#it has the fun action-adventure spirit
daylighteclipsed · 9 months
sad news about the pjo tv show not being good. I was thinking about watching it. but I’m also loathe to ruin the closure the musical gave me re: pjo adaptations, so perhaps this is for the best lol
It’s not that it’s bad. It’s just… well… I guess it is kind of bad.
I’m trying to reserve full judgement until the end of the season. But it‘s clear at this point they switched the genre from a fun action-adventure story to a drama. And that would be… tolerable, I guess… but it’s not written or directed that well either. There’s far too much telling instead of showing. Character development is rushed. And most of the scenes are so lackluster. Any time things start to get a little exciting, it ends. There’s no sense of urgency. This is a quest to stop the gods from ending the world, and there are monsters at every turn — there’s a lot of pressure here! — but the kids never seem that panicked or stressed or scared.
Percy, Grover, and Annabeth don’t really feel like Percy, Grover, and Annabeth. Sometimes they do, a little bit. But most times, they talk and behave too mature. There are moments where they’re so different from their book counterparts. It’s just bizarre. A lot of writing and production decisions are utterly bizarre, and it makes me so sad because the book is so good and I love those characters so much. I don’t know.
The show does delve more into how bad the gods are, which you might find interesting. There’s very little reason to root for them or care about them at this point. But it’s very… heavy-handed in the delivery of this message. Even a little repetitive. And you know me, I love parallels! But a lot of them are completed so quickly. Instead of there being multiple episodes or even a season between, a parallel is introduced 15 minutes later or in the very next episode and is stated aloud or really obvious. Which takes the punch out of these parallels and the fun out of noticing them.
Overall, the show is turning out to be “meh.” The only episode I’d want to rewatch at this point is the Medusa one. I haven’t seen the musical (I know, I know). But put it this way: If I had to choose, I’d rather watch the movie than the tv show. But maybe you should give the show a shot and see for yourself.
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floatyflowers · 1 year
Dark Husbands! Vampire, Merman, and Faerie x Human! Reader
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Azure is very protective of you, his human wife, you, and he doesn't like it when other humans or merfolk try to get close. 
He will wrap his tail around you, glare at the intruders, and growl softly to warn them off. 
Also marks you with his scent and bites, to show that you belong to him.
The merman is fascinated by your culture and customs, and he wants to learn everything about them. 
He asks you many questions, listen to your stories, and try to imitate your actions actions.
 He will also collect various human objects that he finds in the sea, and give them to you as gifts. 
Makes you drink a potion every week so you can breathe underwater.
He will be very proud and happy when you praise him for his efforts.
Azure is very affectionate and attentive, and he loves to pamper you.
By bringing you fresh fish, seaweed, and pearls, and make you a cozy nest in his underwater cave.
The merman prince massages you with his hands and tail, sing to you with his beautiful voice, and cuddle with you for hours. 
Will tell you how much he loves you, and how lucky he is to have you
The merman is very curious and adventurous, and he likes to explore the ocean with you.
 He will show you the wonders of the sea, such as coral reefs, sunken ships, and exotic creatures. 
Azure teaches you how to swim, breathe underwater, and communicate with marine animals.
Very protective of you during your journeys, and will  make sure that you are safe and comfortable.
He will be very upset if you ever him alone, or decide to go back to the surface world. 
In the end, he convinces you that the ocean is better than the land, and that he is the only one who can make you happy.
"I want you to carry my eggs"
Dracula is very cruel and sadistic, and he enjoys torturing you.
He will bite and scratch you with his sharp nails while being intamate with you.
The king of vampires will also force you to drink his blood, which will make you sick for days.
Might mock and humiliate you, just to try and break your spirit.
Your vampire husband is very arrogant and selfish, but he cares about your financial needs.
 Never ignores you nor neglect you, because you are always on his mind.
Will lock you up in his mansion, isolate you from the outside world, and monitor your every move. 
Using his powers to, he compels you with his mind, erase your memories, and manipulate your emotions. 
He will make you dependent on him and loyal to him.
Dracula is very dangerous and unpredictable, and he likes to play games with you. 
By challenging, testing and tricking you, He will never let you know what he is thinking or feeling, or what he is going to do next. 
He makes sure you fear him and crave him.
"I might turn you, very soon, my dear"
Your husband, Zephyr, tricked you into marrying him, how? You may ask.
He simply told you his real name.
You see, the only ones who know Faeries's real names are their parents.
So, when a Faerie tells a human their name, it is like marriage in their world.
Yeah, that's how you ended up marrying your Faerie husband.
Zephyr kidnapped took you back with him to his realm to live in his home, which is now yours.
He is very romantic and loves to surprise you with little gifts and tokens of his affection. Zephyr often brings you flowers or other small trinkets that he has found on his travels.
However, he turns nasty when he is jealous, after all, faerie creatures are naturally born evil and deceiving.
So, when he sees some faeries bullying you for your appearance.
He murders them in the most vicious way right in front of your eyes.
Something which traumatized you.
The fact that he didn't get punished is because simply he is the Faerie's king nephew.
"Don't worry, my love, no one is going to ever make fun of your appearance again"
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astrolovecosmos · 1 year
❤️‍🔥Venus & Mars❤️‍🔥
Written from the perspective of Venus representing femininity and Mars masculinity. Please take this with a grain of salt.
Aries Venus: Warrior Queen, hellfire eyes, won't take no for an answer, upfront, hungry for action, red petals and lips, all eyes on her, can leave a burn or scar.
Aries Mars: Ardent eyes and lips, fiery protector, a good competitor, rescuer, conquering libido, always at 100, hot days and unforgettable nights.
Taurus Venus: Irresistible charm or look, low-key seductive, enduring and magnetic, slow burn, dream weddings or dates, romantic touch, comforting and content, careful with hearts.
Taurus Mars: Caring hands, hedonistic attitudes, down-to-earth until they're not, things are always on their time, level-headed or stable assertiveness, smells good, shares with those they love their soft spot.
Gemini Venus: Shapeshifting enchantress, leading you astray or into ecstasy or both, bright feathers and dazzling wings, sharp talons and a sharper tongue, curious creature, get lost in her eyes, movements, or storms.
Gemini Mars: Lightning-fast energy but airy to be around, wins you over with humor, takes pride in his intellect, upbeat and always around a crowd or working one, bewitches with ease and passion.
Cancer Venus: Mysterious and soft glows, gentle and kind, a protective force of nature, messy and engulfing feelings, hard to fall but when they do they fall hard, can be others safety, gets her way.
Cancer Mars: Silent and strong type or insightful and tenderhearted, deep and sensitive, trustworthy vibes, that moody artist or introverted mystery, a wall or door people are tempted to investigate, a powerful guardian, never gives up.
Leo Venus: Strength and beauty of a goddess, instant connections and passion, object of adoration or desire, demands your attention, worship and heart, romance in their veins, she is the sun - center of your universe.
Leo Mars: Draws you in with his performance, wins, or adventures, brave in the bedroom, will risk it all, life of the party, maybe vain or selfish but always on top, a king, lust and power, feverish and flirty, are you his muse, trophy, or queen?
Virgo Venus: The answer to all your prayers or questions, devoted blood, sensuous and erotic, always has it together, earthy vibes and quiet affection, thoughtful, but may bite, will you grow with her or will she outgrow you?
Virgo Mars: Innocent eyes with a mischievous or know-it-all smirk, reliable arms, secret vitality but not-so secret intellect and wit, observational, appreciative, discerning in preferences and partners, will work hard for you but what will you do for them?
Libra Venus: You can't miss her when she walks into a room, candlelight and wine, charm, beauty, and brains, falls easily, likely has a line of admirers, elegance and grace, now you know why lust and love are seen as ✨magic✨.
Libra Mars: Knows how to make you happy or calm, secretly a hunting hound, hard to resist, if you're with him you're BEAUTIFUL, affectionate and chivalrous, charismatic one minute and introverted the next, can you figure him out?
Scorpio Venus: THE seductress, passionate and dramatic temptation and lust, says forever and means it, rapacious lover, deep and hypnotic, a heart-stopping and mystic medusa, jealous and unforgiving but will give you everything.
Scorpio Mars: Eyes that look into your soul, the dark and edgy type, sex-appeal is their weapon along with mystery or secrecy, an intense enigma, sensitive yet powerfully assertive, an unstoppable force, may be obsessive or easily misunderstood but knows you more intimately than anyone else.
Sagittarius Venus: For true adventurers only, free spirit and a rebellious heart, more independent than you, the most fun you've ever had, a huntress, lucky in love, desire + lust + companionship, can you handle her honesty?
Sagittarius Mars: Always taking their shot, will explore and challenge you, a wild ride, infectious and attractive optimism, humor, or even clumsiness or awkwardness, chronically adaptable and energetic - can you keep up?
Capricorn Venus: Ice you want to melt, respect or admiration are the only options, reliable and grounded, always in control, you know when she's approaching, true faithfulness, hard to satisfy, she's the authority.
Capricorn Mars: Relentless and calculated pursuit, private and cool-headed, #relationshipgoals, provider vibes, an underrated smooth talker, powerful influence and drive, all about longevity...
Aquarius Venus: Magnetic sorceress, intellectual babe, sparkling and different, always keeping you on your toes, can do it all on her own but likes your company, unconventional relationships, falling in slow motion or fast-forwarding into love at high speed.
Aquarius Mars: Visionary wizard with enticing charisma, pushing boundaries, special aurora and bedroom moves, erratic and strong-willed, sees the best in you, channeling passion into each other's minds and bodies.
Pisces Venus: Sensational siren, dreamy and karmic, elusive moments, drowning in feeling, flip a coin for love or lust - throw it in the fountain for both, making your dreams and/or nightmares come true.
Pisces Mars: That hopeless romantic, sweet and sensitive, imaginative moves and touch, will give you their heart and soul, captivating and addicting, your fantasy lover.
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oneshlut · 11 months
SORRY! i originally asked on the wrong post! My bad!
Hello!!!! I have no idea if this is the right post for requests, but i reqd your overjoyed headcanon and absolutely adored it! I love your writing style already! I originally had two requests, but for now ill go with one, with the Amazing Didgital cricus blowing up, i found favoritizim in the mean purple rabbit, i was wondering for some Jax crush headcanons? I loved your other one, and if its no trouble, id love to read it! Have a lovely day/night!!
A/N: omgomg!! it warms my heart hearing that people are enjoying my writing! thank you so much for the request, i hope you don't mind that i sprinkled in some confessing headcanons in there.. enjoyenjoy!!
Input Feelings (Jax x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Jax crushing and confessing headcanons
Nothing irritates Jax more than someone new. Sure, a new fella to add to the prank list, and yet, another re-do of the theme song. So seeing you spawn into existence, scrambling around fearfully, made him feel both amused and annoyed. Let's just say he started out with mixed feelings for you. Mind you, these are just judgements. He hasn't even met you yet. Rude, I know, but it's Jax.
Meeting you went way better than he thought! You actually didn't find him annoying? That was a change of pace for him. Of course, not like he minded. Not at all! Looks like he'll have a new sucker to prank after all.
Although Jax was amused by you, you sure weren't. Not on the second day, at least. You had been talking with him earlier that day, and he wouldn't shut up about insects. Weird, you'd think of all people to be ranting about insects, it would be Kinger. Until later that night, or at least you thought it was night, you opened your door to find spiders in your bed.
And thus, you became Jax's main target for pranking! Hooray..! Yes, you liked his company--he was actually pretty fun to be around! But, uh, you prefer your outfit to not be soaked from a water bucket by the end of the day.
You two became frenemies. Sometimes, days went by where he wouldn't prank you. Shocking, I know. Jax just didn't wanna be too harsh on you, y'know? Which is weird, because Jax doesn't go easy on folks very often.
On days where he wouldn't prank you, you would sometimes receive notes from him. It was a good spirit lifter to go to your room at the end of a long adventure and see the corniest dad joke ever written on a piece of notepaper with crayon writing, sitting there on your bedside table. And on good days, you'd even write notes back for him!
One day, Jax gets either asked or teased about how he's so fond with you, and so rude to everyone else. He either makes some dumb excuse or tries to raise suspicion on the person asking, like the asshole he is, but it gets him thinking. He doesn't like to think. He's a man of action. But you were a.. different scenario.
Before, he was this complete asshole. And that's it, really. But you did something to him, something that he had no idea what to do with. Caine's gotta be messing with his coding, right? Maybe he input feeings in his code just to be mean. But being mean was his thing! God, what have you done to him..?
You, at the time, had no idea you were stripping away all of his confidence. As far as you knew, he has just been a bit nicer recently. Which was good! Right? Right. The notes would've been obvious proof he was getting better. Well, first, he was sending more notes rather than.. bugs.. but second, the notes started getting nicer and nicer. Some were just straight up compliments. That's when you noticed something was off. Jax never complimented anyone. Though, you didn't mind some of the compliments...
