#i wanna see that clip so bad the description of it was making me wheeze
crunchycrystals · 2 years
does anyone know which episode of total forgiveness has the footage of grant making his breakfast lol
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the--sad--hatter · 5 years
Paired Up - Chapter Three (Bucky x Reader)
Chapter 3/5
Previous Chapter 
PAIRING - Bucky X Reader
WARNINGS - Smut, Swearing, Alcohol, smut
If only you had known that Bucky knew sign language…
If only Steve Rogers wasn’t such an evil mastermind…
If only you weren’t stuck in a loveless (fake) marriage with the man you hated…
If only your hormones weren’t so traitorous…
If only…
Chapter Three
“Your hand is dangerously close to my ass.” You growled under your breath, a sweet smile on your face.
 “Sorry, did you want it lower?” Bucky murmured back, winking at you.
“Would you like to see the wine menu?” The waiter asked as he led you to the table and held your chair out for you.
 “Bring us your finest Rosé, it’s Lola’s favourite.” Bucky told him, subtly slipping a tip into the mans top pocket.
 As soon as he sat down you kicked him under the table.
 “I hate Rosé!” You hissed at him.
 “I know.” He said smugly.
 “Von Straughten is sat three tables behind you… Darling are you thinking steak?” He asked, switching topics as the waiter came back.
 “Sweetheart I wouldn’t get a steak when I know you can’t eat red meat, it seems cruel. I’ll just have the chicken.” You said cheerily as the waiter poured a glass of wine Bucky to taste.
 Bucky waved the waiter over to you and you smiled politely as the pink tinged pisswater was poured into your glass. As soon as you were alone again you leaned across the table so it looked like you were flirting with your ‘husband.’
 “If you fuck with dessert, I’ll garrotte you in your sleep Barnes. I want that chocolate mousse cake and I’ll kill anyone who tries to stand in my way.” You warned, batting your eyelashes at him.
 “Well since you already told me I don’t get to fuck you, attempted murder might be the most action I see on this honeymoon.” He chuckled.
 “Bucky…” You warned lowly.
 “Shut up and slide your chair round to this side of the table so you can watch Von Straughten.” He said, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
 You grumbled to yourself and did as he said, pulling your chair around so you were sat next to him. He slung his arm over the back of your chair and nuzzled closer to you.
 “See, isn’t this so much better?” He asked and you smiled, putting your hand on his knee and leaning closer to whisper in his ear.
 “His eyes keep darting towards the doors back there, the one’s that say employee’s only.” You whispered.
 “He’s either got business here, in this hotel or he’s screwing a chambermaid.” Bucky agreed.
 “What are you thinking?” You asked him.
 “I’m thinking about the black panties I know you’re wearing under that dress.” He said and you squeezed his knee, pressing your fingers into the muscle painfully.
 He didn’t even flinch, the bastard.
 “Look, I said you were pretty. You know you are, you know anybody with eyes thinks you are. Can you drop it already? I still think you’re an arrogant, spiteful, immature, nasty piece of work.” You snapped.
 If it were anyone else, you’d say they looked hurt.
 “You’re no prize yourself doll.”
 “Then stop flirting with me Barnes.”
 “And miss out on all that satisfying blushing you do?” He chuckled.
 “Fuck you.”
 “I’ve been offering all day.” He whispered as the waiter came back to take your orders.
 You tuned out and let Bucky order some awful meal probably but you were busy trying to calm down.
 “Everything alright my love?” He asked and you looked up to see the waiter gone.
 “I need to use the restroom, excuse me.” You said, standing up quickly and walking away as slowly and calmly as you could force yourself.
 You closed the door behind you and sighed gratefully into the sanctity of the bathroom and practically fell into the sink to splash water on your neck. Your skin was warm to the touch, anger and embarrassment boiling your blood. It was bad enough you were stuck on this kind of mission with Bucky but being stuck with him now that he knew about your unwilling attraction was literal torture.
 You steeled yourself to go back out there when the door swung open and the man in question stormed in and dragged you out of the room by the elbow.
 “A waiter just whispered something to Von Staughten and led him through the doors.” Bucky hissed, pulling you along.
 “How do we know he’s not just going to give his compliments to the chef?” You asked.
