#i was in line for promotion last spring but i got really burnt out and started looking for a new job
famewolf · 1 year
it is me, the fool, trying to figure out if i should call my boss tomorrow, on my day off no less, and officially tell him to remove me from promotion consideration ... or will i finally have the nerve to do it on wednesday and in person
#[static]#i was in line for promotion last spring but i got really burnt out and started looking for a new job#told him i needed a break after training for months doing manager things and not getting manager pay#put off looking for work to focus on the handfasting and since then the company has a new manager position that was kind of what i wanted -#-in the first place and it seems too good to be true lmao everyone says i should do it and all the managers tell me i already do the job#but i have come to the realization in my late 20s ... that you dont have to do everything that you are good at if you are not passionate -#-about it ...... like you dont need to go for every promotion handed to you if you dont like the work#this position is higher pay but less hours so i'll be getting paid the same ( if not a little less ) for an extra day off#it's not worth it and im finally realizing that! i just need to leave and start over somewhere else#something that doesnt destroy my health every day and doesnt aggravate my chronic pain disorder#something that lets me have a life outside of work!! anyways .... he told me hed really like me to do the position#and i told him to talk to me after the holidays since i thought i'd be gone by then. and im still here and its 2 weeks until the end LMAO#i think im just gonna call him i could get the nerve to finally tell him no all week. i just hate letting people down lmao#and also i kept humming and hawing about the position even though i knew it wasnt a good idea#alas ... it is ok to start over even if it feels like youve put a lot of effort and time into something
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Terrornuckle/ Terrormoo (did we change the shipname?) 18, 1, 26
Okay, I went way too hard on this one. I always do that with this couple, damn >.>
AU: Celebrity Trope: Friends to loversPrompt: “sometimes, i sit in bed and wonder what would happen if things were different.”
Pairing: Terrormoo
“Where are you going this time?” Brian always enjoyed the limo ride to the private plane Brock owned. It was one of the only times that he got his friend alone, really. When he was working, he couldn’t be distracted and would lock himself in his home for days at a time. Brian didn’t blame him for it; being the writer of the biggest novel series in the world meant that he needed to nurture time for his craft. When he wasn’t writing his amazing stories, he was being carted away by Marcel, his manager, to different parts of the world for interviews and book signings. One day he’d be in their city, and the next he’d be in Hong Kong. 
“It’s a small tour, so I’ll just be doing an interview with Ellen, a book meeting with my company in Los Angeles, and then a Q and A at a convention in San Francisco. I should be back before Wednesday.” Brian remembered a time when Brock hated flying. The loudness of the plane, the turbulence, the fear of falling before completing his dreams in life- Brock had told Brian them all one drunk night three years ago. Back at the time, Brock had only just picked up some steam, and had been asked to come to a small bookstore in Atlanta to meet some fans. They met as neighbors four years before, their apartments both sharing terrible heating and thin walls. That was when Brock’s greatness was still hidden. Two months later, the world would be exposed to Brock’s beautiful smile. 
That had been before.
“It’s okay if you can’t make it,” Brian answered, trying to keep his grin wide to hide his own feelings. Brock always worried his lip too much when he thought Brian was upset, which then would get him scolded by Marcel and the make up artist he’d have to deal with for Ellen. Brock once told him he hated that part about his TV appearances the most. Brian remembered the first time Brock  had pursed his lips out for Brian to coat with lipstick left over from his high school theater make-up. How his eyes had popped out after the eyeliner guarded his lids like a coat of armor. How Brock’s eyelashes looked so long with mascara. Brock hadn’t needed blush; he’d turned a pretty shade of red when Brian had told him how beautiful he was. 
But that had been before. 
“It’s your birthday. I won’t miss it.” Again hung so heavy in the air between them, Brian was sure he’d choke on it. He glanced out the limo’s window with a chuckle he hoped wouldn’t be wet with the sadness he held back. Last year had been…a rough time for them. Brock’s busy schedule pushed Brian away, and the conflicting feelings of jealousy and sadness waged war in Brian’s heart, making him curl away from Brock’s friendly affection when he did have time. Because Brian didn’t want friendly; it took a month long absence of Brock’s presence by his side for him to realize it. 
His birthday had been shared with friends and family, with pretty girls and lots of booze. Brock was in Madrid, promoting his new book. There were no ‘after birthday pancakes’ the next morning, no horribly burnt bacon (six years and Brock still couldn’t make it right) and embarrassingly (but endearing) off-key singing. There was a nameless stranger in his cold bed and shameful hickies on his neck, which would have been signs of a successful birthday years prior. 
  But that was before. 
“I’m not saving you a piece of cake if you’re late,” Brian said instead of any of the words that rattled in his heart. Brock rolled his eyes, his shoulder bumping gently into Brian’s. He didn’t pull away, and Brian stayed quiet about it. 
“I’ll buy a whole customized sheet cake from that fancy bakery you liked in California and bring it back with me.” 
