#i wanted to add kitty and jubilee but there were already too many people in the group
djinmer4 · 6 years
Family Ties (Amalgam!verse)
Takes place no more than a month before ‘Fashion Faux-Pas’.
“-die nachricht weitergeben.  Ja, wir sehen uns im Dezember.  Habe dich lieb Mama.“  Kurt hung up the phone and turned to the other members of the New Blood.  “There, you see?  Irene’s perfectly fine.  That letter you received was clearly some sort of prank.”
Runaway just curled further in herself.  She muttered in a low voice, “That’s good tah know.  But Ah don’t think the letter was referring to our foster mother.”
Kurt frowned.  “In that case just disregard it.  We certainly owe no care to the woman who abandoned both of us.”
At this point Kokoro broke in.  “Wait, I thought the two of you were only foster siblings.  Are you saying you’re actually related?”
The older man took up the responsibility of answering questions.  Clearly Anne-Marie wasn’t up to participating in long discussions right now.  “Yes, actually.  Irene never told us, but it’s the same name on the birth certificates.  Raven Darkholme.”
“So you have the same mother and foster mother?  That’s an odd coincidence.”
“No foolin’.”  Runaway roused herself to help her brother explain.  “Irene was listed as legal guardian by my parents.  When Dad died, she came tah the States tah adopt me.”
The British ninja turned to the other half of the sibling pair.  Kurt just shrugged.  “I just got dumped on Irene’s doorstep.  I guess since Raven saw she was willing, she felt fine dumping a second kid on her.”
“Irene and Raven are friends.  That’s what Irene says.”
“Mom puts up with way too much shit from this Raven chick.”
“Okay, time out.”  Wraith lifted his hands from where he was massaging his girlfriend’s shoulders.  “We’re getting off topic heah.  The point is-” The pitch-black man turned to the ninja, who only having walked in during Kurt’s phone call had missed some important parts.  “Runaway has received a lettah, stating that if she didn’t come to the-” He took a quick glance at the paper on the table.  “Dworshak Dam, in Clearwater, her mother would be killed.  The question is, do we go or not?”
“I vote no.  We have no proof that letter isn’t a hoax or a prank or a trap.”  Ryder crossed his arms and tactfully didn’t mention the lack of caring on his part.  It was pretty clear that wasn’t a winning argument with his little sister.
“Not your letter, mine.  Therefore my decision.  Ah’m going.”  Anne-Marie was usually fairly easy-going, but on this issue she wasn’t going to budge.
Finally Kurt lowered his eyes.  “Fine.  But not by yourself.  I’ll accompany you as Nightcreeper.”  He looked around.  “Anyone else want to come?”
“Ah’m coming!”  Announced Todd.  “It wouldn’t be right if Ah didn’t come to support my girlfriend in her hour of need.”
“I’m not,” stated Angelhawk.  “Actually I’d prefer if most of us stay here.  Amazon and Dark Claw currently have a lead on Green Skull and are pretty close to tracking him down.  We need to stay here to provide back-up once they find him.”  Runaway looked up with shock, fear and betrayal in her amber eyes.  “A-although I guess we can spare one more person to go on this . . . snipe hunt.”
For a while there was silence.  Kurt wondered if maybe he should back out.  Most of the JLX was uncomfortable dealing with Nightcreeper, perhaps they’d have more volunteers if he didn’t go.  Just as he was about to make the offer, Kokoro spoke up.  “I’ll go.”  She turned a glare on the taller man.  “But just to be clear, I’m doing this for Runaway, not you.”
He rolled his blue eyes.  “Ja, ja.  I’m over your.already.  Stop projecting.”
“Fine.”  The young woman with the bi-colored hair took charge, knowing that the sniping would go on for hours if no one did.  “We’ll leave tahmarrah, in the late afternoon.  That’ll give us enough time to case the joint before we attack.”
“Kokoro, what do you sense?”  Asked Wraith.
“About two dozen cult members, armed and acting as guards.  Not exactly brilliant but we’ll have problems if they gang up together on any of us.”  The ninja’s eyes glow pale white in the dim lighting.  “A couple more inside, probably high ranking members.”  She frowned.  “Several anxious individuals, but no one panicking or despairing the way a hostage would.  If they’ve got her, she’s been knocked out.”
“Can’t rule it as a prank yet then.”  Runaway bit down on her lip nervously.  “Okay, Nightcreeper, Wraith, you’re on distraction duty.  Kokoro and I will sneak it while their attention is focused on you.”
“Hihihi!  As you wish, mein schwester.”  Nightcreeper followed words to actions, teleporting directly in front of one of the spotlights.  While the cult members cried out in surprise and opened fire on the invulnerable mutate, Wraith charged a handful of cards and threw them at the helicopters they could see parked on the tarmac.  Amidst the smoke and confusion Kokoro and Runaway made their way to the wall.  Kokoro cut a hole in and they slipped away from the fighting.
Inside the telepathic ninja guided their way, avoiding the guards rushing out to reinforce their fellows.  Finally the two of them made their way to a large door.  Behind it they could hear a woman calling out for help.  Runaway looked at her co-worker.  Kokoro cast out her psychic senses.  “Only one living signature.  But muted.  I think there’s some shielding in the walls.”
“Okay.” said Runaway, and promptly punched the reinforced steel door in.  The two New Blood burst into the room, but unfortunately no hostage did they see.  Instead it was, “Graydon Quinn!”  The leader of the Pro-Earth movement, anti-alien movement.
