#i want eddie & steve to eiffel tower me
fairyperks · 2 years
7 minutes in hellfire ☆
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★ summary: a seemingly innocuous game of 7 minutes in heaven takes an interesting turn when you’re faced with the pairing of both eddie and steve for an unexpected night.
★ pairing: steve harrington x black fem!reader, eddie munson x black fem! reader, steve harrington x eddie munson x black fem! reader
★ includes: mutual masturbation, threesome, fingering, oral sex (m), hair pulling, praise kink, throat fucking, eddie has a dick piercing bc why not, pet names, slight degradation if you squint, handjobs, rough sex, thigh riding, squirting
★ author’s note: YES THE TITLE OF THIS IS CORNY LEAVE ME ALONE! anywho— this needed to be written LMFAO so here i am!! enjoy!!
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“aw, c’mon eddie!” robin yelled, banging against the wooden door separating the pair of horny teenagers stuck in that room together from the rest of the horny teenagers that were piled onto the floor around you. “it’s been 17 minutes, get out of there you sick fuck!”
giggles erupted around you from teenagers sprinkled around, seeing as it was obvious what eddie munson & chrissy cunningham were doing behind closed doors. you were all piled all over each other in chrissy’s basement, which was surely big enough to be rented out, for a weekend game night. the game— 7 minutes in heaven, was pretty self-explanatory. it was suggested by robin, ironically, as she seemed to be the one having the least amount of fun right now. the rules were simple; whoever the bottle landed on was to choose one person to tag along with them into an empty room for 7 minutes.
eddie evidently didn't get the basic idea behind the guidelines. the little throng that had gathered let out a few gasps when the pop bottle stopped spinning and landed on chrissy. she had never spoken to you for more than a few words, yet despite this, she seemed to be tremendously well-liked. chrissy cunningham was well known since she was the leader of the hawkins high school cheerleaders. her popularity, though, wasn't in doubt because she was incredibly approachable and managed to charm everyone she met.
“um, i pick.. eddie.” chrissy’s angelic voice announced, earning a few gasps from the crowd. hell, even eddie’s face had appeared a bit shocked at the realization that the chrissy cunningham had chosen him to be locked into a room with. it was.. incredibly appalling.
“have you met eddie?” a snobby jock commented, snorting as he earned a few laughs from his friends.
“have you met a fuckin’ shower, dude?” eddie spat back at him, huffing as he hopped up off of the floor at the sound of his name being called. “i mean- jesus. i can smell your balls sweating from all the way over here.”
snickers responded to eddie’s mediocre snapback as the jock grunted curses to his friends in anger. you could tell that being one-upped wasn’t something that he was used to, and his fragile little ego had begun to crumble just like that.
“no, but seriously.” steve harrington started off, clearing his throat from next to you and yanking everyone’s attention towards him. “why him?” he asked chrissy, the tone of referring to eddie as him flying off of his tongue in disgust.
“aw, is somebody jealous?” eddie taunted, pouting his bottom lip out in mischief as he babied steve. “you want to get me alone with you that bad, harrington?”
“oh, fuck off, eddie.” steve hissed, steve snarled and huffed before relaxing his agitated stance by resting back against the wall behind him. he slumped in frustration and let his legs spread out in front of him, allowing him to slip down onto the wall.
eddie walked over to where chrissy sat, and extended a helpful hand out. gently grabbing onto her hand, he helped her up off of the ground and balanced her onto her two feet. “thank you, eds.” she hummed, the nickname causing everyone’s ears to perk up as obviously the pair was closer than everyone else had assumed. “okay, 7 minutes, right?” she asked, her ponytail bouncing behind her as she got up onto her feet.
“that is correct!” robin confirmed, sending the both of them a farewell thumbs-up as you all watched them disappear hand-in-hand into the room shortly down the hall.
shortly after they first dispersed, murmurs of what exactly they were going to do became the topic of interest around the crowd. you couldn’t fathom the two of them making out, let alone heading to anymore bases further than that.
yet, now that 19 minutes had passed, mindsets about the entire situation had effectively changed. robin returned from banging onto the door, and plopped herself down onto the floor in despair. she placed her head in her hands, banging hanging messily over her face as she sighed. “do you guys really think that they’re.. y’know..” she asked us, not really knowing what to think anymore. it was quite interesting seeing how easily her overwhelming stress levels could completely deteriorate her.
“i mean, what the hell else would you be doing in a room with chrissy?” another nameless jock chortled out. you threw the filthiest look at him, along with some other girls with common sense as the uncomfortable silence was enough to make him immediately shut down the nonsense.
when the door was finally opened roughly, the jocks erupted in applause because they assumed that eddie had "completed the job." chrissy was the first to go when the door swung open. you analyzed her body language, from the way she entered the room with eddie to the apparent difference from her leaving. she appeared more at ease, as if all of her anxieties had been taken off her shoulders while they were alone with eddie. for all you knew, they might have just shared a joint, and the entire crowd could be misinformed about their implications.
however, the more you noticed, the more that you were almost certain that they hadn't done a thing. chrissy’s poise revealed all— her tight ponytail's hairspray wasn't sweating out, and her silk baby-pink slip dress was still completely intact. eddie actually appeared to be the same as well when he exited shortly after her. actually, literally nothing had fucking changed since he entered the room— hell, his hair was already a mess.
“a full 20 minutes, munson?” steve taunted, an eyebrow raised at the pair walking back in silence. “hell, i’m impressed.”
“yeah?” eddie asked, the sound of the chains dangling off of his tattered jeans jingling as he smoothly walked past. “i’m tellin’ ya, harrington. put me and you in a room by ourselves, find out my full potential.”
steve rolled his eyes at eddie’s absentminded flirtatious behavior. you noticed it was a regular thing between them, really. their dynamic was actually quite hilarious as they were literally polar fucking opposites.
“i mean— jesus, really eddie?” robin asked, literally pulling at the ends of her short haircut in distress. “you too, chrissy! seriously? almost 20 damn minutes?”
“my apologies, robs.” eddie spoke sincerely, shrugging before shooting a quick glance back at chrissy. she was silent, yet seemed happier after whatever the hell happened back there with eddie. “now, if you dickwads don’t mind, i’d like to have my turn now.”
“what do you me- your turn? you don’t get anymore fuckin’ turns!” robin exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air as if it was obvious. you stifled a laugh, watching as eddie mocked her behavior & dramatically threw his hands up in the air as well.
the empty see-through coke bottle was just in his hand as he leaned forward and spun it around in his ring-encrusted fingers. “actually, i do.” eddie told her, his mouth scrunching up as he looked up at the ceiling in thought. “those are the rules, right? i mean, tell her i’m right, harrington. i know you’ve had your fair share of 7 minutes in the past.”
everyone, including you, threw their glances over to steve who was completely over all of eddie’s shenanigans. his head hung low, arms swung over his knees as he didn’t respond to eddie’s playful taunts.
“alright, well, anyways..” eddie snorted, “i’m fuckin’ going, so, cry about it.” he announced, wrapping his calloused fingers around the bottle and turning it, before letting it loose and watching it spin around in search of its next victim.
the previous feeling of a hole in the pit of your stomach formed once more as your nerves crunched at the bottle determining your fate once again. it was nerve-wracking, really. a fucking glass bottle was used to determine if you’d be hooking up with a complete stranger or not. while hooking up wasn’t the only activity to be commenced behind those closed doors, it was surely expected by the lot of horn-balls in this room.
sweat was dripping from the back of your neck, which was fortunately covered by your teased out curls that, after hours of pin-curling the night before, gracefully bounced onto your shoulders. you swallowed loudly enough for people in the next state to hear. heat was automatically drawn to you because of the navy-blue knit dress you had thrown on, but, all of your colored clothes had needed washing and you were rushing at the time.
your eyes bulged as you watched the bottle swivel around, slowing down at a tantalizing pace and causing the crowd to grow quiet.
your stomach churned as it did one last full-circle, & ended up looking as if it was going to stop on steve. you breathed a short sigh of relief, closing your eyes in attempt to calm yourself as you knew this meant he’d have to spin again. unless, of course, steve wanted to go in the room with him, which would be shocking. but, you weren’t one to judg-
“well, would’ja look at that?” eddie announced, causing you to open up one eye & glance at where the evil bottle had landed. the bottle obviously wasn’t on your side when you looked to see that the bottle had landed directly in between both you and steve. robin clicked her teeth, waiting on someone to say something in response to the peculiar situation.
“uh..” you stammered, looking in between steve and eddie as none of them were making eye contact with the other. “r-robin?” you asked, hoping for some kind of assistance with the awkwardness served to you on a silver platter.
she pursed her lips out, shrugging at the three of you. “i mean— it’s up to eddie. he can choose either of you, or, y’know..”
“well, three’s a crowd, dontcha think?” eddie snickered, grinning at the two of you with unknown intentions etched into his eyes. at first, you couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but when he eagerly hopped up off of the floor & walked over towards your direction the realization came rather quickly.
“wait, are you serious?” you inquired, looking up at eddie with your curiosity-filled eyes. although he was despised by many, his charisma consistently outweighed everyone else's hate of him. he never shied away from speaking his mind and was always shamelessly himself. truthfully, there were times when you envied his self-assurance. even more so given that you occasionally struggled with your own identity, you had a particular degree of respect for anyone who was unashamedly themselves, regardless of who said what.
“as a heart attack, babe.” he winked and extended his hands in the same way he had just done for chrissy, extending them towards you. you clung to his rough hands and allowed him to easily pull you up off the ground. “unless, of course, you’re not?” he made certain, maintaining his grip on your gentle hands and peering into your eyes. your heart was beating at an alarming rate and, in response to eddie’s soothing words, it damn near thumped outside of your chest.
you nodded, the embarrassment being too high at the idea of verbally admitting that you’d willingly go in a room alone with eddie. he smiled in acceptance, briskly letting go of your hands and directing in front of him for you to go ahead oh him. “ladies first.” he cornily announced, grinning and showcasing his deepened smile lines for all to see.
“you too, harrington.” eddie spoke, causing a literal record to scratch as everyone in the room looked at what the actual fuck had just came out of eddie’s mouth.
“yeah fuckin’ right.” steve laughed sarcastically, looking over at robin for confirmation. “tell this dickhead that i don’t have to go in there with him.”
“steve..” robin trailed off, irritation steadily growing. “it’s just a game, dingus.”
“we can just skip this round..” you suggested, refusing to sit and deal with steve’s bitchiness regarding to eddie’s entire being. the whole deal was becoming a bit much for you to endure, and already causing more chatter in the group than chrissy and eddie’s situation. “it’s not even that serious, really.”
eddie frowned at steve while softly prodding you in your direction because he saw that you were starting to shut down. despite not personally knowing you, eddie had certainly noticed you on several occasions. in all honesty, he had no other choice but to take notice of you. every time he caught you in his gaze, you were able to unknowingly and selfishly occupy his head for some time. he had always felt that attractive individuals were to be noticed and valued for their beauty. especially since he has developed as a musician, which has given him a distinct perspective on the more basic things that most people tend to overlook.
steve’s stiff demeanor immediately relaxed as he truly took the time to look at your innocent face. your brown eyes had first been slightly excited about the idea of the game but had since grown unhappy. he couldn't stand to be the reason for that as it was already tearing at his heartstrings.
“no, wait, i’m sorry.” steve apologized to you, biting down onto his bottom lip in frustration. “it wasn’t even- look, i’ll play your stupid game eddie, alright?” he quickly gave in, causing eddie to shake his fist in the air in uncontainable excitement.
“attaboy!” eddie throatily exclaimed, watching as steve reluctantly got up off of the floor and proceeded to grab onto his shoulders. eddie shook steve’s shoulders aggressively, and bobbed his head around like a rag-doll in excitement. “you gotta fuckin’ relax, man.” eddie whispered aloud into steve’s ear, the grip on his shoulders growing stronger as he walked on the same foot behind steve.
