#just cause you went to law school doesnt mean you can teach
lucemxnox · 2 years
today's class just reaffirmed that some people REALLY should never be teachers, especially in k-12 education. dude fully was just incredibly disrespectful, rude, and argumentative during a roundtable discussion, cut people off multiple times, and directed his anger at me and another classmate strongly that it made the class all uncomfortable. if you can't handle a simple discussion without blowing up in anger, how the hell can you teach students whose identities you don't support? how will you handle any POC kids in your class if you blow up in a GRAD SCHOOL CLASS including at THE PROFESSOR stating his beliefs that historic racism strongly contributes to issues today in politics? and you wanna teach history????? to KIDS??? just freaking wild dude.
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
quidditch, confession, press conference
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A/N: ah day 16, @obxmermaid​ this is another confession. this time we find the minister of magic and some of his council appear to the school for the annual christmas quidditch match. but when you and draco are invited to speak with fudge after the match things get spoken that should have stayed secret... this takes place the end of christmas break.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
prompt: telling those who teach and guide you (ministry of magic)
mentioning @sweetness47​
25 days of hogwarts
yours and draco’s rivalry was obsolete in the eyes of the school, but in the eyes of the ministry was still very much alive. you and draco had kept up the ruse, at the behest of the professors who wanted you and draco to stay safe till it was time to let the ministry know. 
well that day was much closer than you all knew. today is the annual christmas quidditch match. slytherin and ravenclaw were to play in this tournament it was a great honor when your house gets chosen to play this tournament. 
getting into your gear you had spelled the tent so no one would be able to hear your thoughts. 
YN (to self): get a grip girl, the minister of magic is arriving for the match and you need to go into this with a nice clear head. hopefully we get through this day without any hiccups.
just as you finished speaking those words the tent opened. you felt your heart leap... 
YN: are they almost ready for us?
Draco: relax love, they know it takes time to prepare for such an event. your trembling, are you sure you want to do this?
YN: do we have a choice. everyone has turned out to see this match. 
Draco: then lets put on the show of our lives. 
Draco smiled as he walked over to mount his broom as you stood there as well mounting your broom both of you listening to fudge announce your entrance.
Fudge: welcome each and every one of you student, teachers and family alike to the annual Christmas quidditch match. This year the rival houses of ravenclaw and slytherin will face off in a treacherous game. The team players are on the field the Captain's of these 2 teams and their famous rivalry are Yn for ravenclaw, and Draco malfoy for slytherin!
That was your cue both of you flew out onto the court... You took your position, Draco took his. The scowling looks both of you gave was the stuff talked of in legends, but non the less it was only an act...
The game went strikingly along till you and Draco were face to face with the defence, but everyone was watching the look exchanges between you and Draco.
Numerous dignitaries had their eyes focused on you and Draco for the entire game, you goaled, Draco got a point. it volleyed back and forth for a while then you were going in for the final goal.
YN: come on love take this goal away from me
Draco: are you sure
Yn: yes your turn to win. Take this victory for your house. We still have to meet with fudge. And it's been almost 3 hours of this game. Lets end this once and for all.
Draco: talking about the game or telling fudge about us
Yn: both
That was all you had to say Draco knocked himself into your side and stole the ball out of your hand, you looked shocked of course when he did to play the game still.
Draco scored the final goal for slytherin. The crowd cheered, your team gathered round you as they all watched as you and Draco made the central congratulations from one captain to the other, cameras flashed, people cheered, you then led your ravenclaws back to the tent and made plans for a next practice after christmas break. 
you then left your ravenclaws and went to the captains tent. you knew draco would be busy for a while and you needed to clear your head...you went behind the change cover for the ravenclaw side and got out of your quidditch outfit, and into your relaxed ravenclaw uniform. 
you came out from behind the cover and saw a figure outside the tent.. you drew your wand under defencive purpose. 
YN: whoever is outside the tent, i should warn you, im armed with defensive magic right now and i will not hesitate to blast your butt. 
thats when the figure outside spoke,.
Draco: love its me... please unspell the tent... 
you forgot you had spelled the tent so you could change in peace... you lifted the spell and draco walked in he spun you around and gave you a kiss. he let go of you so he could go behind the cover and get changed while you finished writing out the practice schedule for your ravenclaws. 
Draco: are you seriously writing out your practice schedule already babe?
YN: of course i am... does this really surprise you?
Draco: no it doesnt... i love how dedicated you are... your ravenclaws worked really hard out there... it seems like they are finally coming to terms with your relationship with me... 
YN: yeah i had a talk with my ravens... they all agreed to support me and be happy for my new found happiness... it was easy for them to see it as they only have 2 more years with me as their house prefect. plus it helped that they all were just pretending to be angry with me for hiding us from them to appease the other students. 
Draco: well i guess that would help. the slytherins were accomodating as ever... i mean its slytherin its full of a bunch of grumpy butts. they all know how to be kill joys at a party but it didnt matter cause they all knew my secret and speaking of which are you ready to tell Fudge about us... 
YN: no but it needs to be done. you almost ready love?
Draco comes out of the cover a few moments later and stands beside you in the mirror.
Draco: one day hopefully soon we will be able to be a normal couple, living normal lives, being as one in a normal way in public with our future looking bright. now lets go to see the minister... 
you and draco left the captains tent casually chatting but were stopped by the press... who were all asking tons of questions bout the match and how you both were getting along... 
after being hounded, answering questions and posing for photos, you both headed to the  transfiguration classroom, where you were both told to meet the minister there for a private meet and greet.
You both walked into the room and stood still until both of you heard your names called.