 “How likely is that?” He scoffed.
 “You know, if we want to know what Von Straughten knows about the attack, there is an easier way to find out…” You hinted heavily.
 “Come on Buck, it’ll be a lot quicker.” You pleaded.
 “People can lie under torture.” He told you, waiting until the coast was clear and ushering the two of you through the doors to the employee only area.
 “Not when I’m the one torturing them.” You stated.
 “You can take the girl out of the criminal underworld but you can’t take the criminal underworld out of the girl.” He huffed.
 “Says the Winter fucking Soldier…” You scoffed.
 “It’s not the same thing.” He snapped.
 “You still maim and kill, you just do it of your own volition and to save lives. You don’t wanna torture the dude, fine. I’ll do it.” You offered.
 “That’s not the plan.”
 “Well the plan sucks.” You muttered.
 “Shhh.” He instructed as he finally tracked down Von Straughten and the two of you crouched around the corner.
 “I particularly enjoyed the seasoning of the prime rib, and that gravy? Simply sublime.” You overheard and you bit your lips so hard you nearly broke the skin.
 “He’s complimenting the chef.” You wheezed quietly, clutching your ribs.
 Bucky glared at you hard enough to burn a whole in your skull and looked up in alarm as footsteps sounded behind you. You were trapped between Von Straughten and whoever was coming your way, in a corridor you weren’t supposed to be in. Bucky looked around and yanked a door open, holding out his hand to you.
 “Laugh!” He whispered urgently.
 You obliged, giggling girlishly and taking his hand, letting him spin you around into the closet. He came in behind you and slammed the door closed behind the two of you. He pushed you against the wall and gave you the cockiest smirk anyone had ever given.
 “Oh no.” You groaned.
 “Oh yes, It’s gotta be done doll.” He purred.
 “Why is my life suddenly a fanfiction?” You grumbled.
 He flattened you to the wall with his body, leaving no space between the two of you and pressed his lips to yours fiercely. His lips were plump and so soft and you moaned without thinking about it and wrapped your arms around his neck. You heard the door open and the masculine chuckle followed by a clipped ‘sorry’ before the door closed again.
 You unwound your hands from around his neck and pushed firmly at his chest. Bucky barely moved, grabbing both of your hands and forcing them above your head without breaking the kiss. He pulled back a centimetre to whisper a hushed warning.
 “He might come back.”
 It was a pathetic excuse and you both knew it.
 “Ok.” You managed to breath out before his lips were on yours again.
 He forced your lips apart with his own and his tongue plunged inside, battling for dominance with yours, a battle you were happily losing. He tasted like something you couldn’t quite identify, something dark and delicious and sinful. His hands moved from your writes to lace his fingers with yours, keeping your arms raised above your head as he devoured you, kissing you until you were dizzy from lack of oxygen. When he pulled back so you could both gasp for breath, it was only for a second before he hungrily kissed you again and you lost all sense of self, of the world in the taste of his lips and the feel of his body pressed to yours. At some point one of his hands released yours and made its way down your body, hooking your leg around his waist and you whimpered softly for him. He firmly gyrated his groin into yours, letting you feel his hard length pressed against you intimately and your fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at it as he ground himself against you.
 The door swung open and there was a loud gasp. He pulled away to turn around, growling, actually growling at whomever had disturbed you.
 “I’m s..s..sorry but, uh you aren’t supposed to be here.” Someone squeaked and the lust that had settled over you like a thick fog cleared quickly as you peered over his shoulder to look at the blushing maid who was looking anywhere but you and Bucky.
 If she had been looking she would have probably ran away in terror at the cold fury on his face.
 “Sorry! We’re so sorry, really. It’s just, we’re on our honeymoon. We barely made it out of the dining room!” You said quickly, pushing him away from you and straightening your dress.
 You grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the closet, past the still blushing maid as you threw another apology at her. As soon as you were away from that corridor you dropped his hand like it was burning you and picked up your pace, practically running towards the elevator. He causally followed you, putting his hands in his pockets and doing everything short of whistling a jaunty tune. As soon as you were ensconced alone in the elevator you turned on him.
 “That was part of the mission, nothing more.” You hissed.
 “No, it wasn’t.” He said lowly.
