#i wanted to post keikas first but im struggling lol so im gonna post the others and then circle back to him
nobodieshero-main · 8 months
Atlas Lavore
in the simplest terms: Atlas is the man who is going to save the world. He is the hero of the story, the leader of the quest, destiny's bitch.
He was raised in a noble family, by stiff and absent parents who neglected his emotional needs and were never very physically affectionate with him. He was the only child they had, and therefore their only heir and they were like. really weird about it??
wait- okay, so, the nobility ranks in this world work a little weird because of the gods so because Ako (learning, education, teaching, knowledge) is one of the Up There gods, good educators and scholars tend to be very high up on the nobility food chain, and Atlas' family are alchemists!
It's a magical trait that had been born into the family like a thousand years ago - (*checks notes* wow so interesting how that was around the same time the royal family was stripped of magic and atlas' destiny was written, wild, wonder what that could mean) - and then just Stuck Around so now there's an alchemist based caster in every generation who then goes on to teach at the university (big deal, makes you v important.)
So you can imagine the pressure Atlas grew up with, the expectations that he carried around with him everywhere.
And yet.
Atlas looks at the world as something to be loved, be embraced, to be seen. He's an optimist and is always ready with a kind word and a warm hug, he never lets anyone feel unloved or unwanted. He's hopeful, and kind - the kind of person that makes you think "there is bravery in being soft".
(not to say he is soft, bc atlas will kill a man with his bare hands and then turn around with a bright smile and ask if everyone else is okay, and he wont feel remorse for it if he genuinely thinks it was something that needed to be done.)
He became the person he needed when he was growing up.
He's also always been adventurous kid, climbing shit, and sneaking out, and attending festivals with Cecily. He always wanted more, wanted to see beyond the city walls and experience the world. (So, you can imagine his disappointment when he wound up as an teaching assistant for alchemy at the university, instead of attending classes where he would get to learn other stuff.)
So yeah! Atlas is the hero and he is basically the sunny skies to Keikas storms; the sun to his moon, the laugh to his sullen silence, the hands tugging at his face to force his frown upside down-
His destiny had been written in Vietua's constellations long before his parents were born, and the threads of fate run through his veins like puppet strings and will continue to do so until he finishes what Vietua has planned for him.
Then he'll be free to make his own decisions.
(Well, all of that would be true in a world without Keika, because i am a SLUT for romances that spit in the face of destiny and carve their own paths.) (and technically destiny does sink it's claws back into him-)
Upset in the palace.
The Prince releases a royal statement of sorts that there's an organisation attempting to find and revive the last dragon alive. which would be terrible, so hes going to reward anyone who can find the dragon and/or stop the people behind it.
And so the threads of fate start tugging.
okay more just random information that i know about him
the man will eat ANYTHING (food related trauma from having his diet carefully monitored by strict parents?? maybe)
he's not afraid to get his hands dirty, and he loooves doing things himself
sometimes he does not know how much things cost though, bc he WAS raised in a noble family, so Cecily handles their coin (bc Ahria impulse buys weapons and cannot be trusted)
he's got his 5 4 keys for success locked down (confidence, getting along, organisation, resilience + persistence)
he has Really Good people skills (again: raised a noble)
he is excellent at fencing
he uses talismans and potions to direct and strengthen his magic, similar to the way keika uses a flute
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