“seven minutes, dickheads.” robin instructed, sounding out each & every syllable. you grew quiet, not really knowing what to expect behind closed doors with this pair of literal dimwits. your feet dragged as you reluctantly walked down the short dimly lit hall, the sound of eddie teasing steve growing louder and louder behind you. he poked and prodded at steve, whispering god knows what and only earning weak huffs of annoyance in response.
by the time your shaking palm actually wrapped around the doorknob, your heart was pounding in your ears. in all honesty, you weren't even able to articulate the source of your anxiety. while being in a room with eddie for 7 minutes had piqued your attention, the addition of steve managed to slightly confound it. what the hell were all three of you supposed to do in a room alone— talk about your feelings?
it appeared to be an ordinary guest room, with the exception that there was so little light that you could essentially only see each other's silhouettes there. the only light source was a faint lamp suspended from the room's corner, which, surprisingly, only illuminated that one area.
“nice place you got here,” eddie snickered, leaving steve alone as he took wide steps around the 4x4 while he soaked in his surroundings. quickly growing comfortable, eddie shrugged off his layers as his vest was thrown onto the bed, while his leather jacket discarded onto the floor. eddie was left in his same ol’ hellfire t-shirt as he nudged your shoulder playfully, stumbling around before collapsing backwards onto the plush mattress belonging to the queen size bed in the middle of the room. “ya come here often?” he asked you, lifting his thick head of hair up off of the bed and shifting his weight onto his elbows behind him.
“not at all, actually.” you giggled, shrugging as you had little to no connections with chrissy personally. “this is my first time at one of her ‘infamous’ game nights, and well..” your voice trailed off, deciphering if going any further was worth the extra breath. obviously, eddie & chrissy had some kind of special connection for them to be stuck in that room earlier for damn near 20 minutes.
“well?” steve interrupted from the corner of the room where he stood, an irritated expression etched onto his face. “you’re not enjoying yourself, right?” he answered for you, seeming to get defensive off of absolutely nothing as you hadn’t said a single syllable to him.
you shook your head, shrugging softly as it wasn’t anything worrisome in your opinion. “i never said that.” you quickly threw steve’s defensive tactics right back at him, your shortness of answers showing that this wasn’t a topic you’d like to stay on.
“you were thinking it.” eddie chimed in from the bed, still sprawled out as he stared up at the ceiling. “which, is to be expected. steve is a certified dick muncher.”
steve closed his eyes in thinking as he threw his head back against the door and exhaled deeply. there was a clear tension between the two of them, and as the white noise in the room grew unbearably loud, your chest constricted in discomfort. when you reached the corner of the bed, a few inches from eddie’s position, you shifted your feet over and softly sat down.
the inches between you two were cut short as when eddie felt your presence, he almost immediately threw himself to sit upwards. he leaned back onto his palms, not being able to stop grinning uncontrollably at you as even in this dimly lit room, your beauty still shined radiantly.
“something on your mind, babe?” he spoke, twisting his mouth as if it was obvious. “i mean, we’re in here for fuckin’ 7 minutes. might as well get it off your chest.”
you exhaled and reached up to pull nervously at the spread curls on the back of your neck. your thighs tensed up tightly as a result of the usage of a pet name, with warmth beginning to build between the friction there. a query was gnawing at your plump lips, trying to escape for eddie’s interpretation, but it was being held back by your own crippling worry.
“it’s not really— i mean, it’s just a little nerve-wracking being in here with you after y’know.. you just got out of here with chrissy and well..” your voice trailed off once more, sweat accumulating onto your forehead as you instantly regretted saying anything at all. “actually, nevermind, i’m sorry. it’s none of my business.”
eddie acknowledged your concerns with a hum and twisted his mouth completely to one side of his face as he deliberated on how to best express his response. “uh, well, you’re right. but, i can understand your concern.” he chuckled, causing the chains along his belt loop to jingle with each movement. “chrissy just needed a shoulder to lean on about some shit she’s going through. and, i happened to be the shoulder that she chose, no biggie.”
“wait, man, seriously?” steve chimed in, adjusting hisself and folding his arms around his chest. “you were in here with chrissy for how long? and all you guys did was talk?”
eddie glanced back at you after blinking without displaying any emotion. “is he deaf?” he asked at the profound ignorance from steve’s question, gaining a laugh from you and a smile of achievement from him. steve’s irritation, which tended to get worse after every encounter with eddie, had you cover your mouth with your hand as you giggled to yourself.
“but, yeah, dick muncher.” eddie repeated, turning to face steve with a sardonic expression. “if you must know, i was able to control myself around an attractive girl for an extended period of time, just like i’m doing right now.”
your ears perked up at the sound of this, as hearing that eddie found you attractive was, well, intriguing. you couldn’t lie, both eddie and steve were extremely easy on the eyes. despite how drastically they differed, they were both immensely handsome in their own right. It was a whole package deal, from eddie’s kind heart inside to steve’s arrogant façade.
“wait, so,” steve asked, blinking over at you & loosening his posture. “what exactly did you expect to happen in here?” he asked you, tilting his head slightly to the side as he stared directly at you, reading your each and every move.
“what do you mean?” you played dumb, tilting your head the opposite as steve’s and matching his eye contact head-on. you refused to let either of them see you sweat, regardless of how difficult it was becoming.
“exactly what i said.” he confirmed, jutting his neck out at his straightforward question. “you said it was nerve-wracking being in here with munson, ‘cause you thought he hooked up with chrissy. so.. did you think..”
in an effort to calm your trembling fingers from the energy that steve was currently exuding, you put your hands beneath your thighs and then sat on them. “i mean— it obviously crossed my mind, yeah.” you settled, choosing the easy way of saying it as the words of having a threesome with steve harrington & eddie munson were way too enigmatic to be true.
“crossed your mind?” eddie reiterated, “wait- you thought we were just gonna jump your fuckin’ bones? just like that?” his eyes expanded with a frightening kind of interest as he chuckled incredulously.
looking down at your lap, you encircled your arm and nervously rubbed it. the more you considered it, the less likely it was that you were against that fantasy. despite how absurd it sounded, it was one of the few promising developments that prevented you from immediately leaving this room. your exaggerated tits that protruded out of your dress caught steve’s attention ever since he entered the guest room, and his unreleased gaze upon them made certain that you weren’t unaware of his attraction towards you.
“is that what you wanted to happen?” steve’s tone shifted, his hands shifting into his back pockets as his eyes swept over your alluring figure while you sat atop of the bed. your knit dress melted perfectly around all of your curves, setting your voluptuous shape on display for all onlookers to gawk at.
eddie grew silent at the tension shift that had occurred within this room. while being the last thing he had expected for the night, he surely wasn’t against it as both you and steve were entirely his type. he wasn't one to ponder too much about his sexuality because he wasn't concerned about how the world would perceive him. even if he wasn't entirely out with labels or anything of the type, what transpired in his sex life wasn't really significant enough to be understood by anyone other than him.
“looks like you want it more than i do.” you shot back at steve, sticking a finger up in the direction of the dent in his pants that was continuously growing the more aroused he had evidently gotten. his cock had begun to ache from the comfort of his briefs, practically begging to spring out and plunge into the depths of your warm cunt.
“w-w-wait, just wait a fuckin’ second.” eddie stammered out, rustling about as he scavenged through his denim vest pockets in search for the answer to his prayers. “son of a bitch! harrington, you better have a fuckin’ rubber in those huge ass pockets, dude i swear..”
steve chuckled to hisself, seeing as he was already way ahead of the game when he had snuck his sly fingers into his back pockets only a few moments prior. he pulled a hand out of his pocket, the condom victoriously held in between two of his fingers.
eddie cheekily grinned at steve, his tongue poking into the corner of his jaw as he brought his everlasting attention back onto you. “c’mere, gorgeous.” he instructed, patting onto his thigh as if you were to fit perfectly onto that spot. “i call first dibs, dick muncher.” he told steve, eyes still glued onto your own dilated pupils, “so, uh, keep your hands to yourself, yeah? i got her.”
the truth of the situation was only now beginning to dawn on you, and your eyes began to go weary. you stood up briefly and shifted into position over eddie’s lap as you moved over to him. your knees were now positioned on either side, parallel to his, and your arms extended to clasp around his veined neck. “aht, aht.” eddie mouthed, using his abrasive hands to forcefully dig his fingers into your waistline. he moved you a few inches so that you were now hovering over one of his legs rather than both.
he softly lowered you onto his thigh while holding onto the plush grooves that connected along your waist. your muscles tensed as your covered cunt sucked onto eddie’s flesh, wrapping around his thigh like a glove. he hiked up the end of your dress, encircling it repeatedly in his palm until it was sufficiently folded to be scrunched up around your waist. eddie’s nose was tickled by the fragrance of your arousal, which sent him into a rage-fueled lust spiral.
“this is what you wanted, huh?” he grunted, grabbing ahold of your chin roughly with his non-dominate hand as he forced you to look at him. eddie smushed your cheeks, inexorably watching as you whimpered helplessly under his touch. “would’ja look at that, hm.. everyone’s out there waiting for us, and what’re you doing? sitting around waiting to be fucked senseless like the filthy slut you are.”
your throat bobbed as you gulped heavily at eddie’s demeaning words. soft whimpers were heard from behind you, yet eddie’s grip on your chin ceased you from being able to see the cause of said noises. however, eddie’s eyes traveled to the sight of steve’s hands traveling underneath his unzipped trousers. he grabbed hold of hisself, massaging around the tip as only the sight of your backside clung onto eddie had his mind going absolutely crazy.
“go on, give ‘em a show.” he whispered, eyes lowered as they zoned in on steve’s actions behind you. as you began to slowly run your cunt against the stiff exterior of his denim jeans, your hands plucked at the tangled strands of his hair. while you continued to grind up against his thigh, your body gave way, sliding continually like water, a pool of dark slick growing beneath the friction.
steve’s jaw went slack as he practically had to pry his tongue off of the floor at the sight of your body grinding up against eddie’s thigh. the fluid-like motion of your thigh muscles tightening with each bit of stimulation had steve on the brink of cumming in his pants. his hand encircled around his member, jerking hisself slowly as he envisioned hisself in eddie’s place. not only that, but the erratic eye contact coming from munson himself was enough to make him fully explode.
eddie’s eyes flickered back to you, making sure not to leave you lonely as he observed your eyes struggling to remain open as a result of the extreme bliss that was flushing through you. his hold on your chin eased, and he began to slithering around to the nape of your neck, drawing you in closer to his lovely face. your clit became touch-sensitive as your pelvis spun wildly on top of eddie’s firm thighs and dragged along the rough surface of the denim.
“y-you wanna kiss me, eds?” you whispered, utilizing chrissy’s chosen nickname for him and causing him to bite down onto his bottom lip in pure, unadulterated passion. “hm? tell me how long you’ve waited for this.”
your taunting tone sent a chill through eddie’s entire body, and he smirked arrogantly at your enticing shift in mood. “all night, baby.” he grumbled as he observed how the frenetic movements caused your restricted boobs to bounce around in your dress. “you really shocked me, y’know that? who would’ve thought that you’d be so willing to fuck my thigh like this?”
he suddenly jerked your neck over to face steve, forcing you to witness steve’s complete submission as he was literally succumbing entirely to you riding eddie’s thigh as if your life depended on it. steve’s haughty demeanor had crumbled entirely at the beauty of the tableau that was being painted in front of him, and his cock had grown numb in his hands from all the feverishly pulling and straining.
“and look at what you’ve done to poor ol’ harrington..” eddie’s velvety voice hummed into your ear, causing you to shudder as he placed soft kisses along your earlobe. “he’s losin’ his shit just from watching you, doll.. just so. fuckin’. gorgeous.”
when he saw you bounce along atop eddie, steve’s lips quivered and his lovely face glowed with climactic beauty. his knuckles were now white from the force of his free hand's grip, which was securely grasping the dresser next to him. he could barely stand still without his knees buckling, and as a result, his back had slouched over, an unfixable posture.
