who seemed to be running shit now spoke to her and Jax as the blonde man moved on her side “That's right. Since our OG left Stockton, we had a little problem holding down our borders.” She snorts, she sees what this is already. They aren't strong enough to hold down their borders without Papa holding their hands she tilts her head, her eyes glancing at the shorter man on her right, she thinks she saw him once before “Street sees your pussy leave, they think the rest of the game is up for grabs, holmes.” She feels a headache coming on, they sound like fucking children, busting in on an opening day and demanding Nero’s help. The older man next to her shouts “I got shut down, fool! Me setting up out here, that still brings the feria in your pocket”
“We need more than money, ese.” She narrows her eyes, from what she knew of Nero’s crew they were small-time, the fuck did they need hardware for? Jax's rests his elbow on her shoulder as she crosses her arms over her chest his voice lax as it may seem, sounded suspicious to her well-trained ears. “So what do you want?” it takes everything in her not to jerk when Nero practically shouts in her eat “Guns! I told them that's not what this is.” she nods, her eyes quickly zeroing in on the apparently leader of this three-ringed circus as he mocks Nero “I don't give a shit what this is. We got Dante's crew stepping on our book. Triple Two shaking up our protection. We need AK's and Glocks to hold down our streets.” she arches a brow, working with Nero she knew for a damned fact that Nero’s boy weren't a huge name a few block radius was what they stomped but seemed this shit head had other ideas. She rolls her eyes as the two other idiots chime in as back up “We're gonna go broke, maybe homeless. Might have to move in here.” she can't help but snort as the one closest to the leader grins “Yeah. Me and my 37 kids, yo.”
She straightens up as the leader moves closer to Nero, once he is close enough he grins, his gold-capped tooth catching the light as he speaks “And you know how expensive kids are, ese. Even the ones without crutches.” She doesn't know how she ended up on top of the leader, straddling his chest her hands wrapped around his neck as the other fight around her but the sound of a gunshot stops everyone. Panting she sits up and looks at Bobby. “Enough! Hey! This is the way we get the town to embrace our legitimate business?”  she hates how right he is, looking down at the man under her she hates how he is grinning up at her, his eyes jumping from her chest to where she sits on his chest. She pulls back and cracks him one more time across the jaw, standing she makes her way to her husband. Letting him bend and rotate her fingers and wrists to make sure she didn't damage anything She felt hands on her shoulders, turning her head she sees Nero, he gives her a nod of thanks and she grins before turning to face her president “Sorry Jax, just don't like when people involve kids.” the blonde man nods, his hand coming up to hold the side of her head in his palm yanking her head close so he would kiss the side of her head before turning to Nero. “Why don't you just let me sell them the hardware. Just a one-time thing.”
She grabs her husband's hands as he finishes checking her for injuries. Bringing his hands to her face she kisses his knuckles and turns to Jax and Nero as the taller man's voice rises slightly. “ We ain't that crew, Jax. We ain't never been that crew. We run ten square blocks north and sure. This Renaldo, he's pushing to blow up, make a name.” She honestly suspected as much herself, she can't help but chuckle when Nero turns to face his old crew “Vato's been seeing too many movies, que no?” Bobby rests a hand on her shoulder as he leans in with a grin “Come on. Sounds like you're the guy kept them smart.” she nods, “Jax, I'm pretty sure we have some old KG-9s at the warehouse.” she watches Jax go through his mental list of storage units and he nods absently as she continues “Why don't you let us give them those, a few Glocks. Ya know to make their dicks feel bigger for once in their lives, keep this from happening again.” Nero chuckles and nods, patting her arm. Bobby moves to her side “Sale can't happen here.”  she tilts her head back to think, but Nero is working faster than her it seems “There's an access road above the river basin near Diller Canyon. If you know it say meet in an hour?” Jax nods and bumps fists with the older man “Yeah, I know it. And an hour is fine. I'll bring eight pieces, the street tag should be five grand. I'll give it to them for four.” Nero nods and turns to his old crew, she heads for the stairs with the others. Glancing over her shoulder she locks eyes with that Renaldo guy, she didn't like the glint in his eyes. Little shit would get his dumb ass killed if he wasn't careful, and by her if pulled any stunts at that meeting.
Hour later
Leaning against the old station wagon next to Tiggy as she chuckles as he finishes a horrible story about a time a coked-out dog took a chunk out of his ass. Her husband leaning his forehead on her shoulder as he tries to catch his breath. Bringing her hand up she brushes her fingers along the side of his tattooed scalp, but tenses at the sight of a car coming in from the side road. Hearing her father's curse she turns to head to see another car as well, that little son of a bitch was out of his mind to pull some shit like this. She curls her lip as Chibs watches the cars get closer "Oh, man. That's definitely not good." She rests her hand on her Glock on her thigh she smirks as Jax signs"That's ten too many shits head." She corrects him "Stupid vato shitheads Boss."  Tig puts a hand on her shoulder, gently yanking her as he moves to get into the car, her husband is already yanking open the door "As happy as I am to see you two working together again. We should, uh, probably go, yeah?"
