#i wanna have a monokuma plushie so bad
gregmarriage · 2 years
just finished danganronpa 2
screaming, crying, throwing up rn
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3vwritesthings · 2 years
Despair Camp [Nagito X Reader]
Please- I wrote this when I was like 13 😭🤚💀 Help-
[Warnings: None] [Genre: x Reader] (Slightly proofread?) (Reader is gn)
Cringe below the cut --> 
It was a bright and sunny day. You and Nagito were talking, sitting on the sandy beach.
“I believe getting bad luck for me leaves all of the good luck to all of you guys!” he smiled.
“Is it ever rough dealing with the bad luck though?” you questioned him.
“I suppose most times yes. But the more bad stuff that happens to me, the better stuff happens to all of you!”
Suddenly, the monitor next to you lit up.
“Ladies and Gents, please make your way over to Jabberwok Park! The first one here will get a prize!”
The monitor turned off.
“I wonder what the prize is,” you wondered.
You and Nagito headed off to Jabberwok park, sun shining as you ran across the bridge.
Akane was already there, mouth drooling.
“What’s the prize?! Is it food?”
Shortly after, everyone was present.
“First off, the prize is a little Monokuma plushie!” Monokuma said proudly.
“Ew, who’d want that?” Akane said, disappointed it wasn’t food.
“Second, all you kiddos are going CAMPING!”
“Why?” Asked Mahiru.
“Jeez, what a letdown! And here I thought we were here for something important,” smirked Hiyoko.
We all received a map to get to the campsite.
“I expect you all to meet up here and I will give further directions!”
And with that, Monokuma disappeared.
Everyone started walking to the campsite.
“I wonder what there is to do!” Sonia excitedly jumped up and down.
“Me too! Man, we got so much in common,” smiled Kazuichi, attempting to impress Sonia.
Around 30 minutes later we all had made it.
“Congratulations! Now then, everyone will have a buddy with which you will share a tent! 2 people per tent,” said Monokuma.
“Hey, Sonia wanna be buddies?” you asked.
“I am sorry, but I am already buddies with Chiaki,” she headed off to talk with Chiaki.
“I’m sorry, I am with Fuyuhiko.”
“I guess that makes sense since you guys are close,” you sighed. “Ibuki, do you have a buddy yet?”
“Yep! I’m with Mikan!” she shouted.
“Nuh-Uh, Mahiru’s with me!” Said Hiyoko, holding onto Mahiru’s arm.
“Sorry, I’m with coach Nekomaru.”
“Looks like I have to ask the boys,” you thought. However, the only boy left without a partner was Nagito. “Hey Nagito, aren’t you tent buddies with Hajime or something?”
“I don’t think Hajime wants to see me right now,” he sighed but smiled all the same. “He says I make things difficult for him.”
“I can understand. The way you hide information at class trials and all.”
“I do it to see everyone shine! To see all you ultimates do their best!”
“Seeing as I’m the only one left without a partner I guess we’re tent buddies now. I suppose it’s bad luck for you but for me, I’m lucky to be with you,” he chuckled amusingly.
“It’s fine, I don’t really mind. I thought Hajime was with you so I didn’t ask,” you slightly grinned.
“I don’t deserve this kindness you’re giving me. Such trash isn’t worthy of it,” he sighed, laughing a little.
“Well, why don’t we see where our tent is?” you asked.
“Sure,” he replied, trailing behind you as you made your way to the line of tents.
“It looks like this one isn’t occupied,” you said, pointing to one of the tents in the middle.
You both headed in. It was a fairly large tent with a table, chair, portable battery-powered lamp, and hygiene supplies like toothpaste, toothbrushes, a brush, and towels. But what caught your eye was the one small mattress in the middle of the tent. The mattress had a bedsheet and blanket on it; pillows sitting on top of them.
“Well this is awkward-” Nagito said.
“We can focus on that later.
“Let’s finish settling in first.”
It was around evening when you had finally finished unpacking and settling in. You sat on the bed.
“While we’re here, let’s see what there is to do,” you pulled out the map Monokuma had given you before leaving to the camping grounds.
