#i wanted to finish vampire jeonghan for all of you :( but i suppose a winter release suits it as well
bbugyu · 2 years
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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟺𝚝𝚑, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶
𝙹𝚎𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚑𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑𝚞𝚊'𝚜 𝚆𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐
TW// This content may contain sensitive topics that could upset you such as: strong language, violence, blood, gun and knife use, and possible deaths. Please continue at your own will and be cautious . . .
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"Is everything organized as we requested?"
"For the millionth time, Boss. Everything is just as how you two imagined it. Not a single thing is out of place." Jihoon said, his hands behind his back as the room glowed gloriously.
"And the guests?" Jeonghan asked as his eyes took in the dream that had been pulled into reality, his hand rested on the white table.
"We... Still haven't received any replies after the invitation was sent." Jihoon responded.
"It's been a week since we've sent it out..." Jeonghan sighed, shifting his narrowed gaze to the shorter.
"Well, it is possible for them to be occupied, Boss. Besides. Although it is sad that only The Silver Lions, Marceline, and family members will be the only ones attending aside our members as a whole, it is still worth carrying out." Jihoon explained. The other breathed in, nodding as he collected himself. "It is your big day after all. Both Joshua and yours."
"I just... Don't feel right about this. For it being today."
"Don't become paranoid because the rest may not be available. Perhaps many are but the boys have refrained from telling you and Joshua." Jihoon suggested.
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Joshua looked into the mirror, staring at his reflection as Mingyu’s sister worked on his hair, styling it perfectly with a wide grin as the room was bustling with joy and excitement. But as he finished getting ready, the wedding close to beginning, Joshua couldn’t help but feel something tighten within him. His stomach churned, and he felt cold, unusually cold as if he was preparing for a bitter winter to begin as he sighed softly.
“Joshua Oppa, loosen up!” Mingyu’s sister giggled, patting his shoulders as the older blinked, swallowing the lump that had begun to build within his throat. “You look as if you have seen a ghost. And, that ghost is already waiting with the rest!”
Joshua laughed at the joke, but shook his head as he turned to face the younger girl, his head tilted. “I know, I know. I’m trying but…”
“Cold feet?”
“Oh! No, no. As much as I am nervous, no, anxious, I don’t have cold feet. I mean, I’ve been waiting for this moment for a while, so, of course not. And, we both really want this.”
“Then what’s the matter?” Another questioned, causing the two to shift their gaze towards the door that was opened, Minghao’s head peeking in as he had an eyebrow raised. “By the way, you look amazing, hyung,” He complimented as he entered, closing the door behind him.
“It’s just… I don’t know,” Joshua shifted, his dark brown eyes landing onto the bouquet of water lilies and white roses, staring at their pure white petals with furrowed brows. “Do you suppose this isn’t the perfect time? Not that long ago, we returned from the Bahamas, and, I don’t even know who else is attending since you said you’d keep it as a surprise,”
“You’re worrying your pretty little head over nothing, Oppa,” Mingyu’s sister snorted. Minghao chuckled, his head giving a slight jerk as he walked over, patting the older’s shoulder.
“It’s going to be perfect, hyung. Trust me. There’s no better time to do this after a nice time away to spend quality time with everyone. Especially when we had the pleasant surprise of another wedding that we’ll be attending soon when winter comes,” Minghao reassured.
“I-... I suppose so. But,” Joshua lifted his head, smiling at him with a raised eyebrow. “Can you at least tell me one friend of ours that is coming?”
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“I don’t really think it’s necessary to have arranged seatings for everyone,” Wonwoo began, fixing his tuxedo as his gaze overlooked the entire dining room, appearing as if it were all made of gold and the purest of white material. But he snorted, picking up one of the nametags and showing it towards Mingyu. “Especially when you’ve put dear old Seungkwan with Seokmin and Soonyoung,”
“They need to fix that issue of theirs one way or another. Besides, who doesn’t miss their chemistry?” Mingyu responded, taking the nametag and placing it back down.
