#i wanna speak to whoever filmed this because it's hell to gif
ohlukcs · 5 years
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( alex wolff, male ) did you hear how LUKAS TOZER is applying to columbia university as a FILM & MEDIA STUDIES major ?! the 19 year old is living in the WALLACH HALL. i heard that they got in because they are + PASSIONATE and +THOUGHTFUL, but honestly i think HE can be -ASSUMING and -CYNICAL. they’re a real MAVERICK. oh well, only time will tell if the SOPHOMORE will make it til the end.
about the mun !!
hi hello my name is sam (she/her), im 22, and im a big fat mess at all times :) um but a lil more about me is that i’m australian and a recently graduated film student lmao. i’ve been rping for like ten years now i think idk but i am a NERVOUS BITCH !!!!!!! and it sometimes takes me forever to reply to things (ic and ooc) bc of that so pls be patient with me lmao. anyway, happy 2 be here !! if u like this post i’m gonna assume u wanna plot with me and my idiot and hit u up !!! lets mcfreakin lose it !!!!
about lukas !!
full name: lukas joshua tozer
nickname(s): luk-ass idk whatever u can come up with lmao
age: nineteen
gender: cis male
pronouns: he/him
hometown: jackson, new jersey
date of birth: nov 4th
occupation: student ( film and media studies, sophomore ), cook/server at a nearby 24hr pizza joint
relationship status: single
drink / smoke / drugs: yes / yes / yes
faceclaim: alex wolff
positive traits: passionate, thoughtful, creative, ambitious, untethered, humorous
negative traits: assuming, cynical, insensitive, rebellious, resentful, irresponsible
if he was in a hogwarts house: slytherin
now some more dot points that are just me talking about lukas !!
was born in fort lauderdale florida but there is a vERY low chance he will ever admit that, he’ll just say he’s from new jersey. as far as he’s concerned, he’s always been from new jersey even if his family did move there after he turned twelve
speaking of things lukas probably wont ever tell u but i’m including them anyway: his family is kind of messy. not majorly but like a little bit more than average. he had two brothers, now he only has one. i’m not gonna include a whole lot of nitty gritty here i’ll save it for when i write the real bio and can actually do it justice but its the reason they moved from florida and it has had a pretty major effect on lukas over time obviously
he’s the baby of the family and he’s pretty much always been treated like one. it has left him pretty immature and irresponsible. still learning that his actions have consequences and that he cant just be a total dick all the time. he’s improved in those areas a fair bit since he started at columbia a year ago but he still has a long way to go
he didn’t ever really expect to go to columbia, he’s from a middle class family and his dad didn’t even go to college. he applied for columbia just as a might as well give it a go thing. like maybe it will happen. they had a film course and although the course itself isn’t really great, the connections to the industry available at columbia were valuable enough for him to try. he was wait listed up until basically the last minute, preparing to go to a college in boston instead but when he was accepted he knew he had to go. for himself, for his family, and for his lost brother.
obviously irresponsible attitude has led to some Bad Decision Making including but not limited to partying and drugs. he doesn’t prioritise that lifestyle over his school work (bc he knows how lucky he is to be at columbia at all) but he is a big believer that you need to experience things to be a great artist and he plans on being the greatest artist so bad decision town here we come !!!!
he has a pet goldfish named michael bublé pls dont nark
for more info on him click here to check his about page, no bio there yet but hopefully soon
wanted connections babey !!