 “Yes, yes it fucking was.”
 “No, no it fucking wasn’t.” He insisted forcefully.
 “Don’t. Don’t you dare do this. We’ve been at each others throats for months, and the second you overhear something you use it against me like this? That’s a low blow Barnes. I know you don’t like me but do you really have to make a fool of me like this?” You asked him, breathing heavily.
 “Why are you so hate filled?” He sighed.
 “Oh fuck off, you started it.” You snapped.
 “How did I start this?” He asked, befuddled.
 “The week after I arrived, the doctor who stitched me up asked me out. That night I saw you talking to him and when he saw me he looked like he was going to throw up, he told me he needed to take a rain check and never spoke to me again. Whenever he saw me, he’d turn around and walk in the opposite direction. I don’t know what horrid rumours you spread about me but you turned me into an undatable pariah.” You told him coldly, walking out of the elevator as it arrived at your floor.
 “That’s the reason you hate me? Why you started insulting me every time I walked into a room?” He demanded, storming after you.
 “No. I thought it was stupid and mean but I wanted to be the bigger person but then you told Steve I wasn’t ready to go on missions, you kept me benched for weeks. When I finally did get to go, you shot every agent I was fighting and yelled at me in front of everyone. You made my life hell at every fucking turn, no matter what I did. I almost left because of you but Natasha came after me and convinced me to come back. That’s the reason I hate you.” You informed him, standing outside the hotel room.
 He looked guilty for a moment before he turned his back on you and unlocked the room door.
 “You’re making it sound worse than it was.” He protested as you kicked your shoes off.
 “I was a mercenary Barnes, on the wrong side of the law until I got caught up with The Avengers and they offered me a way out. But you made sure I didn’t fit in, ostracized me. My whole life was turned upside down and thanks to you I had nobody, nothing good to cling on to or look forward to.” You said bitterly.
 “I didn’t mean to do that. God, doll, I swear that wasn’t my intention.” He said emphatically.
 “It doesn’t matter. I got over it, I made friends despite your attempts to turn everyone against me. But I don’t like you, I never will. So give up with this stupid little scheme to seduce me and use it against me, it’s never going to happen.” You said, sounding almost bored.
 “No, I’m not going to feel guilty because you’re blind to what’s literally right in front of you.” He raged.
 “What are you talking about?”
 “I told that doctor if he took you out, I’d be watching him, every single second he was with you. I scared him off. I benched you because you weren’t ready, you were, you are so used to working alone and you needed to learn to be a team player. I shot all the agents because you were being fucking reckless and needed someone to watch your back. I yelled because you scared the hell out of me. I did it all because I liked you. I was trying to be nice but no matter what I did, you hated me so I started hating you back because it hurt less.” He ranted, backing you into the wall as he spoke, until you were once again trapped between a cold wall and his warm body.
 “In what word is being an asshole being nice? In what world is making my decisions for me, caring about me?” You demanded.
 “Maybe I fucked up. No, I definitely fucked up, but I’m not the only one to blame here. You just decided you knew why I was the way I was without ever asking or confronting me about it, you made up your mind about me and started being a colossal bitch.” He snarled.
 “Do you have any idea how much it hurt to have every single person in the compound scurry away from me like I was diseased whenever I tried to talk to them?” You asked him.
 “As much as it hurt to have the girl you were falling in love with glare hatefully at you every time you walked in a room?” He guessed angrily.
 “The way you looked at me, it was like I had just killed a puppy in front of you. You’d snap at me if I so much as asked you to pass the fucking salt. So yeah, I started giving it back. It was that or suffer a broken heart every day.” He sighed.
 “Bucky, what did you just say?”
 “I said you were cruel, and maybe I messed up  but…”
 “No, before that.” You interrupted.
 He frowned and thought about it, realization dawning on his face. He closed his eyes and swallowed thickly.
 “Fuck it.” He muttered.
 He surged forwards and pressed his lips to yours again. It was desperate and frenzied but he was holding back, waiting for you to push him away and slap him.
 You grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.
A/N - Ah, miscommunication... a friend of writers everywhere.....
@a-barnes24 @leenat23 @kaetha @captainamericasbeard @sexyvixen7 @musingsofafangirl-blog
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