“Hah!  I knew that letter would send the JLX running to investigate.  It’s only too bad that the other half of my trap didn’t pan out!  But I can kill the two of you and claim a job well done!”  The madman cackled behind his glass cage, pressing a button that called up a set of reinforced walls and opened up some spray nozzles.
“Gas!  Quick, make a hole before we’re overwhelmed!”  Runaway tried to punch an opening in the wall, but the gas made her dizzy and weak.  Kokoro was no better.  She raised her swords to cut they’re way to freedom, but saw them fizzle and fade away.  Strange, she should have greater resistance to the gas than Runaway but instead her strength was fading even faster.  As she looked at the glowing green mist she realized why.  “Runaway, they’ve got kryptonite mixed in!”
The human woman stopped trying to punch her way through the walls and started trying to block the nozzles.  But there were too many and placed too far apart.  At the going rate they were both doomed.
Then an explosion blasted one of the walls out.  Debris showered over the two women, hammering down on their bodies and cutting into their skin.  But it also brought blessedly fresh air as well so they didn’t care.  As they took a few moments to recover, gunfire cut through the air . . . and the glass walls of the control center Creed had been hiding in.  A pale woman with red hair, dressed in white and wielding a large automatic stepped into the room.  “Anne?  Anne, are you here?” she cried out.  When she saw the two of them, she rushed over.
The woman hesitated when she got there, looking at Kokoro then Runaway.  But when the latter looked up, exposing the starburst in her hair, the red-head rushed over to her with an expression of relief.  “Oh thank the Gods, you’re still alive!  I thought I was too late!”  With that she shoved the automatic off to her back and helped the younger woman stand up.
As the three of them made their way out of the compound, Kokoro got a good look at their rescuer.  “Kantique!” she hissed, summoning her swords again.  They were short and the blades looked brittle, but she dare not go undefended in this creature’s company.  “How dare you show your face here?”
The older woman looked at her coldly, clearly not recognizing her from their first encounter.  “Rescuing my daughter of course.  Who are you?”
“My name is Elizabeth Tatsu Braddock.  You killed my parents.  Prepare to die.”  With that she lunged towards the other two.
Kantique moved her daughter to a sheltered position behind her, using the gun to block Kokoro’s strikes.  “Braddock?  Braddock?  Oh yes, the Kryptonian survivor who went native on this planet.  I knew I should have spent more time cleaning up lose ends.”
“Well, you won’t have to worry about that anymore!  This is one loose end intent on cleaning up you!”  Kokoro continued to slash at the alien assassin while Kantique maneuvered her towards the edge of the dam.  Finally the red-head side-stepped a thrust, moving into the ninja’s personal space.  One hand on her shoulder, a well-braced stance and a quick shove were all she needed to knock the other over the guard rail.
As Kokoro screamed, she felt someone grab her, then smelt a familiar puff of sulfur and the usual disorientation that accompanied Nightcreeper’s teleports.  The two of them were back on the edge of the bridge, listening to Kantique answer Runaway’s questions.  “I’ve had many children over the years.  But you’re my only daughter.  You matter more to me than all the rest.”
“Well, that answers some questions about my childhood.” muttered Nightcreeper, wrapping his tail around Kokoro to prevent her from going after Kantique again.  “Mood lighting, action, the reveal after the fight, I give it four stars!”
“If Ah mean so much to you, why did you abandon father and Ah when Ah was only three?”
The older woman sighed.  “I’m an interstellar assassin in the employ of Thanoseid.  I stayed with Mark and you as long as I could.  But Irene warned me that my enemies were catching up to me.  I had to leave you for you to be safe.”
Runaway sank to her knees, shaking her head.  The look on her face was disbelief warring with shock.
The other sighed.  “Just stay away from your brother’s ploys in the future.  Not that he’s going to be having a long one now.”  She turned to where they could hear a helicopter rising.  As it crested the dam they could see Graydon Quinn inside, a look of hate distorting his face.  Upon seeing Runaway, Kantique and Kokoro together, a look of unholy glee came upon him.
“All three alien bitches here together!  Truly a sign from the Lord!”  He tried to open fire, but Kantique was faster.  She managed to clip his rotors with her spray, causing the helicopter to start spiraling down.
Runaway’s mind was still far away.  “Wait, Graydon Quinn’s my brother too?”
“Half-brother.  With some army officer named Creed Quinn.  Don’t worry my dear, I’ll take care of him shortly.”  With that the alien pulled a detonator out of nowhere- “Trouserspace!” crowed Nightcreeper- and pressed it.  Explosions rocked the section of the bridge they were on, and it began to separate from the rest of the damn.
Upon seeing this, the green man grabbed Kokoro and his sister and teleported them back onto dry land.  There they saw that section of the dam, plus thousands of tons of water go crashing down on the helicopter Quinn was on.  After all the rumbling they, plus the exhausted Wraith (”Don’t go skipping out having fun without me, pardner.”  “Ja, ja, es tut mir leid.”) spent time looking for both Graydon Quinn and Kantique.  But they turned up nothing.
Back at the station, Runaway and Wraith were taking time to recover in private.  Nightcreeper had delivered a report of what happened, to the frustrated, irritable Dark Claw.  As he applied the patch and started to shed fur and too sharp teeth and a tail, Kokoro decided to confront him.
“So your Mom’s Kantique.”
“Irene’s my mom,” he corrected forcefully.  “Kantique’s just the glorified egg donor.”
“Runaway doesn’t see it that way.”