“I don’t,” Wonwoo joked as he ran his fingers through his silvery hair, his glasses glistening. “But let’s just hope they can behave at the very least with those who are attending.”
“They will, don’t worry. Not to mention, this is the literal golden couple who’s waited for this for a while and managed to reunite after two years, aaaand have a child. They wouldn’t even dream of ruining it unless they want to face Jeonghan hyung’s wrath,” Mingyu nudged, causing the other to roll their eyes playfully in response.
“That’s the last thing we’d want. But, where’s everyone?”
“They’re rolling in, didn’t you see?” Mingyu responded with a raised eyebrow, smoothing his suit.
“I’ve seen The Silver Lions, our members, and Marceline. But I haven’t seen anyone else like Kiki, Hendery, or Jennie.” Wonwoo noted peculiarly.
“I haven’t seen them as well. And I was sure that Arin and everyone would’ve already come in here by now. But, Jihoon hyung’s handling that, isn’t he?”
“I thought Minghao was,”
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“Look at you being Jeonghan hyung’s best man!” Samuel grinned warmly as he hugged Seokmin, the other wrapping his arms tightly around the younger.
“I mean, who else would be?” Seokmin chuckled, grinning widely towards the boy they adored. “But I’m surprised you’d come, Sam! I thought your Done assigned you with a mission?”
“Oh, yeah. He did. But I got it done right away and came here on my motorcycle,” Samuel responded as they walked into the cathedral that was already filled with mafias. “You think I’d honestly miss their wedding? Our hyung’s big day?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Not at all!” Seokmin said as they greeted numerous people, bowing their heads as they walked towards the opened seats.
“Where’s everyone else?” Samuel questioned, eyeing the people.
“You know, everyone that we met or you’ve guys have met. Like Kiki and them, and your boyfriend! What’s his name… erm… Bacon Hyun?”
Seokmin snorted, laughing as he slapped his hand onto the younger’s back, shaking his head. “Bacon?! Samuel! His name is Baekhyun. He’s not a bacon, he’s a ghoul~”
“OH!” Samuel said, turning red from embarrassment as he laughed with him, hugging his stomach as he looked around. “My bad! But, yeah. Him and everyone else. Where are they?”
“I think they’re coming in shortly,” Seokmin responded. “I mean, we did receive replies from a good majority of them when the invitation was sent like, a week or so ago, so, we’ll see.”
“Are you sure? Cause, the wedding is about to start, hyung-”
"Wait... WHAT?!”
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As Jeonghan stood at the altar, suppressing his sudden jerks and twitches, he took in the people sitting within the pews, tightening his grip on his hands. It wasn’t the feeling of claustrophobia, the amount there, or the fact that it was being held within a private, holy, chuch. But as he scanned over the people, no one they had initially invited were there. It was a cathedral filled with mafias with an exception of a vampiric woman sitting tall and proud. He didn’t see Jamie, someone who supported him and Joshua when the other was pregnant, he didn’t see his group and the others’ twins they had become family towards since the start, or their gracious Jiaqi, the boys’ soulmates that they adored and accepted . . . none of them. Although Jeonghan understood that there were other matters to attend to for everyone individually, the voices clung to him, whispering into his ear of the danger creeping into their blessed day.
As Joshua proceeded within the marvelous building, his heart leaping, he could only look towards Jeonghan, who stood at the altar with a large, sweet, and warm smile, his eyes softened. It was the Jeonghan that was buried deep below, the Jeonghan that Joshua first fell for. And for a moment, Joshua felt as if time froze, only to imprint such a memorable moment in his life that was all that he had ever wanted with Jeonghan. But his heart fell when his eyes shifted to find that none of their other friends had attended, the building only filled with the people belonging to them, or to The Silver Lions.
