#i used to watch other ppl rp warrior cats as a kid
crow-feathxrs · 4 years
I’ve never seen a warrior oc with DID before, it’s really nice to see! Can you tell us more abt Blazewing and his alters?
YEA!!!! ok so. i actually have did myself, or at least a form of osdd, and blazewing is based off of one of my own alters who frequently fronts with me!! his name is scott :’D blaze takes a lot of personality from scott too: they’re both really funny, charismatic, have a little bit of dumb bitch energy, and they are very uhhhh. they tend to sacrifice their own needs for their friends’ needs. they’re both really good though and try their best to get better at understanding others and knowing their own emotions and feelings and stuff :) blazewing’s story itself is kinda depressing for funsies, but to keep it short, he was manipulated and coerced into killing other cats and stuff for this one dude who was like, a leader of a gang sorta thing. the leader was abusive and shitty! thats how he got the scars on his face (not the nose scar) i’ll continue under the read more!! nothing’s graphic or goes in depth either, just very vague mentions of abuse and thats all
he was told to go into a burning building and bring something out of it to prove himself once, and thats where the burn scars come from! turns out it was actually supposed to be a way to get rid of him, and he wasnt supposed to survive that. so he was alone then, wandering the forest/mountain area where he lived, until a sudden avalanche happened because of the gods of the world. blaze was supposed to be part of a warriors rp group im in, i just havent added him yet!! so, he comes out with amnesia! he’s eventually found by one of the clans of the forest’s oldest warriors, wargtuft, and she becomes something of a mother figure to him while he tries to remember his past, as well as fit in with his new clan! :) as for the did, it all started coming about because of the acts he was involved in (murder, territory disputes, etc, yknow, mainly bc of the leader being abusive and shitty). there’s no clear time when all of them formed, but they all have their own sorts of roles and aspects of himself in them. blightstar: this guy was only known as blight until blaze discovered the clans, which he then took the name blightstar because he’s.. just like that. blight is a really rambunctious sort of chaotic mischief-maker who likes to be in leader positions. he’s great at fighting (because he cheats), and tends to think cleverly about situations, usually managing to make things better for the system in general. he’s also super dramatic! tinypaw: this is basically a little sort of alter! he’s just a kid who likes to fight and have fun :) he’s not always conscious of what’s right and wrong, and tends to just do what he thinks is the most fun. he’d have character development as time goes on though, where he actually starts to learn more. his role was something of a coping mechanism for blazewing, finding fun in everything and generally just being playful. cold: ok so sometimes, if youve been abused, a sort of figment of your abuser  can form with did. blazewing vied for attention from the leader all the time, listening to his every command, and in a way, he can’t imagine life without the leader. the cold formed as a sort of... yknow, needing that guy around. he’s just kind of a jerk and doesn’t care about others outside of that though silentsea: silent is blaze’s depression and guilt and everything all balled up into one cat. he’s just quiet, listens to whatever ppl want him to do, etc. he’s the part of blaze that feels like he’s responsible for everything, even if he was manipulated into doing it. he’s just trying his best though :( and he’s a pacifist! he hates fighting and stuff. also hunting inferno: ok now this dude is basically blaze’s anger and hatred at himself for what he’s done, and how he wasn’t able to fight back. he’s generally just mad and like... sort of mocks blaze often? specifically silentsea. silentsea and inferno go hand in hand. but uhh he’s more prone to outbursts and bouts of like, self deprecation and self hate and stuff so, now that descriptions are out of the way, i’ll just say that blightstar and tinypaw are the most active alters, while the other 3 arent too apparent and dont really come out as much. theyre also not as verbal in their headpsace too, which is ok! they’re all very crucial parts of blazewing’s system though, and since after his amnesia, he’s never experienced a moment WITHOUT them, he thinks that every cat has special friends in their head too. he’s just a fun character all around and i really gotta get back and add him to that rp cuz WOO he’d be so fun... ANYWAY YEAH!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED ME WRITING A FUCKING NOVEL FOR YOU!! SORRY THAT IT WAS SO LONG, I JUST GET REALLY EXCITED TO TALK ABOUT MY OCS :DD oh yeah his story also fits this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrJZJtY6u7o
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