“Anne-Marie still idolizes Raven.  It’ll take her a while to recover from the disappointment.”
“And you?”
The last of the fur fell away and dissolved on the breeze.  Kurt shrugged and started putting on his every day clothes (suit, shirt, tie and even matching vest).  “I’ve always known that my mother must not have cared for me.  The feeling’s mutual.”
Kokoro nodded, but seemed distracted.  When he was finally dressed, she sauntered over.  “Stay away from me.”
“I said, stay away from me.  Stay away from my brother and Angelhawk too.  And Gloria Mundi.  Don’t ever go to England if you can help it.”  She leaned up to speak directly into his ear.  “If I ever fucking see you again, I’ll take your head off!”
With that she stomped off.  Wraith, who had slipped in as shadow while they weren’t paying attention turned to watch her go.  Once the door had sealed behind her, he looked back at Ryder.  “Did she mean that for the super-heroing as well?  Because it’ll be hard to be on the same team if she wants to kill you every time she sees you.”
Kurt finished buttoning the vest and shrugged.  “Ah, it’s alright.  Dark Claw says he wants me to help mentor a new team that’s being created.  So I was going to leave the New Bloods anyway.”
Wraith was less sanguine about the matter.  “Hope you get along better with this one.  God knows, you can’t do any worse.”
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Tails au (part 6)
N/A: This au is still alive, I guess.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
Hanako Arizawa has strawberry blonde hair, something the girl takes great length to take care as it´s dyed and she never liked her original hair colour, has green eyes 100% natural to everyone bewilderment (in the US, because, her mother has green eyes and she´s born in Kyoto like her mother was too and she too has green eyes) and of course, aside from having an unappealing and unassuming look, she´s a mutant who can seek information easily.
Of course, that´s not an offensive skill, but, many sides would love to have her on their teams, Brotherhood, Madripool, X-men, Excalibur, Avengers and so and on.
The thing is, no one knows about her power and she prefers this way, to cut a long story short, Hanako used her skill in Kyoto, Japan, to settle the problem and ended up bitting more than she can chew. 
She did enter in contact with a girl in love with her senpai, in a typical school of Kyoto, and give her information about her love rivals to make sure she could confess her undying love without a risk of rejection, yet, Hanako wasn´t prepared for the bloodshed, yes, she knew the girl would hurt the others, but, she thought she would just scare them and nothing else, after all, why kill for love? In the end, all Hanako wanted was to make sure her bullies were off her feet and now she has 4 coffin filled thanks to her powers.
Well, I wasn´t expecting to be like that. Hanako thought bemused as she´s on the library reading some comics lazily as her first period was cancelled. Love was sickness and Yandere-chan is 100% sick.
The emperor of Japan was ready to execute everyone involved in those deaths as if this would really help anyone, but if the emperor goes killing little girls...they would have to reveal a big secret her motherland kept. The country is filled with yanderes.
Better sent then to the US. Better sent Hanako to the US. And those are the sum up version of Sunfire, the first mutant in the Japanese Parlament in history of ever, idea and everyone agrees.
I´m a refugee and a criminal at the same time. Wonderful.
Someone storms in the library, ignoring the mean stares as some people were studying for tests and this person enter in a ruckus way, and finally found what she´s searching for.
"Hanako, I need your help!" Amanda hissed a tad bit louder to make, Jimmy, a boy who is really bad in math, hissed at her to make her silent, yes, Amanda is popular but even she must adhere to the library´s rules.
"Hi, Amanda, fancy to see you!" Hanako states somewhat bored still reading the comics. As if that would stop Amanda, in a way, Amanda is the opposite of Yandere-chan and that gives some comfort for Hanako.
"Sorry" Amanda apologises to Jimmy, who seems to accept and returns to his reading, and she continues to a more low tone. "Kurt arrives here with a new girl"
"Man, those germans can´t keep in their pants, can´t them?" Hanako jokes and Amanda ignores the insinuation to her beloved Kurt as she continues the story.
"And is one of those friends of Tabitha Smith! She was wearing a fake tail and ears and I´m tired to lose to a girl like her, Hanako, can you give me information about Tabitha?" Amanda asked in a kind tone and Hanako wants to say no. Oh how she wants, but, she is addicted to drama...and she can blame the X-men for that, right?
No, that wouldn´t be a good idea and Sunfire won´t help her and her family a second time, so, instead, Hanako decides to follow a different route.
"What you´ll do with the information?"
"Nothing much, I just want to set Tabitha and Kurt apart"
And this makes Hanako thinking. She knows they´re fuck buddies, but, can bet her life there´s no real feeling there, on the other hand, Tabitha Smith seems very close of that Brazilian girl, Amara, and is amusing to see Amanda go in an errands fool.
"You have to promise to not hurt or kill anyone with this information, got it? If you do...you´ll be in jail or worse and I don´t want that" Amanda is looking to the sides confused as to why Hanako is even saying that. Amanda does not want to kill Tabitha(hell, she´s not a murder, she can´t even watch the fakest B horror movie without fearing for the first death) she just wants to take her out of the game, just that.
"I´m not sure why you need this clarification, but, I just want Kurt´s attention, not blood" and Hanako´s powers allowed her to see the truth in Amanda´s words and it makes her feel a bit nostalgic because of this power also proves Yandere-chan´s words true...
Well, since she does not want to kill or hurt anyone...
"Ok, then, I´ll see what I can do" and she adds "Are you sure you don´t want to know more about the new student? Kitty Pryde?" and Amanda rolls her eyes amused.
