#i turned off autocorrect typing coherently is so much harder
yumeyumeappleo · 1 year
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when in doubt draw an ugly blue fuck on your phone /affectionate
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i didnt really like this version. man i need to learn how lighting works. boy how did i forget that i SHADED THERE AND THAT I SHOULDVE MOVED THE FUCKIN LIGHTING aughgHghghg
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bluebox-42 · 4 years
I'm going to embarrass myself for science
I did shots for my 21st birthday. And decided to take notes because that's what I do. Here are the completely unaltered notes. May they be useful for writing or at least enjoyable to read.
Personal experience:
Coordination definitely shot but my instinct is that it isn’t, def. bad
There is a layer between and the world, might be nice if I didn’t crave a sense of control
-I meant between me and the world, is that my coordingation not working or something else?
Less instinct to censor, but still an ability
-might be cause I don’t want to get super drunk and am therefore not experiencing maximum drunkenness, but if my character has high tolerance might be fine
-also people might just take alcohol as an excuse
Thank god for autocorrect, again the lack of coordingation is real even I my instinct is that it is not
-later addition: might be interesting storywise? Maybe not
-is that a autism thing (thing took three tries to spell) or a practicing metacognition thing being able to tell I mean
-not having double vision, is that a real thing? Do autistic people not have it?
-I am having trouble tracking, prob. Because my lazy eye. Still no double vision
-this is maybe 7 shots in 3ish hours. I drank when there was a murder scene in Deadpool 2 nd that’s also how I timed it. The 7this the limit in terms of making coordination much worse. And the things below
-limbs are heavy, so is my head
-probably my reacctions are slower, hard to tell they are always shit
9- now everything is vague, I am forgetting things once they happen, still not double vision, just inability to describe things. I said forget, but it’s more like they fade into vagueness
-quiets the part of my brain that is analysing and double analysing everything social or otherwise
-now my vision is swimming
-alright that’s it I can’t do this anymore
-might take notes on a hangover, that’s probably not gonna be fun but I am curious so I want to experience it once.
-things that should be obvious aren’t? Like I it took a full minute to remember the container I took in case I vomited
-brain fog I can not stress this enough
-important to mention I am barely 5 1 and 138ish pounds
-the ringing in my ears got loud once it got quiet is that normal???
- I keep throwing my phone sorta, like I dropped it in the trash and keep losing it when I swing my arm
-one burden of inhibition gone, but I am still careful not to be a
-thought I typed out a swear wtf?
-I am on mobile right now, can’t disable autocorrect And I just now realised I shojld
-assume it took two tries at least to write any two syllable + word and sometimes one syllable ods
X-I am pbserving myself like a creature jn an exhibit lmao
-Everything feels lime a dream which might be liberating if I wasn't reminding myself it isn't constantly
- copied from discord, feels super.important
Oh the only none shot I drank was a cup of green tea. Might be important if I feel up to hangover notez
Is my executive dysfunction worse? Took 30 lminutes to turn off lights
-distance from my emotions is nice
Keep letting gravity throw.my head down is that a stjm?
-still spuraling (is this real or fake am I acting) might be cause J lack distractions
Is this existential dread? I don’t like
Closing my lazy eye helps me read probably normal
Mobile word is awful
Part of me wants to say “it’s so dark” but duh I turned off the lights. Is this small talk?
I’ve been fighting the urge to type the letter AAAAAAAA until I sleep. That’s normal but it’s harder
I guess being drunk doesn’t make you less you just less afraid
I’s that bad? Philosophy
Should turn my scree Timeout down. Feel a important
Where’d I put the throw up thing (1 am)
Found it
PReading is ha4d takes so much energy to do. L
Staying up late I guess
Pr9bably good, don’t wanna vomit and choke. Is that real? l
I need to sleep
Holding phone above my head it keeps sswinging
Why do I do tthis
Things swimming a lot is this double vision?
Movie and tjerfore drinking stopped at ????? N0 later than 11:30
Worth noting I am just looking at my phone which is 3 inches from my face
I use suggestions when.the words are too f*cked up to be recognized
Takes 3 troes to do anything I hate it
I take frequent breake so my head stops(1:20)
*spinning how did I not get that
I wanna take good no5es but the whole “deliberate poisoning” f*cos it up
· Spelling is hard ph9ne keys are so smsll
· Again coordination I think it’s fine but then this happened
· The distance frpm myselg6 idb52 3real
o Lmao I can tell this is useless (1:26 am)
o M
o Can’t Agop lahfinf 1:2
o So great
Cant stop laughing (1:37l
My little bro checked on me he’s so sweet
Also my cackling kept him up oops
Why is alcohol a depressant officially
Is it more or less authentic tp spellvjevk myself??
-I wanna do it cause damm
Still can’t stop giggling (1:51 am) I hate it but it’s hilarious
Also something rises in my throat (154 am
Do they give Nobel prizes for whatever thiz is?
So actually this feels like hysterical laughter or maybe laughter at the futility of existence
Maybe that’s why it’s a depressant (206 am)
The less coherent I get the more I feel the need to timestamp
Might just be me
All of this is just me
I can’t stream of consviousnesd other peppleS tthoughts
This doesn’t feel real still. But for real goodnight 217 am
Really I can’t believe the things happening are really ggappsning
230 time is less sped up tjam before but also just realised I didn’t have much trouble walking to.my bedroom. Which I’ll get measurements for in the morning
BTW I make references to a character, that's for a fanfic I am probably not gonna write but that's tied up with my other notes so I can't remove it
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