“Ok,” he sat down next to you on the bed.
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murdertrialimagines · 5 years
V3 Boys+Tsumugi Catching Their S/O Cuddling Monokuma
“May have any v3 boys + Tsumugi Shirogane réaction to their s/o sleeping with Monokuma ? (but they are not thé mastermind)”
This is super cute! I love cuddling with my Monokuma plushie too :3 I am sorry if this is short, I’m stuck in some writer’s block for a different request, so I’m hoping this gets the gears grinding! Story under the tag~
Shuichi Saihara
You usually spent the night at Shuichi’s dorm, and he knew you sometimes had nightmares
This is why he felt bad when he left you to go training with Kaito and Maki
So when he came back and saw you cuddling with the very bear that stuck them in this mess, he didn’t know how to feel
I mean, that bear is a killing machine
But...you look so cute?
Shuichi watched you nuzzle up to the bear, who stared at him with a deadpan expression
He nearly jumped at the high pitched voice
“I may be a horrible being, but I know to be nice to someone when they need it!”
Shuichi watched for one more moment before walking back out
“Maybe it’s best I stay out for a bit longer...”
Kaito Momota
The second Kaito even sees Monokuma around you he wants to drag you away to the furthest corner of their prison
Only trouble follows that bear! 
When he found you sleeping with Monokuma, his first instinct was to wake you up
Which he did
When you opened your eyes, you found your boyfriend had already removed Monokuma from your arms, you now in his
“Leave my Y/n alone!”
Monokuma gave you both his signature laugh before leaving quickly, somehow exiting the room without opening the door
Swiftly, Kaito set you back on the bed, grumbling about the bear, stopping when you pulled him down with you
Wrapping your arms around his waist, you cuddled into his chest
“Sorry...I got lonely, and training seemed to be lasting forever...”
Kaito melted
He returned the hug, pulling the blankets over the two of you
“I’ll try to finish up quicker next time. Goodnight, Y/n.”
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma never misses a night with you, especially once the first murder occurred, giving you intense nightmares
It wasn’t rare for you to wake up in the middle night, having nightmares that made you need to check to see if your boyfriend was alive.
He had volunteered to stay back one night, Miu needing someone small to help set up camera’s in a room that had suspicious events occurring in it
He felt bad, but you insisted that you would just stay awake until he came back
So when he came back to his dorm saw it was pitch black, his mind raced
You always fell asleep with the light on, Ryoma turning it off after he was sure you wouldn’t wake up again
Why was it off?
He clicked it on, jumping at the voice that rang out immediately, as if it was cued by the light switch
“She’s not dead, if that’s what you think.”
Ryoma scanned the bed, barely making out your body shape in the heap of blankets piled up
And hooked under your dead-weight arm was Monokuma
He was cut off by the bear’s red eye glowing slightly brighter, gleaming
“Since you’re here, my job is done. Get me out!”
Ryoma freed Monokuma from your grasp easily, you only stirring in response
Monokuma waddled to the door, jumping to hit the light switch, making the room light up by only the moonlight peering in from the open door
“They only asked me here because they said I’m close to your size, ya know” 
Ryoma slammed the door in Monokuma’s face, and jumped into bed, taking some well needed rest by his favorite person.
Rantaro Amami
Rantaro had spent all night in the hall to the library, hoping that the mastermind might come in and reveal a clue, or even their identity
And you, the ever supporting s/o, stayed with him, despite how easily you fell asleep
He stood, pacing back and fourth, while you leaned on the hall wall, blanket draped over your shoulders.
You two kept yourself occupied with conversation, but soon enough that turned to him speaking and you giving soft hums of agreement or acknowledgement.
After asking a question and not getting a response, Rantaro turned around, not surprised to see you had nodded off
What did surprise him, however, was the bear in your arms, staring directly at him
“You should’ve known this plan was never gonna work!”
Rantaro shushed the bear.
“Quiet. Y/n is sleeping”
He bent down to pluck the bear from your arms, and to his surprise, Monokuma buried himself deeper in your arms
“Not yet! I’m starved for affection, you guys are all so mean to me!”