course friends/rivals/anything: i am writing these before acceptances happen so i have no good god damn idea if any other characters are film majors but hit me the hell up if they are bc i would love to plot some stuff out
old roommate(s) : lukas was probably an entertaining roommate but probably verged on annoying pretty easily. he’s messy, gross, probably didn’t respect the do ur fucking dishes rule in first year ( probs still doesnt tbh ). but he also has a password to every streaming account plus a phat hard drive full of movies and shows that he is absolutely willing to share with u so just depends what ur into i guess. maybe this connection led to friendship or maybe they hate each other now. im down for either/both 
dealer: hi welcome back to bad decision town. lukas isn’t into any hard stuff but is a big weed smoker (to my understanding medicinal cannabis is allowed but lukas def doesn’t have a prescription), then after that it’s kind of just experimenting. will chat more details if u wanna take this connection
booze leachers: so yes lukas is 19 but he has four, thats right, four fake ids. he is not willing to give u his contact for fake ids but he is willing to buy u booze if u pay him. dont hate the player hate the game
gang gang: pretty much just a close group of friends. i imagine all pretty relaxed, all pretty chill. idk what to say here except i want people to care about him and let him put on dumb movies and watch them with him and probably have dumb matching stick and poke tattoos and hog a communal tv to play mario kart but lets talk about it
fast food workers deserve respect too: as mentioned, lukas works at a 24hr pizza joint near campus which means he’s seen some shit. one of the things he’s seen multiple times is drunk student trashing the place. whether it be vomit, forgetting how to hold a cup, or bet try at a food fight lukas has seen it and he’s cleaned it up too. this connection could be that maybe he helped someone out and cleaned them up and got them back to campus when their friends ditched and now they look out for lukas too and its a positive connection. or maybe lukas hates their guts and spits on their food whenever they show up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ who’s to say
hot girl bummer by blackbear: now listen here’s an angsty connection i want, and i def want to plot it out way more with whoever takes it on but basic outline of what i have in mind: they’ve kind of sort of been dating for a while but they’re just falling out of whatever they had to begin with. they were never official, they probs def fucked around with other people while they were ““““together”””””, lots of oh sorry ur taking it so seriously i thought we were just chilling bullshit. all of this girls friends probs hate lukas and he definitely hates them back. were probably once really good friends and had a really good time together but they’ve lost it. will they find it again or will it fizzle out? lets find out together xoxo
new girl(s) : i hate the connection title too but i couldnt think of anything better. we’re in bad decision town and now we’re going to thot street babey. since things have been falling apart with hot girl bummer and even before that lukas a little bit of a thottie. this doesnt mean he’s good at it, please also feel free for a part of this to be that they rejected lukas and he got butt hurt about it idk lukas being attracted to them is basically this whole idea and i would wanna plot the rest of it more depending on specific characters wooo
lukas is a bad influence: if u have gotten this far u may have noticed that lukas is not a very good influence at all. this is someone probs his age or younger that wants to loosen up and have a good time and lukas completely encourages that. bonus points if this connection is a combo with the above connection bc lukas is a gross boi and would be like wow listening to my bad ideas thats so sexy and cool of u ya know. but also doesnt have to be that ! could just be lukas thinks its funny and thinks that someone listening to him is just like good content that could get him on barstool
lukas is badly influenced: this is basic as hell but someone that tells him to leave his impluse control at the door and encourages him to be trash. probs older than him and i def see this as more of a masc connection than a fem but like all my plot ideas: lets talk about it. this one probs v much depends on ur character so gonna leave this one nice and short
lukas is good-ly (??????) influenced: also basic as hell and p much just the opposite of above. someone who is a good influence on lukas. encourages creativity and ambition instead of straight up recklessness. again, i see it as an older character but no gender seen here. a lot of this would be based around ur character so lets chat
michael bublé’s co parents: lukas has a goldfish named michael bublé (or just michael), i picture him having got it while high as heck during the day and just being like This Is A Good Idea. maybe ur character was with him and they were co parents from the start or maybbe they came into the picture later ??? i’m honestly down for whichever just give michael the love he deserves pls
and probably just about anything else these are just some ideas, i totally wanna plot further and brainstorm so please still hmu if none of these fit ur character we’ll plot something up !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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oliverwxod · 6 years
The Broken Hearts club (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: swearing, kinda angsty but also fluff?
Summary: Based off of the song. Reader and Bucky are the newest members of the broken hearts club.
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 Y/n huffed, slamming the door to the Avengers common area without a care in the world over the echoing slam that sounded. She chucked her keys onto the kitchen, dropping her bag and shaking her coat off of her shoulders. 
