#i wanna talk about it sooooo bad but i will refrain until its allowed
cas---2y5 · 7 months
i've written like 5k words today and my GBB story is 🤏thiiis close to being done. 14k/15k done, which is crazy bc i definitely thought i was gonna flop on this and have to drop out. but WE 👏 STAY 👏 SILLY 👏😤
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thekoogler-blog · 6 years
Interior Kitchen
Breakfast has already been cooked. Three still sit at the table. Two seats with empty plates are seen. One girl. Two boys.
 So what you’re telling me is….
I’m telling you that what you’re saying is crazy, not just crazy, but batshit crazy.
It’s a pretty crazy notion to think up
 Why is it such a crazy notion. I think it’s a great notion. A fine idea, one of my better ideas in fact.
You have the worst ideas, not just the worst ideas, but the worst batshit ideas that I’ve ever heard.
You do have pretty bad ideas, McMillan Party, 07.
 A. That was not my fault. What kind of house does not have a fire extinguisher? B. It would have worked if no one had panicked. And C. That was the past, just tell me why it’s a bad idea?
Look. If I have to tell you….I have to actually explain why this would be a bad idea, then….I just don’t know. DAAAAD   (Im not in it…leave me out of it)
Shouldn’t have to explain why this one is bad. Its pretty bad
 Can you pull YOUR head out of HIS ass and think for yourself for once? This would work, this would totally work. I already have the supplies ready and no one is doing it. Why wouldn’t this work.
OF COURSE you have the tools. Really? I guarantee you it would not work, who would want to see this, and there’d be no money in it. And don’t curse at him, he’s got his head on straight and its right where it needs to be. You know he’ll crush you.
You know I would crush you and it’s a bad idea. No one wants to go to a place like that
 It wouldn’t be a place, it would be an experience, think about it. You roll up to the building, family in tow, wife by your side. You open the door, and BOOOOOOOM. It’s a Sesame Street themed paint ball extravaganza. Think about putting one right between Bert’s eyes just once. One time. I mean……..he was so mean to Ernie.
………………what in the name of the Black Panther God are you even talking about. This is why it won’t work, your ideas NEVER work. You take two totally separate things and mash them together like they’re just supposed to and then you look at us like WE’RE the crazy ones. I mean…..MAAAAAA  (Me and your father are both dead, stop yelling at us please)
Bad ideas. Chocolate covered broccoli, May 2000.
 CCB was flash forward thinking. You guys, have no vision. Absolutely none. That’s like the stuff now. Right? People wanna do things that are just unconventional and what not. Think about it. They put Thanos in Fortnite and people were trying to get Shaggy in MK. There’s a whole restaurant where they hurl insults at you. Think about the friggin IG chatter. The pictures on the Twittosphere. We would have the only place on the planet that would allow you to come and pop a shot of at that yellow fuck Big Bird (Curse in front of your sister again and you sleep in the garage)
Ooooook. We’re gonna circle back to this hate of Sesame Street you have, because that, that is weird. Who hates Big Bird? What kind of parent would bring their child to this place
Large yellow friend of mine. I don’t appreciate who you are talking about him so please refrain, lest you suffer my wrath (DO NOT THREATEN YOUR BROTHER WITH WRATH….I WILL SHOW YOU WRATH)
 You never seem to get the vision I have
Because its about a dirty as a frat boy bathroom. Pick one thing and do that thing. Isn’t this your like fifth idea in 3 days. No kid wants to go and shoot Zoey between the eyes. No kid and kids that do…..we should probably keep a close eye.
Definitley not two full ones, but certainly one eye, one dedicated eye. AndI  counted 7 yesterday, but to be fair I wasn’t paying attention, watching MHA, so it could be 70.
 First off, you watched it without us?!?! And just wait, one day I’ll take off, and on that day, you’ll realize how wrong you were.
Fine, but until then, you’ll be the little brother with the crazy ideas, just, batshit crazy ideas. And we’ll be the ones with sense. Who wants to take a shot at Elmo? And seriously, you watched it without us. Really man?
Furry red compatriot. Laugh that could warm your heart and life lessons that you carry for eternity, what’s to hate? And shit, I’ll watch it again.
 We’re going to circle back to proper etiquette, that of which you have none. How about the fact that Elmo is a terrible example for kids. Oh you’re having problems, just go down the street and get a life lesson from the tiny red monster, or the giant mutant bird, or the living breathing moss that lives in the trash. The CDC would have that man locked in a cellar somewhere in Area 51 right next to the chupacabra and the bigfoot babies.
Well…….that is a lot take in. But now you’ve got me thinking. What is going on, on that street? I mean let’s be honest, it’s a pretty weird street.
Any street that lets a giant wooly mammoth just walk down the street is a weird street
 Thank you. I mean, what do you think the people on the other streets are thinking. Looking out their windows like, “Holy ass. Look at that big blue googly eyed monster eat those cookies again. He’s not getting any in his mouth. What a waste of cookies.”
Total waste of cookies, surprised no one has called him out. “Hey Eugene, you’re wasting an awful lot of cookies over there. This is why we don’t really invite you to things.”
And you’d suppose he’s not cleaning any of that up. He doesn’t look functional enough to work a broom. Just cookies, if it was a cookie broom maybe he could do something with it
 I mean there has to be a gas leak on that street right? You’d figure there would be some sort of team called in to investigate that whole block. They have a living breathing vampire on the street. What’s he eating? It damn sure isn’t numbers. And why does he have that monocle?
You’d have to figure that it would be some sort of Angel situation where he’s drinking like, pigs blood, cow blood, or something to stay alive. Don’t think they’d want him out there killing those other muppets. Or kids. He probably had one or two though.
Had to have one or two you’d suppose, then he’d figure out he couldn’t bring himself to do it. The look in their eyes as he drained the last little bit of life out of them. Has to haunt a man for years you’d suppose. Every waking moment you had would be of the moment when you put someone to eternal sleep.
……………………………………Sooooo…..smoke and a movie? You got it right?
 Three nod in unison, rise from the table and file out a door to the right
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