#i want to try the ami-tea goddammit!
curemoonliite · 8 months
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as a matcha tea owl house girl i am personally offended that this coffee shop is on the opposite side of the country as me
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ultralazycreatorfan · 4 years
Sophiana... well it’s just thoughts right now... I’ll write another chapter.... so Sophiana stuff except it’s written by an idiot so don’t get your hopes up because idk how to write and my sentences are v long. I don’t even wanna put this in the kotlc tags I’m embarrassed of my writing oof
Sophie groaned, letting herself fall back onto her bed, staring up at the stars that decorated her ceiling. Honestly, they were a bit tacky, but she was glad Edaline put them up when she’s first gotten adopted. They suited her - or, well, everything that came with her ‘legacy’ or whatever.
Was it selfish to miss her old life when her biggest issues were wondering where Amy had hidden her diary? Probably....
The blonde sighed, forcing herself back up into a sitting position. She missed movie nights and baking chocolate chip cookies and watching Netflix until 5:00am. She missed birthdays and fantasy books and... she missed being human.
“Sophie!” A voice broke her out of her thoughts.
Her head snapped up. Her brown eyes traveled to the door where a familiar figure stood.
“Oh, sorry. Did you say something?”
Grady’s eyebrows were furrowed together - something he did that when he was concerned as Sophie had learned over the years. She must’ve missed something.
“You alright, kiddo?" Oh yeah she definitely missed something.
Sophie resisted the urge to break into his mind and figure out what’d she’d missed as she gave a quick nod. Her voice started up before she could stop it. “Just a little tired - normal Foster stuff!”
Grady raised an eyebrow as his lips twitched like he wanted to smile. “You might wanna wake up - you promised Biana you’d go with her to Atlantis”
“I did?”
“That’s what she’s saying. She’s downstairs so you might wanna get out of those pajamas.” With that, he backed out of her room, closing the door behind him.
Oh shit... That’s today.
Sophie’s cheeks flared up as she scrambled off of her bed and over to her closet. Her eyes scanned the racks of clothes as she looked for something decent - Biana thought she looked good in red, right? Right. Sure. Totally.
After grabbing a probably clean bra, she threw the simple red tunic over her head, racing to the other side of the room for those black dress pants they’d bought the last time they went out.
Oh gods she really hoped Biana wouldn’t realize how hard she was trying to look good for her... or how the only reason Sophie’s hair was in a ponytail was because she was in far too much of a hurry to brush it.
Sophie was just about to rush out her door before she realized something, dropping the shoes she’d picked up. 
She tripped over her own feet as she raced to the mirror set in the corner of her room.
Vertina looked her up and down. “Why do you seem like you just did a triathlon.”
“Because I did.” Sophie grumbled, picking up a bobby pin to tuck a stray strand of hair back. “Now how do I look?”
Vertina stayed silent as Sophie did a quick spin, but when she stopped to look at the black haired girl, she certainly didn’t seem too amused. “In a hurry are we?”
“You look fine - though you could do with some eyelin-”
Fine was good enough, goddammit!
Biana set down the cup of tea Edaline had given her as she heard a pair of feet slowly make their way down the spiral staircase, a smile gracing it’s way onto her face as a familiar blonde came down.
The brunette looked her up and down. From her heeled boots to her red shirt, she could tell Sophie had, for once, put a bit of thought into her outfit.
“I like it.” She encouraged. Her smile only grew bigger as the blush that was previously a light pink turned red.
“Thanks.” Sophie managed out. “Sorry I’m a little late.”
Biana held back a giggle. “It’s okay. Now come on! You promised this time you’d let me choose dresses for you!”
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shimmershaewrites · 7 years
Waltzing's for Dreamers, Chapter 9 (a Walking Dead story, Caryl AU).
Title:  Waltzing's for Dreamer's
Rating:  I'm going to say M, just to play it safe. 