It's not like Jax has never been in love. He knows he had some sort of love life when he was in the real world, but he was left with just wisps of what it actually felt like to love someone. To care for someone. Though, now, he's finally able to remember.
You noticed how his teasing significantly decreased the more you spent time with him. You kinda missed it, but you're not one to complain.
Jax, on the other hand, was on edge all the time around you. He hated that you washed away his confidence facade, he hated how soft he was around you, how vulnerable. But that smug smirk wasn't gone just yet. He had one more "prank" to pull.
Ha, he wishes it was a prank. It really wasn't. This was actually the most serious he's ever been. He stared at the crudely drawn purple heart on a piece of scratch paper, only now doubting everything he's ever done as butterflies arose in his digital stomach. Standing outside your door, he suddenly felt all the nerves coming back to him he never thought he'd have to feel again. Jax swallowed down his nerves, but still couldn't hide the flush look on his face--or the fact that his pretend-guts were being tied into a bow.
Inside the small homemade card was an admittance to something he never thought he had to admit. Something he'd rather admit in person. Instead, since every inch of his confidence was gone at this point, he confessed in horrible handwriting, written with crayola twistables.
Jax took one final breath before sliding the heart under your door.
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lifebloa · 3 months
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ecoterrorist-katara · 7 months
Hey bestie any zutara fic recs. I feel like I’ve read all the classics.
Hello anon! Oh boy have you come to the right place because I have read several million words of these two dorks falling in love and though I plan to read several million more, I am always down to screech about talented fanfic writers!!! Here are most of my faves, some of which you’ve probably read but my enthusiasm simply needs an outlet. No WIPs to minimize heartbreak.
In the spirit of not recommending too many classics, I’m not including anything from the first page of the Katara/Zuko tag on AO3 sorted by kudos, with one exception. Same rule does not apply to FF.net because nobody visits that site anymore, yet we mustn’t forget our roots!!! 
TL;DR of my Zutara Fic Recs: 
Half Asleep for a Miyazaki-esque adventure romance 
Southern Lights for a sweeping epic where A Song of Ice and Fire meets Middlemarch
Refraction for a swoon-worthy post-war political romance ft. Katara learning how to politick in a patriarchal world 
Stormbenders for a fun undercover romance that is a ZK classic for a very good reason 
Another Word for Alchemy and The Slow Path for hilarious yet emotionally compelling adventures with found family themes 
The Undying Fire for world-building, more Gaang shenanigans, and super satisfying slow canon divergence 
Katara Alone for our fave girl’s post-war Bildungsroman/travelogue/heroic tour
Simple Misunderstanding for a hilarious rendition of Ponytail Zuko capturing Katara and trying to not be a creep
Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow for a mostly canon-compliant (so, v angsty) story about the different ways that love can evolve 
And some one-shots and modern AUs I feel like deserve some more love 
Summaries, reviews, and general fangirling under the cut because holy shit this post is long lmao 
Long fics / series: 
Half Asleep, by crushinator | Rating: T | Word Count: 82,335
Summary: Five years after the Hundred-Year War, Fire Lord Zuko is hit with an assassin's dart, and falls into a coma from which he cannot wake. A week passes, and his prognosis is grim. But Katara could swear she hears him in her dreams.
My thoughts: this fic, in many ways, is novel quality. The pacing? Immaculate. The action scenes? Exciting and interesting yet super easy to visualize. The characterization? On point. Katara is peak Miyazaki heroine in this, setting out on a quest to the Spirit World to save her boy (who’s not really her boy) from whichever Eldritch horror has him in its clutches. I love the little glimpses we have of the mutual pining between Katara and Zuko, and there are no words to describe how much I love the resolution of Katara and Aang’s relationship in this story. And oh boy, is the climax of the fic super romantic. This is just a really well written, emotionally compelling, tight fic. Deserves to be a fandom classic. 
Southern Lights, by colourwhirled | Rating: M | Word Count: 769,274
Summary: A world where the Avatar has disappeared from memory. Where Sozin’s Conquest was successful. Where the unsteady order of the empire is threatened as members of the royal family are picked off one by one and lines are slowly drawn in the sand One last chance for peace forces an unlikely alliance between a homesick waterbender, a carefree Air Nomad, a runaway Earth Kingdom heiress, and the fire lord's inscrutable son. Together they must learn to shed old enmities and become the balance they seek to restore to the world.
The avatar has four heads.
My thoughts: Is it a Bildungsroman? Is it a war story? Is it a politics story? Is it a love story? Is it a friendship story? Is it a story about colonial violence and well-meaning complicity and finding justice in a world where it simply doesn’t seem to exist? Yes to all of the above, because at 700k+ words YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL. You know how Virginia Woolf once said that Middlemarch is one of the few novels written for grownups? Well, Southern Lights feels adult, not because of violence or sex or general grimness (looking at you, HBO), but because it’s fundamentally about having the courage to make choices, live with the consequences, and make more choices, and repeat that over and over again. If Katara is a Miyazaki heroine in Half Asleep, she is full on Daenarys (pre-character assassination) in Southern Lights, a heroine who gets put through her paces yet retains her unwavering resilience to find her place in the world. Katara can be pretty frustrating in this and I know a lot of the commenters on this fic wanted to smack her up the head halfway through, but I support women’s rights and women’s wrongs and her decisions make sense to me even when I also want to smack her for them, and isn’t that a symptom of good writing? I count my lucky stars that I joined the ATLA fandom after this fic is finished (which was only last year!) because I got to binge it in a few days and I have not been the same person since. Deserves classic status. 
Refraction, by caroe3725 | Rating: E | Word Count: 215,249
Summary: Making choices after the war was supposed to be the easy part. Her future decided and neatly packaged based on what everyone else wanted for her, what she should want, too. But Katara’s destiny had a funny way of being exactly what she wanted to run from. (As if anyone needed another Zutara post-finale slow burn after 15 years.)
My thoughts: YES WE DEFINITELY NEEDED ANOTHER POST-WAR ZK SLOWBURN OF SUCH IMMACULATE QUALITY. Both Katara and Zuko’s internal monologues are excellent in this, but I particularly love Zuko’s. The writer is so good at capturing his resolve, his earnestness, and his awkwardness. This is a very restrained fic — no great histrionics — but also incredibly romantic. The first kiss scene made me want to both sigh and screech. I’m also just a huge sucker for “Katara learns politics” which this fic has in spades, with a bonus of very thoughtful gender dynamics. Anyway, if you liked AJ Lenoire’s The Summit or andromeda13’s such selfish prayers, you’d probably like Refraction. Zuko and Katara are very much dumb teens in the beginning portions of this fic, which I personally like because it makes me nostalgic. Oh, and Katara is low key chaotic good in this, which is super in-character and hilarious.
Stormbenders, by Fandomme | Rating: T | Word Count: 171,000+ 
Summary: S3 AU from FBM. Deep in the Fire Nation jungle, the Gaang meets a group of rogue water ninja who send Zuko and Katara on a mission to retrieve Ozai's secret battle plans.
My thoughts: I’m aware that if you asked the average ZK shipper ten years ago what the ship classics are, the answers are probably Stormbenders, His Majesty Prefers Blue, and the Sparrowkeet series. The other classics are good (classics for a reason!), but Stormbenders remains my favourite. It’s funny. It’s exciting. It’s WELL PACED. The ZK relationship grows so organically, which is a huge feat considering this fic was started before we even got The Southern Raiders. The events are a little more adult than the show, but the tone remains very ATLA. There’s a lovely little animatic of the beginning of the scene on YouTube to show you exactly what I mean about the tone and the humour. I am always weak for a well-structured adventure romance, and Stormbenders stands the test of time because it’s just such a well-written fic. 
The Undying Fire, by Boogum | Rating: T | Word Count: 534,665
Summary: "He has the eyes, Princess Ursa." They were half-forgotten words, a whisper of fears never explained. Zuko had dismissed it all as nothing to worry about—until he somehow healed the Avatar. Fire healers weren't meant to exist, except he did. He'd saved the kid's life. Naturally, he wanted answers. Too bad finding them wasn't so simple...
My thoughts: This fic is mostly Gen, and Zutara shows up in the latter half of the series. Despite being a ZK shipper I like plenty of Gen fics too, and The Undying Fire gives me the best of both worlds. I love the world building, the humour, and the slow ramp up of the Gaang friendships. I absolutely love how the canon divergence is so subtle at first and gradually unfurls into something super different, yet retains much of its ATLA charm. Boogum’s written some other bangers too, and I have to give honorable mention to Zuko’s Tiny Dilemma (where a spirit transforms ponytail Zuko into his six-year-old self, and Uncle into a teapot, and somehow it becomes an emotionally compelling 100k word saga) and Following Blue (season 2 canon divergent Bluetara with a bigger focus on romance). 
Katara Alone & associated fics by cablesscutie | Rating: T | Word Count: 86,890
Summary: The war is over, and with it goes the only life she has ever known. In this era of love and peace, the world is becoming new, and Katara is unsure of her place in it. That's okay though. Katara has rebuilt her life from scratch before, and she will do it again.
My thoughts: I love post-war “Katara sets out to find herself and also finds Zuko” fics. Katara Alone is a fabulous coming-of-age story with some good old fashioned letter flirting during Katara’s solo travels. The sequel, Lady of the Tides, has some very thoughtful depictions of Katara’s place within the post-war Fire Nation, and the accompanying story from Zuko’s POV, The Fire Lord at Home, hits all my buttons. Like…Zuko is Fire Lord Good Boy! He passes legislation! There is political optimism! Swoon. 
Another Word for Alchemy, by FanPanda 13 | Rating: T | Word Count: 108,000+ 
Summary: Five years have passed since the Avatar defeated Fire Lord Ozai, and the members of the Gaang have all gone in their own direction. But when Aang invites them all to a Peace Summit at the North Pole and tells them of his new project, for which he will need their support, the group comes together again for adventure, fun and romance. AU. Zutara. COMPLETE.
My thoughts: Now this is a fic that thoroughly crept up on me. The first 3/4 is good old fashioned fluffy, funny, fourth wall-breaking Gaang shenanigans with plenty of Zutara. But the last quarter? Oh boy does it come right at you and slam you in the solar plexus with the platonic love and found family feels and the complexities of those feelings when you’re a teenager. The impact of Aang’s loss of the Air Nomads is treated very thoughtfully here, way more so than in the show. 
The Slow Path, by TazmainianDevil | Rating: T | Word Count: 125,723 
Summary: Eight years after the fall of Ozai, Aang returns to the friends he left behind.
My thoughts: This is actually a Taang story with a great ZK subplot. But what I love about it is that the whole Gaang (including Suki ALWAYS INCLUDING SUKI) is superbly characterized. The ZK banter is top notch. I could actually hear their voices in my head in some of the scenes. Their relationship is playful but has plenty of emotional heft. And the plot is exciting and well-developed. My favourite thing, though, is how the author treats Toph’s POV: it’s very thoughtfully written, with consideration towards how she perceives the world.
Simple Misunderstanding, by ShamelessLiar | Rating: T | Word Count: 80,965 
Summary: Katara was captured by Zuko, but there was a lapse in communication. Takes place after The Fortuneteller. Fierce Katara, honorable Zuko, and meddlesome Iroh. Also, music night
My thoughts: Generally I don’t love fics where Katara gets captured, especially by Zuko (just a personal preference, not here to judge). But! I love this one, because…well, the circumstances of Katara’s capture by Ponytail Zuko are simply hilarious. Katara is suspicious and stubborn; Zuko has a one-track mind and doesn’t understand why Iroh is treating his prisoner so nicely; oh, and Aang gets into an amazing side quest with some spiritual animals. The only thing about this story is that it ends a little abruptly since the author was considering a sequel, but it still reads as a standalone fic. The author also wrote His Majesty Prefers Blue and Call Me Katto, two ZK classics, but Simple Misunderstanding is far and away my favourite work. 
Clothe Me in Seasons, Dress Me in Snow, by sadladybug | Rating: T | Word Count: 62,026
Summary: It is not the memorial she deserves, nor the one she would want. But it can't be helped. He owns no property in the other nations, and he needed to keep her close. Closer than she was in life, anyway. Zuko's reflections on a life lived and a life that could have been.
Review: sadladybug lives up to the username by creating a sadness so contagious that I have yet to recover from it, and I cope by recommending this fic to other Zutara shippers so that more may suffer like I did. (Stop the cycle? No.) Look — I think there’s something extremely beautiful and poetic about a love that changes in nature and form and expression, but not in intensity and devotion, and that’s what this fic is about. Loved it. Never reading it again. 
One shots: 
There’s a category of canon-compliant Zutara one-shots that are all extremely painful, and I cannot get enough of them: in the next life by we-were-angels, taking place right before Katara’s wedding to Aang; water can heal, water can break by crazyache, about why Katara didn’t attend Yakone’s trial. 