Rantaro only sighed in response before picking you up bridal style, Monokuma still in your arms
“Hm, fine. But we’re going back to our room.”
Gonta Gokuhara
The second Gonta saw you cuddling with the bear in your room, he panicked
He really thought the bear was trying to kill you, as Monokuma was standing on your stomach, staring at you
The bear only pulled up its fist in response, staring straight at the cowering man
“Keep quiet Gorilla! She asked me to stay till she fell asleep, nightmares or something”
Monokuma jumped off the bed, waddling towards the door before turning back to Gonta
“They’re kind of a mess, huh?”
And with that, he left, leaving a stunned Gonta in his wake
Gonta immediately ran to the bed, shaking you awake to make sure you were in fact, alive
When you murmured and squinted your eyes open, he let out a sigh of relief
“Thank goodness! Gonta thought that Y/n-”
Before he could finish his sentence, you grabbed his suit collar and tugged, causing him to stumble a bit
He got the message and slowly laid down next to you, blushing when you curled up closer to him
“I’m sorry...” You whispered, pulling the blankets over you both. “I just got scared, and you weren’t here to help me”
Gonta stammered, trying to give out a good apology before you shushed him
“No talking please, I just wanna lay down and sleep...”
Gonta gave out one more meek sorry before settling better onto the bed watching as you slowly drifted back off
Oh, how adorable you are
Kokichi Oma
Kokichi always stayed out late, working on whatever sinister scheme he was plotting next
Well, this time it was a prank on the Ultimate Astronaut, but that’s besides the point
It didn’t really bother you, since you always slept in your own room, saying it was safer than being together
But he really needed your help putting something up on a shelf, so he went to your room
Knocking on your door, he twirled around, calling to you in a singsong voice
“Oh , Y/n~! I need some help, pretty please? I promise it wont take long!”
Instead of a vocal response, he heard a click from your door, presumably unlocking
He threw the door open, arms wide expecting to run into you and hug you
So he was surprised when he opened it to see you still in bed, completely asleep
And he was even more surprised to see the bear that put them in this game laying next to you, still as stone
“Oh? This is a new development!”
Monokuma began to talk, but before he could even finish the first word Kokichi ran towards the bed, belly-flopping on the both of you
You woke up to a sudden impact on your body, the bed shaking almost violently under you
“What the-”
“Y/n! You’re alive! I thought you were dead!” Fake tears grew in Kokichi’s eyes
You grumbled and shoved him off of you, body jumping when you spotted Monokuma next to you, staring at you
You jumped from the bed, pointing at the bear. “When did he...what is going on?!”
Kokichi sat up and gasped, eyes going wide
“Ooooh, you didn’t know he was here? I invited him for a sleepover!” he threw his arms open, falling back onto the bed
After throwing a glare at Kokichi, you turned back to Monokuma
“Why are you here?”
“I get so lonely! None of you like me or even thank me, and for all the work I put into this school for you!”
You grabbed Monokuma’s paw and dragged him to the door, slamming it in his laughing face. Turning back to Kokichi, you sighed
“The people I have to deal with.”
Korekiyo Shinguji
It wasn’t unusual for Korekiyo to stay late in his classroom, claiming that he worked best at night
You didn’t blame him, you knew how he was around the other students, and how the school was empty at night so he wouldn’t run into people
But you were a cuddler, and sometimes a pillow wasn’t enough
So when Korekiyo came back to his room to find you asleep with Monokuma, he wasn’t surprised
He knew from the beginning that Monokuma wouldn’t hurt any student for no reason, meaning he had no reason to be fearful for your safety
He mostly found it entertaining how the threatening bear was so compliant to do something if asked nicely, which, knowing you, you said please and thank you.
He watched for a little bit longer before leaning over and tapping the bear on the head, causing it to stir from your arms
“Ah, thank you Monokuma for keeping Y/n company, but I am afraid you are no longer needed.”