She nods and ducks into the car, quickly climbing into the back she starts tossing AK's over her shoulder for the guys to grab, she vaguely hears the shit head from earlier yell "Where you going, Chola bitch!? We just want our guns!" She chuckles and glares out the back at him as she grabs her Glocks from their holsters and mumbles "Oh I got guns for you dick head. And one pissed off Chola!" She jerks as Jax takes off, ducking quickly when she hears gunfire. Glass from the back window raining down on her head and she hisses as she feels a cut on her cheek and temple. Sitting up she fires out the now busted back window, her father crawling in beside her and they take out a few of Renaldo's boys together before her father jerks back with a shout of pain, she keeps up the gunfire with one hand as she reaches back to yank him back by his shirt. She yells out in rage as she sees the blood pouring from a wound on his head she yanks an AK from the back and leans her upper body out the back of the car, not caring as the glass still there cuts through her shirt and slices her skin. Hearing her husband yell her name she feels his strong hands grip her hips in a bruising grip so she doesn't fall as she lights up those assholes who dare make another Lowman bleed.
She yelps as she is yanked back into the car by her husband, she turns to curse him out but releases a scream when the car starts to go downhill, her body slams into the roof of the car, pain washing rushing over her neck and shoulders as the car starts to roll, only sounds of broken glass and her brothers grunts and shouts of pain fill her ears. Once it stops she groans as Jax releases a shout of victory, calling out to them. "Anyone dead?" She raises her hand up to flip him off, letting her husband pull her up and over the seats to get a better look at her as Jax finally gets a look at her father's head wound. "Hap you hit!?" She glances back at her father, seeing him touch his head. A grim and twisted smile takes over his blood-stained face and she can't help but smile back as he replies  "Ripped through. I am rapturous." She roars along with her brothers, father and Husband as the relief and thrill of it all kicks in, Snatching her husband around the back of his neck she yanks him into a kiss, laughing against his hungry lips as the car starts back up and they are jerked left and right. Fuck she loved her boys and this fucked up life they lead sometimes.
Once they return to the clubhouse the thrill dies and the aches start to kick in, her husband has her laid out on the bar as he sets to cleaning off the nicks on her face and the deeper cuts on her stomach. Looking over she sees her father looking pretty miserable as Chibs works on his head, Gimme handing him meds and a few much-needed shots of one hundred proof anything. She smiles softly as her husband presses a kiss to her stomach next to the bandage he just finished taping down. She sits up and looks down at it "Not bad handsome. Chibs would be proud." The Scot across the way scuffs and but nods his head, she swings her legs to sit herself up on the bar as Nero walks over to where she, Juan, Tiggy, and Jax sat. Smoke billows from Jax's mouth as he passes the blunt her way, his somewhat glazed eyes on Nero "Clearly these assholes ain't real happy about you and Diosa moving north."  Nero shifts from foot to foot, his expression one of frustration "Well, I ain't running them anymore, man." She inhales deeply, holding in the smoke as she passes the blunt to Tiggy when her husband shakes his head in the negative for it. Her eyes glancing Chibs way as he replies to Nero, his eyes locking on the Spanish male over his glasses "Oh, maybe they don't know that you're retired, ese."
She blows her hit out and licks her dry lips as Nero's voice takes on a sharp edge "They're gonna know something real soon, I tell you that." She sighs and hops down from the bar, leaning back against it ok her elbows as she throws in her two cents " One thing I don't want is these half-witted and utterly braindead cholos starting a war right outside Charming. I don't mind killing them but I doubt we wanna release me on them." She smirks as Tiggy chuckles and passes the blunt past her to Jax as Nero nods "I hear you." She grins at Bobby as she walks over to Jax, leaning over towards the two she hears him say "Finally got ahold of Lin. He'll meet us at the Dynasty. Now." Shaking off the sluggish feeling in her head she pushes herself up from her leaning pose on the bar, turning she grabs her Glocks from her husband who has loaded them up for when after she emptied them into a few of Nero's crew earlier. Accepting his kiss she puts her hand on his cheek, grinning when he leans into the touch as Jax speaks to Nero behind her back " Hey, I got to handle this. It's not gonna take long. I'll meet you back at Diosa, all right? We'll figure out what to do about your crew." She pats Nero on the shoulder as she passes him with Bobby and Jax she hears Clay's voice as they pass him "Jax give me a minute?" She scuffs and keeps walking along with Jax as he coldly replies "No." She is forced to stop as Jax comes to a halt in front of her when Clay's voice takes a sharp edge "You really should. It's important, son." She lets Jax walk back past her, her hands itching to turn with him and put a bullet between Clay's eyes. She continues her trek outside, images of Clay's lifeless body hitting the ground. She would get her chance, she just needed to be patient.
Lins Restaurant
"When did all this take shape?" She sits between Bobby and Jax, Sipping from a ornate glass she watches the tennis match between Jax and Lin "The last few months. The Irish hate the Mexicans. It's way too tense. We want out." She leans back in her chair and chuckles hate was to tame a work for the Irish hatred for the cartel. She eyes Bobby as he adds on. "But we just can't leave Galindo high and dry. So we need somebody to replace the IRA hardware." She barely keeps her eyes from rolling as Lin tries not to appear eager but she wasn't a fool, he was more than interested, even if his replies appeared cool "Those are some serious weapons. It's not like bringing in a few cases of AK's." She knocks back the rest of her drink and sighs "Oh get off it henry." She shakes off Jaxs hand as he rests it on her arm. They didn't have time for this godfather act. "You know we're handing you the winning ticket in the Mexican gun lottery. Can you do it, or should we go someplace else?" Lin grins at her, she and Lin have done this dance before, she hadn't lied when she said she had don't odd jobs. Some had been more than under the table, and Lin wasn't bad people. "For you kid. I can dip into Gaza, probably get my hands on something comparable. German snipers, Kassam Rockets, some anti-tank shit." She nods and leans back with a smirk, her work done she hands the wheel back to Jax "How often?"