To combat the above, here’s a few funny, fluffy ones that make me cackle: i am older now by ama (who wrote the banger that is The Blackfish and the Dragon), an old!ZK fic that I read to counteract the emotional damage inflicted by psychedelic_aya’s we hold our hearts in silence; all good things start with tea by yodalorian, where Zuko’s hapless Disney sidekick-esque advisors try to get him a wife; And Half at One Another’s Throats by songofhopeandhonor (whose account is deleted), about Zuko’s harebrained proposals to Katara; The Dragon of the West’s Guide to Flirting by bluesunflower44, which is exactly what it says on the tin and the awkward disaster you’d expect. Waiting on a Steady Sun, by nire, is a long version of my favourite tropes: fake marriage + idiots to lovers ft. pining for your spouse. 
I generally don’t love modern AUs, but akaiiko’s talk is cheap (and i’ve got expensive taste), where Katara meets Zuko at a frat party, is a whole damn delight; my old aches become new again by jamesstruttingpotter is a wonderfully indulgent modern AU based on Our Beloved Summer. 
And finally, some season 3 character studies: don’t tell me how to feel by paintingcranes, ft Katara at the Western Air Temple being increasingly incensed at both Zuko trying to be helpful and how other people react to his helpfulness; the other side of mercy by crazyache, where Sokka calls Katara “high-strung and crazy” and that really makes Zuko think; The Silent Garden by romilley (whose WIP The Horizon is also fabulous), where Katara and Zuko avoid their feelings through a reluctant-allies-with-benefits arrangement (ft a way of depicting intimacy and sex that makes me think of Normal People); a deep delight of the blood by eruthros, where Zuko asks Katara to practice bloodbending on him out of pragmatism but also a little bit of guilt (it’s unrated, but that “Kink Without Sex” tag is there for a reason). 
Thank you for asking me for my recs, anon, because I needed an outlet to rave about fanfiction and my irl friends have heard enough. Feel free to ask me questions about specific fics that aren’t on this list: I always love talking to people about fic and I’m always looking for new ones to read!
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howlingday · 2 months
the arc family have a unique tradition, they forge their own swords every time another of their sons reaches the age to begin training, but infuse these weapons with the spirit of said son. this creates a spirit weapon that can grow with the affore mentioned son and help them on their journey. thing is, both jaune and his sword Lucerna Intrepidus are huge dorks who have taken to wandering around vale fighting grimm to try and kick off a grand adventure so they can be heroes. with jaune's dear companion lucy growing stronger with every grimm she devours she's quickly out stripped the 12 year old in strength if only there was someplace she could go with her young partner to make them both stronger and better at fighting! summer has been retired since her run in with salem basically crippled her while her eyes remain in tact the horrors she and raven went through (mainly her since raven only showed back up at the last minute to save her) shattered her soul in ways she's only just starting to recover from. but training ruby and yang has been a fun hobby it's a shame they're going to be entering the combat school, she's got ruby for two more years and yang will still be there to train after school but it's going to be boring during the days without them. if only there was some young impressionable child she could take as an apprentice! papa arc was going to give jaune such a spanking when he found the boy, he seemed to be always just one step behind him! at least his new sword was keeping him alive after he ran off from home into the wilds to be a hero. where could he have gotten to? a story in which everyone keeps missing the plot, or rather everyone is in a different genre of story and the plot keeps switching. tldr: jaune is being trained by a retired summer and is having an action adventure. summer is going through slice of life and papa arc is handling a mystery comedy looking for his lost son who he always seems to just miss seeing only the after math of his actions and having to fix the issues spawned from it.
"Lucie~! Wait uuup~!"
Jaune Arc, a young boy off on an adventure far away from his home, followed the instinctual pull of his sword and companion, Lucierna Intrepidus! Or, as Jaune referred to her, Lucie. She was a marvelous blade, forged with the spirit of Jaune imbued into her core... located exactly on her pommel. She shone a brilliant aqua blue to match her partner's eyes.
"No way!" She called out. "We've only just started! You can't expect us to be heroes by killing just a few rats, can you?"
"N-No, but we never killed anything bigger than a rat." Jaune reasoned as he his feet were nearly dragged.
"So? This is our moment!" The sword raised itself high. "Think of it! Lucierna Intrepidus, the mighty sword held aloft by Jaune Arc, the greatest sword and swordmaster of all time~!"
"Well, maybe some day, but I'm only 12. I still need to go to school and-"
"Forget school! We need a mentor! And until we find one..." A sudden shift to the left knocked Jaune off his feet and sent him rolling down the hill. "Adventure will teach us what to do!"
"Lucie, you're being.... being..."
Not far from where Jaune landed was a Grimm. And not just any Grimm, but a Beowolf. Next to the Ursa, it was the second-biggest Grimm to wander these woods. It's blood-red eyes seemed to catch ablaze at the sight of the young hero. The young hero who was shaking in his boots.
"S-See?" Lucie said, her voice also quivering. "Adventure's, uh, just ahead of us..." Steeling her nerves, if she had any, she began barking orders to Jaune. "Dueling stance! Sword up! Sword out! Ready to fight!"
Jaune, having been drilled for the past few months by both his sword and his father, snapped into position with his blade set between himself and the black beast stalking towards him with massive jaw wide open.
"Y-Yup! That's it! Now step forward!" Jaune froze. "Hey! Don't embarrass me in our first real fight!" The boy was shoved off-balance by his sword, making him stumble and fall. As he looked up, he saw the monster set upon him. He covered his head with Lucie. "JAUNE!"
"Kids! Suppertime~!"
Ruby, Yang, and Jaune ran as fast as they could to the dining room. Before they could be told to do so, they set their training weapons upon their respective racks, then went into the bathroom to wash their hands. The three then took their seats at the dinner table, where Taiyang was already setting down the side dishes.
"Do you want roast beef, Yang?" Summer asked.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah~!" The blonde girl practically vibrated in her seat.
"What do you say, Yang?" Taiyang raised his brow.
"Roast! Beef! Roast! Beef~!" Yang chanted, tapping her fork and knife on the table.
"Roast! Beef! Roast! Beef!" Ruby joined in, chanting with her sister and pounding her tableware in unison.
"Um, I would like roast beef, Mr. Xiao Long." Jaune said timidly. For his politeness, he was rewarded with the thickest (for a child) slab of roast beef placed squarely on his plate, earning whines from the two girls. "And may I have green beans and carrots, too?"
Summer giggled as her girls watched in astonishment as their own father chose her apprentice over them. While they stared, she prepared plates for them before making her own. Taiyang did the same for Jaune before sitting down.
"So, did you kids play anything fun today?" The huntress asked.
"We played hide and seek!" Ruby chirped.
"Jaune cheated." Yang huffed. "He used his sword to peek on us!"
"Did not!"
"Did too!"
"Alright, enough!" Taiyang barked. "There will be no fighting at this table. Now, I want you kids to sit there and eat your food quietly." If there were to be any grumblings, they quickly died when Tai gave them the ol' Blue Eye Bane, a glare so chilling that it made you behave real quick!
"Jaune, I was speaking to your mother today." Summer said after slicing her roast beef into little squares. "She's wondering if you're ready for your first day at Signal tomorrow with Ruby."
"Um... I think so..." Jaune answered, unsure if he really was.
"Oh, you will be!" Taiyang said with a smile. "After all, you've had plenty of Tai-me to get ready!" The blond man and his daughter shared a giggle while his wife and her daughter gave a groan. Jaune just looked confused.
"It's okay to be nervous, Jaune." Summer said. "Being nervous just means something is new to you and you don't know what the best way to go forward is. In the end, though, it always come down to one answer."
"Go forward?" Jaune guessed.
"Exactly!" Summer took a bite of her cutlet of roast beef. "Mm~! You've really outdone yourself tonight, dear!"
"Thanks, honey!" Taiyang smiled. "I'd say this beef is better than the roast~!"
"Tai, please..."
"Oh, please, be here somewhere..."
Nicholas Arc wandered into the quaint, little farming town, hoping to find some clue as to where his son ran off to this time. This was, by and far, the furthest from home Jaune had ever been. It had been almost a week since he left home on the hunt for him, doing his best to not panic at the prospect that his progeny was perforated, pulverized, or otherwise pulled apart by some predacious pests or worse, some kind of putrid pervert.
"No!" He shook his head. He had to stay focused. He had to find his son, and he could only do that with a clear head. And what better way to get a clear head than with coffee?
He entered the convenience store, a chime and a woman about his age greeting him. He greeted her back and headed to the coffee machine. Waiting for his cup to fill, he looked to the lottery tickets. Inside the glass, from and center, was a rabbit with a cute smile and a flower by their ear. The flower's petals were colored in on every other across from each other.
"Pumpkin Patty..." From the Pumpkin Pete Pumpkin Patch Pals Show that his girls loved to watch. And Jaune. In fact, Jaune was especially enamored with the girl rabbit, so much so that he drew her face with that same flower every chance he got-
"MA'AM!" The woman flinched. He pointed to the lottery box. "WHOSE RABBIT DRAWING IS THAT?!"
She looked to the drawing. "Some kid?"
"Was it a boy?!" Nicholas asked, finally pulling himself back if only just for a moment. "Was it a boy who drew that picture?!"
"Sir, I need you to calm down." She waved her hands to the counter. "He just wanted to draw on something while his teacher was waiting for the donuts."
"Teacher?! What teacher?!"
"Some woman in a white robe." She shrugged.
Nicholas would recognize that description anywhere! The White Reaper! The Angel of Death! He thought she'd retired years ago! But now, there was no mistaking it! His son was abducted by...
The woman looked outside the convenience store to the screaming man. "Sir, you need to pay for that coffee."
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radiofreederry · 1 year
Dorothy's Top 5 Games of 2023
2023 was a remarkable year for gaming. The number of major, high-quality releases was truly astonishing, both in the AAA and indie scenes.
2023 was also the year I started leaning more into gaming as a hobby, beginning to do Twitch streams in April. Because of this, I thought I'd go through a few of the best games I played this year, and talk a bit about what made them so enjoyable. Consider this my "games of the year" list, like I know so many people are going to be doing this year.
My list is reflective of my own preferences and tastes; I tend to play a lot of RPGs, action-adventure games, and platformers, so you won't find a lot of fighting games or shooters in contention here. Feel free to comment or reblog with your own list - you don't have to write little essays about everything like I did, but it'd be fun if you did!
Honorable Mentions:
Pentiment (Obsidian Entertainment): Released in November 2022, but didn't play until this year. One of the most gripping and original RPGs I've ever played.
Persona 5 Royal (P-Studio): Released in October 2022 for Xbox, but I've been streaming it and having a lot of fun with @lakemojave and others.
Katamari Damacy Reroll (Namco): Released in 2018 for Switch, but played it for the first time this year and had a blast.
And now, the list proper.
Fifth Place: Hi-Fi Rush (Tango Gameworks)
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There was a sort of game prevalent in the sixth generation of consoles which doesn't exist much anymore outside of the indie space. These were bold, bright, games which were unapologetically "video gamey," and wore their medium on their sleeve. Playing Hi-Fi Rush, I felt as if I was Anton Ego eating the titular dish in Ratatouille, and being transported back to that forgotten era of gaming. Hi-Fi Rush is stylish, hilarious, and deliriously fun, mixing the rhythm and action genres to create an experience unlike anything else currently on offer in gaming.
With addicting timing-based combat, a killer soundtrack featuring a suite of certified bangers (such as a cover of "Free Radicals" by the Flaming Lips, one of my favorite bands), and a delightful cast of colorful characters, Hi-Fi Rush carries the off-beat spirit of games like Jet Set Radio and Viewtiful Joe in its DNA, and had it been made 20 years ago, I do not doubt that it would have an animated adaptation airing on Kids WB.
By evoking the spirit of a bygone era while remaining utterly unique, and by virtue of its slick presentation and impossible-to-put-down gameplay, Hi-Fi Rush manages to punch far above its own weight and snag fifth place on my list.
Fourth Place: A Highland Song (Inkle)
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A Highland Song came out of nowhere at the tail-end of the year and forced me to completely reevalute my game rankings. It is one of the most delightful and charming games I've ever had the chance to play, and has managed to do what I thought was impossible: create a roguelike experience that I actually want to see through to completion.
A Highland Song does this through its emotive embrace of the Scottish Highlands as a setting, with those ancient hills acting as both the main antagonist and a stalwart companion in main character Moira's journey to cross the mountains and reach her uncle's lighthouse by the First of May.
The Highlands are your dear friend. They will provide you food, shelter, and the tools you need to complete your journey. The Highlands are your worst enemy. They will deny you a safe haven when you're exhausted, out of energy, and being soaked through by torrential, bitterly-cold rain; they will give you tools long after you've passed the point where they would have been useful. The hills will preserve you. The hills will kill you.
