#i wanna ramble more but i cant tell what is relevant or not lol
aesrot · 1 month
I had something to send you but then my friend distracted me and I came back to this page and saw I had an ask open and I really don't remember what I was gonna send to you.
I think its something about michael. Uhhh new thought:
hell yeah for the not a person kind of humanoid person representation, me fr
HELL YEAH BIG CHEER !!!!!! im a big fan of that, bc yeah, identity can be very,,,,,,,,, funky. exploring it can be very enlightening and fun, but it can be oh so very confusing and scary, especially when you dont know what to base anything off of (or like. when you feel like you shape yourself according to a situation and cant tell who you are outside of situations). it feels very freeing that we can explore other identity stuff. at least on online spaces
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
idk if u don't do interview analysis' anymore, but i was j watching the swedish interview where harry describes his dream date and Louis goes "what a boring description of a day" and realized that
a) harry basically describes a normal date where he and louis are out -- thats why it's the "perfect" date
b) though louis sounds annoyed he literally cant stop fonding secretly.
any other insights?
That's a very nice interpretation of this I love that. I don't have many insights on this interview, I think with early interviews of them, the first few years they're not that subtle lol. Louis just thrives in giving people shit in interviews. Or just giving people shit. And I think he just loved getting a reaction out of Harry and would just give him so ridiculously much shit whenever he could to the point where it was a little bit too much. And yeah he fonds hard here everytime he looks at Harry. And nope I don't think he meant that that day would be boring to him at all, he would say "what a boring day that would be", he calls the description boring asdljksd which yeah harry just went full domestic lil shit there which isn't really anything interview worthy and that's what he responded to more than anything (which I think is cool, like, Harry rarely does that you know, feed the interviewer, make shit sound interesting. He just sits and chills. And when he does plug shit, try to sell their album or even dolls or fragrances or whatever, it's obvious and funny) He's so focused on him like a middle schooler with a crush that doesn't know what to do with it and just resorts to bullying the person asdkjsdlkgja. It kinda makes me uncomfortable in the sense that I still do that with people I got a crush on and it's so cringey and I always wish I didn't after as I took it too far and anlkadjslkdjwije ew aw uew cringe cringe cringe
This shit cracks me up tho so much room on that couch where's Louis sitting
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All these frames after the interviewer touched/complemented Harry's hair and
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Also I love how around 2:20 he's just full on telling us they aren't just your friendly neighborhood kleptomaniacs but really had a thing going on where he tried to steal something from every country they went to sure why not make this picture relevant again why how can i put that in multiple of these breakdowns alsdkjalkjgsd
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Im tagging posts like this #interview moments if you wanna see more rambles like this hehe
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astraeadreams-blog · 5 years
Diary entry 3 that isnt really a diary entry just my thoughts on the SU movie
hi~ its been awhile! 
had a crappy day and my mental health is at a all time low lol but at least i got to watch the steven universe movie! Instead of ranting about my emo thoughts im gonna tell you my thoughts on the movie uwu. First of all, Pink diamond/stevens mom/rose whatever you wanna call her, is a lil bitch lmfao every villain in this show is bc of her doing some stupid shit like??? m’am??? what did you g a i n. I actually really like spinel, I relate to her a lot and feel like im one of the only people who dont think shes crazy (going off of the reactions i saw on twt) shes just traumatized clearly. I might of cried during her song sequence with steven in the garden :( spinel deserved better 100000% this is now a spinel stan acc unfollow me now (not like anyones actually following lmfao) anyway! pearl having to regain her memories by watching the person she love disappear for a second time is kind of rude and i felt v attacked. pearl is my favorite of the gems not that its relevant but i felt like saying that sjfkslf this is long and im rambling sorry, In conclusion, I loved the movie a lot and ill probably rewatch it again to really absorb everything lol but rebecca is a genius and i cant wait to see more of her work! was it ever confirmed for a season 6 or is this the end? (its over isnt it- isnt it overrrr) (sorry i told you pearl is my fav sfjskld ik all the words to that song and “ do it for her”) anyway! bye for a bit ill probably rant in a few days -Astraea
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