#i want to shake rr it’s so dialogue-heavy why is it so dialogue-heavy
daylighteclipsed · 9 months
sad news about the pjo tv show not being good. I was thinking about watching it. but I’m also loathe to ruin the closure the musical gave me re: pjo adaptations, so perhaps this is for the best lol
It’s not that it’s bad. It’s just… well… I guess it is kind of bad.
I’m trying to reserve full judgement until the end of the season. But it‘s clear at this point they switched the genre from a fun action-adventure story to a drama. And that would be… tolerable, I guess… but it’s not written or directed that well either. There’s far too much telling instead of showing. Character development is rushed. And most of the scenes are so lackluster. Any time things start to get a little exciting, it ends. There’s no sense of urgency. This is a quest to stop the gods from ending the world, and there are monsters at every turn — there’s a lot of pressure here! — but the kids never seem that panicked or stressed or scared.
Percy, Grover, and Annabeth don’t really feel like Percy, Grover, and Annabeth. Sometimes they do, a little bit. But most times, they talk and behave too mature. There are moments where they’re so different from their book counterparts. It’s just bizarre. A lot of writing and production decisions are utterly bizarre, and it makes me so sad because the book is so good and I love those characters so much. I don’t know.
The show does delve more into how bad the gods are, which you might find interesting. There’s very little reason to root for them or care about them at this point. But it’s very… heavy-handed in the delivery of this message. Even a little repetitive. And you know me, I love parallels! But a lot of them are completed so quickly. Instead of there being multiple episodes or even a season between, a parallel is introduced 15 minutes later or in the very next episode and is stated aloud or really obvious. Which takes the punch out of these parallels and the fun out of noticing them.
Overall, the show is turning out to be “meh.” The only episode I’d want to rewatch at this point is the Medusa one. I haven’t seen the musical (I know, I know). But put it this way: If I had to choose, I’d rather watch the movie than the tv show. But maybe you should give the show a shot and see for yourself.
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