"She´s a weeaboo, I get that, and really, she´s not a real threat. Guys don´t want to date a girl like that"
Ok, this will be fun, and no killing spree this time.
Tabitha Smith is trying not to laugh at the sight of Kurt being so utterly besotted by Kitty, she tries and fails, as she´s back to Amara and Jubilee, Amanda appears near their coffee table and gives a sneer at Tabitha and leaves.
"What the fuck?" she says not happy at all and was ready to fight Amanda, but, Amara and Jubilee calmed her down. Is not worth, plus, she won´t bother Tabby again, right?
"Kurt....you´re very popular" Kitty speaks impressed with her fluffy tail waving back and forth, and of course, making the others gaze at her tail in wonder, disgust and ridicule as they think she´s doing a poor form of cosplay. Kitty can deal with them, really, is nothing new for her. Especially those who think her tail is part of a poor cosplay.
Kurt, on his part, is not so happy to see people looking at her tail funny. And somehow feels as if he has double-standers. He hides his own tail, but, can truly be furious for how they treat Kitty? yes, he can. As much Kitty promised him, she really understands his reasons and asks for him to understand her own.
"Ah, well, is the accent, people love it!" Kurt jokes and Kitty chuckles and this seems nice, very nice to Kurt Wagner, until, Kitty states she has to go to her class, they have almost all classes together but this one and Kurt seems crestfallen about that.
"Ok, try not to charm too many people while I´m away. And wish me luck!"
"Good Luck, Katzchen"
Amanda is the first to enter in the classroom and soon is talking with her friends about the last movie, a chick flick that won´t age well, but for now, it gives plenty to talk, and when Kitty Pryde arrives all Amanda can do is laugh.
"Are you doing cosplay? Bold of you!" Amanda said and her friends laugh too while some try to pinpoint what anime Kitty try to cosplay.
"No cosplay, I´m a mutant, my tail and ears are real," Kitty said as if this is the umpteenth time already she repeated those words. "And doing cosplay is fun, not sure why you would mock if you´re already cosplay as the biggest and dumbest bitch I ever saw in my life"
And that silence Amanda who was not happy with this news, but, the professor enter the classroom and everyone shuts up. Amanda may not think Kitty is a rival, but, she´s not obliged to be nice to such a lying girl.
Mutants have cool powers...I bet she lied to Kurt and he, being too naive, believe in her words.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Evil movie au (the final)
N/A: Do I want to end this au? Yes, but this will be an opening end.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Stryker knows his project is not complete, there are many flaws and problems with the design, yet, the war is coming and he needs his weapon to end the pest once and for all, the mutantkind can´t continue to breathe.
“I can´t breath either knowing people like you are still alive” Psylocke shows up as Nightcrawler and the others such as Mystique are present in his lab along with dozen of dead guards.
Nightcrawler has his blades ready, and Stryker knows he won´t live longer, yet, despite that, all he can do is smile. “You may kill me, mutie, but I´m the hero here and my Sentinel is ready and set in motion…I´ll save the world” and to conclude the man adds “the first target? The X-men´s school” and laugh maniacally, a cliché he has the mind to understand, but, deep down, he can enjoy the irony, it was a combined work with Prof X, Moira and himself that lead to the creation of sentinel and now the sentinel will end the X-men.
Kurt cuts the man´s head, no one is complaining for real and Betsy is trying to contact the X-men, but, what do you know Jean Grey has a huge grudge against Betsy(trying to sleep with her boyfriend and now fiancé was not a savvy moment in her life and she is not sorry)
Emma Frost shows up with the others kids that were locked in this facility, the most horrible aspect of it, is that the kidnap means nothing for the project, Stryker was so lost in hate that he couldn´t distinguish human to mutant and half of those kids are humans and are equally afraid.
“So, I take the X-men will have problems again?” the White Queen asked as Raven notice 3 brunettes girls that are too similar to Raven. “Kurt, before teleporting and going mad, relax, I´m the White Queen for a reason” and smiles as she gives the conclusion “The Sentinel has many, many flaws and the biggest one of it…”
_____________________________________________________________________- Jean Grey was drinking coffee with milk as she enjoys the calm moment, until, she let the cup drop and frowns deeply, muttering the words “Danger” she send a message to all the X-men seniors and to her surprise she send a message to Kitty to join her in battle, they are going to be attacked by a sentinel.
Kitty is not thrilled by this, getting a chance is not the same as wanting to be attacked by the Sentinel, however, the sentinel was unfinished, a rough draft that still can cause harm. Scott uses his laser to prevent the Sentinel to come any closer.
Storm´s power wasn´t enough to destroy the sentinel in one go and Jean Grey is making shields, Scarlet Witch is not in the school as she is spending more and more time with the magical group. Pietro is with her this time and Jubilee is in a mission to track Laura Kinney.
Logan arrives and asked Jean to throw him at the Sentinel as his claws can talk with the machine, sadly, the Canadian was wrong as while the Sentinel is a rough draft the skin, so to speak, of the sentinel is not fragile and is made of adamantium turning his claws useless.
Nightcrawler arrives in one brimstone smoke and says he knows how to defeat the sentinel. “Katzchen, do you still know how to mess with computers? Because the sentinel can be deactivated internally, I know, sounds silly but Stryker is a stupid man” Kurt explained as Jean is still protecting them.
“I´ll teleport you to the top of the sentinel´s head and you´ll unplug the line that connects the sentinel” Kurt speaks more serious this time “I need someone to make the sentinel be still for 5 minutes” Kurt adds as his teleportation have limitations.