Lin tilts his head, a glint in his eyes "What are we talking?" Bobby holds up two fingers "Every two weeks. From now until whenever." Lin chuckles in disbelief, leaning back in his chair he arches a dark brow "It won't come cheap, man. Hamas'll try and fuck me on this shit." She smirks and leans her elbows on the table "Money's not a problem. In fact, you're gonna tack on ten percent; our referral fee." Lin glances from her to Jax who nods his head his agreement and says "Can you do it Lin?" The man across from them sighs and nods "Yeah. Yeah, I'm in." She grins widely and holds her hand up calling one of the girls over for some food as Jax steps away to answer his phone. A few moments later he returns with a sigh, grabbing Henry's outstretched hand to shake it "Hey, thanks, Henry. Do you think you can get a few of the big guns fast? Show the buyer?" She nods her head to the woman who brings out two to-go plates of food, handing her a few bills as Henry nods "I should be able to." Jax grins "All right, good. We'll be in touch." He looks between her and Bobby for a moment. " We gotta go." She nods and stands, saluting Henry with a smirk "Later Henry." The Asian man nods "Mrs.Ortiz." following behind the guys they make it a few miles down the road before the sound of screeching tires breaks her peace. She instantly reaches for her bowie knife, but she isn't fast enough, she screams as she is snatched up by the waist she is instantly taken back to her and Taras near abduction. She screams for Jax as she sees him yanked off his bike, she struggles harder but the men dragging her speaking rapid-fire Spanish as she uses her nails to claw at the forearm holding her. She feels a pain in the side of her head before darkness takes her, the last sound she hears is Jax and Bobby yelling out her name as she goes under.
Undisclosed Location
She feels like she is underwater, her head feels way too heavy for her neck to hold up, she groans as her head lulls back, hissing through clenched teeth when the bright lights overhead flood her vision, she shakes her head as she hears someone speaking, but they sound far away. She clenched her eyes shut and try to focus on the voice, Jax! She opens her eyes and sees a blur sitting across from her, she tries to reach out but her hands are tied to the chair arms. Blinking rapidly she gets Jax into focus. Besides also being tied to a chair he seems unharmed, She sees the worry in his eyes as he looked her over, his eyes hardening and narrowed at the spot at her temple that was throbbing, she knew she must be purple or bleeding there. She opens her mouth to speak but the door behind Jax opens, the people she sees walk through the door make her mouth drop. Romeo!? She growls as tries to jerk out of her chair with no result, Jax being the calmer out of the two of them speaks " You know, if you wanted to meet, a phone call would've done the trick." She snorts, she fucking loved her president sometimes, the man was clearly mental. She narrows her eyes as Romeo grabs the back of her chair and turns her chair around, using his foot to push her chair to sit next to her president. "We need to remind you both of how easy it is to disappear." She flips her hair out of her face as she bares her teeth in a sarcastic grin "And yet, here we are." She feels her shark-like grin widen as Romeo's eyes take on a sharp glint before it fades, she knew that glint well. She couldn't help but give a faint chuckle. "Oh I see the cartel thug in you wants to chop my pretty head off, but the Fed side struggles with the felony whacking. Such a dilemma" Jax chuckles, both of then glancing at Alvarez as he takes a menacing step towards her "Actually, both sides are okay with whacking. One just has paperwork."
She rolls her eyes and leans down somewhat into her chair, this was just getting stupid now "What's this shit about. Cut the bullshit." Romeo stands a little taller as he looks between them with narrowed eyes, his voice sharp "We saw what you did with Delaney. We know you want to kill the gun deal." She can't help but cackle, oh this is precious. She gets control of her giggles and wheezes out a reply "You don't know shit. You think Me and Jax are just gonna cut ties with the cartel? Without setting you up with something else?" The teasing grin falls from her face and she shows him the woman behind the mask, he falters for a moment as she replies coldly "We are  outlaws, not suicide bombers." Romeo tilts his head, giving her a look of suspicion "Setting us up how?" She arches a brow as Jax replies "Mayans will mule from AZ, distribute in Northern Cali. Niners will still push Pope's weight into Reno." Luis leans against the wall, all hostility gone, he seems interested.  "Who gets us the Irish guns?" She glances at Jax, shaking her head she takes over "Gaalan hates our kind. His words, not mine. It's only a matter of time before he pulls the plug. Jax set you up with the Chinese, a guy called Henry Lin, I have worked with him before. He can get comparable weapons from Gaza German snipers, Kassams, anti-tank missiles. All the good shit."
Luis and Romeo have a moment of silent communication before Luis speaks to Jax "He can meet the demand?" Jax nods, relaxing into his chair somewhat "It ain't gonna be cheap, but he can do it." She watches Romeo nod, wincing as his hand came down on her shoulder a little too roughly, making Jax jerk. "Set the meet. That's a lot of moving parts. They better all work, I'm sure you will make them work, won't you Ms.Ortiz." She nods,  Romeo removes his hand and looks to a man behind them, speaking rapid Spanish "Cut them loose."
Once they had been released and their phones and weapons returned to them she couldn't wait to get away from that place which turned out to be not that far from charming. When Juan had picked up the phone she could hear the strain in his voice, and he wasn't the only one affected, when the sound of the bikes pulled up to where she and Jax and walked to wait for them, she took one look at her husband and lost it. Running to him she practically crawled up his chest to get closer to him, her eyes blurring and her blood pumping she didn't realize she was shaking until she felt his hand running up and down her back as he tried to calm her. She could be dead right now, she could have never felt this again. They needed to get rid of Romeo and Luis, she couldn't come this close again.