Cornelius: approach children for there is nothing to fear.
You both approached. Draco choose to stand still while you sat on a nearby table.
Cornielius: I am very impressed by that match today... I love a good quidditch match in the morning, very well played.
Yn: thank you Minister.
Cornielius: I sense some tension... Please speak freely children for its with an open heart that I have come here today.
Draco moved to stand behind you before he spoke.
Draco: sir, almost 2 years ago, I fell in love with this girl right here. We kept our relationship a secret and we felt our love grow we had to get it out in the open. My parents found out and tried to kill us. Yn's parents know and accept us. Her extended family tried to crucify us last week. And our fellow students and friends have accepted our happiness all we are missing is the blessing of the ministry. The professors of hogwarts can back this up with their own testimonies of how much we have not let this forbidden relationship affect our school work, our daily lives or anything we just have the need for the blessing of the ministry so we can continue to make plans for our future.
Yn: we accept any punishment you deem worthy for this crime. But if it's a crime to love then we surely are guilty to death, cause I love this man, what he says is true, I love him more than my own life... I would die for him as surely he would die for me. I can't imagine my life without him.
The look on the ministers face made you and Draco move close but not too close for the fact that the minister hadn't spoken yet.
Cornielius took his wand and wrote out a fire message and sent it off. Before another word could be spoken the door to the classroom opened welcoming McGonagall, flitwick, Dumbledore and Snape into the room.
Cornielius: these children have told me they confessed to the 4 of you and more people that they are in a relationship, outside of the rules is this true.
Dumbledore: cornielius, what these children have said is true... Yes they were punished by us accordingly as well as some resentment from their fellow classmates, their houses and friends. But they understood that was the consequences of their actions. In the end of things I was the one who gave final judgement and saw that they are just 2 people who against all rules and laws fell in love. They didn't commit any crime except that of love, which if I'm not mistaken is a 100% human emotion and its a good thing to have some change. Which is why at hogwarts as of a week ago I implemented a open inter house relationship policy. Draco and Yn signed this document and all its missing to be released to the public is the signature of the minister. Please take a look at it and sign it if you agree.
Fudge sat down at the desk as Dumbledore placed the document in front of him, everyone in the room stood still and quiet as the wait for the ministers decision was killing you and Draco inside and out.
Draco: I know this isn't the best time to say this but Yn I am so sorry, being with you has only put you in trouble. I don't regret being with you at all. These years have brought trials to us that just made me love you more than my own self. I love you so much and I am happy now to say this out loud. When my parents attacked yours in the restaurant in London, you stood vigilant and radiant to my own whim. It's made me the happiest to spend little moments of my day with you every day for the last 2 years.
Upon hearing this the minister cleared his throat, before you could say your response, cornielius spoke.
Cornielius: I cornielius fudge minister of magic now having witnessed the love between these 2 students do so sign this document of peace in a new order of open romantic relations between the 4 houses of hogwarts. In other starters, no punishment needed for these 2 children have done nothing wrong. They instead were trying to pull for a change without even knowing it. The love these 2 have is unbreakble and to not sign this would make these times that we live in alot worse. people should be free to love who they want to love.
you and draco now standing beside eachother...
YN: wait wait so does this mean draco and i can be anywhere in the wizarding community and be together publicly happily as a couple. free to marry when we are old enough.
Cornielius: yes thats what it means. and as minister of magic i would be happy to bestow my blessing to your marriage when the time comes.
draco picked you up and spun you round. it was the highlight of your christmas break. well the end of it anyway. draco placed you back on your feet and kissed you. the professors all chatting and happy for you both made you smile.
YN: thank you all of you, the support and respect is overwhelming and we can't thank you enough for this... if there is ever anything we can do to repay your kindness minister please let us know.
cornielius simply walked right up to you an draco and smiled.
Cornielius: keep winning hogwarts those quidditch games and make us the best. make us good enougn to compete in the world cup, make us good enough to win the cup.
with that the room was cleared, the 4 professors all left as well, that was when you and draco went to stand on the balcony. the fresh snow starting to fall, make the perfect scene for you both to share in a moment of passion.
~with that a new legacy begins but there is more to this story stay tuned.~
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vitosscaletta · 4 years
personality + relationships for julia & background + relationships for lucia 😌
rips you off and makes banners <3
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What’s their alignment?
chaotic good/neutral. more neutral/lawful later on
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into?
Not looking at it in-depth but entj 😳
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)?
Writing obviously... Mostly her little newspaper articles though, she’s not creative enough to write fiction :/ Other than that she likes to read, mostly the standard literature of the time (she’s a big fan of Ernest Hemingway.. 😳) or some of her mom’s old stuff and a few other columnists she looks up to :) Also medical books her dad has in their living room. She reads those too. She also picked up sewing at some point in the late 20′s/early30′s but she’s kinda. whatever about it. Mostly did it when she couldn’t afford new clothes and tried to change the silhouette of her old stuff
What are they bad at?
Driving 😔 she’s not... bad... she’ll just yell at anyone for no reason and break speed limit all the time 
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses?
No lol but she smokes... sometimes 😒
What are their goals and motivations?
God she’s ambitious as hell and it has mostly to do with her job... she wants to be a famous journalist or something but most of all to be taken seriously? Insert that saying about having to work twice as hard as a man to get half as much respect. Besides that, she also believes whatever she puts out into the world could somehow change things for the better :) It’s a little naive so she’d never tell people but. 
What are their manners like? Any habits?