“You wouldn’t, you hate showing you’re rich unless it’s for charity,” Brian answered quickly, their eyes meeting at the challenge.
“Or if it’s for you,” Brock’s soft reply twisted something fierce in Brian’s stomach, his fingers digging into his pant leg to keep from pulling Brock into a kiss. Because he knew it was the truth; Brock always spoiled Brian. He did the same for his other friends, sure, but Evan and Tyler never let Brian forget how ‘special’ he was. 
Brock moved him into a house right next to Brock’s that Brian could never afford, and always made sure his needs were taken care of. Brock took Brian on some of his longer trips to Venice or Palm Springs, which Brian loved. But it had been just seven months ago when he had first discovered Proof Bakery in California. It was his favorite place, though not for the pastries like Brock always assumed. The little shop, which was way overpriced and the lines far too long, was where Brian first realized just how in love with Brock he was. The moment would always be sketched into his mind; the whipped cream that had crept over Brock’s nose from his frothy drink, the shy smile, the soft way his voice caressed the tail end of Brian’s name, and the sunlight that illuminated just how breathtaking all of it was put together. 
He’d nearly confessed right there, if not for the fact that cameras and paparazzi were hanging on every word they said. Their picture had been splattered on several tabloid magazines, with questions of their ‘relationship’ hounding both men for weeks. Brian had been avoidant of the question, waiting for Brock to bring it up. He never did, not to Brian, though he always spoke about his ‘good friend’ on TV shows and red carpet interviews. It’d been a knife in Brian’s heart. Because once, Brian had hoped the soft glimmer in Brock’s eyes at the bakery had been love for him. 
But that was before, too.
“Evan’s gonna get jealous, then Scotty will whine, and you’ll have to do it for everyone. With all the friends you have, you’ll actually put a dent in your wallet.” Brian doused any increased heartbeat he had by reminding himself how dedicated Brock was to making all his friends happy. Hurting himself more, he patted Brock’s thigh, not letting himself enjoy the muscle under his palm before pointing out the window. “Look, got here in record time. Almost time for you to head out.” 
“Oh, right.” Brock’s voice hid something that Brian missed looking out the window, but by the time he glanced back, it was gone. He quirked an eyebrow, knowing he was grinning like a fool after Brock’s cheeks turned pink. 
“You don’t sound to excited to get on your plane, mister. What, you gonna miss this beautiful face?” He forced himself to wink and blow a kiss at Brock, expecting the normal eye roll or scolding curve to his name that always made him feel special. 
“What if I will?” So the open heartbeak that cracked Brock’s eyes made Brian pause, frozen by the look he never wanted to see. 
“Brock, what… you know you can call m-us.” Desperate to get rid of the look on his friend, Brian leaned closer, ignoring his own rules of touch to cradle Brock’s face in his palms. “Video chat, anytime. Day or night, I don’t care. If you miss me- or any of the guys, that’s okay. We’ll miss you, too. We always do.” 
“We, or you?” The distinction seemed important to Brock, but Brian’s tongue was too tied up in emotion to give a response. Sighing, Brock closed his eyes, letting his shoulders fall in defeat. “Sometimes…sometimes, I sit in bed and wonder…. what would happen if things were different?”
“Different? Different how?” Brian asked, unsure if his heart could stay contained in his chest at the soft nuzzle of Brock’s nose against his fingers. 
“If I’d told you how having you come on the ride with me in the limo to the airport always helps me feel safe before leaving. If I said how much you saved me from my fears of flying by giving me all those helpful tricks. If I’d admitted you were the first person to make me feel beautiful that night with the make-up. Or, if I’d…if I’d been the one you’d taken to bed the night of your birthday last year, not that girl.” Soft flesh trembled against Brian’s thumb when he brushed it over Brock’s mouth, feeling the words from his own heart spill through Brock’s lips. “Would this be different, if I’d told all those TV hosts or interviewers the truth.”
“What’s the truth?” He was breathless from a marathon only his heart was running, eyes desperate for Brock’s pretty gaze when it finally opened to him again. 
“That I’m head over heels in love with you. Would that make any of this different between us?” He was so vulnerable, splaying himself out in front of Brian with his heart in his hands. It was rare to see someone with Brock’s power, money, status in the world with such an open soul. But this moment, this little piece of Brock now shining bright in the back of the limo, this wasn’t for the world to see. This was Brian’s, if Brian would take it, and nobody else’s. 
“Yeah, that makes a difference alright.” Brian leaned forward slowly, making sure Brock felt every indent and inch of his lips when kissing him. The kiss was slow, longing, full of each negative and positive emotion Brian had ever felt for Brock. He took his time pouring himself over Brock, teasing the crevices and dips of the mouth he’d been sure he’d only taste in his dreams. Brock was a willing participant, once his mind seemed to kick back on. Lust and need simmered just under the overwhelming love he had for Brock, and after fully divulging the months of realized emotion into their kiss, he pulled back. Not far, as his next words were whispered softly against bruised lips. “It’s going to make you late for your flight, love.” 