It is in these contrasts that A Highland Song shines. It is a game about finding yourself, and pushing forward in the face of impossible adversity. There is an indescribable joy to spending days in-game exploring a section of the Highlands, trying to find the way forward, and finally running through one of the game's rhythm-based sections, triumphant Celtic folk music blaring in your ears as you finally find your way. All the while, Uncle Hamish's warm, fond recollections of Celtic folklore and Moira's descriptions of her family life make you want to push on, to learn more about this magical place and the people who inhabit it.
You will not make it to the sea in time in your first run through A Highland Song, nor likely your second or third. Yet each time Moira passes through the mountains, you learn more about them, become more familiar with the slopes and pathways that carve through these lands that are older than time. You will stumble, you will fall, and then, eventually, you will make it to the sea by Beltane.
Third Place: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Nintendo EPD)
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How do you follow up one of the most important and well-regarded games of the 2010s, improve almost everything about it, and even correct its flaws? Tears of the Kingdom manages that and then some. The direct sequel to 2017's Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom follows that game's version of series lead Link through a melancholy journey through a world ravaged by unnatural weather, blight, and time. Link is himself nearly torn apart by the corrupting influence of returning series antagonist Ganondorf (voiced in this installment in fine fashion by Matt Mercer), and the hastily replaced arm granted to him by the sage Rauru grants him new abilities, which replace and improve upon the ones he possessed in the last game.
With these new powers, the game becomes a truly open sandbox. Link is able to build almost anything with his Ultrahand ability, and the Fuse ability not only virtually eliminates the previous game's major flaw, its weapon durability system, by allowing the player to turn virtually any weapon top-tier by properly leveraging fusion materials, it also creates a resource management loop that discourages being stingy with strong resources - since they can be used to create very powerful weapons. Meanwhile, the Ascend and Recall abilities open new avenues in traversal and speed up exploration through Tear's of the Kingdom's massive map, which not only uses the previous game's world map as a base - with lots of altered and added locations to signify the passage of time, including a host of explorable caves - but more than doubles it by also adding floating islands in the sky and a dark, hostile undergound below.
The intense focus on exploration, not to mention some of the best dungeons and bosses in Zelda history, make this a game I had genuine trouble putting down at times as I sunk hundreds of hours into it, as I always felt like there was something new to find around the next corner, or some new treasure to find deep in the underground. Tears of the KIngdom is a masterclass in crafting an open world experience, and easily secures a spot in my top five. It only places so low on this list as a consequence of some blemishes on an otherwise extremely polished and technically impressive product - specifically its story and progression, which feels too much like retreading the structure of Breath of the Wild and not enough like it's blazing its own trail.
Second Place: Cyberpunk 2077 (CD Projekt Red)
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Let's get this out of the way first: Cyberpunk 2077 originally released, infamously, in late 2020 in what was essenitally an unfinished state. However, with its 2.0 update that fundamentally restructures how the game is played, as well as the massive Phantom Liberty expansion dropping this year, I feel comfortable regarding this game as a 2023 release.
I didn't expect to have Cyberpunk 2077 on this list. I certainly didn't expect to see it so high on this list. And yet, here it is. I went in with almost no expectations, and came out with one of my favorite games of the year, and one of the most thoughtful RPGs of the decade. Cyberpunk 2077's great strengths lie in its richly detailed game world and its extremely strong writing, both of which impressed me beyond any preconceptions I may have had, especially given how the game originally launched as a broken, buggy mess.
Cyberpunk 2077's Night City is as fully realized a game world as I've ever seen, brimming with detail and things to both see and do. It is incredibly immersive, and I often found myself forgoing the game's fast travel system in order to simply cruise the moody, neon-soaked streets on my motorcycle as I sped from one gig to the next, taking in little details like the ethnic enclaves in different districts, or how infrastructure differed in poor areas compared to rich ones.
Cyberpunk 2077 tells a story about struggling against impossible odds, and finding hope and beauty in a hopeless and ugly world. In a future where capitalism's atomization and hyperindividualization rend the flesh of society at-large, the life of protagonist V is enriched through the human connections they are able to make as they race against time to save themselves from the biochip in their head eating away at their existence - a piece of technology stolen and then impulsively inserted during their first big job, a job taken in pursuit of the ephemeral and ambiguous glory that comes with being a legend of Night City. Their deteriorating condition throughout the game, and the ever-present acidic commentary of rockerboy Johnny Silverhand, serve as constant reminders of the folly of chasing such impermanent glory.
Whether it's Johnny's former bandmate Kerry, whose insecurities lead him to ostentatious acts of violence and destruction, or Judy, who has suffered loss after loss and desperately tries to find a situation she can control and someone who won't use or leave her, my journey as V centered around finding these connections, and using them not only to save V's life, but preserve her humanity. These themes carried through with the Phantom Liberty expansion, which explores such topics as freedom, survivor's guilt, and governmental corruption and exploitation, and features a delightful turn by Idris Elba as a weary government agent burdened by regret. There are plenty of bombastic setpieces, cleverly-written quests, and moments of intense action, but the things I think I'll always remember are quiet, intimate, human moments, from sitting with and comforting a girl whose girlfriend just killed herself, or meditating with a monk who has no ulterior motive but to bring V a rest in the midst of a grueling situation.
All that to say that while I had a lot of fun with the gameplay, the game world and the writing were what made me fall in love with Cyberpunk 2077, what will likely keep me coming back to the game on replay, and what landed it at number two on the list. The only reason it didn't end up at number one was because there's just one game I played this year which impressed me just that much more - and even then, it’s a thin margin.
First Place: Baldur's Gate 3 (Larian Studios)
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Here I must confess not only have I never played the original Baldur's Gate games - early works by BioWare, a company whose work I generally respect - I had until this year never touched Dungeons and Dragons or any ancillary media. Total blind spot! Never even saw the movie this year! I'd played plenty of tabletop, but never any DnD.
What a treat, then, to be introduced to the world and mechanics of DnD through such a game as Baldur's Gate 3. This game glistens with careful and thoughtful design, and proves the vibrancy and potential that still remains in the classic CRPG style. Baldur's Gate 3's great strengths shine in two major areas, which I will go in more detail about now.
Firstly, the game offers a truly remarkable amount of freedom to the player in allowing them to resolve a situation in a myriad of ways, emulating the flexible nature of tabletop storytelling to an extent I've rarely seen in the video game medium. Want to defeat a boss that's giving you grief by running up to him and shoving him off a cliff? Sure, that works! Want to stealthily surround an enemy camp with explosive barrels and then cast fireball? Ok, go for it!
The other side of this coin is that the game permits a lot of flexibility in permitting the player to truly fuck up royally, while keeping the narrative going and not forcing them into a game over because they "played wrong." Took too long to save some gnomes from a cave-in? Too bad, they suffocated to death! Allowed an important NPC, whose spell was protecting a community from a curse, to be defeated in battle and captured? Tough luck, all those people have died a horrible, agonizing death! It's your fault! Now keep moving. In Baldur's Gate 3, all of your decisions, good or bad, have consequences, and you have to live with them.
Baldur's Gate 3's other great strength lies in its character writing. Every major character, and many minor characters, are written with such depth and nuance, with varied motivations, backstories, and moral alignments, which the player can both influence and be influenced by. Notable standouts include Astarion, the cynical vampire whose acid tongue is a defense mechanism to not let anyone get too close and who delights in thumbing his nose at others and seeking power for himself, but who can be guided towards a more empathetic and caring place; and Shadowheart, the cleric of the dark goddess Shar who finds herself torn between what she sees as her duty to her goddess and what she knows deep down to be the right thing to do.
Every character in Baldur's Gate 3 has a story to tell, and they're all good ones. That alone would land it on this list, but combined with the astonishing freedom it allows players and its infinite replayability rocket it to the top spot. Baldur's Gate 3 is my game of the year.
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pandorafairy · 2 years
Neteyam x Reader (fem!omatikayan)
neteyam and you are too different. you're a free spirit and a bit of a rebel. he's the chief's son and follows all rules. you both like each other but don't believe the other could ever feel same. one night, lo'ak and you sneak out, and neteyam follows. when the skypeople come, putting you all in danger, neteyam and you are forced to face your feelings.
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contains: action and angst (safe for work)
You race along the vines that connect two of the Floating Mountains. The night sky glistens above you as you feel the cool air hit your face. You should be sleeping, like the rest of the clan, but you’re restless. Everytime you close your eyes, you sense the forest buzzing beneath you, full of life. You hate that the sky people have forced your clan into High Camp, into the mountains. Luckily, Lo’ak is always down to sneak out. 
You stop running once you reach the outskirts of High Camp. You see the top of your parent’s red tent and pause for a moment. Maybe you should just go home. A call from an ikran floats through the silence. You smile and set off towards the Sully’s. 
You crouch down and scuttle across the moist floor of camp. Soft whispers, snores, and the occasional cough come from various tents. Once you reach the Sully’s tent, the largest one in camp, you go left, where Lo’ak and Neteyam sleep. You listen intently, making sure Jake and Neytiri are sleeping. The last thing you want is Jake coming out and yelling at Lo’ak and you, something he’s done many times before. 
After a moment of silence, you decide they must be sleeping. You take a deep breath before scratching three times against the tent where the boys sleep. Lo’ak and you created this method of communicating shortly after the clan made camp in the mountains. Neteyam hates when you all sneak out. Sometimes he accompanies you both, grumbling the whole time about how you will all get trouble. And even though his complaints are annoying, you like when he joins. 
A moment goes by and you’re about to scratch again when you hear rumbling from inside the tent. You pause, holding your breath, praying it’s Lo’ak and not Jake. Another rustle. Then, three scratches in return. Your shoulders loosen with relief. You make your way back through the camp, not waiting for Lo’ak. You will meet him outside, in the open air, where you won’t have to whisper. 
Once you’ve reached the outskirts of camp again, you turn back. You observe how your clan has been forced to live in the mountains, far above the forest where you all belong. It breaks your heart. You look away, suddenly eager to do something fun, something that will make you forget all the pain in your heart. 
You stare out at the surrounding Floating Mountains. A few ikran fly in the distance making your heart lurch. Footsteps sound behind you. 
“Hey!” Lo’ak says energetically. You turn around to find him smiling at you, his tail flicking back and forth. Lo’ak has been your best friend since childhood. You both have a rebellious streak, love adventure, and have the same humor: you just understand each other. Some people in the village crack jokes that you are a couple but it’s never been romantic. He’s like your brother. 
You smile back at him. “Hey, wanna ride the ikran?”
“Hell yea,” he replies and begins walking towards the edge of the mountain. There’s a jump in his step, like he too has been needing an out. An escape from home and the clan. Just to be free for a while. You breathe out slowly and follow after him when a voice stops you. 
“Wait.” It’s Neteyam. He walks out of the camp, his shoulders tense and his eyes worried. You’ve always thought that Neteyam is so serious, sometimes you're jealous of that. He’s able to take all of his responsibilities and handle them. He’s so strong while you’re always looking for an escape. Neteyam stops just before you as his eyes drift to his brother. 
Lo’ak groans in irritation at the sight of his protective brother. “What, bro?” 
“Where are you two going?” Neteyam asks, his eyes slipping from Lo’ak over to you. Your heart stutters when his gaze falls on you. You also think that Neteyam is kinda gorgeous. Lo’ak used to make fun of you for having a crush on Neteyam and you denied it until he stopped. There’s no point in admitting your crush, it’s useless. Neteyam and you are two completely different people. He would never like you. So you brush off your crush by teasing Neteyam and pretending to be confident. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Lo’ak mumbles back to Neteyam. 
“Oh, I’m gonna worry,” Neteyam snaps back, his ears flattening, “Dad will be pissed if he finds out.” 
“Don’t worry, mister uptight,” you tease, “he won’t find out.” Neteyam gives you a pointed look, the whisper of a blush on his cheeks.
Lo’ak laughs before saying, “He’ll never know unless you tell him.” He raises an eyebrow at Neteyam. You cross your arms over your chest. 
Neteyam pauses, staring at his younger brother, whose messes he always has to clean. He knows there’s no point in forcing him to go back home. Lo’ak is too stubborn. The only solution is to go with them. Neteyam sighs, trying to make it seem like he doesn’t want to do this. But that isn’t true. He hates breaking his parents' rules but he likes to sneak with Lo’ak because then he gets to see you. 
Neteyam looks at you. You’re standing with your arms crossed, a somewhat accusatory look plastered across your pretty face. Neteyam is enthralled by you: your spirit, your attitude, and your beauty. He’s forced his attraction down, never wanting anyone to find out, especially not Lo’ak. What would his brother think? Him having a crush on his best friend. Besides, you were a free-spirit and he’s ‘uptight’. There’s no way you’d like him back. 
“Fine, you can go,” Neteyam says after a moment of silence, “but I’m coming.”
“Whatever, bro,” Lo’ak says before turning and running across the thick vines, away from High Camp. 
Your heart tightens at Neteyam’s words. You quickly follow Lo’ak and try to ignore your feelings. 