Her manners are.. good? But she’s chatty and won’t shut up and says whatever is on her mind so
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
She’s friends with almost everyone at Salieri’s (except Frank ig just because I couldn’t see them interacting much.. and Vinny..) and mostly just hangs out with them, she doesn’t really interact with other people anymore. Friend group that consists almost exclusively of italians <3 Her best friends are Olive and Sarah, maybe also Carlo since he always hangs around the bar too while the others are doing idk mafia things and plays cards with them :/ She’s friends with the other guys too though. Including Ralphie to some degree, she feels sorry that everyone makes fun of him... then laughs at whatever mean shit the others say about him and feels bad about it 😔
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids?
Oh you know 🙄 has a stupid little crush on Sam because she likes evil men i guess... idk what to say because there’s. A lot. They hold hands on her dads couch, get together like a year later because hes a freak etc. You know how it ends in canon but in the sexy superior au they get married in 1939/1940 something but nothing changes bc she was living in his crappy little italy apartment anyway :) also no kids god.. 
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
Hmmm mostly her parents. Yes her dad is a crooked doctor but she wants to be like that too... He ends up in prison in the canon timeline though :c  Also her late mother... she was an author (not a well-known one lmao) who died in the late 1910s :/  She trusts uhhh.. her dad and her friends I suppose.. her close friends. 
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
She dislikes/hates a lot of random people because she’s petty but has no real enemies? Maybe Morello & his gang but just because everyone else does.. She has the exact same opinion on him as Salieri so whenever he talks shit she’s like “haha YEAH! >:(”... then he goes crazy in the end :/
Do they have any pets?
Yes, a cat :) his name is Louie
Are they good with kids? Animals?
With kids... yeah, to some degree? She’s the cool aunt who teaches kids swear words like “oh nuts” and tells them (child-friendly versions of) stories about her mafia friends but she’s not really someone who could take care of a child all day 🙄 Animals... yeah? She’s good with cats but probably nothing else
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Where were they born? What was their childhood like?
She was born in Parlermo in the 1920s but her family moved to america when she was very young so she has no memory of her old home :/ They weren’t very well off in sicily and that didn’t change when they moved, her parents worked shitty jobs with low pay so they didn’t have much & lived in some ugly little apartment in little italy with their three kids... Lucia had to take care of her brothers most of the time because her parents both worked.. and was usually the one who had to beat the other kids’ asses when they got into trouble with any of them 😒 She spent most of the free time she had studying and doing things for school so she could get a proper job and wouldn’t end up like her parents or whatever
What’s their family like?
Her parents like I said are both from Sicily.. her dad is a mechanic and mostly worked in some little garage. The earning wasn’t that bad for the time but he made a few debts to the bank (and other people trying to pay those off) in the 1930s so you know :/ Her mom worked part-time in some random store lol.. they loved her obviously but they were very strict and had a billion expectations while also not really being around enough. They do support her trying to do well in school, mayyyyybe also going to college and all that but still expect her to get married instead of pursuing a career in the end so she can become a proper housewife 😒  She also has two younger brothers, Antonio and Frank.. they’re closer and like i said... Lucia is the cooler older sister who beats up the other kids who mess with them. They don’t have much lore but.. they exist..
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold?
None... idk.... empire bay library where she works in the late 40′s/early 50s :) she initially just works there as a librarian but becomes an archivist in 1950 something.
How do they fit into their “story”?
Just like Mia, she’s Vito & Joe’s friend from childhood.. dumb teenage antics that end after high school and they grow apart while Vito is in the army and Joe does... crime things. She’s just doing her own thing until the like 2 months where Vito isnt in prison.. where she has to drive his ass home after he & Joe robbed that one jewelry store :^) also they all meet up again in 1951, life is good for 3 months
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like?
Some crappy little apartment complex in Westside except her apartment looks nice 😌 it’s nothing fancy but it’s cozy and nice, lots of books lying around (there’s a system to it according to her), some old furniture mixed with new mid-century style ones. She has a little sunburst clock hanging there.
How do they eventually die?
Uhhh probably just of old age... in a swamp..
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend?
Her childhood friend group that I mentioned, consisting of Vito, Joe and Mia :) They all lived in the same crappy neighborhood and went to school together.. Apparently Joe was the neighborhood bully whch is funny as hell to me but also. Lucia got into his “gang” when he picked on her little brother and she threatened to beat his ass.. meanwhile Vito actually had to do that to get into their group lmao. They met Mia like two years later in church and all became friends when Lucia helped her out in school 😳 She’d definitely consider Mia her best friend, they still hung out after their little friend group fell apart :(
She’s also friends with Giuliana and by association Henry (not really she just hears about him from like everyone)
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it?
godd obviously she wasn’t the one who started shit but she gladly went along with whatever stupid bullshit the others were doing. She’s supposed to be the responsible smart one or something but she’s not... she’s the one who causes more trouble to help the others somehow 😌 Shoplifting antics
She started being responsible after graduating high school when her parents told her to do something with her life so she’s like... “time to stop hanging out with criminals and focus on college...”. she really misses it though :(
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids?
Ahem.... she and Vito.... Childhood friends to lovers 😌 they were just friends in high school & she thought she’d never see him again after he got arrested but she does in 1945. Then he gets arrested again :)) Uhh she probably briefly dated a few people during that time but nothing ever came out of it. They get together in 1951 though but i cant talk about my mafia ships here or I’ll combust. They also probably have kids idk yet.. they look like kids people
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust?
She trusts..... her friends. and her brothers. Doesn’t really look up to her parents though because that’s exactly what she doesn’t want to be :(
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies?
She doesn’t have any enemies she just hates some random people by association (the irish gang, some random mafia men she doesnt know)
Do they have any pets?