Usually, Brian hated saying goodbye to Brock after their limo trips, knowing it was another chance for him to find someone to settle down with on his adventures without Brian. Brock still left this time, Brian waving from the limo they’d destroyed with their love making. This time, Brian’s heart didn’t ache watching Brock disappear into the plane taking him away. There was no pain.
Because that was before; before Brian knew Brock loved him, too.
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a-taller-tale · 5 years
Mad World 
Summary: Simmons gets a mysterious message in the present. Meanwhile in the past, Grif has to explain how birthdays don't matter to an alien spark plug. No matter how time travel works, Back to the Future III will always be relevant. Notes: A @redvsbluesecretsanta gift for @creatrixanimi, who was amazingly patient when life blew up and I needed a few extra days. Also thanks to the RvB Secret Santa mods for organizing such a fun event again this year!
Also on Ao3
The Present
Nobody really celebrated things in Blood Gulch, especially not birthdays. Simmons could admit now that it was a miserable, boring, hot, pointless box canyon in the desert with nothing to do except run drills, do paperwork, patrol Red Base, and—on especially boring days–-try to see what the guys at the Blue Base were doing.
Then the rookies showed up, one Red, one Blue, and everything got a lot weirder. Besides Donut messing up Simmons’ chance at a promotion by somehow wheedling his way into Sarge’s good graces, both rookies were kind of young when they joined up, and very stupid. Neither of them seemed to understand the basic concept of being at war. And suddenly everything was a reason to celebrate.
Donut’s Daily Wine and Cheese Hour started first. Then there was Church’s Best Friend Celebration Spectacular, which Grif and Simmons had attended so they could get the food Donut made for it, and watch Church’s torment.
Sarge decided he wanted in on the action and started making up random holidays when he was bored. And then it was basically non-stop. Interventions, War-iversaries, Armistice Day (for Red and Blue movie nights), and when they couldn’t think of anything else, eventually even birthdays were a thing.
They weren’t as large an occasion as National Hot Dog Day, but they’d be as nice to the birthday guy as possible (which they usually gave up on five minutes in and dragged him more than usual). Then there’d usually be a presentation of old warthog parts wrapped up like presents so they'd have something to unwrap.
Donut always made cake, and Sarge allowed it after Donut swore up and down he wouldn’t make another one to jump out of because he didn’t want the joke to go stale.
Simmons got a party after he told everyone when his birthday was and planted hints all over the Valhalla base that no one could escape. He’d timed it perfectly too, starting a week in advance to account for how long his teammates would hold out to avoid giving him positive attention before they cracked.
“Okay! The surprise party is tomorrow!” Grif yelled. “Please no more texts about how your dad never came to your birthdays! I can’t take it anymore!”
Freckles had a birthday at Crash Site Bravo. Simmons didn’t remember a lot of it because of the blinding terror of being held hostage by a Mantis-class military assault droid and Caboose, who wasn’t famous for his leadership skills or track record of most accidental kills.
They didn’t always celebrate everyone’s birthdays every year, except for when they were on Iris. A lot of times throughout the years, they were busy with life threatening crap. There were accidents, and conspiracies, and missions to take out corrupt old white guys who were sometimes someone’s dad.
But as Simmons stares at the alert that just pinged his HUD, he has no idea how he hadn’t realized they’ve never done a birthday for Grif.
Sure, Sarge likes to joke about him being an unnatural abomination. But they had to have had one birthday thing.
After the Shizno incident was over, they came back to Iris with some pizza-to-go so they could try to have some time off again. Grif didn’t seem that happy to be back, but then again “retirement moon” had been Blood Gulch level of vacation, what with the never ending robot vs. dinosaur wars. And they had to chase some nesting dinosaur squatters out of the base before they could settle in again too.
In a moment that was still crystal clear to Simmons--despite the months of time traveling with Sarge, and then being stuck in a Blood Gulch time bubble--Grif had said he thought everyone hated him. He'd been certain of it, and weirdly calm. Not apathetic though. Resigned.
Simmons thinks it should be obvious by now that the ribbing is just the way that they talk to each other, and he'sthe one with anxiety. Even Sarge makes sure Grif is always with them now. Has been extra eagle-eyed since they got separated.
To use another manly metaphor, Grif's one of the supporting beams on Red Team. Without him they'll fall apart and Sarge would probably go crazy and try to sell everyone out to a serial killer so he could be a movie star. ...Again.
But when Simmons tried to tell Grif that, he only downgraded his importance to “hate glue.”
Simmons frowns at a cobweb clinging to the wall that he must have missed when he tricked everyone into celebrating Spring Cleaning, and realizes with his stomach slowly flipping that they never showed Grif he was important. And Grif noticed, even though he pretended not to care.
Grif thought they all hated him, could still think that, and they never gave him a reason not to. They’d been stuck together for fifteen years, had a drinking night dedicated to the anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic last week, and they never threw a party for Grif.