Warnings:  Adult language.  Some innuendo. 
Characters/Pairings:  Carol/Daryl, Bob Stookey, Merle Dixon.  Mentions of Andrea Harrison and Amy Harrison, Dale and Irma Horvath, Michonne, Sophia Peletier, Simon. 
 Sorry for the delay on this.  I got sucked into watching Ice Dancing, hahaha, and yeah.  It's Tuesday already.  ;)  Oops.  Damn, I really need to go to bed.  If it's makes you feel better, it's twice as long as usual, lol.  Which, shit.  Means there's twice as much chance for typos--that I will totally fix later. 
  Waltzing’s for Dreamers
    Four months after Vegas.  Their first Thanksgiving together as a pseudo-family.  More accurately, the aftermath.   
      “Thanks for the invite,” Bob grins.  “The leftovers, too,” he says, lifting the foil wrapped plate in his hands as they reach the foot of the stairs and near his door. 
  Offering up a distracted nod as acknowledgment, Daryl peers out into the November night.  His expression sours a bit when he sees the orange glow of a lit cigarette and the outline of a familiar figure.  He ducks his head, attempts to piece together an apology.  “Hey.  Uh, about what my brother said…” 
  The former army medic barely spares him a second glance, just shrugs the whole awkward situation off like water off a duck’s back as he fumbles one-handed for the keys in his pocket.  “It’s alright.” 
  He shakes his head.  Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.  “Don’t have to say that because I know it ain’t.  Fucker was a real asshole to you and I know he ain’t gonna say sorry himself so I’m sayin’ it for him.  M’sorry.  You didn’t deserve that.”  The man’s ever-present smile freezes.  Just a moment, a blink and you’d miss it second that leads Daryl to believe he’s somehow made this whole mess worse, but then it returns slow and easy-like. 
  “Apology accepted.  Now tell Carol I’ll wash her plate up and have it back to her in no time.” 
  “Ain’t no rush,” Daryl tells him gruffly. 
  “Tell her,” Bob insists. 
  “Will,” he agrees, rubbing a restless hand over the scruff on his chin as his eyes gravitate again to the parking lot.  The orange glow has disappeared, but he can still make out his brother’s outline lurking around his truck and his jaw clenches.  He tenses even more when he feels a hand land briefly on his shoulder, forces himself to relax when he realizes the other man just wants to offer him a bit of friendly, unsolicited advice.  
  “Keep it civil.  Don’t let him get under your skin.  You’ll be giving Simon the ammunition we both know he’s been looking for.” 
  Daryl takes the pointed reminder to heart.  Grits his teeth and digs his blunt nails into his palms when his brother starts spewing his same old garbage, cackling like it’s high comedy instead of ignorant drivel, making him question how he ever managed to look the other way in the past.
  “Lookin’ pretty cozy over there with Ole Buckwheat.  Hell.  Thought for a second you two’s gonna kiss goodnight.”   
  “Man, fuckin’ shut your mouth,” he snaps, snatching up the cigarette Merle offers him and tossing it to the cracked asphalt below.  Grinding it beneath the heel of his shoe and anticipating the irritated slap to the back of his head, ducking just in time and making his brother grumble under his breath in response. 
  “Takin’ it you ain’t gettin’ no so-called benefits out of this marriage arrangement of yours.  Wouldn't be wound so tight if you was.” 
  “Benef…” Daryl sputters.  Jerking his collar up against the noticeable chill in the air, he stalks off.  Avoids facing the knowing glint in Merle’s eyes head on.  “Benefits?” he scoffs.  “Ain’t like that, Asshole.  You even hearin’ yourself?”  He whirls around angrily when the sonuvabitch starts laughing like some kind of crazed hyena.  He figures he probably ain’t far off.  Expects to see his eyes bright and wild with his latest ticket to oblivion, but they’re clear.  Calculating and concerned in their own way.  “Goddammit, Merle.  What you playin’ at?” 