Two cats. Ocs by me owning cats cinematic universe
Are they good with kids? Animals?
Yes, she’s good with both :)
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tatavangogh · 4 years
50 Questions Tag
Thank you  @penicillinjimin @vante-love and @sweetpeajeon for tagging me!! It always makes me happy to see ya’ll tag me in stuff 💕💜💕💜
what color is your hairbrush? its like tie-dye with orange yellow and pink
name a food you never eat: peas🤢
are you typically too warm or too cold?: Usually too cold because I’d rather be freezing then burning up 
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: working on some assignments for my classes
what’s your favorite candy bar?: snickers!
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: I went to a harlem globetrotters game as a kid, does that count?? 😅
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: “ Can i turn the ac on?” to my mom cause it’s freaking HOT jsdk
what’s your favorite ice cream?: mint chocolate chip (pls dont hate me namjoon!) 
what was the last thing you had to drink?: water
do you like your wallet?: yep! It has little gold stars lining the outside and big enough to hold all my empty gift cards xx
what’s the last thing you ate?: hmm it was something last night i think pasta?
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: Nope! I’m trying to save up money because i went a little crazy buying things when quarantine started
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: I honestly have no idea 😂 i’m not really a big sports person
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: movie theater butter!
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: My friend and sister! We send hella tik toks to each other almost every night!
ever go camping?: Yeah during a school field trip in elementary school! One time was like a science trip thingy and the other was kiinda weird lol. We dressed up like we lived in the wild west and made our own butter and stuff
do you take vitamins?: yes
do you go to church every sunday?: no
do you have a tan?: No and lord knows i need one😭 i mean im black so i have a permanent one but still sdkld
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: pizza all day every day!
do you drink soda through a straw?: hmm i dont think i have 
what color socks do you usually wear?: grey or black with different designs (my favs are my dino ones!)
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I don’t go anymore than 5-10 mph above the limit
what terrifies you?: omg what doesnt?? One thing that people think is a weird fear is running out of gas skjd best believe my tank is always full x
what chore do you hate the most?: Doing dishes, omg it feels like its NEVER ENDING the dishes keep coming and coming 🥺
look to your left, what do you see?: my tv, law & and order is playing as always lol
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: koalas and the desert 
what’s your favorite soda?: sprite!
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: recently just the drive thru or curbside
what’s your favorite number?: 36
who’s the last person you talked to?: my sister
favorite cut of beef?: hmm lol i dont know, any cut??😅
last song you listened to?: Still with you by jungkook ( GO LISTEN ITS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL🌹)
last book you read?: my elementary math book dsjk trying to figure out how to teach fractions to 4th graders is HARD
can you say the alphabet backwards?: probably not lmao, i would give up by like w or s
favorite day of the week?: Sunday!
how do you like your coffee?: I dont drink coffee but i love an early grey tea or black tea
favorite pair of shoes?: vans!
time you normally get up?: around 8am
sunrise or sunsets?: sunset🌆
how many blankets on your bed?: just one big duvet 
describe your kitchen plates?:we usually use paper plates but when we run out we use these white square plates
describe your kitchen at the moment?: Clean! I clean it every morning before and after making my tea 
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: SANGRIA omg i can drink these by the mfing gallon
do you play cards?: I actually have a solitaire app on my phone!
what color is your car?: Grande is white xx
can you change a tire?: Maybe if i had a youtube video or my dad with me!
your favorite state/province/county/city etc.?: Sacramento, California, it’s where i was born and whenever i visit it just feels so calming and familiar
favorite job you’ve had?: Working at Kohls with my sister, the managers were horrible but my coworkers made it so so fun
how did you get your biggest scar?: On my left hand I have a scare I got when I was taking bacon out the oven dskdj i accidentally touched the oven rack at the top and now im scarred for life, the bacon was good tho!!😂🥓
WOW okay that took awhile djkds but it was fun! Im going to tag- @cozysugaa @kookgyu @mintedmango @tearults @galaxiejoon 💜
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Hi princess! So imagine this lady who's always ALWAYS being negative abt her kids, never a kind word and only belittling, every other day, like "what did I do wrong really? What kind of kids have I raised? They're bla bla bla" with venom. And worst who doesnt acknowledge how negative + painful she is
When i try to talk to her nd ask her exactly whats the issue with 'me' or how can I help her to ease her burden as she keeps complaining how we're ungrateful or keeps comparing to other 'more acceptable in her eyes" children, she gets defensive nd won't answer properly. She says "ohhh, why don't U know that? arent u old enough to know?' and then starts ranting. when time after time ive begged her to clearly tell me, no passiv agressiveness please! it doesn't work nd i end up wondering why i even bother when im only the villain... Yes this ig is my role in her story that ive writen? confusing 😅
when I can, sometimes i try to help her even tho shes the sort who likes to stay busy so she'll find smth else to do lol, nd inside hope for her to be at least a little NOT negative today.... she either ignores or gets angrier nd goes all "hey, I didn't ask U to do that! How dare u act like u did me a favor! U think ur perfect while im just ur servant right?" when i never even intend that? i effing HATE negative reinforcement nd i feel so damn bad for her, nd shes taught me how negative reinforcement is the worst thing to use, cuz it never teaches anything only builds resentment!!