Neteyam brings up the rear as the three of you bounce across the vines, high above the forest. The air is sweet and the smell of pines drifts up from the trees. You love Pandora, so very much. Lo’ak reaches the end of the vine and jumps onto another mountain, his familiar hair swinging behind him. The vine is soft and sturdy beneath your feet as you jump off after Lo’ak. 
You hear Neteyam land behind you but you don’t look back. “Let’s ride!” You call to Lo’ak. A sudden urgency races through you. You need to be in the air, feeling the wind against your face, letting all your worries be swept away. 
“Wanna race?” Lo’ak challenges as you reach the edge of the mountain. You peer down, seeing the stark drop into the glowing forest below. You smirk at Lo’ak. There’s nothing you love more than a competition. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Neteyam states as he joins you. 
“Bro,” Lo’ak complains and rolls his eyes, “you don’t think anything is a good idea.” 
“I don’t think your ideas are ever good,” Neteyam says pointedly, “we aren’t supposed to fly alone, especially not at night. What if the sky people come?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be the mighty warrior?” You retort. Neteyam hesitates. You lean closer to him, a playful smile on your lips as you pretend to be confident. “Won’t you protect us?”
Goosebumps appear along Neteyam’s skin as you stare playfully at him. God, he hates how you are so oblivious to his crush on you. He thinks you’re so cool and unique, it makes him nervous. He swallows and forces his eyes away from your face. 
Lo’ak chuckles, “yea brother, isn’t that why you came with?”
Neteyam scoffs. He did come to protect you guys but he also just wanted to be around you… 
You tilt your head to the side. Neteyam’s stern face looks down at the forest way below. He’s so unfazed by your teasing. Nothing ever fazes him. If a woman ever catches his eye, she’ll have to be pretty amazing. Your stomach drops at the thought. You know it’ll never be you. 
“I came so you both wouldn’t be stupid,” Neteyam begins, “but you do stupid things anyway.”
“Exactly!” Lo’ak agrees before winking at you. He calls out into the night, a high pitched whistle than three low ones. Neteyam moves, his hands reaching out to grab his younger brother’s shoulders. But he’s too late. Lo’ak jumps off the mountain just before Neteyam can grasp him. He plummets down a few feet until his ikran appears, almost out of thin air. Lo’ak lands smoothly on his banshee and grins up at us, his white teeth gleaming manically in the darkness. “Hurry up!”
“Argh!” Neteyam groans in annoyance. He hates when his brother does reckless things. Doesn’t he understand danger? If something happened to Lo’ak… he isn’t sure he’d ever forgive himself. 
You flinch at Neteyam’s outburst. He seems lost in thought, well more like lost in worry. You inhale deeply and steel your nerves. Be confident, you tell yourself, act chill. You reach out and flick Neteyam’s tail between your hands. 
“Hey!” He turns around, a look of surprise on his face as he smacks your hands away playfully. 
You hold your hands up in a sarcastic surrender before smiling. “Are you scared, chief’s son?” 
He pulls his lips to the side and cocks his head. “No,” he says, his deep voice stirring something in you, “I just don’t find stupidity fun.” 
You ignore his comment and whistle three times, each of them high-pitched before turning to Neteyam. He’s standing somewhat rigid, but then again he always looks tense. His amber eyes shine and little white flecks glow along his blue face. His beauty takes your breath away. He furrows his eyebrows.
 You throw yourself off the mountain before he has a chance to say anything. God, you hope he didn’t notice the look on your face. 
Neteyam races to the edge of the mountain just in time to see you ride off on your ikran. He shakes his head with a smile on his face. He can’t help but smile at you. There’s something about you that sets him on edge. It makes him want to let loose and relax. You make him want to be more than just a perfect son; you make him want to be himself. He calls for his ikran before hurtling into the night sky. 
Lo’ak swoops and dives on his ikran, right in front of you. The moons illuminate his familiar form as he challenges you to various tricks. He shoots into the air before flipping around multiple times as he laughs. His laughter is familiar, like the smell of your mom when she hugs you. 
You follow him, sending your ikran high in the sky before flipping around and diving straight down. The wind whips your face as adrenaline shoots through your veins. You love this freedom. You love how it makes your mind go blank. You swoop, dangerously close to the sides of the mountains. 
“Yo! Watch out, cuz!” Lo’ak cries to which you laugh before diving down again. “You’re crazy, girl,” Lo’ak calls out to you, his ikran flapping behind yours. 
Neteyam sits calmly on his banshee. He watches as his brother and you fly around like insane circus acts. He notices how close you fly to the mountain, his whole body tenses up. He wonders why you do these reckless things. Is it just because you love adventure? Or is it something more? He thinks about the way you study people, how observant you are, and how deeply you think. He’s almost certain there is more to you than meets the eye. The thought intrigues him, making him like you even more. 
You notice Neteyam, calmly flying around Lo’ak and you. He never joins in on the fun. He’s always content to just watch. You wonder what it’s like to be that content. What it’s like to know who you are and what you want to do. You admire that about Neteyam. You wish you could be more sure footed like him. You force your eyes away from his strong frame and continue flying with Lo’ak when suddenly, the trees go still. 
Your ikran freezes beneath you. Your heart begins to hammer in your chest. Lo’ak stops a few feet ahead of you, his eyes wide. Silence envelopes you, not a peaceful silence but a dreadful one. The kind that warns you. You turn towards Neteyam to find him already flying towards you. 
“Back home, now,” Neteyam calls, “I have a bad feeling.” 
Lo’ak and you nod, neither of you needing more convincing. Even your ikran is on edge as she chirps nervously beneath you. Then, a sound slices through the silence, like the buzzing of a strange insect. 
All of you pause and strain your ears. The buzzing turns into a whirring. Neteyam’s mouth falls open. “Sky people!” 
“Oh shit!” Lo’ak states, panic coating his words.
Your hands begin to shake as your ikran flutters restlessly beneath you. Just then, a large helicopter appears from behind a mountain, heading straight towards you.  
“Fly down!” Neteyam orders. “Don’t lead them to Camp. Go into the forest!” 
Lo’ak and you immediately dive down as the sky people begin shooting. Gunshots burst as Pandora comes back to life. Cries of animals fill the air and a tension sets all around you. The whirring of the helicopter grows louder as it follows you three. 
You hadn’t realized how high you were flying until now. You keep diving down but the treetops are still too far away. Lo’ak is further ahead, his ikran’s wings are bent low as he speeds through the air. But your ikran is more nervous as she fights her way down. More gunshots. The helicopter is coming right after you. 
Neteyam shoots past you, following his brother. Come on, you think as you tell your ikran to go faster. A huge pile of light shoots down. You jolt in shock and your ikran screeches. The helicopter sent a flare at you. You shudder. Another round of gunshots, this time they’re aimed right at you. 
You can no longer see Lo’ak or Neteyam. Panic begins in your stomach and spreads through your veins. Another flash of bright light, like a huge fire, booms right next to you. Your ikran can’t take it. She thrashes at the sight of the light and there’s nothing you can do to calm her down. Her wings flap uselessly at her sides as she looks around the night sky in confusion. The helicopter sets off another round of gunshots, they whiz right by your head. 
You have no choice, you have to jump from your ikran or you’ll be shot. You reach for your hair and break the tsaheylu. You close your eyes and jump. 
You didn’t think anything but the words slipped out of your mouth anyway, “Neteyam!” You scream as your body falls in midair. 
Now, you’re squeezing your eyes shut. The wind is racing past you, burning your skin. You feel your arms and legs go numb with fear. You should’ve just gone into your parents tent earlier tonight. You should never have snuck out. You should’ve listened to Neteyam. Oh, Neteyam. 
You land hard against something. Arms wrap around your body, holding you steady. You don’t dare to open your eyes. Is this real? You aren’t sure. You can’t process anything except the pounding of your heart. 
The rustle of trees fills your ears and you can no longer hear the helicopter. Someone’s fingers rub your shoulder in comforting circles. Your breath is coming out quickly and sharply. 
“You’re okay,” a soothing voice says, “I got you.” 
Your heart rate slows at the sound as some of your panic begins to subdue. Pines and freshness infuse your nose: you’re in the forest. You're pushed up against a warm body. You slowly open your eyes, almost fearful of what you’ll see. 
You inhale sharply. “Neteyam.” 
His face is drawn together in concentration as he swoops between treetops on his ikran. His jaw loosens at the sound of your voice. He had been so scared. He’d never known fear like that. He was following Lo’ak when he heard your scream. It made his blood run cold. His vision had gone black, the only thing that mattered to him was saving you. He saw you floating in the air, your body hanging limply and he raced towards you. He didn’t care about the sky people and the guns, all he cared about was that you were safe in his arms. 
 And now you are. He wants to look at you but keeps his focus on flying. He can feel your rapid heartbeat and knows how scared you must have been. He wants to fly up and kill all those skypeople for making you feel like that. 
Once he sees a clearing, he slowly brings his ikran down and lands. You still lie in his arms, your body still recovering from the intensity of falling. Your face is pale. The sight of you like this hurts Neteyam’s heart. He curses under his breath before slipping his hands beneath you and lifting you up.
Normally, you would never let someone carry you like some doll, but right now, you don’t trust your legs to stand. So, you allow Neteyam to carry you towards a nearby tree where he softly sets you on the ground. You lean against the tree as he sits down next to you, worry coating his features. 
“Are you alright?” 
You nod. “I will be. Just—” you swallow, suddenly nervous. You aren’t sure you want to tell him how scared you were. You aren’t sure you want to be vulnerable with him. It’ll break the facade you’ve made for him. He stares at you openly, stress lining his eyes. You exhale. Screw it. “I was really scared. Just need a moment to recover,” you say quietly. 
Neteyam looks at you with understanding. “Take your time.”
“Where’s Lo’ak?” You ask, suddenly alarmed again. 
Neteyam holds his hands out as if to say calm down. “He’s fine. I told him to wait at the pond. I whistled to him when we landed and he replied.”
You nod and close your eyes. You're safe, you tell yourself, Lo’ak is too. You think of happy memories and try to relax. 
Neteyam thinks you look beautiful and then he instantly regrets it. Not because you aren’t beautiful but because you’re so upset and he shouldn’t be thinking that at a time like this. But he can’t stop thinking about how different you are. You stand out to him more than anyone. And the sound of your scream, your body, your pain; it made him realize it even more. He can’t keep ignoring his feelings for you. 
After a few moments, you open your eyes. You feel much better. Your legs aren’t numb and feel like yourself again. You look over at Neteyam to find him already watching you, an expression on his face that you can’t quite read. “Thank you,” you say, “for saving me.”
Neteyam smiles, a playful glint in his eyes. “I am the mighty warrior.”
“Oh, whatever!” You shove his shoulder, briefly feeling the warmth of his skin. 
He laughs. You rarely hear him laugh but when he does– it’s incredible. You can’t describe it but it’s your favorite sound in the whole world. 
Neteyam stops laughing and notices you staring at him. He feels suddenly self-conscious, maybe he shouldn’t be laughing like this, letting his guard down. “What is it?” he asks. 
The words are out of your mouth before you can stop them. “I like your laugh.” 
Neteyam freezes. He hadn’t expected you to say that. 
A blush creeps onto your cheeks. Why did you say that? Idiot, idiot, idiot. 
Neteyam’s lips break into a shy smile. His heart soaring, he wasn’t sure what your comment meant but he loved hearing you say it. “I have some redeeming qualities,” he says, thinking of all the uptight jokes that you and Lo’ak have made.
You pause, hearing the uncertainty in his voice. “Neteyam,” you say in disbelief, “you have too many good qualities to count.” You pause, studying the way his amber eyes dart across your face. “You’re practically perfect.” 
Neteyam’s mouth falls open. No way, you just said that to him. 
Your blush grows, heating your whole face. You think about laughing at him or pretend to be joking, but you decide not to. To hell with the facade. Maybe it was the near death experience that made you so bold. But you know now, you’re tired of pretending not to have feelings for Neteyam.  
Neteyam doesn’t think about his actions as he scoots closer to you. You think he’s perfect, the words bubble in his brain and float to his heart. You watch him as he moves closer. His heart pounds against his chest at the sight of your face so close to his. “I think you’re practically perfect too,” he whispers. 
Shock covers your face. “Really?” You ask. “You’re so much more sure of yourself then me.”
He laughs in disbelief. “Me? Sure of myself?” He shakes his head. His amber eyes never leave yours. “You’re the one who follows your heart. You go on adventures and you’re full of life.” 
Your breath hitches in your throat. You can’t believe this is happening. You can’t believe the words coming out of Neteyam’s mouth yet here they are. Loud and clear. A smile forces its way onto your lips.  
Neteyam’s eyes brighten at the expression on your face. He reaches up, his hand shaking and tucks a strand of hair gently behind your ear. The movement sends sparks across your skin. “I like you,” Neteyam says. 