Kitty nods “I can do this in five minutes” and if she can smile as she´s thinking on dirty jokes then she´s still alive. Jean using her powers communicate to Storm, Scott and Logan about the new plan and they vow to make the sentinel not move an inch and in all honesty, Ororo is doing a better job.
Once Kurt teleport Kitty inside of the robot, she can see the myriad of lines and unplugged, slowly the sentinel manages to fall apart, as the Sentinel is about to fall to the ground, Kurt takes her out in a nick of time.
Kitty is fine and the robot is not, that´s what matters.
Magneto somehow caught the word of the failed attempted of taking the X-men´s lives was enough to make Magneto see red, much to the Enchantress´s delight as he killed Tony Stark in one go. A man using an iron suit is nothing against the master of magnetism.
Thor was not an easy target, but, Magento manages to beat him, sadly, Hulk is a force of nature and Magneto lost to the green monster, and the green monster wants to avenge his fellow friend, Enchantress is not counting with the fury of Hulk.
Yet, Quicksilver saves Magneto and Scarlet Witch is using her spell to calm Hulk and Dr Strange is now facing Enchantress that is much more than a pretty blonde. “Too late, Strange, Magneto already killed Tony Stark and the president of the US, and Thor is out of my way…I can do whatever I want now”
“You went all this trouble to do what you normally do in your free time? Also, the president of the US is still alive” Dr Strange reveals as the should be the corpse of the president turns out to be an illusion. “Scarlet Witch is really good with those spells, and is a bit ironic as you made your whole life an illusion didn´t notice the most basic one”
Thor rose from the ground, a bit hurt, but still ready to fight and is not pleased with Enchantress. “How?”
Dr Strange just shurgs “ Magic?” and cast a portal to send Enchantress to her prison, much to Thor´s dismay as he wanted to make the vile woman pay, but, now Odin will decide her destiny.
Meanwhile, Magneto is looking at his children in shame. Lorna is there as well, looking grateful at her new siblings(Magneto did talk about Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver) and is worried for Magneto´s sake.
“Do you still want to kill to prove your point?” Wanda asked as Quicksilver is gazing at his father as if expecting him to go insane at any moment and tries to murder anything and, that didn´t go unnoticed by him.
My kids really think I´m a monster.
“No, Wanda, no, I just want to go home, killing won´t help…I know this now, too many mistakes were made and now I want to do something for mutants, not bring a war, I want to give them a home. I want to create Genosha. A home for all mutants” Magneto confessed and 2 of his 3 kids aren´t completely convinced by this plan and Magneto understands.
Jubilee is in Mexico, Professor X receives a cry for help from a young mutant named Laura Kinney who is being held captive in this small facility, Jubilee is an X-men and very competent in combat and manages to infiltrate and locate the young girl, who, by the way, is not defenceless as she has killed 2 guards and is looking for the way out.
“Hey, I´m an X-men!” Jubilee speaks and Laura just growls and Jubilee is having a flashback to Logan. “I´m here to help you” Laura is not believing until Jubilee pouting show some tricks with her powers and the guard number 3 is not going to bother anyone.
Now, Laura is listening.
“I´ve come from the X-men, there´s a place where you can be safe, where people like us can be happy and learn how to use our powers” Jubilee speaks and the young girl is liking the idea “there´s also a mutant very similar to you”
“Really?” now she´s on board on this idea. And gives her hand to Jubilee as both girls are walking away from this place. She´s mentally talking with Professor X that everything is alright and is calling to Jean to said the mission was a success.
Laura giggles at the image of a tired red hair and the image of a defeated robot. “I missed my coffee”
Much later, the reveal of Rogue did make Bobby be relief they are over, which by the way, prompts Kurt´s fist to accidentally meet his face, by sheer accident. Scarlet Witch arrives with her twin brother as Jubilee is carrying a small girl who has claws and is ready to fight anyone.
In the admits of all this confusion, Jean Grey admits she made a mistake and if Kitty Pryde still wants she can now be an X-men. In Kitty´s opinion, the way this was handled was poorly, it is was she wants someone to fill Rogue´s role.
“I´ll think about, thanks Jean” Kitty replied and goes to her room, after a long talk about the sentinels and how the Avengers are with one less member and how the president of the US was saved by two mutants prompts a shift in many things and,for the first time, is a positive for the mutants.
Kurt is still around and asked one question. “How are you?”
Kitty only replies. “scared and confused”
Kurt then asked once again. “If you wanted to leave the X-men, do you know that my doors will be always open?” Kitty only smiles and thanks to him as right now she does not want to think about X-men or Hellfire. She just wants to relax as Kurt lays down next to her and makes all the other problems go away. They are just watching TV and there´s a domestic feeling in this that is sacred for them.
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Scooby au (a small break)
N/A: IT in the school is a fun idea, now, Zaorva and LK trying to meddle in the student´s life are amusing. This is another interlude, I´ll go back to the mystery and Blade will make an appearance here. Today, let´s just see how our fav eldritch couple is faring.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
1) Math.
Math is a class not many people like, even the ones that take good grades, so, is a big surprise that lately the class Miss Thomas is now such a popular one, not because math is cool, is more because of the new student. Kitty Pryde.
The woman has always a vacant expression and gazes upon the ceiling for hours, wordless and does hide the fact she´s not carrying or listening to what the teacher is talking. That´s the beauty of the situation.