She didn’t know how she had managed to keep it together the whole taxi ride home. Part of her wanted to cry and break down; scream that the world wasn’t fair. But instead she sucked it up and tried to hold her head high to hide how hurt she really felt. 
Taking a deep breath she mumbled fuck it under her breath before pulling the freezer door open and rummaging around. She sighed in relief when her hands fell upon a tub of unopened chocolate chip ice cream. Shutting the freezer door more quietly than she had done with the front door, she grabbed a spoon and made her way to the living room to down her sorrows in the frozen treat and Netflix. 
“what are you gonna do al?”  
“I don’t know” 
“we’re back to that? are we back there? what about the past couple of days? they happened you know?” 
Y/n could hear the sounds of the TV. The screen being the only thing lighting up the room. She knew exactly what movie whoever was in there was watching. 
Rounding the corner she met eyes with Bucky, who looked looked up, giving her a soft smile. The glow of the TV falling upon his face showing her how tired and sad he looked.
 "Rough night?“ Y/n asked holding up her ice cream tub and waving it awkwardly. 
 He looked down at his own tub of ice cream in his lap, the spoon half way down from where h had eaten the most of it already, before looking back at her. 
 "You could say that” he sighed. 
 "You and me both Sargent" she said flopping down onto the couch next to him.
They sat in comfortable silence, the both of them digging into to their ice cream while watching the Notebook. 
“you’re bored and you know it! You wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t something missing!” the voice of Noah echoed through the room as he chased after Allie.
“arrogant son of a bitch” Allie shouted back at him. 
“would you just stay with me?” Noah spoke almost begging. “I’m not afraid to hurt your feelings”
“so what?” 
“It’s not going to be easy, it’s going to be really hard and we’re going to have to work at this everyday but I wanna do that becuase I want you, I want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday” Noah spoke, his tone turning softer.
Y/n cursed herself as her eyes teared up, blinking them away quickly before Bucky would notice. Oh who was she kidding. He was a trained assassin of course he would notice.
The volume of the TV was turned down, Bucky shifting in his seat and placing his empty ice cream tub down. 
“You okay?” he asked. 
Y/n nodded. “Yeah, i’ll be fine” she spoke softly. “this film just always gets to me. Why are you watching it anyway? it’s a rather odd choice for you Buck” 
“Well I looked up what films people watch when they’re sad and this was the most popular.” he spoke, shrugging with a soft laugh.
 "Fair enough. S’ a good film but it gives me too high of expectations of guys. I mean… Who is going to be the Noah to my Allie? and where and when?“ Y/n spoke, discarding her own tub of ice cream onto the coffee table. 
“I’m watching it because Sofia broke up with me” He mumbled.. 
“oh… shit.. I’m sorry” she sighed, “that’s really shit.”
“It’s fine, I’ll get over it” he shrugged leaning back on the sofa and closing his eyes momentarily. 
 "What did she say?” Y/n asked curiously, she was pretty sure Bucky and this woman had been together for quite a few months now. 
“I’m not what she looking for but she still wants to be friends”. He spoke, almost letting out a laugh.
“Ah the classic” Y/n nodded. 
“What did he say?” Bucky asked her the question back. She stared at him for a couple seconds, she hadn’t told him anything yet so how did he know.
 Bucky sat up slightly in his seat waiting for her to speak. Y/n sighed, it was obviously obvious that she also had just been broken up with, hence the need for ice cream. 
 "Said I wasn’t the kind of girl his family would approve of if he brought me to his brothers wedding. Apparently my life’s not boring enough for him" she shrugged.
“Always pegged him as a boring wanker” Bucky mumbled.
She hit him softly on the arm to scold him but laughed. 
 "He was a little boring" she then admitted. 
 "Y/n he took you out to go watch a chess competition" he chuckled remembering how angry she was that day. Having wasted hours of her time watching chess in a park not even talking to her now ex boyfriend as he shushed her every time. 