“I like you too,” you reply without hesitation. You’ve known those words to be true, you’ve kept them secret for too long, and it feels so good to say them out loud. Relief and happiness curl through your body as a grin cracks across Neteyam’s face. 
You both lean towards each other as if you’re being pulled by some magnetic force. Your lips collide instantly, moving against each other naturally, like they’ve done this before. And maybe they have in another lifetime. Neteyam reaches his hands up and cups your face as he kisses you gently. You turn the kiss as Neteyam’s heart melts. He’s dreamed of this moment, of kissing you, and he never imagined it would be as amazing as this. 
Neither of you are sure how long you’ve kissed for, neither of you want to pull apart, neither of you want to let go. You want to stay like this forever and forget the world.
idk what this even is i just thought of the idea and wrote it out. hope you guys like it!!
do you guys like the switch of perspectives? i don't usually do that but it was fun.
anyway, let me know what you think and if you want a part 2 or any other submission requests <3
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majorproblems77 · 27 days
Sacred realm competition entry!
This is my participation in the @zelda-the-sacred-realm's writing and art competition, for the theme Adventure. I love this comic so much and I love the characters. I've tried my best to characterise them based on the information we have.
We are sending our friend Link on an adventure today, and I hope you have as much fun reading it as I did writing it. (To be honest, i really enjoyed making this and ill probably continue it in the future.)
And a thank you to the creator, for giving us the opportunity to create stuff like this. This was so much fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has come up with as well.
It will be Cross-posted to my A03 account (And my writing account)- As soon as I figure out how to tag it so it's findable
For now, I introduce
You're a hero too, a sacred realm short story
- 1705 words
“It’ll be an adventure!”
He was already on enough of an adventure thank you very much. According to Wind, they had come across a Temple entrance of some kind, and The young spirit seemed eager to explore its depths
“Uhh Sky?” Link asked softly. Standing behind the spirit as the sky hero walked ahead of the group.
“Look over there. You see that.” Wind bounced on the balls of his feet and pointed to his right towards a large-looking tunnel. Engravings curved around the wall.  “Theres a tunnel here. And where you find engravings like this. There's often a temple not far behind. With puzzles!”
“A puzzle?” Link asked. “Like from the stories?”
“Yeah!” Wind smiled, his eyes searching the wall. “Guaranteed there’s a puzzle in there.”
“Gods and spirits often leave things for heroes to find later. I got these from a temple!” Sky turned his head to show his earrings. The light of the hero's spirit shone across them as Link looked closer at them. “Originally these were fireproof earrings for my adventures through a volcano.”
“You think I’ll get anything like that?” Link looked back to the forest behind them as they entered the tunnel.
“Well, you are a hero.” Sky smiled. Placing a hand to Link’s back. Turning his head to look at him. “So I would think so!”
Link smiled softly, as Wind ran ahead. Ushering him forward. “Come on!”
Wind lead the way into the tunnel as the group entered the darkness. “Is it very long? Do I need a torch?” The realm’s hero asked, wringing his hands nervously as he continued to follow the group.
The tunnel opened out to large pit in the middle of the room. Decorated in red and blue torches the top of the walls had runes across it. Sunlight filtered through the ceiling, as the three separated. Time walked to one of the walls, investigating it. While, Link walked to the large pit which sat central in the room.
“Uhh… What do I do?” Link turned back to Sky, who had paused between the two. Looking to the ceiling above the hole, then down at it. He moved across the room to stand besides Link. Sky looked around the room. Eyes pausing on time for a moment. A hand raised to his chin.  “Well. If I had to guess…”
“Hang on.” Sky paused. Looking to Time who had a hand raised. Then to Link. “I think he should figure it out.”
“Why?” Wind raised an eyebrow. Crossing his arms. “We are here for a reason. Surely we should be helping him when we can.”
“And if there's another spirit barrier?” Time said, stopping the hero of the wind’s in his tracks. He pointed a finger towards the hero of the Sky. “You were out of action for a week by hopping into the fight.”
“Hoping into the fight was the right thing to do.” Sky shot back quickly. His voice not accusatory for the moment, but a hint of annoyance on the tip of his tongue.
“I had it handled.”
“Did you?” A pause. “Or did that thing inside the medallion have to save you.” Sky pointed to the item on Link’s chest. Eyes fixed on Time.
Link’s eyes widened at that. The spirit, which he’d nicknamed amulet, was still a mystery to him. Every time it entered the fray he felt helpless. Like a prisoner in his own body. He took a step back and lowered his head. Biting his lower lip as he looked down at the item in question. Placing a hand under it so he could look at it again. The lights of the hero’s spirits shining bright across the surface. Twilight, Wild and Worlds light’s shining dimly.
 The medallion was a warning and a burden, its golden surface a cruel reminder that he still had a lot to learn.
“uhh, guys.” Wind walked over to Link while the others locked eyes with each other. The tension cut with a knife. “Maybe you should wait…”
“Link.” Sky’s voice was immediately laced with guilt as he heard the spirit move around him. His eyes searched the walls below him and they met a small platform. About five feet below him. An eyebrow raised as he turned. “I shouldn’t have…”
“Now look what you’ve done.” Time stood with his arms crossed.
“I…. I didn’t.” Sky stuttered. Looking over to the man in question. Who was leaning over the edge of the platform. Having spotted the same one he had. “Link Wait!”
Link wasn’t paying attention to the spirit beside him. His eyes fixed on a platform below him as he moved around the pit slightly. Placing a foot right on the edge of the pit he took a breath.
Here goes nothing….
Link jumped onto the platform below him, and felt the feeling of shifting through a barrier. Another spirit barrier. The others wouldn’t be coming with him.
“Link!”  Sky’s voice above him he didn’t look up. “Link! Wait!” Slowly walking over to the edge of the ledge he was on allowed him to. He could do this. He could do this. He could…
Oh…. There was no platform there. There was no platform there! Nonnonononono.
He looked upward. Trying to see if he could jump back out. Taking a step back, The feeling of a plate pushing down startled him. He looked to his foot and spotted a pressure plate.
Oh no…
 The walls began to rumble and shake. The platform began moving. The sound of stone grinding as the platform began to retract into the wall from which it came.
“Oh nononono,” he slid backwards and scrambled to the wall. “Nononono, please stop please stop please stop.”
“Link! Link! To your Right!” Wind’s voice sounded over the noise. He looked up rapidly to see the hero of Sky pointing, “Down! And to your right!”
He looked right and saw another platform springing from the wall. A little lower. Panic rising he looked up to see Sky and Wind pointing to it. “That one! THAT ONE!” The spirits voice sounded worried. He appeared to be leaning down but recoiled as blue flames licked at his fingers.
He nodded, standing up on shaky feet he jumped down another five feet.
Another plate. Another shifting platform. As he jumped lower and lower.
The further we went the braver he became.
It was just jumping down a few stairs he’s fine. Well more than a few, but as sky said. He was a hero, right? He should be able to do this in his sleep.
Finally, he made it to the floor. Looking up from his spot he could still see the yellow glow of Sky and Time above him.
“Link! Are you okay?!” The sky hero’s voice echoed down the tunnel as the last of the platforms disappeared into the wall.
“Yes!” Hands to his knees he took a few deep breaths before straightening up. Looking around the walls were a deep grey, illuminated by the faint glow of lanterns dotted across the wall. The ground shifted around his feet, the sand falling away as he made his way around. Placing a hand to the wall he walked the pit’s perimeter to find a switch. But found nothing.
“There’s nothing down here!” He shouted up towards Sky who disappeared past the lip before returning. “I can't find a way up!” Looking across the walls they were decorated with random poles and circular patterns. He felt fear grip him.
Trapped. He was trapped.
“We can't get down to you from here!” Wind’s voice shouted down. “Think you can disable the spirit barrier somehow?!”
“I don’t think so!” He tried to keep his voice steady. Don’t want to panic Sky. “I’ll keep looking.”
“What do you see?!” Time also leaned his head over the pit, his face as stoic as ever.
“Just a bunch of Sand…” He looked to the floor and crouched. Brushing at the floor. More sand met him. The way it shifted made him pause. It didn’t seem all that deep. And there was an indentation buffed in the ground.
A door? A way out? Deeper into the ground. Great.
He began to dig around the edges of the square indented in the floor. If he just kept digging. And digging. And digging. Hoping He might find a way out of this mess.
His fingers brushed a latch as his digging became more frantic.
He revealed a door, and his eyes widened. “Guys! Guys, I found a door!”
His fingers latched the handle and pulled, opening a pit of darkness. The sound of sand falling into it filled his ears as the ground around him shifted. Looking into the darkness he could just about make out the floor below him. He’d have to jump into the pit, which would close the hatch…
A One-way drop.
“Sky! You guys better get back in the medallion!”
“What did you find?!” The Skyloftians's voice sounded. The outline of shining light filtered down towards him. A hand raised to his forehead as he squinted his eyes. “Are you okay?!”
“There’s a hatch in the floor!” Looking more closely he spotted carvings dotted across the wall.  “I think. I think Wind was right! I think it’s a temple!”
“Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's go!” Wind’s voice echoed around him as swirling wind shifted around him and light burst back into the medallion. His spirit shone as bright as ever along side the others.
The swirling sounds of fire and lightning echoing through the air rang in his ears as the spirits flew down the tunnel and nestled inside the medallion.
He wouldn’t be alone, he just had to remember that.
The door above him loomed red and blue dancing across the wall. He raised a hand to the surface and pushed. The door creaking forward darkness met him as he reached to his right. Looking between a red torch and a blue torch before grabbing the red torch, and holding it close to his chest as he took a deep breath. Walking into the darkness. One thought echoed through his mind.
Time for an adventure.
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ponett · 1 year
I have now finally seen the Mario movie. It was Pretty Good. Here are my wordy thoughts on it. (I am going to spoil the entire movie. Duh.)
In many ways, the Mario movie does what I wish the first Sonic movie had done. They just took the characters and the premise and the world from the games, and made it a straightforward animated adventure movie. It's bright and colorful and remixes things JUST enough to include fun elements from multiple games, and it doesn't make Mario get adopted by James Marsden or whatever. It even has the music!
That's all you really need, right? Right...?
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I'll get this out of the way up front. Chris Pratt was fine. He's fine
If anything, it really feels like they did the movie a disservice by letting us hear so little of the Mario voice in the previews. It took one scene for Pratt to disappear into the role for me. It was totally fine. If anything, I found Charlie Day's normal voice coming out of Luigi WAY more distracting, even if I did like him in the role.
Everyone else was pretty good, for the most part. Jack Black was obviously very good as Bowser, but I'm biased. Seth Rogen does the Seth Rogen laughs as Donkey Kong, but I thought DK was fun, too. (I liked his little rivalry with Mario where he was just constantly giving him shit.) The only casting choice I truly hated was Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong. I hated every line that came out of his mouth. He sounds atrocious. Just the worst. I swear to fucking god if they do a DKC movie and we have to hear him for 90 minutes
I did think Peach was lacking, but that was on the script, not Anya Taylor-Joy's performance. It's cool to see Peach fight, but it's one of those all too common instances where the writers put so much effort into making the main girl kick ass and be an effortlessly confident girlboss that they forgot to give her an actual personality. Not that I'd point to Super Princess Peach and its mood swing superpowers as positive representation or anything, but there's a happy middle ground, surely. Shrek was 22 years ago, just having the princess do flying kung fu kicks isn't enough.
Okay. With the voices out of the way, let's talk about the big picture:
It's way better than the words "Illumination Mario movie" implied, and I mostly enjoyed my time with it. The spirit of Mario is there 100%. But I'd also describe it as "ruthlessly efficient."
This was perhaps the main complaint critics had, and they were absolutely right. People have responded to these totally average reviews with "Well, what did you expect? Shakespeare?! It's MARIO!!" Like, yes, I would prefer it if the movie I paid to see had writing that was good instead of bad. What a shocker. My issue isn't that it's not "high-brow" enough. The problem is that it feels mercenary. It feels like an editor went through and deleted almost every line of dialogue that isn't some form of exposition, at the expense of the pacing. Any scene that's not a montage or some sort of action is kept as short as they could make it, with barely any room for embellishment, character interaction, or anything other than the bare minimum word count to hit all the typical Save the Cat Hollywood screenwriting 101 story beats to the letter. There aren't even as many jokes as you might think (and the ones that are there are extremely hit or miss, including a lot of the slapstick with Mario himself).
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Mario and Peach's little arc together in the front half of the film is probably the worst example of this pacing. Even having read reviews that complained about how fast Peach goes from meeting Mario (by her admission the first other human she's ever met) to deciding to train him as the new savior of the Mushroom Kingdom, I was SHOCKED at how fast it was. They don't even lampshade it.
