#i want to keep it around to preserve all the sideblogs though and to keep shilling for aoa obviously
mtsainthelens · 1 year
i have no idea what to do w this blog tbh like i have a lot of weird baggage attached to it and it feels like a slight parasitic influence on my life and identity and a source of paranoia but it’s literally just a blog.
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carriagelamp · 2 years
thank you for your work translating the cybersix comics!
i just finished the first ten chapters of the french volume 3 collection that you translated. i can't find the last six chapters though. did you wind up finishing the translations for volume 3? either way, thanks again!
Hello! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D
Unfortunately I didn't finish the translation, for a few reasons... I do have another chapter or two translated, but I never got around to formatting and posting them because, tbh, translation can be pretty fun but page formatting is t e d i o u s
My main issue though is that when I started this, I posted it all on a tumblr sideblog. That meant I had actual engagement from people reading it! It was fun! There would be at least a couple people who would come chat every time I updated and I could see from the notes that people were reading and enjoying it! Most people can't read the comics unless they speak Spanish or French or something so I was translating SPECIFICALLY because I wanted to talk to people about the comics!
Then the porn ban happened. I didn't want to risk my other blogs getting killed, so I had to take down all the pages I'd originally posted there (because holy crow the smut is real). I know nekosammsi has preserved them but I just.... couldn't muster up the enthusiasm to keep going after that. I couldn't find another good host website, and it was no fun posting directly into a google drive because... no engagement and it all just became too much work for one person.
I honestly would love to do translation again because it brought me so much joy back when I was doing it, but between the No Where Good To Host and Page Formatting Is A Chore Not A Fun Hobby I just... haven't :( sorry
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ashacidic · 8 months
okay so something important I don’t think I’m gonna post art here anymore !!!!!!! I don’t feel. Necessarily comfortable doing so here, especially with the fandoms and topics and things I WANT to post about but if I seriously have to be fearful of the following I have is it really worth posting here for me ?
For me no I wanna do whatevers the hell I WANT. And with that my art will move on onto a different blog, so I can have the option to also make more mature and dark content once August rolls around and I don’t gotta worry bout you lot /lh
Love y’all lots though ! If you’re genuinely curious or a moot that wants to keep following me though I’ll be more than happy to give the new account if you shoot me a message. I’ll still post here for the time being, I’ll still keep my sideblogs or maybe I’ll transfer some of them over to the new account (like our system-related blogs)
That and I just wanna turn over a new leaf from this account being run,,, particularly all throughout my teen years. Hell I came on here when I was 12 or smth and started posting my Touhou fanart before I started spamming my Homestuck shit when I was 13, and a LOT has changed about me throughout the years. Became a dude (for the most part), became a aroace fagdyke, figured out I wasn’t the only one in this body, I kinda wanna preserve what I’ve got going here.
I’ll keep my old art up, no matter how shameful I am of it later on down the line via improvement and Learning Anatomy, I’ll keep my old posts up, just. Yeah
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dadyomi · 5 years
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Daf Yomi Week 4: Rabbi Nehunya is Super Relatable
Nice to know even the wise men of the Talmud had social anxiety on occasion. 
Before I begin, hello new followers! It’s lovely to see people following this. I can’t follow back, because this is a sideblog and my main blog would not be relevant or in some cases appropriate, but I keep an eye on a couple of appropriate tags and of course you can always @ me if there’s something you want to share. And discussion in comments or reblogs is most welcome.  
Anyway, this is a little Friday bonus post to review the week. One of my main reasons for starting Dad Yomi is that there’s almost always a bit of each reading I want to preserve, and wisdom and humor are both more fun when they’re shared, plus this is tidier than copypasting them all into a notes file on my phone. But another reason is that even though I’m enjoying the reading, I have a hard time finding relatable content surrounding it. 
I listen to Daf Yomi for Women podcast (do recommend for all genders) which offers historical context, but it’s hard to find sources which discuss personal reactions to reading Daf Yomi. I wanted someone’s journal of the journey, in a personal way that isn’t necessarily spiritual. I wanted to read about someone else going “Yeah this sure is a LOT of discussion of shema. I know it’s for the love of scholarship, but should someone be bringing up how obsessive-compulsive this makes us seem?”
So I figured I’d write one. And if others were out there, this would be how I find them. But mostly I’m making jokes about ripped rabbis and throwing shade, so I thought it might be nice to do a sort of week-in-review. 
This week we started out with a LOT of bodily functions, because of a discussion of ritual purity and how to achieve it before prayer (because Berakhot so far, whatever tangents they go haring off on, always comes back around to the logistics of prayer). From how moist with pee the ground can be to whether pubic hair is considered nakeness, the Talmud has you covered (even your pubic hair). The highlight of the week from a scholarly point of view was Berkahot 26, discussing the origins of three-times-daily prayer, and that is important, I agree. But the highlight for me was undoubtedly Rabban Gamliel’s hero’s journey to becoming a better teacher after bullying Rabbi Yehoshua. It’s a good story about how getting out in the world once in a while can provide a reality check, and how to behave civilly as an adult even when you’re super mad about something. 
So that’s Daf Yomi week four. Only what, like 384 weeks to go? Piece of cake. (That you cannot eat before prayer.)