 "Well I always knew what’s her face was only with you for her 15 minutes of fame… No offence" she spoke shrugging. Bucky laughed lightly.
“Yeah, always thought it was weird how she would go from being quiet to suddenly chatty when Steve and Tony came around” They both laughed together at that fact.
“life’s shit sometimes” she spoke, Bucky humming in agreement. They both tuned back into the film, watching as Noah and Allie were back together again.
“Let’s make a deal” Bucky spoke pointing his spoon full of ice cream at y/n’s face, he had stolen the rest of hers as he finished his own. “If we’re not in relationships or married in 10 years time, we will get married and move to the country side, somewhere with a river that we can buy a boat and then we can build our own white picket fence house and live happily ever after” he spoke softy. 
She leaned back on the sofa eyes closed as she smiled at the thought.
 "That’s the dream.“ She spoke.
 "Deal.“ She said. “ You know… the idea of that doesn’t make me wanna go look for another boyfriend. I’d happily wait 10 years for that.”
Bucky sat in silence contemplating what she had just said. He watched her from the side, a soft smile falling onto his face as he imagined it for himself. It really did sound like a dream. 
“yeah? well maybe you’ll only have to wait 5″ he spoke, before turning back to the TV so he didn’t have to meet her eyes. 
She had now turned to face him from the side, examining his face and the small smile he held.
“sounds perfect to me” she spoke, watching as his smile widened. Still not taking his eyes off of the TV.
They watched the rest of the film in silence until they both eventually drifted off into a peaceful sleep, the both of them dreaming about that white picket fence house.
Forever tags:
@dreambigbeawesome @hellosafie @linheliano @extreme-supernatural-lover @thisismysecrethappyplace @mannls @1elboomdemsechevarria @what-the-hell-is–a-hufflepuff @myrabbitholetoneverland @jbarnes87 @permanent-lines@alyssaj23 @piensa-bonito @maresmiley @soldierplum @jjsoccer11 @les-bio-lie @dewy-biitch @despelllestrange @kingdomcage @unlikelygalaxygiver @hiddles-rose @httpmcrvel @breezy1415 @artisticlales @imthegirlyourparentswarnedyouof 
Bucky Barnes tags:  
@tranquility-or-chaos @analovesseb @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @australianhorrorstory @chloe-skywalker @bexboo616 
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seouledbysisi · 5 years
A Time Like No Other
Chapter 24
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The next couple of days went by very fast. Shownu was still acting weird but Misun expected that. She knew that whatever was bothering him wasn’t going to away overnight. But the even crazier thing was that Minhyuk had become a bit distant as well. He wasn’t as lively when she was around. He seemed as if he was on edge and always keeping his emotions in check. She knew he still liked her, he was always playful and flirty but Shownu didn’t seem to care. After all m, feelings don’t just go away over night but she knew her boundaries with him and so did he, but things had made a 360 within two days. He was acting as if it were a crime to laugh and talk with her. She was starting to think that maybe Shownu had spoken to him and maybe asked him not to talk to her as much anymore.
The ladies had gotten a call from their entertainment company so they were up bright and early getting ready for their meeting.
Misun grabbed her phone off of her night stand after it had pinged. It was a message from Shownu. Hey, wanna grab dinner tonight?
A grin splattered across her face. Finally a shift in the atmosphere. Of course. What time should I be ready?
She placed the phone down on her bathroom vanity and pulled out her makeup bag. Might as well look cute today. She started to put some eyeliner on when her phone pinged again. Is 6 okay? We should be done with practice by then.
Okay. I’ll see you then :) she responded and finished getting ready.
Nori grabbed a quick outfit out of her closet.
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She had put her hair up in a messy bun but it actually had turned out cuter than she had anticipated.
Her phone began to ring. It was Jooheon. “Hello?!” She sung into the speakers.
He groaned out of frustration. “Good morning!”
“Good morning. What’s wrong with my baby?”
He chuckled a bit. “Your baby didn’t get much sleep.”