As Joshua and Jeonghan stood face to face, the Priest speaking, Seungcheol sighed softly within the sounds of sniffles, admiring the couple that would be wed before their very own eyes. Looking towards his right, he nudged Jihoon, whispering to the Consigliere. “Isn’t this marvelous? After 7 years, it’s finally becoming something I’ve only ever heard Jeonghan mumble under his breath about,”
“Indeed it is, Mr. Choi,” Jihoon responded.
“It’s alright to address me without the formality, Jihoon. We should be comfortable on such a grand day, shouldn’t we? Especially when it seems that The Purple Rose is flourishing with so many these days,” Seungcheol said, eyeing the new additions within the allied mafia.
“Actually, a good majority were unable to attend. At least those with Jeju Island,” Jihoon informed, a small smile blossoming on his face as they proceeded with the ceremony, nearing their vows.
“Oh, really?” Seungcheol raised an eyebrow, sitting straight with his hands folded on his legs. “Well, it seems like you’ve all been mingling with plenty,”
“I… beg your pardon? I thought they belonged with you,”
“Oh, no, no. I couldn’t possibly bring so many. They’re still adjusting with the new arrangements we made after the alliance was reinstalled.” Seungcheol said, slowly pausing as the two looked at each other. “But… if they’re not mine or your own…”
“I-...” Jihoon shifted in his seat, finding his in-ear piece as he cleared his throat, speaking with a dark and quiet voice. “Begin to have everyone evacuate immediately but subtly. This wedding’s been invaded,”
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“And finally, do you, Hong Joshua Jisoo, take Yoon Jeonghan to . . .”
As Jeonghan and Joshua held their rings, waiting to slip them on the other’s fingers, tears forming in their eyes as joy, he noticed the shifting within the pews, the look of discomfort and concern slowly blossoming on their faces despite the smiles and the crinkles in their eyes. The shift of emotion poisoning the air was suffocating Jeonghan as he took Joshua’s hands, the other eyeing him peculiarly, likely observing the sudden change in expression.
"I do,"
"And do you, Yoon Jeonghan, take Hong Joshua Jisoo to-" And suddenly, Seokmin took Jeonghan’s arm tightly.
“We need to go,”
“Immediately, hyung. There’s-”
Screams rippled through the cathedral, causing many to drop down within the pews to use them as protection as the sounds of gunshots thundered. Jeonghan immediately reached for Joshua, pulling him into his arms to protect him as they stumbled behind with the priest yelling. As the three hid, they heard glass shattering as wood was blasted off, splinters exploding.
“May The Purple Rose crumble, and their descendents turned to ashes!” A crowd bellowed, chanting it like a ceremony as Joshua curled within Jeonghan’s embrace, the other shuffling through his golden suit for his pistols.
“For once, can we not have some sort of peace!” Joshua yelled in frustration, before pushing Jeonghan onto his back as a chunk of the wooden altar broke as a round of bullets broke into it.
“No, it seems impossible,” Jeonghan growled with rage as they shifted, pressed side-by-side as they held their weapons within their hands tightly.
“Seems like some odd cult with that chanting of theirs,” Seokmin rolled his eyes as the room became a bloodbath.
“I did NOT plan for our wedding to be ruined!” Jeonghan snarled, nailing the intruders that held rage within their eyes.
“I know, and we’re all so sorry!” Minghao shouted in reply, grunting as both him, Soonyoung, and Mingyu shifted underneath a pew, kicking it up with their combined strength as it slammed against a group of men and women of the opposing group, forcing them down. “This could explain WHY no one else we invited didn’t come!”
“I’m sick of these people constantly meddling with everything. First, a group takes Jun and the Silver Lions’ members, another comes and nearly takes Joshua as a bargaining chip and nearly sends us into ruin,” Jihoon said through gritted teeth, his voice entering into the in-ear pieces as he attacked viciously, buying time for the rest to leave, “And now they’re ruining a fucking wedding!”
“You’re telling me,” Joshua threw his dagger, only to let out a gasp when he turned to find a man with a gun directed at him, only to fall lopsided as Jeonghan released his trigger, saving Joshua and pulling him up.