Back at the clubhouse
She hated the looks everyone was giving her, Jax and Bobby. She had already told her father, which softened the blow for him but the look he gave her when she told him broke her heart. She never kept anything from her father ever. She places her hand over Juan's on her thigh, he hasn't stopped touching her since they got back to the clubhouse and honestly she didn't want him to stop. She tries to focus on Jax as he lays it all out for them "They held it over our heads. If I, Joy, Bobby told anyone about the CIA hookup, they'd crush us with RICO. Every charter. The Sons of Anarchy would have been dead. So we put all our energy into finding a way out." She nods as her father stares across the table at her, his gaze was hard but she knew some part of him understood why she had to do it. Bobby sighs, running a hand over his face "Otto killing that nurse was his way of reversing his statement. Wiped out RICO, but pushed the game forward."
She feels her stomach toss as she speaks for the first time since talking to her dad outside an hour ago while they waited for the other "Romeo panicked. That's why he picked me and Jax up cartel-style, trying to convince us not to walk away from the deal."  Her eyes glare down the table as Clay speaks, his voice almost taunting "Were you convinced?" Jax glances her way, she tosses her hair over her shoulder and sighs "Not even. But he was" Jax narrows his gaze on Clay as he takes over for her "You see, that's what I've been working on; getting the Mayans to take over the coke mule and Lin to cover big guns. Romeo signed off. This means we can walk away from drugs and the cartel!" She brings Juan's hand up to her mouth, pressing her lips to the back of it as his grip tightens on her hand. This cartel mess had not been either of their wishes for the club, they were outlaws sure but this shit was too much and they have already lost Opie, she couldn't lose more brother, her husband or father to this. Phil speaks for Juan's side "You set that up on your own?"
Jax shakes his head, nodding to her and then Bobby "Me, Joy and Bobby. It's not the way I wanted it." She nods, "We wanted to tell you all but we were in a chokehold." Bobby pats her shoulder "Look, we're not gonna do anything unless the club is behind it. " She releases Juan's hand and leans forward to rest her elbows on the table, resting her head in her hands as she speaks frankly "The deal with Galindo was always a means to an end. We knew that. But stepping away is gonna mean a pay cut." The guys shift in their seats, the cartel was rough and heavy but the pay made it easier she wouldn't lie. But she wanted out, she continues "We're gonna feel that sting initially, but once Diosa takes hold, we're gonna be solid. Jax is working on a few other things, too." Chibs turns his head to Jax "Let's vote it." She finds Juan's hand again, gripping it as Jax nods "Okay. We hand off the drugs to the Mexicans and the guns to the Chinese." He speaks his vote in favor, she and Juan raise their joined hands as a double vote in favor. As the yes votes grew the knot in her stomach loosens,  her smile grows as her eyes mist. At Chibs final vote of yes, she tilts her head back against her chair as Jax slams down the gavel. It was over, once the parts were in place no more Galindo, Romeo, Luis. She clenches her eyes shut as hot tear trails slide down her face into her hair. Juan's lips press against her cheek in a smacking kiss as he rises, pulling her with him. Once the guys give Jax their congratulations she leans down, wrapping her arms around Jax's neck and presses her lips to his temple "Love you brother." He brings a hand up to pat the side of her head before she releases him to follow her husband and father out the door. She giggles as Juan snatches her up, seating her on the bar top he wraps his arms around her waist and presses kisses to her lips and cheek "Halfway home Baby girl." She smiles, her arms wrapping around his neck, as her legs yanked him closer. Pressing her lips against his smiling ones she hums as his hands massage her thighs.
The kiss is starting to get heated when her father smacks them both in the side, she turns to glare at him but stops when she sees him nod towards church. Looking over she sees Jax holding Gemma but the look isn't that of a comforting son, he seems to be giving an order. Her nails caress the back of Juan's neck as he reaches behind her to the bar, grabbing a bottle of jack he pours two fingers and hands her one as Jax stands between them and Tig. She grins as Tig speaks to Jax " You, uh, you did it, brother." She and the other nod, holding up their glasses, Juan turning between her legs to face Jax and lay back against her as Chibs tilts his head "Aye. That was a beautiful thing, Jackie." She takes her shot to the head, she wraps an arm aroma Juan's neck, kissing the side of his Tattooed scalp as Jax points to her, Chibs, Juan, and Bobby. "You four, with me." She arches a brow as Juan steps from between her legs to let her hop down "Where to blondie?" His smirk is kinda chilling but she pushes that to the side "Show and tell." She nods, patting Tig on the cheek she passes him and heads outside. Wonder what Jax's had cooking this time.
Clays place
She is vibrating with the rage currently flowing through her as her husband rubs her arms and shoulders, she is pissed watching rat scrabble to explain as they all glare up the empty hole in the roof where the grate used to be. They had been so close to having proof, so fucking close. Rat walks over to her and Jax "They were here, Jax, Joy. I swear. Birth certificates, deeds, all kinds of shit." She nods she believed him, it wasn't an issue believing him, it was the fact that the shit wasn't there, that clay had once again outwitted them. Bobby sighs "What kind of shit?" She leans into her husband, her hand coming up to comb through her tangled curls "The Nomads gave Clay back all the legal shit from the safe they jacked. Proof of his involvement in a way." Chibs slides up next to her and Juan, waving a hand toward the hole in the ceiling "Then where did they go?" She glances at Jax as his voice, as calm as it sounded made her arch a brow at the barely noticeable quiver of rage to it as he watches Rat like a hawk "Was he back in the house?" The others nod, her husband speaking over her shoulder. "Yeah. You told us to meet you here. So we did."  Jax narrows his blue eyes on Rat, hissing through his teen "You left him alone when I didn't show." Rat seems to stiffen up and nods "Yeah." She jerks from her husband's hold as Jax fist fly, the dull thud again the lean man's skull makes her wench. She moves out of her husband's arms and shoves Jax back, standing in front of Rat she speaks to her husband "get him up." She hears Rat grunt as Juan yanks him up, she glares at Jax as he points at the man over her shoulder "the fuck were you thinking!"