Simmons pulls up their personnel files. He's filled out forms for Grif, of course. Comes with the territory of carrying Red Team through bureaucracy and making sure they get their pay and also file their taxes right. So how had this date never really registered before?
May the Fourth.
Grif's right. It always comes back to Star Wars.
The Past
Huggins loved talking, and she loved people watching, and watching human movies. Like Die Hard. She and Grif got along super well really fast for her being a lens flare with knowledge supposedly beyond human comprehension.
They’d finally broken down to camp for the night after another day of walking across a country.
What Grif wouldn’t give for some methshrooms now, but he’d used up the last of his stash during the last big battle and hadn’t had the chance to restock before they walked right into more shenanigans without even a pizza break.
And now he was hiking. Something Huggins had totally tricked him into by mentioning his sister. He’d pulled a Sarge move and unloaded his gun at her, because that was dirty pool and she deserved it. But if this were a TV show, she was way better sidekick material than that reporter lady. Plus, he probably should check on his sister now that he knew she wasn't dead and buried in Blood Gulch, and just lost in time like him instead. Nothing better to do in a world without pizza.
“What are birthdays like?” Huggins chirped, interrupting his thoughts.
Grif blinked at the wood he had been kicking into a pile. Oh right, he was trying to build a fire. Not that he needed it with armor on that he was going to sleep in rather than sleeping on the ground, but when you were camping, fires were always necessary for atmosphere. And roasting marshmallows.
“Uh… I dunno,” he said. “Usually the same bullshit happens as any other day.”
“I don’t get the appeal of most other human traditions, but isn’t there cake and singing and celebration and presents? I thought that was important, since you humans don’t live so long.”
“Okay, one: Cake is always important. And B: Yeah, birthdays are a big thing, but only when you’re a kid. When you’re an adult, typically no one gives a fuck.”
Huggins flew in an anxious little circle around Grif’s head, settling into a hover in front of his visor. She had no face that he could see, but he got the impression that there were concerned eyes on him anyway. “But your friends—”
“Have their own shit going on right now, if you haven’t noticed the epic quest you’re leading me on. I’ll be happy if I can just get a slice of pizza after all this is over.”
Huggins clucked her non-existent tongue. Sentient light beings didn’t have tongues, so what made that noise? Unless she had a more alien humanoid type body and he just couldn’t see it with human eyes. Or she was extra-dimensional and the big spark was all that came through. Or—
“After I complete my mission and we defeat the Shizno, we will get pizza,” she said.
Grif cracked a smile, and he was covered by a helmet, but she always seemed to know when she got him to smile and ran with it.
“Ten pizzas!” She declared, zooming up and down dizzyingly, her light brightening. “And an Oreo cake!”
Grif scoffed, but he couldn’t hide the smile from his voice. “Make that an ice cream Oreo cake and you have yourself a deal.”
“Deal!” she yelled instantly. “I can’t wait to go to a human birthday party!”
“Hey, no one said anything about it being a birthday party.”
“It’s going to be your birthday party. And it will not be bull shit.”
“Hey, if you say so. It can be my birthday, if there’s Oreo ice cream cake on the line. And I’m getting the hint that spark plugs—”
“Sentient light beings.”
“—don’t have birthdays, huh? I guess you can share mine as long as you pay for the pizza and cake and beer. I might even let you have some of the cake.”
“Hey, I never said anything about beer. And human food is gross! You can keep it.”
Grif snickered.
The Future
Unfortunately, Huggins never got to follow through on her threat to throw Grif a birthday party.
They fixed almost everything, and came back to Iris, and they even got pizza on the way. But they couldn't save Huggins.
He’s been sleeping and bingeing TV for a few days. Almost no one's bothered him, though Kai's come in to visit and poke him a few times.
It's fine. Okay, not really fine, but it's normal. You win some, you lose some. Just like every other stupid adventure. And he's getting used to losing by now.
Grif stares at the light on the bedroom ceiling. Wonders if Huggins went out like a lightbulb, all burnt and cracked and blackened. He hopes there's an afterlife for little spotlights that talk way too much exposition.
“Hey Grif!”
How the hell does Sarge always sound like he has a megaphone when Grif knows for a fact he doesn’t know how to work the amplifier in his armor?
“What?!” Grif screams through the wall, not moving an inch from his bed. “I’m busy!”
“Get your lazy ass out here, Grif!” comes Simmons’ voice next. He's also good at projecting. If Grif didn't know better, he'd say he was a closet theater kid.
“Fuck off, Simmons!”
“Pretty please.” Grif jumps. Caboose’s voice is at a normal volume, and soft and coaxing, but right outside the door.
Goddammit, of course they sent Caboose. Cheaters.
“Ugh, fine. I’m coming.” Grif rolls out of his blanket nest, ruffling up his hair, and throwing on a semi-clean shirt he’s only worn once from the laundry pile on the floor.
The instant he opens the door, he's greeted not by Caboose, but by the smell of something extremely burnt coming from the kitchen. “Donut better not have set the base on fire again,” Grif complains as he trudges into the common area the Reds and Blues share.
