#like the tism and the adhd make me feel SO. idk. different from other people. the way i think; behave; my interests; etc
aesrot · 1 month
I had something to send you but then my friend distracted me and I came back to this page and saw I had an ask open and I really don't remember what I was gonna send to you.
I think its something about michael. Uhhh new thought:
hell yeah for the not a person kind of humanoid person representation, me fr
HELL YEAH BIG CHEER !!!!!! im a big fan of that, bc yeah, identity can be very,,,,,,,,, funky. exploring it can be very enlightening and fun, but it can be oh so very confusing and scary, especially when you dont know what to base anything off of (or like. when you feel like you shape yourself according to a situation and cant tell who you are outside of situations). it feels very freeing that we can explore other identity stuff. at least on online spaces
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