Monokuma grumbled something about never being needed anymore before getting up and walking to the door, somehow leaving the room without opening it
Giving a faint smile at your sleeping form, Korekiyo changed and slowly climbed into bed, not wanting to accidentally wake up his peaceful S/o
He wasn’t known for being affectionate, so he simply pulled a pillow to his side of the bed and laid down, giving out an airy laugh when you immediately turned on your side and cuddled into his back
He always felt so close to you
Kiibo didn’t sleep, he was a robot that only needed charging
I imagine him standing in the corner attached to a wall outlet
But you still liked to stay in his room, knowing that he was vulnerable when he was shut down
But this night, Kiibo ‘woke up’ a bit earlier than usual
Guessing he might’ve just used less power today, he made sure all his systems had booted up properly before looking for you on his bed
He saw you peacefully sleeping, and satisfied, started towards the bed
His footsteps stopped however, when he noticed something else shifting in the bed by you
On high alert, Kiibo slowly walked towards the bed and threw the covers off, screaming when he saw what lay underneath
Monokuma jumped up, dusting off imaginary dirt from his fur
“Oh, hey Kiibo! Just keeping your S/o come company during the night! I see my work here is done, so I’ll see ya later!”
Kiibo stopped Monokuma before he could run off, asking him why he was even in here, let alone in the same bed as you
“Y/n always says that they get lonely at night, so I guess I stand in as a huggable teddy bear! Maybe you should learn how to charge in bed so you can keep your own S/o company!”
And with that, Monokuma was gone, leaving behind a bewildered and slightly envious Kiibo
Kiibo glanced over at your sleeping figure, watching as you shuffled a bit before settling in a slightly different sleeping position
Seeing a chance, he slowly crawled into the bed, wincing at how it creaked under him whenever he shifted
He carefully wrapped his arms around you, afraid you would push away once you felt his cold exterior
Instead, you cuddled up closer, causing the boy to blush, shaking a little
He watched as you smiled in your sleep, murmuring randomness before falling back into your peaceful state
He definitely needs to ask Miu to make him a portable charger
Tsumugi Shirogane
Tsumugi almost never let you stay the night at her room, always saying that it was too cluttered, or another excuse to keep you in your own room
In reality, she knew she needed to go down to her hidden room quite often, and as much as it hurt her, she couldn’t let you know she was going out at night, let alone that she was the mastermind!
Tonight though, was a special case
She had no need to go behind the scenes, and was upset with Kokichi for ruining a perfectly good motive of hers for the millionth time
Trying to think of something new to continue the game was taking too much of a toll on her tired brain, Tsumugi determining that she needed cuddles, now
She walked to your room, listening as the lock clicked open thanks to others behind the scenes knowing what she wanted to do
She’ll just tell you that you forgot to lock it in the morning
When she walked in she already knew you would be asleep, as it was the middle of the night and you always boasted about getting the proper hours of sleep
What she didn’t expect though, was her own machine cuddled up to you side, your arm snug under it
It almost made her laugh, wanting to photograph this
At least someone was appreciating her bear!
Smiling, she looked at you one last time before laying down next to you, not bothered by the bear
She laid down as she listened to your steady breathing, and the almost silent whirring of Monokuma’s machinery
She picked up Monokuma so she could snuggle into your side instead, moving the bear into her other arm
She sighed, feeling much needed relief
She was glad she could have you, even if that could change at any moment.
Wow, it’s done! I’m really glad I got this one out early! I might not be able to update for a bit, since I have finals soon and a bunch of things to take care of. Thank you for requesting this! Wow Shuichi’s is really short I’m sorry -
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mammasapling · 8 years
Prologue - Part 5: Enter the Headmaster
Those who had been swimming hadn’t been given the chance to change so were all barefoot and wearing their clothes over their swimsuits. Jana hadn’t actually seen the park yet and she was sure that, in the sunshine, it was a beautiful place. It would be perfect to run around at night. The bronze statue in the centre looked incredible and was probably an awe inspiring sight but in the current dim light, it looked menacing and intimidating. The park in general held a menacing aura now. Jana caught up to Sonia as Usami called out into the empty park. She was about to make sure her friend was alright when she heard a strange laugh. ”Upupupupupupu!” Jana turned her head wildly, trying to pinpoint where the sound was coming from only for the voice to maniacally laugh again. ”Aaaahahahahahahahahah!” The statue? Once again, she turned out to be correct as a black and white teddy bear leapt up from behind one of the bronze creatures and greeted them all with a smile. At least... The white half was smiling. The black half was grinning insanely. Was her handbook still on detect speech? Okay Japanese speech to English text was what she needed right now. ”Why hello there! Thank you all for waiting so patiently~” The bear said.