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alternislatronemhq · 4 years
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Congrats, Beth, you have been accepted to AL for the role of Narcissa Malfoy (FC: Skylar Samuels). Ahhh, Beth, really well done! I think it’s really easy for Narcissa to be seen as this innocent flower who just got dragged along into the dark side by her husband, but you have totally shattered that trope. Your Narcissa is a complex woman who has a mind and heart of her own as well as the courage to follow that. She’s going to be in such an interesting place in this game, and I have full confidence that you’re going to portray that with justice! Please send in your blog (no sideblogs for first characters, please) in the next 24 hours and be sure to take a look at our new player checklist.Welcome home, we’re so excited to have you join the family!
name — Beth age — 24 pronouns — She/Her timezone — CST activity level — I currently have literally nothing time consuming going on irl until mid-August. I’m a teacher, so I’m on break until then. After that, I will be restricted, but I’ll have weekends and at least one or two nights a week to do rp replies. I’ll also often be online enough for plotting, even if I’m not actively writing replies that night.
IC Overview
name — Narcissa Malfoy faceclaim — Skylar Samuels, Margot Robbie Samara Weaving age — 30 (Birthday: December 14, 1955) gender — Cis female sexuality — Undefined and unconcerned. As far as most people need to be concerned, Narcissa is attracted purely to her husband. That said, she’s never put much focus on how she feels about other people outside her husband. She’s not opposed to the two of them seeking comfort with other people but she cannot imagine it happening completely outside their marriage. Communication is key to any power couple, in general and in the bedroom, especially if the bedroom isn’t theirs.
patronus —Runespoor. Narcissa couldn’t help chuckling when she saw those three heads. A snake, of course, which a family history in Slytherin should approve of, but also three. Narcissa is the third of three daughters. She watched her family decide they should bite off a head. Andromeda was gone before Narcissa cast her first patronus, although Narcissa would never admit it was a memory of the three of them together that led to her first corporeal form. On the personality end of things, it fits as well. Narcissa is certainly not quick to act, and she tends to spend a lot of time both imagining and criticizing what those choices might lead to. The duality inherent in her patronus feels accurate to the way her mind works (This was according to the Pottermore test, and honestly I agree with it so much.)
boggart — Narcissa’s boggart is Draco as a baby lying there with gasps and whimpers as he slowly turns blue and loses air. It’s not just about her son dying but rather seeing him fading as Narcissa stands unable to do anything to save him. She has never been able to banish a boggart at this stage. Eventually after her baby has “died,” the boggart shifts between people like Lucius and Bellatrix screaming at her that she’s a failure and a betrayal. She can’t banish the boggart at that point either. Narcissa’s biggest fear is in many ways her world crumbling around her with no way to stop in and blame pointed squarely at her for being unable to fix the situation. A good pureblood wife holds her family together. Narcissa is terrified she won’t be able to do the same.
IC In Depth
personality traits —
After a life time of learning to think about legacy above all else, Narcissa has become incredibly pragmatic. She looks at each situation for how to problem solve, rather than taking the time to consider her own emotions. Some might consider Narcissa repressed, but she would prefer to think of herself as quiet and complex. There is a lot going on under the surface, even to the point that she is an over-analyzer if she doesn’t immediately know how to act. She is not rash, nor does she let her emotions get the best of her often. She can be short-tempered when pushed, but Narcissa has spent years learning to hold back. Above all in public, she is polite, although she can come off as cold to people who don’t know her well. She would prefer that, though, to people knowing too much about her opinion. Narcissa firmly believes it is better for others to see her as distant and aloof if it means staying adaptive in a changing situation, as she has had to do socially.
character biography —
Narcissa Elladora Black was born the youngest of the Black sisters. She was the finishing touch in a trio of wonderful daughter, even if her parents would forever mourn their lack of sons. From her position as the youngest, Narcissa grew up even more spoiled than her two older sisters, but it was always clear to her what her duties were. Like her sisters, Narcissa knew it would be her job someday to marry well to a pureblood husband with a strong family name, and it would be her duty to uphold that family and produce heirs to continue her husband’s family line—a line which would naturally be hers then. The Black family are full of tradition and self-ties, but practicality was important above all else. While Narcissa did hope that within a few generations, her children could be tied back to that proud family name, she wasn’t silly enough to think that her family now would come above her husband.
She hadn’t expected that truth to be thrown in her face in such an ugly way as Andromeda took the first opportunity to muddy herself. Narcissa would never admit it later, but she did send a letter to Andromeda begging her to come back. A baby could be dealt with or left with the father. It wouldn’t make her the most desirable, but surely there would still be a pureblood husband for her to take on. Andromeda never responded. The whole experience was really the first time in her life that Narcissa had ever had fantastical version of the world shattered. Things weren’t perfect and couldn’t always be fixed. A strong family name could be sullied in an instance. Before Narcissa even had that husband’s legacy to protect, she was having to choose it over family.
When Lucius Malfoy began to court her, Narcissa was delighted. Here was a man who cared about appearances, both his own and his family’s. He was not the cold unfeeling man she’d been mentally preparing herself for. He was warm and delightful, and if Narcissa was willing to experience her wedding bed with him before she had a ring, well, that was nobody’s business but their own. Narcissa sparkled as a bride and shined as a new wife. She had only one issue. Narcissa seemed unable to carry children to term. After three miscarriages—Omega, nine weeks, Lysandra, twenty-six weeks, and Orane, thirteen weeks—Narcissa began to fear she would never carry a child to term. When she became pregnant a fourth time, Narcissa spent the better part of a year treating herself as delicately as possible and accepting weekly visits from a trusted healer. She couldn’t lose another baby. She wasn’t sure she could handle naming a fourth child that she never got to properly hold.