this is smth i realised that she cant be pleased, she wants to get attention what I mean is, whenever we spend time together, she is perfectly fine when we're talking abt her hobbies nd interests which tbh im NOT that interested in personally but since she likes them i like to discuss them with her nd help her out with projects. not to say "ohhh im so cool i help out with her projects look at me so kind of me! lol" its just it hurts when ur own mother doesn't even rpetend to care abt ur interests. i suspect deep down i carried this feeling of unworthiness ie if even my own mother doesn't care abt my hobbies/projects, no one will . which is why i feel so uncomfortable sharing anything personal to my rl friends cuz im so afraid theyll reject me too :(
By not caring i dont mean I expect her to listen nonstop to me. she has her own life but i mean she purposely zones out, rolls her eyes which HURT SM when i was a child, or even worst she says "im not interested" nd shuts the convo. again, at this point, idec anymore as ive learned slowly to value nd cherish my own value nd hobbies etc which is an important lesson anyway
the only thing i want is to stop her being so painfully negative LOUDLY. Yk I suspect becuz of her dwelling on whats wrong in her life, shes gotten severe numbness nd swelling in one arm? and even the doctors cant detect whats wrong! nd its hella painful nd she can't even lift it up sometimes!!!! THIS GOES ON TO SHOW HOW INNER CONSTANT NEGATIVITY CAN BE REFLECTED IN THE OUTER AKA OUR BODY!! To anyone else who cant help have negative thoughts ONLY, u gotta try to change them! Please! Bcuz my mother's pain in her arm is sometimes crazily too much! Nd this in turn, esp on days where all i hear is her gripe, its worse at night!
Anyway I was compeled to write this as a while ago i went to the kitchen for water nd from her room i heard her loudly complain nd mutter abt how her kids are "socially unacceptable" nd "dear god i pray please please don't let me rely on them in old age, i made a mistake raising them!" She's the sort whos got so many limiting beliefs that initially led to my deep unhappiness w/o knowng it was these beliefs at play eg if you dont become a certain career, youll have no security, or recently she keeps nd keeps lamenting abt not havjng 'enoufh money' (we r having kinda financial crisis due to some rlly terrible decisions by my other parent) or 'oh Im STUCK with this [bad word] family!" when she saw a movie abt someone who went on a trip nd began comparing her own life to it. She's so talented we all ask her to start an online business but she backs away nd says 'how will i ever get capital? im doomed to never have what i want' nd I myself have a bit empty wallet temporarily so i cant help her. Nyway, while im trying to fix my own beliefs, seeing her rage nd let negativity completly take over her is alarming nd worrying to me. it makes me feel negative emotions too. im not entirely confident in mastering my mind ywt. i was that overly sensitive kid at school nd i absorv her energy a lot. Those who u love the most, hurt u the most. nd i agree bcoz while im hurt by her (not that shes intentionally hurting me. THRU her im hurt), i do love her. Nd now thanks to the law ik by changing my beliefs abt things, i can change the world
My reason is i cant change her bcuz she gets hella maddened if i suggest a less negative thought. Nd she instead starts blaming me for my 'decisions in Life' which SHE would NEVERRR make oh no... -_- Nd im not saying i try to be obnoxious abt it hell no! im talking abt getting frustrated at the table talking abt smth abt a random topic, then suddenly listening to her start complaining abt e g. Some kid whos "richer" than i am heatedly! nd if i steer the convo away, nope, she keeps fuming a bit
so since i can only change myself, how the hell do i change my assumptions of her? i affirm having a great mother, happy nd open with her thriving business etc. i affirm this but i cant focus cuz doing so inevitbly makes me sad lol cuz i rmmbr how happy nd liveky she used to be before some unfortunate things in our family that started yrs ago. Which affected us all. Any advice, please? im on a mental diet hwoever the earlier incident of her complaining abt us again caused smth in me to snap. im distancing myself from her but the short times im with her there's only a strong air of disapproval, pain nd misery around her. Tbh i was like that pre-law, not knowing how destructiv my thoughts were, while she was the happy optimistic grateful one. Nd now? Im only slightly more self aware than before ie im NOT saying im able to rise in consiousness SOo much that im 'untouchable' nd buddha-like! Nor is my mom wrong bcuz she's me pushed out! its only her lvl of conciousness nd thats it. its just I don't want to cause or feel more pain or hav any excuse to curse her ,when ego sometimes takes over, anymore. im having some personal issues to take care of too, which is why this is affecting me too much. Sort of like having a weak immune system already?
I want my happy intelligent mom back. ik i got to change me... but the doing is way harder than the saying
Okay first of all imma say it cause I don’t think nobody else will…. Your mom is shitty…. There, I said it. She is abusive and selfish and a bad mom. No parent should ever treat their children that way and make them think they need to fix them.
Other than that yes it’s true she is your manifestation but I think it’s important to let emotions out. Be mad at her for once, stop rationalizing her bad behavior. You have the right to feel mad, angry, sad. YOUR FEELINGS ARE VALID.
I know it seems impossible to keep a mental diet when you see the negative behavior you wish to change every day. I assume you live in the same house. My suggestion is to stick to your mental diet and try to interact as little with her as possible. Go out more often or stay a bit more in your room. Every time you see a behavior from her that you don’t like, and you feel like affirming doesn’t help, close your eyes and see her hugging you and telling you all sorts of beautiful, loving things you’d like to hear from her.
You should also work on your self concept. Parental issues often manifest from poor self concept. Affirmations like “I am worthy, I am loved, I am enough, I am respected, I am cherished” work amazing.