She once again shoves him out of her space, he knocks into the table behind him and snarls at her. She isn't fazed as she speaks over her shoulder to the man holding his bruised jaw "Go home rat. Now." He nods and leaves the room with a muffled "I'm sorry." Bobby is glaring between her and she stares him down, unbothered as he paces "You two enlisted him in your war on Clay. That's why you didn't want to bring it to the table." He sighs and scrubs his beard, watching Jax as he pulls a cig from his pack, lighting it up as he sits in the recliner in the corner.  walking over to Jax he tries to appeal to him. "Jax, you got no real proof of Clay's ties to the Nomad attacks. Just the word of a dead traitor and squirrely prospects. You got to let it go, Jax. Look what you did for the club today. It's epic shit, brother. Epic. Don't let your hate kill that." She locks eyes with Jax and for a moment she sees everything she has felt for months, the nightmares, the fear, the rage reflected back at her and she doesn't hesitate to move to his side. Her hand on his shoulder as he speaks, his tone quiet but the chill it sends down her spine makes her clinch his shoulder. "There are a few other things I can't prove." She knows he is talking about the letters, and her eyes sought out her husband, she had told him after giving the letters to Jax. He had been just as shocked about what was in them and told her she had been right to give them to Jax. "My father wrote letters to Maureen Ashby, telling her that he feared Clay would kill him for trying to get the club out of guns. He even told her he'd sabotage his bike. Clay killed my old man."
She watches Bobby and Chibs take in the bombshell Jax dropped, Chibs seemed to be somewhat unfazed. But Bobby, he was staring off to the side, his mouth slightly gaped and the color drained from his face. She feels her fists clench as Jax locks eyes with her, but something told her he wasn't seeing her as he spoke "Maureen put the letters in my bag when we left Belfast. Tara found them, gave them to Piney and Joy. Clay found out about Piney…..but he didn't know about Joy. That's why he killed Piney. That's why he tried to kill Tara…..He got Joy by chance." She feels her hands shaking, the distant echo of Taras screams bounce off the walls of her skull. Juan moves behind her, rubbing his hands up and down her upper arms, pushing his face into the side of her head. She wasn't the only one affected by that day still, or any of the other times she was hurt, Juan may be better now but it's all still tender and fresh for them both. "Clay was the one that ordered the attack on her. He's responsible for what happened to her leg, joy's side and joy almost dying. He's responsible for everything." She watches Jax as he stands, making his way over to her she lets him cup the side of her head, drawing her head close he plants a quick kiss to the side of her head before making his exit. Chibs and Bobby stare at each other before Bobby follows behind Jax, Chibs seemed lost. His eyes going between her and anything else in the room. "I don't know how to process this lass. Something I have known to be a fact for a long time turns out to be a lie and a man I have had at my back more times than I can count tried to not only kill his son's wife but another club members, wife. And don't get me started on the Piney and Donna thing I just…." She bites down on her lip as the older man's voice rises and he paces, hands combing through his salt and pepper hair. She clenched her eyes shut as tears falling down her face "I can't tell you how to feel. All this time Juan has known but it's a lot off me and I'm pretty sure Jaxto,  to know that you guys know. That you understand how fucking hard it is to not gut Clay every second of every day." She pants and wipes at the tears on her face angrily, she hated letting Clay make her cry like this. "He made me think I was going to die twice Chibs, with his kidnap botch and with the nomads. I don't care if he pulled the trigger or not he sent them there. They almost killed a pregnant woman and would have killed me had I not be vested." She lets Juan pull her back into his chest her hands gripping his arms as she rants "I'd have been another dead son, my husband would have had to bury his wife, my father say goodbye to yet another woman he loved just because Clay wanted to save his own fucking hide. So now you get it, the rage, the reason me, Jax and hell Juan are so invested in Clay's head on a pike." Chibs stares at her, lost for words and honestly, she had nothing left in her to say, she was empty. She pulls herself from Juan's arms, grabbing his hand she pulls him behind her as they pass Chibs and get onto their bikes. She didn't know what tonight's knowledge would do to the five of them. She hoped it would help them understand if anything, but her gut told her this would change a lot of things. And she doubted they would change for the better, the run this far had told her her gut was pretty damn accurate.
Hope you all enjoyed it! 
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TITLE - Dancing with the Devil [AO3] [FF] AUTHOR - @rxttenheart & @boredclonwnprinceofcrime PAIRINGS - Harleen Quinzel / The Joker & Harley Quinn / The Joker STORY GENRE - Romance, Drama, Erotica, Angst STORY SUMMARY -  Doctor Harleen Quinzel thought her life was complete. A good job, a good partner, a good home. But her life was thrown apart and shattered when she finally got the patient she had been waiting for - the Joker. STORY RATING - Explicit WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHOR’S NOTES - Major character deaths, swearing, sexual content, violence. CHAPTER/ONE SHOT - 1. The Entertainment Arrives CHAPTER SUMMARY -  A benefit for the GCPD is gate-crashed by our favourite criminal of Gotham, where a certain doctor just happens to be attending. WARNINGS - swearing, violence. 