Then all Narcissa’s wishes upon magic were answered on June 5, 1980 with a beautiful baby, only four weeks early and there to fight. Despite her initial worries that their miracle would be snatched away, Draco thrived. They didn’t know he was Draco then, of course. They mistook their baby for a girl based on what information they had to go on then and named her accordingly. It was only a few years later when they understood what their five-year-old had to tell them that Lucius and Narcissa changed tactics. Narcissa and her child sat down together to talk through constellations and possible names associated with them. She’d been named for mythology—a concession her father had made on Daughter #3 to Rosier preferences—but Narcissa wanted her son to better fit what she considered the proudest part of his family history. Once Draco had decided upon his name, Lucius immediately announced him properly in The Prophet. The Malfoys never looked back, and they had no time for anyone who did.
Prior to that realization, Narcissa had lived with a certain level of constant dread. They had a beautiful, perfect child who would always be enough in Narcissa’s eyes, but she couldn’t help hearing her mother’s voice in her ear, grooming her from a young age to know that part of her duty as a pureblood wife was to carry on the Malfoy line. Could she and Lucius settle for one perfect child if that child would one day lost the family name? Her parents had stopped, but that had been after three children and with other male Blacks to potentially pass on the family name, which Orion eventually did. Especially in a time where family name and heritage meant everything, Narcissa wasn’t sure she could justify stopping without a proper heir. Then again, she never wanted her baby to feel like not enough. Her own parents had never explicitly guilted the three girls, but it was a known fact of life. Narcissa didn’t want that for her baby. Once Draco’s voice could be heard, it shocked her not because it meant the hard decisions were made—although that certainly helped—but rather because Draco was once again perfect, as he always was. Narcissa would have loved him and supported his choice in any situation, but as it was, she only added another reason her child was the greatest blessing she could have received.
But motherhood was not all Narcissa’s life focused on. Lucius had been recruited in many ways to join the Dark Lord’s ranks, and it was a great honor. Narcissa would have preferred neutrality as a self-preservation mechanism, but she did believe in those ideals and could appreciate what the Dark Lord was trying to do. She herself never joined, but she did support Lucius’ choice and often acted according to the Dark Lord’s whims. When he fell, it was a great shock to her system, but Narcissa couldn’t take the time to figure out how to feel about his loss. She had to keep her husband out of prison and their family reputation high. They were no longer servants to anyone but each other, and Narcissa scrambled to fix their situation.
It took a few years before she felt trusted. That time was full of swallowing her thoughts and smiling nicely, but the same had been true among the Death Eaters. She was simply swallowing a different kind of thought. The Malfoy family had always held power, and the same could be said of the Black family. Bellatrix and her husband had fallen from grace, but Narcissa needed to do as she’d always been taught and put Lucius’ family name above her own family blood. If that meant reaching out to a sister who she’d long above mentally severed, fine. Narcissa would do it. She and Andromeda would never truly be what they’d been, and Narcissa couldn’t look at her niece without mourning her bloodline and lack of title. Still, they were rebuilding. Slowly change for the better had happened.
Now Narcissa doesn’t know what to do. The Dark Lord’s return threatens all of the work she’s been doing. She still believes in purity and the ideas he’d promised, but she still doesn’t like the methods he’d stood for. She likes her husband free and isn’t sure a return to the Death Eaters’ full power will allow that.
plot ideas — Perhaps Narcissa (and occasionally Lucius) host regular tea events, maybe once a month. After Voldemort’s downfall, they started curating a little more charity into their guest lists. Now with rumors of his return, it’s a careful balance of the traditional gust list one month and their pity invites the next.
extra —
Headcanon: Narcissa cannot go to sleep without signing Draco a lullaby. Her night feels incomplete. On nights when Lucius puts him to bed, she sneaks in after to sing for his dreams. Now that he’s getting older, she’s terrified for the day he decides he’s too old for her to sing.
Headcanon: Narcissa doesn’t technically have a job, but her proficiency in charms, herbology, and potions could have made her a healer. While she knows only the basics of that profession, she does keep a lush garden and greenhouse. She also enjoys potion making and often makes at home things that other purebloods might buy. She would never lower herself as to sell them because her station is so much above something so ordinary, but that doesn’t mean she won’t give them to friends or occasionally use her own potions as a bartering chip.
Headcanon: Narcissa has always felt quite at home on a broom. In some ways, she was relieved the first time she played Quidditch and hated it because it didn’t fit the image she was trying to curate. Flying, though, is something she could never give up for image.
Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/myrpboards/narcissa-malfoy/
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bloodline-rpg · 5 years
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Congratulations, Angela! We have accepted your application for your OC, Charlie Connery (Any of your FC choices work great. Please let us know which one you’ll be using!) Please create a new blog (not a sideblog) for your character and send us the link via ask box as soon as you can. Along with your link, please let us know what lyric you’d like for us to use for Charlie in her bio. Welcome to Bloodline!
Name/Alias: Angela
Age: over 25
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Timezone: CST, however, I work overnights (6pm-6am) so I keep very strange hours.
Level of activity (don’t give your activity a number value, please describe how active you will be as best as possible): It’s been a minute since I’ve been in a Tumblr RP, however, I tend to get VERY invested. I’m typically online at least once a day and get very excited about replies. It can be difficult to write replies on days I work because it all depends on how busy we are, but on days I’m off I should definitely be able to get replies out.
