#i wanted to put a twist on thr usual sleeping beauty storyline but it was 2.30 am so... ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
slashingdisneypasta ยท 1 year
Alright, Toon Patrol in a fairy tale environment. Here we go!
In this world, I guess either the toons take the place of the fairy tale characters and have their own stories (like Bugs Bunny would be 'The Clever Hare', Popeye could be 'The Iron Sailor' or something, etc). Either that, or the toons are in the medieval time period.
In the Toon Patrols case, they are a group of misfit bandits. They don't have specific territory since they can go anywhere- and they do go everywhere. They attack unsuspecting travelers, royal carriages, etc. They're so notorious, you can find wanted posters for each of them posted in towns and taverns.
Smartass is, of course, the leader. Rumor has it that he was spurned by a royal lover, and that has led to his spite for the upper class (totally not a reference to my divorcee HC).
Greasy is the amorous one. Pretty ladies are in danger of his wandering eye and hands in this AU too. You can always rely on Greasy to get a handful of women they rob. He is also the bandit most often found in pubs on his own.
Wheezy is the- well, the archer in this AU since guns wouldn't be a thing back then XD just because you can't see him, doesn't mean he doesn't have his eye on you; anybody that manages to run away from the other weasels are at risk if getting an arrow in the leg- or worse, depending on whether or not they're 'disposable'.
Psycho is the lunatic who never should have been given knives. Faster and much more animalistic than his teammates, you don't want this nutter chasing you down in the forest.
Stupid is the strongest of them all, and is often tasked with carrying the heaviest loot and/or the camping equipment while they're on the move.
Eventually, when the old king died and was replaced by a mysterious man by the name of Doom, the new king decided to use the renegade weasels and made an arrangement with them; he would clear their names and ensure they would never be arrested for their crimes, if they worked for him. Seeing this as a once in a life time opportunity, the weasels accepted.
I'm indecisive on whether or not they join Dooms guard, or if they remain as bandits and are simply rebranded to a more 'lawful' term. But either way, they give Doom information they get from their victims, and do the occasional job he gives them.
This one I'm gonna leave S/O headcannon free since sleep is finally catching up to me XD I'll let you fill that in if you want ^^ i hope you like these!
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Alright so it is almost 1.30 am so I hope this is coherent XD But um- this is gonna be clunky. Because-
IN A F A I R Y T A L E AU???
This is something I trust didn't know I needed so bad, I-
I L O V E THIS IDEA. Even without the weasels this is absolutely a fairytale I would read!! A corrupt King with evil little known-criminal minions? It reminds me if Scar and the Hyenas while he was King! I wish they had shown us more of that time ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
Omg!- I would love if they were like evil corrupt knights omg XD You know I love that kinda thing ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜… But both ideas are great, I just love the concept as a whole XD
AS IT HAPPENS, I DO WANNA FILL IN THE X READER STUFF, YES. I hope you like these ๐Ÿ˜… They're all set before Doom becomes King, I think ๐Ÿค”
Bandit!Smartass x Random Background Villager!Reader who's tough, rational and level headed. She is the only woman Smartass acknowledges as a lady?? Despite no real fairytale role or happy ending afforded to her?? She's just a washmaid??? But she's low-key, and he likes that. No fairytale ending means no drama. And- he just likes her. Genuinely. They argue like an old married couple and the Toon Patrol Bandits always seem to stop by her village by 'coincidence', and everyone knows its just a matter of time.
-or circumstance. When Y/N's village becomes a target for a raging dragon maybe Smartass will... you know... face his issues with love and realise that Y/N is Not Like That? She wouldn't hurt him, or she's just Worth It, and steals a carriage+leaves the rest of the weasels behind wherever they were when he hears in order to get there for her.
Bandit!Wheezy x Wicked Witch!Reader who hates people *cough* except him. Yes, she's one of those crazy ones who like to curse villages, eat children and take princesses hostage when she's bored. She's kindof wacky. But Wheezy has come to just really... like her? Like hanging with her? They click???? She's nuts and actually out of her mind and truly freaky, kinda weird looking with her gross hair and soot on her face and rags covering her body; completely uncivilised. But? He? Loves her?? She's funny and she's cute in a mangy-dog sorta way, and she doesn't mind he's gross himself. He doesnt know about telling her his feelings,.. the crazy bat might try to set something on fire from shock,.. but he knows it and that's all that really matters.
Until a king sends his guard to come and execute her for her crimes against the crown (she... might have... perhaps... turned the queen into a chicken) and it becomes very obvious Wheezy's butt-fuck in love with her when he refuses to get out from between her and the pack of guards.
Bandit!Psycho x Sleeping Curse!Reader who is, obviously, asleep when the Toon Patrol Bandits come across her in the forest. Most of the weasels are uniterested in the sleeping woman and move on, but Psycho is immediately intrigued, feeling instinctually close to this snoozy female laying like a corpse in the woods. This is his mistake, but its also how the story is written (fate), so I guess he cant really be blamed. He doesn't know why... but he's drawn to her, staring at her and watching her sleep. He can not figure out why, but he just... has... to stay...
And now...
He's getting...
Psycho is drawn into the curse with her, standing over her body dead asleep like a stone guard until the day that Prince comes along, and kisses her- and he is jolted awake instead.
Turns out, the princess had been put to sleep by her parents a long time ago. It was an effort to keep her safe- the idea was that she would sleep, blissfully unaware of the dangerous world around her, until the right person came along to protect her; then she would be allowed to live, because she would have her guard. Different worthy men would be drawn into her sleep with her so that they couldn't get away before proving themselves or not, and when a threat (a foolhardy prince attempting to have what wasn't his to take) came along, they would wake before her and if she woke up then that would mean that he had gotten rid of the scoundrel- and she was safe in his care.
Psycho is the only one in a thousand years, who protected her.
Bandit!Greasy x Hag!Reader and Greasy is just... enamoured with her. Completely besotted. Smitten. No one knows why; she's so ugly. Has she spelled him? But no, she seems just as confused as everyone else!... Maybe Grease is just a freak?
This goes on for a few months- Hag!Reader tries to go about their sad unloved life, trying to ignore and forget the odd bandit that's surely maming fun of her, and Greasy keeps seeking her out and being kind to her!; giving her food, shelter, and gifts! He compliments her, too, says her dirty smudged skin makes him wanna sin and her sunken eyes spell him to think dirty things that make her head spin!... He never once ignores her flaws or tells her she's prettier than she is- he seems to get off on them, instead!
... Greasy may never admit that its because he had a premonition that he and her were meant to be, the day he first saw her on the street. No one knows he can do that, and they can't because seers are often killed for their gifts- but he can do everything else in his power to convince her he loves her. He wants her.
And he will. For as long as he lives.
Bandit!Stupid x Princess!Reader. It's a classic story; Reader is approached by all kinds of princes and noblemen from around the world asking to marry her but she loves the sweet bandit she met. He's the only one she wants.
... except Stupid doesn't know that ๐Ÿ˜… He thinks he's just lucky when they keep running into her carriage (travelling through known toon patrol territory) to stop and rob, and he gets to see her again. He thinks its lucky, that she always has just enough gold to please them. He thinks it's lucky, that she's so kind and understanding about them 'robbing' her.
She won't tell him, though. She's happy to get herself robbed every week just to see him (she's got the riches, so why not?). This way they can be friends, and she doesn't upend his life which being with a princess would do. If she has to go down in history as the strict Queen that never married, that's okay. Maybe one day lobg after she's dust, someone will decode her journal; figure out her love story with the sweet, dumb bandit.
But its okay if they don't.
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