#i wantto get violent
zabacore · 1 year
draft that my friend (worst enemy) is forcing me to post ;;p
the henry stickmin collection headcanons!
[only doing triple threat bcos thwyre love theyre life theyre god]
henry stickmin !
my little baby boy is white as hell holy shiiiiit. he is as pale as paper he is edward cullen. he says "ni hao" like "knee how" i love him tho. also hes def european or sumn idk. like italian or british IDK
HES SO BICURIOUS ENERGY GROWLS.... IDK. HE JUST SEEMS LIKE. CONFUSED ABOUT EVERYTHING HES SO SILLY. also a he/him user he doesnt get into that mentally ill stuff
thsi is baaaasically canon at this point but hes autistic + selectively mute!!! hes nonverbal a lot no shit hes kindof like ferb.
henry would watch brooklyn 99. idk i cant explain itbut he would. he probbaly wouldnt even understand it rlly he would just watch it
henry stickmin
charles calvin !
GAY GAY GAYYYYY GAYYYYY MLM!!!! HE IS A GAY HETHEY I DONT CAAARREEEE I DONT CARE!!!! also provably dabbled for a bit as a nonbinary but decided otherwise
soz can u tell charles is my fav character
he has audhd!!!! he definitely likes like the little wiggly slug fidgets giggles like thw ones that go wksjskanwskdjjd. yeah
goes NOWHERE without those headphones. always listenignt o music or smth to keep him focused
he prob has like commitment issues ;p idk he seems lole the type
when he goes to bed he needs like 17 different stuffed animals, two blankets, 5 pillows, white noise, music, a podcast, and a hefty dose of melatonin to fall asleep
wittle bonus stickvin/stickduo hc >< charles and henry are probs soooo like clingy to each other cus charles was like?? the youngest pilot rihjt? so he was probably very lonely and henry spent all his fuckin time commiting crimes so he probably had dno fuckin friends either. CUTESY!!!!
ellie rose !
she was my queer discovery awakening thtas all.
OK NO shes def like puerto rican or sumn ^^ idk they just havw that energyyyyyggggyghbgyghh
helllaaaaaa attachment issues oh my lrod if she isnr a daddy issues girl idk who is. their dad def like abanoned her adn her mom or sumthin idkkkk
third wheel to stickduo but is nevwr mad about it. isntead she just makws fun of them
"henry dont be a fucking pussy and hold his damn hand" "charles take OFF those goddamn headphones you look like an idiot"
yea she def swears the most out of the group too i lovw her
wine aunt. ill say no more
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pandoraships · 5 years
1 through 20. I wantto know ALL
Okay let’s see tw: abuse, low self esteem.
1. Describe yourself how you would describe a character you’re introducing.
Fairly tall, pear shaped and broad faced she stares out the window of the cafe. Blue grey eyes dart from behind glasses that are so smudged they almost hide the deep circles under her eyes. She seems to be searching the air for words to type with her nail bitten finger nails. Frizzy brown hair rumpled from one to many hands being pushed through it hangs limp to her shoulders, which slump slightly as if hiding from some all seeing eye. Her expression is cold, tired, and done with the world, but When she sees you staring she smiles, and you see hope behind her eyes.
2. Is there any specific ritual you go through while/before/after your writing?
I do have a few. I cue up my music, settle in, and just reread my last chapter. It helps me work up to the next set of scenes. I also try to take a hot shower before hand , as water seems to energize me.
As for while writing I will often act out the scenes verbally and physically , or something close to them, to judge reactions. My so has walked in on that shit more than once.
After writing I go back and just change things around until I can’t recognize what I’ve written at which point I panic, quickly edit and pray I have done well. I also take forever to post because I have to convince my low self esteem I’m not hurting anyone by posting or being a crappy writer.
3. What is your absolute favorite kind of fic to write?
Slow, in-depth and epic aus. I figure the writers of the actual series have a good plan, so I try not to write in canon or at least in current canon, so I can be more inventive and leave their property in their version of the story.