Character’s Name: [The Superfan] Charlotte “Charlie” Connery
Desired FC: Dominique Provost Chalkley, Zoey Deutch, or Lily Collins
Character’s Age: 26
Character’s Species: Human, but also werewolf wannabe
Character’s Sexuality: bi-sexual
Uncle Steve always had the best stories. When she was little, Charlie had loved it when he’d come by their house because she knew his visit meant a bedtime story she’d not soon forget. Sure he smelled sort of stale and her mom (his sister) often accused him of being an alcoholic, but he was interesting and didn’t treat her like a baby – and at seven years old, that’s what Charlie found most important. Wolves, Charlie, werewolves. That’s how the story started. She sat wide-eyed, hugging the stuffed Balto toy that Uncle Steve had brought her. It smelled sort of like cigarettes and old beer, but at the moment she didn’t care. He wove a tale of people that transformed into beasts on a full moon, losing control of themselves and becoming feral. They were dangerous, monstrous, but only during a full moon. You’d never even know if you met one on a normal night he swore. Three years later, Charlie’s parents were killed in a car accident and she was sent to live with her Uncle Steve. She clung to the stories of wolves, the idea of being able to change, to lose yourself even just for a night. It became a story she requested often, better than the fairytales because happily ever afters weren’t satisfying endings at the moment. Her uncle didn’t stop drinking and magically become a competent step-parent. She didn’t have a Cinderella moment where things magically turned around. Life for the next several years was just…hard. Charlie had to grow up quickly and learn to take care of not just herself, but her uncle. Deep down, she knew her uncle cared about her, but he clearly cared about vodka more. She worked hard to try and gain his attention and affection to no avail and when she was eighteen, she moved out for good. Throughout her adolescence, she began to wonder if the stories Steve told her could have any ring of truth. She began to do research on werewolves, finding everything from Teen Wolf to Native American lore to old Hollywood horror. Surely some of the legends had to have a hint of truth, right?  She studied animal sciences and researched wolves. Their packs, the structure of their families, it was what she’d always been looking for. The social aspect, the way they didn’t neglect members of their pack. God, she’d kill to belong to a real family again.  Eventually, Charlie took a job at a wolf sanctuary in Pennsylvania. It was a long shot, but what else could she do? Maybe someday one of the rescued animals would be human in the morning. It was ridiculous how hard it was to find them. And then the witches were exposed. Magic was real and the whole world knew it. Charlie was ecstatic. Witchcraft didn’t really appeal to her, especially since witches were being hunted, but if they existed then the odds were werewolves and other supernatural creatures did as well. She renewed her search, traveling the country in the guise of visiting other preserves and rescues, but really searching for a place she might belong. She tried everything she could think of to get turned…she drank rainwater from the footprint of a wolf, she let a suspiciously large wolf at the preserve bite her (and had the scars to prove it.), she hung out with wolves on the full moon, nothing worked. It took far longer than she would have liked, but she finally found them. And they were everything she hoped they’d be. She hadn’t intended to lie, she’d meant to ask them to make her one of them, to explain her desires, but…things sort of spiraled. They saw the scar of the bite and made assumptions and then she discovered that they weren’t allowed to turn her. So she lied. No one in her life had accepted her as quickly and easily as this pack of wolves. Surely she could figure out how to get one of them to turn her before the next full moon. She had to. Now that she’d found them she’d do anything to be allowed to stay.
Charlie is someone who’s used to putting herself second. She worked her whole adolescence to earn her uncle’s love, to get him to act like they were a real family and it never worked. Regardless, this has made her something of a caretaker. She tends to show love with actions – cooking, cleaning, doing things for others in order to show affection and hopefully gain some in return. If she makes herself valuable, people will want her, right? She’s also definitely a romantic. Not just with relationships, though that’s definitely part of it, but with ideals as well. Her desires to be a werewolf are not hampered by thinking about the consequences of such a transformation. While she realizes things might be complicated, she also ultimately believes it’ll just work out. While ultimately good-natured, she has a tendency to jump in headfirst and get herself into trouble because she has no plan of retreat, no backup plan if things go awry. Her impulsiveness and insecurity lead her to put herself into situations that are not necessarily healthy or smart.
+Optimistic +Caring +Selfless +Determined
-Stubborn -Impulsive -Reckless -Naive
Charlie is 100% in over her head. She has these romanticized ideals about what it means to be a part of a pack but no real knowledge about the actual job or position of a wolf. Her knowledge is based on folklore and fairytales as well as some realistic animal behavior. Obviously, her position in the pack is founded on a lie and is, ultimately, precarious. I’m really looking forward to seeing how she’s able to interact with the wolves and the witches to see whether it develops organically that she can convince someone to turn her or if she’s caught and has to face the consequences. Both seem like fascinating options to try and play out. As for the politics of the families, Charlie is blissfully unaware. She researched what she could but how reliable is the internet – especially with all the propaganda being spread about? She could very easily be used by someone who tempts her with the chance to get what she wants.
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tamaraneanpacifist · 5 years
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Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name: I go by Star or Starfire online. If we’re close, I might give you my real name upon asking - but if I do, please don’t ‘openly’ call me by it for others to see on this site. I’m very hesistant about RL things like that. OOC Contact: IMs and Asks are always open, I do have a not really used anymore Skype, and a Discord. I do have the right to decline giving one of these to you though, even when we’re mutuals. All listed here that isn’t asks is only for OOC communiation.
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Assumed-dead prince of Tamaran, a far away planet. Was sent away to preserve the royal family line, but his ship was destroyed shortly after it started and everyone assumed he died. His capsule survived the destruction of the ship, and from another species called the Shallas he learned other values than what he knew from Tamaran. When his foster family was destroyed by someone in search for the lost prince, he decided to live isolated until enough time would have passed for him to return to Tamaran. Once that time came, he decided to first meet his sisters again, and thus reached Earth. He also took up most of the rules and beliefs of the Shallas, and he absolutely hates violence and tries everything to avoid any form of it.
