#i used to fantasize about buying out an apartment complex or trailer park
bleakbluejay · 1 year
if i was wealthy, i'd probably spend most of my money on charities and crowdfunding. but. something else i'd do, is whenever it was my birthday or christmas (and/or the holiday season in general), or thanksgiving, whatever, i would pay for my friends to fly or trainride to me and we could celebrate together at no cost of theirs. i would love to do that. provide them transportation, a cozy safe place to sleep, food. i'd pay for their pet to visit, too, or at least for high quality boarding/petsitting.
it seems these days everyone is so shattered and fragmented and alone. and if i could afford to, i'd try to remedy that with get-togethers. i love hosting parties and picnics. i love getting people together and seeing them be happy and loving and friendly to one another. i would try to make sure they know that, no matter what, no matter how alone they are, they have family in me, and potentially with the other people i offer my house to.
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