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officerhaughtstuff · 7 years
If you're going to go by history though, Wyatt Earp never had children with any wife. Wynonna Earp as a narrative departs from history by the very existence of Wynonna at all. I guess I don't understand where supposition of historical influence comes into play here when there's no historical basis for the show's own mythology. And we've seen Waverly make a sign of the cross on screen. Are there similar symbolic gestures in Judaism?
we have to assume that there’s some historical basis for their portrayal of wyatt earp, they list a number of true things about him when they mention him. the biggest differences that i can see (outside of the whole “evil witch” thing) are the nature of his split with doc holliday, his non-existant children, and that he ended up a small town sheriff. he really was a us marshall some of the time. not as much as implied in the show, but given that they dont give strict dates or percentages or even anything outside of “he worked with the law” or “he sought justice”, which are both true abstract statements, we can’t outright say that the show is incorrect about those facts. so, without any other evidence, and with no other obvious assumptions to make, I assumed its just wyatt earp’s life but slightly divergent from reality. also, given that we’re given pretty much jack shit in terms of the earp family tree outside of: wyatt earp, some people, ward and his kids, its fair to find some sort of framework to construct a narrative on. i mean we dont even know all the details of the curse. or who cast it. or why. how does magic work? what exactly separates revenants from demons? how does the black badge and other assumedly existing organizations (not that we have proof of those, mind you) cover up every single magical occurence and governmental response to these occurences? in the modern age of social media? you cant tell me there arent a million viral videos and other documentation of fucking lizard me doing kickflips or bigfoot doing her hair. why is waverly given two contradicting dates for her birthday? (in the show she says shes a virgo. on the canonical syfy website that gives facts abt each character it says she was born in Februrary (9th i believe) which im p sure isnt virgo) how old was willa really when bobo got her? what is the real age difference between the earps? cause the headstones and the verbal retelling say different things. i like history and this show includes a lot of history. so i chose history. technically you can choose anything you want. thats the fun thing that comes with headcanons. you can construct the narrative any way you want. i happen to be a nerd who likes to try and figure everything out on my own, so i went for what seemed to be the most practical way for myself to try and guess at some answers and fill in some gaps. you can use whatever logical method you have to answer these questions, unless you’re trying to tell me that i shouldn’t bother guessing at all because no attempts to explain or learn about anything in that universe will be based in entirely logical and accurate frameworks and facts.
and while i appreciate the thought, i was aware of wyatt earp’s history. him not having children is kinda a big thing you notice if you look up his family tree. if you want proof of my doing historical research for my framework, here’s the post where i talk about wyatt earp and also his wives and why i came to the conclusion that Sade/Josie was likely the mother of his children in the show.
that post is literally the first time the earps being Jewish occurred to me. I didnt construct an identity for them and then create a backstory to apply it. i just filled in a backstory to the best of my ability with as much accuracy in the realm of my framework as I could, and the identity came naturally as a part of that. i think that the earps being Jewish is a good thing that fits in the universe and that it would be interesting and could be good storytelling to explore in fics, headcanons, meta, and the show. im not actually forcing anyone to believe this if they dont want to. i know that the “PSA” thing may sound like it, but honestly i dont give a flying fuck what anyone else wants to believe. id like people to think about it, and id like the idea to get out to more people, and id love to see more of it and talk about it. but if no one else wants in, ill be over here on my Jewish!Earps boat by myself.
and as for the sign of the cross thing, that can easily be a cultural thing. as i said earlier, i dont think ward was big on teaching anything that wasnt alcoholism or violence so im not sure that wynonna and waverly would be raised knowing a lot about their heritage or their religion. and yet another thing that makes a kid different in a small town like purgatory where you’re already known as the crazy family with the bad seed adn the freaky genius sisters? itd be easier to just do what all the other kids are doing. half the people i know that do the sign of the cross in moments like that do it out of habit, they pick it up from family or church or school. the other half are truly religious people. given what we’ve seen of the earp sisters they don’t strike me as devote, religious catholics. waverly as we know is the type of person who spent years changing herself to fit in with everyone else and find connections to people (like in an emotion way, not a business way)
as for your question about similar gestures in Judaism, i am unfortunately not an expert in Judaism. I was raised protestant, then went to a catholic school in a Very Catholic area for over a decade. i know more about catholicism than Judaism. from what research i did i couldn’t find anything that stood out as similar to the catholic sign of the cross gesture. id be open to being corrected by Jewish people who have a better answer/experience.
i think waverly would be interested in researching to find out more about that part of her heritage, but that doesnt erase years of habit. wynonna i think would be uninterested in religion or culture really, even her own. she’d like listening to waverly though and she’d be willing to help waverly when waverly wants/needs it. so any real evidence i think that the earps would show of their heritage and religion would be learned and started later in life, as well as not being their primary instinct (at least when compared to what they picked up from exposure. like the sign of the cross)
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viewofsal · 7 years
Soooo a lot of good things have been happening in my life. I know from my posts I sound bitter, sad, heartbroken, blah blah but its been a rough time in my life and I’m finally understanding and accepting my life, my lessons, my blessings, my mistakes and experiences. *Someone told me recently my blog is very raw* but I like to keep it real and what not, plus no one knows me on here lol i have followers from all over the US to international countries as well. Also I feel like I haven’t done an “intro” about myself in a long time.. I think since I’ve started blogging so what the hell…. this is going to be long but hey whatever!
Hey guys! Im Salia Sheikh, 25 (old af, jk!), I look younger than my age (thanks to good genes lol), I am still in school, pursuing a career in Business. I love to read, write (duh I have a blog for a reason!), paint, work out, try new food, BIG FOOD JUNKIE, binge watch amazing shows on Netflix (bae for life), I love the color purple and blue. If school wasnt so damn expensive and I didnt have a timelime (being brown aint fun… sometimes) I would definitely get a degree in business of course, dermatology and psychology. I love learning new things and expanding my mind. I come off as a bitch sometimes to people because of the way my face can be… AKA RESTING BITCH FACE. But honestly its just me observing and understanding how people think and work. I know I am a weirdo but whatever! Humans are so freaking interesting. Oh did I mention I live in PNW!? Seattle. <3 Rain city lol. If I could live anywhere else it would be California, Chicago or New York. Anywho enough about me… lets get into the juicy stuff right?