Guy Kopski smiled as he watched his partner of three years, Harleen Quinzel, talk with her brother, Tyler. She was attempting to get ready and was in the process of painting her face whilst she complained about the benefit they would be attending. It was a masquerade ball to celebrate Commissioner Loeb’s many years of service and Harleen hated that she had to go to represent Arkham Asylum. He was happy to attend these events with Harleen because he knew that without him, she normally said something that would get her into trouble at work.
    “ Though because it’s a masquerade ball, no one will know it is me which means I can avoid all the board members of Arkham and their pointless questions that only Jeremiah Arkham would know. ” Harleen complained as she finished painting her face and started on her eye makeup. Her brother groaned. By the sounds of it, Harleen had been sat complaining about tonight for a good while completely forgetting about the time zone difference between her and her brother. Guy ran a hand through his hair and leaned against the wall.
    “ Harleen, do you have any idea what time it is here in England? I know you haven’t lived in your home country since you were seventeen but come on. You can complain to me tomorrow about all the boring Americans... Although you live in Gotham City, blondie! I doubt your night will be boring. ” Tyler pointed out. Harleen rolled her eyes at her brother, shaking her head. Her light blonde hair was tied up in a messy bun to keep it out of her face.
    “ It’s a benefit for a police commissioner, Ty! The place will be crawling with cops! Gotham may be filled with crazy people but no one is that crazy. ” Harleen reminded him, putting the finishing touches on her makeup. Guy smiled, he was an extremely lucky man to have someone like Harleen in his life. Beautiful, smart and witty in a different way that only a few people understand. She was a brilliant doctor despite the fact that she is more focused on writing a book on the criminals of Gotham. Deep down, he knew that she all she wanted to do is to help the people she writes about.
    “ You have a guy called the Mad Hatter and someone dresses like a Bat to fight them. But you're the doctor of psychology not me. I'll talk to you tomorrow and you can complain about tonight all you want. Love you, blondie. ”
    “ Love you too, Ty. Give my love to Annie, ” Harleen said, hanging up on her brother. She smiled at Guy in the mirror, “ you need to start getting ready or we will be late. ” She pulled her hair out of the band and it fell free past her shoulders in loose curls. Guy knew talking to her brother always made Harleen a mixture of emotions. She was close to her brother despite them living in two different countries and speaking to him always made her feel homesick. Harleen had moved to Gotham with her family when she was seventeen. When she was eighteen, her father had died in a car accident. Harleen had stayed in Gotham due to her scholarship to Gotham University but her brother and her mother had gone back to England.
    “ Come here. ” He smiled. Harleen turned and walked over to him. She looked different with her face painted white, her eyes framed with black and her lips painted black as well. She looked mysterious and deadly. He wrapped his arms around her, his left hand on the black corset she was wearing and his right on her back between her shoulder blades. He held her close, breathing in her perfume and stroking her soft skin.
    “ What? ” She asked, biting her lip teasingly. He knew by now that kissing her just after she had done her makeup always resulted in smudged lipstick and late attendance.
    “ I just wanted to tell you that you look beautiful. Tonight will be fun, we will have lots of alcohol and just enjoy ourselves. Now let me help get you in your dress. ”
    “ Remember to blend in, no one can know we are there till I find the exact moment to strike. ” The Joker explained to his men as they sat in the back of the van. All of them were dressed in tuxedos and suits with masks at the ready. He had been planning this for months, the exact moment to get rid of Commissioner Loeb. He was sick of having to abide by the Commissioner’s guidelines. The Commissioner and the GCPD needed to understand that this city was his and not theirs. The van stopped outside the back entrance of the Wayne Enterprises building where the benefit was being held. Most of his men were dressed like the cater waiters and would make sure that nothing happened to him. The Joker placed the wig on top of his head to cover his hair and placed the mask over his face. No one would know he was there until he wanted them to.
    “ Let's go have some fun. ”
Harleen had been here for nearly two hours and was bored out of her mind. The room was packed with masked men and women getting drunk and enjoying themselves. Masks gave everyone a sense of anonymity which allowed a lot of people to act like morons. She could recognise some of the staff from the asylum even under their masks. She could spot Commissioner Loeb who seemed to be loving all the attention from the benefit for the GCPD. Despite the fact that he was probably one of the most hated men in Gotham that wasn't constantly fighting the Batman, she knew the rumours that he often took bribes from the criminals of Gotham to overlook their activities or let them off from their crimes. The only person not wearing a mask was Bruce Wayne and didn’t seem to mind that everyone could see who he was. Bruce Wayne was a tall and well built man, with dark hair and dark blue eyes. He was always friendly to her whenever they met. She really liked his butler, Alfred who was also from England and often would come round to the Wayne Manor for tea with him whenever she felt homesick or had a bad day. I should go round soon, it’s been a while. Harleen looked up at Guy, grateful that he was here by her side. Guy was a tall and muscled man with tanned skin, dark hair and grey eyes that look like the sky during a thunderstorm. He was doing his residency for his MD at Gotham General Hospital in the children’s cancer ward. She met Guy Kopski when she was already in her first year of medical school and had helped him decide which area of medicine he should study. Harleen was glad to have someone like Guy in her life, someone normal and stable. He gave her life the slice of normality she needed within the chaos of being a doctor at Arkham Asylum. He looked handsome in a simple black suit with a red tie and a black and red mask covering his eyes to match her dress.
    “ I would recognise that blonde hair any day. ” Thomas Elliott's voice sounded behind her. Harleen smiled and turned to hug her friend. Doctor Elliot was a renowned surgeon and worked with Guy at the hospital. He was a couple of inches taller than Guy but they were a similar build, he had red hair and bright blue eyes, a tanned complexion and was an extremely friendly man even if he did have a bit of temper. He was wearing a black tuxedo with a white mask.