Peach takes Mario straight into the big training sequence where he learns how to use mushrooms and jump over platforming obstacles. Peach is apparently already a hypercompetent platforming pro and a great fighter, so there's no clear reason why she's taking the time to train this random guy to be half as good as her when the world is in danger. Then they set off on their adventure, Toad joins them, and we get a VERY brief travel montage. It's about thirty seconds total - just long enough to give Peach a line about how she wants to protect this beautiful world of hers to try and give her some stakes. We get the genre-mandated nighttime campfire heart to heart, which is exactly long enough to have Mario say he misses Luigi and to have Peach give the two sentence summary of her origin story and not a second longer. Then they reach the Kongs, and their big journey is complete. (They barely interact for the rest of the movie.) So much of the movie is like this - always ready to get on to the next scene as soon as a new one starts.
I'm not criticizing the script because I expect The Super Mario Bros. Movie to be a prestige drama - although there are certainly halfhearted attempts at a dramatic arc. The stuff with Mario's family was a fun enough idea, but again, ruthless efficiency. We get one quick scene with them at the start to give Mario some pathos, because I guess Save the Cat said he's gotta have some pathos. And then Mario gets his dad's approval amidst the action of the final battle in Brooklyn to resolve his arc, just so the movie can end as quickly as possible once Bowser is defeated. (Despite now having the approval of their family and their community back in Brooklyn, Mario and Luigi move to the Mushroom Kingdom off-screen without a single word dedicated to this decision, because that's where they live in the games.)
Look. I am not comparing it to The Godfather. Don't give me that shit. I am not asking for an extra half hour to explore Mario and Luigi's childhood trauma. I am not asking for the complex inner workings of the Mushroom Kingdom monarchy. I know this is gonna be a basic Hero's Journey adventure for kids. It just feels like it's turning down so many opportunities to have a little fun with the characters, to let them interact and play off of each other, to let there be some adventure on this adventure. This is the first time we've gotten to see these characters interact with fully voiced dialogue in a very, very long time! "Yeah, it's not High Art, but it's FUN!" Stories are fun! Character interactions are fun! The script could be having so much more fun!! It is adamantly against making the Story parts of this story-driven movie any more Fun than they functionally need to be!!!
Mario, Peach, and Toad's journey to find the Kongs is shorter than the training montage that precedes it. After the opening, Bowser mostly just sits in his castle and waits for the third act to start. Luigi's there, too, but he only gets one scene with Bowser and then the movie mostly forgets he exists until the climax. He doesn't even get to try and sneak out of Bowser's castle and get up to hijinx. He's just there to be a motivation for Mario, so he sits in a cage for half the movie. It's the bare outline of a script with action scenes added in.
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Aside from the fact that it's Jack Black singing as Bowser, I feel like this overly-efficient script might be part of the reason why the "Peaches" scene stands out so much. It's a moment that didn't strictly need to be there to keep the plot moving or to provide an action setpiece. It's not even a reference to another Mario thing. It's just a fun and memorable little character moment that's there for its own sake. That's what the movie needed more of. To stop and smell the roses more often. To play in the space.
To be clear, this isn't a unique problem with this movie. Critics have been noting for years that second acts are disappearing from big Hollywood movies in favor of the Act I plot setup and the Act III action, even though Act II is supposed to be where you get to explore your actual premise. And lots of animated movies give me this exact same vibe of being too "screenwriterly," or feeling like they had an executive breathing down their necks and demanding changes based on focus testing. But these common issues are why I come away mostly feeling like the movie is on the better end of "average," rather than totally blowing my mind. You have seen this movie many times before, just not with Mario in it.
And, of course, there's the music. The score by Brian Tyler based on various classic Mario and Donkey Kong tunes (frustratingly all attributed to Koji Kondo) is absolutely beautiful, but it's unfortunately frequently overshadowed by the licensed music. Everyone already complained about things like the use of Take On Me in place of a lovingly arranged DKC medley, but it feels illustrative of the tug of war the movie is caught in the middle of, between wanting to be a lavishly faithful Mario movie and wanting to be a generic tentpole animated adventure movie. Every single licensed song used is the most obvious, overused song they could have picked for the scene. It reeks of cynical executive meddling and it took me out of the movie every time.
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But there really was a lot of care and love put into this movie - more than probably any other video game movie ever made, not that that's a high bar. I don't want to underplay that too much amidst all my complaints spurred by the absolutely insane response to the reviews.
Aside from the countless background references that people will be picking apart for years, touches like the Captain Toad tune playing in the background of Toad's introduction or the Mario Kart 8 menu music playing in the kart garage really help bring it to another level of authenticity. I also enjoyed seeing some more obscure Mario enemies that felt like they were picked more for being fun to animate than for being nostalgic and marketable. No matter how many times I sarcastically pointed to the screen and deadpanned "reference. reference." I am not immune to noticing these things and smiling. I am not immune to the DK Rap. These alone don't make the movie good, but it's nice to have a video game movie that feels like it was made by people who like video games.
Most importantly, the animation is great throughout. It's leaps and bounds ahead of other Illumination work, and it's the best the Mario cast has ever looked. They even made Donkey Kong handsome, somehow. They're all so squishy and expressive, and they move so fluidly - especially in the action scenes. I particularly liked the more kinetic ones like the aerial Banzai Bill chase and the Mario Kart sequence. Truly, the Mad Max-inspired car battle on Rainbow Road where Mario literally does the speedrun shortcut is this movie firing on all cylinders.
Other, more hand-to-hand fights nail the Popeye-esque vibe Mario should be going for. He's an underdog who gets the shit kicked out of him by bigger, stronger opponents until he gets his signature powerup and turns the tables on them. My favorite animation of all probably came from the use of Cat Mario to turn the tide in the DK fight. They had so much fun making Mario move like a cat. Again, it feels like a choice made because it'd be fun to animate rather than just a nostalgia move.
It's that animation and that attention to detail that carry the film, really. They elevate it from mediocrity into being a fun watch for a fan like me, albeit one I couldn't help but pick apart with Anthony as we watched it at home. I'm glad I saw it, but there's a lot of room to improve with the inevitable sequel. I hope they do. I can't deny that I had fun with the movie, but I hope next time that fun is partially because of the script instead of in spite of it.
Stray thoughts:
Overall, I would say I enjoyed the movie a lot more than Sonic 1, but probably not as much as Sonic 2. Not that these movies need to be pitted against each other.
I hated the Luma. I hated how hilarious they clearly thought the Luma was. They have the fucking Luma break the fourth wall to end the movie and start the credits. This is going to be a deep cut for fans of bad animated films, but the whole time I was just thinking of the little fish from Romeo & Juliet: Sealed With A Kiss who's just the director's kid saying random nonsense. You know I'm right
I rolled my eyes at the "our princess is in another castle" joke and several other jokes that would have been dated in a gamer webcomic 20 years ago but I guess they had to be there
How much of Brooklyn did Bowser's giant floating castle take out? We know 9/11 happened in this universe because the Freedom Tower is there, hasn't New York been through enough
I can't believe there's a Diskun easter egg
The dog is the most Illumination character design in the movie. It felt like it wandered on set from The Secret Life of Pets
Mario being a gamer and playing Kid Icarus of all things just made me remember this tweet:
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Yes Anthony did get mad at me for being thirsty for Bowser
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inbarfink · 1 year
I already talked about, like, the Obvious Symbolism of Simon reaching his lowest point literally dressed like the Ice King and then gradually gets back to his old outfit as he starts climbing out of his depressive spiral, at least somewhat.
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But it’s also really interesting, maybe even more interesting, how Fionna’s outfit has been gradually shifting and changing with basically every adventure.
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My first thought was that it really shows Fionna coming into her own as a character. The more she grows and also the more character development she gets - the more the audience learns to see her as more than just Girl Finn - the more her outfit moves away from just being a slightly girlier version of Finn’s classic look and into being its own thing. 
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Because Fionna is her own character. 
But my second thought was more about the first time Fionna’s classic outfit got an update in this series.
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This wouldn’t really relate to my first reading, since it just kinda makes her outfit closer to Finn. But it does relate to the most important Theme that her character arc revolves around - Fantasy versus Reality.
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Fionna starts out the story interacting with the idea of magical adventure and heroism via the lens of fantasy. She compares everything to video games and just thinks about everything in terms of it being cool and fun and she literally tries to chase down a person from her dreams.
And her mindset was probably only reinforced by discovering she was literally created to be the Main Character in God’s little fantasy universe literally created out of self-indulgence for his silly little stories.
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And because of that, she starts out the story with a huge Protagonist-Centered-Morality blind spot where she can’t recognize when she and Cake are in the wrong
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And she rushes into action and violence just thinking it’s ‘cool’
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And, like, in general acting without thinking of the consequences.
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And at basically every step of this adventure, these kinda actions clashed against the reality of her situation. And it all started when she pointed out to her own creator that the outfit he designed for her is cute - but extremely unrealistic for an adventurer like herself
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And from there we move to Fionna experiencing more and more of the harsh consequences of assuming everything should fit into her fantasies of heroes and villains 
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And that she should punch first and ask questions later 
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And in general that it’s always better to trust her guts over her head. 
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And with every one of her experiences, the bright and adorable outfit that is a reminder of her origin as God’s Most Self-Indulgent OC gets tweaked in more way - turning it into something that looks a lot more, for the lack of a better word, gritty. And also turning it further and further away from the outfit of her own literal fantasies.
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And all of these horrible traumatic experiences and the general dangers of the magical and very different world she’s in have all weathered down Fionna’s original optimism and eagerness and brashness that originally defined her and turned her terribly overprotective and scared instead. And it really reminds of how Simon’s own trauma weathered him down. 
Turning him from a kind man with a passion for adventure and the fantastical and a powerful parental instinct to a miserable jerk who aches for mundanity and made a little girl cry
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Until he got to his very lowest point.
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So I’m guessing next up for Fionna is getting to see her regain some of her old identity that the Trauma has been tearing away at - getting back some of that cheerfulness and brash attitude and adventurous spirit. Because while it has put herself and her teammates and others in serious troubles - it’s also been a huge help at other times (especially as she's a good counterbalance to Simon ‘slow but dependable’ Petrikov)
She needs to find the balance, learning the lessons from her multiverse adventure without losing all the things that made her Fionna Campbell in the first place.
And I wonder if this development is gonna be paralleled with a return of some of the more ‘classic’ elements of her look - or if her outfit is instead going to diverge farther?
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 month
So does Minase joins Meteo of being a writer that picked a figure from regions that aren’t as used as much in TM with the Trung sisters belonging to him?
This one is just a self-answering yes-no question, so I'll instead use it as a platform for the Minase thoughts I've been having since the wombo-combo of the new mats, the anniversary interview, and the Dubai event. It's probably what the anon wanted out of it anyway.
My inner ramblings start from something Nasu said in last year's interview and made a point to reiterate this year.
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Ordeal Calls are meant to be each writer's best and most emblematic piece. Their artistic identity taken to its peak. That's something I believe Sakurai accomplished and Minase didn't. That obviously raises one question: what would a real Minase masterpiece look like?
By the Ordeal Call's premise, it would still need to be something that gave the supplementary information we were missing about the Alterego class, but let's ignore that angle and focus only on the goal of expressing Minase's personality in the best way possible.
What works with Minase and what doesn't? Compare his worst and best pieces. Agartha sucks because it focuses on his opinions about women and those are categorically rancid. Yuga Kshetra succeeds because it focuses on his opinions about ableism, which are far more poignant and agreeable. Minase has enough care about the subject to ensure that the plot is a series of arrangements where the characters triumph not despite their so-called flaws but specifically because of them.
So an ideal Minase Ordeal would focus on a different subject that Minase recurrently displays passionate, empathetic, and agreeable opinions about. So what can we find in his roster of character? Minase made Servant versions:
Zenobia, whose historical significance is entirely about resisting Roman colonization, although she failed. Minase portrays as someone who literally wears her failure and tries to conduct herself with dignity regardless to prove the point that the Roman conquerors couldn't truly defeat her Palmyra spirit. I think this one is a bust execution-wise, but it's significant that the idea is there.
Lakshmi Bai, whose historical significance is entirely about resisting English colonization. Minase portrays her as someone who can't help but disdain the innocent English civilian Holmes and acknowledges the irrationality of it, but the entire surrounding cast including Holmes himself assure her that she is entitled to her feeling because colonization is that gruesome and traumatic of a process.
The Trung sisters, whose historical significance comes not exactly from resisting colonization, but from leading an independence war, which is similar enough in spirit.
Columbus, whose historical significance comes from being a colonizer. I don't need to tell you how Minase chose to portray him.
With Fate/ drawing its action cast from history books, it's inevitable that we get a decent amount of characters whose bulk of their offscreen backstory was spent conquering, slaughtering, and assimilating other cultures. Some certified colonizers, like Richard and Takeru, are very self-critical about it. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have Iskandar, who gets flak from Faker and Ptolemy for his stupid decisions toward the Diadochi, but the journey of conquest and domination gets framed as the fun adventure no one is critical of. Either way, none of other characters not written by Minase get irredeemable treatment that Columbus gets.
