#i was gonna link the etoile mew subspecies sheet here but ehhhhhhhhh idc right now lmaO
ask-eden · 7 months
what if Etoile looked like other mew from their universe?
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Etoile: I haven't used transform in years and.. this is the first thing I do.. eek. Etoile quickly shakes their hands in mild disgust, quickly transforming back into their normal form They give you a sheepish smile Etoile: As much as I do like the way I chose to design My Universe's Mews...... I don't... want to look like them... not at all.. Etoile: Not that I believe that I am the best looking normally.. nor do I have some sort of complex to where "I need to look different" But... erm..
Etoile: Don't ask me to do that again please! How icky....
-- - - [ Anon ] [ Background by @/sinnohsiblings ]
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