“steve..” you mewled out, flinching as eddie clenched his thigh, causing the friction to grow harder against your sensitive bud. your folds mushed messily all over eddie’s thigh, starting to peak out the sides of your drenched panties and glide along his rugged jeans.
he responded with pained grunts, rubbing his cock raw against his rough palms as he was truly at his wits end. “c’mere, let me help.” you offered, voice strained as steve almost instantly helped himself off of the wall and made his way over to you. he was so fucking touch starved that just the slightest bit of physical interaction from you might have sent his body into a shock.
as eddie pressed his lips on your cheek and needlessly licked and sucked at your tender flesh, your face began to relax. he made sure to demonstrate that his desire for you was stronger than steve's out of envy that you were paying any of your attention to anyone but him. eddie suckled onto your sweet spot while creating dark purple hickies, causing a moan to escape your lips. his feathered kisses left a trail as he moved down onto your neck.
when steve approached you, all you heard was the buckle of his pants frantically being fumbled with as his anticipation was all too high. “so fucking perfect..” steve mumbled, gaze locked onto as you patiently awaited the reveal of his hungry cock. eddie hummed in agreement, “mm.. a real fuckin’ angel, isn’t she?” eddie asked, allowing your ego to rise in response to the lovely compliment before swiftly going back to attacking your neck. steve’s strong fingers easily pulled hisself out in front of you after grabbing hold of it. as you saw steve’s pre-cum seep from the slit and over his fingers, your mouth watered at the sight.
then, softly moving both of your hands up and down around his shaft, you wrapped your slim fingers around his and encircled him. steve’s jaw immediately went slack at the sight of the vista again as your eyes matched his gaze and you won the silent battle. eddie’s lips clung to the collarbone on the other side of you, leeching and licking your flawless skin as though he were a man starved. he murmured into your skin at the pillow-like smoothness of your ass as his hands made their way down your backside. he snaked his fingers underneath the end of your dress, caressing your cheeks & holding on like they were his, before delivering a sharp smack.
as your attention was now firmly fixed on titillating steve, you reduced the intensity of your grinding against eddie and slowed down considerably. your let your mouth salivate for a while and then dripped a glob of saliva onto the tip of steve’s cock. while you curled your thick lips around him, his hips trembled at the obscene sight of it all, nearly driving him insane. your eyes glazed over at him as you gave a little tap to his hands to signal that you had the upper hand. after releasing himself, steve wrapped his hands around the back of your head. he gently guided your lips as deep onto his cock as your throat would allow.
you started bobbing your head around his length as your cheeks hallowed, slurping all of your saliva off of his cock and using it again. as you pushed yourself through, you concentrated on breathing through your nose as you grimaced each time you felt the tip of his head slide against your uvula.
as steve’s cock was forced against the back of your throat, your nose was constantly brushing across his happy trail. he held your head immobile, & got trigger-happy as he began ramming his own hips deep inside of your mouth. eddie decided to help and took hold of your coarse hair and yanked it back as the room echoed with the loud gags and slurps of the repulsive scene. tears of bliss welled in your eye sockets as you choked on steve, watching him grunt in pleasure at how well you took him.
light taps on the door interrupted the moment, causing steve to cease his movements and pause, relaxing into your mouth. “oh-you’ve gotta be fucking kidding..” steve groaned, looking over at eddie’s direction with a helpless expression etched onto his face. eddie shrugged, loosening his grip on your roots as he looked over towards the door in curiosity.
“um, dickheads!” robin’s muffled voice yelled through the door, and you smiled as you could envision her frustration as if she was standing in front of you. “i said 7 minutes! we’re going on 11 minutes, and frankly, i’m kinda getting scared at the silence i’m hearing. so, uh, can you guys please hurry the fuck up?”
steve seized this opportunity to exert himself further, and you could literally feel his head sliding all the way down your pharynx. your throat grew a lump, and he almost melted at the sight of his cock suctioned up in your windpipe. he brought the pad of his thumb down to your cheek, and gently wiped at a tear that had fallen. although being silent was nearly impossible, you would be damned if you allowed robin to hear even a single sound from you.
“hello?” she called out once more, “i know you fuckers can hear me, yet, i’m not hearing anything in return!”
“for fuck’s sake— yeah, robs!” eddie annoyingly responded, gawking at the sight of steve’s cock stuffed balls deep inside of your mouth. “we’ll be out in a few, relax.”
“in a few?” robin scoffed, rolling her eyes in annoyance at the failure of her own game suggestion. “from now on— we’re playing simple games, like, truth or dare, y’know? simple games where i don’t have to hunt down my friend’s each and every move..” she vented, walking off as she continued to grumble her irritation aloud.
you began tapping rapidly onto the sides of steve’s thighs when you finally heard robin’s feet shuffle in the other direction. he grinned menacingly, pulling your head back off of him and watched as your sore mouth left a trail of spit in his wake. your face had degenerated into a sloppy mess, only to be greedily attacked by eddie not even a few seconds later as he snatched hold of your chin and tugged you towards him. he moaned against your worn-out lips as he savored a combination of your own saliva and steve’s pre-cum while you reclined drastically into the kiss. his fingers made their way to intertwine with your hair once more, tugging harshly opposite your scalp and causing you to wince against him.
“that was so hot, jesus.” eddie’s hushed voice spoke, groaning against your plump lips before tapping onto your thighs. “hey, hop up really quick. let me see something.”
your legs wobbled once released from the clutches of eddie’s thigh, as you had quickly gotten too used to being perched there. feeling a bit sweaty, you reached down to grab hold of the bottom of your dress and hiked it up. you pulled your dress effortlessly over your head and shoulders, leaving you in nothing except for your lacy soiled underwear. turning towards steve once more, you smiled shyly as he gawked at the way your staggering thighs swallowed your underwear whole. he breathed heavily, unavoidably excited at your luscious stature alone.
steve grabbed hold of your forearm loosely, pulling you in close as he passionately latched onto your lips. steve released a different kind of neediness with this kiss, leaving you feeling wanted as you felt his cock slowly spring up and settle against your waist. steve moaned softly when you grabbed for him, and began to slowly pump. in an effort to make him cum, you kept pulling and twisting your wrist around his member.
“how’s that feel?” you sputtered breathlessly against his lips, causing steve’s eyes to roll in the back of his head against you. the inability to even see straight caused him to pull back, sweat trickling down his forehead. “s-so fuckin’ good.” his body trembled against you, the same knee-buckling sensation returning as you continued to induce an out-of-body sensation in him.
before gently slipping his thumb pad into your mouth, he gently stroked your lower lip with his thumb. you whimpered as he tightened his grasp on your chin with his other fingers as you hollowed down your cheeks and sucked on his finger, drenching it with saliva. you encircled his digit with your tongue, as if it were your final meal, letting it swish around. once he retracted from your soft grip, he brought his hand down to your panties. as steve’s fingertips brushed against your pelvis and slid your wet panties to the side, your breath caught involuntarily.
“oh, baby..” steve cooed, circling your smooth arousal with his moist digits as he marveled at the scene. “you’re fuckin’ soaked.” he observed, watching as your facial expression magically unraveled before his very eyes at the feeling of his fingers caressing your pussy.
your tugs around steve’s thick cock grew sloppy as your hands grew numb from the repetitive movements. it also became increasingly difficult as he proceeded to plunge two of his fingers inside of your drenched cunt, curling them upwards and effortlessly driving directly into your g-spot. you let out a throaty groan as your hold on him dramatically loosened while your posture collapsed beneath him due to the ecstasy that flooded your insides.
you would’ve almost forgotten that eddie was there had you not felt his hands gently rub up onto your back muscles. you strained to multitask with both concepts of pleasure coming from both ends as the coolness of his rings sent shivers down your spine and made you gasp a little. “your shoulders..” eddie hummed, a trail of kisses being pecked onto your brown skin as he observed your less-talked about features. “are gorgeous, i mean— holy hell.”
steve accelerated his pace and rammed his fingers into you at an inexplicable pace. you felt behind you for eddie as support since your legs were becoming numb from trying to stand through this rough ordeal. stretching to wrap your arms onto eddie’s neck, you allowed yourself to slump onto his body as steve jerked his fingers all around inside you. in response, your pussy clenched and squelched around his fingers as if trapping his fingers was the primary mission. eddie reached underneath your outstretched arms, and squeezed tightly onto your perky tits that bounced along with steve’s movements before slapping them harshly.
eddie slid his hands upwards, supporting your aching forearms slung around him and pressing kisses onto your perspired skin. your vision grew blurry from the tears of immense pleasure that had welled up in your eye sockets, managing to smudge your perfect mascara. “hey, don’t tell dick muncher..” eddie comforted you, whispering into your sensitive ear canal. “but, i’m gonna fuck you so good that you’re gonna forget your own fuckin’ name.”
your breaths hitched at eddie’s promising words as you were craving the feeling of his cock rammed up inside of you. “munson,” steve spoke, smirking mischievously up at his partner-in-crime. “c’mon, man, help me out would’ja?”
eddie snickered darkly from behind you, “aw, you poor thing.” he teased, “can’t make her cum on your own? how sad.”
“dude, what?” steve asked, “i didn’t even sa-”
“doesn’t matter.” eddie interrupted, trailing his dominant hand back down your exhausted body. all of your erogenous areas twitched as you whimpered at his touch, anticipating what the two of them had in store. steve was literally fingering you to death, but he had slowed down a bit when his own fingers started to ache. eddie paused his movements just above your clit and then wrapped his thumb around the nub. he gently caressed it, making the tiny bundle of nerves ache as he frantically stroked your veiled diamond.
you mouth opened in response to the simultaneous friction coming from both of them, but no sound came out. steve proceeded to swirl his fingers around inside of you as slippery noises blanketed the area surrounding them. eddie’s rubbing, combined with his pleasant licking and sucking at your neck, had caused your clit to become very sensitive.
“attaboy, harrington.” eddie encouraged from behind you, the pace at which they both were racing against time to induce your orgasm causing his own cock to grow hard against his briefs. “i knew you had it in you.”
“yeah, yeah. hop off my johnson, freak.” steve taunted, grinning in accomplishment as your hips continuously jerked and twitched in circles around the both of them. “freak, huh?” eddie asked, lips curling up into an aroused smirk as his cock jumped in his jeans at steve’s nickname for him. “kinky, i like it.”
the orgasm of a lifetime was incoming, & you could feel the scorching sensation arising that you had grown to love so much. all of your nerves were so overexerted, that you had grown incredibly weak. “mm- i’m gonna c-cum…” you muttered as your release took hold of all of your bodily senses, your eyelids flickering shut. “not yet, gorgeous.” eddie stopped doing damage to your clit as soon as he spoke. steve halted as well, softly removing his slick-coated digits from your cunt. you moaned at how empty you were and hoped to make yourself cum by rubbing your thighs together.
eddie was already a few steps ahead of you as he halted your movements altogether, wrapping his hands around your body and prying your thighs apart. “patience is a virtue, y’know? isn’t that what the old-timers say, steve?” he asked, tongue poking into his jaw as he massaged your tense thighs.