“Not that this is anything new, is it?” Jeonghan raised an eyebrow as he wrapped his arm around the other securely, helping to usher him out as the priest followed them, flabbergasted.
“I am now very thankful I let Vernon’s sister babysit Jane,” Joshua sighed as he ran with them, entering into the hall.
“Aren’t we all thankful?” Mingyu said as he followed the two, protecting them as they were being pursued.
“D-Does t-this m-mean w-we ne-ed to re-reschedule the we-wedding?!” The priest stammed frightfully, causing Jeonghan to scoff.
“You think we’d want to tie the knot without our loved ones here, and right when our wedding is ruined with an attempt to annihilate The Purple Rose?!”
“F-Fair. Fair, s-sir,”
As they burst through the doors, racing outside, all of them gasped and diverted to the right as cars pulled in, various men and women swinging their doors open and firing at them. Guiding the herd of startled sheeps and wolves, Jeonghan gritted his teeth as he left Joshua, handing him to Mingyu as he fell behind to Seungcheol, grabbed his arm.
“Alright. We’ve got to figure something out quickly before they shoot us down one by one,”
“I’ve got an idea,” Seungcheol replied, looking straight ahead before shifting his eyes to Jeonghan. “But you’re not going to like it,”
“But will it work?!”
“Fifty-fifty. At least, it’ll give you and Joshua the chance to get out of here first, and buy enough time with the shock,”
“I am NOT abandoning everyone here,”
“Don’t worry! All that matters right now is getting Joshua and you somewhere safe! Or at least to where the two of you planned to spend your honeymoon! Delilah has already arranged for backup, and they’re fast on their way. I’ll remain here with the rest until then. But you need to work with me on this. Especially Marceline,”
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"Wonwoo's hit! He's been hit twice!" Someone shouted, Jihoon's heart racing as Wonwoo was jerked up, blood blossoming on his back and within his thin as the other yelled in pain, teeth gritted.
"THEN DIVER-" Before Jihoon could bellow a direction, dirt was kicked up, causing them to curse and protect their eyes as tires screeched and the bullets rained. Before they knew it, they were at the cliff's edge, surrounded by various people standing and panting, or others stepping out of the cars, armed.
Cursing and mumbling in despair, everyone began to huddle together, becoming a clump of wait remained of them. But too many were injured to create a quick divergent, and there was no other escape or way to attack in their weapons dull, and their guns emptied. Standing firmly at the head of them was Jeonghan and Seungcheol, their heads held high despite the obvious: They were the prey, completely at their disposal. There was no such thing as mercy.
And slowly, they fell into despair . . .
"You know... I thought I'd make it to the day we got to see Junhui's wedding at least, ya know? I actually tried not to make such a mess..."
"Seokmin, don't say such things." The other whispered.
"We're cornered. We have NOTHING, and our guns are now empty." Seungkwan growled.
"We stand strong!" Soonyoung responded firmly, but his hands trembled.
"I didn't even get to give Arin her gift... I didn't want to just have her have my hoodie and heart only..." Mingyu sighed, lowering his head with his arms outstretched. "Heck, even Wonwoo hyung never confessed crap yet,"
"I was planning to take Jiwon on a date... I was gonna bring her to the paint room because I finally cleaned it for the two of us, right when the hyungs' went to their honeymoon..." Minghao said, his head twitching as Jun held him by the shoulder tightly. "Instead, we got tricked.."
"T-This can't be it, hyungs!" Samuel said. "There's got to be another way!"
"Samuel... I don't think we can get out of this like before." Chan admitted with despair. "At the very least... We stand together, yeah?" Chan sighed as Seungcheol ruffled his hair, nodding with a look no one could have described it with.
"Seokmin-ah... I'm sorry. Seungkwan and I are sorry for everything. We're sorry we fell apart because of something so stupid..."
"It's okay... I'm sorry too, Soonyoung hyung and Seungkwan-ah..." Seokmin sniffled, wrapping his arms around the two, who patted his back.
