#i was being cersei’d
aengelren · 10 months
thinking abt this summer when i was invited to an anime convention by a friend, no one wanted to cover my shift so I brought everything with me to work, rode a scooter to the train the minute my shift ended, straightened my hair in the train with 50 people looking at me, got to the convention with my work clothes on, all the bathrooms were occupied and of course, i “luckily” found a room they had forgotten to lock, but it was forbidden to enter them since we were at campus at off hours. So of course, I went in there, took off my clothes, then remembered that my friend has my skirt so i sneaked out to ask her for it, the door locked with all my clothes, phone, work cards, money, everything in there. I had to walk around campus in a see through tank top & tights, no one knew how to open it, they had to call their boss, i got lectured, the boss called the building managers who called security that had to drive there and unlock the door for me:) we also missed the event :D
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ambeauty · 2 years
An appetizer…
The next six weeks were rough. For the most part they avoided each other when they could. They sat at opposite ends of the table during dinner. They went on separate missions. They trained separately, Kory taking the metas most days. Leaving Dick and Tim on their own except when Rachel and Gar started to miss Dick’s lessons. They did chores around each other’s schedules and at opposite ends of the tower. They tried not to linger too long on the other when they did have to interact. Kory, oftentimes, bouncing nervously to get out of Dick’s way. It didn’t stop Dick from wanting. It didn’t stop Kory from wishing, but she would save Dick from her, even if he couldn’t save himself.
Dick receives information for suspicious activity and it requires both of them to go investigate. This was the first time they had spoken more than a few pleasantries to each other since their break up.
“We both have to go, it looks like metahuman activity,” Dick explains to her in the control room. “Ok maybe we should take Gar and Rachel with us. Just in case,” Kory suggests.
“I’ll let them know.” He agrees and quickly walks out of the room. Being with her too long, working with her this closely, was unbearable. He agreed to Gar and Rachel because he knew they would need a buffer.
They investigate the potential crime scene. “I think I should go in and just get him. He won’t get past me,” Kory offers.
“No, I think we should draw him out,” Dick counters.
“And wait for one of us to get hurt, or use one of the kids as bait? Absolutely not Grayson,” Kory walks ahead of him.
He grabs her arm. “Kory, think this through.”
“I am and this is the best plan.”
“It’s actually the stupidest,” he whispers.
“What was that Grayson?” Her eyes flash green in anger.
“Kory, it’s not going to work.”
“How do you know?”
“Trust me,” he challenges.
“You need to trust me.” She rips her arm out of his grip. They had never disagreed like this on a mission. It had to be about more than just the mission. Gar and Rachel were stunned into silence. Kory stomps off to pursue the assailant.
“Gar go with her, Rachel and I will take the perimeter.” He barks in frustration.
“Fuck, I almost had him,” Kory expels in frustration on the drive back to the tower. She was close to the assailant and then walls in the abandoned building started to detonate. Dick screamed at them in the comms to get out of there as quickly as they could and before the ceiling collapsed on top of them, Kory levitated herself and Gar morphed into a bat, and flew out of the building.
“I don’t give a fuck how close you were, I told you not to go,” he scolded her.
Rachel and Gar sat in the back seat texting each other furiously.
“Dick you aren’t my fucking father. We are supposed to be working together.”
“And we are, are we not?”
“I’m not sure anymore.” Kory turns and faces the window, effectively shutting him out.
They arrive back at the tower and Dick strips out of his suit and heads to the training room. Kory starts opening the liquor cabinet in search of a drink. Rachel and Gar linger in the entryway waiting for Kory to finish her drink. She does and heads to her room to change. Rachel and Gar text Tim and Conner to meet them at the elevator. Once they arrive, Tim punches in a code that locks the tower from the outside and they all leave to go stay in Donna’s safe house near Golden Gate for the night.
“It’s for their own good.” Rachel nods to Gar.
“Absolutely, that was fucking insane. I almost got Cersei’d because Kory can’t stand to be around Dick for more than two minutes.” He shutters.
“Hopefully they figure out their shit while we’re gone because the vibes are miserable,” Tim sighs.
“They have 24 hours, starting right now.” Conner sets his watch.
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