“y’know what? i think you’re right, eddie.” steve chuckled, playing along with this sick waiting game they had you trapped in.
eddie released his hold on your thighs and repositioned his strong hands back on top of your shoulders for a quick second. he turned your body so that you were now facing him rather than steve and grinned softly at your lovely appearance. you reached out a hand, gripped his, and followed him as he lead you back to the barely touched wooden bed.
he swung you around again, making you laugh at the abruptness as everything suddenly whirled around you. you sat down as soon as you felt the bed frame's legs brushed against your knees, waiting for what would follow next. “what’re you gonna do to me, eds?” your slightly shaken voice asked, leaning back onto your palms as you watched him thoroughly observe your frame. “oh, just you fuckin’ wait.” eddie warned, turning on his heel to reach for the condom that steve had pulled out earlier.
eddie put the unwrapped condom in his mouth and bit down on it before tapping both of your thighs on the side and gesturing for you to pull them up for him. you complied easily, allowing him to grasp hold of your legs and bring them around his waist. when the distance between you two was reduced, you stretched out to grab hold of his 3/4-sleeved hellfire shirt. “take this off.” you instructed, observing as he did it with the same ease you had just given him. eddie yanked his shirt up from the bottom, ripping it off, & revealing his patchwork tattoos that were messily strewn across his chest.
he then spit the condom out onto your lap, & proceeded to massage the ins and outs of your thighs as they were secured tightly around him. “put this on.” eddie instructed in the same tone you had used, smiling as you eagerly leaned for the zipper of his jeans. your fingers latched onto the zipper and belt all at once, unzipping and unbuckling with the speed of someone whose patience was incredibly thin. gulping, your eyes zoned in on eddie’s cock that was sandwiched into his boxer briefs. you could already see how well endowed he was, as well as a wet spot forming near the tip from all of the foreplay.
your hands ran across the outline, gripping onto him ever-so-softly and watching as his breaths grew heavier at the contact. you let out a few calming exhales before moving on towards the band of his briefs, and tugged it down slowly as if you were scared for the ultimate reveal. eddie’s cock sprang out from the depth of his underwear, a slick ooze covering the length as it bobbed in place. “i-is that?” your eyes almost went crossed at the sight of the two silver barbells facing towards your amazed gaze. eddie had an apadravya piercing, running directly through the glans of his tip.
“ya like it?” eddie inquired, biting down onto his bottom lip as he grinned down at your obviously taken aback stature. “i got it just for you, babe.” he teased.
“yeah?” you asked, letting your thumb gently rub across his slit, sending a sharp jolt into his punctured nerves and causing his cock to jerk in your hands. “i- i don’t even know what to say. i’ve just never seen a piercing like that before.”
“ya hear that, harrington?” eddie asked cockily, chuckling darkly as he ran his hands over yours. “she’s never seen anything like it before. what’s that on the scoreboard? eddie, one! dick muncher, zero!”
steve struck eddie hard across his backside, making him laugh even louder at his little joke. the condom wrapper was ripped open with your teeth, and you carefully clung to it with your fingers. your fingers softly curved around eddie’s shaft as you caught hold of it, pumping a little to elicit a response from him. steve climbed up onto the bed behind you and sat against your posterior, engulfing your body between his knees.
leaning forward, you slowly slid the latex over eddie while easing it down with your fingers till it wouldn't go any lower. he moaned under your touch and stared intently as your graceful fingers continued to caress his hardened cock.
"do me a favor, harrington. hold these for me.” eddie said, grabbing your legs that were latched onto him, prying them free, and giving them to steve. steve stretched your calves backwards towards him while encircling them with his arms, giving eddie a spread-eagle view of your soggy cunt. you had never been this exposed, especially in front of someone you didn't know. a cool wave of air brushed over your pussy, causing you to tremble at the sensation.
with steve holding onto your legs securely, you relaxed your back into his lap and took a heavy breath. you were physically unable to move because of steve’s restrictions of your limbs, which prevented you from stopping any of eddie’s movements. even though you were anxious, you were also incredibly eager to feel eddie’s pierced head rupture your insides.
biting down onto your bottom lip, you eyed eddie as he grabbed ahold of his girthy shaft, and began slapping it onto your cunt to elicit a reaction out of you. you moaned into your own mouth, sighing heavily as steve began massaging your skin in an attempt to comfort your incredibly high level of arousal brewing.
“mm, that sounded pretty.” steve mumbled, his cock firm and poking against your backside. “do it again.” he persisted, prompting you to moan once more as it sounded like a beautiful symphony in his ears.
“open up for me, gorgeous.” eddie murmured, using his thumb to caress clumsily around your cunt as he was literally on the verge of falling in love with the wet squelching sounds. “gonna stretch you out, hm? how’s that sound?”
your chest constricted, and you began whining softly at the filthy touching that eddie was providing. his thumb was literally completely engulfed by your dense folds, and the sounds of his finger slipping into your depths were way too much for you to bear . “s-sounds good.” you stammered, your words almost getting caught in your throat as steve began peppering kisses along the stretch marks trailing the sides of your thighs. your sensitivity was so high due to all of the delicate touches in contrast to the earlier roughness that you could have easily experienced an orgasm right then and there.
exhaling, eddie eased hisself into you, watching as you took his cock so well. your cunt wrapped around him gradually, and you held your breath at the sight of eddie disappearing into you. “attagirl..” steve whispered into your ear, marveling at the sight as he continued to reassuringly caress your thighs. your mouth opened wide as eddie’s piercing poked precisely into your g-spot and the jutted barbells striked your cluster of sensitive nerve endings with just the right amount of force.
“fuck, eddie!” you exclaimed, groaning and biting down on your lip for dear life, trying not to splinter flesh. you tightened your grip on steve’s biceps from behind you, bracing yourself, knowing that your options were limited given the precarious position you were locked in. eddie started rutting deeply into you, feeling every nook and cranny of your cunt out with slow, passionate strokes. your tits ached as they bounced harshly with each hard thrust as he gradually applied more pressure.
your flesh was smacking against eddie’s sweaty skin with each stroke, sending shivers through your entire body at the abhorrent sound. your moans were fighting to get louder, and you knew that while the three of you were in a closed space, you could only be but so loud. you took control of the situation by using your fingertips to gingerly tilt steve’s head in your direction. you urgently opened your mouth to his, letting your lips gently graze his and the hushed sounds of your agonized cries melt into his mouth.
as steve’s fingertips dug into the sides of your thighs in this compromised posture, your hamstrings started to grow sore. while eddie’s thrusts continued to grow harsher and the curve of his cock managed to properly adjust inside your cunt, you were on the verge of passing out against steve at how overwhelmingly good it all felt. you let go of steve's yearning lips and lay your head back onto his chest again, fluttering your eyelids to keep open as you strained to blink up at eddie. “goin’ dumb on me already, huh?” eddie taunted, pressing closer to you and intensifying his piercing prods at your g-spot as he watched your head clumsily bob with each harsh movement.
seeing as you were growing terribly weak, eddie decided to lean forward and add some more fuel onto the fire. eddie held onto one of your upward-facing calves with one hand, while putting his palm directly above your pelvic bone with the other. your entire body shuddered as he exerted intense pressure onto your bladder, literally stimulating your g-spot from the inside out. you moaned a great deal, not even caring if anyone heard as the sensual thrill of it all was too much for you to keep quiet for much longer. your thighs trembled in steve’s arms, and he tightened his hold on your stuttering limbs as he grinned with joy.
the way that your body was continuously spasming, you decided to simply closed your eyes as you rode out what felt like a full-body orgasm. the sexual energy that emanated from the both of them was a beautiful combination, and you had wished to experience it more often. the chemistry was fucking amazing— the way all three of you were able to bounce off of each other was truly unmatched. your thighs were so fucking numb, and you could barely feel your legs by the time your orgasm literally burst out of you as you squirted without warning all over eddie’s cock. your juices spewed out everywhere, generously landing all over him and decorating his gorgeous torso. “h-holy fuck..” eddie moaned in disbelief at the way your body operated, slamming harder to get an orgasm out of him as quickly as possible.
he fucked you completely stupid while he endured his own impending climax, causing his own thighs to tremble violently as he frantically spasmed into your tantalizing cunt. steve kissed along your thighs, finally releasing his death grip as he murmured soft praises into your ear. you found it difficult to steadily breathe as the warmth of eddie’s cum filled his rubber deep inside of you.
upon sensing eddie slipping himself back out of you, you went limp with a pulsing tummy as an inevitable result. his legs were becoming sensitive to the touch as he gently retreated from the edge of the bed, and he had really begun to feel a little exhausted. in order to immediately dispose of the condom, eddie gently pulled it off and searched the room.
finally freed from steve’s tight grip, you were able to let your legs down and let them gently dangle off the bed, wincing at any sudden movements. you murmured gently as steve fully embraced you as you sank into his lap. he pulled parts of your sweat-soaked curls away from your perspired forehead as his arm wrapped around your torso and he gripped you tightly. “i can’t believe i almost turned this down..” steve chuckled to hisself, which made you drowsily grin as you remembered his outright refusal earlier that evening.
“i can’t believe robin hasn’t broken down the damn door, yet.” you remarked, the both of you giggling quietly at the weird silence coming from the hall. truth be told, you had hoped they had moved on to another game and forgot about the three of y’all. it was going to he humiliating enough trying to explain what the hell happened in that room for more than twenty minutes.
“i can’t believe chrissy doesn’t have a fuckin’ trashcan in here.” eddie complained, looking distraught as he held loosely onto the cum-stained condom that dangled from his fingertips. “i mean— how in the hell am i supposed to explain this shit?”
looking back up at steve, the two of you burst into laughter at the unbelievable situation brought forth upon the three of you. while the outcome was impossible to determine, you made sure to take your sweet time when it came to getting dressed & making yourself look presentable for the onlookers crowded into chrissy’s basement once more. in all honesty, you didn’t owe any of them an explanation as to what happened that night. unspoken agreement existed amongst the three of you that it was unquestionably an unexpected experience that you would all never forget.
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justmeinadaze · 9 months
I Have Nothing (If I Don't Have You) Part 6 (Steddie X You)
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Warnings: Security Dom Steddie X Sub (slightly bratty) Singer Fem Reader, SMUT, spanking, dirty talk, slight rough play (they show her a bit more of what they are into), FLUFF, they go on a date through Paris and she shows them around, they do discuss being more exclusive (as if she or they would want anyone else🙄 ), ANGST, slightly so with her talking briefly about being sober and her fears of being in a relationship again.
Word Count: 4812
“Obviously, you’re taking us to the Eiffel Tower, right?”, Steve grinned in your direction as you three walked the streets of Paris. 
“Yes but tonight when it’s all lit up.”
The day couldn’t be any more perfect for you and you were the happiest you had been in a long time. You took them around to each place you could think of that didn’t have a long line, stopping at bakeries and little shops to have them taste everything while looking for little trinkets to bring back home. 
They seemed to really be enjoying themselves which made you smile. Eddie had befriended a street musician who handed him an acoustic guitar and he sat beside him as they played a couple of songs. You took them to a vintage store where they had a blast looking at the clothes. Steve keeping trying on different hats asking you how he looked. One had a brim that three sizes too big causing you to spit out your water as you laughed at him. 
After grabbing lunch, you took them to a park nearby and had a picnic. 
“Seriously, I’m going to gain like thirty pounds off of this bread but so worth it.”, Steve chuckles as he takes another bite of his sandwich. 
“Oh, yeah. The food is phenomenal but you have to watch out for the butter and the sauces. Don’t even get me started on the chocolate.” Eddie smiles when your eyes playfully roll back.
“Did you parents show you all these places or did you find them yourself?”, he asked.
“A bit of both. The first few years I came here I basically recreated that vacation but as I wondered the streets I found more places and things to enjoy.”
“Excusez-moi.” A little girl shyly comes up to your blanket holding out a pen and paper. “May I have your…”
“Autographe?”, you smile up at her comfortingly as she grins. “Of course. Um… Quel est… ton nom?”
“Chloe.” She beams in your direction.
“I’m sorry, Chloe. My French isn’t great.” 
“It’s…okay.” Her grin grows as you give the paper back to her and lean up on your knees to give her a hug. 
“Merci, Miss Y/L/N!”
“Merci, Chloe.”
The three of you watch her as she runs back to her parents. 
“That was adorable.”, Steve smirks.
“It was. I didn’t know you had fans that were so small.”, Eddie adds. 
“Yeah, that’s another reason I want to be better. I’m supposed to be a role model for them you know?”
“And you are, honey. You’re already doing so much better and we are extremely proud of you.”
“Why do I have to wear a suit?!”, Eddie shouts from the bedroom as he adjusts his tie.
“Because we’re taking her to dinner, you idiot.”
“I’m just asking!”
“Plus, this will technically be our first date with her so we should look nice.”