“Why not?” She finished getting ready and put him on speaker phone.
Jooheon sighed. “I was missing you.”
Nori burst into laughter. “You love being a little sweet talker don’t you?”
“I’m good at it, right?” He chuckled. “What do you have planned for today?”
“I have a meeting in about thirty minutes that I need to be making my way to before I’m late. I’m sure your schedule is jammed packed, right?”
“Yep. Gotta get ready for this tour in America. After that we’ll get some rest. So dinner tonight?” He asked with anticipation dripping from his tone.
Nori hesitated just to throw him off.
“Come oh man! I need some you time!” He pouted.
Nori laughed. “I’m kidding okay! Of course we can have dinner. I’ll see you later, okay?”
He sighed with relief. “Okay. I love you beautiful.”
She smiled and held her heart. She always felt the butterflies when he told her that. “I love you always.” She responded and hung up.
She rushed into the living room hoping that Misun was ready too, otherwise they were going to be late for sure! To her satisfaction Misun was grabbing her keys off the counter.
“Ready?” Misun asked with a smile.
Nori nodded. “You look so cute! You seem in high spirits!” She rubbed her friend’s shoulder.
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Misun began to blush. “I actually am in good spirits today.”
The ladies meeting
They sat down at the table across from one of their managers.
“So how are y’all today?” The lady started.
The girls both looked to one another. Their manager seemed happy to see them which was weird. Their relationship with the company had become a bit strained since the news had came out that they were close with Monsta X.
“We’re good I guess. How are you?” Misun finally spoke up.
The lady smiled and laid out pictures of Monsta X. There were so many. The girls were both confused.
Nori cleared her throat. “Are we about to get scolded again?”
“On the contrary actually. We think you’ve been scolded enough for keeping secrets. Now we’re going to use your mistake to earn a profit and to gain exposure to your brand.” The lady started.
“Wait what?!” Misun eyes bulged.
The manager laughed. “I know this sounds weird but we figured since y’all are close to Monsta X and the news tabloids have exposed that y’all have some sort of relationship with them then we’re going to use it to our advantage.”
Nori stilled for a moment. She really wasn’t looking forward to ‘using’ Monsta X. It just seemed so dirty. “What does this entail? We have an actual friendship with these guys and we don’t need this plan backfiring on us.”
“You’re gonna go on tour with them in the states. You’ll get all the footage and inside details for their fans.” The manager explained.
Misun swallowed hard. “How do they feel about this? Do they have a choice in the matter?”
“They’re all aboard. They’ve known about this for about two weeks now but we had to get the final details set in place before we could share it with you just in case things fell through. This not only helps y’all but it helps them too. Plus you could use some brownie points from their fans seeing as you’re not on their good side so much right now.”
“Well I guess since they already know then we don’t really have a choice but to oblige, right?” Misun answered. She was a bit irritated. Maybe this is why Shownu had been worried about the tour. Did he not want her to come along? Did he just use meeting their new manager as an excuse?
Nori’s breathing had changed. Misun knew she was upset.
“You have a choice but you have a contract with us and this is apart of that contract. We signed you to help your career. There’s nothing shady about this and MONSTA X is willing to help you along the way. Accept the help!” The manager told them.
Nori nodded. “She’s right, Misun. They already know about this anyway so apparently it’s a good idea. Let’s just do it. It could be fun. We’ve never gone on a musical tour before and we’ll get to see how everything is ran!” She squeezed Misun’s hand and leaned closer to her ear. “Plus, you get to spend more time with Shownu!” She whispered.
Misun rolled her eyes a bit. “Where do we start?”
The manager smiled. “Today actually. They will be practicing at Starship headquarters and you’ll get to film some of it. They know you’re coming. Run along.”
The girls took a deep breath and stood from the table. “Thank you for you help.” Misun said under her breath.
“You’re welcome. We will send you a tour itinerary in a couple of days!” The manager said and dismissed them.
Starship Ent.