Points of interest:
Most of the times, Wildfire is hidden inside a big purple hooded cloak, he only removes his hood or the cloak in general once he feels safer around someone. His skin is slightly orange but very light, due to him spending most of his time in hiding in caves. He has energy, commonly referred to as starbolts, that he can use to fight. He also is able to fly, is much stronger than any normal human, and can sustain many difficult circumstances like the nothingness of space or very cold or hot temperatures. He tends to slightly hover above the ground instead of walking, it is simply more common for him and he’s not used to walking. His eyes are blue in both sclera and pupil, the pupil is a bit darker. When he uses his energy his eyes often start glowing too. As mentioned above, he tries to avoid violence in any way possible. He is unable to learn languages by lip-contact, and had only found that out recently, so he tries his best to learn english manually, which takes him a bit of time. Thus, he often speaks with a lot of stuttering, and correcting himself after saying something that felt like it was wrong. He is rather shy, hesitating to say things, but he tries to approach others despite that as he very much likes to make new friends.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Wildfire has come to earth in search for his sister’s whereabouts, and quite literally walked into Hay Lin, an other earthen being. He couldn’t speak a word of the earthen languages then, and still she was kind and nice enough to offer him help. She has promised him help in finding his sister, and so he stayed close to his first earthen friend while he tries to learn more of the language, the people and the customs of earth in general. After a reunion with his sister, Ryand’r decided that he wanted to stay on earth for some more time. He doesn’t reside with the Titans, he wants to try and make his own connections and experiences with this world, preferrably while still being close to those that grew important to him.
Where to find them:
He doesn’t really have a home. He sleeps at friends’ houses when invited - he has a little storage place at the Tower where he can store things he gets gifted or exchange clothes or the likes - and if he currently isn’t asked to stay anywhere, he would totally just search for a cave or something, or once he is more used to earth and feels less… endangered, paranoid, hunted, however you may call it, he’d totally just lie down on some nice grass patch maybe in a park or somewhere and sleep there. If he notices any trouble around, he rushes in and tries to help. As much as he wants to avoid attention, he won’t accept any people to be hurt while he is around and could try to prevent it. He also spends a lot time just sitting on a bench or something and watch people being busy. And once he has met Starfire and the Titans, he also starts to meet her friends whenever she brings him to them or them to him; and he visits the Tower every now and then.
Current plans:
I don’t really do big story lines much. I had an AU thing once that I had running basically as a sort-of ‘event’ (Blackfire’s Final Trial was how I called it, searching for it will probably show you more info - or you need to ask me), and while similar might happen again if I ever get that spark of an idea again, nothing is really planned at the moment.
Desired interactions:
I’d be happy about anything at all that happens, to be honest. Having more chances in general to do something with him would be wonderful. Enemies, to-be-friends, any and all Titans, friends of Starfire or the Titans in general that he meets through them. People that teach him more about earth customs, ones that try to use him for something bad or even capture him or something like that, or ones that just make him happy. Anything, really! I love my “Bad Endings”- verse a lot, and would love to explore that more. Though that might only make sense to do with other Titans, and/or people that know him or Starfore or Blackfire already. Honestly, I think Wildfire needs a lot more fluff - touching, gentle gestures, the like - in his experience. So that too. I’d say ‘shipping’, but I have no idea if I can actually do that - personally I always feel like I can’t do shipping well so yeah.
And now the naming of specific characters I’d like him to have the chance to interact with: I think it’d be adorable to have him do things with Mar’i - but again, I have already mentioned her on Star so I keep the mention here short. Joey/Jericho! He’s just such a wonderful character, and I think Wildfire would be very amazed by him. Ry would first actually probably not be aware that there is a language for those unable to speak, and he wouldn’t know of that language then at first, but I’m sure they’d be able to communicate somewhat despite it and I see very big potential for a great connection here. Well, outside of that, I don’t really have the longing for a specific character, so that’s all here I guess.
Offered interactions:
Wildfire tries to stop any trouble from occuring, also he tries to save anyone from any harm at all, even if it is something as simple as falling down a few stairs. If he’s around, he’d catch/protect you (or get you out of the way of the danger even if he’d recieve it himself then) before you hurt yourself. He steps in when there’s a robbery, or someone gets beaten, or something like that, and tries to talk the criminals down from their intentions. He also watches the people being busy, and I can see it as very likely that someone might approach him while he does so and asks about why he sits there so alone.
Current open post/s:
Open Starters and Memes! Both always open, with no expiration date or number. Please don’t hesitate if something sparks your interested, I’ll be delighted for any new interaction!
Anything else?:
I will quite certainly love you if you start interacting with him. I have way too few options to write him, and I so much want to do more that I’d be grateful for anyone that shows interest in him. I’m in germany, so timezone differences are a thing. This is a Sideblog to Starfirechan. I’m also very very very very very very shy, I try to work on approaching others more though. I do have Wire-accounts for my muses, and you can either search for them on my blog or ask me about them, but I don’t know if I could/will ever do any good on those.
Tagging: Everyone that wants to do it!
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nevermorealyre · 6 years
21 Questions
Rules: Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @neonplusfire, also known as @neonfireart. Thanks! I was surprised to be tagged in such a thing, especially by one of my FAVOURITE artists in the MDZS community. Seriously an honour. (I won’t ramble on about how good their art is, but if you have never checked them out before, please do head over to their neonfireart account.)
Nickname: Lyre. I usually go by Menuridae, which I took from the scientific family name of a lyrebird (one of my favourite birds). Lyre is of course from the name Lyrebird and is pronounced the same way you would say ‘liar’.
Height: 163 cm. I am a smol bean.
Last movie I saw: Liz to aoi tori (Liz and the Blue Bird). It was an alright movie, but I want to sue someone over the ending we got.
Favourite artists: I dig me some instrumental music mostly, so I love Hans Zimmer and Hiroyuki Sawano. Otherwise I also like artists such as NCT, Kaleo, DEAN, Jeff Buckley, Utada Hikaru and Adele.