Both men turn when they hear you exit the bathroom and their mouths fall open in shock as their eyes drink you in. Your hair was pulled up into a neat bun displaying a pair of earrings that shimmered when you moved your head. The thin spaghetti straps held up a gorgeous, black, V-neck style dress that just barely touched your ankles. When you nervously shifted your weight, the slit in the fabric exposed your leg up to your mid-thigh showing off some fancy, matching black high heeled shoes. 
“What, um, what do you think?”
“You…you…Jesus, I may be underdressed.”, Steve breathily chuckled.
“You look beautiful, princess.”
Blushing, you loop your arms into theirs as they escort you out of the hotel. When you three arrive at the restaurant, they watch you in amazement as you talk to the people in charge and an antsy gentleman leads you to a table. Steve pulls out your chair and you thank him as you take a seat. 
Both boys straighten up when a man comes out from the kitchen and heads towards you but immediately calm when you smile, assuring them that this is someone you know.
“Miss Y/L/N! It’s been so long, my love! How are things?”
“Things have been rough but they are getting better. Julien, these are my friends AND security, Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington.”
They grin as they shake his hand and he returns their smiles with a bright one of his own. 
“Who better to watch your back than a friend that loves you, ah? Now, mon amour, should we start with the usual champagne?”
“Oh, no. Um, do you have something without alcohol?”
“Hmm? Oh! How about citron pressé?”
“Sure, I trust you.”, you giggle as you shrug, watching him disappear without asking the guys if that was ok with them. “I have no idea what that is but—what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Both men had been starring at you with a cute, goofy smile plastered on their face. 
“Nothing. You’re just adorable.”
“It’s nice seeing this side of you to. You really needed a break, sweetheart.”
The rest of the meal couldn’t be described in any other way beside perfect. They talked to you more about some positive things in their lives trying to keep the mood uplifted. Eddie told you about his love for fantasy related things like D&D which made you laugh when the other man rolled his eyes. Steve surprised you by telling you of some movies he actually really liked.
“Ok you can’t sigh aggressively when I talk about sci-fi fantasy shit but then tell her that one of your favorite movies is Star Wars!”
“It’s completely different, Munson.”
“It’s actually not that different.”
“Thank you, princess!”
“But to be fair, George Lucas said he made Star Wars kind of like a western so Steve may drift more towards that then regular sci-fi.”
“Ok, you’re not on my side anymore. Hush.”, Eddie responds playfully.
You did your best to tell them more happy memories with you and your family but you struggled because it hurt. Every time you stuttered through a story, though, one or both of them would reach for your hand and urge you to continue. 
After you were done eating, you kept your word and took them to the Eiffel Tower as it was all lit up. The people in charge cut off a section so you three wouldn’t be noticed or bothered which you greatly appreciated. 
“Wow, check out that view.” Steve exhaled as he took a few pictures pausing when he noticed your face as you leaned against the railing. “You alright, honey?”
“Yeah. I just wish I could stay here in this moment. I’m having a lot of fun with you two and I think this is the first time in a long time I’ve actually been…happy.”
Eddie’s palm gently reaches out to run down your back before bringing you to his chest to wrap you up in his embrace. 
“I know what you mean. Stop me if I’m wrong Harrington but we’ve never felt like this about anyone before. We really like you, Y/N.”
“We’re all in if you are.”
“You barely know me. What if I fuck up again? What if I hurt you? What if…I’m not what you thought I am?”
“She’s doing that thing again.”, Eddie murmurs to Steve as he releases you and leans against the railing. “It’s like her own brand of self-harm…or maybe self-protection?” He raises his eyebrows inquisitively and you quickly shift your gaze. “Ah yes. There it is. She keeps says ‘What if I’ but what she really means if ‘What if you’.”
“Baby, we’re not asking you to marry us or anything. What we’re asking for is MORE nights like tonight. To be able to take you out more and get to know you better and vice versa. We know you’ve been through a lot and still are. We would never push you like they do.”
“And quite frankly, sweetheart, I don’t think there could be any more surprises because you’ve already showed us you’re not who we thought you were originally.”
“Spoiled, washed up singer.”, Steve explains when you look at them in confusion. 
“When it comes to the I’s, babe, we got you covered. You slip again and want to run all over Vegas, we’ll come get you. You have one of those moments where you try to verbally hurt us, don’t worry, we got you. We have ropes and handcuffs for situations like that.” You can’t help but giggle when he winks. 
“When it comes to the you’s, you can ask us anything and we’ll answer. If there’s something you need or need to know just let us know and we can talk about it.”
Glancing out towards the city, you feel everything run through your brain at once. You knew from the moment you met them that they were different. You trust them with your life so why were you so scared to trust them with your heart?
Because everyone who’s supposed to love you, hurts you…
Do they even love you? They can’t possibly…like you said they barely even know you. I guess it couldn’t hurt to jump in with both feet.
“Ok. Can we…we keep it between us?”
“We honestly assumed you would because of the press and everything.”, Eddie answers with a small smile. 
“I think that’s another reason Simon was with me. He liked the attention from the press.”
“Hm. Well, coming from a small town where everyone was in everyone’s business, trust me, we don’t want that kind of attention.”, Steve retorts as he leans over the railing like you had. 
Looping your arm through his, you lean your head against his shoulder as Eddie holds your hand and looks out into the city.
“I have a request.”
“Oh lord.”, the metalhead playfully sighs making you smile.
“Calm down, Mr. Munson.”, you giggle. “The other night I asked you two to show me how much you care about me…” They nod when you pause, urging you silently to continue. “Can you show me how to take care of you?”
Both men, who were now sitting on the couch in the hotel room looked up at you now with slight confusion. 
“When we first got together, you said you liked it rough. The other night you implied there was more to what you both were into. I want to give you what you want.”
“You do, honey.”
“You really do.”, Eddie follows almost too eagerly. 
“I still don’t think your ready.”, Steve sighs as he takes off his jacket and starts rolling up his sleeves. 
“Isn’t this all about trust? Not only do I trust you two but you should trust me to know my limits. Well…in this regard.”
The other man takes off his jacket as well, removing his button up shirt underneath along with it now donning a white tank that displayed his muscles and tattoos in a way that had you salivating. 
“Oh, come on, Stevie. We can start slow. Maybe we can show her what a punishment would look like. Something small for running away and having us worried.”
Steve sighs playfully as he motions with his fingers for you come closer. As you sit beside him on the sofa, he gently pets the back of your head while they both continue to look at you with nothing but care. 
“If you feel uncomfortable at any point, just say the safe word, ok?”
“Ok, Steve. I promise.”
He grins as his hand slides down to your back and guides your body till you’re laying across his lap on your tummy. While he flips up the underside of your dress Eddie runs his fingers through your hair, moving any lingering strands away from your face. 
“How many you think, Ed? 10?”
“10 sounds good. I think she can handle that.”
As your stomach tightens into knots with nerves, Steve’s palm soothes you as it runs down your spine and over the meat of your ass. Abruptly, it lifted and came down spanking your behind eliciting a shocked gasp from your lips. He didn’t hit you hard as it was meant to test.
“How did that feel, babe?”
“Um, odd but g-good.”
“Has anyone ever spanked you before?”, Eddie asked.
“No. Not like this.”
“Honey, I want you to count for me, ok?”
“O-O-Okay. One.”
His hand come down much harder and this time you let out a little moan especially after Steve soothes you by running his fingers along the reddening skin. 
“Good girl, sweetheart.”
He spanks you twice in quick secession and they both let out a groan of their own as you breathily count them off. Steve tugs down your panties, his hand coming back to travel a bit between your legs as your mouth falls open when his thumb slides between your sex. 
“Oh, Eddie. Little baby is so wet right now. I think the spanking doesn’t feel so odd anymore, huh?”
When you didn’t answer, ringed fingers gripped your hair tightly and tugged you back. 
“He asked you something, your highness.”
“Feels…good…AH! Five!”, you moaned as Steve spanked you again.
Eddie held a tight grip on you as the other boy began steadily rubbing your clit while occasionally delivering a harsh smack to your ass. 
“What number are we on, baby? Wouldn’t want Stevie to lose count and have to start all over again.”
“Mmm—Nine—Please, Steve. I’m gonna…”
You didn’t see it but they smirked at each other as he slide two fingers into your core and rapidly pumped them inside of you. Your eyes rolled as the coil snapped and as you moaned his name his hand came down one final time while you panted out that final number. 
“Good girl, honey.”, he cooed as he delicately lifted your dress over your head. “Let’s get this off here.” You keened into his neck as he sat you up and placed you in his lap while Eddie ran his palm along your legs. “Did you like it, baby?”, Steve whispered.
“Yeah, I liked it a lot. Did you like it? Spanking me?”
He chuckles under his breath, trying to stifle the moan that wants to come out at the sound of your little voice. Reaching for your hand, he places it directly on the bulge in his slacks. 
“I loved it.” Your eyes flutter closed as his lips tenderly trail up your cheek to your ear. “You like that, pretty girl? You like making us feel good?”
“M-More. Please. I can handle more. I swear.”
They glanced at each other mischievously knowing you were all riled up. 
“Please! I can handle it!” As you begin to whine they smile and you can’t help but laugh. “You’re messing with me?”
“A little. We’re kind of curious in this headspace how far your brat can go.” Eddie’s grin grows as you climb on to his lap and wrap your arms around his neck. 
“Do you want me to be more bratty?”
“I think you’re capable of it. I work with you remember?”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“Hey. In here, honey, you answer us, not the other way around.”, Steve scolded. 
The metalhead tries to keep the upper hand as you grind your hips against his own. His eyes remain heavily on yours as he licks his lips to keep any other sounds from escaping. 
“In here, sweetheart, we have control.”
“You do out there to!”, you whine as you point absently outside. “Where do I have control?”
“Stop moving.”, he says sternly.
“Make me.”
His eyes grow dark as the smile he was adorning falls from his face. 
“Stop. Moving.”
You falter for a second as his voice and demeanor throw you off guard but you remain steadfast as you continue. Steve laughs from your side before Eddie lifts you up with one arm and carries you to the bedroom. 
Throwing you on to the mattress, he holds your down with his palm on your chest as he uses his other to unbuckle his belt and free his cock from its confinement. 
“If you want to stop, just tap twice, ok?” When you nod, his fingers grip your hair as he hovers his face above yours. “Ok?!”
“Ok! Yes, sir! Tap twice!”
Steve nonchalantly throws himself beside you as he watches Eddie slide his cock into your mouth. 
“She’s so fucking stubborn sometimes. I swear.”
While the metalhead takes over thrusting his length down your throat, Steve is always alert, watching you to make sure you really were ok. They genuinely did trust you would say the safe word if you needed but neither boy wanted to push you that far. 
“Fuck, princess your mouth feels so fucking good. With all that fucking sass, I’m not sure she deserves our dicks in her pussy tonight, Harrington.”
Eddie tried to control his eyes from rolling back when he felt you groan around him. 
“Did you have something you wanted to say?”
“Please. I’m sorry, Eddie. I’ll do whatever you want. I promise I’ll behave.”, you beg as you shift up to your knees and continue stroking him with your hand. “Please. I need you inside me. I need to feel you.”
Pinching your cheeks between his fingers, he brings your lips to his before firmly pushing you backwards onto the bed. 
“Go show Steve how much you’ll behave.”
As you crawl over to the now naked man, you tenderly kiss his stomach making him smile as he strokes your hair. Delicately running your tongue along his slit, he moans as he pulls your hair into a ponytail with his hands and watches you fully take him into your awaiting mouth. 
Eddie jostled you around a bit till your ass was fully on display for him and you both whimpered as he guided his cock into your entrance. The warmth of his chest encases you as he leans against your back and kisses your shoulder. 
“Come on, sweetheart. I know you can take him better than that especially with the way you run that sassy mouth.” Taking over Steve’s hold of your hair, he guides your movements making you gag and drool as the man mewls with pleasure. “Atta girl. There you go.”
Eddie rolls his hips hard, roughly nudging against that tender spot inside of you that has your eyes rolling back. 