  “Ain’t playin’ at nothin’,” Merle shrugs.  “Just wanted to confirm something and you confirmed it for me alright.” 
  Tiredly, he asks.  Because he knows he can’t let it go.  “Yeah?  What’s that?” 
  “This little situation you got yourself stuck in, it’s more real than you bargained for.” 
  His words strike a little too close to the truth.  Glance off an unshielded nerve and Daryl mutters, “How you figure that exactly?”  
  “You’re in love with her.  Even worse, you done tripped ass over tea kettle for that little girl watchin’ your every move with stars in her eyes.  Might as well admit it, Baby Brother.  You treading water in the deep end.” 
  “Fuck you,” he growls. 
  “See now,” Merle smirks.  “I bet if you ask her real nice and polite-like, your mousy little missus will let you crawl between her thighs and…”
  Daryl gets up in his brother’s face, pointed finger stabbing him in the chest and voice hissing low.  “Best not finish that sentence.”
  Holding his hands up, the elder Dixon steps back.  “All I’m sayin’ is you ain’t alone.  Know you didn’t see ‘em.  But judgin’ by them heart eyes she was givin’ you over the dinner table, you and Mouse is in the same boat.  And Ole Merle, well…” 
  Daryl cuts him off, his denial vehement.  “Ain’t you.”
  In an instant, Merle sobers.  “Never claimed you was.” 
  “You try to apologize, I’m gonna kick your ass into the end of February.  You feel something, you stick by it.”  Cupping his big hands over Daryl’s shoulders, he looks him in the eyes.  All the jokes, all the innuendos stripped away in a rare moment of sincerity.  “Mean it ‘til somebody does something deservin’ of reconsiderin’ but don’t you dare say you’re sorry.” 
  Caught off-guard by his brother’s serious tone, he can do no more than nod.  Look down to his feet. 
  Clapping a hand against Daryl’s neck, Merle gives his hair one last obnoxious knuckling before putting some distance back between them and patting his front pocket for his pack of cigarettes.  Coming up empty, he blows out a big breath.  Launches into a whole string of rambling words.  “Headin’ back out tomorrow.  Figured I’d see which way the wind takes me.  Can’t say as to when I’ll be back ‘round these parts.  Know it won’t be no big loss to you, but I probably won’t make it to you and your girls’ Christmas.” 
  He really lays it on thick, makes Daryl feel sorry as shit for him, and before he even recognizes what he’s doing, he’s inviting the weasel to breakfast.  Feeling like he’s just been played like a golden fiddle. 
  “Always was the sweet one,” Merle drawls as he cranks up the Triumph, starts walking the idling machine backward.  “Don’t you be keepin’ Mouse up all night.  Gettin’ an early start.” 
  Daryl’s answer to that is a middle finger salute as he turns on his heel, takes the steps two at a time until the door knob is turning under his hand and he’s letting himself back into the apartment that just hours ago had been filled to brimming with Stookey, Andrea and her kid sister Amy.  His Hawaiian shirt-wearing boss and the man’s wife, who just so happened to share an address with the youngest Harrison.  And Michonne and Merle, not to mention Carol and Sophia.  Now it’s empty.  Silent but for the absent humming that he follows to the kitchen and he lingers in the doorway, watches the woman that wears his ring.  Sleeps just down the hall from him every night and gives him a soft smile goodbye each and every morning since she first welcomed him inside her home.  “Hey,” he finally greets.  His voice rumbles low as he approaches her and a tiny shiver ripples across her slim shoulders.  One he wouldn’t have even noticed had he not been studying her so intently, and he schools his surprised expression, the very idea that Merle wasn’t just blowing smoke up his ass like always causing a seismic shift in his way of thinking.  The way he searches her blue, blue eyes when they light on him and sparkle in the low light. 
  “Hey,” she murmurs.  “Your brother make it out okay?”  