The guys had been practicing all day. If it wasn’t vocal rehearsal then it was dance rehearsal. They were tired but also ready to start back performing. Finally things were looking up for them, after the Minhyuk and Shownu fiasco. Everyone seemed to have good team work again.
The ladies rang the bell at the building. It was very secure and you had to be buzzed in. “May I help you?” A lady sounded through the speaker.
Misun looked to Nori. She was pretty shy so even merely stating why they were there put her on edge.
“Hi. We’re Misun and Nori from KTown Entertainment. We’re here to shadow Monsta X.” Nori replied and waited.
They stood in silence for a bit.
Misun cocked an eyebrow. “What’s taking so long?”
Finally a buzz sounded. “You may come in. Go to the third floor and someone will help you further.”
The girls walked in. This was the first time they had ever been in this building. They sort of figured that the guys boss wasn’t a fan of them.
“Can we just stop for a moment?” Misun stood against a wall and took a deep breath.
Nori eyed curiously. “What is it?”
Her eyes began to well a little. “I think I know why Shownu has been distant.”
“Because he knew I was coming on this tour. He’s stressed and maybe this is too much for him. Maybe he needs space and now he can’t have it.” Misun sighed.
Nori shook her head. “No. I refuse to believe that that’s why he’s being the way he is. Y’all are getting through a tough time right now. Of course things are not going to be normal just yet. It takes time for wounds to heal. That’s all, Misun. Stop being so in your head and in your feelings. Let’s go!”
Misun rolled her eyes and followed.
The girls walked right into the dance practice room and the guys looked to be taking a break. Jooheon immediately ran up to Nori.
“So, I take it you finally know what’s about to happen?!” He seemed excited.
Nori squinted at him. “You couldn’t have given me a heads up?”
“Nope. Business is business so I couldn’t say anything. But if it makes you feel any better I really wanted to.” He kissed her forehead and pulled her over to the other guys and they sat on the floor.
Misun smiled awkwardly at Shownu and waved.
The door behind her opened and a beautiful lady walked in. She was average height with short dark coily hair. She had the biggest smile on her face as if she was on cloud 9.
Shownu immediately jumped to his feet and greeted her. He grabbed her hand and bowed in front of her. “Hi. Hello. I’m Shownu, the leader of this clan.” He laughed awkwardly.
Misun stood back and watched. He seemed very excited to see her. Whoever the hell she was. She sat between Minhyuk and Nori.
Minhyuk stilled. “Hey Misun.”
“Hey Minnie! How are you?” She answered with a smile.
He took a deep breath. “I’m good.”
“Out of curiosity....are we okay?” She asked. She had to know what was up with him.
“Yeah. Sure. Why wouldn’t we be?”
Misun shrugged. “ I don’t know. You just seem different towards me now. Like all of a sudden. Shownu hasn’t said anything has he?”
Minhyuk began to have a coughing spell. “Why- why would you think that?!”
Misun patted his back. “Are you okay?!”
He caught his breath from all of the choking he had just done. “Yes. I’m fine. I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” He hurried out.
Misun rolled her eyes. “Why the fuck is everyone acting weird around me?!”
Nori shrugged. “I don’t know. And who is that?!” She pointed towards the woman who Shownu was speaking with.
“If I had to guess I’d say she’s the new English speaking tour manager.” Misun took a deep breath out of frustration. “He looks absolutely cozy talking to her but I don’t get the same energy.”
Shownu cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention. “Hey guys. Elle has some things she wants to say.” He joined the rest on the floor.
“Hey guys! Y’all already know who I am. Well most of you do. Ladies, I’m Elle. I’m basically here to guide these guys through their busy tour schedule in the states. I’m sort of a liasion.” She paused for a moment.
Nori stood to shake her hand. “I’m Nori. She’s Misun. We’re a duo. We’re serving as their connection to their fans over the course of this tour. Basically we’re their shadows.”
Elle smiled. “Well cool, looks like we see a lot of one another. It’ll be nice to have other females in this sea of men!”
