#i wanna focus more on making fun/cute/heartwarming scenarios rather than focusing on Good art since I won't have time for that
abel-draws · 1 year
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OCs pride event
Send me an ask with a couple of characters and I'll draw them together uvu <3 Will it be shippy or will they bicker and groan about the idea of kissing? Who knows, only one way to find out.
Some notes!
I'll decide the outcome depending on what's more in character.
Don't ask for Alphonse, Benjamin and ginger together, they're related.
This event's purpose is to, besides drawing my usual ships, to draw characters together that I usually don't! So just ask about what'd be fun to see. If you suggest a ship that'd never work in a romantic or sexual way I'll just draw something fun about them screaming at the possibility.
Will draw the requests slowly through June <3
You can check more info about the characters either looking through my blog or in my toyhouse
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