This summer I had a lot going on! I was at the doctors a lot, i went through a lot exams for my breast cancer and it was a very rough time… but I got through it. Alhumdulillah I have such amazing friends and family to support me and were there for me. Along with that,  I went through a very harsh break up and I know that a few posts below this one I went off on my ex FJ, but in this post Im not going to bash on him or anything. Honestly…. my tumblr isnt made to bash on anyone. I wouldnt want to be talked about on the internet but sadly… it happens. So anyways, I went through a rough heart break that honestly I dont blame anyone but myself and because of this heartbreak I am beyond hard on myself with a lot of things but especially guarding my heart, my feelings and letting anyone in. I was told by someone that I wore my heart on my sleeve and that I took this relationship too seriously. Its true, I was madly and crazy in love with him but he wasnt. I would push and force him to make it work but when the other person doesnt see any solution or anything to fix it, you should really just back off Sally. One person cant do all the work, it becomes so draining. I literally have so much love to give but at the same time Im just kind of tired, exhausted, bitter and numb. Its weird because I just said Im full of love but at the same time a heart break really gets you guarded. But you know this was a lesson for myself, to not get ahead of yourself, dont have expectations and if you arent getting what you deserve please walk the fuck away, like ASAP. Just abort lol. Because at the end of the day as hurt as I was, I made myself go through hell because I chose to be like very stupid, LIKE VERY. But at the same time, I take it as a blessing in disguise in many ways and a lesson I would love to teach my daughters and possibly sons. Anywho… along with this I was in school UGH, but because I have a goal and I am so motivated I didnt let it affect my school at all. One thing I did do in the past was let such little things like this get in the way of my focus in school and at the end of the day my dreams and career will be right next to me but the person whos temporary will not be. I will not sacrifice my school for anything. This summer I went to Atlanta with all of my cousins and we had so much fun! And then I came back and attended another wedding. It was a lot of chaos but a lot of fun. I come from a very huge family on both sides, and if youre brown you know three day weddings are HECTIC AS HELL! But I gotta say it was a roller coaster type summer.
Once all of the wedding shenanigans were over and all of my cousins flew back to the East Coast and I started school again. After my break up I really started focusing on my mental health, focusing on school, having a better relationship with my parents (its been a rough road but alhumdulillah I am so blessed with such amazing parents. esp my mom helping me a lot through my break up and all .) I didnt even think about talking to any guys or whatever it was literally not even in my head because I was so focused on myself. But a little birdie out of the blue and into my life for a short time but a sweet time. HA is literally every brown girls dream man. A little white wash (EDM LOVER), knows urdu, deen, open minded, handsome as hell… and family orientated. OH AND TREATS A WOMAN RIGHT! Honestly my first impression was like “fuck boy. STRAIGHT UP F BOY! Cocky, too into himself, thinks hes better than anyone…” OH ALSO- didnt meet him off of dating apps lol, its called IG thats the new hook up spot jk! But when you actually talk to him and stuff omg… he is so different. I dont think I have laughed this much while talking to someone, he is so hilarious. He opened my mind to a lot of things that I didnt know about or he pushed me to see things differently, which I loved. When we started talking I was very upfront and blunt with him. As a brown girl I dont have the freedom to just get up and leave for a guy. Period. He understood that and accepted it. He told me he had no expectations. What I really liked about him was that he would always communicate, he was very honest and he was really respectful. When I say REALLY RESPECTFUL, like super. We were talking about our exes (no I didnt say bad shit lol) and he brought it up and he told me that his ex would everyday for six months since they were together would ask, “when are we getting engaged?” Not once did he say, omg shes bat shit crazy.. or annoying or whatever. He just said that much and he was like “you know I felt pressured and I wanted to explain myself why I broke up with her.” I mean if he wanted too he could made her the victim… but damn. Very kind. Not just that when he came here he was showing me a convo with this girl who was kind of mentally not there, and she would act weird its really hard to explain but he talked to her respectfully and was like “hey listen if you want to make friends you have – “ something along those lines. He was just really nice to her because he knew that something wasnt right with that girl at all. I mean I know a lot of people who would straight up just cuss her out… like without a doubt. I remember one time he asked me over FaceTime, “why are you waiting after you get your degree to get married?” I kind of just ignored it lol. But then one night he was with his cousins and cousin’s wife in DC and he FT’d me and all I heard was a girl yelling, “Who are you talking too!? Who is this bitch!?” And he goes “oh this is bae”, and after she saw me (without make up and my raspy voice at 12am lol) she was like “OMG SHES SO PRETTY and her voice is so cute! Shes such a good girl  being at home lol.” Then he goes, “Hani, ask her why she wont get married while being in school?” And she said, “look Im 23, still in CC and Im married, you can too.” I wasnt going to put anyone under the bus and be like “well arent you going to be rolling the dice on me!?” - (because someone said that once to me…) like I said, I dont bash on my ex at all. Even after that, he asked me again lol, “IF we were to get married why wont you get married, transfer your credits and stuff? You can work if you like but even if you dont its okay… just go to school. I gotchu bae.” Im just like “uhh…. wouldnt you want someone who has everything set?” He literally probably wanted to slap me for saying that and he was like “No… what am I here for?” Honestly he was so accepting of me, my past, my dreams, my goals, honestly everything. Even when he came here it was like I knew him from a long time ago, it wasnt causing me to have anxiety or feel scared. We laughed so much, watched so many shows and ate such amazing food. OMG. It was so good to be true, i mean we trusted each other, communication was there. He told me some things that really made me realize wow he is so freaking amazing… His brother doesnt have his AA or degree, his sister in law has her AA but he helps a lot around the house. Hes such a good son and omg, when I say more guys should be like him I MEAN IT.  