#i was careful not to overdo it on dinner tho i definitely enjoyed myself
naomiknight-17 · 1 year
Oogh the serving of apple crisp mom gave me was too big i'm gonna asplode
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Mother I found the tier list! Unfortunately, said tier list was hand written, but here are some which I picked out :) anything in brackets is just for context
WARNING! This is not me rating the Haikyuu characters or trying to assess their potential as boyfriends (if it was, Tendou would be much higher), this is me specifically rating how well they would get along with my family and whether they would get kicked out of a family dinner.
Asahi - 7.5/10, I love him and I think my family would love him too but I think they'd scare him (my family is not great with boundaries sometimes and they'd probably smother him and make him panic). No problems about people talking about his height tho, my uncle's 6'5 and my brother is 6'3. Overall, they'd love him, and he'd probably get used to them eventually.
Tsukki - 4/10, this would be horrible but I feel like it has potential. First of all, he can bond with my brother about being tall, blonde, wearing glasses, hating people and refusing to give me hugs. He will also definitely fight my grandma because she is very ... interesting (aka. loud, opinionated and stubborn and not in a good way) and I don't feel like he could keep his mouth shut if he disagreed with her (which he probably would). However I feel like if he bonded enough with other members of the family, he'd probably agree to come back and would just glare at my grandma from across the table.
Oikawa - 6/10, first of all my mother would hate him (she has specifically told me to never date a man who is a. pretty and b. knows he's pretty) and probably my grandma too. There is going to be no point in him trying to charm them, it won't work. HOWEVER, if he decides to be nice instead and chat about his nephew and his passions and hobbies, they'd probably come around quicker. My mom will also probably yell at him to take better care of himself and not injure himself. (she works in a hospital)
Kita - 100000000/10, they would adore him and would probably buy a ring on my behalf before the dinner is over. He is nice, respectful and would definitely get along with my grandparents, because he'd listen to them rant (my grandpa about history and my grandma about her latest mortal enemy) and not interrupt or disagree because he's polite. He'd make great conversation, would help prepare the meals and overall be the world's biggest gentleman. They would definitely prefer him to me.
I actually have one for all the main haikyuu boys so i can send you more if you like
Love, 1/9 anon :)
Omg pls hold on I'm addressing all of these
AHEM *clears throat*
Also since I don't know your family but do come from a very loud family myself, I will base that my experience 😃
Asahi- first off, 100% nailed him. I feel like he's that "boy next door" type. Super sweet and innocent wirh so much potential. He totally would blend in well with any family BUT it will probably take him time to adjust.
Tsukki- God 😅 Tsukki really isn't my type but it's also because I'm alot like him. I feel like he enjoys riling people up and getting arouse from them. But I also think he could be respectful and adapt with time.
Oikawa- PLEASE 😭 He totally knows he's so freaking pretty I can't. Plus like he is that type of person who wants other people to comment on his prettiness. Also I feel like he would way overdo compliments as a way to suck up to people. 10/10 Grandma would pull you aside and ask if you were potentially intoxicated when you met him 🤣
Kita- 10000000% husband material. Like it know it's cliche but he totally is. He would be so ready for that dinner. He's amazing with conversation and since he deals with Atsumu and Osamu on the daily, he's fantastic at defusing situations 🤣
I seriously love all these! I think Daichi and Kuroo would be other good ones. Bokuto... not so much 🤣
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