 It spoke so politely but Jana felt nothing but fear listening to him. Why was she so frightened? He was just a stuffed toy like Usami... But Usami wasn’t just a stuffed toy and while she was harmless, there was no telling what this one could do. ”I am Monokuma, the headmaster of this academy!” That couldn’t be right. Surely the headmaster would be a person? ”And now that I’ve made my dashing appearance, I’ve only got one thing to say to you all.” Monokuma jumped down from the statue and began pacing in front of the gathered students. “This little trip of yours... Is so friggin’ lame! The lamest!” ”Ooooo just as I thought... It’s you!” Usami angrily told Monokuma, holding her sceptre ready to use it. “But how? Why are you here?!” ”Shut up, you!” He snapped at the rabbit before turning back to the student’s, red eye glinting in irritation and plushie body tense. “Now as for the rest of you... Your lukewarm attitude is making me want to vomit. It makes me livid! Heart throbbing school trip? What is this crap, anyways? I’m bored! So knock this crap off right now!” ”Oh I’ll knock something off alright.” Jana muttered under her breath only to receive a whispered scolding from Sonia. ”We’ve got world demands to meet, ya know! No one wants to see happy peaceful teenagers! They wanna see misery and despair.” Did this bear ever shut up? Thankfully, he stopped his little monologue as Fuyuhiko decided to pipe up, looking pretty mad himself. ”T-The hell’s up with this stuffed animal? Nothing he’s saying makes any damn sense!”
  Usami stepped forward towards Monokuma. “Be careful, class, leave this to me and please stand back.” ”Usami, are you sure?” Jana asked slowly. ”As long as I have my Magic Stick... I don’t know why Monokuma is here but I will keep you all safe.” Usami didn’t stand a chance. She was so busy reassuring the class that Monokuma leapt towards her with a roar. The students watched as the two stuffed animals exchanged blows... Or rather, Monokuma beat the stuffing out of the rabbit, taking her sceptre and smashing it under his paw. ”Noooooo!” Usami cried. ”Victory! Now... How to celebrate such a flawless victory.” He leaned down to the rabbit, the grin on his black half getting even wider. “First of all, white rabbits are waaaaaay too plain~” She could see Usami shaking in fear. ”Sooooo I’m going to remake you in my image! Ahahahah~” Was that even possible? Jana didn’t really have time to think about it as Monokuma pounced on Usami again. This fight was even more one sided as Monokuma pinned her down and both of them disappeared in a cloud of cartoon like smoke only for things like screws, bows and the occasional nappy went flying. ”Will you keep still?!” Monokuma snapped. “This piece isn’t going to shove itself in, ya know!” ”Nooooo!” Usami squealed. “That’s a no-no. That’s a big no-no!” But it was no use. The smoke and dust cleared and Usami was no longer a white rabbit The bow on her ear had stayed but she was now pink and white, reflecting Monokuma’s black and white with the eye on her pink half now bright red. But at least it was still round and somewhat friendly; Monokuma’s right eye looked a bit like a red bat. Embarrassingly, Usami was now also walking around in a nappy. ”Noooooo! Change me back to normal!” Usami cried, tears pouring out of her eyes. Could stuffed animals really cry? ”Ooooohhhh? Defying your big brother’s fashion taste? Are you a trouble maker, Monomi~?” Monokuma asked, sounding almost innocent apart from that constant something in his voice that made Jana want to back away several feet. ”W-what? B-big brother? Monomi?” Usami asked through hiccups and small sobs. ”Mhm. Your current position is so wishy-washy so you are now my little sister~” ”Hey!” Usami yelled back, already mimicking the way Monokuma moved. “Why do I have to be the younger one?!” ”That’s not really the point...” Jana whispered. ”Jana, you really should stay quiet and not draw attention to yourself right now.” Sonia reminded her. ”But-” ”Jana!” ”Fine.”
