#like bru now is not the time
aengelren · 10 months
thinking abt this summer when i was invited to an anime convention by a friend, no one wanted to cover my shift so I brought everything with me to work, rode a scooter to the train the minute my shift ended, straightened my hair in the train with 50 people looking at me, got to the convention with my work clothes on, all the bathrooms were occupied and of course, i “luckily” found a room they had forgotten to lock, but it was forbidden to enter them since we were at campus at off hours. So of course, I went in there, took off my clothes, then remembered that my friend has my skirt so i sneaked out to ask her for it, the door locked with all my clothes, phone, work cards, money, everything in there. I had to walk around campus in a see through tank top & tights, no one knew how to open it, they had to call their boss, i got lectured, the boss called the building managers who called security that had to drive there and unlock the door for me:) we also missed the event :D
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fruitsyrups · 11 months
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slumbz · 1 year
im gonna act like i didn't vanish for like months bc of art block
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just a drawing of an oc i have, i have too many of these goobers help
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wormgremlin · 1 year
I've gotten three unnecessary, unwanted, and ultimately useless hateful comments on my fic in the first 24 hours since posting it. So a quick refresher for people out there:
First, foremost, and most concerning: If someone is in critical condition, unless you have medical training and supplies, HOSPITAL HOSPITAL HOSPITAL. That includes both urgent and emergent triage statuses (in this case, severe blood loss and abdominal wounds going into the abdominal cavity -- intestinal rupture is no joke! Nor is uroabdomen!).
Second of all, I'm sorry if you and your friends have never talked about or looked at each others boobs/chest. Genuinely. On the other hand, me and my friends make fun of each other constantly in good fun and are comfortable enough around each other to talk about our bodies. Your sexually repressed puritanical views have no place in my comments and no place in an irl queer space. Between the two of us, I am not the "weirdo."
Third of all (and whoo boy is this a long one), just because I represent a ship a certain way does not mean I condone their actions in a real life setting. Ffs, I like Hannigram. That means I definitely recommend committing malpractice, non-con drugging, and tubing your crush like a horse. Not To mention cannibalism and framing people for your own serial murders. I'm writing things based on my own experiences and perspective as a queer poc who grew up and got out of a conservative home and state. I'm writing as someone who lives paycheck to paycheck. I write as someone who still fights an internal monologue of shame and repression, of not being good enough, of bitterness and self-loathing making for a critical lens of others. I write as someone who affectionately calls my friends buffoons. As someone who has only ever used terms like "babe" as a derogatory. And I know that isn't for everyone. And I know my experiences aren't universal. But they do shape how I write. And I'm not asking you to like it. I am, however, asking you to consider how your actions affect others and click that back arrow before you say something unnecessary and rude.
Gonna be honest: the slew of asshole comments I've gotten have been more annoying in a "ooh comment oh that's disappointing, look an asshole" way than truly upsetting to me. But I thrive on spite. Not everyone does. For some people, the shit being said would be incredibly hurtful; for me, I thought worse while writing it.
And this bit didn't make the list, but deserves honorable mention: Just because you don't like the way I write something doesn't mean I hate the ship. Yeah. I spent hours of my life writing this and editing it and posting it because I hate it. Sorry, but I'm a full time grad student with a life, a job, and shit to do. I don't have time for ship phishing. I've written more than one fic for this ship, each portraying them a different way. Clearly because I hate the ship?
All of this of course to say:
If you don't like it, write your own, hon.
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mchiti · 2 years
all my moroccans friends are hating on brahim diaz. He came on during the derby and my instagram feed was full of people hating. Bru I don't know what to feel about him but I hate hating so much. You know
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gabriel-landeskog · 2 years
comphy’s limping????? can we catch a fucking break????
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starlooove · 4 months
New fans did kind of ruin mk1 for me before I saw it but I’m gonna give it a slight chance idk
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alatussy · 2 years
Im trying to love myself I really am, I realize this whole time ive been putting up a front? When in actuality I hate myself deeper than I know. Im not very confident, I have low self esteem and im insecure. I dont like feeling like this. I want to believe I am worthy of love. I want to be able to tell myself I'm beautiful. But when I do try to say these things to myself why does it feel like a complete lie? I don't want to have to hear this from someone else. As much as I would revel in the feeling? I don't want to. I want to believe it myself. I want to believe that I deserve the love I seek I want to think I'm beautiful like everyone says but believing it is much harder than saying it. I can say it, sure. But I never believe myself. Its tiring
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wondersinwaynemanor · 5 months
let's pretend that this is the right timeline because what if Dick becomes Batman at the same time when Wally becomes The Flash?
let's also say that this is just like the Justice League animated series wherein the League members don't know each member's identities (except of course Bruce, he knows everybody).
how funny would it be if Dick and Wally are together and the rest of the League are confused because all of a sudden Batman and Flash are close like super close? i mean they have witnessed how Flash gets intimidated by Batman. now, that's not the case anymore.
during a meeting:
Hal, leaning to John during a League meeting, whispers: I'm not losing my mind, right?
John, whispers back: I think I know what you mean.
Hal: Why is Flash making heart eyes to Bats????
John: I know??? Flash doesn't even look him in the eyes before.
Hal: That's so odd, dude.
Batman glances at the two Green Lanterns which makes them shut up.
meanwhile, across the table, Martian Manhunter has a light smile on his lips and Superman covers his laugh with a cough.
at the cafeteria:
Ollie: Hey, Dinah. Have you noticed something unusual between Batman and Flash lately?
Dinah: It is quite unusual, huh? I was talking to Hawkgirl the other day and she said she saw Flash bridal carry Bats.
Ollie: What the actual fu-
Flash, approaches the couple's table with a big bowl of nachos on his hand: Hey, guys! Mind if I sit with you?
Ollie and Dinah give a knowing look at each other. a conversation they definitely will finish later.
during in an another planet mission:
Batman, after announcing everyone's partners for the mission:... And lastly, I will pair up with Flash in today's mission.
Flash grins widely, that has Arthur thinking his cheeks might be hurting after that.
Arthur: Yeah, yeah. At this point, we already know, Bats!
the Green Lanterns, along with Captain Marvel and Booster Gold, snicker at his comment.
Batman ignores Arthur's comment and the rest of the members scatter to their assigned locations.
Victor, who was paired with Arthur: Was gonna give that comment too.
Arthur: It's like they are inseparable all of a sudden.
Victor, shakes his head: Well, I have seen weirder things.
in the meeting hall:
Wonder Woman, pulls Batman in the corner of the room: Okay, that's enough. You are truly ignoring me. What is going on with you lately?
Batman: Did the rest of the League put you up to this?
Wonder Woman, has her hands on her hips: They didn't need to. So, tell me. And don't you ever lie to me, I can see right through you, Batman.
Batman, sighs: It's hard for me to explain. I can't-I can't tell you right now.
Wonder Woman: Hera! Now, Bru-Batman.
before Batman responses, the door of the meeting hall opens and in comes Robin with his katana. the conversations between the League members come to a stop as they stare at the young hero.
Robin, glances at everyone, before approaching Flash: I need help with an important matter.
Flash, smiles and ruffles Robin's hair, as if that's second nature: Of course, little dude.
Hal, stands up from his seat: THAT'S IT! Can somebody tell me what the hell is going on????
Ollie, stands up with him: Are we in another dimension that I don't know about?????
Dinah pulls Ollie down by his arm to make him sit again.
the rest of the League members start to converse against each other.
Superman, floats a bit from his seat: Why don't we all settle down? There's nothing to be alarmed about.
Robin, shakes his head: Tt. Absolute fools.
by the time Bruce and Barry are back:
Bruce, pinches the bridge of his nose: Chum, you could at least be discreet with Wally.
Dick: It's not my fault, B! I swear I was going to explain to Aunt Diana then Dami entered the room.
Damian: Tt. Don't blame me, Grayson. Why don't you lecture West on how to be more responsible? He left me on read when I asked help for my Science project.
Dick, sighs: And what about Timmy? He could have helped.
Damian: I don't want anything to do with Drake.
Bruce massages his temples as he feels a headache coming up.
Barry: Wally!!!!
Wally, zooms right in front of Barry: I couldn't help it, okay?? Dick is just irresistible.
Iris giggles as she prepares the table for dinner.
Barry, sighs: That's alright. I'll talk to Bats on how we can explain it to the team.
Wally, grins and sits down by the table: It was hard not to laugh at them. They were so confused.
Barry, chuckles: I'm sure Hal's expression was the funniest.
Wally, laughs: You have no idea, Uncle Barry.
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Good morning! This is just a warm up, not canon to the series.
Anyway — bark, woof, awoo
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It’s a cool fall day when you nearly die.
Johnny’s run off into the woods barking - not his scary bark but his excited bark. You’re worried that he’s gonna get his teeth in some poor local wildlife and go hurrying after him, boots unlaced.
Of course it’s hopeless to go chasing after a wolf-dog even running at half speed, but you can’t stand the thought of him coming home with a dead bunny or something. So off you go, clomping through the trees, calling for your big dumb fluffy butt to come home.
But it’s not your Johnny that comes trotting out of the trees. No, it’s an even bigger, wolfier looking dog. Creamy white fur, honey gold eyes, and odd black markings around the face like a skull. You instantly know he’s not like your goofball, a little less human-friendly, perhaps more feral. Looks at you like he’s trying to decide if you’d make a decent meal.
Is someone breeding them and just.., letting them out?? Some weird poorly thought out attempt to reintroduce wolves to the UK? The thought makes you frown, praying that you won’t come out here one day to find some poor pups struggling in the wilderness.
For now though, you’ve got yet another gorgeous animal in front of you.
“Well, hello,” you coo, softening and smoothing your voice. His ears tick forward. “Look at you, handsome thing. Have you seen my Johnny boy?”
The dog tilts his head - your first indication that he is familiar with humans, recognizes the tone of a question. You hum.
“Alright big guy, would you like to come with me to find him or are you doing your own thing?”
He doesn’t respond (of course) except to make a little “ruff” noise. You consider him for another moment, then decide he’s not being aggressive and it’s safe to continue your search.
You turn and continue on the path, calling for Johnny. Don’t get far before your new friend sweeps in front of you, blocking the way forward. You make a noise as you stop quick, nearly losing your balance to avoid stepping on his paws.
���Oh you big jerk,” you huff. He instantly starts pushing at you, big shoulders pressing against your stomach as he shoves a big, wet nose into your neck and face, focusing on your mouth. You roll your eyes and gently push his nose away.
“Knock it off,” you grumble, trying not to laugh. “You wolves are so rude. You don’t need to do that to smell me.”
He moves on to your clothes, all the way down to your crotch. You’re ready this time though, taking a big step back and guiding his face up by the chin.
He snorts and shakes off, looking almost annoyed.
“Oh, yeah, how dare I not let you sniff my junk?” you scoff, rolling your eyes. “Grow up, you big baby.”
A deep, raspy grumble starts up in his chest. You ignore him, patting at the thick muscle of his shoulder.
“Yeah yeah, you’re a big scary boy,” you joke. “Ya gonna bite me? Show me your big pretty teeth?”
When you reach for his face he takes a step back, ears flicking. Looks almost shellshocked. You finally break, giggling as you croon baby noises at him.
“Oh, poor boy, did I spook you? I’m sorry, baby. No, no you’re very scary. Very intimidating.” You start scooting around him, amused how curves around you almost like he’s afraid you’re going to touch him. “It’s okay, buddy, I just need to find my boy. I’m not out to get you.”
As if on cue, Johnny comes bursting from the trees. He barks when he sees you, then almost comes up short when he realizes the other dog is there.
You become acutely aware that you’re not all too sure how Johnny will respond to another dog - especially one so close to you given his protectiveness. You instantly move between them, calling his attention.
“There you are, Bonnie Johnny! Where have you been?! Naughty boy, you better not have eaten anything fluffy.” His ears go back, a little whine starting up. He ducks his head to let you grab at his muzzle, inspecting him for anything gross. “I do not feel like wrangling you to brush your teeth.”
Luckily, he seems clean. Whatever had him so excited, he must not have caught.
Movement behind you catches your attention, the other dog loping closer. Your eyes bounce between them, watching body language for any aggression or hostility. To your relief, Johnny seems almost excited by this new friend - the other one… well, he seems a bit more subdued, but lets Johnny lick at his chin and bump into his side.
“Okay, ready to head home, baby boy?” you ask, giving Johnny’s collar a gentle tug. “I have to start making dinner.”
He whines, turning those big blue eyes on you and positioning himself behind the other dog. You groan.
“Johnny, really… I don’t know if I can handle two of you. I don’t even think he likes me very much.”
As if to spite you, the other dog sits and leans in, licking at your hand. And damn it, it’s cute.
“Alright, hold on, let’s just see if…”
This time, the other dog lets you touch, feels around his neck for a collar that unsurprisingly isn’t there. You feel around his shoulders too, hoping for that tiny bump that means he has a microchip, but nope.
“If I have a nickel for every time I found a wolf-dog in the woods…” you sigh, turning back for home. “It would be two nickels but it’s weird that it happened twice.”
