#i wantes Out anyway bc i didnt like this dynamic and i wasnt gonna bother w it . not when i had other dhit to b worrying abt
29121996 · 8 months
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magpiecaranthir · 1 year
Erestor and Ecthelion randomly mentioning that Tinwe got badly hurt and then everyone asking way too many questions so they have to explain that Tinwe got tortured in the 2nd age. Entirety of Aman court probably completly in shock.
Ok but listen listen LISTEN its gonna be a semi-coherent ramble so a cut is needed sorry
We've established a pre-darkening dynamic in the background amongst the elves that isnt perfect (aka people openly thinking tinwe will be the first to kick the bucket bc shes so similar to miriel and even named after her so that's what shes capital f Fated to do, right? Like an unspoken prophecy from Mandos himself.)
Now pair that with tinwe not yet having returned to Aman, but Celebrimbor, ecthelion and Erestor did.
Celebrimbor doesnt speak of his torture. It's a tender topic and hes in need of a whole lot of healing before he can openly speak of it. His num helps, obv, but he doesnt want her to hurt any more.
Those who died in eregion havent returned yet, so they cant attest to tinwe being there. Those who were in Imladris have no reason to speak of ranyatinwe. Celebrimbor doesnt Ecthelion and Erestor dont bother (why would they? Its nobody's business and tinwe herself wouldnt speak of the torture, so why should they?)
But then Ecthelion is like "oh, yeah, Ranyatinwe is really touchy about her torture as well" when someone mentions Celebrimbor not opening up about it when they want to help.
And everyone is like what the fuck do you mean Ranyatinwe? She's not dead yet?
And yeah even Erestor is offended by that question bc what the fuck??? Obviously she isnt. You'd know if the entire house of feanor was dead. Yall would probably celebrate too
Erestor is like "how the fuck do you think Celebrimbor survived sauron invading ost-in-edhil and the time he was tortured for information on The Rings before Elrond showed up? Literal weeks??
And ppl are like idk
And that is the first time Erestor really fucking feels for tinwe and her bitterness towards Aman bc how the fuck do they just pretend she wasnt involved in the second AND the third age
Anyway when they learn tinwe bought Celebrimbor time, what surprised these court elves isnt the fact that she got tortured for Celebrimbor. No. Feanorians are ride or die for family.
What throws them off is that she survived. Didnt die. In fact, the fact that she wasnt the first to kick the bucket in the first age throws them off and every century shes alive just adds to that.
Like even reborn nolofinwe is like wait wtf shes not dead yet how did that happen.
I just like the bad social dynamics of Aman, a place where Out Of The Norm is something Bad and Not Perfect is to be avoided and people are cunts. I just cant imagine Aman being all paradise and sunshine, especially for someone who is born to the only elf who's mother died/father remarried, and who looks eerily similar to the dead grandmother.
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