“That better not have been a crack about my cooking,” Carolina says, her arms folded across her chest. Carolina's less scary now that they're kinda friends and he's seen her super baked.
Actually, nah, she's still the same amount of scary when she wants to be, but her mouth is twitching up in the corner. Joking.
“Just stating facts—“ Grif freezes mid-step as he registers the rest of the room.
There's a messy banner that was obviously half-painted by Donut in pastel shades of red, and the other half also obviously by Caboose because it says “Happy Birthday, Girff.”
“Who’s Girff?” he says automatically to cover for his shock. There are streamers, and music playing from a comically antique boom box, and a poster of Blade taped over the sink?
It's also a full house with Wash and Carolina, and also Doctor Grey and Kimball, and the mockumentary film crack team of Dylan Andrews and the guy that filmed for her. Sarge is standing with a twitchy nervous Simmons near the front, and the lieutenants are setting up board games and pizza and appetizers on the table, while Bitters leans back against the wall casually.
“Girff is you, stupid!” Kaikaina says, ambushing him from the side with a bear hug. “Happy birthday, bro!”
Donut swings in from the back where the kitchen is, twirling on one heel, holding a cake decorated with delicate swirls of peach icing and orange flowers. “I just whipped this one up quickly!”
“You made a back-up cake,” Carolina says flatly, turning a real glare on Donut.
“Of course! ” he says breezily. “Nothing can be left to chance on such an important occasion! Always use protection!”
It's really hard for Grif to act cool about this. Everything about the dumb party shows how much they know him, down to the Battlestar Galactica special edition of Clue.
Especially when Simmons shows him the message he got. It was a text alert from a post office on a remote colony that had been holding onto a parchment letter for 1000 years to give to a Dick Simmons on an exact date at an exact hour. The post office wanted some ridiculous fees for the hard copy to be delivered, but luckily they sent Simmons the transcription.
It was a note to save the date for today, and make Grif’s next birthday the party of the century.
Fucking time travel.
Grif had always wanted some ancient clever letter from a time traveler delivered to him with an auspicious warning, or a hundred billion dollars. But he's really glad he knows Huggins liked Back to the Future III now. They hadn’t gotten to those movies in their pop culture conversations yet.
Donut put sparklers in the cake, and when he lights them, the sparks shoot up and down and dance and fly around excitedly.
Surrounded by his family and friends, Grif blows out the candles.
Children waiting for the day they feel good Happy birthday Happy birthday Made to feel the way that every child should Sit and listen Sit and listen
And I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had I find it hard to tell you I find it hard to take When people run in circles It's a very very Mad world Mad world
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btsjfans · 7 years
BTS Reacts: Something Bad Happening To You
request: The first one is BTS reacting when something bad happened to you, like collapsing from too much work or something like that(...)
a/n: duuuuuude this is so good thank youuuuu
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You had been working hard lately, staying up late, staying at work longer, taking work home with you, the whole nine yards. You were working on a project for your job in the city, your first big solo project, and you wanted to do well. You knew you had this in the bag, you knew what you were doing. However you didn’t know how irritable, stubborn, and careless you got when you were tired. Jin had been telling you to take it easy, and get some sleep, which only made you mad at him. How dare he tell me what to do? Does he not think I know what I’m doing? What gives him the right? He doesn't understand how important this is to you. You’d thought. If only you had listened. You were walking upstairs to your apartment from work one night, head in the clouds. Your eyes felt heavy, and your legs felt like lead, but it didn't matter. You just had one more form to type. As you take the last step up you close your eyes, and feel a sharp pain. 
You wake up in your apartment, with bandaids on your elbows, pajamas on, and face washed. There was a cup of warm hot-chocolate on your bedside table, and the door was left open a crack. You check the time, 08:37am, it read. You’d gotten home from work at 11:43pm last night, which meant you slept roughly 9 hours, something you hadn't done in a while. You can't remember walking in or changing into your pajamas or cleaning up. You also don't remember putting these bandaids on. You slide out of bed and shuffle into the living room to see Jin eating breakfast and watching tv. He gives you a disapproving look and you feel hot shame on your cheeks. 
“Y/n, I told you to take it easy. Instead you just stay out later and then I find out passed out from exhaustion outside!” He gets  up and walks over, arms crossed.
“Sorry Jinnie,” You hang your head in shame, and feel his arms wrap around you. 
“Don’t ever do that again, you scared me so much.” He hugs you close against him, and presses his lips to your head. 
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You’d been out late every  night, always working. Always sneaking in at midnight and sleeping on the couch, waking up at 10 to an empty house, leaving for work, and starting the process over again. This cycle had continued for weeks, resulting in you missing out on seeing Namjoon almost every day. He’d texted you, asking you to come home so you could spent time together, but you gave him the same answer every night, “sorry, duty calls :/” Needless to say, he was annoyed with you. He stopped answering your texts when you sent them, trying to send a message about how annoyed he was with this. You rolled your eyes at his pettiness regardless. 