When you notice both pups stalling, you whistle sharply.
“Come. It’s getting cold.”
Johnny instantly bounds ahead with excitement while your new companion is slightly slower, staying just a bit behind and to the side of you so that you can see him from the corner of your eye.
Back at home, Johnny leads the way inside. The strange dog looks around curiously, sniffs at a few spots. It’s then that you remember Johnny marking the house his first couple days and notice that Mystery Dog is also unaltered.
“Hey.” Both dogs turn to you. You point at the new one sternly. “If you pee on anything in here - anything - I’m dying you pink. By god I’ll do it, there are dog safe hair dyes.”
You get a sneeze for that and he walks away with disinterest, but at least he keeps his leg down. You’ll take it.
Dinner is interesting, no fussing or fighting over food from either of them. When they’re done, you retire to the couch, Johnny happy to follow up until he sees that his new friend isn’t coming as well.
He starts yipping, bouncing, bowing, trying to get the new one to follow. You’re amused up until Johnny nips and the bigger dog growls, showing teeth. You plant yourself instantly between them.
“Hey.” You look the new dog in the eye, get into his space and back him away from Johnny. “No the hell you’re not.”
The new dog stares, eyes locked on yours, ears swiveling. You don’t back down, watching and looking waiting, still bodily between him and Johnny. Until finally his ears go back and he sneezes, laying down.
“Good.” You soften your voice, sigh. “Good boy.”
You offer your hand. Get a sniff and a resigned lick, then scratch at your new boy’s ears.
“You be nice, big boy. Everyone in this house is mine. I take care of everyone.”
His eyes do a weird thing then. You’re not sure how to describe it, combined with the way his head tilts. But you just chalk it up to Weird Dog Things and finally return to the couch, an oddly subdued Johnny clambering up with you.
“You can join us, honey,” you call to the other dog. “You’re welcome up here if you behave.”
He doesn’t take you up on it for awhile. You and Johnny settle in for your usual nightly shows. And then, about an hour later, movement draws your eye. The Mystery Dog, standing at the edge of the couch with his tail down, ears neutral.
Earlier drama forgotten, you smile at him.
“Hi there,” you chirp, “you want up? C’mon, bud. Up.”
He hops up with surprisingly gentleness, picking his way around your limbs and Johnny’s. He ends up crawling over your dog and settling half on top of him, and half on top of you, his chin settled between Johnny’s stupid perky ears. Johnny seems thrilled so you laugh a bit.
“What good boys,” you coo, giving them each a scratch and receiving a kiss in return. “Alright, this isn’t so bad.”
You fall asleep there, already trying to come up with name for your new pup. Maybe Phantom.
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Main Story | Konig pt. 1
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starsofang · 4 months
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To Be Loved is to Be Seen
johnny mactavish x f!reader
word count: 5.2k
tw: NSFW content, abuse (from other partner), hurt/comfort, smut, oral, p in v, happy ending, bad scottish accent (i tried)
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Johnny hated your boyfriend. In fact, if he could string him up on a pole and castrate the bloke himself, he’d do it with a damn smile — that was how much he loathed him.
To get you to realize how shitty your boyfriend was felt like a near impossible task. Alas, you didn’t know Johnny, but Johnny certainly knew you. How could he not, when he’d spent every morning and every night, hearing your shouts and pitiful whimpers of defeat through the thin walls of your neighboring apartments?
He knew your boyfriend had spouts of anger, could tell from the sounds of drywall cracking on occasion, or the sounds of things clattering in a messy heap on the floor, sometimes shattering, sometimes rolling around after a particularly loud thud.
Your boyfriend was a nuisance that didn’t know how to care for a woman, and he made a show of it every night when Johnny heard him.
Now, Johnny was a respectful man. He’d never hurt another person unless they were deserving — perks of being in the military, it made that excuse much easier to use.
But your boyfriend? He was more than deserving. He was practically asking for Johnny to bash his pathetic face in, cowering beneath Johnny as he pleaded and begged for him to stop.
Johnny just had to figure out a way to slowly slip into your life, befriend you as a friendly neighbor, so he could kick the damn reality into that pretty head of yours. After all, Johnny would never hit you. Johnny would never call you names. Johnny would never make you cry in anguish.
The opportunity arose when he went to collect his mail and saw you standing there, fumbling with your mail key in frustration. Faulty lock, he assumed, but that was perfect for him.
“Need some ‘elp?” Johnny asked you, and when you perked your head up in surprise, he was already plotting murder in his mind when he saw the ugly bruise being sported underneath your eye.
“Oh. Yeah, actually, stupid thing never wants to unlock,” you said, and your voice up close and not through a thin wall was like sweet nectar from a flower.
He smiled with a nod, politely stepping up to your mailbox. You handed him the key, and he eagerly placed it in the lock. Wiggling it around a bit, it took him a few moments and grunts of concentration before the mailbox popped open.
Your face lit up in delight and you profusely thanked him, taking the key from his hands. Your hands were soft and warm, he noted when the two of yours brushed during the exchange, and he felt his heart swell with affection.
Such pretty hands on such a pretty girl should be kissed and held with nothing less than care. They shouldn’t be the victim of a fighting match, where it was obvious you were the losing opponent every time.
“No’ a problem. Johnny,” he introduced with his hand outstretched, and when you flashed him that smile as you introduced yourself back, he made it his absolute mission to make sure this wouldn’t be your last interaction.
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The next time you saw Johnny, it was when the two of you were leaving your respective apartments at the same time (really, Johnny had been listening on for signs of when you’d leave as an excuse to leave his own place).
You lit up when you saw him, once again thanking him for helping you with the mailbox. Your eyes fluttered over to his door that he was in the process of locking, and you realized dumbly that he was your neighbor.
“I didn’t know you lived next to us, Johnny!” Us. The word made his eye twitch. “You’ve never introduced yourself.”
“No’ around all tha’ much.” He shrugged, and you hummed in understanding.
“I see. I’ve got to get to work, but it was nice seeing you, Johnny. Don’t be a stranger!”
He watched you go, feet leading you down the hall and towards the elevator of the building. He stood frozen in place, the breath in his lungs caught when he noticed the bruising on the back of your exposed calves from the skirt you wore.
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A knock on his door days later had Johnny grumbling to himself, and when he checked the time, it was nearing midnight. He’d normally be on guard, what with his whole military career, but the only people that ever visited his place were Simon, Kyle, or Price.
Opening the door, it was neither of the three and instead, you. Sporting comfortable pajamas that swallowed you whole and made him want to scoop you up and keep you safe.
“Hi, Johnny! Were you sleeping?”
He was, but that didn’t matter.
“Nah, wasn’t sleepin’. Ye need somethin’, love?”
You threw him a sheepish smile that could melt any man’s heart. It was a wonder how your own man couldn’t see that. “I, ah, ran out of sugar. Baking’s my hobby, y’know? Silly me, I forgot to buy some from the shop.”
“…Is that a no to the sugar?”
Johnny huffed out a laugh, a smile perking on his lips. You were cute, it was to die for.
“Nah. ‘Course ye can have sugar. Tha’ all you came ‘ere for?”
You chewed on your bottom lip, contemplating something Johnny wasn’t aware of. Now that he thought about it, your shitty boyfriend wasn’t anywhere in sight, and he hadn’t heard any noise from your apartment earlier.
“Well,” you began, inhaling before slowly exhaling. “Okay, no, I don’t need the sugar. I have plenty of it, actually. It’s just, ah…”
“Go on.”
“My boyfriend went out with some friends tonight and I don’t really want to be alone. I get nervous when I’m by myself, y’know?”
Your boyfriend knew this, and didn’t even bother to bring you with? Wasn’t texting you throughout the night to give you sweet reassurances, telling you he’d be home soon? Was he even out with his friends?
“Ye dinnae have any girl friends to call?” Johnny asked carefully, not wanting to make you feel unwelcome, but also wanting to tread on a thin line. He couldn’t jump to the opportunity, or you might think he’s weird and eager.
When you shook your head with a defeated look on your face, his own heart shattering rang in his ears. The fact you had no friends to confide in, to go out and enjoy yourself with, it didn’t sit right with him.
Silently, he opened up his door a bit more to welcome you in, and you flashed him a pretty smile before eagerly prancing inside.
His apartment was a bit underwhelming, and there wasn’t much that showed he was even living in it besides the furniture to show as evidence. You didn’t seem to mind as you took it in, smile gracing your features when he gestured towards the couch.
“Ye wan’ a drink, lass?” Johnny asked you, and when you saw him standing in the kitchen, he helped up a bottle of alcohol and a bottle of juice. He was offering you a choice of either, but you didn’t see the harm in drinking a bit and letting loose.
“Why not?” You shrugged, pointing to the left hand that held the liquor. He beamed at you, satisfied by your answer and promptly began to pour you and him a drink.
“So yer boyfriend jus’ up and left ye for the night?” Johnny asked as he sat next to you on the couch, placing the glasses on the coffee table in front of you.
He watched as you eagerly took a sip of the liquor, unable to contain the amusement when your nose wrinkled up as you swallowed it down.
“Yeah, I guess so,” you sighed, lips pouting a bit in the form of a frown. He tried not to stare. “Said he needed a night off. And he deserves it, y’know?”
Johnny raised an eyebrow at you, slowly taking a gulp from his own glass before placing it back down. He definitely didn’t think your boyfriend deserved a night to himself, nor that he worked hard in the slightest.
Hell, Johnny could hear the two of you have sex on occasional nights through the shared walls, and that certainly didn’t sound like your boyfriend was working hard. If anything, it was pitiful and sad.
“Deserves it,” he hummed, and you whipped your head to look at him, causing him to snicker into his glass as he took another sip.
You looked conflicted, taking your bottom lip between your teeth again. It puffed up, causing it to turn a bright pink, and he willed himself to keep his gaze on your eyes rather than your mouth.
“He… works hard,” you defended.
“We all do,” Johnny retorted.
“Everybody deserves a night out.”
“Have ye had a night out then?”
Johnny might’ve been pushing it too hard. After all, he knew more than you were aware of. He was sure you had no idea how thin the walls were and that he was practically a third person in your relationship issues.
“Consider this yer night out,” Johnny claimed with a warm smile, and it seemed to work because you smiled back, downing the rest of your drink.
“Thank you for keeping me company, Johnny. I know it’s late. You’re sure I’m not bothering you?”
Oh, you could never bother Johnny. He was practically head over heels just from seeing you for the first time and hearing your voice. Love at first sight, he thought, he was completely enamored with you.
“No’ a bother, dove. We’re neighbors. It’d be smart to be friends, aye?”
“Friends?” Your tone was excited and he wanted so badly to be more than that. “I’d love to be friends! Officially, now that we’re technically drinking together, right?”
You gave a playful nudge to his shoulders with yours and he felt his entire being soften with delight. He smiled at you, eyes crinkling into little crescents as he nodded in agreement.
Friends he could do. Being friends meant he would have more opportunity to try and shield you from harm, the harm being your boyfriend, and even if it took patience, he’d wait for it.
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The two of you found yourselves in a flurry of conversation, the bottle of liquor dwindling down until there was nothing left. Time seemed to slip away between you, and when the clock hit 3:00 AM, a series of bangs came battering at Johnny’s door.
They were loud and angry, relentless and never ending until Johnny forced himself off of the couch to swing it open.
Your boyfriend’s face came into view and Johnny wished he could rearrange his teeth in that ugly scowl of his.
“Is she here? I heard her voice,” he demanded, and your head peeked out from behind Johnny. Guilt and shame shined in your irises, and it was as if all of the joy you felt when spending time in your newfound friendship with your neighbor had vanished into nothing.
When your boyfriend saw the sight of you, he put on a sickeningly sweet smile. If he was trying to play off his anger until he got back into your apartment, he was doing a poor job of doing so. Or it was because Johnny already knew about his true colors.
“I’m home. Let’s get you to bed, yeah? It’s late,” your boyfriend cooed, and Johnny had to stop himself from sneering at the venom that dripped beneath his tone.
You nodded silently, shuffling by Johnny and out of the threshold. Johnny and your boyfriend watched as you entered your own apartment, disappearing inside and leaving the door open.
Johnny knew what was going to come, and as much as he wanted to stop it from happening, he knew he couldn’t. Not yet.
“Thanks for, ah, taking care of her while I was out. Let’s not make it a habit,” your boyfriend practically spat, and Johnny gave him an unphased smile.
“Only if ye stop makin’ it a habit to hit ‘er every chance ye get,” Johnny replied back in the same tone, keeping his smile on his face. It was a threat, a warning, and Johnny wasn’t ashamed to make it clear. “I see another bruise on ‘er body, I’ll fuckin’ kill ye.”
Your boyfriend must not have had many people retort back to him. His face morphed into a stunned one before flashing in anger and annoyance, and when he went to snap back, Johnny shut the door in his face before he had a chance to.
He made sure to stay up the rest of the night, eyes staring at the ceiling from where he laid in bed. He kept his ears locked in to the shared wall, listening in for a single sound of fists connecting with bone or a broken wail out of your lips.
When he heard nothing, he knew he’d gotten through for now.