  Dipping his chin low to his chest, he steps up beside her at the sink.  Turns on the tap to start rinsing as she washes, her hands delving in and out of the soapy water.  “Asshole invited himself to breakfast tomorrow morning, though.” 
  She laughs, soft and silvery at the news, flicks a foamy bubble at him as she transfers a plate into his waiting hands.  “Sure hope he likes cereal.”
  He huffs out a laugh of his own.  “Yeah?” 
  “Yeah,” she smiles to herself.  “I don’t cook the day after Thanksgiving.  Not since Sophia and I have been on our own anyway.  It’s strictly cereal and leftovers.” 
  “New tradition?” he teases. 
  “Something like that.  Last year it was Lucky Charms.  This year we put it to a vote and decided to expand the menu to include Apple Jacks.” 
  “Knowing Merle like I do, he’ll eat that shit right up.  The less nutritional value the better far as he’s concerned,” he explains.   “Man’ll put damn near anything in his mouth.” 
  “In my admittedly limited experience,” she shyly points out, “he’s not the only one.  Pickled pig’s feet?  Seriously?” 
  The corner of his mouth lifts in a tiny half-smile of remembrance.  He still ain’t sure who’d been more disgusted.  The woman at his side or her girl.  “Sign of a true Dixon.” 
  “That so?” 
  Her fingers brush against his own when she hands him another plate and it’s all he can do to keep from shuddering because it’s like Merle’s offhand suggestion tripped all his circuits and his body’s stopped trying to mask its responses to her.  His heartbeat starts to pick up speed and his breath grows short.  His voice sounds a little strangled when he responds, “Yeah.  Yeah.”  He clears his throat but it does little good.    “T’is.”  He hasn’t felt this off-balance since he woke up in that bed with her, his dick all snuggled up to her backside, and he busies himself with arranging the rinsed dishes in the nearby strainer.  Gazing out the tiny kitchen window until he can trust himself not to bury his hands in all those messy curls piled up on the top of her head.  Pull her to him and kiss her ‘til she sighs and melts against him, soapy water soaking him to the skin because dammit.  This isn’t what they agreed.  This isn’t what either of them signed up for.  Already, he adores that little girl sleeping down the hall too much to fuck things up by letting his head go under.  Allowing himself to fall in love with her mama.  Anyway.  It’s too soon.  Too damn soon to even be entertaining these thoughts.  Fuckin’ Merle.  Ain’t ‘til she reaches over him, places the last of the dishes in the strainer beside his own that he realizes how lost in his head he’d been.  How his silence had worried her. 
  “Hey.”  Her brows furrow and her teeth tug at her bottom lip.  “I was just teasing.  You know that, right?” 
  “Know,” he mutters.  “Think I’m gonna take a shower.  Go ahead and turn in.  Been a long day.”  He forces himself not to react to the disappointment she can’t quite hide on her pretty face.  Covers up his own guilt by making one last half-hearted offer.  “Need any more help with anything in here?” 
  Quietly, she reassures him.  “I’m alright.  Be sure to save some warm water for me.” 
  Won’t be a problem, he thinks.  “Will,” he promises.  “G’night.”
  “Good night, Daryl.” 
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disneydreamlights · 7 years
Can you do the randomizer for me too? I want Ray/Sera, Ray/AK, Ami/Jaden, um... Hilda/N, Island Trio, and Roxas/Namine. owo
Course. XD
5. Who usually has nightmares?
...Both do. Ray’s are worse, but Sera has a worse reaction to them because Ray’s at least kind of used to it.
9. Who makes the coffee (or tea)?
Ray makes coffee, if Sera can’t get a super ridiculously sweetened beverage, she just goes for tea and makes that herself when Ray won’t. (She still adds honey to that though.)
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
Sera’s a mush who loves romance movies, I like the idea of Ray hating horror movies because he likes to pretend he’s not scared to seem tough but the truth is he’s terrified.
