#i wanna wear glittery eyeshadow and learn how to do eyeliner and wear pretty tops and who cares if theyshow a lil belly when i raise my arm
navysealt4t · 1 year
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irlnumbuh3 · 1 year
I love your Sector V middle/high school hcs. Can you make one for their TND years? Keep it up!❤️❤️❤️
sector v if they had joined TND
au in which nigel did join the gknd, and abby took over as sector v’s leader yippee abby!!!
omg yes !!! my first request :000 u are so sweet thank you!!! 💚💚 i love writing these so enjoy :>
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- i hc that numbuh 362 is in on the recruitment process when it comes to the TND, she is supreme leader after all. she learns all about it after nigel leaves
- and because i hc that after nigel, hoagie is the oldest, he absolutely GEEKS OUT when he is recruited. he fangirls the ENTIRE TIME
- and because he has to stay away from the tree house, the group will meet in different spots every time
- in canon they all are aware that the TND exists so, it wasn’t really a secret that they were going to be part of that recruitment. after all it was promised that sector v would still be there for nigel once he returned! it’s pretty obvious that numbuhs 2 through 5 aren’t gonna be let go so easily :P
- and they’re all always like tell us tell us ! and he keeps them on their toes
- like he goes on and on “HA i’m special i’m the first recruitment in this sector my lips are sealed i don’t even know u guys!!!!” drama queen 😒
- eventually when they all are recruited they are like wtf it wasn’t even that special of a thing whyd you gas us up like that LOL
- because the old treehouse WAS on top of nigel’s house, i headcanon that a new sector doesn’t take over it. and it just becomes a lot smaller and secluded, like on the outside it looks like a regular shed and a small old tree house, when there’s SO much more. it’s an underground type of thing
- rachel makes it seem like it’s a tribute to sector v to cover for them (shoutout to rachel fr!!!) because it still is significant for everyone , even if the entire sector was “decommissioned”
- but nope that baby is still there for the new TND members. just no where near as visible as it once was. the secrecy i know!!!
- and yeah the renovations were SUPER annoying (wally must have complained about his lack of sleep 100 times bc of all the noise) but it was worth it in the end. the treehouse becomes a little more modern and comfortable for them to do their own things. and the technology only becomes more advanced
- and they get older our babies😢the maturing takes everyone by surprise kind of, especially wally’s, ugh he gets a growth spurt in the summer leading up to freshman year and it leaves everyone saying wtf. but they do have their flare ups of childishness bc let’s be honest, we know them, how could they not!! cue the bickering between wally and kuki plz!
- wally finds a passion for soccer and he’s really good at it. he’s missed a few team meetings bc of soccer though…. which always results in a lecture from abby LOL but they all go to support him at his games
- at his important games, they all make signs cheering him on, and omg does this annoy him LOOLL
- they all even wear his team’s colors, kuki buys face paint to paint his jersey number on their cheeks. she’s probably his biggest fan 🤫
- kuki finds this love for makeup , “typical girly teen behavior!” wally will tease, but she’s actually really good at it!
- sometimes in mid mission kuki will have the most glittery-colorful eyeshadow on because she was practicing before the call!😭
- hoagie let’s her practice a lot on him, and i would be lying if i said he hasn’t shown up in battle with some variation of eyeliner on
- and when abby wants her makeup done for any reason, kuki is the first to be there!
- sure the team doesn’t go on as many missions as they did before , but the missions they DO go on are usually long and exhausting. the break they get after is always treasured by our lazy teens
- abby gets super into skin care and just self care overall! she will have the entire day off after a mission as a self care day. and kuki will always join her! even the boys get curious but don’t wanna admit that😒
- one day they cave and they all watch a movie wearing their face masks. cute !!! i just know wally had the face mask that you peel off and that shit IRKED HIM😭 kuki pinned his hair back and they had a moment but it’s ruined after when she tries to rip off his face mask LMFAO
- hoagie joins the auto mechanics club in highschool. and wow is he talented with that. it only helps him further develop technology for the TND. oh and when that boy gets his license ? he does the MOST with his beat up van😭
- i would not be shocked if that boy installed a whole ass xbox in the back of that van
- these 4 ditch class a LOT for missions . they have occasional saturday-detentions 😞
- and even then because kuki, hoagie, and abby, are such loved students they find a way out. the hard part of that is convincing the teacher to let wally out LMFAOO
- tell me how they get called in for battle mid-saturday detention and kuki fakes a scene to leave
- her doing theatre throughout all of middle school and even highschool PAYS OFF this girl starts sobbing on the floor like someone just died😭so the teacher has no other choice but to let the four go
abby: guys wtf i just got a text from maurice. we need to be up at base in the next hour
wally: don’t ask me this dick won’t even let me go use the bathroom
abby: wally boy if u don’t stop making ur texting so obvious right now
hoagie: he won’t leave the room, there’s no way i can create a diversion
kuki: watch this! :D
- this girl screams and pretends that she just got the worst news of her life. and oh my god her fake crying? you would actually believe it if she said the world was ending
- in middle school these 4 were awful with keeping the TND a secret 😭 i just know they would screw up all of their different excuses
- why wasn’t hoagie in class? well he said that he was in the nurses office. oh but the nurse didn’t see him? and wasn’t that just him walking down the hallway with abby lincoln? but she got picked up early today? and why is kuki sanban trying to leave the nurses office after complaining that she threw up? she said that she was looking for her friend wally because they were carpooling home today. but where is wallabee? his teacher said he got called to the office 2 hours ago??????
- but once highschool comes the whole sneaking out thing gets a lot easier when it’s needed. hoagie gets his license first and wow he can just dip whenever he wants to. and in highschool, u can sneak off anywhere. especially with as big as a campus as Gallagher High. everyone ditches class at some point 🤷🏼‍♀️
- even these 4 get the urge to ditch when things aren’t mission related. senior year, they are OUT god does the senioritis kick in with them 😭 especially wally and kuki, those lovebirds. that boy will find any and all reasons to leave early. and he’s passing all of his classes, what’s stopping him tbh
- like the 4 plan a theme park day on a random wednesday in the middle of the month 😭 i’m telling you, they have their fun when they can
- with the workload they have on them because of the TND, this group enjoys whatever time they can have :) especially with one another
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