Miss Thomas violently clap her ruler to gain attention, Bobby, who was almost sleeping jolt ready to face the teacher, Kitty, however, still gazes to the ceiling ignoring the sound.
A peeved Miss Thomas did the sound again and asked in a huff something directly to Kitty. "Miss Pryde, what is the result of the problem?"
Kitty yawns and without breaking, eye contact with the ceiling adds. "1.245" the tone is devoid of emotion and Miss Thomas grith her teeth as once again Kitty is right.
An idea struck into her mind, a devious one, Miss Thoma quickly write on the clipboard a new equation, one she knows has no result and asked Kitty to solve it.
"Silly human, the solution for this is 2" Kitty responds now gazing to Miss Thomas with a boring expression, Miss Thomas was ready to say she´s lying, until, she saw the girl is correct...
"That is to be the toughest math question of all time" Miss Thomas replied not seeing how Kitty answer so quickly.
"That´s because humans aren´t that imaginative if I were to do the question...you wouldn´t answer even if you were immortal" some people snickers and some take photos or selfies of another Miss Thomas´s burn time.
"If you think you´re so smart, why don´t you leave?" Miss Thomas give the ultimate and Kitty takes the bait. "That´s the best idea you give today, I can now focus on more important stuff" and Kitty leaves the classroom much to Miss Thomas´s astonishment.
Another meme of Kitty Pryde. What an alien girl.
2) Movies and dreams.
Professor Marcus is a firm believer of "I´ll only believe if my eyes see it" so, when the department of movies of the University of Bayville created a project about myths, the man didn´t share the same enthusiasm as his co-workers, especially as Professor Marcus will have to show the short movies to his class.
Well, he thought bemused, let´s end this already.
"Class, today, we´ll see a project made by the students of Bayville university, a short of movies about" and he sighs think the myth itself is lame "the crawling god of chaos and Zaorva" the man is bemused and Kurt Wagner only smiles and Kitty rest her head on his shoulder. Oh, young love is cute.
The first move depicts the crawling God as something nasty and gross, the joke here is that the creature is so ugly that it need a sensor bar to block it, Kurt laughs amused at that and Kitty is bored as that "zaorva" is a blonde white woman.
Cliche, Kitty thought, really cliche.
The second movie, show the crawling god and Zaorva as a dog and a cat, an interesting take as the dog in the movie resembles an Egyptian God. Kitty is amused enough to ask this to him. "Did you have a similar mask?"
"Yes and no, that´s clearly Anubis...but I´d have a similar mask...he hates when I use and that´s prompt me to wear more often"
And the last movie shows an interesting take, it was interesting enough to make Kitty pay more attention, is crawling god as an Egyptian woman and killing white supremacist for fun and Zaorva as a Japanese man. In the movie, people think is odd how an Egyptian woman is dating a man that clearly belongs to Japan feudal.
"Darling, even in movies you don´t get the humans" IT replied amused as in the movies Zaorva, the man, has no real understanding of subtle. "Oh, shush, I like this one...sometimes, people forget I´m the patron of Japan"
The movies are over and many are talking about the myth of crawling god and Zaorva and some comments are being louder than the other. Susan is complaining about one thing in the first movie.
"Why she loves IT? she´s so beautiful and IT is so...ugly" Susan replied and many agree, how come a goddess as pretty as Zaorva can love a monster like IT?
"Well, Zaorva is more than a pretty thing, but, if I must give a reason...maybe the phrase beautiful nightmare born from those two" Kitty explained and Kurt chuckles amused as starts to cuddling with Kitty.
Professor Marcus respond to some of the questions about the myth with a real disdain that Kurt notices and is focused on. "Professor Marcus, you don´t believe in the crawling god?" Kurt asked amused.
"Of course not, crawling gods and zaorvas are nothing by a feeble attempt to explain the world, something bad happened? oh, it must be IT. Something good happened? is Zaorva...is primitive" the man concluded and Kurt humming loudly.
Professor Marcus didn´t return on the next day, some of his friends get concern and go to see Marcus, only to see the man alive on the couch of his house, however, the man shows a  corpse-like estate, his eyes are red as the man refuses to close them and the man is muttering something.
"Don´t go sleep. Is not real, don´t go sleep, is not real"
3) Anything
Kurt Wagner is a popular boy, at least, popular in a realistic way, Jean is the queen who lives a hedonist life and Kurt does not need this...at least, not yet.
So, in his popularity some girls do fall for him, even knowing he only has eyes(all of them) to his Katzchen(oh, Zaorva, how did you conquer IT´s heart?) but one girl dares to at least try.
Ironic enough, the girl is friends with Amanda...well, she used to be. Cassandra Smith is in love with Kurt Wagner and has no shame in confessing to the boy.
"I love you, Kurt, and I was wondering if you feel something for me" the girl is shivering and thoughts of rejection are filling into her mind, Kurt can´t reject her...not another rejection and Kurt smiles kindly.
"How much do you love me?" he asked kindly and the girl saw this as a big yes to her confession.
"A lot, I would do anything for you"
"Anything? Well...there´s one thing you can do for me" Kurt speaks in a soothing tone and the girl listen. The next day no one saw the girl and Kurt is smirking all the way.
4) Girls
Jean Grey and Jubilee have a friendship that few can understand, in fact, Jubilee, Jean and Kitty have a strange friendship. One is too chipper, the other walk as she owns the place(and she does) and the last one seems to be always in another planet(sometimes, she laughs at that)
And the trio has pretty great harmony, however, sometimes, Kitty and Jean would throw heads and in moments like that people ask help from Kurt and Scott.