~ ~ ~
“So that’s how it’s gonna be~” Monokuma said with a finality in his voice and that glint returning to his red eye as he held up a paw threateningly. Jana has missed part of their conversation while being told off by Sonia. “And from now on, Monomi, if you ever disobey me, I’ll never forgive you!” ”Oh, if only I still had my magic stick. I could have beaten awful Monokuma.” Usami mourned. Her confidence and playful nature was completely gone. ”It’s your fault for leaving yourself open~” Monokuma taunted. “Even the smallest opening can mean life or death on the battlefield~” Annoyingly, Jana had to agree with him on that point but only that one. ”What’s with this stupid performance?!” Fuyuhiko snapped. She really wished he hadn’t. It was one thing to whisper to yourself like she had been doing because at least for a while, Monokuma hadn’t been paying attention to them. But now... Now they were in for it. ”Who friggin’ knows.” Akane responded to Fuyuhiko. ”Whatever this is, it’s obvious something bad is happening.” Chiaki added, looking in worry towards Usami. ”W-Wha’? What is this? What’s going on?” Teruteru piped up, shaking in his clothes much more noticeably than when Jana threatened him earlier. ”And now she looks all weird.” Mahiru added, mimicking Chiaki and looking at Usami but not using her name. Why? Her name was Usami, not Monomi. ”She looks like me now and you don’t like it? How insensitive.” Despite the phrasing and the way he hung his head, Jana doubted Monokuma truly felt hurt by Mahiru’s words. ”Aaaaaahhh! There’s more of them!” Ibuki screamed. ”Wh-What does this mean for us? What exactly is that black and white demon?” Peko asked, intense gaze focused on the bear. ”Hey, I’m not a demon! I’m a bear, Monokuma!” ”I-I don’t really get it but now... There’s another stuffed animal?” Kazuichi said aloud, maybe he was just thinking out loud? It sounded like something he was probably meaning to keep inside his head. “And it’s talking? How is that possible?” ”Grrr... I am not a stuffed animal! I am Monokuma, the Headmaster of Hope’s Peak Academy!” Monokuma grumbled to himself for a few moments as various students tried to understand how this... Thing could be their headmaster. ”Anyway.” Monokuma continued. “You’ve all gathered. And as headmaster, I have a formal declaration to make. From this point on, the killing school trip shall now commence!” The... The what? ”S-Sonia... Could you please double check this was translated correctly.” Jana asked, gaze transfixed on Monokuma in outright terror as she held out her handbook to her friend. Sonia didn’t take it. She was even paler than before at the statement. ”N-no you really did just read that. T-this has become a killing school trip according to Monokuma.” ”A school trip where everyone gets along is just so damn boring! So let’s begin this killing school trip with you, the contestants~” No one could move or even speak for a few moments there until Teruteru spoke. ”U-us? Killing contestants?” ”NO!” Usami yelled, breaking herself out of her misery and stepping towards Monokuma. “I will not allow a bloody event such as this!” But Monokuma didn’t care one bit. His leg snapped up and hit her straight in the face, sending the rabbit flying. ”Usami!” Jana cried out ”OW!” Usami yelled as she went flying. “It hurts when you kick me!” ”Oh Monomi, you have such a small brain. How many times do I have to tell you?” He wasn’t even using her proper name and he’d just hurt her. Yes the rabbit was suspicious and had taken them away from the school but she was harmless! She was making sure they were alright! Jana clenched her fists, biting back the urge to growl and attack Monokuma herself. She couldn’t let anyone see that and besides, who knew what the consequences would be? ”Unless it’s a manga, the little sister is never more intelligent than the big brother.” Usami soon went back to her moping.