Song stuck in my head: Ughh, I don’t really often have songs stuck in my head. London Bridge is Falling Down?!
Do I get asks?: I have gotten a total of two asks, so not really. Most of my interaction happens with people leaving comments on my fics on AO3. But my received asks have been in praise of one of my fics, so I haven’t actually received an ‘ask’ asking me a question. But I love any form of interaction with people though.
Other blogs?: This is my only blog. I am not really into blogging that much so I just stick to the one but keep the content I post or reblog here mostly MDZS or writer centric.
Following: Ughh, does this mean my follower count or the number of people I am following? But there is 80 and 231. I will let you guess which is which.
Lucky number: I don’t have a lucky number but I do like the number 9.
What I’m wearing: Black shorts and a black shirt with the words black t-shirt written on it in black.
Dream job: To work in rural Japan in preserving Satoyama environments, which are the woodland fringes around a rural settlement that are both ecologically and socially important. I would also love to be a published author in the future.
Favourite Food: I don’t really have a favourite food. But I really enjoy water and orange juice. But I guess those are drinks...
Dream trip: I would really love to go to Japan and tour around some rural areas for the nature or visit cities and towns with some great historical architecture.
Play any instruments: I can play the dizi, the chinese bamboo flute, but not very well. The guitar sitting in my closet hadn’t seen the light of day in a while though...
Languages: English and 日本語. English is my native tongue and I only know a little Japanese, but I am learning and hope to become fluent within the next ten years.
Favourite song: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence by Ryuichi Sakamoto. It is also known as Forbidden Colours with a vocal version performed by David Sylvian. All versions of this song are amazing, and guitar cover by Kaori Muraji holds a special place in my heart because it was the first version of this song that I had heard.
Random fact: My random fact is that I love random facts. My mother calls me an encyclopedia because I can remember so many useless facts. I also love flags and can remember up to 200 country flags. My head is filled with useless things.
Aesthetic things: Old architecture covered in vines, overgrown plants and moss. Abandoned places that have remnants of past lives there, perhaps a forgotten teddy or hammer or a chair. Travelling down a stream in a little wooden boat, just letting the water take you on a journey, admiring how the sunlight filters through the leaves as you float away.
And that was 21 facts about me~
Tagging: Well, I am not going to do a whole 21 people, but I will tag a few people.
@reiiciel - A ray of sunshine in this world that brought light into my life. Makes great photo edits and is multifandom shipper.
@blossomchi - My other sunshine. Chi is adorable and lovely and precious. She also makes some amazing AMVs across a number of fandoms.
@the-archangel-of-salt. Their blog is filled with the random facts that I crave. Also has been a long time supporter! <3
@h-y-p-h-e-n-d-o-t-s. A great blog with some pretty damn good MDZS related thoughts and posts. Big fan.
@liebiing. One sweet child who is so very supportive and kind. Let me wrap you in a blanket. I always see them in random pockets of the MDZS fandom and it brings a smile to my face when I see them around.
@aleafinatyphoon. Another sweet child who deserves a blanket. They also have an awesome MDZS sideblog that is worth checking out.
@mmishii. This child can have a pillow to rest their sweet head upon because they are just too sweet.  
If you do not want to participate in this, feel free not to, the invitation is there however.
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adrianners · 6 years
Where to find me
Welcome to the next Great Fandom Migration, kids! It will be slow and weird, and not everybody is going to end up in the same places. Fortunately, as it largely was in the LJ to Tumblr shift, AO3 will be a central hub for keeping contact info up to date. Make sure your AO3 profile links to your other accounts, especially if you use different names on different platforms! That will make things a lot less confusing than they were in, say, the gurgling death of eGroups/YahooGroups.
Tumblr is not going to die tomorrow. There are still people using LJ. There are BBS forums still chugging along from the 90s. There’s some urgency here because of the policy changes (I hope everyone knows Tumblr’s bullshit well enough that this goes without saying, but DO NOT assume that your technically TOS-acceptable content won’t get you flagged anyway), but aside from that, the site is unlikely to go dark anytime soon. While that process happens, here’s where you can find me:
AO3: Adrianners Dreamwidth: Adrianners Twitter: AdriannersWrite Discord: adrianners#2645 (Don’t invite me to servers. I basically hate discord and use it exclusively for DMs and a 4-person groupchat that’s been around since AIM was a thing) Playstation Network: adrianners (so you can... look at my trophies if you want, I guess, because I don’t do multiplayer)
I’ve only got about 2k posts, so I’ll take a quick zoom through in the coming days and get things I want to save (some writing posts, 30 Days of YoI, probably not a lot else) moved over to Dreamwidth and backdated. Made a “preserved from tumblr” tag for the purpose. Getting re-accustomed to the LJ style of blogging is gonna be a slow process, but I’ll do my best. The etiquette here really did a number on my perception of what’s “worthy” of posting.
All signs point to DW being my main presence for now. Friendly reminder that DW has free basic accounts and doesn’t even require a code at the moment. Downsides: No sideblogs (but that’s what comms and filters are for, frankly); limited image hosting; you need to learn basic HTML if you don’t know it (but you should anyway); you need to get used to LJ-style keyword-only tagging if you aren’t (but you should anyway). Upsides: Fandom-friendly by design; strong customization of privacy options; ten-year track record; THREADED! MUTHAFUCKIN! COMMENTS! Paid accounts are $35 a year. These unlock some additional social options and raise the caps on tags, followed blogs, icons, etc.
I will probably make have made a fandom twitter but don’t intend to be active outside of likes/RTs (are they still getting rid of likes on there, though?) and keeping in contact with people who don’t go to DW. Twitter is everything I dislike about Tumblr only more so... with the exception of an actually functional block button.
