#i was gonna say look at this dead hecker but then i realized
rwby-party · 6 years
Rwby-party talks stupidly about ships
Well not stupidly on purpose lmfao but still
and I’ll probably die talking about poly ships so they’re just mono ships
Bumbleby (Blake x Yang):
I’m not going to lie. Honestly, I’ve fallen out of love of this ship. I didn’t like it at first, then it quickly became my favorite, but honestly, All That Matters kinda soured their relationship for me.  Like it wasn’t the song it’s self but just the realization of how shitty their situation was, and like.... If I’m going to be honest, if I heard that from the perspective of a girl singing about a guy, I’d hate it. It’s the way too common “Bad boy” song basically spun for them, and it’s just not something I’m into with ships. BLAKE WHY U A BADBOY  At the same time though I died at the first ep when they interacted lmfao. It’s a ship I’ll always love and be passionate about, and is my favorite ship out of all of them in RWBY,  but man does it have it’s problems. Not that every ship has to be perfect by any means, but still. 
Renora (Ren x Nora):
Two best friends that have known each other for years falling in love with each other is something I cannot fuckin even DEAL WITH ITS PERFECT THEY’RE PERFECT
White Rose (Ruby x Weiss):
Never really liked this ship all that much. I don’t hate it (I used to cuz it was the most popular ship but now I see all the others just as much lmfao and I was the “anti-what’s popular” person when I was younger. While it’s cute and fun to see them together it just doesn’t click as a ship to me. It seems like RT ships it though tbh lately lol
Blacksun (Blake x Sun):
Blacksun has a special place in my heart but I feel similar about it as I do with Bumbleby. Blake needs to work on herself lol.  I’m not gonna lie I was part of the group that hated how Sun followed her and I wish it was talked about between them. Stalking someone after their stalking boyfriend stalked them and hurt someone they cared deeply for should’ve had more consequences. However I also wish the fact that she slapped him was also talked about between them as well. It was really nice to see that Sun was really just after making her feel better, and I get the premise that sometimes you need help rather you want it or not, but I just kinda wish those things were touched upon. I still like the ship though lol, and the past is the past. I just mentioned it cuz it was a huge hang up for me and shipping them
Monochrome (Blake x Weiss):
I’ve never really been fond of ships where one of the characters used to be a bigot to the kind of people the other character was, so this one never really sailed for me, but I do like their interactions a lot. I hate to say that too, as it kinda implies I don’t trust Weiss, which is not the case at all. 
Lancaster (Ruby x Jaune):
I’m going to regret admitting this but this was like the first ship I had in the show lmfao. I really thought these two were going to end up together in the first few episodes before Pyrrha stole my Jaune’s heart.  A ship with them together would be awesome tbh. I feel like they really play off each other well, and are the best of friends. Jaune can be such an awesome guy and the show did a great job of showing how close of friends they are and how beautiful their friendship is. Taking that to a relationship would be fine by me, HOWEVER, I like them way more as friends than as a ship. Having close friends like that is so important. I just love their interactions as friends more than if it was a shippy thing. 
Arkos (Jaune x Pyrrha):
Original OTP RIP ME
Honestly I love it but the more I think about it the more it falls from my favorite ship lol. I don’t know why, but I just kinda dislike it the more I think about it. 
RoseGarden (Ruby x Oscar):
Honestly this ship has warmed on me. I still don’t like it cuz the whole Ozpin thing, but I feel like without that it does have the potential of being a cute ship. However like with Lancaster I like them as friends way better. 
Nuts n’ Dolts (Ruby x Penny):
To be honest this was a ship I wasn’t into until like way after she died. (The RWBY chibi ep just like REALLY got to me man) I really feel like they’re adorable together and I wish there were more canon time with them together before Penny was gone ;~;
Cloqwork (Ozpin x Qrow): 
HARDEST OTP TO SEE SINK ALJFKELAJ: I shipped these two the second Qrow said “All those missions, all the times I’m away in some far off place, it’s been for Ozpin,” cuz I thought that was gay as shit. With the recent eps I”m regretting that lmfao. Knowing that Oz probably didn’t even trust whatever’s going to be revealed in today’s ep with Qrow, someone who has been loyal to him since like day 1, is going to be major OOF. Honestly though this became one of my favorite ships when Oz was in his last body. I loved these two so much. How much Qrow stood by him and defended him (I am going to regret this after today’s ep aren’t I)  Obviously with Oscar this ship is now sunk but yeah. 
Tai Kwon Qrow (Tai x Qrow):
Can I talk about this ship name for a sec I love it Time for the first trash ship on our list lmfao.
I love these two together. I know they’re supposed to be bros but man I just ship it so much. I have no reason to other than seeing some good shipping pics (and frankly that one rwby chibi ep where they were arguing like a married couple RT PLZ)
Disabler (Yang x Mercury):
I don’t know what it is, but I just feel like these two would hit it off if Mercury wasn’t a bad guy lol. They have a similar feeling to me, like Mercury is the Yang of the baddies is that makes sense. So I think they could work together. 
Reading Rainbow (Ilia x Blake): Okay can I talk about THIS ship name for a sec it’s perfect This became one of my favorite ships very quickly, when Ilia was redeemed. I was hoping she’d kinda take the place for Blake with the ‘new” white fang thing they’re doing, but it looks like it’s her dad doing it.  That’s okay though, Ilia had a bangin new outfit in the first ep of Vol 6 and looked amazing and how she was reacting to Blake and just akejf;aljfekal;jk I can’t handle these two I want to see this be canon as much as i want Bumbleby to be 
Rosebird (Summer x Raven):
I don’t know which one of you heckers started me on this ship but man JAKLFJekls;fjekl;sjak;lf  Literally no canon interaction but I just like Poly STRQ So much the thought of them all being one big happy fuckin family was awesome how DARE YOU RWBY. SO WHAT IS SUMMER WAS DEAD FROM LIKE DAY ONE
Noahs Ark (Neptune x Jaune):
I think this one’s a lovely ship with how enamored Jaune seemed to be of Neptune and how cool he thinks he is, lol. I at least think it can develop from there.
Martial Arcs (Ren x Jaune):
Just RWBY chibi got me to ship this like BIG TIME They act like a married couple in that show all the time lol. 
Sea Monkeys (Sun x Neptune):
Honestly I wish Neptune would figure out that his compulsive urge to flirt with women is just internalized homophobia and marry sun already
(Okay I’m joking but still I love this ship to bits and pieces) 
Ladybug (Ruby x Blake):
This one has a special place in my heart as well. While I do love bumbleby, I love this one too. I think Ruby and Blake’s personalities really compliment each other. I just wish they interacted more tbh, it just doesn’t seem like they do that often. Hopefully there’s more of that. 
Freezerburn (Yang x Weiss):
Didn’t really have too many feelings about this until the reunion they had and I started to ship it, lol. Not something I fawn over but is a good ship nonetheless
Flown North (Qrow x Summer):
OOF This ship kills me and it came out of nowhere. Once again, no canon interaction between these two shown right now, but man I ship it hard.
Would I want it to be canon? ABSOLUTELY NOT
Sienna x me:
1000/10 best ship
Also send in more and I’ll comment on them! 
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