 “We got off topic there for a while, so allow me to explain the new trip rules~” Monokuma stated, totally ignoring the rabbit. ”W-what do you mean, k-killing school trip?” Mikan fearfully asked. She was another one Jana wanted to protect and she would definitely do so in the future. Mikan was always so skittish but this was the most tense she had seen the nurse all day. ”Isn’t it obvious? You guys are gonna try to kill each other.” What?! Kill each other! But... Animals was one thing but other people?! Jana couldn’t do it. There was absolutely no way she was capable of that. ”Oh, I see.” How was Kazuichi so calm?! “KILL EACH OTHER?!” He screeched. Jana would be impressed at how high his voice went if the situation weren’t so dire. ”An island life where you can’t leave unless you all get along is kinda boring, don’t you think? So now I want to change the rules! If you want to leave the island... Kill one of your friends! And then survive the class trial without being identified as the killer!” Monokuma instructed, laughing with insane glee as the teeth on the black half became pointed. They had to kill someone among them and not get caught? Commit a perfect crime? How could they?! Why should they?! ”Class trial?” Chiaki asked slowly. ”Thaaaat’s right~ The class trial is the real charm of the trip! Allow me to explain more clearly. If one of you gets murdered, all surviving members must take part in the class trial. The killer will of course, be among you. It will be a big debate showdown between the blackened student and the other spotless students. You will present your arguements as to who you think the blackened is and then vote. The outcome will be based on the majority. Should you arrive at the correct answer, only the killer will be punished and the rest of you may enjoy your island life. But be warned, choose poorly... The killer will be the only survivor and the rest of you receive the punishment~” Only survivor? That... Didn’t sound good. That sounded like death was involved in the punishment. ”So, get away with murder and you’ll live and get to leave this island~” Monokuma added as one final statement. Death was involved in the punishments! She was right! ”What exactly is the punishment?” Kazuichi asked slowly. He was as pale and tense as the rest of the class and sounded as if he didn’t really want to know. But they all had to know exactly what they were facing. ”Oh well basically, it’s an execution.” The bear spoke so calmly and casually about it, as if it were just a short detention. He would murder the student who was found guilty of murdering another student... He was mad! Jana’s free hand sought ought Sonia’s wrist, just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She could feel her friend shaking in her loose grip. ”E-execution?” Sonia asked fearfully. Both girls yelped as Monokuma was suddenly in front of them, leering up at them, red eye glinting madly. ”The pleasing punishment that follows the class trial~ It’s one of the perks of the killing school trip! Upupupu, what kind of spine chilling punishments will we see~? I’m already getting excited! There might even be some unique ones... Like impaling your head through an arcade machine claw!” He told them gleefully before heading back to his spot in front of the statue. Jana felt a little sick at the mental image he’d given them. ”Now, any method of killing is fine.” The bear went on to list them but Jana tuned him out, she couldn’t listen to any more of this. She was scared and nauseous and wanted to go to sleep or just run somewhere. Anything to work all this off. She looked around, in front and behind her. Everyone looked scared and pale but all seemed to be denying the idea that they would kill someone. She snapped out of it when Sonia tapped her arm. ”You should listen... He seems to have a reason for us to want to kill each other.” Sonia’s voice was so quiet and shaky. She could hear it crack every so often. Her friend was as terrified as she was. Akane, Nekomaru and Peko were all in fighting stances, facing Monokuma. Peko was the only one with a weapon, reaching for the sword strapped to her back. ”You want force? I’ll fight back with force!” Monokuma growled at them all before turning his back on them and facing the statue. “Surge, O gods who dwell between light and darkness. In accordance to our contract, I summon thee now! Come forth, Monobeasts!”
