#i wanna tag this but dnw to appear in the tag
smores100 · 6 years
lmao i feel the same way when people say the italian (or any of the remakes) version is better. i don't really care about the remakes so i'm mostly following them through you but i also dislike the fact that they look way older than 17/19. the worst thing is ive seen people say that those who complain about their age just want to fetishize them but like...i feel the same way about any show where adults play teens. lol sorry i got carried away
hah at least i only post about 4 of them so you don’t have to suffer too much, it could’ve been worse :p
yay i’m not the only one who feels this way 👊 i know it’s stupid to get so upset and butthurt about it, but i can’t help it. idc as much with the other seasons bc i’m not as emotionally attached to them as i am to s3, and as much as i love skam i can admit it has plenty of problems. but, and i’ve mentioned it before, s3 is like….sacred afaic. it’s so layered and complex, so brilliant, so perfect and flawless. how can you say *anything* is better than that? especially when i see things that are (to me) so obviously *not* better (i’ve read some great posts about it too). so then you have people flailing and waxing poetic about how much better this and that is, and i’m here screaming into the void ‘but it’s not???????? how do you not see this?!?! WHY AM I ALONE IN THIS????’ i’m highly frustrated most days, ngl. 
yes THANK YOU! i’ve been bitching about their ages from day one and i know it’s hella annoying, but it really bothers me, it’s why i didn’t get past the first clip of s1. it’s been rather frustrating being the only one bothered by it (what’s wrong with me that only i care???), so good to know i’m not the only one. saying that those who complain about it just want to fetishize them doesn’t make much sense tho? if all i cared about was fetishizing two guys kissing then wouldn’t i watch it DESPITE how old they look? like why would i complain about anything (or even not watch at all) in that case, just bring on the homosexuals! ya know?
the most annoying thing to me tho was this call out post that had a bunch of pics of characters from american shows like glee, riverdale, the oc etc, and was like ‘you think martino’s actor looks too old to play a teenager but those guys doing it seems totally realistic to you huh lol’ and like….no? that’s missing the point? obviously i can only speak for myself, but it’s always been weird to me seeing adults playing teens, it’s completely unrealistic, but that’s the case for almost EVERY american show and movie, so after a while you just get used to it. if this was just any other show, i’d probably be ‘lol he doesn’t look 17’ and kept on watching bc that’s just how it is. but this isn’t just some random show - THIS IS A REMAKE! IT’S BASED ON SOMETHING THAT ALREADY EXISTS! it’s the same characters, there’s something to COMPARE them to, so ofc my brain is going to compare! and since in skam most of them *were* teens, the difference is so big and obvious that i can’t ignore it, and it just really, really bothers me. plus, the thing about skam that made it so different and special was how natural and realistic it was - something that those other shows never tried or claimed to be. THAT’S why i have a problem with it. i expected the remakes to channel og skam’s vibe, so when they channel typical american teen dramas, it feels off for me. and like….isak is supposed to be smol and young and vulnerable, even is supposed to be the older one, the one taking the lead in this new relationship, but i just don’t get that AT ALL with skamit. they look the same age to me, they look like a couple of 20 something, and *for me* it affects the story being told. some people don’t have a problem with it, cool for them, but i think it’s a valid complaint. i’ve seen some people say that even tho the cast is 20+ that’s how italian teens look like….i find it hard to believe that anyone looks the same at 21 as they did when they were 16/17, but hey i’m not italian so what do i know. *shrugs*
i have more things to rant about, but i’ve ranted long enough and i don’t actually want to offend anyone. enjoy what you want, even if idgi, it’s my own problem that i get upset and don’t know how to deal with it like a normal human being! 🙃
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