Misun simply smiled but never opened her mouth to say a word.
Minhyuk finally made his way back in. He locked eyes with Shownu for a moment. He wasn’t sure how this whole thing was going to play out but he was bout to be bat shit crazy if he didn’t take his mind off of it.
The guys finished their practice. The ladies got a few good shots and packed their things to leave.
Shownu caught up with Misun. “I’m going to go get the rest of my things. Be thinking about what you want to eat.” He ran off.
Minhyuk overheard their convo. “So dinner date?”
Misun stared at the ground for a moment. “Probably wouldn’t call it a date.” She said dryly.
Minhyuk sighed. “I’m sorry things haven’t turned out exactly how you wanted it to.”
Misun shook her head. “Everything happens for a reason. I’m just riding the waves, going with the flow.”
“Can I let you in on a secret?” He asked as he draped his arm over her shoulder.
She nodded.
“I’m always doing that. Whatever comes is gonna come, you just have to make the best out of it.” He winked at her. “Happiness will find you. I promise. You deserve it.” He rubbed her arm and walked towards the vehicle with Kihyun, Hyungwon, Wonho and Changkyun.
Misun smiled. He had made her night. “Minhyuk!” She yelled after him.
He turned to acknowledge her.
“Thank you for being normal with me again!”
He nodded with a wink and jumped in the vehicle.
Misun sat in silence in front of Shownu. She simply picked at her food. She didn’t really have an appetite.
“Why are you not eating?” Shownu asked as he wiped some sauce off of his mouth.
Misun sighed. “I don’t have an appetite.”
“Hm. Anything bothering you?”
She giggled. “Nice of you to ask. Well yeah everything about us is bothering me!”
Shownu put his chopsticks down. “Can I be honest?”
“Yes. Please! That’s what I’ve been wanting all of this time!”
He took a sip of his coke. “I love you so much, and I never want to lose you as a person because you mean the world to me-“
“Why does this sound like the beginning of a breakup?” Misun questioned.
Shownu’s eyes filled with tears. “It’s not a breakup. I just think you deserve more. I’ve been focusing on myself but I’ve also been focusing on you. I learned so much about you that I never thought I would by just watching you move. Watching you talk. Watching you interact with the world. I can’t give you what someone like Minhyuk will. That’s what’s missing, I’m not him.”
Misun’s blood was boiling. “When have I ever asked you to be? Where the hell is this coming from?!”
“By observation, Misun. You don’t have to say it. It’s obvious that y’all fit better. I’ve been in denial but it’s clear now. You’d be with him anyway if I hadn’t have interfered.”
Her eyes widened. “What are you saying?”
“I knew he liked you which is why I went ahead and talked to you first because I knew he never would if I beat him to it. I didn’t want him to have you. I was selfish. He sits around all sad because he can’t have someone he’s in love with and that’s not fair. Especially when I see how you light up when he’s near. You both deserve real love.” Shownu shrugged.
“So you’re just gonna toss me to him like a hot potato?” She rolled her eyes.
He shook his head. “No, baby. You’re worth more than diamonds and I want you to shine. With him you will. I just want you to be happy and I know I don’t bring you the happiness that he does. I wish I was the one. I really do because in you I’ve found so much but I’m trying to not be selfish and actually put you first for once.” He grabbed her hands across the table and caressed them.
“So this is it?” She said just above a whisper.
He shook his head. “It’s not a breakup. We’re just transitioning to a new dynamic.”
She took a deep breath. “Not a breakup.” She whispered to herself. “I will always love and support you no matter what. Thank you for loving me so unconditionally.”
“I really love the hell out of you, which is why this is killing me. Just don’t disappear on me, okay?”
“I promise. Friends for life!” She replied as she wiped an escaped tear.
“And please don’t make Minhyuk suffer because of our relationship. Give him a chance to love you the correct way. I know the guys will probably be against it and will try to talk both of you out of it but don’t listen. Minhyuk is always there for everyone, it’s time that we finally support him too.” He kissed the back of her hand.
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