He was suppose to be a police man lol but then he went back to school and took a few classes and became a consultant. He didnt have a stable job until he came back to VA. I mean he was on contract to contract and even jobless for a few months but he was so positive and happy, which is why I loved being around him. Whenever he would FT me, he would be around his cousins and they would always say, “H is so loyal and faithful, family orientated and he will treat you right.” like as if I didnt know that lol. But you know after he left something really unexpected happened and it wasnt in our control to save it. But it was no ones fault either, sometimes life does a plot twist on you when you least expect it but I had accepted the unexpected and like someone wise said (Jatin, this is your shoutout), “you cant compete with history.” It took me a while to understand but I definitely knew that he was always honest, communicated with me and he was amazing. We didnt really need closure but trust me the way we had closure was like I dont even need to talk about this again. Not every situation needs it but sometimes you need it. But you know, this was Gods way of showing me and saying, “Salia… dont lose faith in guys. There are good guys out there.” And you know, there are. But I dont want anyone right now. Im perfectly fine being single. Plus I am already a brat, sassy mc sassy… with me being a little numb sometimes… I think I have a lot to say sometimes and I have a strong personality lol, it would drive someone nuts. But Idk everytime I talk about HA my heart melts just a little because I was treated with so much respect and he would always tell me that I was a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN. But sometimes good things dont last forever. I accepted it.
Along with losing him, I chose to cut off a friend who meant the world to me. She was like a little sister and a best friend. After going through so much in just a few months I realized what I want, who I want in my life and what Im going to do about it. I cant handle negativity… like AT ALL. Friends are suppose to support you, be happy for you and be there for you. This friend lol.. she wasnt there for me at all during my break up, i get it YOU DONT LIKE FJ but I need my girl to be there for me.. shit. I felt like she was jealous and trust me I aint hot shit… Im very like normal, pakistani, short girl… living life. But the vibe and the way she started acting about HA was weird. None of my best friends asked me questions like, “Did he kiss you?” like what…. thats not why he flew here for from VA…. But either way she was asking weird questions like, “was it just fun and games”- PAUSE! So I know Im 25, brown girls get the pressure once theyre in their 20s… But I am in no rush to get married and that is not because I dont have a degree- TO HELL WITH THAT. I can burn that shit and I would still be amazing. But like you dont talk to a guy and jump into the marriage topic, wth? HA and I had a very clear understanding that we are going to take baby steps, no telling parents, siblings, whatever… no labels. TAKE IT SLOW. But either way she was just a total bitch. She loves saying, “I told you so.” Either way I had enough of her, her nazar (evil eye) and negativity. Like I dont need that… I need to be around people who support me, love me and dont bash on my ass. I love my circle small and ever since I cut her off of my life, I am doing so much better because I dont have a gun to my head. It wasn’t even over a guy that I ended our friendship… it was because she wasn’t a good friend and she was jealous. She was never truly happy for me about anything. She envied the relationship I have with my mom and would always be like oh your mom was okay with that? Isk just very weird vibes…. I really wish that she changes her way of approach and what not. No guy is going to love a girl who expects so much and no girl is going to be with a friend who is so judgemental as fuck. Period. I never cuss any of my girlfriends out ever. But she really pissed me off and I felt judged and like a hoe. I really dont need that, thanks anyways.
Now that I got that out of my way, like I said earlier… I have been working on myself. I started going to the gym but its been a while because of school and working a ton of hours. But now that I am on break I am going to go back to the gym, start reading my book- EVERYONE MUST READ “You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life“- literally eye opening and so funny! It has changed my life. Reading really does help with your knowledge and growing as a person. If anyone knows any good reads, please drop me a message! :) Im also going to start reading the Quran but in English translation because I really want to know what Im reading and what the Quran is saying, I just want to self educate myself and know about my religion, I am not religious at all… but one thing I do want to start doing is praying and being connected with Allah. I think having a spiritual connection is so good for the mind and soul.
As I was turning 25 I was thinking a lot about myself, my past and my future. I am a thinker but I also love testing myself. When I was 23 going to 24 I was a very weak person. I was fragile and sensitive to a lot of things. I didnt have thick skin at all. I will admit that and I was little a push over. I lost myself at the age of 23, I had a stalker who ruined my life. I never had anxiety my whole life… I took everything like it was nothing. But after dealing with that… it made me weak. I wasnt the Salia that everyone knew. But now that Im past it, I went through some tough stuff in 2017… it made me wiser, smarter, grateful and stronger.  I dont get affected by anything lately… and I was very hesitant to post this but its my blog, my page and I will do whatever to it. Plus I love to write. I feel like a lot has happened but I have been just writing bits and pieces here and there. But I guess I thought I would write something its been a while. lol.
ALSO- Im flying out to Arizona next week for the weekend and I am so excited! to celebrate and have a vacation and to be not dealing with school for a month! Hell yaaaaaa. *THIS WAS MY FAV LIFE UPDATE IN THIS LONGGGGGG POST*
Okay guys… its 1246am here! Im off to bed. Have fun reading this, judging this, whatever you want :D
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