“Is that the spot, pretty girl?” Pulling your head, he forces you to look at him. “Is it? Right there?” You struggle to form words as he continues to grind against you. “Answer me, Y/N.”
“Ah! Y-Yes, there. D-don’t stop. Please…”
The metalhead grins as he pushes you back down on Steve’s cock before releasing his hold on your hair to grip your waist as he leans back on his knees and pounds his hips into yours. 
“G-Good girl, honey. Fuck. You take us both so well.”, Steve coos as he pets your head.
Eddie’s fingers slide underneath you, rubbing fast circles into your little bundle of nerves, driving you crazy in the best way as you throw you head back in pleasure. 
“FUCK! Eddie please!”
Ringed fingers wrap around your throat and pull you up to your knees as you lean against his shoulder. 
“That’s right, baby. Say my name again. Who’s making you feel this good?”, he murmurs into your ear as he slams into you harder. 
“Eddie! I’m…Eddie, please…”
Your hand takes hold of his wrist as your other clings his hair while your arm wraps around his neck. His fingers move faster to match his pace while you continue chanting his name until the ball drops and your body trembles against him as you cum. 
“Fuck me.”, Eddie groans, shoving you back down against the mattress and holding your wrists behind your back as he chases his high. 
Grunting above you, his rhythm becomes sloppier and you mewl as you feel him release his seed inside of you. 
“Good girl, princess.”, he praised as he gradually pulled out of you and kissed any part of your skin his lips could reach. “It’s Steve’s turn, sweet girl. Whenever you’re ready.”
Your head shot up in search for him and as your eyes met his soft ones, his fingers reached out to caress your sweaty face. When you nod, he motions for you to come closer, taking hold of you under your arms and scooting you both up closer towards the pillows. 
“Come here, honey. No, the other way.”, he instructs as you started straddling his waist. After turning away from him, he guides you down till your back his against his chest. One of his strong palms holds on to your chest as his other holds the base of his cock and runs to along your dripping lips between your legs. “Jesus. Eddie made you feel real good, didn’t he, baby?”
Nodding, you turn your head to kiss his cheek and he moans as he breaches your entrance, sheathing himself inside of you with minimal resistance. As he thrusts his hips up against you, his fingers move around to massage your nub as the hand on your chest takes hold of tit making you growl in ecstasy.
“Steve! So…so deep…oh god.”
“Yeah? Does that feel good, Y/N?” Picking up his pace, the bed begins to move underneath you as he clings to your sweaty, messy frame. “Fuck, that’s it. That’s our girl. Your pussy is just fucking clinging to me, pretty girl, God damn.”
 Pushing up, you balance on your hands as your hips push down to meet his. 
“Can you see it? My cock disappearing inside of you?”
“Steve, please. Please!”
Tugging on your hair, he pulls you back against him, hugging your tightly as he thrusts into you harder. The sound of skin hitting skin fills the room and your eyes roll back as you drag your nails against his flesh.
Without warning, he shoves against your back pushing you up and pulling himself out of you, yanking your hips backwards till your pussy was hovering over his face. Roughly, his hands pushed you back down, urging your lips over his cock as he wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you still as he his tongue devoured you. 
Your hips grinded against him as his head moved quickly from side to side causing you to lift your head and scream as you came. As he continued to lick your clean, you bobbed your head around his length wanting him to feel as good as he had just made you feel. 
His grunts reverberated in your cunt as he pumped his hips upwards till you felt rope after rope of his spend hit the back of your throat.
Falling to the side, you both panted till Eddie’s voice broke the silence. 
“Yeah, that’s cool. Just put your feet by my face.” You giggled as you lifted your leg and touched his nose with your big toe. “Ew, gross. With these beautiful pedicured, toes. Still purple, I see.”
“I like purple and no one is looking at my feet that closely in an arena style concert.”
“Do you want to take a bath, Y/N, or a shower?”, Steve asks.
“I want to curl up into a cocoon and sleep for 100 years.”
“Ok, bath it is.”, he grinned as he rolled over the side and lifted you into his arms. 
While he got everything ready, Eddie’s hands lightly gripped your shoulders and tilted you forward. When your eyes shifted to the mirror, you realized he was looking at your behind.
“It doesn’t hurt. I mean, it’s sore but…”
“I figured. I just need to take a look and make sure you don’t need any ice or anything. I’m sure you’ve noticed but Steve Harrington has big hands so sometimes he unintentionally leaves marks that last for a couple of days.”
“Part of the reason I ask questions.”, he winks as he guides you into the water.
“No one has ever asked me questions before or even done any kind of aftercare. I like it. It makes me feel cared for. 
“We do care… a lot.”, Eddie smiles as he holds up your hair while Steve continues to clean you. 
“Is this normal for you two? The shared partner thing?”
“I wouldn’t say ‘normal’ but we’ve done it before. Never with a client, however.”, Steve sighs. 
“So…this could look bad for everyone if people found out?”
Both men stopped moving as they gave you their full attention. 
“Yes. And not just because of the press.”
“People may not hire us anymore if they thought our judgment could be altered when it came to protecting them.”, Eddie followed in a serious tone.
“Are you implying Mr. Munson, that your judgment in keeping me safe has now changed?”
“I’m saying, Y/N, I would take a bullet for you but, for example, us keeping you sober isn’t a part of the security job description. If…If you wanted to get drunk right now we shouldn’t have any say in that…”
“Unless it leads to you roaming Paris in your underwear or makes someone want to hurt you.” Steve glances over your serious face. “What are you thinking, honey?”
“I just…I see what you mean. I wouldn’t want either of you to take a bullet or get hurt because of me. I’d rather it be me…”
It had been a while since you saw their eyes shift into this particular authoritative glow. Steve almost too roughly cupped your cheeks in his hands as he forced you to look at him. 
“Don’t ever think or let us hear you say that again. It’s our job to keep you safe not the other way around. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, I understand.”, you whisper as your hands takes hold of his wrists. 
“Y/N, like I said, we care about you but if your safety is on the line BECAUSE of us then we would end this right here right now.”
You pushed down the urge to cry at the thought of them leaving you. They had done so much for you in the short time they had been a part of your team. 
“I promise I won’t interfere. I trust you both to take care of me.”
Steve’s eyes flick to Eddie’s for a moment before he kisses your forehead and lets you go. 
The following Monday, the three of you were sitting in your manager’s office waiting for him as he burst through with Sarah in tow. 
“Well, look who decided to finally grace us with her presence. How was the vacation, Y/N?”, Jack sassed. “I don’t know why you two are even here. You’re fired.”, he gestures towards the boys. 
“No they aren’t.”
“Excuse me?!”
“I said no they aren’t and you lower your voice when you speak to me!” Sarah smiled from her seat as the men on either side of you contained their excitement for you. “Jack, I’m tired. You were one of the ones that kept pushing me to get sober and now that I’m trying…I shouldn’t be on tour right now especially not with people like Mark shouting at me every 10 seconds. I need time to really have go at this.”
“Y/N…”, he sighed. “We’ve had this tour set up for months. Now I’ve put up with a lot from you but—”
“But nothing. I’m telling you no. I need a break. I can do interviews and keep working on the album. I can do little shows here but I can’t do a country wide tour right now.”
“Y/N, listen to me. Hear me. If you do this, if you cancel this tour, I will be forced to drop you as a client.”
You straighten up as you exhale, tapping into that sassy girl that resides within you. 
“So be it. Sarah? Have you thought about being an agent?”
“Me? Oh, um, I mean…”
“You’re honestly the only person I trust who has always had my well-being in mind. I’ll pay you what I pay Jack and then some.”
She smiles as she glances towards your now former agent. 
“I guess I just got a promotion.” You both stand, giving her a big hug before she pulls back to cup your face. “I’m really proud of you. I’ll come by later today and we can talk about a statement for the tour.”
“Y/N, please! Don’t do this! Look, why don’t you sit down and we can talk about this rationally.”, Jack begs. As he reaches for your arm to stop you from leaving, Eddie swats it away. 
“I’m sorry, sir. You aren’t allowed to touch Miss Y/L/N.”
“But if you would like to speak with her, feel free to call her agent Sarah to set up an appointment.”, Steve grins as they both follow you out of the office. 
@rckstrbee @melodymishahiddlestan @strangerfreak
@siriuslysmoking @micheledawn1975 @cositaslua
@munsonmoonshine86 @unfocused81 @paleidiot
@dad-steddie @aol19 @strngrlytn @mrsjellymunson
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misserabella · 2 years
“i wanna go to paris.” you suddenly mutter to your two best friends, on who you’ve been making fucking moves for the whole summer.
“paris?” steve hums, his eyebrows knitting together as he thinks about the city. “yeah…” he shrugs. “i mean, it would be cool to go and see the eiffel tower and…”
“i don’t mean that paris.” eddie, who was chugging down on his beer suddenly chokes, coughing and swallowing the alcohol before looking back at you, eyes widened in surprise. you smirk at him, your eyes traveling up and down on his body.
“that paris, huh?” a smirk pulls on his lips too, his tongue playfully poking the inside of one of his cheeks as he chuckles.
steve just frowns. “what? is there another… paris that i don’t know about?”
oh, little oblivious steve…
you felt the need to devour him in your bones.
“want me to show it to you?”
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seancekitsch · 2 years
4.5k and they're just now taking their clothes off and doing hand shit but here's another preview under the cut
“You wanna kick this up a notch, mama?” Eddie interrupts, and you grind particularly hard into Steve, making him groan in appreciation. 
“What are you suggesting?” you ask, placing your hands on Steve’s shoulders for better leverage to keep grinding on him.
“You or Steve ever participated in an Indiana Handshake?”
You stop moving immediately.
“Ugh, are you fucking serious, Eddie?” you groan, “Are you really calling it that?”
Steve laughs, and pulls you in for a hug, squishing your chest into his face. He fears he’ll crack up too much if he looks at you or Eddie’s face right now. 
“What do you want me to call it? Peter, Paul, and Mary? Spitroast? Eiffel Tower? Indianapolis Bus Transfer? Holy Trinity? Sportsman’s Double? Double Meat and—”
“I don’t know? Something romantic?” You cut him off, half exasperated and half laughing. Steve is definitely laughing against you, trying to hide it in your cleavage. Steve can’t help himself, Eddie’s the funniest guy he knows, even when he isn’t trying to be. 
“Oh, this is going to be a romantic moment. Why didn’t you tell me earlier, mama?” He responds, voice laced in sarcasm. 
“Goddamnit. I know why I like Steve, but now I’m starting to question why I like you, Eddie.”
Steve gives an appreciative thrust of his hips up into you, making you help. He sticks out his tongue childishly at Eddie, preening with his own pride. 
What Steve doesn’t expect, however, is for Eddie to take the opportunity to lean forward and kiss Steve square on the mouth.
Steve makes a little noise of surprise, and then even to his own shock, melts into the other man’s touch. Eddie’s kiss for Steve is just as sloppy and eager as Eddie’s kiss for you. Equal enthusiasm and passion for both of you. You like Steve and Eddie, so does Eddie like you and Steve? Steve doesn’t have time to dwell on that when you slip off of his lap and let Eddie grab Steve and pull him closer. The other man grabs him by the hip and turns him on the couch until their bodies are flush together. Steve can feel Eddie hot and hard against him, and okay, maybe Steve CAN think about a guy that way. He grabs Eddie back, pushing their hips together harder. Eddie moans, loud and wanton against Steve’s lips. 
Fuck, Steve didn’t know he could get that much more turned on, let alone by Eddie Munson’s voice. 
Steve pulls Eddie in the same way he did you, the other’s slim waist is easy to pull so he can start to grind himself against him the same way he did you. Steve’s hips work slowly, his pace steady and hard. This is how he likes it, usually. When Steve jerks off, he makes a fuckin’ meal of it. When he can, he likes to take his time. He likes to feel absolutely everything. He can tell by the way Eddie’s hips stutter out of rhythm against his that Eddie likes things fast. 