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You’d visit his apartment when your boyfriend wasn’t around. You’d come to enjoy his company, and even went as far as going against your boyfriend’s wishes of never seeing Johnny again. You told him it was because he was your only friend, and he’d accept you with open arms every time you came knocking.
The back and forth went on for months. Johnny was even more smitten than before, and his patience for claiming you as his own was slowly slipping.
He hated seeing you sad when you’d come on nights after a bad argument. He hated seeing the tears flowing down your cheeks, smothering your delicate skin with dewy shine, reddening your pretty eyes and glossing them over with heartache.
The heartache you felt would transfer on to Johnny.
He didn’t understand why your boyfriend didn’t treat you like the lovely canvas you were. Didn’t cover you with love and affection, instead covering you with black and blue. He tainted you with colors that didn’t clash with the beauty of your skin, when you deserved to be painted with skies of pink.
Johnny knew you deserved better.
When you came on a particular night, face swollen with tears of sadness and blood, he nearly saw red. Such a delicate thing to be so cruelly used as a personal stress reliever should never have happened, and Johnny was at his wits end.
“Leave ‘im,” Johnny ordered when he brought you inside of his apartment. He stood in front of you in the vacancy of his bathroom, a warm washcloth nursing your wounds with tender hands, grimacing every time you winced from pain.
“I can’t,” you whispered, and he shook his head.
“Bullshit. Leave ‘im. A pretty bird like ye doesn’t deserve this.” When you said nothing and stared down at your hands in your lap, he pushed further. “So many men out there wouldn’t lay a finger on ye. They’d never hurt ye. They’d never hit ye. I’d never do that.”
Your eyes flickered up to meet his, and he allowed it, locking your gazes with one another as a heavy silence filled the room. Your eyes remained filled with unshed tears, glistening in the dim lighting of his bathroom. To you, you looked like broken mess. To him, you looked like you held the entire night sky in your eyes.
Everything happened so quickly, Johnny’s mind nearly didn’t comprehend it. One second, you were staring, the next, your lips had crashed into his without a second thought.
Even with a split lip that tasted faintly of metallic blood, he thought you tasted divine. It was as if sweetness exuded from all parts of you, painting him with a sugary high that he could never get enough of.
One hand strayed to your hair while the other rested along the bathroom counter where your hips rested. Your own hands fisted the front of his shirt, tugging him closer, as if scared he’d fade away.
He planned on going nowhere. This was all he ever wanted, from the moment he heard you for the first time as his neighbor from behind the walls of your apartments.
When he first heard you belting out a song he didn’t know the name of in the security of your own place, presumably when your boyfriend wasn’t around to quiet you down.
When he ran into you at the mailboxes and finally learned your name. When he heard your speaking voice that wasn’t filled with anguish, trembling with shaky tears.
Johnny pressed into you further, consuming every part of the kiss with an eager passion. When he heard the faintest whimper melt from your mouth into his own mouth, he would’ve killed the entire world to hear it again.
“Dinnae be quiet,” he breathed into your lips, smile curling against them. “No need for tha’. Can be as loud as ye want here.”
Your eyes blinked prettily at him from where your foreheads connected. His thumb grazed along your cheek in such a tender manner, it pained your heart in the best way.
Your boyfriend never touched you that way. Never treated you that way. Never loved you that way.
Johnny returned his mouth to yours and you fell back into the clumsy dance of lips and tongue, like a waltz the two of you were learning with one another.
It was intense and fierce, yet gentle and passionate at the same time. You felt dizzy, your mind clouding with nothing but want and desire.
It was wrong of you to do this. Johnny was your friend and neighbor, and you had a boyfriend.
But then you thought back on everything Johnny had been making you realize — a man who loved you would never treat you how your boyfriend treated you. He’d treat you how Johnny was treating you now, soft and caring, pouring his heart and soul into every delicate touch.
On late nights when you stayed up, Johnny was there with the door already unlocked for you. He’d make you laugh, make you smile, he’d heal the inner child you desperately needed to seek. You’d lost her along the way, and Johnny was there to remind her.
“Johnny,” you breathed out, and his smile returned.
“Wha’ is it, dove?”
“I—“ You inhaled sharply, trying to collect your scrambled mind and piece together the words. “I want you. Please.”
Johnny sucked in his own breath, eyes piercing into yours. They flickered along the features of your battered face, and even in this state, he graveled in your beauty.
“I can make tha’ happen.”
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Johnny laid you on his bed as if you were the most precious thing to cushion it. His hands roamed your body like mapping out every roll and curve, keeping it noted in his head for future endeavors.
He took his time with you, placing gentle kisses along every bruise, bump, and scar that your sorry excuse of a boyfriend had left embedded in you to remember forever. Johnny didn’t look at them in disgust like you expected, no — he ravished them like fine china, careful and precise, spending as much time needed to ensure each and every one was cherished.
His hands were eager yet patient as he stripped you of your clothes, making sure to take his off in the process so you didn’t feel uncomfortably exposed.
He only thought of your best interests, and it made you feel desired.
“Look at ye,” he breathed, hands slowly gliding down the plains of your stomach and to your thighs. He carefully parted them, eyes dropping down to the glisten of your cunt, taking it in. He sucked in a breath, thumbs stroking along your knees.
Your hands lifted to cover your face, embarrassment filling you to the core. He tsked, lifting a hand to grasp your arm and pull it from your face. He pinned it lightly to the side of your head, peering down at you.
“None of tha’,” he pleaded. “Wanna see ye, bonnie.”
You nodded your head, silently agreeing with him. He took his hand off your arm, flashing you a pleased smile.
He returned to caressing, cascading rough hands down your sides, to your hips, to your thighs, until they traveled back up. The touch of his fingers was light against your core, testing the waters.
“Oh,” you gasped, air getting caught in your lungs. He smiled again, all teeth and all crinkly eyes, before delving his venture further.
His index found your clit and he began a slow and antagonizing pace, circling and stroking, eyes focused on your face to piece together your reaction.
Your eyes were fluttering at the ceiling, breasts rising and falling with every staggered breath.
It was a sight to see. Johnny felt his chest swell with pride that finally, after pining after you for months, feelings hidden away in the dark, he was the one making you this way.
His finger slipped down, seeking the wetness that seeped shamelessly. He scooped his finger in the mess, lifting it to his mouth to wrap his lips around it.
You watched, eyes dazed and hazy. You shouldn’t have enjoyed the sight, but it burned a fire in you.
His smile turned into a bashful grin when he popped his finger out of his mouth, and before you had a chance to breathe, he slipped that same finger inside, prodding you open.
“Oh, fuck,” you whimpered pathetically.
“Yeah?” he breathed. You nodded dumbly. He huffed out a laugh, curling his finger in a way that had you squirming. “Look bonnie like this. Ye my pretty girl, aye?”
You nodded again, hands fisting his bedsheets beneath you.
“Won’t ever hurt ye,” he continued, and before you knew it, his second finger joined in. “Won’t ever make ye cry. Too pretty to cry, aren’t ye?”
“Johnny,” you pleaded. He pumped his fingers slowly at first, but the sound of his name on your lips urged him to increase the pace.
It was heaven hearing it come from you, and combined with your sweet moans? He was hearing church bells in his mind.
You squirmed beneath him, panting and writhing like the pretty thing you were. He wanted more, he wanted to hear you.
Johnny dove his head down, fingers still buried to the knuckle. His tongue poked out to press flat against your clit, lathing you in bliss and making you see stars.
Your boyfriend never made you feel this way. You were on a cloud, floating peacefully in the skies above.
He could never pull the desperate moans out of you, he could never make your thighs tremble like you’d just run a marathon around the world.
Johnny’s mohawk was soft on your fingertips when you grasped them. You held back, only gripping softly.
“Pretty girl, ye can grip harder than tha’,” he assured when he came up for air. You stared down at him with wet eyes, filled with hazy pleasure. He wouldn’t return to using his mouth until you followed his order, so you did, grabbing a fistful of hair and lightly pushing him against your cunt.
He groaned in approval, burying his face between your legs and eagering fucking his fingers in you.
The stimulation caused your back to arch, a moan bursting out of you. The sound surprised you. You’d never heard yourself sound so wrecked, especially before the main event.
This was how sex was supposed to feel. Cherished, adored, and downright sinful.
The knot in your stomach seemed to tighten, and your thighs clumsily squirmed around, encasing his head between them. You panted breathlessly, the sounds filling the room with an unforgivable act of immorality.
“Johnny, Johnny, I—“ Your words were cut off by your own broken sob, and he feasted harder, urging you to your breaking point more and more.
It was too much. You wouldn’t be able to hold back, nor did you want to. This feeling was too blissful to pull away from, so you allowed yourself the moment of selfishness.
When it hit you, your entire body convulsed. Your stomach tightened and clenched, thighs gripping tight around Johnny’s head, quivering with every movement.
“Tha’s it, dove. Good girl,” he praised. You keened, eyes squeezing shut as your climax came over you.
His fingers slowed their pace but didn’t dare leave your body as he pulled you through the last drops of your orgasm. When he felt you had enough, he swiftly pulled them out, staring up at you with eyes pouring with admiration.
“Look at ye,” he whispered, reaching a hand out to stroke over your cheek. You hadn’t realized they were wet with tears until he stroked them away with a thumb. “Gorgeous girl. Tha’ okay?”
“Absolutely,” you breathed, voice broken.
You regained your breath, chest no longer heaving like a panting dog, and you came out of your clouded haze.
“Let me make ye feel even better, aye? Can fill ye up, wanna feel ye, please, bonnie—“
You nodded before even making up your mind, but really, you didn’t need to. It was already made up the moment he let you into his home and offered friendship.
Johnny climbed over you, careful not to crush you. He hovered, face aligned with yours and a smile on his face. You stared at him in awe.
That smile of his could light up the whole world if he allowed it. It lit up yours, after all.
His hand dove between your bodies, and when you felt the head of him slowly press to your entrance, you sucked in a breath.
He took his time, slowly easing into you, filling you and leaving you with greedily wanting more and more.
“Oh god,” you groaned, and he followed after. His eyes were squeezed shut as you took him in fully, and when he bottomed out, he forced them open to gaze down at you.
“Look at me the ‘ole time, aye? Wanna see ye,” he said, and who were you to deny it?
Johnny began to move and you had to force your eyes open every time they threatened to flutter closed. He filled you from an emptiness you weren’t aware you had until now, and you never wanted it to leave.
Just like with his fingers, he started off slow. He didn’t want to hurt you, but the more he stared at the pleasured, fucked-out look on your face, his resolve broke and he found himself losing control.
One particularly hard thrust had you gasping, hands scrabbling for purchase on his biceps, and that was all he needed to snap.
Hips thrust erratically into you, plunging deeper and deeper every single hit. The noises were nothing but dirty, a mix of sinful slaps and shaky moans filling the atmosphere.
“Takin’ me so good, bonnie,” he sighed, hand cradling your cheek as he continued his relentless torture. “Made for me, yeah?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, fingernails dipping into his skin and marking him with crescent shaped indents. “All for you, Johnny, nobody else.”
“Tha’s right, sweet girl.” His head tilted down to graze his lips along your jaw, peppering loving kisses up to your ear. “Dinnae need tha’ bloke of yours anymore. ‘M gonna take care of ye.”
That sounded divine. You wanted all of that and more.
“Please,” you begged, though unsure what for.
Johnny smiled against your skin before pulling himself back up. He grabbed hold of your legs, gently pressing them up so your knees were level with your chest.
His eyes never strayed from your face, not even when he went back to giving you everything he had in the way he fucked you.
He was proudly marking his territory, taking everything you had while giving you everything in return.
You couldn’t compress the moans that escaped you with every brutal thrust in your cervix. He was hitting every damn spot in you, as if he had your entire body already mapped out.
“Gonna take ye away from ‘im,” he grunted, his fingertips digging into the flesh of your thighs where they pressed against your chest. “Never gonna let another man hurt ye again.”
You cried, tears pouring down your cheeks in rivers. Your body was so overwhelmed with the pleasure he brought you, but god, you wanted all of it. You were going to make sure you took it all.
Johnny continued his string of praises as he glided in and out of you, your cunt molding around him like the perfect fit. He was fast and hard with his actions, yet his words were sweet and tender, only ever showering you with things you needed to hear.
“Ye gonna give me another one, pretty girl?” he asked, his own voice nearly failing on him from his own pleasure.
You nodded quickly, eyes locked on to his. He grinned in approval, cocking his head to the side.
“C’mon, bonnie. Ken ye can do it f’me.”
Those words of encouragement were enough to have you clenching around him, body succumbing to your second orgasm. You felt absolutely divine, head completely spacing out and relieving itself of any worries or stress.
“There ye go,” he cooed, unstopping of his thrusts. He chased his own release, sweat beading along his forehead and dripping down his temple. “Such a good girl, bonnie.”
You whimpered, body spent and exhausted. You didn’t stop that from allowing him to seek out his pleasure. The thought of him filling you, of fully claiming you as his stirred a wild thought in your mind, and you needed it.
“Please, Johnny,” you whined, and he let out a breathless chuckle. It vibrated you to the core.
