#i was gonna tag aroha net but im too scared
chaeunwoof · 5 years
A Muffled Confession
A story about Eunwoo and Moonbin as roommates and Eunwoo accidentally asked Moonbin to dry his hair for him
This is a Binu one shot I just finished!! I finally got myself together and finished this fic. Tbh this wasn’t the original fic I had planned, this was just smt I wanted to write as a one shot cuz I’m no where near finishing on the other fic im working on fml. please excuse my English and bad grammar cries.
When Eunwoo was young, his parents always worked until late at night. Even though they couldn’t spend a lot of time with young Eunwoo, he never complained and tried his best to take good care of himself. Eunwoo’s parents worked hard to accommodate their busy schedule to participate in small parts of Eunwoo’s childhood. His father would always make sure to get home before he goes to sleep. Often times, his father would sit down by his bed and dry his hair after he showers at night. Young Eunwoo would sit facing the wall while his dad sits behind him by the edge of his bed. It was a special moment for Eunwoo, he shares his little secrets with his father, from small pranks on his mother to relationship issues that he would wish to hide from his mother. They are private conversations because his mother would not be able to hear through the loud noise from the hair dryer. It was an intimate and sweet memory for Eunwoo. As Eunwoo grows up and his father working more hours, this activity drops rapidly and completely stops after Eunwoo had moved into the dorms as he starts training.
Eunwoo was surprised at himself when he asked Moonbin to dry his hair one night after the two of them moved into the same room as ASTRO members.
“Hey Binnie, are you free right now?” Eunwoo finds himself asking Moonbin absentminded when he walks out of the shower. Eunwoo was definitely not finding his new roommate more attractive by the days they’re living and training together. Eunwoo was definitely not feeling anything more than ‘pure friendship’ after spending 24 hours a day 7 days a week with his new roommate. Eunwoo was definitely not feeling butterflies in his stomach whenever he sees his new roommate dance in the studio. Eunwoo was having a hard time shoving his ‘over the line’ thoughts away after not having any time apart from his new roommate due to their busy schedule leading up to their debut. To be fair, Moonbin is very attractive, his dance moves are as good as a professional dancer, his voice is angelic and his personality is too dorky for anyone to dislike.
“Yes Minnie,” I’d do anything for you, Moonbin thinks to himself. “I mean I am just on my phone reading Webtoons, what do you need?” Moonbin replies as he looks up from his phone to find a freshly out of the shower Eunwoo, who’s hair is still wet and is currently drying it with a white towel, like how the main male lead does it in romance dramas. Moonbin couldn’t think straight, No one would be able to think straight after looking at Eunwoo like this, Moonbin mentally slaps himself as he tries to keep his eyes only on Eunwoo’s face.
“I’m sorry but is it okay if I ask you to…” Eunwoo suddenly finds it hard to voice his request, it is pretty embarrassing in his opinion, and he is scared that the other would not like the kind of intimacy this activity brings between the two of them.
Moonbin tilts his head and looks at Eunwoo, waiting for him to finish his sentence.
“Like if you have nothing to do…I mean you are definitely doing something right now but is it okay if I… I mean you don’t have to agree but is it okay if I ask you to… dry my hair for me? I mean if you don’t want to it is totally fine I understand this is a weird request, I’m sorry I probably shouldn’t have ask I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable I will dry it my-”
“It is totally fine Eunwoo,” Moonbin chuckles at Eunwoo’s cute reaction. “Give me a second, let me get the hair dryer.” Moonbin answers before he gets off the top bunk, leaving his Webtoon behind.
Eunwoo decides that he would sit on the ground in front of his bunk bed and allow Moonbin to sit on his bed, so it is more comfortable for both of them. To be fair, it is hard to fit two grown boys on the bottom bunk, especially the one they own in the ASTRO dorm.
Moonbin soon sits down behind Eunwoo, with the yellow minion hair dryer in hand. Eunwoo bought the minion dryer online when they were shopping for move in supplies, “It is the cutest thing in the world!” Eunwoo proclaims when the other members asked about the oddly shaped hair dryer.