"Not. Yet." Jeonghan growled, holding Joshua close to him. "At least, we won't let you have the benefit of taking down the most diabolical mafias here, you pieces of shit."
"Careful of that mouth of yours, you monster," A woman spat, cocking her gun. Many shifted, Joshua gripping onto Jeonghan tightly, ready to turn in front of him hadn't the other held onto him firmly. "This is karma for the terror you have brought! You don't deserve to live!"
"You're right." Jeonghan smiled subtly, eyeing them all with narrowed eyes. "I'm nothing but a monster who should've tied every time I was on the brink of death. But I defy it all,"
"Not this time. No one here will ever live and take that beloved crown of horrors from that fucked head of yours!" A man snarled.
"Fine." Jeonghan grimaced. "But, allow me to have the benefit of ending The Purple Rose before your eyes, and take my life as a married man. I'm sure you're more human than me to allow such a thing?"
"Jeonghan, what are you doing?" Joshua said with large, round eyes as the other sighed, taking his hands as they were pushed towards the edge of the cliff, holding each other desperately.
"Completing everything as planned, yeah?" Jeonghan said as his head jerked, his twitching nearly uncontrollably due to suppressing for far too long. "The priest, please..."
Joshua stared at Jeonghan with glistening eyes, shaking as he held Jeonghan's hands tightly, staring at him for what appeared would be the last time he would do such a thing.
"Do you take Hong Joshua Jisoo as yours... T-To love and cherish, through sickness and health, through hardships, until death do you part?" The priest gulped. And as Jeonghan and Joshua slipped their rings shakily onto each other's fingers, intertwining them as Joshua's lips trembled, sobbing.
"I do."
"Then... you may kiss the groom,"
And as Jeonghan wrapped his arms around Joshua, kissing him patiently as cries filled the air, others gagging in repulse, Jeonghan whispered against Joshua's lips.
"Do you trust me?"
"Always, you sloth," Joshua sniffled softly, running his fingers through the locks he's touched over a billion times.
"Then don't let go. No matter what happens. Don't let go..." Jeonghan whispered, wrapping his arms around Joshua's waist, the other looking at him with overflowing love and sadness, nodding as he held onto his husband tightly.
Facing them as The Purple Rose and The Silver Lions rose their heads high, tears rolling down their cheeks as they stood firmly together, Jeonghan raised his voice, his eyes shifting to the sky, closing them as a smile blossomed on his face.
"May The Purple Rose continue to thrive! The group you fear at night will forever stand! The forgotten and the disgraced welcomed to the outstretched arms of their brothers and sisters of the damaged!" Jeonghan bellowed, causing what seemed to be hundreds of men and women to boo and scream in defiance as he opened his eyes. "AND MAY THE YOON FAMILY LIVE FOREVERMORE WHILE YOU ALL PERISH FOR YOUR FOOLISHNESS!"
And as those alongside them roared along to honor them, Jeonghan took a step back, bringing Joshua with him. And then, backwards they went, over the cliffs edge that caused screams of horror, another round of bullets raining down upon them as screams of agony echoed through the air.
But as The Purple Rose and The Silver Lions raced to the edge to watch as the newlywed vanished, they dropped to the ground in huddles, waiting for each to lay in pools of blood . . .
one . . .
But no one had done so. Instead, it was the opposing group that cried in dismay as they were the ones to face gruesome deaths. As the cars ignited to life, the firing continuing to rage down upon them, everyone looked around them, beginning to stand together as their members closed in on those surrounding them, gunning them down viciously. The Silver Lions sighed in relief, hugging and letting each other. But everyone crowded the edge of the cliff, peering over in search for the newlywed couple, but who died within each other's arms.
However, as they looked over, they all howled with relief and happiness when they found the unbelievable.
Marceline, the vampire, was hovering within the air with her arms wrapped securely around Joshua, even to the point her nails nearly tore into the fabric to ensure he wouldn't slip. But that was the issue: Only Joshua was there.