“Dinnae worry, dove, I’ll give ye what ye want.”
It didn’t take him long to find himself. His movements became less precise and more sloppy, hands slipping from your thighs when his grip became unfocused.
Warmth filled you from the inside and you reveled in its comfort, sighing shakily. He pumped himself in you a few more times, making sure to get out every drop, before stopping to catch his breath.
Johnny looked gorgeous like this. Glistening in sweat, lips parted to suck in air, cheeks flushed pink from the warmth that took over the room.
You couldn’t stop your hand from lifting off of his arm to gently caress his cheek. When he felt your touch, he smiled, leaning into it.
Your heart nearly burst in fondness.
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Johnny cleaned you up and let you change into his clothes, which you happily put on.
The two of you laid in the comfort of his bed, his arm tucking you into his side, your eyes staring up at the ceiling.
“I meant everythin’ I said, dove. ‘M gonna take ye away from ‘im, ye won’t ever have to deal with ‘im again,” Johnny said softly.
The thought of leaving your boyfriend was scary, but the thought of leaving behind Johnny after this was scarier. You knew what the obvious choice was.
You had to trust him. And trust him you did.
“Okay,” you whispered in return, and when he turned his head to smile down at you, you’d happily go along this journey into the unknown with him.
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finally got around to writing smut like i’ve been planning on and what better choice than mr mactavish himself 🙏🏻 hes so yummy i wanna eat him
853 notes · View notes
klausysworld · 2 months
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Nik Michaels
Klaus had been going back to the same little art shop for weeks now. His studio at home was stacked with paints but it didn't stop him going back at least once every few days.
The little bell chimed gently above the door as he stepped inside the cozy room. The scent of lavender floated through the room whilst the soft hum of music drifted past the selection of canvases and shelves.
His eyes immediately searched for her familiar face.
Y/N was handing a customer their receipt along with a beautifully decorated paper bag which contained whatever supplies they had bought. He moved out the buyers way when they headed for the door and took their place at the till.
"Hi Nik." She greeted, a smile on her face which he couldn't help but mirror.
"Busy day, sweetheart?" He asked as that damned bell rang again and a fellow artist made their way inside.
"Always busy in New Orleans!" She chirped, her eyes bright and keen as she waved at the other woman in the shop.
Klaus hummed faintly and tapped his fingers gently against the wood that stood between them. He waited relatively patiently for her to serve the woman before waiting for her attention again.
She turned back to him and gave him a cute little head tilt. "You can't possibly need more paint?" She laughed, the sound ran right along his spine and he felt his hairs stand on edge.
"Well paints aren't all you sell now are they, love?" He grinned and she shook her head.
"Pick whatever you like." She told him, gesturing to the contents of her shop making him push that little pout to his face.
"You aren't going to come out from behind there and help?" He questioned, tone playful. Her cheeks went an adorable shade of pink as she pushed the pointless gate that separated her and her customers to come over to his side.
Klaus smiled as she came over to him. He loved when he got to be so close. She was the kindest, most gentle hearted person he had ever met.
His eyes took in the soft, beautiful features of her face before trailing downwards. Her dress was a soft shade of blue in colour, one of his favourites. The bodice was fitted perfectly, the built in cups showing the perfect shape of each of her breasts before the aline skirt hid the rest of her curves. He glanced to the comfortable but never less than pretty flats that adorned her feet. Klaus loved that she never wore heels, kept her small and dainty.
Klaus was certain that even without his superhuman strength, it would be easy to pick her up, spin her around, lift her up, catch her, anything.
His eyes snapped back up to hers, taking in the way her irises swirled with colour. Suddenly the realisation dawned on him that her soft lips were moving, he tuned back into the conversation.
"Canvases? Or do you want something else like uh the dream catchers and things? I know you don't usually but there are some more...masculine ones you could have..." She offered, eyes darting round the room as she spoke about different things and thought of anything else she could offer him. "I have candles and incense? Uh...evil eyes? Some things to bring luck and stuff? You don't seem like a crystal guy..." She murmured, thinking aloud and he couldn't help but feel a little amused.
"Not particularly, but for you sweetheart I could be." He smirked and Y/N looked down with a smile.
"What did you come in for Nik?" She asked and he clicked his tongue.
"Well.." He muttered, his expression never dulling. "I came in hoping for a date...perhaps you have a spare evening this week?" Klaus proposed, his eyes wondering over her again without meaning to.
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, it wasn't the first time he had asked for a date; in fact he asked pretty much every single time he walked in there.
"Nik-" She sighed softly and he huffed.
"Oh come on sweetheart! Just one dinner, one glass of wine...one kiss...one touch...one-"
"Nik!" She scolded and he groaned unseriously.
"Y/N..." He borderline whined and she giggled. "I'll buy every last brush in this store. Every last tube of paint, every sheet of paper, everything for one evening where you're mine and mine alone."
"If you buy everything it'll take me forever to restock." She shrugged and he swallowed down the little growl that his wolf produced.
"Then I'll spend all week helping you stack the shelves," He grinned and looked down at her, wanting nothing more than to grab her perfect little face and kiss that teasing smile right off her face. "I'll have to lift you up to help you reach those high shelves. Do tell me love, how did you get those up their?" Klaus asked as he eyed the beginners painting gift sets that rest far to high up for her adorable height to reach.
"Hm? Oh. My ex put them up there...they're just display ones, thats why people ask for them and I get some from out back." She explained and his light mood lowered.
"When was this ex last around?" He questioned, desperately trying to sound casual however it was anything but.
"Oh he doesn't come around here anymore." She told him simply but there was an underlying tone to her words.
"Did you end on good terms?" Klaus asked, curiosity obvious but also his concern.
"Uh...sure...you know, all breakups are messy." She mumbled, her attention on a little feather that dangled from a dream catcher she was fiddling with.
Klaus nodded silently, understanding that the topic needed to be dropped for the time being. He cleared his throat and picked the decoration from her hand.
"I like this one." He decided, whether it was because it was pretty or because she had touched it was unclear.
"You sure?" She checked, that smile on her face always contagious and it made him nod.
"I'll bag it up for you" She told him, taking the dream catcher back and going back behind to the till. Klaus leaned against it, gazing at her as she picked a bag out for him. Each paper back was hand painted by her to be unique, there must have been hundreds ready and he couldn't help but wonder how much time she spent each week preparing them all. His eyes watched her hands wrap the item in a couple layers of tissue paper before gently placing it in the bag and placing it up in front of him. "Cash or card?" she asked, eyes back on his.
"Cash" He answered automatically, pulling out a fifty and she shook her head.
"Nik, no. No more big tips." She told him, borderline whined and he grinned.
"Oh love, you deserve the tips. Think of it as me paying for the bag." He offered a solution and she huffed.
"The dream catcher is $5. The paper bag is not worth $45." She argued and he shook his head.
"The bags are as beautiful as the item. And the dream catcher is worth more than $5" He countered and she sighed softly to herself as she reluctantly took the money from his fingers. "So...about that date" He brought up and she shot him a playful glare.
"I'm...very busy." She muttered and he hummed, clearly unconvinced.
"Perhaps you could schedule me in for next week then? Morning, afternoon, evening, middle of the night, it doesn't matter." He listed, becoming all the more eager, bordering on desperate.
"I'm just not ready for a relationship at the moment Nik and I don't think I could go on one date with you without wanting another." She sighed and he softened.
"Alright" He whispered with a nod. "I understand that..." He paused for a moment as he took the bag. "I can wait." He shrugged and her brows furrowed slightly.
"Wait?" She questioned and he nodded.
"I'm a patient man, I can wait for you to be ready." He told her and he meant it.
Y/N was human. She didn't know who or what he was. He wasn't Klaus Mikaelson the crazed hybrid, disgrace to the wolves and tyrant to the vampires, father to the tribrid and son to the original witch. He was just Nik, an artist. So simple yet it allowed him to be so much more. A man instead of a monster.
It was nice having Y/N's attention, she didn't have any twisted intentions. No ulterior motives, she wasn't evil or calculated, she was just kind and genuine.
"I'll still be coming here every week for paints and what not, then when you're ready I'll take you somewhere fancy." He winked and she laughed softly.
"I'll see you in a few days." She told him as he stepped back toward the door.
"I'll see you soon sweetheart."
And obviously he did. He came back all the time. Often giving her little paintings he had made with things from her shop. They could be seen hanging up in the back. Y/N lived in the apartment above her shop and almost never left the building, she had no need to unless she needed to go shopping. She went out for her weekly visit to town on Monday as it was the only day her art job closed. Klaus would almost always be roaming around the supermarket, waiting for her to show up so he could help pick out her dinners for the week and carry her bags home for her whilst she scolded him for trying to pay for her groceries.
Back home his family never knew where Klaus was going so often. All he said on a Monday morning was that he'd be back later to Hope and then would be gone for hours.
Never would any of them have thought he would be pushing a trolley round each aisle or juggling cartons round a shop.
Once he helped her get everything inside he would carry the bags up the steep steps leading from the back of her store but he never went into her apartment. She hadn't ever invited him in. He would just pass her bags over the threshold whilst she spoke to him from her kitchen as she put things away. When she came back out he would help her organise out back and sometimes he got to decorate the paper bags with her, swirling beautiful patterns and scenes across the material.
He'd only leave when it got dark and she became hungry, not without offering to take her out of course. Inevitably Klaus would go home in a strangely good mood, taking Hope to bed and reading her a story before going to his own room with only one thing or person on his mind.
Hayley, Rebekah and Freya would all hold the same look, knowing that Klaus was in over his head. Elijah would shake his head every time at their childish giggles and tell them to leave Niklaus alone, not that Klaus seemed the slightest bit aware. He was sure that he was very discreet about his visits.
But they all would get nosey each time he came down the stairs, skip in his usually dull step, a smile on his usually grumpy face. The girls would start to whisper and even Marcel would crack a joke every now and then. Klaus however, remained oblivious.
He hung around Y/N like a love-stuck puppy, bringing flowers and sketches for her to enjoy. But one day when he walked in, the little bell didn't ring.
A frown settled upon his face as he noticed the item on the ground. "Y/N?" He called, picking up the bell and walking further in. He heard a crash from out back and immediately pushed past the gate. Y/N was yelling incoherently, crying and backing away from a very rageful man.
A switch flicked in Klaus's mind.
Y/N sat in the corner of the room, face in her knees and hands over her ears whilst Klaus mercilessly beat the man until he couldn't blubber a word. The guy was dragged out into the alley round the back of the building, propped up by the bin and told that should he try to move, Klaus would pick him apart limb by limb.
Klaus went back to Y/N, his hands bloody so he wiped them on his shirt before taking her face into his hold only to see light bruising starting to form across the top of her cheek. His arms moved to pick her up, carrying her upstairs.
"I need you to invite me in, love." He told her, ignoring her confusion and making her say the words that allowed him inside. Once she was sat down on her sofa, blanket draped over her shoulders and an ice pack in hr hand, she started to calm down.
Her gaze stayed on Klaus as he cleaned his surprisingly unbruised hands in the kitchen sink. His henley was stained, finger smears of blood that made her feel sick.
"Who was that man?" Klaus demanded, voice much colder than she had ever heard it. It frightened her.
"He's my ex-" She told her, voice wobbly as she sniffed.
"I thought he didn't come round here?" He snapped and she flinched.
"He's not meant to...I have a restraining order" She whimpered and Klaus swallowed, trying to push his anger down. It wasn't directed at her, it was at the man bleeding out downstairs.
He wasn't thinking straight, but he knew that he needed to stop yelling. If Y/N had been in a presumably abusive relationship before then witnessing Klaus almost killing a man would not bode well for him. Being too loud, too aggressive in his movements would scare her more.
His hands rubbed down his face, trying to conjure ideas on how to fix everything. Klaus considered compelling her but he was certain that it would come back to bite him in the ass. He didn't want to be a vampire to her, a hybrid. He couldn't heal her, it would complicate things further.
What would a human do? He wondered, glancing over at her tear-stained face as she looked up at him silently begging for help.
"Should I...call the police?" He sort of offered, feeling strangely nervous. He thought maybe it was the right thing to do. He would compel his way out of any charges of course but at least to Y/N he would be a good person doing the right thing.
"No..." Y/N whispered and he was a little surprised when she shook her head. "You'll be in trouble."
"I won't...it'll be ruled as defence of innocent life, I didn't attack him, he attacked you and I stopped him. He's in the wrong." Klaus argued, voice much gentler now.
"You don't know him...he has ties and connections, the police will ruin you, you'll be taken away. He's not gonna come back...you scared him but if you take him to court he'll win. I only got the restraining order because I gave everything for it." She explained. Klaus hated how vulnerable she was because of that man.
"Okay" He murmured, nodding. "We should get you to a doctor though, you're still hurt."
"It's just bruising, nothings broken, I'd know." She uttered, her eyes glancing down momentarily in shame.
Klaus knew that he would have her ex strung up by his own intestines. Tearing him apart from the inside out and watching the fear and horror leave his face when death took his filthy soul.
