#i was bettee of staying in the closet
tropicalscream · 11 months
I wish i looked like a girl
or at least not so gross looking that trans woman & cis sapphics wouldn't continue to treat me like a im a cishet man
hell chasers themselves have been nicer to me about my transition then my own community
how fucked up is that?
is it any wonder i hate everything about myself, i want ro die and cut and practically never see myself as a woman
when my own "communities" viciously reject me bc of how i look
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gumballrightfoots · 2 years
I’m actually all right! I’ve been cleaning and stuff for a bit! I haven’t done my laundry yet but I moved some stuff in my closet so I could put a few of the boxes that have been cluttering my space so now I feel less closed in! I’ve also been able to put some paintings from munchy and stuff up so they aren’t in the way anymore! Idk if they are gonna stay where they are now but I definitely feel better!
I also got rid of a lot of the trash and stuff so I feel less gross
I’ve also had a lot of tea
What about you babes!
im really proud of you babes! thsts awesome ! im really glad you feel a lot bettee
im alrught sorry i ddint answer this earlier i knocked back out just waking up rn actually
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