#i wanna do a ship qna one next lol
sweet-milky-tea705 · 7 months
What does your oc smell like?
Mollie smells like leather/smoke, but also a little floral bc she uses scented soap.
Yasenia smells herbal and earthy. Ts yasenia smells the same but smellier bc shes in touchstarved
Ocs fave food?
Mollie likes bourbon chicken or anything adjacent over rice.
Yasenia likes pretty much any stew or curry with steak in it
what stereotypical clique would your oc fall into in highschool
Mollie would be a big gossip lol. But also in athletics so idk?? Jock ? Is that what this question means ?
Yasenia would be a nerd. But also very liked by the people around her bc shes sweet. Definitely was more introverted back then though
relationship experience?
Mollie has a lot of relationship experience. In terms of serious ones though ? Not a whole lot. Shes also like 43 though so LOL
Yasenia has a little relationship experience. She was left hurt a lot, so she tends to steer away from getting too close emotionally, especially ts yasenia
what's the favorite flower of your mc??
Mollie: magnolia/hydrangeas
Yasenia: forget-me-nots/blueberry blossoms
your oc's fave body part of theirs
Mollie: she really likes her back, gotta flex in the mirror before she gets in the shower LOL
Yasenia: she lovesss her tail so much(dnd) and ts yasenia really likes her hair. The whole curse thing has made it hard to think about parts of herself she actually likes
what is the meaning of your oc name? Or what is the reference/motivation behind their name?
Mollie: uh. The drug. The inspo was in fact molly bc i wanted her to be a kinda trashy possum lesbian. Which she is and i love her. Her character has changed a lot since then though
Yasenia: i made it up. Sorta. I wanted a name with a Y and i made her very quickly so i used a site and then changed some letters or something
what's their love language and why
Mollie: acts of service and physical touch !!! She loves to make things and do little things for people and she also is just really physically affectionate
Yasenia: honestly same as mollie. Ts yasenia is less touch oriented though for obvious reasons
Oc's relationship with family?
Mollie: bad. Her mom is dead, dad left, and little brother is kinda busy and withdrawn
Yasenia: good. parents are alive, no siblings, she loves them a lot but they have their troubles sometimes. She feels like they wont ever fully accept her curse(dnd) and yasenia feels like theyre rejecting a core part of her. She doesnt want a cure. Overall good though. Ts yasenia never met her parents so…
Who are the most important people (or person singular) to your oc?
Mollie: for a long time it was (LL) tari and mollie’s brother since he was her only remaining family but over time when he got his bearings and left, she kinda kept to herself. Then after tari cheated, it got worse. Then elowen came into the picture and its elowen final answer.
Yasenia: Her parents, (dnd)mentor, and (dnd) tari are the most important to her. For touchstarved though ? Shes on her own completely. Never met her parents and due to her curse she couldnt get close to anyone except the alchemist mentor who betrayed her.
If you met your oc irl would you get along?
If i met any of my ocs in person i would shit myself. But assuming i wasnt aware i made them and we were strangers, yeah totally. Theyre both social and compassionate people, not hard to get along with.
Oc's hobbies?
Mollie has a lot of hobbies ! She does leatherworking, blacksmithing, baking, some light woodwork, fitness stuff and weapons training,,, and being gay in taverns.
Yasenia is a magic user in both universes and mostly does that stuff. Her dnd magic is more faith and herbal based. Healing magic and whatnot mostly. Her alchemy stuff in touchstarved is different. She knows how to make and recognize poison but also little protection spells and such. Her mentor sucked
what's a lie that they tell the most?
Mollie’s is probably that she doesnt care. She tells it to herself more than anyone. Also that she didnt mean to do something she absolutely did on purpose.
Yasenia’s is hard. Shes very honest and vocal about everything. Cant lie easily at all. But her main one Is probably saying that shes not worried
specifically for the OCs with siblings, what's their sibling dynamic?
Mollie is the bully older sister who also protects her brother at all costs. Theres a 5 year gap between them so its a given
Yasenia has no siblings but in dnd she would play with the kids at the cave village thing. Her snow leopard thing made it fun. She had a very playful dynamic with the kids there and many of them see her as an older sister
favorite drink ?
Mollie likes ciders !! Like spiced apple and stuff. Preferably spiked
Yasenia likes teas of all kinds, she hasnt tried cider ^ but she would love it. Tea is her fav though
how are they with kids?
Both are good, neither really want kids though.
Can your oc cook? if so, what's their favorite dish to make?
Mollie can !! She likes to make soup and desserts bc theyre the most fun. Her fav food is still bourbon chicken though.
Yasenia cant cook. Like at all. She can mix potions and alchemical compounds and stuff with ease but you will never see someone fuck up an easy dish as well as her.
what is their best childhood memory?
Mollie: she used to catch frogs and play in the woods a lot as a kid before moving to porrima. Always covered in an insane amount of mud and leaves. She liked to try and make things out of sticks like lizard houses and swords and castles. Those were very happy days
Yasenia: she would run through the mountain valleys in her snow leopard form a lot as a kid. She would come home covered in bits of plant and burrs, smelling like wildflowers, she remembers that the most. She liked to catch bugs a lot too. Her parents remember the horror of yasenia coming home with a live cicada in her mouth.
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