Cautiously, he sat down beside her and helped her over to him to hold her in a comforting hug. Her tears began quiet before they developed into broken sobs that she must’ve been holding in for so long. Klaus understood now why she wasn't ready for him but he made her a promise that he would wait and he would continue to uphold that by being there for her so that she may heal.
Later that day once Y/N had cried herself to sleep, Klaus went out back to move her ex-boyfriend. He put him down in the dungeons of the abattoir before returning to the shop and cleaning everything up. Putting every last piece of paper back on their shelf, he picked up the torn bags that Y/N had made and put them in the bin before spending his night making a hundred more to replace them.
The next day Y/N didn't come downstairs, he could hear her lead in bed, sniffling away to herself. He didn't want to make her come down so he ran the shop for her, serving customers and packaging things the way he had seen her do and restocking shelves at the end of the day so that everything was perfect like she had it. He locked the front up for her and went upstairs, going through her cupboards to cook her something for dinner.
Her tired little self had shuffled into the room once the inviting smell travelled through her door and enticed her presence.
Klaus brought her the plate of food to the little kitchen island and helped her onto the chair. "It wasn't too busy today but it wasn't too quiet either." He told her whilst getting her some water.
"You worked for me?" She whispered and he nodded.
"Course I did, I'm not the only artist who relies on your shop." He told her, a playful element to his words to make her smile.
"Thank you" She whispered earnestly. "For today and yesterday."
"We don't need to remember yesterday." He murmured, shaking his head.
"You didn't do anything wrong... you saved me."
"Right place, right time." He argued and she scoffed softly but he wouldn't let her contradict him.
Eventually they just agreed to disagree and they tidied everything up before Klaus went home.
He got in and went straight to Hope's room, apologising for being gone so long and promising to take her out for the whole day tomorrow.
They went for ice cream, to the park, for afternoon tea and to a soft-play. All women loved seeing a dedicated father, especially an attractive one. However no matter how many mothers hit on him or how many by passers would flirt, Klaus wouldn't bat an eye. Y/N was at the centre of his mind all of the time when it came to women. He barely noticed the amount of eyes on him, the attention he usually craved.
Now the only eyes he needed on him were hers.
Weeks passed by of him continuing his routine of dropping by. Her ex-boyfriend was long gone and very mutilated. He fell harder and harder for her, he could've stared at her for lifetimes. Sometimes he would linger around the shop until she gave in and asked if he wanted to use her art studio upstairs, it was smaller than his at home but felt much more intimate. It was as though he could see her every feeling sprawled out across the walls, the floor, everything everywhere. He ended up with his own rack on canvases in her studio which he would add to as often as she let him.
He waited a fair amount of time before he got to take her out. She met him outside of her shop, dressed as gorgeous as ever when he pulled up beside her in his car. He got out to open the passenger door for her, making sure she knew how much she brightened his evening.
Y/N was a little quiet on the drive there, her walls were up when it came to dating and he knew that and made sure not to push his limits.
Dinner was as sweet as expected, he behaved as the perfect gentleman to charm her and treat her correctly. There was never a moment of doubt or a second she felt even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Everything seemed to flow perfectly.
At the end he brought her home and made sure she got in okay. There were no kisses but he had expected that and didn't mind. Klaus was too overjoyed that he had finally gotten to take her out to be stressed over a kiss.
Oh but once he got that first kiss, he never wanted a day without one.
Klaus wasn't a touchy person usually. However whenever given the opportunity to have hand on his girl? Whether it be the small of her back, her hip, her waist, her hand, her knee? It didn't matter where, so long as she was happy and comfortable.
Once the relationship started rolling, it seemed to have a smooth journey. Klaus had practically moved into her apartment.
He was always curled up around her on the sofa, tickling her sides and nuzzling her hair while she tried to finish a drawing off. Often they would both be in her little studio, getting paint everywhere as they tried to create a joint painting. Klaus would always be there for at least one out of the three meals.
After a couple months of dates and kisses, he told her something really important; that he was a father.
Y/N had been shocked and a little upset that he hadn't told her sooner but eventually she understood why he didn't want to broadcast it.
"It's nothing to do with you, my love. I wouldn't have told any woman until I..." He paused, he wasn't sure this was the right time to say he loved her. "Until I really care about them, If I had told you then I would have introduced you and I couldn't do that unless I was sure...everything's much more complicated when a child's involved." Klaus explained.
"I get it Nik, I do. I just- I need some time to digest it, okay?" She sighed and he felt his heart sink as he nodded, kissed her head and headed home.
He loved Y/N and it would break his heart but if she couldn't be apart of Hope's life ever then she couldn't be apart of his, not truly.
A few days went by, he gave her some space and didn't come by the shop, before he received a message from her asking if he would come over. Klaus knew he would never let her go after that. He let her meet Hope only a week later, watched as she pushed his daughter on the swings and went down the slide with her on her lap. Hope was still young, only just getting ready to start school so she latched onto Y/N easily.
Everything moulded together so beautifully. To him, they were the little family he had secretly craved. A family where hatred was non-existent. Love was truly boundless and honest.
Arguments were rare and were over surprisingly fast. Klaus was used to endless grudges and growing hatreds against everyone but not her and Hope. There wasn't a bad thing to say about either of them.
But it was getting difficult for a few reasons.
The main one being that he was keeping a lot of secrets. She didn't even know his name. To her he was Nik Michaels. Not Niklaus Mikaelson. He was human, an artist who was doing really well and had lots of foreign buyers. She knew he had a big family, he had mentioned some names and stories here and there but it was strongly implied that they didn't speak anymore. Y/N wouldn't have ever guessed that he was living with them. She didn't know where he lived, just assumed he hadn't ever taken her before because she'd never asked and because of Hope.
Another growing issue for Klaus was his need for further intimacy. He had so much understanding for how she felt and how she had been treated in the past, he wouldn't voice his desires but they were slowly driving him crazy.
The amount of masterbation he had engaged in since he met her was making his balls hurt. As a man who had never really had such tight loyalty to a woman or had to wait so long for any sort of sexual contact, the past months drove his body crazy. Especially with how perfect she was.
Sometimes when they'd snuggle up he'd feel himself get all hard again, he'd ignore it for as long as possible before it became painful. It was unclear as to whether Y/N was unaware or choosing to ignore what was happening when he would disappear to another room to try to ease the tension.
There had been a lot of times that he had smelt her lovely arousal, often when making out or lead in bed but she never addressed it either so he knew she wasn't ready.
Klaus knew she wasn't ready to have sex but he wondered if she was ready for anything else.
So when she was laid against him on the sofa beneath a blanket with a romantic film playing in front of her, he let his hands slip downwards. He mirrored the actions of the man on the screen, letting his fingers disappear under her waist band and graze over her panties. Y/N's hand held onto his shirt at his shoulder, she was tense but nodded silently. Klaus's fingers pet her clit through the cotton barrier, varying his pressure and direction. A series of little mewls and gasps left her soft lips whilst her head went down, her face pressing into his shoulder as her hips rolled against his hand and wrist. "You feel so lovely." He whispered as he pulled her underwear aside and coated his fingers in her wetness.
Y/N held onto him so tightly, her breathing messy and unpredictable as she whimpered. "Please Nik, please keep going."
Klaus groaned at the sound of her begging and eagerly obliged. He leant down to kiss her forehead softly to keep her comforted as he circled his fingers over her sweet little jewel. He was slightly hesitant to let his middle finger sink into her but after another minute of her delicate little moans he let her tight heat encase his skin.
The sound she produced was pornographic and her hips thrust forward with desperation. Klaus felt her nails break through his shirt and dig into his skin making hiss in a pained delight and pump a second finger within her velvet walls.
"Nik!" She cried beautifully and he leaned down to kiss below her ear before nipping her earlobe. Her moans fuelled his wrist to move faster, push deeper. The slippery swollen clit beneath the pad of his thumb felt as though it was buzzing as her face pushed right into his neck, a muffled call leaving her as she came undone.
Klaus eased his fingers out of her gently and gradually slowed the stroke of his thumb before pulling his hand out from under the covers and sucking her taste from them. His eyes rolled back and his tongue licked over his bottom lip to catch the drip.
He looked down to look at Y/N as her chest rose and fell dramatically with each breath and her hair stuck to the back of her neck making him push the blanket down a bit to help her cool.
Klaus kissed her cheek before turning her head with his hand to feel those lips he loved so dearly against his own. He loved how she panted into their kiss, stealing all the air from his lungs and letting him be blessed with another soft little moan he had dreamt of for months.
He pulled away slowly and kissed her lips a few more times, looking down at her eyes through his own and enjoying her disheveled state.
"I love you." Klaus whispered, his eyes darting between hers to gage her reaction.
"I love you too." She replied without missing a beat making him release a breath and kissing her again for a little longer to really saver that feeling.
From that day Klaus almost lived in her little apartment. He restocked shelves in the evening, helped her cook, helped clean and then snuggled until bed. Hope had been coming round a few days in the week, not sleeping over because he didn't want to raise alarm bells with his family and also because there wasn't room but she came over to play after the store closed and on Mondays when it was closed they would often drive out of town to go to softplays and parks.
A couple times Hope had accidentally called Y/N 'Mommy'. Every time Hope would either feel really bad and cry or wouldn't notice at all, no in between. Klaus would calm her down and tell her that Y/N didn't mind and that they knew she didn't mean it to upset her real mommy. Y/N would just soften even more. Being a parent was something she did want one day and knowing that to Hope she was good enough to be called her mommy gave her such joy and love for the sweet child.
Klaus and Y/N never mentioned having children. It was a little difficult with them living separately and her working nearly everyday so it wasn't brought up. They didn't think nor worry about that.
Well...not until she wound up pregnant.
Klaus had just unlocked the door to come inside, bouquet of flowers in his hand and smile on his face before he heard her soft sniffles from the bathroom. His face dropped and he quickly shoved the door open.
His brows furrowed before his eyes widened as he looked around. At least five pregnancy tests were littered on the floor around her as she curled into herself and cried.
Slowly he picked one up and read that magic little word. Klaus swallowed thickly and knelt down to wrap his arms around Y/N's frame.
"It's alright, love." He whispered to her. His hands rubbed her back and sides gently whilst he focused his hearing on her body, listening for that faint little beat of their baby's heart.
Her head shook with a sniff as she leaned against him. "I can't afford a baby...it's too soon. I'm not- I was gonna wait at least a couple years, we haven't been together long enough-"
Klaus tried to shush her gently but her breathing became more and more rapid and her words started to blur together. Klaus could feel the worry building except he was worrying for two now.
"Y/N" He murmured, cupping her teary face in his hands. "We'll figure this out. I'm gonna be here, I can afford this okay? You can't worry about that. Just... just worry about your health and our baby." He trailed as his hand slid down her front to her tummy.
Y/N looked up at him through glassy eyes before glancing at his hand. She was quiet for the longest time, staying on the floor as he cleaned up the tests, throwing all but one out.
He made sure she ate something for dinner before going to bed with her, snuggling close and whispering about how beautiful their little boy or girl would be.
Y/N went back to work the next day, despite Klaus trying to persuade her that he could run the shop whilst she had a few days to herself.
So whilst she ran the art store, he started looking at real-estate nearby. He knew that they would need a house with at least three bedrooms if not four; one for them, one for the baby and one for Hope. If he could get a four bed it could be a playroom and then one day another bedroom. Klaus worried a bit over how his family would be, if they'd let him take Hope. Of course Hayley would have her half the time but he knew Hayley and he knew she wouldn't want split custody. But he couldn't leave Y/N and their child so he'd have to get it to work.
In the early months of Y/N's pregnancy everything was normal. Klaus kept up his visits, took her to doctors appointments and hid little sonograms in his room at home.
Though they didn't stay there long before he found a house.
It was perfect.
Five bedrooms, two of which were en suites with showers. A separate bathroom upstairs with both bath and shower and then a smaller one downstairs. The kitchen was spacious and had a lot of potential which Klaus immediately took advantage of and had people in and out all of the time to fit the marble countertops. Then he had an island fitted for the mental image of his cute little family having breakfast still dressed in their pyjamas and slippers. He still had a dining table for their evening meals and for when Hope got older and wanted to invite friends over or anything. He also furnished the living-room to be comfy and inviting with a beautiful fireplace and everything.
Klaus had lived in many houses, mansions, apartments but they were never a home. They were soulless, empty buildings that he just floated around so this time he wanted to make it homey and special. Warm, comfortable and full of life.
Once Y/N was six, almost seven months pregnant, Klaus told he had a surprise for her that required her to be blindfolded. She had yawned and told him that she was too tired which made him chuckle before leading her into the car.
When he took the cloth away from her eyes she was faced with such a stereotypical sight; that big white picket fenced house with a lovely lawn covered in flowers and berry plants.
Klaus wrapped his arms around her from behind, resting both hands on her now prominent baby-bump whilst placing a kiss to her temple.
"I know you were worried about raising our little one in your flat...The house is all ready for us, I'll keep your apartment above the shop so that you still have it and I’ll run the art store whilst you’re on maternity- We can have your things moved here- though I did buy some new-" He kept rambling but Y/N spun round and pushed her lips to his to shut him up.