As Moonbin straightens the wire and attempts to plug it into the outlet in front of Eunwoo, he couldn’t stop thinking about how close they are to each other. Let’s not make this weird and just plug it in... Moonbin you can totally do it. As Moonbin moves closer, Eunwoo unexpectedly turns his head towards Moonbin. There was a moment of complete silence. Moonbin was just very glad he was and currently is still looking straight at the outlet in front of Eunwoo, even though he can feel Eunwoo’s breath right by his neck and his gaze right on his face. Moonbin retreats to his position behind Eunwoo as soon as he plugs the hair dryer into the outlet while trying to keep a straight, he coughs lightly to drag Eunwoo out of his frozen state.
Eunwoo turns back to look at the outlet in front of him, stuttering out an apology “I am sorry I... I didn’t mean to turn, I... I just wanted to check on what you’re currently doing I… once again I am so sorry if that made you feel uncomfortable”
There’s nothing you can do to make me feel uncomfortable around you Moonbin thinks, not even if you walk out of the shower and your towel drops wait what am I thinking MOONBIN GET YOURSELF TOGETHER PLEASE
“Binnie?” Moonbin was dragged out of his thoughts when Eunwoo calls out his name while still facing forward, away from Moonbin.
“Yes Minnie, give me a second I am sorry.” Moonbin then places the hair dryer on the bed and reaches for the towel that is still on Eunwoo’s damped hair. How is someone so cute and what shampoo does he use again? Moonbin gently dries Eunwoo’s hair with the white towel before he took it off and hung it on the ladder by the bunk bed. Then he picks up the hair dryer and starts drying Eunwoo’s hair.
It was a very cute moment, Eunwoo quietly sitting on the floor blushing while Moonbin gently pushes Eunwoo’s hair around and softly shakes the hair dryer so Eunwoo’s hair doesn’t overheat from the dryer. The room is filled with nothing other than the loud noise of the hair dryer and a slight tint of lust in the air.
“Minnie?” Moonbin whispers in hope that Eunwoo wouldn’t answer. He wishes the hair dryer is loud enough to cover his voice from the other members and his own roommate. When Eunwoo did not reply, Moonbin doesn’t know if he didn’t reply because he didn’t hear him or he cannot hear him.
“Dongmin…?” When Eunwoo did not reply to Moonbin calling him by his birth name, Moonbin is certain that Eunwoo did not hear him. Eunwoo always answers when Moonbin calls him by Dongmin, they both know that the name Dongmin is only used when Moonbin desperately needs Eunwoo. However, what Moonbin did not know is that Eunwoo heard him the first time, but he thought he’d imagined it. Eunwoo had the scene of Moonbin romantically drying his hair in his mind like a movie played million times. Eunwoo had been wishing for this kind of intimacy with Moonbin when he realized he was developing feelings for the other. He was in a lot of shock and was still stuck in the idea that this whole thing a dream until Moonbin called him the second time. However he was too in awe to reply before Moonbin continues his monologue.
“do you know...”
“ah of course you don’t know because I’ve never told you…”
“I’m also hoping that you will never know...”
“I’ve always wanted to be this close to you...”
“different from being on stage and just being the soap couple in front of everyone else…”
“but ourselves in our little space and this close to each other...”
“sometimes I just wish I can call you mine…” Moonbin then panics, what if he’s going too far? But then he realizes that no one would hear him and the feeling of relieve washed over him. What Moonbin does not know is that Eunwoo’s face is heating up faster than the hair dryer in his hands.
That was the last thing Moonbin said before he retrieved to silence as he continues to work on drying Eunwoo’s hair. After what felt like an eternality to Eunwoo, he whispers “I can be yours…” It was a very low whisper, one that Moonbin thought he’d imagined it. He looks at Eunwoo’s back with confusion. He turns off the hair dryer, just to check if he heard Eunwoo saying something. Then Eunwoo turns around and looks at Moonbin in the eye, whispering another “I can be yours”, this time, Moonbin was sure he heard him right.
Eunwoo reaches for Moonbin’s hand and turns the hair dryer on even though his hair is definitely dry. Moonbin was confused, he looked at the hair dryer setting on the bed blowing hot air into the bed and then looks up to find Eunwoo’s face just an inch away from his, before he can process anything, Eunwoo’s lips landed on Moonbin’s.
The next morning, Sanha walks up to the breakfast table asking “who blew dry their hair for like 20 minutes straight last night? Wait not really… there was pause in the middle…???” JinJin then adds “yeah, so who was it? Was it Eunwoo or Moonbin? You know manager-nim is going to yell at me again for the electric bill, right?”
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