    “ Thomas! I’m so glad you’re here. ” Harleen smiled up at him. He let her go and shook hands with Guy.
    “ Couldn’t miss this a chance to see the two of you outside the hospital. But you, my dear, look bored. Mind if I steal her for a dance? ” Thomas asked. Guy was not much of a dancer and never had an issue with her dancing with others at these things.
    “ Not at all. I think I spotted a few of the doctors from the hospital. Don't wear her out and keep your hands to yourself, Tom! ” Guy joked as he walked away. Thomas led her to the dance floor, the classic music getting louder and he started to waltz with her slowly. His hand on the small of her back and he held her hand softly. His touch was familiar and friendly. He smiled at her as they danced.
    “ How is work? ” Thomas asked. Harleen laughed softly, shaking her head. 
    “ Why does everyone want to know about work? ” She asked. Everywhere she went at the moment since Jonathan Crane, her mentor, tried to poison Gotham with a fear toxin. It was due to his recommendation that she had her job at Arkham Asylum but everyone wanted to know what Crane had really been like. She had no idea how many times she had spoken to several GCPD officers about him. Crane may have been her mentor but she had always got the sense that he wished to be something more. Now he was a patient at the Asylum, the only patient of Doctor Arkham who took it upon himself to try and make his friend sane again. 
    “ Because you’re the new exciting doctor that was the student of Doctor Crane before he went Scarecrow. But I guess that’s all everyone wants to talk about. ”
    “ You think? I can’t remember the last time I was asked a question that wasn’t about the asylum or Crane. I just- ”
    “ Want to work in peace. I understand. How are you though? ” Thomas asked. Harleen sighed.
    “ I’m bored, Thomas. Guy is barely at home at the moment. Doctor Arkham won’t trust me a patient of my own. I have probably had a session with every single patient in that asylum. Only a handful of them have I had more than once. It just makes me restless. I want excitement, I want to something to make my life feel like it has meaning. Get what I mean? ” Thomas nodded. 
    “ You should have become a surgeon. Plenty of excitement there, ” Thomas joked. Harleen laughed as the music stopped, “ you still dance beautifully. I’m sure that will be the first of many. ”
    “ As long as I can have the next dance? ” A new voice sounded beside them, it was soft, sexy and made her want to smile. There was something so familiar about his voice but she couldn't place it. Harleen looked up at the owner of the voice. He was tall and slim, wearing a black tuxedo with a white shirt, bow tie and white gloves. His mask was a full faced one that looked a skull with little black cracks along it with golden swirls around to emphasis his eyes and jawline. He had painted the skin around his eyes white to blend it. He had beautiful green eyes that she just couldn’t look away from, it was like he was staring into her soul.
    “ As long as the lady doesn’t mind, I don’t. ” Thomas said just as the music started up again. This time the musicians were playing something a little darker and a little sexier. A song that she shouldn’t be dancing with a stranger. 
    “ Of course not. ” Harleen smiled at him. Thomas nodded, walking away despite the anxious look she could see in his eyes. This was not the first time a stranger had asked her to dance at a benefit but there was something about this man that was dark, mysterious, dangerous and sexy. Harleen felt his hand on her waist and he gripped her hand tight. As he pulled her in closer, his hand slid from her waist to the small of her back. His eyes never left hers as he started to dance with her along to the song. He was talented at dancing, he knew exactly how to lead her and even put a few spins and dips in their dance.
    “ We’ve never met, have we? ” Harleen asked. She felt his laughter more than heard it.
    “ No, I don't believe we have. I think I would remember those eyes and that smile. ” Harleen looked away, biting on her lower lip softly.
    “ What's your name then? ” Harleen asked, wanting to know if she actually knew the man under that mask.
    “ Tell me yours. ” He demanded.
    “ Why do you want to know my name? ”
    “ Same reason you want to know mine, ” he leaned in and whispered in her ear, “ intrigue. ” She laughed softly.
    “ I'm Harleen, ” she smiled, “ and yours? ” This time he laughed.
    “ If you make a deal with the devil- ”
    “ The devil? And what makes you the devil? Aside from the narcissistic personality and the voice that sounds like you could charm the coldest of hearts. ” Harleen interrupted him. His voice made her want to melt and listen to anything he had to say, despite the voice in her head that told her to stop and walk away. But there was something about him that pulled her in. There was something that Harleen hadn’t felt between herself and someone else that wasn’t Guy in years - sexual tension. She had no idea if he could sense the tension between the two of them. But she found herself longing for him to keep talking and dancing with her.
    “ Ooooh so academic. ” He teased.     “ Well yes, I am a doctor. ” She admitted.
    “ Oh really? At Gotham General? I did wonder how you knew old Tommy boy. ” I wish I could see who was under that mask because if he knows Thomas, then I must have met him at some point.     “ I met Thomas at med school, but I’m not a doctor at Gotham General. ” She said, shaking her head.
    “ So where are you a doctor? ” He asked. Harleen sighed. 
    “ Arkham. ”
    “ How delightful? I know Arkham well. ” Harleen frowned slightly. Do I know you?
    “ How? ” She asked. He laughed softly in her ear, it was mocking and dark, sending shivers down her spine. But it was so familiar and she recongised it but she couldn’t place it.
    “ If I told you that, Harleen, ” he stopped dancing as the song ended, leaning in and whispered in her ear, “ I would have to kill you. ” Harleen looked up at him and laughed softly.