She pulled away after a moment and rest her head in the crook of her neck, Klaus nuzzled into her hair before he realised she was sniffling back tears.
"What's wrong, my love?" He whispered and she wiped her eyes.
"Nothing...it's just perfect...you're perfect." She whimpered and he smiled, holding her tight. He chuckled softly, her pregnancy hormones had made her so teary over the smallest things but he didn't mind.
"You want to go see inside?" He asked her and she nodded vigorously, holding onto his hand as he lead her to the doorway.
He showed her the downstairs before taking her to their bedroom. On the bedside table was a framed sonogram and a framed positive pregnancy test. Y/N was a sniffling mess in seconds and Klaus was kissing all over her face to try calm those cries away. She was a mess when he brought her to the nursery, it wasn't decorated yet, only a simple crib in the room.
"I couldn't design this room without you." He whispered, stroking her bump as he did so.
That night Y/N and Klaus cooked for the first time in their new house, snuggled by their never before used fireplace and then went up to their new bed.
Klaus helped her our of her maternity clothes, shushing her when she told him she was gross like this. "You're gorgeous like this, I love that you're pregnant with our baby." He told her as he unclipped her bra making her whimper.
"I just want it out of me now." She sniffed, trying to cover her body with her arms and hands but he wouldn't let her.
"I love your body, it's always beautiful." He promised while pushing her to lay down on her back. Klaus wiped away the little tears that gathered in the corners of her eyes and kissed her sweet lips. His hands slid up to gently cup her swollen breasts, caressing them softly and kissing her jaw.
"We can't have sex like this...I look like-"
"You look like an angel." He cut her off, refusing to hear her talk bad about herself. He trailed his lips down her neck to her chest before sucking little red marks into her breasts. Klaus listened to her whimper, glancing up to check she wasn't hurting from how sore she was becoming lately. He smiled when he saw the look of pleasure in her eyes and slipped his hand down between her thighs where it belonged.
He stroked her pussy gently, feeling how wet she was without him having to do anything. Klaus knew Y/N needed him, his body, much more then she would ask for because she had become so self-conscious since getting a little bigger. Klaus found it silly that she could think being full of his child would make her less attractive, if anything it made her ten times sexier. Of course he knew that sometimes she was too tired but there were many occasions when she needed him and he knew it but wouldn't want him to touch her.
Tonight he felt the strong need to satisfy his love. So he circled her clit rhythmically whilst getting his pants off as swiftly as possible.
Y/N had no time to protest before his cock was burying inside her. She whimpered loudly and rolled her head to the side. "Nik..." She moaned and he groaned, leaning down to kiss her cheek round to her lips.
Y/N was desperate for the feel of his mouth on hers, the thrust of his cock between her walls and the grip of his hands on her hips but she couldn't help but worry about how she looked and she only knew she was going to get bigger in the remaining three months. Her eyes glanced down at her belly and the was he tried his best not to touch it as his hips rocked up against hers. Their lips parted and he cupped the side of her face.
"I'm just making sure I don't hurt the baby is all." He whispered, noticing her sad stare. "Don't think I don't want to touch you all over." He purred into her ear before sucking her earlobe between his teeth. "Once our little one is born and you're all rested I'll make sure you remember how good it feels when I get rough, hm?" He murmured whilst kissing the side of her face.
Y/N nodded stiffly and pushed her face into the crook of his neck, just focusing on the heat of his skin on hers and the electricity running in their veins.
Klaus kept his body moving, bucking his hips just right to make her moan into his skin. His hand kept playing with her swollen clit, teasing her closer and closer.
He grew more needy for her cunt to clamp down as he felt himself leak a few drops inside her. Klaus was grateful that she couldn't see his face when his eyes went gold and his fangs elongated, threatening her flavoursome flesh. Y/N could feel his breathing against her shoulder as his fingers dug into her sides.
"That's it, love-" He gasped, thrusting faster before slowing and giving a few slow, calculated plunges of his cock before feeling her sweet pussy squeeze tighten and gush around him. Klaus released a fast breath, urging his hybrid features to go away when he felt her shift beneath him, whispering if he was okay. He forced the fangs back in, the gold away and the veins to fade beneath his eyes as he felt her insecurities start to bubble.
Klaus pushed up on his arms, leaning down to kiss her deeply. His hands caressed up and down her body, making sure not to leave an inch of her untouched before he pulled himself out of her and slid his hands under her.
"Oh god- Nik don’t even try-" She protested but he picked her up with ease, much to her surprise, and carried her to their en suite bathroom.
Y/N went quiet at how easily he seemed to hold her as he ran a bath. Then lowered her into the warm water and continued to clean the sweat from her body and lean down to leave a display of kisses on her already marked up skin.
She couldn't help but just gaze at him as he let her relax amongst the bubbles and washed himself in the glass shower. The hybrid smirked to himself as he felt his love's eyes on him as the water ran down the length of his body. He cast a few looks her way, admiring her shy smile as she sunk into the water though that beautiful bump of hers still peaked up at him.
Once they were both out they laid down in the now clean bed. (Klaus had managed to secretly use his vampire speed to change all the bedding). They curled up together and drifted to a peaceful sleep.
The weeks seemed to go so fast, Klaus kept forgetting to go home to the point where his siblings actually thought something bad had happened.
Which was why when Klaus had gone grocery shopping for the two of them, Y/N was home alone to answer the door to three of his siblings.
Rebekah, Elijah and Freya all held threatening stances as they glared down the door, expecting a witch or a vampire. None of them were expecting nine-month-pregnant, overly emotional and tired young woman to answer the door.
She looked back at them a little confused and frightened when she realised they did not look friendly and she did not recognise them form the little neighbourhood she and Klaus had been getting to know. She shifted on her feet and placed a protective hand on her pregnant tummy.
"Can I help you?" She asked, voice soft and clearly nervous making the three siblings share a few looks. Elijah was about to apologise and claim they had the wrong house but Rebekah got in first.
"Do you know Klaus?" She questioned, tone coming out too harsh making Elijah wince.
"Uhm no...I'm sorry, I don't think anyone called Klaus lives close. Uh... two streets over theres a Clyde?" She tried to be helpful and it was obvious to all three of them that this girl wasn't going to have the answers they were looking for.
"We're very sorry for the intrusion miss." Elijah apologised, silently urging his sisters to leave this woman alone. "I think we got the wrong street, I hope you can forgive us." He told her earnestly and she nodded.
"It's okay...theres a lot of roads its easy to go down the wrong one- oh!" She cut herself off with a cry and they all went tense. Elijah stepped forward offering his arm for her to grab and squeeze painfully and she yelled out in pain.
"Rebekah! Start the car!" He called, wrapping his arm round the woman and helping her out the house. "Freya? Where's the closest hospital?" He questioned whilst squeezing her hand as her breathing started to level out.
"It's okay" Y/N whimpered, not wanting to give birth without Nik.
"Of course it's okay darling. Has your water broke yet?" Elijah asked, guiding her to the car.
"Yeah- It went just before you knocked... I was about to call- Oh god Nik- my phone I can't-" Her breathing picked up again but this time in a panic before another contraction came and she cried out, clutching his hand for dear life.
"It's alright, it's alright. The hospital will have his number, is he your next of kin?" He asked and she nodded, relaxing at the realisation and letting him ease her into the car.
Rebekah drove like a mad women, trying to keep conversation flowing; name, age, family, future plans. Freya was talking through breathing exercises and Elijah kept himself as a human stress ball.
Once they pulled up at the hospital they were all rushing in, yelling that they needed nurses, doctors anything to help this woman.
Surprisingly they all remained in the waiting room for a couple hours after feeling a strange bond with the mother-to-be after finding and helping her.
None of them really linked the fact that her boyfriend’s name being Nik could have been Niklaus, especially with how confused she was when they said Klaus.
So nobody was ready for Klaus to come rushing through the hospital, barging past anything and shoving the door open.
A silence fell over the three for the first time in years as they just stared at the closed door. Nobody moved for ages, even as Klaus dashed in and out of the room for more ice-chips, they just stayed put.
Occasionally one of them would go to the bathroom or to get a sandwich from a vending machine but they didn't even consider leaving the hospital until they heard the cries of a beautiful newborn baby.
Rebekah physically relaxed, collapsing in her seat when she was sure that the baby was okay. Hayley received a vague text that they'd be home sometime in the next couple days before they got back to patiently waiting for Y/N To be well enough.
The next morning the door opened and all three of them got up to their feet at the sight of Klaus with his arms around Y/N and her arms around the sweetest little baby ever.
"Oh. Those are the lovely people I told you about." She told Klaus, looking straight at them making Klaus turn his head.
His face dropped when he saw them and her heart-rate spiked. He tried to shake his head, to get out of this but he was panicking.
Y/N didn't know about the supernaturals. She didn't know about all his siblings. She didn't know he was Klaus. She didn't know anywhere near enough to be dealing with any of it right after giving birth.
"That's...that's very...kind of them." He choked out, trying to get anything out of him.
"We should thank them, they didn't need to stay." She whispered to him and he hesitantly nodded.
"I'll thank them, you get him into the car okay my love? He needs to get away from all these sick people." He told her, kissing her head and then his son's.
"No- Nik, come on lets just go say thank you." She argued, tiredly and made her way over making him hurry after her and keep his hand on her so they couldn't get too close.
He glared them down, daring them to say a word as Y/N thanked them so so much for getting her there safely and talking to her. She showed them the baby and Elijah worried that Klaus might actually snap when Rebekah asked to hold him.
"I think he's a little tired, probably best to get him home. Come on love, we all need rest." He urged and Freya nodded, putting a hand on Rebekah's shoulder.
"He's right, they need to get settled. Maybe one day we'll get to see the little man again." She agreed but the underlying question was there as to whether Klaus was ever planning to come clean about whatever was going on.
He let out a sigh and slipped his hand round to hold his son's tiny hand.
"Perhaps. Now we really need to leave." He was getting frustrated and Y/N was confused.
He lead her away and she looked up at him.
"Nik...is something wrong? Do you know them?" She asked as they got out the door and a frown swirled across his features.
"It's...I'm gonna explain it later okay? I just need you both inside and safe and comfy, I just..." He swallowed down his worry and strapped their little boy into the carseat. "I love you." He told her, standing up straight and cupping her face.
"I love you too...I don't understand what that-"
"It doesn't, I just need you to know how much I adore you." He whispered and she smiled.
"I love you too." She kissed his lips softly. "Nothing's going to change that." She promised and Freya, Elijah and Rebekah listened from round the corner with soft smiles on their faces.
Everything was going to be different when they got home. Klaus was worried. His son had just been born, healthy and perfect. He had planned to bring them home, feed her a lovely dinner and possibly propose to her.
He had chosen the most gorgeous ring. Klaus wanted to be with her forever, especially now that they had a new little angel that they shared. He hadn't ever had such a normal, domesticated relationship.
The house, the kids.
If they got a pet his life would be every movie ever.
But now he had to ruin it all. He had to reveal the worst parts about himself.
How would his darling Y/N react when she found out he was a serial-killing monster who's haunted millions of people for hundreds of years. Or that he daggered his own siblings, tortured innocents and sacrificed teenagers.
Could she forgive that? Should she love him? Would she even want someone like that near such a delicate baby boy?
Klaus stared at himself in the mirror, tucking the ring box back into his hiding place and taking a breath as he tried to ready himself.
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cyberpunkgyu · 1 year
Confidence Is Key - P.SH
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pairing: quiet sunghoon x quiet fem reader!
genre: romance, fluff
warnings: none!
a/n: i have so many drafts, so here is another one :) i don’t know how to feel about this one though, but hope you guys like it!
“i have a girlfriend.” is what came out of sunghoon’s mouth as a girl tried to ask for his number.
the thing is, he didn’t have a girlfriend. he is single by choice, but jay would tease him about it. “you got no game bro.” he would say.
sunghoon is very well known in the university, however, he isn’t much of a talker and likes his alone time. he is known as the “quiet one” out of his friend group, which includes jay, jake, and heeseung. don’t get him wrong, he loves his friends, but he also loves how relaxing it is when he’s by himself.
which is why he is currently about to go in the movie theater, by himself, about to watch oppenheimer. he already got himself a bucket of popcorn with a drink of lemonade, ready for some alone time. however as he walked through the hallway of the cinema, a girl, who seemed around his age, approached him, with her friends watching her from behind.
although he told her about him having a girlfriend (sunghoon’s go to excuse), the girl for some reason still won’t leave him alone. she was fluttering her eyes, obvious that she was checking him out.
coincidentally as he glanced behind him, he saw you walk towards his direction, and it looked like you were alone as well, but you haven’t noticed him yet.
“there she is!” he let out an awkward laugh, gulping at what he was about to do. “ynnie!”
you looked up, not expecting someone to call your name, recognizing sunghoon, who is in one of your classes this semester. and did he just call you, ynnie?
you looked at him confused before glancing back at the girl who had a scowl on her face. “come on, the movie is about to start, wouldn’t want to miss it.” as he got closer to you, he wrapped his hand around your wrist, pulling you in one of the nearest theater rooms, desperate to escape from the girl he encountered.
you followed him without any questions, not having enough time to react due to the sudden interaction. you both sat down in the middle aisle, watching him glance behind him, not even realizing he was still holding onto you.