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Let’s be real for a second, Sera’s surprisingly brave and has few fears, Ray’s probably just all bravado, but because of that nobody thinks he’s scared. So neither.
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Sera being in Ray’s clothes just sounds adorable to me. And idk if they’re the same size but I’ll assume so just so I can have the image of Ray in Sera’s dress in my head.
29. Who is the better cook?
To be honest, I don’t think Ray can cook and tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if he lived off poptarts, so I mean...it’s gotta be Sera. 
46. Who has the longer food order?
Neither, I don’t see Ray bothering with long food orders and Sera’s not a very picky eater, so...
48. Who loses stuff?
So Ray lives in a mess and Sera’s an overly clean person so likely what happens is Sera is cleaning up so she can find things and Ray’s organized mess of a life gets disorganized with everything clean so either he makes it a mess or loses things and this cycle repeats.
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger?
Sera drives, Ray doesn’t have the patience for traffic and that makes him not a very safe one, so Sera just...doesn’t let him drive. owo’
3. Who hogs the cover/ Who loves to cuddle?
AK loves to cuddle but goddammit AK stop stealing the blankets while you do it you’re leaving Ray to freeze.
6. Who would have really deep emotional thoughts at the middle of the night/ Who would have them in the middle of the day?
AK has really deep thoughts midday, Ray gets sleep drunk in the middle of an all night anime marathon during the day with AK and starts having deep thoughts then.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
I don’t know the heights of either of these ocs. Shit. owo’
18. Who is a cat person/ Who is a dog person?
...Can I say they’re both dog people? Please? Kitsunes are close enough to dogs, right?
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
AK steals Ray’s stuff all the time, but not so she can wear it. No, she’s doing it to get him into a cosplay of some kind. Which probably belongs to AK.
29. Who is the better cook?
...After much deliberating I’ve decided that neither of these two can cook and they probably order in food a lot or bug Sera to make them something. owo’
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
“If lost return to Ray.” “I am Ray.”
36. Who is the social media addict?
AK runs about five different anime social media pages and is constantly on them trying to find new animes.
38. Who likes to star gaze?
...Honestly neither, Sera probably convinces one of them to try it once, but I don’t think they spend very long looking at stars.
50. Who is the hopeless romantic? 
...AK. XD
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
Ami doesn’t even think about it tbh, she just sleeps in her underwear or witches outfit nine times out of ten. Not sure about Jaden though I feel like he’s a pajama guy.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
Ami is probably smol, Jaden is tol.
21. Who has an obsession (over anything)?
Ami’s obsessed with fashion and looking good, if that counts as an obsession. XD
24. Who is the talker/ Who is the listener?
I’d say they’re probably about equal to be honest, but since Ami can have a tendency to ramble, she’s probably a bit more of a talker. XD
25. Who wears the other ones clothes?
Most of the time Ami steals Jaden’s clothes, but sometimes she just takes her witch hat and plops it on his head.
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
Personally, I think it depends on the holidays, but Ami goes way way way way way overboard on Halloween and Christmas, not so much anything else, but still.
36. Who is the social media addict?
Ami spends hours on social media stop her please get her away from the computer Jaden.
42. Who is the neat freak?
If either of these two, it’d have to be Jaden, Ami isn’t very good at being neat at all. owo’
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
Jaden wins them for Ami, I think, or at least he tries to, and Ami uses some spells to make sure he can. XD
47. Who has the more complex coffee order?
Ami: I’ll have a pumpkin spice latte with two cups of sugar and also a shot of gingerbread if you can add it in, and lost of whipped cream on top.” I think she has the most complex order. owo’
1. Who is the early bird/ Who is the night owl?
N’s always up really early for some reason, Touko’s not up super late, but she is more of a night owl than N.
4. Who wakes the other one up with kisses?
N’s already up earlier than her, so when he decides he wants to talk to Touko and she’s still asleep, he just kisses her awake.