Steve wonders, when you touch yourself at night, are you fast or slow? Do you take your time? Do you finger yourself and wonder what his fingers feel like,  trying to fill yourself to imagine what he would be like on top of you?
Does Eddie do the same? Does he imagine his own hand is Steve’s? 
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chopper-witch · 2 years
Instead of the sugar daddy Eddie au, may I suggest:
- sugar mommy Nancy (sugar baby reader or sugar baby Robin perhaps) she just likes seeing her baby all dressed up and happy :)
- sugar baby Eddie (sugar daddy Steve mayhaps? Or reader?) he feels guilty at first but then falls in love with all the cool shit you (or Steve) get him. And Wayne, if Eddie asks you to. He has no shame about the relationship at all after some adjusting and neither do you (or Steve). Anything for your crazy baby metalhead <3
- sugar daddy steve wasting all his parents’ money on you (or Eddie?) he literally indulges as much as possible out of spite. You want a Ferrari? Okay what color. You want to go on a trip to Cabo? Pack your things lets go. Always wanted to see the Eiffel tower? Okay we’ll fly out in two hours.
- Argyle being a sugar baby but not quite because its just that his s/o likes spending money on him. Like, a lot. Or the reverse where he is just so dedicated to his s/o that he blows through his fortune. All puppy dog eyes and expensive gifts and a million expensive trinkets because “they reminded me of you”.
- sugar baby Jonathan who is used to not getting nice things and tries to reject at first like Eddie does but then he’s receiving whatever he asks for so he starts getting things for Will and his mom and they get suspicious and he doesn’t want to admit someone is giving him tons of money and things just for spending time with them because that’s embarrassing.
Obviously sex can be involved but it doesn’t have to be.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Me watching how Tommy H is with Billy: so like EVERYONE was attracted to billy.
Me seeing how Billy is looking at Steve in the shower: I mean he’s from California so that tracks. Also why are these school showers so close together? Did they not have like stalls. My school did. So like everyone’s seen Steve and billys dicks….
Me realising Steve and billy have seen each other’s dicks: *hums* it’s not gay if it’s in a threeway. It’s not gay….dear god let them Eiffel Tower me.
This concludes with I want to see them both naked even though I don’t have a very large romantic love of Steve. Like I get it, I get why their are feral Steve girls like how I am a feral billy, Eddie and Henry creel girl.
y’all know it’s hella weird to have showers at school, the uk would never lmaooo
anyways that whole scene of Billy and Steve in the showers was literally oozing sexual tension idek, they were both definitely checking each other out fr
someone say a trip to Paris??
I’m honestly feral for all of these men like I need to chill out, I’d literally let Steve, Eddie, 001 and Billy ruin me, whether it be one at a time or all in one go lmao
- hope
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter 16: À La Tour Eiffel
Chapter tags: No warnings, well what do you think might happen in Paris?
Summary: The city of lovers was supposed to be a good experience. But to Billy it didn't exactly feel like it. Well, not until…
Links to all chapters on tumblr on Chapter 1 post >>
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Billy refused to call Steve and also answer his calls. He was so embarrassed and heartbroken that he didn't want to listen even to Eddie trying to tell him what Steve had told him. He was torn into pieces all the way to his gut, blaming himself of it all.
He had just slept in his hotel room ever since the crew arrived at Paris. Whenever he woke up he wallowed in his heartache. Because he felt that it was exactly what he deserved. He felt that it was him who had messed everything up and caused Steve to cheat. Him not being open about him and Eddie to Steve, kissing with Eddie and not walking away right away - doing that to Chrissy too - and then wanting to have revenge sex with Eddie after seeing the photos – and finally Eddie annoyingly doing the right thing by telling him that there was no way going back for them that way.
He was convinced that all he had left of Steve was a memory of the glorious months with him.
In the late evening there was a knock on his door. Rob opened the door, and Eddie was soon next to Billy's bed. ”Hey, Billy, now you have to get up. I need you to come with me!” Billy didn't turn to look at Eddie, he just pulled the pillow from under his head and over it. ”Leave me the fuck alone," he muttered. Eddie sat on the bed. ”Nah, c'mon! I need you with me.” ”There's nowhere you need me to be,” Billy mumbled under the pillow. Eddie was quiet for a moment. "You know, I think what happened was what we both needed so that we could to move on into things that are actually relevant right now." "I don't need you to tell me what I need or..." "I didn't come here to argue. I'm doing it tonight. Moving on." Billy opened his eyes and stared at the wall for a moment. He pulled the pillow away and looked at Eddie over his shoulder silent for a while. ”You're proposing to her?” he asked quietly Eddie smiled a faint smile and nodded. “I'd really like you to be there. I mean, not to rub it in, but you know, for being my best friend and all." He paused and chewed his cheek. "If we're still that. Best friends." Billy looked back at the wall. "If you still want that." "Hell yes I want that," Eddie replied instantly. "No one knows me as well as you do. And you know things of me no one else does. And I don't mean the other day. I mean embarrassing stuff. You know what I mean." Billy couldn't help smiling. "Yeah. The things I could do by spilling the beans on that..." Eddie punched Billy on the thigh. "If you ever do that I swear..." Billy chuckled. "I'll take it to my grave, Munson, don't worry." He turned to look back at Eddie. "And I'll never use it against you. You can trust that." Eddie smiled a lopsided grin. "C'mon, come with me. Chrissy will appreciate you being there as well. I know it. You're her friend too. Please?" Billy sighed. ”Fine. Give me fifteen minutes to prepare."
When Billy got to the hotel lobby where Eddie was waiting, he looked around. "Where's Chrissy? I thought she was with you." Eddie smiled. "I've set it so that she comes directly from the airport to the tower." "You know, if I was in her shoes I'd be pissed that you didn't meet her already at the airport." "In this case I didn't think it was necessary. You'll see." Billy squinted. "There's something you're not telling me." "I'm going to propose to her for fuck's sake! I want to keep it a surprise until the last moment and you know how I start blabbering when I get nervous. It's better this way." "It's your funeral. Just saying."
”Can I see the ring?” Billy asked when the band's car took off from the hotel and into the busy Paris traffic. ”Nope,” Eddie said. "She's gonna be the first one to see it. If you ask nicely she might show it to you." They rode in silence for a while. "Listen, Eddie,” Billy said, “don't ever tell her what happened between us. And I mean the other day. Telling would maybe clear your conscience but knowing would just hurt her, and then you'd be sorry for the rest of your life for doing it and telling her. Yeah, you did hurt her already, but you know what I mean. It sucks but telling the truth isn't always the right thing to do. As long as you don't do it again." He looked at Eddie. "Let's just forget it ever happened. Ok?" Eddie looked back at Billy and nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right." Billy returned to watch the scenery pass by. "I should've let go of you earlier. To take agency of my own well-being. But I was...afraid. Dreaming of something that might happen one day was easier than actually seriously to go and look for someone." "Well, you had dates..." "None of them were anything else but a band aid. They all even looked like you. It was so pathetic," Billy said shaking his head, embarrassed. "What about that one guy, what was his name? The short one." "Oh, that guy. Didn't I tell you? He decided that he was straight when it started to look like that we might've had something serious. Man, did he have issues with his height. He was well equipped though, one of the few things I never complained about." They both burst into laughter. "What about Harrington?" Eddie asked after the laughter had settled. Billy sighed. "A dreamboat. Too good to be true. Could've been the love of my life." "Could've been? Isn't that a bit dramatic? I mean, you could just talk to him or..." "I messed everything up and he cheated on me. There is no going back," Billy snapped. "You've refused to talk to him!" Eddie groaned frustrated. "Give the guy at least a chance to explain himself before you call it quits." Billy said nothing. Eddie sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's all about you thinking that every time shit hits the fan you deserve that shit. You wallow in the pit of your own despair, alone, because you think that nothing good can ever happen to you, that you don't deserve anything good. As if the shit is somehow a proof that you're worthless. And I get it because..." Eddie sighed. "Because even I've treated you like shit. And I'm sorry about that. I truly am." He looked at Billy. "But you out of everyone deserve all the good that comes your way. You haven't lost him. Trust me." Billy looked back out. He wished he could believe Eddie's words. He wanted to treat them as a gospel because there was nothing he wanted more than to have Steve. "We'll see about that when I get back home."
After a while he started to feel a bit better. Hell, they were in Paris. He had always wanted to visit there but never had the time or will to travel there, even after he would've had the money to do it. Paris, the most romantic city in the world, and looking at the architecture, the small cafés, people going about their lives on the softly lit pavements - it truly felt like it.
It felt right for him to be there. It would've been better if Steve was there with him. No, not just better - perfect. He had to swallow hard to keep the tightness in his chest from bursting out.
Finally the car pulled off. Eiffel tower was standing in front of them lit up and glittering in the Paris night. Billy had to smile a little. ”This is a pretty unforgettable setting.” ”Well, yeah. Only best for my girl!” ”I hope there's an elevator.” Eddie laughed. ”Yeah, there's an elevator.”
"So, you already got jitters?" Billy asked as they walked towards the monument. "Nah. I know I want to marry her. If she'll have me, that is." Billy stared at the ground ahead. "We'll see if I'll ever get married. If anyone ever wants me." "Hey. There's someone who wants your stubborn ass," Eddie smiled. "Yeah, in the next life. Maybe." Eddie shook his head. "They'll have their hands full with you, I'll say that."
When they got to the tower entrance, Billy noticed that there was no one else around but the staff. They got into the elevator and the windows that usually were open and showed the scenery around the tower as it raised up, were covered with thick black curtains. "Trying to keep something big as a secret to her until the very last moment?" Billy asked. "Of course! What would be the fun otherwise?" Eddie grinned. "So, uh, when we get to the platform... Could you take her to the other side? I want to come in a bit later." Billy smiled. "Sure, as long as you don't make me propose to her for you."
When the elevator got to the top and the doors opened Billy walked to the platform and saw Chrissy. He had to bite his lip not to burst into tears right there and then. "It's so good to see you," he whispered to her as they hugged. "You too," she whispered back. “Where's Eddie? He said he'll come with you." ”He'll come soon. Let's take a look at the city.”
They walked to the edge of the platform and looked at the scenery. “It’s beautiful!” Chrissy gasped. “Yeah,” Billy replied absentmindedly. Chrissy glanced at him. “Is everything ok?” Billy took a deep breath. Then he forced a smile on his face and looked at her nodding. “Yeah, nothing you need to worry about.” She took his hand in hers. “You know you can talk to me about anything.” Billy tilted his head and grimaced. “Maybe one day.” She smiled at him assuredly. “Ok. One day.” They looked at the view again. "I wonder what that is," Chrissy said when she spotted a large black rectangle structure down on the ground in front of the tower. Billy looked down as well, and the structure lit up, revealing itself as a large led-screen. It filled with animations of starbursts. The stars started to form shapes that turned into letters. Finally a text 'Will you marry me, Chrissy?' was formed. "Oh my god!" Chrissy gasped. Eddie walked to her from her side of the platform and knelt in front of her with an open jewelry box. Billy looked at Chrissy breaking into happy tears and accepting the proposal. But at the same time he felt more miserable than he'd ever felt, and he had to look away, at the city of lovers that spread around as far as he could see, bathing in orange light.
After a while a bright light blinked on the ground, and Billy glanced back down. More shapes made of stars were forming on the screen, and when the text was visible, he had put his hand over his mouth as he felt his heart swell a thousand times.
The text 'Marry me, Gorgeous' was glowing on the screen.
