#i usually always made friends through rp but even that hasnt been motivating to sift through servers to find a place
voyeuristicvixen · 3 years
Captains Log 12_ Makin Frwends On The Grid
Bae and  I got invited to our first Bday party this weekends on the grid for SirGhost and it was poppin! It felt really good to be included and like we are growing to be apart of the community on the grid. Since my first times on SL back in the day 10 yrs ago it was a place where you could find people sitting around and talking usually. I realize now how that was a whole other generation of people. Those were usually elders that I would find in hippie communities that would do that. SL is really as vast as RL but smaller in a way. Its quite amazing how many communities exsist in SL that wouldnt otherwise be able to thrive in RL. Like now they have the burner community in SL and they are able to do way more and expand in ways they wouldnt have been able to. Its quite amazing we have a whole other world of our own making. Bae and I are excited to make new friends on the grid.
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I told him that the more we spend time and people register our energy the easier it will be. Its like testing the waters right now... he has been approaching people being friendly and kind like he usually is and some folks are just not as receptive to making friends right away. I was explaining the many toxic reasons why people become hardened to friendship on SL. The right people will feel our authentic vibes and be cool with us. We are also on facebook too! He wrote a cute little post the other day being sad he hasnt made friends yet, thinking that men would actually respond and it turned into a thrist trap post lmao! I am never gunna let him live it down... maybe someday....I am such a troll XD
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Bae: I have been here a month and no friends yet!?!
FBThotties: Add me on the grid baaaby Illl be your friiiiiieeeeeennndddddddddd
He even said to them he had a Gf (like it aint plastered on his page lmao) people are savage on SL lmao they use it to unleash their shadow self in a way where they feel comfortable not getting face to face confrontation allows people on the internet to wild out its crazy. Thats one thing you always have to sift through making friends in SL, theres a gauge you must develop about which people are using it as an extension of life and not a replacement. But I am someone who over stands all the reasons for being on SL, ultimately I try not to judge. It is so interesting for me to read profiles and learn about people and their motivations for being here. SL recently for me as been a way to help me through my grieving and through these times of uncertainty has brought me some peace to my anxiety.
Reasons Ive Personally Noticed That Ppl Join SL - People are narcissists who need victims - In RL people feel neglected/unaccepted in some way - People are following their friends from other virtual worlds - There for RP - To date and meet a potential partner - To make six figure money creating - To make friends with ppl around the world so they can have travel plans - Disabilities in RL keep them from certain experiences - To troll and grieve because it is easy for them here - To play DOM or SUB - For Sex and to hire sexworkers - To expand sexwork platform - To learn new things and meet new people - For music - For the fashion - To blog and be seen - To play a celebrity - To gain clout and have a platform - Grieving a loss - Depression or other mental issues that are being repressed - To find their tribe - To join/ build virtual family
 Making friends on SL has always been fun for me but also it can be hard, so many of my old sl friends were elder hippies who have since passed away or left SL. Sometimes people disappear that you spent significant time with on the grid and I feel that could be a reason some folks have a hard time connecting... when you make friends and they go ghost its a strange feeling in SL. I myself have probably been that person and lost friends because I disappeared. I used to try and at least log on to leave messages to the people I really cared about. I still think about old friends Ive lost and where they are now... This next time I want to be a better friend and really cherish the people I meet as the RL people they are. I want to be more vigilant about communicating if I am not going to be around I will not let my next friend be hanging wondering if im dead. The worst. I am sorry to the people I left behind and let down in the past.  I am grateful to have my boo with me now, he is my friend first. We laugh and party and get down!
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I got back into DJing and my bae has got into it too! We both have different styles when it comes to playing music and I am super excited for the opportunities that will come from us sharing music jamming and hosting events! If you are reading this and interested in hearing us spin or hanging out feel free to hit me up!! And invite us to your party!! Add me on facebook and ig!
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