4. Are there any other fic writers you admire? If so, who and why?
A ton actually. anyone who tries really. I know how tough it can be to put yourself out there. That being said I’m a fan of @arxaris and also Let_me-wander on ao3. But for me any good work will earn my respect.
As to why those two specifically? They have the chemistry down pat for my head canon kirishima and bakugo. Also I’m a sucker for just fluff slice of life stories .
5. How many words can you write if you sit down and concentrate intensely for an hour?
5000? Assuming I break to pace wildly and mutter at my cats. 7000 if I’m just really absorbed.
6. First fic/pairing you wrote for? (If no pairing, describe the plot)
ahaha okay so actually if anyone can find it I have a Naruto/ gaara Drabble floating around on fanfiction.net. It’s not even a real fiction , and you can only see the pairing if you squint, but it was there . The rest on that site are collabs which wasn’t mine.
I wrote others but the “first” real paring I wrote for was an angel fanfiction from an anonymous axis powers hetalia that had Germany and italia and involved Prussia falling and ... well life got in the way of that one, but it’s out there, half written.
7. Inspiration, time, or motivation. Choose two.
Motivation and inspiration because you make time for writing. It’s a disciplined art.
8. Why do you choose to write?
I get depressed or overly emotional when I don’t. It makes me feel bland to focus on this world all the time. I like creating and being able to share that with others.
9. Do you ever have plans to write anything other than fic?
I have a couple of books in the works but it’s mostly getting the esteem up to even try.
10. What inspires you the most?
Ahah attention. I kid. It’s mostly the world around us, small moments that allow me to take them and riff on them.
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
Uhhh home stuck mage the awakening picture web comic spin off.Primarly because I can’t fucking draw. Pure writing? I have a set up where a guy dies and goes to heaven and becomes the destined one to destroy the machine of the long absent god. But he’s like several kinds of dumb.
12. A fix you wish you had written better, and why?
Ahahaha uh I’m not sure I could have but I did a trading Christmas thing and I just phoned it in. I was having a lot of home trouble at the time but i was a gift. I could have done better.
13. Favorite fic from another author?
Nope, that is like asking a favorite child or your drink of choice. It differs depending on what mood I am in.
14. Your favorite side pairings to put in?i actually sneak in Crowley and his angel from good omens into almost every fic. If it’s not them it’s my first actual concious ship, Kurama and Hiei fromyuyu hakusho. I also add in my favorite player characters from my role playing games and their boyfriends.
15. Your guilty writing pleasure?
Supernatural. Soulmates . Reincarnation, time travel.
16. Do you have structured ideas of how your story is supposed to go, or make it up as you write?
Half and half. I do write out the plots but about half way through a given story I have to stop and like... rewrite .
17. Would yo describe yourself as a fast writer?
Tumblr media
18. How old were you when you started writing?
19. Why did you start writing?
I was an emotionally and sexually abused child locked in her own mind by a toxic mix of anxiety , slight social delays and having been forced to grow up and use my mind to avoid danger. I didn’t have friends, I didn’t talk , I spent all my days locked in my own head trying desperately to express feelings I didn’t have words for. I had been abandoned on an uncaring relatives door step by a mother who was escaping her own abuse at the hands of said relatives. I was numb, tired and at the same time hated the world. My only comfort were books , manga , anime, video games. My relatives hated all of those but books. So I was given only those.
One day I just... started writing. And suddenly I could process the storm in my mind. It didn’t make it hurt less but I could tell stories to understand my pain from a safe distance. And it saved me.
20. 4 sentences from your work that you’re proud of
Its movement seemed strange, too slow, and too fast at the same time. The purple-green slime that made up the body roiled and morphed over the cement, collecting debris like an abyssal lint roller. As its front came into view, Izuku could see the face swimming about its exterior, like a sick Mr. Potato head. Each bubble that formed in its surface displaced the features, and with each pop, they shuddered violently back to their original locations, like ping pong balls in ooze.
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