Billy let out a sob and could no longer hold back the tears. Steve hugged him from behind, and Billy leaned to his warm embrace closing his eyes, setting his hand on Steve's arm that was over his chest. "So, what's it gonna be?” Steve whispered to Billy's ear, and held an open jewelry box in front of Billy. It held a thick platinum ring with deep slanted carvings, each filled with small diamonds. "You really want me?" Billy asked quietly. "I've wanted to marry you from day one," Steve whispered, and set a kiss on Billy's cheek, "I want you to be mine until the end of time." "I'm sorry, about everything." "No need to be." "Is it true what Eddie said? About that woman?" "Yes. If you want, I have the driving logs from the Merc to prove I was there less than five minutes. You know how much I love foreplay..." "There’s no way you could've had anything done in that time," Billy chuckled. "Say yes," Steve whispered and set his chin on Billy's shoulder. Billy leaned his head on Steve's. He bit his lower lip, and grinned. "Yes." Steve took the ring from the box, and held it with his fingers in front of Billy. “Give me your hand.” Billy couldn't stop smiling stupidly wide grin as he held his left hand up and Steve put the ring on his ring finger. Billy examined the ring, and couldn't help sniffling. “Do you like it?” Steve asked. “I love it. I love you.” “I love you, too.” Steve turned Billy around and kissed him. "You just made me the happiest man on Earth," he said after he broke the kiss. “Well, I'm pretty happy too,” Billy replied, smiling.
“You're willing to take Mr. Big after all?” Eddie, who had been watching the proposal with Chrissy, asked with a grin. Billy turned to look at him and raised his left hand up. “Well, how can I say no to this?” “Still sorry you came?” “No,” Billy said smiling. “Maybe we need to have a double wedding,” Chrissy said, showing her own ring. Billy and Chrissy went to admire each other's rings immediately.
“I suppose congratulations are in order,” Steve said to Eddie, and reached out his hand. Eddie took it and shook it. “Yeah, thanks. And same to you. You're a lucky man. Oh, and thanks for bringing her here.” “Don't mention it, it was my pleasure.” Eddie leaned closed to Steve. “We're good?” he asked quietly. Steve looked at Eddie with a hard expression. “You’re his best friend. I’ll tolerate it.” He clenched his teeth. “But if ever again...” Eddie shook his head. “No need to worry. He wants just you, no one else. And I have a duty of my own now.”
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indiefilmfatale · 2 years
one, two, three (eddie munson x steve harrington x afab fem reader) PART TWO
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gif by gayshipsand anxiety ^ READ PART ONE HERE <3 plot: a casual smoke sesh with you, your boyfriend eddie, and your best friend steve turns into something...... less casual lol content warnings: smoking/drug use, voyeurism (eddie loves to watch), masturbation, handjob, oral (m + f receiving), unprotected sex, eiffel towering (do u call it eiffel towering if one of the guys is sitting down? nvm), creampie word count: 2k a/n: weird gif to use ig but i needed something homoerotic smut below the cut!
You hum, then sit up. "Okay, your guys' turn."
You are sitting in between them as they lie flat. There's a sense of satisfaction amongst you all, but none of you want this to end. Not anytime soon, at least.
You glance to your right, where Eddie’s hard cock creates an outline in his pants. You lick your lips. Then you turn to your left. Steve is just as hard, but his dark gray sweatpants are less constricting than Eddie’s jeans. His cock creates a visible tent in his pants, making you even hungrier. You turn a bit further to see Steve’s face, and he’s blushing.
“You don’t–” he starts, propping himself up on his elbows, glancing at his own boner. “You don’t have to.”
You look back at Eddie and smirk. He seems like he wants to say something. “What?” You place a hand on Eddie’s thigh, comfortingly.
You watch Eddie meet eyes with Steve, his mouth falling agape. Steve, his cheeks still aggressively pink, doesn’t say anything as Eddie’s eyes trail down to his tent.
“I want to watch you suck him off.” He says to you, almost sweetly. The corner of his mouth flicks upward into a side smile.
You smile and bite your lip. Then turn toward Steve, who seems slightly aghast. “Is that okay, Steve?”
Steve lets out a soft, breathy laugh. “If you want to.”
Your already soaking wet core once again grows warm. You realize you still have your pants on, though they're unbuttoned and halfway down your ass. You lean back, lifting your hips to pull the pants off and kicking them onto the floor.
Your legs are a little shaky when you go to turn around, sitting up on your knees to face Eddie and Steve. Both look at you, a little awestruck. Your pink lace panties hug your hips perfectly, drawing the eye down to your pussy. Steve notices the little wet spot where your slit begins and can feel himself grow even harder.
Eddie pulls his skinny jeans down his legs so he’s only in his boxer briefs. Steve leans back and reaches for the hem of his sweatpants to pull down, but you stop him. “Wait–”
Steve freezes, his thumbs tucked into his pants still, as you scooch so you’re sitting in between his legs. He spread them open a little more, giving you more space.
“Let me.” You place your hands where his hands are, and begin to inch his sweatpants down, along with his boxers. His dick catches on his boxer hemline before springing up. You exhaled sharply, involuntarily. A little shorter than Eddie’s 7 ½ inch cock, but a little thicker too.
You were too busy staring at it (and also Steve, who was staring back at you, nervously awaiting your touch) that you didn’t notice Eddie was getting up from the mattress until you felt the bed tip then bounce back up. His back faced you and Steve as he searched around on his desk. “Mm!” You heard him hum as he grabbed something, pinching it as he happily returned to the bed.
You giggle at your boyfriend, Steve laughs too. It was an old joint that was still long enough to smoke. Eddie smiles proudly as he puts it between his lips, illuminating his face with his lighter as he inhales for a long beat. You can see the paper and pot burn on the other end of the joint.
He sucks the smoke in even deeper, then standing on his knees on the bed, brings his face closer to yours. Your smile gets even wider.
His lips meet yours, touching only in the slightest. His mouth hangs open, as does yours. As he exhales, you inhale. Steve watches the smoke transfer from his mouth to yours. Eddie then moves his free hand to your cheek, pressing his lips against yours as he squeezes his eyes shut, then pulls back sharply.
You turned toward Steve, placing your hands on the bed beside both his hips, putting your whole weight on them. Your belly bends Steve’s cock to press against his own belly. You press your lips against Steve in the same way Eddie did yours. Steve doesn’t hesitate to lean in a little too much, sinking into an actual kiss. As you make out, your’s and Steve’s short breaths exhale puffs of smoke.
You kiss the sides of his mouth. Then his chin. Then up his jawline, until you reached his earlobe. You give him a playful bite right on the lobe, causing him to break a wide smile.
You lean your head on his shoulder for a moment, contorting to see Eddie on the other side of the bed, smoking his joint and watching you with a certain ferocity. His free hand is inside his underwear, stroking slowly.
You go back to kissing Steve’s neck, down toward his collarbone. When you lean toward his chest, you reach a hand up and run your hand through the patches of hair. Eddie hands the joint to Steve, who smokes as you continue to kiss his body.
You give his left nipple the same soft, tender lick he did to yours moments ago. His whole torso jerks with a soft grunt. You giggle at the reaction.
“I’m gonna be honest,” Smoke pours out of his mouth as he speaks, but then he exhales it upward. You meet his eye. “If you don’t touch me soon, I might die.” His brows curved up. He looked so needy.
“I thought you liked waiting for it.” You heard Eddie joke from beside you, as you felt his firm hand on your ass– Gripping softly, caressing.
You lean in close to Steve’s face, and he goes to kiss you, but you back away just enough to turn it down. Instead, you just hover your face an inch away from his. “Me too.” You say just above a whisper. Steve doesn’t reply. You grab Steve’s wrist and bring the joint between your lips, not breaking eye contact.
You pull back and look down at Steve’s cock just as a drop of precum overflows from the tip. Steve sees it too. You meet eyes again. The hand you had placed on his chest moved downward until you were taking him in your fist, using your thumb to swirl the precum around the tip. You exhale the smoke. Your hand begins to move up and down slowly, and Steve’s head falls backward.
“Fucking shit, Y/N,” Steve moans, running a hand through his hair.
“Look who’s swearing now,” You grin, placing a kiss on his collar bone. You lean down further, kissing down his happy trail. Your ass is sticking straight up at this point, giving even more access to your pussy for Eddie. Eddie takes the opportunity to move the part of your panties that covered your pussy to the right. You feel his fingers slip into your slit, rubbing small, slow circles around your already hypersensitive clit.
You let out a drawn-out moan as you took Steve’s cock at the base and let a dribble of spit drop from your mouth onto the tip. You looked up at him just as you did this, and he stared at you with his mouth agape.
As you take him in your mouth, you swirl your tongue around the tip, keeping a firm motion on the base. Eddie is pumping his finger in you at the same pace your head begins to bob in. You moan into Steve’s cock, his hips starting to thrust into your mouth.
Steve takes another short hit of the joint, his breaths too short for a longer inhale. He hands it back to Eddie, who smokes as he fingers you.
You pause the rhythm to force Steve down your throat as deep as you’re able. “Oh, oh shit,” Steve’s torso tenses for a moment, then relaxes when you release with a deep breath. “Fuck, you’re really good at that,” He laughs.
“Mmhm,” You say, smirking. You deepthroat him again, holding his cock inside your throat longer this time. He keeps making these short whimpering noises– “Ah, ah, oh god, mm”– as his shoulders jerk forward.
“God, he’s getting you so fucking wet baby,” You hear Eddie behind you. He pumps another finger in you, causing you to moan as Steve’s dick is jammed down your esophagus. The vibration of your voice causes Steve to jerk forward again.
You pull off of him with a pop, and Eddie quickens his pace. You use your hand to jerk off Steve because your mouth is too busy swearing. “Fuck Eddie,” You gasp. “I need your cock in me.” You turn to face him, watching his gaze shift from your pussy to your eyes. He’s still jerking himself off in his underwear with his other hand. “I need you to fuck me.” You don’t stop jerking Steve, who’s withering beneath your touch.
Eddie takes one last hit from the joint before reaching and putting it in the ashtray. He pulls his underwear down, exposing his perfect cock. You smiled at the sight of it, then looked up at your boyfriend. “Please fuck me, Eddie.”
Eddie bit his lip and moved his gaze back to your core, practically glimmering with your wetness. You watch him line himself up and push himself into you, causing your eyes to squeeze shut. “Fuuuck.” You moan over Eddie’s sighs, pausing your movements on Steve.
Steve can’t help but smile amusingly at you, his eyebrows raised high. Eddie pulls out again, only to enter even harder. You moan with each thrust of his, forgetting for a moment that you had been sucking Steve.
You, a moaning mess, use the movements Eddie is giving you by pushing his hips onto your ass as he pumps into you, to bob your head on the top half of Steve’s cock. Steve huffs. You grip his hip with your right hand for stability, while using your left hand to jerk the bottom half of his cock.
“Yeah, oh god, just like that,” Steve leans fully back against the pillows under him. Eddie starts to thrust in this upward-ish motion that he knows drives you wild. Your eyes flutter close and you whine against Steve, mouth too full of cock to put how good you’re feeling into words.
Until you hear Steve’s breath hitch, and you feel his hand on the back of your head, applying light pressure. “Y/N, Y/N, I’m gonna, oh shit,” You take him deeper, using mostly your mouth to get him off now.
Your moans grow louder with Steve’s, his high turning you on more than ever, already feeling another climax approaching.
You feel a warm liquid spurt into the back of your throat at the same time Eddie snakes his hand around you and rubs your clit furiously. You swallow Steve’s load, releasing him from your mouth and just holding his softer dick in your hand as your pussy tightens around Eddie’s cock.
“Oh baby, you’re so good, you did so good, you feel so fucking–,” Eddie affirms with each thrust, his words slowly slurring into moans. You feel a warmth in your cunt that makes you huff, your pussy tightening and releasing over and over on his dick.
Eddie pulls out of you, and your whole body feels like it’s about to go limp. You pull Steve’s pants up for him, smiling sweetly, before collapsing so your head rests on his stomach. 
You lie your head down on Steve’s stomach, relaxing on top of him. Eddie tucks his cock back into his underwear before laying down beside Steve, body turned sideways. He looks at you and pushes away a damp piece of hair from your sweaty forehead.
Steve chuckles abruptly, bouncing your head upward as he did. Eddie and you both look up at him. His chuckles break out into that high laughter you had gotten so used to. “Did that really... happen?” He asks between breaths.
You and Eddie share a glance, breaking out into laughter with him.
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