One night you were walking downstairs at work on your way out when you passed out from exhaustion, as you were running on your 14th hour without sleep. You woke up when you hit the ground, crying out in pain. You clutched your arm, and felt tears spring to your eyes. It was definitely broken. You shakily picked up your phone, dialing Joon’s number. 
“What.” He sighed.
“J-Joonie?” You started to ball. All pettiness aside, Namjoon felt his heart speed up. 
“What?! Where are you?! What happened?!” He was already out the door before you even answered, and he was by your side within minutes. He held you close and drove you to the hospital. He had a serious frown on his face as he drove, and bit his lip. 
“God Y/n, you scared me, you scared me so much. Please take care of yourself, I ask because I care,” He sighs and looks at you with big, nervous eyes.
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“Please get some sleep Y/n, pleaseeee,” Hoseok whined over the phone, and you sighed looking at the clock. It was almost midnight, and you’d been practicing since 8am that same day. You worked at a dance studio, and you’d almost finished choreographing it. 
“Hobi I’m almost done, I’ll be home soon, okay? I love you.” you sipped your water and heard him sigh over the line. 
“I love you too, hurry up.” 
You sigh and go through the dance a few more times before you start to brainstorm what to add next. You felt your eyes get heavy as you spun and danced, and you felt your legs slowing down. Your whole body felt heavy, and you felt like you couldn't move any further. You went to pivot when your ankles twisted and you fell with a thud. You swore and massaged your now twisted ankle, and leaned on the wall. You propped it up and leaned back, closing your eyes. One short break wouldn't hurt. 
“AH Y/N!” Hobi’s scream wakes you with a start. 
“W-what?!” You yelp and yank your ankle in and hiss at the pain. Your ankle had swelled up while you slept, and looked pretty nasty now. You grimaced at that, and cringed as you looked at the time. It was 3am now, and Hoseok didn't look entirely happy with the situation. 
“Jagi I told you to get some sleep, and now you’re hurt. I just wish you’d listen to me,” he buries his face in his hands and sighs, helping you up off the ground. “Let’s take you home and ice that.” He helps you to the car and drives you both home, sending you nervous peeks the whole ride. As you walk in and get settled in bed, Hoseok walks in with the ice and wraps an icy towel around your ankle, kissing your head gently. “Please be careful from now on,”
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You were lost in thought, zoned out and staring at your computer screen. You were completely burnt out and you couldn't even think straight. Whenever Jimin got work crazy like this, you made him stop and take a break, and Jimin would do this for you in turn. But Jimin wasn’t home this week. He was in Thailand performing, and wouldn't be home till tomorrow. You wanted to have as much open time with him as possible, so you two could catch up and do whatever, so that’s why you were cramming today and tomorrow’s work into one day, and it was not fun. You’d been working for hours upon hours, and you knew you needed to get it done. 
You decided you needed a coffee break so you could finish up. You get up and stretched, not looking at the time. As you step outside your apartment, you gasp seeing it’s daylight. You frantically whip out your phone and check the time. 1:35pm. CRAPPPP HES GONNA BE HOME ANY MINUTE!!! You think. You still have so much work to do, and race back to your door. 
“Crap crap crap crap,” You mutter as you search for your key. Your eyes feel heavy, and your movements are sloppy as you search for the key. “I must’ve dropped it outside..” You tread back out and bend down to get the key when all the blood rushes to your head, and you pass out.
You wake up on the couch in the lobby of your apartment building, the manager panicking and several workers surrounding you, holding out waters and ice packs. 
“What happened..” You start to sit up and groan.
“You hit your head pretty hard when you fell, take it easy. Who should we call for you?” The manager looks concerned.
“Ah..” You don’t want to disturb Jimin, especially since he’s almost home.
“Y/N?!” Jimin suddenly pushes through and cups your head in his hands, a wild panicked look in his eyes. “I can take it from here, thank you so much.” Jimin thanks the workers and holds you while you explain what happened and he smiles sighing and shakes his head. “You crazy girl. I leave one time and you work yourself to the brink.” He kisses your head gently before giving you a serious look. “But really, don’t let his happen again Y/n, it’s not healthy. Now come on, lets go ice that crazy head of yours.”
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You were working on a huge project at work, and you really wanted it to go well. If your boss liked it, then a huge promotion was in store for you, so you were giving this your all. That meant late nights, long days, and bringing work home with you. You were used to Yoongi doing this with his own music, but he wasn't used to you doing this. He was used to having you pull him out of his deep work hole, and wasn't sure what to do without you there to be his anchor. He wasn't used to being the lonely one of you two. He would text you all day at work, call, and whine for your attention at home. And you, being so absorbed in your work didn't realize you were becoming just like him. Not responding to him, not taking care of yourself, loosing yourself in this project. 
He could see you weren't taking care of yourself, and finally understood what you went through so often when he got absorbed in his work, and he hated seeing you like this. He just wanted you to eat and sleep and spend time at home with him, an didn't understand what could make you snap out of this. 