“finally.” he muttered under his breath, finally being able to relax.
“uh.” you cleared your throat, snapping him out of his head. “shit, i’m sorry.” he finally let go of your wrist, weirdly missing the warmth of his hand.
“sorry about that, i-uh,” he continued, but for some reason unable to form his words. who is he kidding, the person he’s been crushing on is right in front of him!
you shook your head, an indication that it was no big deal. “it’s okay.” you gave him a reassuring smile and was about to glance down at his movie ticket, but he quickly hid it away.
“the movie is about to start.” he quickly said, holding the popcorn on his lap. he didn’t want you to see that he was supposed to be in the other theater room, for oppenheimer. when was he ever going to have the opportunity to be with you? this was his chance.
you looked so pretty. with your pink outfit, for obvious reasons. your hair was tied with a pink ribbon, loving how some of your hair were framing your face. on the other hand, he was wearing a dark outfit, again, because he was going to watch a movie very opposite of barbie.
little did he know, you did saw a glimpse of his ticket, when he was looking away earlier, knowing already. you can’t help but smile to yourself, fiddling with your fingers, feeling a bit shy.
both of you are now immersed in the movie, sunghoon glancing at you every now and then. he loves the reaction you showed as you watched the movie, mumbling softly, your eyebrows doing all sorts of movement, your bottom lip sticking out. you looked so cute that he just wants to squeeze your cheeks! of course he’s not going to do that, not right now at least.
your arm would brush against sunghoon’s every now and then during the movie, both of you blushing like crazy. sunghoon felt his heart beating so fast that it felt like it was going to bust out of his chest!
soon the movie finished, feeling as if time just snapped. why did that felt so quick? he hasn’t even interacted with you like he hoped would happen.
you two walked out of the theater room, surrounded by a crowd, causing the two of you to bump into each other. this made sunghoon wrap his arm across your shoulder, both of you making your way through the crowd, wanting to prevent you from being crushed. it felt natural for him to do that he didn’t even realize he was doing it.
your cheeks felt as if they were on fire. both of you were so close that sunghoon’s sweet scent filled your nose. hopefully he can’t hear how loudly your heart is beating. it felt like it was about to burst! he felt so warm against you, and although it was summer, his warmth made you comfortable.
you both soon found the door outside the cinema, feeling the refreshing cold breeze, in contrast to the warm one earlier before walking in the cinema.
“well, that movie wasn’t so bad.” he said, now facing you, glad that he could still see you a little bit with the horrible lighting from the lamppost.
your eyes sparkled even through the dark night, seeing his cute little fangs as he smiled at you. “yeah, i had a great time with you, even though we didn’t really talk much.” you let out an airy laugh, “maybe we can do that again? and watch the movie you were supposed to watch?”
his eyes widened, lips parting. “huh? how did you know?”
“sorry, i might’ve seen your ticket. you know you didn’t have to stay with me there, sorry if i kept you-” you started, feeling slightly guilty as you thought about it.
“no, no. don’t be sorry. i wanted that. i mean, it was a chance for me to spend time with you.”
your cheeks heated up, feeling absolutely fluttered at the confession. damn, where did he get that confidence. sunghoon actually talking to a girl? jay would be proud.
“well, i’m accepting that offer of yours. you can’t take it back now.” he bit his lip, preventing himself from smiling so widely, waiting for your response.
a smile now painted on your lips, you nodded, “maybe we can go somewhere after too, and get to know each other?”
sunghoon felt his ears turning red, not being able to hide his smile anymore. “i’d love that.” he then pulled his phone out of his pocket before holding it out for you, looking at you admiringly.
you punched in your number, biting your bottom lip as you then typed in your name before handing it back to him.
‘ynnie ♡’
a cute giggle came from sunghoon, his little dimple popping out. you curiously tilted your head as you watched him type something, seeing him glance at you and then back to his phone. he held his phone to show you what he did, and you felt butterflies in your stomach.
‘pretty girl ynnie ♡’
both of you all of the sudden got shy with each other, just smiling to one another. “um, see you soon then? i should probably go now.” you fiddled with your fingers, seeing the bus has arrived at the terminal by the cinema.
he glanced to where you were looking at before nodding, “of course. i’ll walk you there.”
the two of you walked to the terminal, your hand slightly brushing against sunghoon’s. you stopped by the door of the bus and faced the cute boy, who was already looking back at you.
“thank you for tonight.” there was a moment of silence before you suddenly felt a boost of confidence. sunghoon looked so soft and you couldn’t help but kiss his cheek without any warning, feeling him freeze at the sudden contact. his lips parted, his smile widening.
you waved at him before quickly hopping in the bus, making your way to the middle, sitting by the window where you see him step back, watching the door of the bus now closing. the boy typed something on his phone and the next thing you know, you hear your phone buzzing.
unknown number: this is sunghoon :) text me when you get home, yeah? stay safe pretty.
you looked back up and nodded at him through the window, waving once again. he waved back, watching the bus driving off.
oh my god. what just happened? you thought to yourself, now pressing your palms onto your cheeks, feeling how warm it is. looking back down at your phone, you start typing.
reply to pretty boy sunghoon: text me once you get home too! :)
sunghoon skip his way through the parking lot, not caring how some people were looking at him weirdly as he passed by. he is happy. he got to talk to his crush! and now he already has a second date?! he felt like he was dreaming, and he can’t wait to see you again. his pretty girl. well, not yet. but soon.
“ah! i don’t know what to wear.” sunghoon groaned, his hands resting on top of his head, pacing back and forth in his room, jay who was leaning against sunghoon’s door watches the boy in distress.
“damn. i’ve never seen him like this. he is truly whipped huh?”
“you know he can hear you right?” heeseung shook his head before going back to his game, being in the living room, which is in front of sunghoon’s room.
“i don’t know, pretty sure all he’s thinking about is yn.” jay purposely says your name clearly and loudly, making sunghoon snap out of his thoughts. “yn? did you say yn?”
“oh my god… he’s gone crazy.”
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florisa6s · 2 months
A idea- bats
(this is a little rushed I'm running out of ideas lately)
I love batman being a tired mom to his children especially when they were just robin
Dick: Batman!.... Batman!
Bruce: What?!
Dick: I hurt my arm!
Bruce: Are you bleeding?
Dick: No
Bruce: Are you crying?
Dick: .....no
Bruce: then you're fine.
Bruce: what did you do?
Jason: *mumbling* broke his arm
Bruce: and what did I tell you to do before I left?
Jason: not to.
Bruce:go to your room.
Jason: fine....I don't regret it!
Dick: ooo you're in trouble with dad
Jason: shut up! Mom! Dick is being mean and rubbing salt in the wounds!
Dick: no- snitch!
Bruce: Dick your grounded too! Go both of you to your rooms!
Bruce: my baby it's okay I'm here
Tim: Bru-Batman I'm not a baby its just a cut! You never acted like this before why now?
Bruce: because since I was so angry and spent most of your younger years as Robin being rude to you I didn't have time to dote and spoil you, so now I am.
Tim:.....I guess it does feel a little nice....
Bruce: that's the spirit! Now come on I need to buy you ice cream!
Bruce: Cass... You need to get up and go to your ballet practice.
Bruce: listen I'm sorry I was a few minutes late last time I had to deal with scarecrow!
Bruce: okay I know it's not an excuse but I promise if you get up I'll join you for practice okay?
Bruce: Damian, you have to do your school work
Damian: no I won't.
Bruce: fine then no sugar!
Damian: I'm good with that
Bruce: oh right that only works with Dick- okay fine no reading!
Damian: tt childplay
Bruce: no coffee!
Bruce: uhhh...no ballet? No that's Cass uh....what do you like?...okay forget the punishment son and father bonding time!
Damian: nooo! I'll do my work please not that!
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rxmqnova · 5 months
WandNat x daughter please.
R's mothers try to ween us off our pacifier/ thumb sucking because the dentist says it's making our teeth crooked. We don't take it well and throw tantrums and make a scene (both in the compound and out in public) , after nearly a month of a seriously cranky kid on their hands. A very sleep deprived Wanda gets an idea. She uses her magic to make a pacifier substitute that doesn't damage our teeth, and even though Natasha is grateful that we finally go to sleep that night she's annoyed the other woman didn't think of it sooner.
Thanks 👍
Not tired
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Y/N: 3 years old Wanda: Mommy Natasha: Mama ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV "Y/N" Wanda sighs, her hands resting on her hips as she's looking down at her toddler daughter.
Y/N shoots her head up, looking back at her mommy who doesn't look really happy about seeing her daughter with a thumb in her mouth again.
Wanda and Natasha only just weaned their daughter off her pacifier, yet the little girl started sucking her thumb instead which, as the dentist confirmed last week, is bad for her teeth.
"Hi, mommy" Y/N smiles, lifting her arms up for Wanda who sighs once again and sits the tiny girl on her hip.
Y/N automatically brings her thumb up to her mouth on which Wanda takes it out with another sigh.
"Mommy" Y/N whines, burying her head into the crock of Wanda's neck.
"Honey, it's bad for your teeth" Wanda explains, receiving another whine as Y/N starts sucking on her other thumb. "Y/N, no" Wanda looks at her daughter sternly, taking her thumb out of her mouth again which only results in tears. "Okay, and now we're crying"
"Baby, you're a big girl now, aren't you?" Wanda questions, sitting down on the bed with Y/N on her lap.
The toddler just lets out a little sniffle, nodding her head as she looks up at her mommy.
"Big girls don't have binkies anymore, do they?" Wanda raises an eyebrow on which Y/N shakes her head no. "That's right. So when Y/N's a big girl now, she doesn't need a binky. Do you remember what the dentist said last week?" Once again Y/N shakes her head.
"He said that Y/N can't suck her thumb either because it's really bad for her teeth. We don't want Y/N's teeth to be crooked, do we?" Wanda asks, but this is not what Y/N wanted to hear.
The tiny girl buries her head into Wanda's chest, letting out more tears on which Wanda sighs and rubs her daughter's back, hoping it would calm her down.
"Mama" Y/N whines, following Natasha like a lost puppy while the redhead's making breakfast for both of them.
"Mama" Y/N repeats, lifting her arms up in the air and hoping Natasha would get the hint.
"Honey, I'll give you a cuddle right when I finish making breakfast for us" Natasha sighs which only makes Y/N whine more.
It's been nearly a month since Y/N's pacifier was taken away and the tiny girl just can't get used to it.
Both, Natasha and Wanda, haven't slept through a whole night since then, they're so incredibly tired, especially since Y/N's cranky every single day.
"Up, mama" Y/N whines once again, jumping up and down with her arms up in front of Natasha, her eyes watery.
"Y/N, come here" Wanda sighs, stepping into the kitchen.
Natasha let her sleep in after another sleepless night, yet Wanda knows it's not easy to do more things at one time when Y/N's in her mood. She just can't let her wife deal with it alone.
Y/N shuffles over to Wanda, her arms still up in the air. With a sigh the brunette lifts her tiny daughter up and sits her on her hip, Y/N finally happy she got what she wanted and can cuddle now.
"You could've stayed in bed and get some more sleep. We'd be okay here" Natasha says, giving her wife a smile.
"I know and thank you, but I can't just leave you here alone with our grumpy daughter" Wanda smiles back. "What do you say, baby? Do you want to take a little nap?" She turns her attention back to her daughter, tucking a strand of hair behind her little ear.
"Nooo, Y/N not tired" Y/N whines, her head buried in Wanda's neck, though the brunette knows her daughter's absolutely exhausted.
Wanda gives Natasha a look, silently telling her she's going to try put Y/N to sleep. She carries Y/N into her bedroom, rocking her back and forth, and hoping Y/N would just fall asleep on the way to the room.
"No ni-night, mommy" Y/N whines as soon as Wanda reaches the bedroom.
Wanda sighs, sitting down on bed with Y/N on her lap. And with another sigh, she rests her forehead against her daughter's head.
She tries to think of something that would get her daughter to sleep and then suddenly an idea pops up in her mind… She has magic.
With a swing of her hand, she uses her magic and creates a red pacifier looking, but not exactly pacifier thing as a substitute for the real one.
With that Y/N finally closes her eyes, peacefully sucking on her new pacifier and finally allowing herself to fall asleep.
Wanda lets out a long breath when she places her now finally sleeping daughter on bed and pulls up the covers to cover her small body.
"You okay here?" Natasha whispers, appearing in the room.
"Yeah, she's sleeping" Wanda smiles at her wife while pointing at the little sleeping trouble.
Natasha's eyes widen when she notices the new pacifier Y/N has, wondering why hasn't Wanda done that earlier, so they could sleep normally instead of walking around the house in the middle of the night with a grumpy child in their arms.
"Wanda, are you kidding me? You couldn't have think of this sooner??"
