#i updated it so wx and wc match wrh's skintone
tbgkaru-woh · 2 years
Can you explain your choices for what skin colors you gave all the MDZS characters? Because it looks like "good" characters all overwhelmingly are drawn as pale while the darkest characters are all the "evil" associated characters...? Even Wen Ning and Wen Qing are pale white when all the other (villain) Wens are very dark??
I know you're fishing for a drama but even when i don't need to explain myself cause you're already incorrect (the jins are pale and they are far from good guys and the Jiangs have darker skin despite being good guys, if you wanna make these black and white distinction)
Sometimes it's based on an actor association, sometimes it's based on their location (sun kissed skin), sometimes it's just to have fun with the palette. People are born of all shades and these sects take place all over historical china, that's huge plot of land to have only your cookie cutter pale characters. There was another tool complaining about wwx having darker skin so i will just ignore these lol it's not productive and you're embarrassing yourself with anonymous stirring
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