He was dealing with it alright until one night you just did not answer anything. No call, no text, nothing. He was nervous already, and then you didn't come home. And then you didn't answer him all day. Now he was the one not eating or sleeping, because he was so worried about you. Finally at 1am, with you still not home he went to go check on you. 
Meanwhile, you'd thrown your everything into this project, and finally your lack of sleep and eating caught up with you, and you’d collapsed in your office. You’d told everybody to stay out so of course nobody had come in to check on you. 
He walks up and into your office and has a mini heart attack seeing you like this. He doesn't care about a lot of things, but you were probably the most important thing in his life, so to see you in this state killed him.
“Yah! Y/n!!!” He hurries to your side and scoops you up, setting you in a chair before running to get water and a snack. He shakes you awake and gets some water in you before you finally rouse. 
“Yoongi,” You smile a little, not really realizing the severity of the situation. 
“God Y/n, what’s the matter with you?! Huh?! Not taking care of yourself!! You could’ve been seriously hurt! I can’t believe you,” He rubs his face tiredly and sighs leaning on the table before he kisses your head gently. “Please take care of yourself, I need you to be okay.”
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You had been busy at your new job, and you wanted to make a good impression on your bosses, so you were giving work your all. This meant staying late, coming early, going out after work with your co-workers, the whole nine yards. You texted Taehyung every little update, and came home at a reasonable time every night, so everything was fine for a while. But soon your bosses started to take advantage of your generosity and your hard work ethic, giving you all the hard jobs and asking more of you than of anybody else. Taehyung could see this, but you were blinded by the glamour of being trusted with new responsibilities. 
“Jagi you should probably set some limits, they’re taking you away from me, and putting too much on you at work. This could get out of hand.” Tae said to you one night.
“This isn't too much, they just know I’m a great worker and are trusting me with this stuff.” You pouted, confused at how Tae wasn't being supportive anymore.
Soon Taehyng turned out to be right. Work was stressing you out more than anything, and you just wanted it all to stop. You didn't want Taehyung to worry, so you acted like it was all fine, and like you were enjoying it. 
One day he was out with the boys which meant you had the apartment to yourself. You started to work when you gave up and began to cry. You curled up on the couch and sobbed for a while before you got up to go make some tea. You were tired and shaky from all the crying and you dropped the mug you were using to make tea. It crashed and shattered on the floor, cutting your foot. You swore and gasped, more tears falling.
“Ow ow ow ow ow,” You hisses and wrapped your bloody foot in paper towels. You started to panic at the sight of all that blood, and your mind started to wander. Will I need stitches? Is there glass stuck in my foot?! Oh god oh goddddd..
Just then, Taehyung walked in and gasped at the sight of you, blood and tears and all. “Tae!!” You sobbed and he rushed to your side, checking out your foot. He carried you to the bathtub and cleaned your foot, repeating soft calming sounds as he cleaned you up. When you were taken care of, you explained what happened and he sighed and held you close to his chest. 
“Jagi please listen next time, I just want you to be okay.”
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Jungkook had been busy with the Comeback, so while he was gone you decided to get a job to fill your time. At first it was good, because while he was busy, so were you. But one thing lead to another, and soon both of your jobs got so busy you two hardly see each other anymore. 
Your texts between each other became less and less, and your calls just the same. He was overworking himself with the comeback, and you were overworking yourself at your new job, and neither of you were there for each other. 
You’d stopped eating as well and sleeping as well now that you worked all the time, and especially without the presence of your beloved Jungkook. Needless to say, your health wasn't in the best shape. He’d been kind of coming down with something himself, so the both of you were in the same both. 
You came home early from work one day because you were definitely sick. You laid on the bed coughing and sniffling, struggling to find sleep. You laid in one of Jungkook’s shirts and realized how long you’d gone without seeing him. You reached over and grabbed your phone, clicking on his name to call. Just as you called him, you heard his phone ringing in the apartment. Confused, you rolled out of bed and groggily stumbled to find the phone when you saw Jungkook laying half asleep and mouth breathing on the couch.
“Kookie,” You coughed and smiled walking over and sitting next to him, pulling his head into your lap and stroking his head.
“Y/n,” He smiles sleepily and sits up, taking in your condition. “Wow, we really let ourselves go,” He kisses your head gently and pulls you into his lap as you catch him up on your life. “Well...I’ll take care of myself if you do.” 
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kekoaskorner · 7 years
Every P!nk fan has been waiting for this announcement and finally this spring she graced us with two stand alone concerts in Berlin on the incredibly beautiful Waldbühne. I was lucky enough to get two seats in the best category super close to the stage. All we had to then was wait until August arrived!
This past weekend we finally flew to Berlin – for the first time I might add. I had a completely wrong image of the capital city of Germany. I thought it was grey, dirty and the people were unfriendly but the complete opposite happened. At every corner you bump into something artful or historical, the streets are lined with trees and the people are so nice.