At this exact moment, Jean is talking, spitting insults at Kitty, who is returning the insults with cold indifference and this is making Jean mad by the minute. Jubilee did try to make the fight ceased, but, without success.
"Admit, you did steal it" Jean accused.
"Careful, bird brain, don´t point your finger at me unless you want to die" Kitty answers and the fight would begin, and the disguise would be dammed, when Kurt shows Jean the stolen item.
"Oh, you mean this? Sorry, I took earlier, sorry Jean" Kurt replied without caring and looking at Kitty who is bemused.
"Another of your tricks?" she asked Kurt who only shurgs and Scott makes sure Jean is not about to blow up the school, meanwhile, Jubilee is eating with Rogue, well, she did mention she already eat and is watching Rogue eats her lunch.
"Aren´t you hungry?" Rogue asked.
"No, I already eat, besides, you shouldn´t eat too much of this...is bad for your blood" Jubilee explained and Rogue nods as she starts complaining about the mosquito´s bite she got from last night.
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years
SU/Lovecraft au
N/A: Not sure what to say here, I have this idea of Zaorva doing what Rose did, except she didn´t get pregnant or anything like that, the truth is...her death did cause panic among the others, outer gods, because if someone of higher rank as her can be killed...then what´s the next step? I also see the Outer Gods as sort the Greek Gods(the betrayal, occasional incest and then back at the dinner table, no consequences) and FUCK Lovecraft!!
Soundtrack for This au
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling
If Kitty can pinpoint when her life starts to change the answer would be in her first leading mission in Japan, Nagano. The townsfolks are being attacked by deformed and mutated creatures akin to a demonic bunny with no eyes and a big mouth.
Kitty creates a crystal blue shield and this makes the creatures go after her. Her team, Piotr, Boom-Boom and Morph hurdle together as they wait for a plan, what Kitty did should have shocked after all.
The creature starts to bang his mighty fist on the shield causing pain for himself until his loud scream suddenly does not seem angry.
"Hey!" Kitty calls out for the what seems to be the leader who seems to respond to Kitty and only Kitty " let´s talk, why are you attacking the city and its citizen?"
The creature has no ability to speak but as putting his claws on the shield, the mutated creature starts to tell their story. They are called the Elder Bairns, they were created by a Goddess who put on this land and give to them, all they want is to slepp...as they already feast...however, the humans destroyed their home in order to create a pathway.
Kitty opens her eyes and speaks firmly. Like a mother should with her children.
"If I fix this, you promise to leave the townsfolk alone?" Kitty asked and the Elder Bairns promised as all they want is to sleep if that´s what Kitty truly wishes they won´t harm any human as long they leave them alone.
Kitty uses her magic and the pathway is disbanded as the Elder Bairns have their home back.
It was easier to convince mutated bunnies to follow an order than humans as they have problems to deal with and of course, no one takes kindly to Kitty talking so friendly to monsters that devoured humans like it was nothing.
Ever since that day, things did change. Kitty Pryde feels eyes on her, several on them are analysing her in everywhere, every time. Her azure eyes would merely look at the thousands of eyes until they all morph into a big moon, a big eye that is looking deeply at her.
She should be petrified, yet, Kitty can walk as the eyes vanish into thin air.
Kitty Pryde returns to the mansion as Ororo is talking with someone, not a noisy person by nature, but Ororo is remiscing the good old days and Kitty loves to hear stories with her favourite X-men...yet, the person she is talking is new to Kitty.
"Ah Kitten" Ororo smiles brightly and gesture to Kitty to sit too "I was telling Kurt the time we and Scott freed those mutants from the Friends of Humanity and make Grayson look like the fool he is"
Kitty looks at the man called Kurt, blue fur and golden eyes and a smirk and Kitty step away.
"Who is this?" Kitty asked a bit rudely as she knows every mutant that is associated with the X-men and she knows this story that Ororo is telling, however, there´s no version with a man called Kurt.
"Kitten!" Ororo admonishes her and asks Kurt to forgive her, Kitty usually is not like that.
"And how is our Kitten? Likes to play with magic?"
Kitty looks into his eyes and summons the soulsword to cut Kurt, nothing happens, except that Ororo is now angry at Kitty and even though she is a grown up woman...Storm has no qualms in grounding her.
"I´m sorry about that, she usually is not like that, you know that Kitty is such a sweetie person," Ororo says now confused.
"And...how is our Kitten? How long has she play with magic?"
"Since she was born"
Kitty didn´t get any favours by questioning Kurt´s existence, therefore, the woman decides to play this game and apologise to Kurt saying it was a crazy mission and of course, she remembers good old Kurt.
The man does not seem to attack any of the X-men. As normally he is just...there. Sometimes asking questions behind Kitty´s back about her powers.
(It does not go unnoticed how everyone seems to cater his demands, even Jean who dislike helping, seems extra helpful to the point she even works with Rogue if that would please this Kurt)
Only when Kitty touches and concentrates hard enough, she seems to manage to break Ororo, Scott and Rogue from this spell as they believe in her.
"Shadow King?" Rogue suggested readily to take her glove out.
"No...I think it is someone else" Scott said and Kitty agrees.
Suddenly, the X-men starts to feel changes(all that didn´t side with Kitty) Jubilee becames a vampire, Beast goes insane talking about spirals and Jean gets quiter and quieter.
Logan was not forgotten by this madness as the man starts to think he is a real animal, not in the sense of being a rustic man, in the sense of being a real animal. Ironically or not, the man got shot by a hunter thinking he really got a wild animal and the wound didn´t heal as it should.
