#i was always iffy with ai but i didn't want to potentially ruin people's fun with some programs though i gotta speak up y'know
dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 7 months
I want to offer a few words of encouragement to fellow artists (including writers, musicians, performers, and editors too since that's also art!) given how AI is growing to be of substantial proportions and I've been seeing people feel discouraged due to that.
First and foremost, you're a human person. No matter how your art may be, the fact that it was made by a human person won't change. The art you put out to the world or keep to yourself matters because it's something you put in at least some time and effort into. To make something yourself is commendable enough!
No matter how well AI will be developed, it's not going to change the fact that you're a human being behind the screen. Even outside of being a creator, you should still be treated with basic human dignity.
To anyone who wants to take up the skill or develop them, don't let AI stop you! Be patient with yourself because this is something that takes a lot of time, but the only thing required to be an artist is choosing to be one! By choosing to do art, you're an artist by default. Art is something anybody can do, after all!
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