On Friday we left the hotel at 4 – an hour before doors open. It was mayhem when we arrived 30 odd mins later. No signs, no stewards so no-one knew where to queue and the lines were long. Fortunately after an hour in the Q with nothing moving we found a good queue and were in within a few mins. We were able to bring in a 0.5l bottle, cushions and a A4 bags. I was so surprised since the rules here in Switzerland are very strict.
After a quick walk I was faced with steep slippy stairs but in the end we made it to a perfect seat across the stage. Now the only thing we had to do is wait in pouring rain! Thanks to our new ponchos we stayed dry and right before the support act started the rain stopped.
James Gillespie supported P!nk. She discovered him on Spotify and invited him for the two concerts. I really enjoyed his 30mins set and couldn’t wait to hear his duet with P!nk! Please continue to follow this blog to read more about him this week.
“Let’s get this Party started!”
At 9pm on Friday P!nk finally entered the arena through the audience after a 4 year hiatus – which felt waaay longer! I cannot begin to describe how happy I was. I grew up with her and at her first concert in Zurich I was around 10 years old 🙂 No wonder I felt super emotional during “Who Knew” which was a highlight right around half time.
At 9.05 on Saturday she flew in from the top of the Waldbühne down to the stage. This was seriously BADASS and so P!nk! 🙂 The night before my concert buddy pointed towards them and said look at those wires do you think she will fly in? I guess she was right but the rain made it impossible on Friday.
P!nks View from Saturday Night
With “Get the party started” she literally got the party started with everyone already out of their seats dancing and singing! With “U & Ur Hand”, “Just like a Pill” and “Trouble” she covered most of the older hits. One of my favourite songs “Trouble” was followed by “Try” and the newer songs “Just give me a Reason” and “How come you’re not here”. P!nk mixed up her song “Funhouse” with No Doubts “Just a Girl” which I loved and she wasn’t sure if people knew it.
Finally James Gillespie came back on stage to sing “Don’t let me get me”. She said
As you know I don’t like that song but he made me like it again so we will try this!
P!nk & Justin
Acoustic Set
I enjoyed it on Day 1 and 2! After this new slower version P!nk and her guitarist Justin Derrico walked to the B stage and started the acoustic part. I just want to take a minute here to appreciate her incredibly beautiful voice! Even after 4 years off stage that girl can SING! With two of her own songs “Who Knew”, “Fucking Perfect” and two covers of Janis Joplins “Me and Bobby McGee”, Led Zeppelins “Babe, I’m gonna leave you” it was an unbelievably emotional soulful part of the show. While Justin gave an amazing guitar solo P!nk stepped into a airwalk balloon and rolled around the stage on the hands of her fans. This is soooo typically P!nk 🙂
Airwalk Balloon with P!nk inside
While she quickly changed into a new top her keyboard player sang on Friday Night Nenas “99 Luftballons/99 Red balloons” which I thought added a nice touch ‘honouring’ the German audience. During “Sober” her dancers gave a wonderful performance which she used to dance too but now decided not to. The next song was another cover “River” by a girl called Bishop Briggs. It has a super powerful vibe with gospel, country and rock elements.
Just Like Fire
After water comes fire so she sang “Just like Fire” and added fire elements all though she said she didn’t like them. On Day 2 it was clear why. She completely forgot them and was so close to one beam that she joked:
I already felt the end of my hair going up in smoke! Nobody told me that there was fire!
Erm yes! 🙂 I knew it and thought why the hell is she that close? She should be way down by the B stage. “Blow Me (One Last Kiss)” had a nice summery feeling added with dancy salsa beats. The huge screen at the back of the stage had huge female voodoo dolls dancing in circles which looked super cute. “Raise your Glass” blew the non-existent roof off.
On Friday Night we witnessed the live debut of “What About Us” as an encore. P!nk’s newest single of her record “Beautiful Trauma” which will be released on Oct, 13th. Due to the rain she had some problems with her in-ears and P!nk being P!nk she stopped the song after the first few lines and barked at her keyboard player Jason Chapman: “That sounds like shit!” But he’s been with her for 15 years and knows what a perfectionist she is. She started again and it sounded beautiful. We could see how nervous she was but to me she didn’t need to be! On Saturday she changed her set and sang it after only two songs with the words:
Hopefully it will be better than yesterday. Should we try it again?
After 90 mins she finished her gigantic shows with “So What” and a huge firework during which she already sneaked out into her car and was whisked off before the last spark burnt out. Me and 22’000 other fans were left with a warm fuzzy feeling after two brilliant shows in two days.
Now all we can hope for is a proper tour next year to promote her album!
Were you at the concerts as well? I’d love to know what you thought about her two “comeback” shows! Please comment below.
P!nk @ Waldbühne, Berlin 11. / 12.08.17 Every P!nk fan has been waiting for this announcement and finally this spring she graced us with two stand alone concerts in Berlin on the incredibly beautiful Waldbühne.
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