Kurt, meanwhile, merely stays in the mansion watching and taking notes as Kitty uses the shield once again.
Mr and Mrs Pryde are used by this point to have people to talk with journalists as their only daughter is a celebrity now. By this point, they know what to answer and what to not answer.
So, when Jennifer Goodwill shows up, the Prydes know what to say, the woman with her blonde hair and white skin makes questions about Kitty, nothing unusual and the Pryde saw no problem in answer all of them.
"She is a miracle" Mrs Pryde replied fondly "you see, I did get a grave form of cancer and I was supposed to die, however, the Stark industries along with Doctor Banner, a cure was created with dire consequences... I wasn´t supposed to be pregant...and yet, here is our Kitty"
"That´s a quite story"Jennifer replied.
"When Kitty was born" her father stated "she did born with intense blue eyes, crystal blue, but now...they are just brown like us"
"Oh, that´s interesting"
Lilandra is a fair queen if nothing else, so, when Kitty asked for help, she saw no problem in giving information as long Xavier is out of the picture(he too is quiet, no, gone and no one has the mind to worry about it now)
"This creature is named Kurt, a fake name, and I know he uses masks, I was wondering if you know who this person may be and how we get rid of it" Kitty stated and Lilandra hummed for a moment until she askes.
"Can you tell me how he really looks like? Maybe is a Luntranox, they love to play this prank" Lilandra suggested and Kitty did mention, or try to, how is Kurt´s real form...Lilandra cut the transmission right there and all the others closer to Kitty step away in fear.
"Sugah...A piece of advice, never repeats how he looks like" Rogue said and she is now trying to call back to Lilandra.
One day, Kitty realizes she is not in her bed nor in her room or the mansion. She is elsewhere, drifting in the space and time("I hate the space, is cold, silent and no one can hear you scream") until Kitty realizes that she is not alone. She is in some sort of space castle.
The doors are huge and small, nothing makes sense, though maybe it wasn´t to make sense. She is now in a room, a throne is easily spotted as the doors open with great fanfare and Kitty has the right mind to hide.
Is him...Of course is him. In his real form.
"Why do you hide away from me?" Kurt´s tone is sombre and Kitty panics until he adds "My Belasco, I called you here to talk and not to play hide and seek"
And she saw Belasco, bowing to this Kurt and does not dare to look at his real form.
"How are the dire wraths?" Kurt asked a bit regal and cold and Belasco merely shivers and that is enough(more than enough) to make Kitty feels fear. If Belasco is afraid of him...This creature is another league of its own.
"They are ready as you wish"
"Good, you did make a mistake with me, once, and you will not want to repeat the same mistake, Am I clear?" the creature speaks and only now Kitty notices how his voice rings through the place.
"Of course"
"I want to see this planet destroyed, I want it gone, " the creature speaks full of malice "if you fail me, again, I will found a new use for you, my Belasco and you won´t like it"
Belasco is dismissed and vanish. Kitty watches as the creature now looks to a pink bubble and puts his hand(tentacle to be exact) to cover his eyes as he begins to cry.
"Zaorva" the word was spoken as it is sacred and the pink bubble remains where it is.
Kitty somehow is back to her own bed. Degusting what she saw and no one ever saw him crying.
"You are a very interesting human" Kurt once speak as they are in a cornfield. Kitty is trying to dialogue with an Outer God, Nyarlathotep, to spare this planet. "I'll give that, but, nothing will prevent me to see this planet gone forever"
"But...wasn´t that a planet Zaorva created?" kitty reasoned with him "Don´t you want to spare for her sake?"
"This was the planet where she was killed!" Kurt scream angrily "it does not deserve compassion or mercy,  and how do you know about Zaorva?"
"I ...just know, but, if you are dead set in destroying this planet, I´ll stop you"
("I´m dead set in protecting this planet, Nyarlathotep" it causes a flashback and Kurt can´t believe he remembers this memory because of a human)
"I know you will, but Katzchen, I´m the crawling God of Chaos and I´ll get my wish, but my offer remains, you are interesting ...Human, I have no problem in spare you. You can learn many things outside this planet"
"Pass," Kitty said and Kurt look at the west and a smile plays on his face, his mask, as a huge explosion of fire caught Kitty´s attention.
"The Pheonix has wakened, Katzchen, my offer still remains as you...are interesting," Kurt said as Kitty goes to the where the fire starts.
"I´m life, I´m the force. I´m Pheonix" Jean or what used to be Jean scream to the bodies on the ground. Kitty arrives in the scene only to see her friends almost dead on the ground as Pheonix is gleefully to see Kitty Pryde.
"Finally, after all those centuries, we´ll finally resolve our conflict, Zaorva" Pheonix points at Kitty who is confused but in position to attack.
"I´m not Zaorva, I´m Kitty Pryde"
Both women clashes against each other, fire and water as cliche as it sounds. Fire against Kitty´s magic. Pheonix seems to laugh at the fight and not caring for the casualties.
"I must say, while your new body is strange, you still remain the same, I´ll want to defeat you," Pheonix said, "Zaorva"
"I´m not Zaorva" Kitty declares with her crystal blue eyes shining as she now has the upper hand and is making the Pheonix back down, losing the ground, Pheonix decides to leave to fight another day, after all, she got a new body today.
"My name is Kitty Pryde...I´m not Zaorva," Kitty said to no one and suddenly all the other X-men starts to move and rose from the ground.
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