#i want to know what lukita and kroos would reply to that
moviestarmartini · 5 months
i love how bayern and madrid (both the players and the fans) are really respectful to one another from what i’ve seen so far 🥰☝️
exhibit A:
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lukawodric · 6 years
(vatreniworld) #44 with Lucelo (otp/brotp/whatever you like) :)
i’ve added some other madridistas to join this weird story and i hope you like it!Trick-or-…trick!(44. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.)With: Luka Modric, Marcelo Vieira, Karim Benzema, Raphael Varane, Toni Kroos, Gareth Bale & Marco Asensio!
The week has brought RealMadrid two difficult matches. It wasn’t the time to overthink the goals allover again, due to the tiredness that was consuming everybody, little by little.
The atmosphere was heavy and dull. The boys were running during the trainingsession like their legs were going to melt at any time. Their faces were asgood as Lopetegui’s expression when he watched all the balls getting into Keylor’sgoal. And then the balls hitting Courtois’ net.
In the locker room, Casemiro entered and met Luka, sitting on the wooden benchand drinking the blue isotonic. “It sucks, huh?” Luka sighed. “Yeah, bro. It really does. Everyone’s mood is killing the whole vibe.”Casemiro vented. He opened his wardrobe, took his jersey and then roughly closedit, making a loud sound of it.“But what can we do? There’s no way to turn this around.” Luka left his emptybottle aside and got up. “The day is so damn sad that Marcelo is 5 minuteslate.” He pointed at the clock.“You’re right.” Casemiro laughed. “I mean, the guy is the craziest one aboutthis team and is always here in time…-”“Imma tell ya, Lopetegui will definitely punish him as soon as he gets here.” Thistime, Luka’s wardrobe got opened and he started looking for his headband.“Or… maybe we can punish him.” Casemiro suggested.Luka slowly moved his head to stare at a thoughtful Casemiro, walking aroundthe room with an idea inside his mind.“W-what… what do you mean?” Luka questioned. “Do… you wanna fight him? Knockhim down or what? Don’t count me in!”“No, Lukita. Obviously not!” He interrupted. “Think about it: everybody’sfeeling sad as f*ck and maybe we can cheer this training up… just a little bit…”“I’m listening and I’m not really liking the pictures on my imagination.” Lukaprotested.“LISTEN. JUST LISTEN! We can play some tricks on Marcelo and also entertainthose men with a good soap opera.” Casemiro placed his fingers on his chinmeanwhile planning it all.“Are we going to sit down on the field and watch a Netflix s-“ Luka was stilltrying to figure it out.“Thank your dad for keeping you this naive, Luka. That’s not it. What about wepretend that you got hurt during the exercises for Marcelo to think that there’ssomething wrong?” The number 14 implied. “I’M IN!” Toni announced, while breaking into the locker room.“What?! Do you actually think that’s a good idea?” Luka asked.“Uhm… yes?” Raphael followed Toni. “C’mon, we need to get distracted somehow.”“And you know who had the injury that worried Marcelo the most?” Benzema asked,bringing his pair of boots on his hands.“No… no way I’m buying this silly game. What if he believes this kind of crap?”Luka started getting outraged.“Hello? That’s the intention, genius.” Asensio came out of nowhere, throwingthe ball right into Luka’s direction.“Guys, take it easy on him. Luka isn’t the player/actor type of person.” Garethjoined the locker room group. “Thank you, Bale. Are you with me?” Luka sighed in relief, holding the ball. “Are you kidding me? This plan sounds great! I’m in too.” Bale smashed his handagainst Casemiro’s, smiling.“Can someone else play the main drama part?” Luka begged and everyone kepttheir words for themselves. “Nice.”“Don’t you wanna bring this team back from the dead?” Benzema asked, taking theball from his hands.“Yes, I do… however-“ Luka tried to prolong.“THEN GOOD! Let’s do it.” Toni hit his back twice, making him step forwards tokeep his body still up.All of the boys started clapping and leaving the room to the field. Luka kepthimself steady, thinking about how pissed he would be if it happened to him.But he also considered the fact that Marcelo used to be so cool about jokesbetween them… and so did Luka. Wasn’t friendship also about playing littletricks? Maybe it’d cheer Marcelo’s feelings up too.A hand tightly held his arm, bringing him back to reality.“Oh good, is it the devil trying to drag me down for this?” Luka thought.The hand pulled him. “C’mon you dipshit, Marcelo has arrived.” Marco dragged him to the field.
Marcelo was greeting the guys, holding his backpack with a discouraged attitude.When his eyes met Luka’s, he walked in his direction and offered his left hand.“Hey, Lukita!” He forced a smile. “Hey… bro.” Luka squeezed his hand. For almost 1 minute.“Ah… are you okay?” Marcelo asked.“Yes. I’m alright. Fine. Nothing wrong.” He replied. “Then why are you still shaking hands with me?” Marcelo got confused.
In the background, Luka could only see Toni facepalming. Casemiro had his armscrossed and nodding his head in denial.