Currently no plans for Pillowfort until it demonstrates staying power, especially in terms of the server load and bad actor issues they’re likely to see in the near future.
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tails89 · 6 years
My world revolves around you
This was on my sideblog, which I have since deleted, so I’m posting this here.
Sterek :)
It starts off innocently enough.
“If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.” Stiles snorts at his own joke. “Get it?”
Scott rolls his eyes and groans. “That’s just awful dude, you’re not actually using these on other people, are you?”
It’s like Scott’s words spark an idea in Stiles’ brain. Everyone’s a target. No one is safe.
“Hey Lyds!”
The red head glances up from her notebook.
“The world revolves around the sun-”
Her brows are already drawing together in a scowl.
“-but my world revolves around you.”
Lydia stares down Stiles, but his goofy grin never falters, so she huffs and goes back to her homework.
“Aw, come on. Nothing? That was my best one!” Stiles moans.
Lydia doesn’t even look up. “You’re going to be single for a long time then.”
“Oh, how about this one,” Stiles is pushing aside his books, homework forgotten. “Do you like heavy metal? Because I could teach you-“
“Finish that sentence, Stilinski, and the only reason I’ll be screaming is because you are dead.”
Stiles sighs and reaches for his textbook. Banshees have no sense of humour.
It’s Kira who notices that Derek never seems to be on the receiving end of Stiles’ terrible pick-up lines.
They’re all sitting around in the loft, waiting for Derek to pay the delivery driver and return with pizza.
Stiles tries shrugging it off. “Despite what you guys think, I value my limbs, I’d rather not have Derek tear one of them off because I’ve offended hid delicate sensibilities. I do have some sense of self-preservation.”
Lydia scoffs from her seat.
Stiles twists to glare at her. “I do.”
“Self-preservation? I don’t need to be a werewolf to know that’s a lie.” Lydia uncrosses her legs and leans forward. “You won’t use your childish pick-up lines on Derek, because you actually like Derek.” She raises one perfectly sculpted eyebrow as Stiles’ mouth drops open.
“No, I don’t!” He splutters.
“Wait, what?” God bless Scott and his obliviousness.
Stiles is glaring daggers at Lydia. A silent plea for her to stop. Derek could be back at any moment!
“Getting brushed off by the rest of us is no big deal,” Lydia goes on, ignoring Stiles’ stare. “But you actually have feelings for Derek and you can’t bear the thought of him turning you down.”
“No.” Stiles scrambles, glancing from Scott to Kira. Kira looks just as smug as Lydia. Damn her for bringing it up. Scott looks thoughtful, like the gears are slowly turning in his mind. Making connections, damning connections. “I don’t- It’s not like that!”
“Prove it.” Lydia challenged, reclining gracefully. She’d look right at home stroking a fluffy white cat, like one of those classic movie villains.
“I don’t need to prove anything,” Stiles crosses him arms in front of his chest. “There’s nothing to prove.”
Kira initiates the chant. “Prove it!” She cries.
“Prove it!” Malia is quick to join in.
Liam says nothing from his position on the floor, but his expression is smug.
Stiles turns to each of them, “Yeah, fun. Let’s all gang up on Stiles,” he complains. “Scott, help a brother out.”
Scott shrugs like, what can you do, but damn it his face is positively gleeful.
“Scotty! Scott. My first friend. My best friend. Scotty-boy.”
“We’ve had to put up with it for weeks.” Scott’s tone is almost sympathetic, but it falls short when he smirks and says, “paybacks a bitch.”
“You-” Stiles’ mouth flops open, searching for his wittiest retort. “…suck!
Lydia rolls her eyes. “Real powerful comeback.”
Scott’s jabbing a finger at his best friend. “Stiles, I dare you- “
Stiles feels his eyes roll, out of his head, out of this plane of existence. “How old are you? Six?”
Scott shushes him, ignoring the eyeroll of the century. “I dare you to tell Derek your absolute worst, cringy-est pick-up line.”
“Or what?”
“Or… “ He falters.
Stiles knows Scott doesn’t have the balls.
Strawberry blond hair tickles the back his neck and the banshee whispers, “Or we’ll tell Derek how you really feel.” And just… Lydia Fucking Martin everybody.
Derek chooses that moment to return to the loft, pizza boxes piled high in his grip. There’s yelling and laughter and Stiles prays for the sweet release of death.
All he gets, though, is a nudge and a sharp look from Lydia, so Stiles swallows his mouthful of pizza and takes a breath and…
“Hey Derek?”
Derek turns, hand lowering pizza back onto his plate.
“So, we’re learning about important dates in History at the moment… want to be one of them?”
Thick eyebrows draw together in a scowl. But then Scott and Kira are snorting over their shared plate and… and it’s over. Stiles didn’t combust and Derek didn’t look disgusted or tell him to leave and Stiles was probably just imagining the way Derek’s ears flushed red.
It’s later, halfway through the movie, when Stiles feels his phone vibrate in his pocket.
If you were a transformer, you’d be a HOT-obot, and your name would be Optimus Fine.
He gapes at his phone, then sneaks a sideways glance. Everyone around him is caught up in the action onscreen, attention glued to the glowing box. Derek’s no exception, but Stiles can see the light glinting off the mobile he’s fiddling with absentmindedly. And if his cheeks are rosy, it’s probably only because the onscreen explosions are casting a fiery glow over the room.
Still this… this is amazing. Because none of his friends had ever played along with Stiles’ stupid game. And suddenly it’s on.
Stiles texts back. Is your name google? Because you’re the answer to everything I’ve been searching for.