WandaNat masterlist
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Okay so I’m new to the blog and I saw requests were open! So kind, dom Nat or Wanda with fem sub R who is very submissive good girl golden retriever vibes, but Nat/Wanda is sadistic so she finds the smallest reasons to punish R and R just goes along with it? Maybe slight mistress kink? 👀
Baby, my love
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warnings: a teeny bit of degradation, fingering, praise, riding, ass groping? I don't know. strap on
word count: 2.7k
pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem reader (Minors and men dni!!)
A/n: Bro, this is so cheeks because I have had such a long break, bru. I'm so rusty. Please save me. (I started getting lazy at the end cause I got bored and tired sowwy.)
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"So cute," Natasha gazes at you with admiration as you peruse the restaurant menu. Your undivided attention is fixed on the pricey delicacies listed before you when, suddenly, her hushed compliment causes you to snap out of your menu-induced trance and meet her gaze.
"What?" You ask Natasha, only now coming out of your trance and paying full attention to your girlfriend.
"I said you're so cute, baby, So focused," she tells you. As you sit across from her in the dimly lit booth, she leans forward and reaches a hand across the table. Her fingers wrap around the salt crusher, which she begins to toy with absentmindedly. Despite her focus on you, you can't help but notice the veins that protrude from her weathered hands absentmindedly. Despite her focus on you, you can't help but notice the veins that protrude from her weathered hands.
As you catch a glimpse of Natasha, your cheeks instantly flush red, and you feel the heat rising on your face. Despite being together for over three years, she still has the power to make your heart skip a beat and leave you feeling butterflies. Your lips curl up into a grin, and you can't help but feel giddy as you realize how much you still adore her.
"I - thank you," you stutter out to her. A low chuckle escapes her lips as she gazes around the restaurant. She seems to be looking for someone specific, perhaps the waitress. And just as if on cue, the waitress approaches your table seconds later, timing it perfectly with her search.
"Are you feeling nervous for me already, my love? It's funny how you worry so much even though I haven't done anything yet," she says with a gentle sigh, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of her mouth. She looks up at you with a small smile, her eyes sparkling with affection and gratitude for your concern.
"I have nothing to worry about. You just—" but were interrupted by the waitress's appearance. She appeared from around the restaurant's corner, clad in a crisp uniform and carrying a notepad and pen. The steamy conversation was put on hold as she approached your table to finally take your orders.
As the waitress completes taking down Natasha's order, she turns her attention towards you. A warm smile graces her face, and you can't help but feel a sense of comfort in her presence. You reciprocate with a small smile, not wanting to appear impolite, as you place your dinner order. The soft murmur of other diners and the aroma of delicious food fill the air, making for a cozy ambiance.
"Perfect! I'll be back in a couple minutes to bring your food out!"The waitress says before walking away to assist other tables.
As you sat there, the soothing sound of low jazz filled your ears, enveloping you in a sense of calm and tranquility. For a few blissful moments, you were lost in the music, feeling your worries slip away. However, your reverie was abruptly interrupted by Natasha, who shattered the peaceful atmosphere with her sudden words.
"So, do you like her now?"
"W-what are you talking about nat? Do I like who?"
"Oh, please. Don't act like you don't know. The waitress."
"Natasha, I'm seriously not in the mood for this bullshit right now." You tell her; an exaggerated groan leaves your mouth as you put your face in your hands.
" Watch your fucking mouth y/n. You were all on her right? Smiling at each other like I wasn't here?"
The air grew still between you and Natasha, punctuated only by the sound of your own breath as you lifted your head to meet her gaze. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air, pregnant with unspoken thoughts and emotions.
"But, she could never fuck you like I do, huh?"
You feel a sudden stillness in the air like time has slowed. Your cheeks start to flush with embarrassment once again. It takes a moment to fully comprehend Natasha's words. You can't help but wonder how she could be so uninhibited and unconcerned about expressing herself in such a public setting.
"Answer me, y/n."
"No, Natasha." As you begin to respond to her, you feel a slight discomfort between your legs. You shift your weight, crossing your legs to alleviate the buildup of heat and tension. Your words come out slowly as you try to maintain your composure.
"Good fucking girl," As you sit there, she leans in and whispers into your ear, her smirk growing wider with each passing moment. You can feel the warmth of her breath against your skin, and her words have a powerful effect on you, making your heart race and your mind spin. Despite your best efforts to remain composed, you can't help but feel a little bit helpless in her presence.
The rest of dinner was a torcher for you, and Natasha slowly lured you into her trap. It was too easy for her to have you melt in her hands. The night was filled with low teasing words that spilled from Natahsa's mouth, her shoe running up and down your leg. Only provoking the wetness between your legs.
As soon as the check arrived, Natahsa swiftly took out her wallet and paid without any delay. She made sure to leave a generous tip, expressing her gratitude for the excellent service. Without wasting any time, she grabbed your hand and hurriedly rushed back to the car, eager to have time with you.
During the seemingly long ride back to your New York apartment, you felt her veiny hand placed on your thigh, exerting a firm and steady pressure as she squeezed it. The touch of her hand sent shivers down your spine, and you couldn't help but wonder what was going through her mind at that moment.
"'M sorry, Nat. I won't do it again," you tell her softly, just loud enough to be heard over the music playing in the car.
"You can try that cute apology again at home when I'm fucking your brains out, sweetheart."
Butterflies erupt from your stomach once more; you don't know how Natasha can be so collected when saying all these vulgar things to you.
You, on the other hand, had your legs squeezed together to get some sort of friction. Natasha's hand was inching closer and closer to your core making you more needy for her than you already were.
Natasha pulls the car into her designated parking spot with a sense of urgency, as if she can't wait to get inside. Without a moment's hesitation, she takes hold of your arm and guides you out of the vehicle and into the building. Her hand swiftly finds the key to the shared apartment, which she deftly inserts into the lock and turns with a satisfying click. Within seconds, the door swings open, revealing the cozy interior of your home.
Without any delay, she swiftly makes her way to your bedroom, determined to get you there as quickly and as safely as possible. Once there, she handles you with the utmost care and delicacy, making sure not to cause any further discomfort or harm as she gently eases you onto the bed.
Natasha makes her way onto the bed, looking at you with her full attention. Her hands clasp around your face, slowly bringing you into a kiss.
After a few seconds, she pulls away, her hungry eyes staring into yours. Her hands carefully and quickly come down to the zipper of your silk dress, slowly zipping down, until you were left wearing your bra and panties.
"So fucking gorgeous pretty girl. Can't even blame that waiter for wanting you."
All you can do is look up at her and whine, needing to feel her on you. In you.
Her lips travel swiftly down to your neck, leaving a trail of wet and passionate kisses that send shivers down your spine.
Small moans leave your mouth when you feel Natasha's hand slowly make its way down to your pussy, her two fingers brushing over your panties. Her mouth leaves your neck slowly. Natasha kneels down to admire your exquisite beauty. She gazes at you with wonder and amazement, taking in every detail of your stunning appearance. Her eyes scan every curve and contour of your being as she marvels at your magnificence.
"Baby, make sure to enjoy this moment because this is the most gentle I'll be tonight," she whispers softly into your ear. Her breath against your skin sends shivers down your spine as you feel her warm embrace.
Natasha doesn't waste time taking off your bra, leaving it on your chest. Her fingers move back down to your panties, this time moving them to the side to admire your wetness.
"Holy shit, you're this fuckin' wet, and I haven't even done anything." She laughs to herself as she looks at your desperate face, begging her to fuck you without having to say anything.
"P-please Nat," you moan out with desperation. you plead with Nat in a small and helpless voice.
"Please, what princess? What do you want me to do to this fucking cunt?"
Your face slowly lights up from Natasha's words. "Just want you inside." You whisper out to her.
"What was that y/n? I don't think I heard you." Oh, Natasha heard you.
"I-fuck. I just want you inside my pussy Natasha!" You finally yell at her, your head leaning against the pillow so you won't have to look at her.
"Yes, ma'am," She tells you and pulls down your panties, tossing them to them behind her. Two of her fingers direct themselves back to your pussy, slowly gliding over your slit. She groans when she feels your wetness on her slim fingers. She lifts her hand up from your pussy to show you your wetness.
"Look at me, baby, look at how fucking wet you are."
You look up at her again, her eyes fixated on her fingers. She slowly spreads them apart, your slick moving with her fingers. She carefully places her two fingers into her mouth and moans at your taste, her eyes now locked in on you.
Her fingers lead back to your pussy for the 3rd time; this time, she pushes her two wet fingers into your cunt. A loud moan ejects from your mouth.
"Oh baby, you're already clenchin' around my fingers, and I haven't even moved them yet.
It was almost like you forgot to talk at that moment. The one thing you had been craving was finally here. The only way you could express your pleasure was to moan into her.
You were a mess, to say the least. Your eyes are drowsy as Natasha speeds her long fingers into your pussy, slick running down your soft thighs. Your hips bucked back and forth to meet the fast thrust of Natasha's fingers.
Natasha's thumb makes contact with your clit, rolling the bud in a circular motion. Shattered breaths and whimpers escape from your mouth, the room filling with the sound of your wetness. Her fingers curl slightly into your cunt, and a low plea finds its way out of you.
"I can feel you squeezing around me, my love. Are you close already? You poor thing, do I make you feel good?" she asks.
"Mm-ph, yes!" You manage to squeal. Natasha pulls her now, sopping wet fingers out of your cunt right as you are on the edge. You knew it was too good to be true. The way she gave into you so easily.
"Think you deserve to cum that fucking easy, my good girl?"
You were too fucked out to reply to Natasha, only moaning and lifting your hips up to her leg, which she quickly moves away, leaving you no source of pleasure.
"Answer my question, baby. Do you think a little disobedient slut like you deserves to cum?"
"That's a Good answer, my love. I have two options: I can leave you needy all night and not touch you, or you can work for it. Which one?
"Two." You groan out, your high thoroughly washed over now, bringing you back to reality. Natasha just smiles at you and walks away for a few minutes. Coming back in only her sports bra and a pair of Calvin Klein boxers that had that seemingly noticeable bulge.
Natasha gets on the bed again, lying down and signaling her eyes at you to straddle her.
"Natasha, what are you actually doing?" You question her as you move your body on hers.
"Gotta work for what you want. And...you do want to cum tonight, don't you?"
You tilted your head slightly and moved it slowly, in deliberate motion, indicating your agreement or understanding.
"Then you can ride my fucking cock and cum that way, okay?"
"You're not going to help?" you ask her. You were never able to get off without Natasha's help. It was almost impossible, ever since the first time you both had the most intimate sex ever, she had a chokehold on you.
"Why do you need my help? You can go and flirt with other people, so I suspect you can do this, can't you?
You give a subtle nod, feeling a hint of skepticism creeping up. It's hard to believe that what you've just heard is true. Nonetheless, you try to keep an open mind and remain composed.
"The more you wait, the further away you are from coming."
You don't waste a second longer. You plam the outside of Natasha's gray boxers. She lets out a little sigh and grasps your ass. After feeling her through her boxers, you slowly pull them down, her large strap springing up and hitting her stomach. She looks you up and down smugly, her abs clenching at the thought of you.
You slowly spit on her cock, sliding your hand up and down her base as she just watches. You finally start to sit down, her cock, your face already contouring with pleasure. Natasha throws her hands behind her head, loving the view of your hands on her stomach as you sink down on her cock.
You need no time to start riding her like your life depended on it. Whispers of her name leave your mouth as you feel how she stuffs you.
"Keep on riding me just like that, love."
You move your hips back and forth, trying to get an immense amount of pleasure out of riding her. Your high wasn't building, only the frustration that came with it. You speed up your hips. Nothing. You try bouncing up and down on her cock. Nothing. She can tell that you are struggling; it's evident in your face and the rhythm of your slurred movements.
Natasha loves seeing you like this. She knows she's why you have difficulty coming undone without her help. She knows that no other lousy girl can fuck you the way she does. You were hers.
"Natasha, please. I'm sorry for what I did. I promise it's not going to happen again." You whine out to her, and your eyes start to water.
"Fine, but only because you asked so nicely."
Nat positions her legs in a bent way where your back can lean against them. Her hips quickly get to work. Fucking themselves into you at a rapid pace. The room was filled with moans from both of your mouths and the sound of skin slapping against one another.
"Look so fucking pretty like this. Can't even fuck yourself without my help. Pathetic."
You only moan at her words that bring you closer to the edge, her hips moving at a slower pace but fucking yours harder. Her hands gripped your ass tightly as she fucked you, not giving two fucks if the neighbors heard you. She wanted them to know that you were hers.
Your eyes are closed; your focus is on how good Natasha fucks your efforts.
"This pussy is so tight, shit." She moans out to you.
"So close, Nat, please don't stop."
And she doesn't. She works her hips like a god, her eyes fixated on how your greedy pussy swallows her cock. She's mesmerized by it all.
"Go ahead, baby, cum all over this cock." You need no other confirmation. Your eyes squeeze shut even harder, and your grip on her hips becomes stronger as high-pitched moans leave your mouth. You body slumps down on Natasha's as you catch your breath, she admires you from above.
"you did so well for me, y/n. But I don't know if I'm down with you yet, sweetheart.
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