“It’s because… I missed you! Come here and hug me.” Luka pulled Marcelo andgave him the most awkward hug ever. “Th- g-ys are trying to pl-y a tr-ck on ya.”He tried to warn.“Lukita… WHAT?” He yelled. “Are you drunk before 2pm?”Gareth noticed that Luka wanted to ruin the plan and pushed him away fromMarcelo’s arms. “No, he’s not. He’s justrecovering from the trauma.” Asensio pressed Luka’s shoulder. “You know, those twomatches…” Harder. Luka squeaked. “Alright then… I’ll start warming up, otherwise Julen will kick somethingbesides the ball.” He left.“What were you trying to do?” Gareth asked while placing his hands on hiswaist.“Have you looked at him? He’s not fine.” Luka justified. “We should mindserious business-““For God’s sake, is just a game!” Raphael appeared, insisting on the tricks.“The plan is: we’ll start with that spot kicking exercise and when you make amove, you’ll fall and act like you’re in pain.” Casemiro started. “And then we’ll all check upon you, asking how are you doing and stuff. WhenMarcelo comes to you, act your ass off!” Karim added.“For how long am I supposed to prolong this theatre?” Luka rolled his eyes.“Until he starts crying.” Bale finished.“Let’s go?” Toni suggested. 
Theystarted walking to their positions. One by one, they kicked the ball, keepingone eye at the goal’s direction and the other eye on Luka, just to make sure hewouldn’t dare messing up with the plan again.When Luka’s turn came in, he kicked the ball as strong as he could, so maybe he’dbe able to improve the whole acting with some real pain. 
The ball flied all the way over the goal… and hit the crossbar. All of a sudden, everything went black and he felt his body hitting the ground.Like a boomerang, the ball made the way back right against Luka’s forehead,making the sound of the bone being pressed by the object echoes throughout thestadium. 
From afar, the boys saw his blond hair moving in slowmotion when his body startedgoing down. Toni facepalmed again; Casemiro and Marco covered their mouths in surprise; Raphaelmoved his hands through his hair; Benzema and Gareth with their eyes wide opencould only whisper one word: “f*ck!”; Marcelo rushed his steps to see themassacre closer. 
Luka swore for God that he saw more stars than the whole NASA team has everseen. The birds from the cartoons became reality on his imagination. His eyeswere crossed and his forehead had instantly got red. 
“Lukita!” Marcelo called him. “Big bro… is everything alright?” “Dad?” Luka asked.“How many fingers am I holding up?” The number 12 tried to test his sanity.“One, two, three, four… thousand…” Luka started pointing and counting. “Oh,your hair is looking good today. Have you tried that expensive shampoo thatGareth uses?” He changed the subject. 
The boys arrived.Toni poked Luka’s arm. “What have you done?”“Not so much lately, what about you?” Totally nonsense, he responded. “Come here. Hold my hand, let’s get up!” Casemiro gave his hand. “No! No… I like in here. Can I stay here?” Luka inquired, avoiding fromCasemiro’s touch.“Is everything alright?” Varane questioned, getting down on his knees.“It’s dizzy… and dark… I think I’m passing out…” Luka tried to organize histhoughts. “I could literally feel my brain shaking and probably something isout of its place…” 
While Luka started murmuring sentences in croatian, Karim went out to look forhelp. 
“Marcelito… big bro… let me ask you a favor…” Luka pulled Marcelo, grabbing hisshirt. He almost fell over his chest. “Tell Ivano that I love him and tell himto tell his sisters that I love them too…” “Luka?! Stop kidding, you’re not going to die… a-are you?” He started to feelmore concerned about the situation.“I don’t know… I-I can’t… move…” Luka informed and then closed his eyes.“Are you listening to this?” Marcelo turned his head to face the other boys. “He’stalking pure sh… Luka?” He glanced at his face again. “LUKA? Luka that’s not funny!” Shaking his body, Marcelo immediately shouted. “ANSWER ME, YOU TINYB*TCH! YOU CAN’T DIE! OPEN YOUR F*CKING EYES RIGHT NOW!”
Casemiro gave himself the benefit of the doubt. “Is this man the greatest actorever or the unluckiest guy in the world?” He thought quietly. 
“TELL ME YOU’RE ALIVE!” Yelling and completely out of control, Marcelo startedslapping Luka’s face, trying to wake him up. “YOU CAN’T BE DEAD. YOU CAN’T!HAVE YOU HEARD ME? IF YOU DIE, I’M GONNA KILL YOU!” 
Everybody stopped walking side to side and stared at Marcelo. He listened to athousand different types of “what?” coming out uninterruptedly from everyone’smouths. 
“What?” Luka joined. “I SAID THAT wait, are you alive?” He directed his attention back at him.“Pretty much…” The Croatian one moved his body up, sitting down and quickly blinking.Marcelo helped him to get up.“I thought you were f*cking dead! You scared the hell outta me-““I just needed to close my eyes. The sun was burning them into flames… by theway, are they red?” He interrupted and pulled the skin under his eyes forMarcelo to check them up. “No, they aren’t!” Marcelo slapped him one more time, this time on his hands. “Butyour forehead is.”“It was all a plan. We were trying to play some tricks on you…” Casemiro nervouslylaughed and touched Marcelo’s shoulder.“We just wanted to get rid of this sad mood from the matches…” Toni added.“We just didn’t know that things were going to happen like this…” Varane ended. “So… your eyes aren’t red. Your forehead is.” Marcelo concluded. “Apparently…” Luka followed him.“But your face can get as red as your forehead, can’t it?” He asked, catchingthe ball.“Well, only if the ball hit me ag…-“ Luka couldn’t even finish the sentence andstarted running away as fast as possible. 
“Hey guys! The doctor is here to see how is Luka doing…” Benzema announced,bringing the help he went out to search for. He saw Luka running. “Well, heseems alright to me!” He laughed and tapped the doctor’s back, as a silentwarning that he could get back to what he was doing before… and then he sawMarcelo holding the ball on his hands. “Wait! Actually, you can stay and hopefor the best, just like us.”
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