~ ~ ~
At first, all was silent but then the statue rumbled and cracked to reveal five huge metal beasts all surrounding Monokuma. Sonia and Jana took several steps backwards, as did most of the class. Some silently, some gasping and others screaming. Jana couldn’t understand; this was supposed to be peaceful but now something had come out of nowhere and turned their already strange reality onto its head. She seemed to have totally zoned out again as suddenly, Usami was suddenly standing in front of them, tiny arms out stretched as if to shield them from the beasts and Monokuma... Monokuma was on the metallic beast with wings, screaming about punishment time. The winged beast stretched out  revealing several gun turrets, aiming them all at the tiny rabbit. She was hit with bullet after bullet, and Jana could only watch, frozen in place by fear and her own senses being overloaded by the noise and the brightness of each shot. One bullet stayed too close to her and Sonia and she quickly pulled her friend out of its path. Sonia hadn’t even seen it but then, Jana’s eyes were better than most. There was soon nothing left of the rabbit except a little bow covered in bullet holes floating down before coming to rest on the park’s pavement. ”U-Usami?” Jana mumbled in complete shock, neither seeing nor smelling any sign of the rabbit. The class was in uproar, all yelling out in fear and asking what the hell was going on. There was at least a little amusement from Jana as she saw that Gundam kept hamsters in his scarf but even they were frightened. Monokuma was just cackling and saying... Something. Jana had long since put away her handbook, she didn’t care what anyone said right now and why should she?! She’d just watched a gorgeous day become the beginnings of a fight for survival. She’d witnessed the death of a teacher figure who’d been kind of annoying but totally harmless. And anyway, Sonia would probably fill her in later... Or tomorrow. Everyone looked so tired and frightened and pale. Today had been so draining first from the excitement and then from the fear and the danger presented to them. Jana was tired too, her body felt heavy but at the same time, there was this big ball of anxiety in her chest and too much adrenaline running through her to be able to just go to sleep. She could see everyone staring at each other... Had someone said something? Jana wasn’t really in a good state of mind to bother following the conversation with her handbook.
~ ~ ~
Sonia tugged at her arm, leading the two of them back along the bridge to the first island and towards the cottages they’d seen by the hotel. There were little nameplates on each of the letterboxes now and Sonia stopped outside of her own one, dully wishing Jana a good night and pointing her to her own cottage. Across from Sonia’s own and then two doors to the right. Jana headed there, heading inside and spending all of a minute just sitting on the comfortable bed. She couldn’t just stay still, she had to move, she had to stop thinking about Usami’s death and the fact that leaving the island meant killing someone else. Jana slipped off her jacket, boots and left her e-handbook on the little table beside her bed before quietly heading back outside into the night air. She turned to face the hotel, intending to just walk that way to get to... Well Jana didn’t actually know where she wanted to go. All she knew was that she couldn’t sleep and her thoughts were racing out of control and she just needed some space to think and calm down. Hajime was there by the pool. Sitting hunched over something and looking about as troubled as she was. While she wanted to go and comfort him as he seemed like a nice enough boy, Jana had to put herself first this time.
 Turning silently back towards the cottages, she jogged down the path that separated the boys from the girls and kept going towards a large brick wall with a gate that was currently locked for the night. Didn’t matter to her. Jana put as much power into her legs as she could and jumped, grabbing the gate’s handles and pulling herself up to grab the top then dropping down the other side. Back onto the beach. Jana kept jogging for a few moments, waiting until she was hopefully out of view of the camera before breaking into a full out run. She ran faster than any person, bare feet hitting the sand hard but she didn’t mind the sensation. Her grey eyes became a rich golden amber and black veins crawled up her face and along the backs of her hands as she ran and left the cottages and the cameras behind. Then suddenly, instead of human feet, red furred paws were impacting the sand. Instead of a red haired person running along the coast, the silhouette of a lithe and powerful wolf was running across the night time horizon and towards the bridge leading to Jabberwock park. Jana didn’t slow down as she crossed the wooden bridge, she didn’t slow until she was within the park once again when she screeched to a halt and started to sniff the air. A scent. She wanted a scent. She was determined to find somethi- there! There by the statue! She was hunched a little as she approached, sniffing cautiously and ears pricked to take in any sounds that might be a cue to run. But she reached the little perforated bow without any trouble and let out a loud, mournful howl before shifting back to her human form in the blink of an eye. There was no flash of light, no smoke, no complicated transformation sequence, she was simply a human in one breath and a wolf the next. Jana picked up the bow, holding it close to her chest before gently tucking it into her jeans pocket and running back, remaining human so she didn’t lose her little treasure.
 Once back at her cottage, Jana found all of the things she’d packed for Hope’s Peak and found her favourite light pajamas. Usami’s bow was placed in a drawer in her bedside table and Jana finally found it in her to drift into an uneasy sleep.
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