The franchise's most prominent colonizer is, of course, Arthur(ia) Pendragon. Both versions are defined by the regret that comes with ultimately failing their kingdom, but their failings are never credited to the notion that violently conquering the British tribes and unifying the isles is an inherently bad thing. That's the image of greater good they fought for, and that part remains unchallenged. The closest Nasu got to criticizing Arthuria for being a colonizer is by showing the Round Table's brutal treatment of the Arabs in the Sixth Singularity. I'm mentioned this specially because this is Percival's first reaction to eating a mixed breakfast buffet in the current Minase-written Dubai event:
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Minase's Percival is strongly defined by his respectful interest in foreign cultures and, fittingly enough for a knight who opposed the Lion King, he's maybe the first character to directly criticize Arthuria on her disregard for the traditions she trampled in the unification of Britain. That's a thing I'd appreciate more of and can only imagine Minase daring to touch on.
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yoonavii · 1 year
Context: Luffy as a social media influencer
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Luffy’s social media presence is unique and refreshing. He posts videos of his adventures, wild stunts, and funny mishaps. His followers are always eager to see what crazy thing he’s up to next.
Luffy’s authenticity shines through in his content. He never tries to be someone he’s not, and his genuine personality attracts a loyal fanbase who appreciates his honesty.
Luffy loves interacting with his fans. He frequently goes live to answer fan questions, challenges his followers to fun dares, and even hosts virtual parties where he eats a ton of meat!
His adventurous life provides a constant stream of content. Whether he’s exploring new islands, battling enemies, or discovering hidden treasures, his followers are hooked on his thrilling updates.
Luffy’s hashtags are legendary. He comes up with the most creative and amusing hashtags that trend worldwide. #MeatMuncher, #RubberAdventures, and #StrawHatSwag are just a few examples.
Luffy often ropes in his crewmates for collaborations. Whether it’s Chopper’s medical tips, Zoro’s sword techniques, or Sanji’s cooking tutorials, his crew adds a unique twist to his content.
Luffy starts his own viral challenges that quickly catch on. From the “Gum-Gum Challenge” to the “Daring Dive Challenge,” fans from all over the world join in on the fun.
Luffy is famously bad at keeping secrets, and this translates into his online presence too. He sometimes accidentally leaks upcoming adventures, leaving his followers excited for what’s to come.
Luffy loves giving back to his fans. He hosts epic giveaways where he offers exclusive Straw Hat merchandise, signed posters, and even invites a few lucky winners to join him on his adventures.
Luffy’s infectious positivity and enthusiasm have a way of brightening his followers’ days. Many fans tune in just to see his cheerful smile and energetic spirit.
Luffy has broken the internet a few times with his wild and unexpected antics. His followers eagerly anticipate his next post, wondering what crazy thing he’ll do next.
Even though he’s not actively trying to set trends, Luffy’s unique style and way of life inadvertently inspire fashion choices, travel destinations, and even new catchphrases.
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©𝐘𝐎𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐈— Any sign/evidence of plagiarism made from outside this name will be dealt with by whatever means necessary. Legal action may occur if non fanfiction works are plagiarized.
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heavenlymorals · 3 months
Charles, Molly, and Micah: Sacajawea, Dracula's Bride, and the Devil - the Literary Symbolism of Three More Characters
(Warning: This post contains spoilers for RDR2.)
I've already written two symbolic analysis for Dutch and Arthur as being representatives of the literary vampire and stag. That was fun, so let's do it again for these three characters- I know, kind of an odd trio, but I am here to yap 😃👍🏼
Let's start with Charles. When it comes to literary merit, Charles to me seems like an example of a Sacajawea character. Well, what is a Sacajawea character? Let's establish some short context- Sacajawea was a real Shoshone woman who is most famous for her role as an interpreter and guide for the William and Clark expedition to explore the Louisiana purchase. There is a lot more context then just that, but hang onto the idea of Sacajawea being a guide. That is what the Sacajawea character is.
They are a guide. They aren't really mentors as they're not there to force the main character to do something in order to learn or to progress their quest lines. They make suggestions, via either words or actions or just difference of perspective, but they won't tell the main character what they should and shouldn't do. Another aspect of the Sacajawea character is that they are almost always a person of color and that the person they are guiding is almost always a white person. The Sacajawea character sometimes guides by introducing a new culture or new struggles that the white person doesn't have to face due to societal privileges. Other times, the Sacajawea character guides by simply being a person who acts as an antithesis to materialism, which in many cases in history has been the motivation of European colonialism. They will instead opt to focus more on people and the spirit.
A Sacajawea character can be kinda tricky as it can either create a very well-rounded character who does their role but who also maintains their own literary autonomy without the need of having to exist just for the sake of the white character, or it can create a disgusting caricature that exploits non white cultures and values.
Wow, holy shit that was a lot of yapping. Anyways, about Charles-
Charles is a Sacajawea character. Though he can exist on his own without having to rely on Arthur for his literary merit, he still operates in a similar way. In the beginning of the game, Arthur was pretty materialistic, but Charles still guides him right in that he emphasizes the value of people (Sean, the German family) rather than the materialistic pursuits of the gang. He opens up to Arthur about his culture, or at the very least what he remembers about his culture. He also offers Arthur a new perspective regarding morality and death. Is Charles a mentor? No. He isn't, he isn't forcing Arthur to do anything, but he makes suggestions. He is a half black/half native guide who offers Arthur, a white man, new perspectives. Charles is a Sacajawea character.
Now onto Molly. Since I've already established in a past post that Dutch is a literary vampire, it only makes sense that Molly is a Dracula's bride sort of character. To recap, a vampire character is a character who consumes for their own desire at the expense of others. The blood sucking can be a metaphor for selfish sex, fraud, toxicity, and just a disregard for others for the sake of one's own desires and ambitions. So if Dutch is a vampire, Molly is the victim of the vampire, or the vampire's "bride". A vampire's bride is a character who falls for the charms of the vampire at the expense of their own autonomy and happiness as they are tricked into thinking they would get it with the vampire. They also usually have these characteristics- they are usually a young woman, beautiful, naive, and "exotic" in the sense that they hold some sort of allure for the vampire.
Molly is all of that. She is young, she is beautiful, she is naive in thinking that she'll have this romantic adventure with Dutch by ditching her old lifestyle and family behind, and she's "exotic" is the sense that she comes from an overseas aristocratic family
Molly is "sucked dry" in the sense that Dutch uses her for his own selfish desires and once he is done with her, he discards her. He takes her "blood" or her life and leaves her "dead" or with nothing as she is used and discarded. She cannot handle it. She isolates herself from other people, which is also reminiscent to how the vampire's victims will isolate themselves from humanity, and her only company is her despair until she commits an indirect suicide by lying about telling the Pinkertons about the bank robbery. Molly is the vampire's bride.
Last but definitely- nevermind, last and least is Micah Bell. If you live in a western culture then you live in a Christian culture, whether you believe in it or not, so my interpretation of the Devil in regards to Micah is going to be biblical. Now Micah is just a bad person all around, but his Devil attributes show the most with his relationship and manipulation of Dutch.
A Devil character is a character that tries to offer something, maybe power, maybe fame, maybe money, maybe talent, at the expense of someone's "soul" or self respect and dignity. Hold on to this idea.
Micah is a representation of the Devil using the snake to ultimately have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit and defy God or "goodness". This is also backed by the blind prophet saying: "Your father is seduced by him with the forked tongue. There is no use hoping." Dutch is seduced by Micah who is a Devil character or a snake with a forked tongue.
Dutch, although one could argue was still very crooked from the beginning, was a likeable person and even someone worthy of following, or at least to Arthur he was, until Micah came and began telling him things that contradict with his original image of being a virtuous Robinhood figure. Micah convinces Dutch to make rash desicions (eating the apple) like killing Cornwall or ignoring John or abandoning Abigail when prior to that, Dutch was the one sending men to bust out Sean and Micah and he was also the one usually breaking Arthur out of jail. The rash decisions also represent Dutch's greed for materialism, which is what the Devil also convinces Adam and Eve to do when they ate the fruit.
Another aspect of Micah being the devil is how after Dutch works with him, he feels shame, but doesn't have the courage to admit to his wrongdoings. This also mirrors how Adam and Eve got manipulated by Satan. They know they did something wrong, but where they could've told God what happened, they instead ran away out of shame as they couldn't admit they did wrong. Arthur's death is the questioning of God and Dutch, having been seduced by the Devil, could only walk off in his shame as he cannot face his moral failure. Adam and Eve also don't return to the Devil just like how Dutch ignores Micah when he was yelling at him to go with him, which shows that they know they got manipulated and did stupid things because of it, but they are too prideful to face it at first.
Micah is quite literally the Devil in the most biblical sense.
(I hope my English teacher is proud of me-)
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thexvthmember · 2 months
I’ve been sitting on this for a while, but I finally feel confident enough to post this ehe
It is my pleasure to introduce my Twisted Wonderland Fan-Dorm and Characters,
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Semper - (Latin) Always, Forever
Mare- (Latin) Sea
Welcome to Sempermare Dorm
A dorm based on the Legendary Pirates’ spirit of Intrepidness. Twisted from Peter Pan.
Those whose souls reveal their nature to belong to Sempermare are the bold and the brave, born adventurers waiting for their call to action. They crave all things this world has to offer, whether riches, knowledge or glory; it is their destiny to always seek new sights, sounds and feelings, to embrace and seize a new day.
The Legendary Pirate, once a chivalrous outlaw that sailed every sea of Twisted Wonderland, who became a great hero tangled in an epic quest to save the Isles of the Never Moor from a dastardly villain known as The Young One. One of the first humans to befriend a fae, he was guided on his journey by a beautiful Pixie, freed the Isles and brought peace back to those magical lands. Legends say that upon his death, in the Pixie’s mourning of her dear companion, she lifted his ship into the skies of Twisted Wonderland to sail among the stars.
Colors; Magenta, Red
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🪝 Housewarden § Henri de Marino 🪝
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Age: 19
Birthday: May 29th
Height: 175 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Grade: Junior
Homeland: Sunshine Lands
Best Subject: Magic Analysis
Club: Fencing Club
Hobbies: Tinkering with his prosthetic
Pet Peeves: Consistent repetitive sounds
Favorite Food: Codfish Casserole
Least Favorite Food: Octopus
Talent: Navigating without a map
“Do you hear that? It’s the sound of the winds of change calling, my friend!”
Housewarden of Sempermare. A carefree and curious young man with a flair for the dramatic, always chasing new experiences and opportunities. His brash attitude belies the care and willingness to lend a hand to anyone he considers a part of his ‘crew’.
Signature Spell: Onto Neverland
Allows Henri to grant himself and anyone he chooses the ability to fly. The more people he uses this spell on, the shorter the flight time.
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⚓️ Vice-Housewarden § Read Kipling ⚓️
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Age: 18
Birthday: July 8th
Height: 158 cm
Dominant Hand: Left
Grade: Junior
Homeland: Queendom of Roses
Best Subject: Animal Linguistics
Club: Fencing Club
Hobbies: Sewing
Pet Peeves: Reading glasses fogging up
Favorite Food: Kiwi soda
Least Favorite Food: Codfish
Talent: Swordplay
“Aye aye Cap’n! Come on, you try too, it’s fun!”
Vice-Housewarden of Sempermare. A student whose ability to keep a cool head borders on obliviousness. Even so, it’s thanks to his calming demeanor contrasting Henri’s oft-reckless behavior that Sempermare is able to keep order as well as it does.
Signature Spell: All Hands On Deck
Allows Read to share a large portion of his own magical energy with another person. This can even grant a non-mage the ability to use magic for a limited time.
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🐊 Student § Tricket Thomas 🐊
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Age: 17
Birthday: December 27th
Height: 180 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Grade: Sophomore
Homeland: Sunset Savanna
Best Subject: History of Magic
Club: Film Research Club
Hobbies: Collecting antique pocket watches
Pet Peeves: People running away from him
Favorite Food: Boiled Mud Crabs
Least Favorite Food: Snake meat
Talent: Enhanced Hearing
“O-hoho? Did you really think you’d be able to sneak up on me? Well aren’t you silly!”
Behind the ever-present, menacing and pointed smile, this reptilian beastman is a true gentleman whose goal is to make as many new friends as possible. Unfortunately, his appearance, mannerisms and social cluelessness often lead to others being frightened of him.
Signature Spell: Tick-Tock-Time
Allows Tricket to either slow or accelerate the speed of objects. This spell cannot be cast on people or animals, only inanimate objects.
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Thank you for reading! I hope you all enjoy my characters and ideas for this Dorm! I know a Peter Pan Dorm isn’t exactly original, but as one of my favorite classic Disney films, this was one I HAD to make. I plan to make Dorm Uniform card versions with an attempt to somewhat follow Yana’s style, so I suppose that’s something y’all can look forward to! Thank you again for your time.
This is XV, signing off for now~!
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