#i was STRONGLY uncomfortable at this cis straight white dude who is huge directing a lot of his anger at me
lucemxnox · 2 years
today's class just reaffirmed that some people REALLY should never be teachers, especially in k-12 education. dude fully was just incredibly disrespectful, rude, and argumentative during a roundtable discussion, cut people off multiple times, and directed his anger at me and another classmate strongly that it made the class all uncomfortable. if you can't handle a simple discussion without blowing up in anger, how the hell can you teach students whose identities you don't support? how will you handle any POC kids in your class if you blow up in a GRAD SCHOOL CLASS including at THE PROFESSOR stating his beliefs that historic racism strongly contributes to issues today in politics? and you wanna teach history????? to KIDS??? just freaking wild dude.
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