5. Who usually has nightmares?
N gets super bad nightmares involving Ghetsis most of the time, some of them include Ghetsis convincing Touko of his view point, those really suck.
7. Who sweats the small stuff?
I had to give this a lot of thought, but Touko’s probably incredibly laid back, so N is more likely to sweat the small stuff.
12. Who is smol/ Who is tol?
Touko’s not smol but N is so tol he makes her smol. XD
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
N is more scared of stuff than Touko, but neither are particularly scaredy cats.
23. Who asks who out on the first date?
N asks her out first, Touko’s actually really surprised he does it, but she accepts because she did end up searching the world for him. owo’
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
“If lost return to Touko” “I am Touko”
38. Who likes to star gaze?
N is a stargazer, make no question about that. He has all the stars and their positions memorized for the season, so he can navigate using them too.
47. Who has the more complex coffee order? 
Touko, N won’t even touch the stuff to drink coffee, so she wins by default. XD
8. Who sleeps in their underwear (or naked)/ Who sleeps in their pajamas?
Riku wears pajamas, so does Kairi. Sora strips down to his underwear because he can’t sleep any other way.
11. Who likes horror movies/ Who likes romance movies?
Kairi loves horror movies, Sora however does not, Riku mostly serves as the mediator when it comes to picking movies and suggests things both of them will like that won’t result in Sora scared shitless.
15. Who is scared of the dark?
...Riku gets horrified a lot in the dark, not because he’s scared of the dark per se, but because when he’s in a bad place it most actively reminds him of the darkness.
16. Who is scared of thunderstorms?
So after all this is over all three of them get super scared by thunderstorms because what if it means darkness is back and somebody’s about to destroy the islands again. ;w;
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
“If lost return to Kairi.” “I am Kairi.” Sora and Kairi force Riku to wear it. XD
38. Who likes to star gaze?
All three of them, but especially Kairi to be honest. She drags them out to look at the stars most nights.
43. Who wins the stuffed animals at the carnival for the other one?
Riku wins them for both Sora and Kairi.
44. Who is active/ Who is lazy?
Kairi is most active, followed by Riku. Sora is a lazy bum.
45. Who is more likely to get drunk?
Sora gets drunk first. Convinces Kairi and Riku to get drunk, and the three of them spend the night being drunk idiots together.
46. Who has the longer food order?
Sora’s ridiculously picky when it comes to food and orders things super long. Riku’s orders are shortest.
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Neither really, Namine’s very brave overall and Roxas isn’t exactly a coward either. Namine might be considered one, but she really isn’t one at all.
20. Who is dominant/ Who is submissive?
Roxas is dominant, Namine is submissive.
28. Who is the book worm?
Namine’s a major bookworm, it provided her best means of escape besides drawing while she was in the Twilight Town mansion. Roxas, not so much.
30. Who likes long walks on the beach?
Both, mostly because Sora and Kairi like them but still.
34. Who would wear “if lost return to…” t-shirt/ Who would wear “I am…” t-shirt?
“If lost return to Sora and Kairi.” “We are Sora and Kairi.” Alternatively: “If lost return to Roxas.” “I am Roxas.”
35. Who goes overboard on the holidays?
Roxas goes overboard on holidays and you can’t convince me otherwise.
40. Who is the fun parent/ Who is the responsible parent?
Both try to be the responsible parent, but often times Sora and Kairi tend to leak into them and they tend to get bad, but Roxas especially.
41. Who cries during sad movies?
Roxas gets super emotional over these for some reason and I have no idea why. Namine’s typically crying a bit too. Tbh I think it has something to do with the fact that they can feel, but idk.
42. Who is the neat freak?
Neither really but tbh I like the idea of after being surrounded by white for so long Namine just occasionally purposefully makes messes so things aren’t nearly as white.
49. Who is the driver/ Who is the passenger?
...Don’t let either of these two drive. owo’
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