He waits and watches out of the corner of his eye as Derek glances down at the screen that’s lit up in his hands.
Are you the square root of -1 because you can’t be real.
Stiles bites his lip to keep from smiling and turns back to the television. As the credits start to roll he realises he has no idea what they’d been watching.
After that, it becomes this thing that just completely snowballs out of control.
Stiles turns up at the loft, greeting Derek with “is your face McDonalds? Because I’m loving it” and gets to work pulling out his latest packet of research on whatever big bad they’re facing that week.
One time he’s sitting on the couch, easing his laptop off his legs and shooting Derek an offhand comment. “Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers.” And chuckling to himself at the look of Derek’s face.
He knows he needs to reign it in before he gets too caught up but he just. can’t. help it. Because Stiles would do anything to watch Derek’s cheeks and ears flush red. To watch the way he tries to retaliate but more often than not, gets completely derailed, mouth moving but words catching in his throat and god damn it, it’s adorable.
“Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
“I know you’re busy today, but can you add me to your to-do list?”
They’re alone at the loft. Stiles turned up early to clarify some research he’s been going over about forest nymphs. His laptop is open on the couch, pages strewn across every bit of available space.
“Stiles. I think we need to stop.”
“Uh,” Stiles puts down the sheet of paper he’d been holding. “Okay, I figured we’d wait ‘til the others get here but yeah, a break sounds good.” He shuts his laptop and reaches his arms up into a stretch. “Hey, Derek,” Stiles grins. “You’re hotter than the bottom of my laptop.”
“Yeah, you need to stop that.” Derek’s arms are crossed and he has his brooding face on.
Stiles laughs. “What? That wasn’t even the worst one.”
Derek shakes his head and gives him a pointed look. “Stiles. I know.”
Stiles just stares, eyebrows raised, waiting for the conversation to make sense.
“You don’t have to play this game anymore.” Derek says after a moment. “I know.”
Did Derek know how Stiles felt about him? How did he find out? His heart was racing. Was that- had his stupid racing heart given him away? “You know?” He draws the words out slowly. “And?”
Derek scowled. “And it’s childish and stupid.”
“Oh…” Stiles face fell. There it was then. Derek Hale thought Stiles’ crush was ‘childish and stupid’. Greatest day ever. Not. Still, he needed to know. “Is it- is it the age difference?”
The question seemed to throw Derek for moment. “You and Scott are the same age.”
And now Stiles is thrown too, so he asks. “What are we talking about right now?”
“I’m talking about that stupid dare.”
Which really doesn’t help, and Derek is looking more and more resigned with each question Stiles asks.
“What dare? I’m so confused right now.” Perhaps Derek doesn’t know about Stiles’ feelings after all. Maybe Stiles can still pretend that even has a chance with Derek.
“Pack night. I heard Scott dare you to- “
Oh. That dare. Never mind. Derek had known all along. The illusion is shattered.
“That was ages ago!” Stiles splutters, rising from his spot on the couch. “Why didn’t you say anything?” His hands are in his hair anxiously running through the locks. “God, I feel like such an idiot. This whole time you knew. And what,” he turns on Derek, “you were just humouring me?”
Stiles is pacing. “Jesus, you must have been so uncomfortable!“
Derek catches Stiles’ shoulders in an attempt to get his attention. “Stiles, stop- “
“This whole time you knew I liked you and you just let me make a complete fool of myself!”
Stiles jerks free and they stand there in the middle of the living room. He turns to start pacing again, but Derek has a hand around his wrist.
“You like me?”
Stiles tries to tug his hand loose. “Dude, just stop. You just told me you heard the whole thing. You don’t need to play along anymore.”
Derek let him go. “I heard Scott dare you to use the pick-up lines.”
“Yeah…” Stiles clutches his hand to his chest.
“That’s all I heard.” Derek tells him. They both stand there awkwardly for a moment, before Derek breaks the silence. “You like me?
“You- you didn’t know?” Derek shakes his head. “But that’s how this whole thing started. Lydia- Lydia said….” Stiles glances up at Derek and takes a deep breath. “Yes, I like you. Jesus Christ, I like you so much!” The words come out in a rush, like if he doesn’t speak now and speak fast it’ll never happen.
“Lydia was teasing me, so Scott dared me to use my worst pick-up line on you and the whole thing escalated and god, this is embarrassing and you- Jesus, Derek, I couldn’t help it, you just looked… and then you joined in and like, man, they were so bad and I guess there was always a part of me that knew this was going to happen, that you were going to get tired of it and- will you please stop looking at me like that- here it is and I’m sorry okay? Please say something before I make this worse, like this whole verbal word vomit is just digging me deeper and your eyebrows are getting judgier and I-
Warm lips are pressed against his mouth, silencing his outburst.
“Breathe Stiles.” Derek pulls away, watching Stiles face carefully.
“I uh-“ Stiles swallows. “You just…” he trails off.
Derek is still so close. Stiles imagines he can feel the body heat radiating from the werewolf. “If you’d taken a second to breathe, I could have gotten a word in and told you it was okay.”
Stiles takes a step back. “’It’s okay’? Those words don’t fill me with confidence Derek.”
“Okay that you like me.” Derek steps forward.
“Yep, still not feeling it.” But Stiles is smiling now and Derek is back in his personal space and when their lips meet again Stiles is moving eagerly against Derek, tongue darting out to taste what he’s been dreaming of for oh so long.
He pulls back, wondering when his fingers became tangled in Derek’s hair. “But I think I’m beginning to understand,” he says, voice low. “You like me too?” Stubble scrapes against his jaw. “I’m going to take that as a yes.”
“Stiles?” Derek’s breath his hot against Stiles’ neck.
“Shut up.”
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