    “ You’re funny. I just wish I knew who you were. ”
    “ You already do. Save me a dance for later, Doctor Harleen. ” He bowed her head to him and walked away. Harleen bit down on her lower lip. She walked back to the edge of the dance floor where Guy and Thomas was waiting for her. She couldn’t tell whether Guy was frowning at her due to his mask but the fact his jawline was tensed, she knew he was not happy.
    “ Who was that? ” Guy asked, his tone short and she knew he was irritated. Harleen looked back into the crowd, trying to spot him amongst the masked faces.
    “ I don’t know. ” But I wish I did.
As the Joker walked away from his dance with the intoxicating Doctor Harleen, he tried to focus on the real task at hand. But the pretty blue eyed doctor kept pushing her way into his mind. It had been the black and red dress similar to a Harlequin design that hugged her figure with a slit up the left side that caught his attention. Her light blonde hair had been left free flowing and she had worn long gloves over her elbows with her dress. The white face paint had showed off her defined cheekbones and jawline, her full lips had been painted black and a black mask had framed her eyes. Her large blue eyes had been so inviting to him, showing him all kinds of things she was capable of. There is a monster inside of her wanting to come out. She can spot the darkness in others because she is capable of so much yourself. He shook his head as he walked up to one of his men who was in a full faced white mask like all the waiters and bartenders were. He couldn’t tell which one of them was under the mask but he knew the moment he said the word, the fun would begin.
    “ I think it is about time the real entertainment arrived. ” The Joker ordered. He looked around the room and saw all his men pull out the weapons they had brought with them. They fired shots into the air and he removed his mask and the wig, dropping the wig and leaving the mask on the table. People started screaming and running the moment the shots were fired.
    “ Everybody calm down! ” He shouted, people stopped screaming and running, clearing a way in the middle of the room for him and his men to enter. All the different masked people made it difficult to spot anyone of interest, he could not spot the real man he came to see as he walked into the centre of the room. However, the alluring Doctor Harleen was watching the events with her large blue eyes and a look of surprise and deep interest. A man that must only be the doctor’s partner was holding onto her like he was scared that she would run up to him. Stop clinging onto her like that, she doesn’t belong to you, pathetic.
    “ Where is Commissioner Loeb? Hand him over and no one else needs to get hurt. ” Silence fell after his order. People looking at each other, trying to figure out what they should do. The Joker smiled, the silence before the chaos was one of his favourite things. Someone moved through the crowd and stepped into the space, removing their mask. The Joker smiled as Commissioner Loeb approached him. Time is over with your games, Loeb. I know you’re having me followed and I am sick of trying to move under your gaze.
    “ What do you want, Joker? ” Loeb asked. Though his voice was strong, the Joker could see the fear in his eyes and on his face. He was scared that the Joker would reveal his own criminal activities. But what he had planned was so much worse. The GCPD officers were a lot easier to spot now with their masks removed, they looked tense and ready for fight. You would be stupid to start a fight here, I have more men and none of mine are in tuxedos.
    “ I just want to talk. I know normally, I do not get involved with politics and other people’s crimes but yours are starting to get into my way- ”
    “ I do not know what you’re talking! ” Loeb interrupted, the Joker laughed. His laughter bouncing off the walls and echoed in the hall.
    “ You need to stop lying to everyone. Remember last week when one of my men paid you off to look the other way when my men raided the Gotham City Bank? Or last month, when you ‘misplaced’ the security footage from the GCPD when I managed to ‘escape’. We would be here for hours if I listed all your criminal activities, ” he placed a hand on Loeb’s shoulder, his other hand had a knife in it and he pressed it against Loeb’s face, “ I just want you out of my wa- ”
    “ BOSS! THE BAT! ” The Joker span to face Batman and smiled.
    “ Sorry Bats, you’re too late. ” He waved his hand at him, showing him and the room the hand buzzer. Loeb fell to the ground, his mouth stretched into a smile as he laughed and his eyes bulging. The room had erupted into chaos, the Joker’s men fighting the Bat and several of the police officers that had removed their masks in order to be able to fight his men. He spotted Lieutenant James Gordon and Detective Harvey Bullock, the two lead officers on most of his crimes. Other guests were running and screaming trying to figure a way out of the room before they got caught in the cross fires. One of his men handed him a gun as he waited for the Bat to come and fight him. He enjoyed these moments, the chaos that ensued from something he had planned and he lived for it. By killing Commissioner Loeb, he had opened the door for a new Gotham and he hoped that this one would be so much more entertaining. He turned, throwing his head back and laughing at the beautiful mess he had designed. He stopped spinning and looked up to see Bats standing in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something but the Bat grabbed him and punched him in the stomach.
    “ You’re so full of surprises, it’s like you let me kill Commissioner Loeb. You knew that he was just as crooked as all of us. ” The Joker laughed, trying to aim the gun at the Bat. The Bat grabbed his wrist, twisting it so the gun fell out his grip. Batman kneed the Joker in the stomach, winding him and he fell down to the ground. He looked around the room, most of the people had left the room apart from the few officers that were arresting his men. He didn’t see the point of continuing the fight that he clearly wasn’t going to win. If he hadn’t gotten distracted by the doctor, he could have been gone several hours before.
    “ You will pay for murdering him, Joker, but for now, you are going back to Arkham where you belong. ” The Bat informed him, as he grabbed his arms and handcuffed him. Bats pulled him up off his knees and he looked around the room. He noticed that his mask had gone from the table. He smiled, licking his lips. Now this is going to be so much fun.
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