"YOU'RE- HOW- WHERE'S JEONGHAN?!" Jihoon bellowed.
As they looked desperately to Joshua and Marceline, tears were rolling down their eyes, both a sickly pale as they stared up at them in dismay. Joshua couldn't utter a word, too shocked as he trembled uncontrollably in Marceline's arms. The vampire slowly shook her head, chocking on her words.
"He..." Marceline sniffled, rising to the boys as she handed Joshua to them. "H-He... I couldn't reach him in time..." Marceline admitted as the bullets subsided. "He got shot... I-In the chest... We... We fumbled b-because it set him f-farther away... and then he... He pushed Joshua to me as he dropped.."
Screams and cries of dismay rippled through the crowd, mourning as the cruel truth was revealed to them of the man. But the worse cry erupted from Joshua, breaking out from the state of shock as he dropped onto the ground, gripping the edge as he sobbed uncontrollably.
"H-He can't... He can't be dead," Seungcheol stumbled back, his eyes scanning everyone as his heart clenched.
"Someone find his body." Jihoon stated sternly, but he trembled, tears stinging his eyes, but he refused to cry among them without doing a thorough check. "We gather inside the cathedral and tend to the injured... And then we decide a temporary time to go offline and relocate..."
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As everyone stumbled into the cathedral, Wonwoo being carried and placed within a room among those wounded, The Purple Rose was nothing but a cluster of frightful, mourning, and sick people. The slowly unraveled before The Silver Lions, too distraught as they all snapped due to their shocking loss.
"He's not dead. He's not dead. He's not dead..." Seokmin repeated in denial, rocking back and forth in his chair. Beside him, Minghao and Jun were mumbling under their breathes, refusing to be touched by anyone else as they cried in dismay, one covering their mouth, the other shaking their head with their hands over their ears. Mingyu sat within a chair in the corner, head dropped into his hands as he breathed in and out shakily. Jihoon paced back and forth, speaking with The Silver Lions' Underboss, Soonyoung, to discuss their plan. And Joshua was curled up, sobbing as he hugged himself, shaking his head as Seungcheol whispered softly to him, comforting him in whatever way he could.
But nothing could comfort Joshua that his husband, the lover of his life and the father to their daughter, was finally dead . . .
The rest survived. But death had claimed not just their brothers and sisters, but their leader.
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"We pack everything once we return home... Everyone has been broken into groups, and their temporary place to remain until further notice is being arranged..."
"What about Jane?"
"She'll stay with Vernon's family until Joshua is safely within his temporary location, and we ensure it is safe to have her with any of us."
"How long will this take?... Can we not see each other once we separate?"
"I... We advise you not to. You're not ordered to not do so, but... For your safety and everyone else's, please don't."
"What about... The reset..."
"No!... Nothing of that... Not yet."
"Not until someone puts a bullet in their head, right?... Right?!"
"Minghao, please..."
"...That will be all. Until then... I wish everyone the best of luck... And may Jeonghan rest in peace."
"May he rest in peace..."
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The Guests Who Were Invited: @vampiremomo @split-jiu @princess-yeji @dungeonhybrids @incubuswooyoung @la-soleilmafia-cb @floristluda @fairy-dejun @model-lucy @mleee @vitoria-oc @ateez-treasure9au-chatbot @descendants-bot @holidate-joshua @yan-svt @decadewonwoo @god-vernon @leejihoon-cb @van-gogh-minghao @mafia-svt @mafia-shua @vampireprince-jeonghan @jiaqi-xu @kpop-shelter @bloodrose-cb @shin-haneul @sweetandsleepyjamie @detectivexsicheng @frenemies-hyunsung @mitsukojen @pup-hendery @mafia-chae @ghoulxbaekhyun @seventeen-chatbot @arinschoi @heartbrokenxinseong @kjiwon @college-baekhyun @darkfaeskz @midari-jieun @hunter-chaeyoung @yandere-bc @yanderetzuyu [and more]
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