#i was irritated for the first 10 minutes because of this😤
usaigi ¡ 1 year
So when I was little, we'd spend four hours to go drive to see my Grandma.
We always had car snacks on the way there. Once we made the mistake of stopping for food because the trip was taking longer than normal and it was getting late. When we got there, Grandma asked if we were hungry. We said no.
You do not tell Abuela that you are not hungry. She had a whole pot roast with sides ready for us. We had not eaten 'real food' so therefore we could not possibly be full.
I bet Mexian!Matt knows how to cook but doesn't have the time or patience for it. But he also probably keeps a freezer full of tamales for emergency.
He also keeps Vicks vapor rub in the medicine cabinet, even though it overwhelms his senses unless he has a cold. And there's one specific type of candy that gives him flashbacks to five year old Matt sitting on his Abuela's plastic covered couch watching telenovellas. You know the kind. It's salty and sour and fruity.
I don't think Matt had any family (apart from his dad) in New York but I'm sure he got adopted by a neighbor abuelita. And maybe she invites him over for dinner and gives him candy. Jack's kid is too skinny, gotta make sure he's eating. Oh, you already ate? What did you eat? Chips? That's not real food, eat this.
What if Foggy helps Matt make the emergency tamales? Matt casually mentions that he's going to spend all weekend making tamales since it's a lot of work, so Foggy offers to help. And for the first 10 minutes, Matt is so happy because his best friend is helping him make his traditional food and for the rest of the time Matt is trying to hide his irritation because Foggy you're doing is wrong 😤
When they meet Karen, she also comes to help and it becomes a Christmas tradition to make them. They make some extra to give to Jess, Danny, Luke, and Peter. Matt totally forgets that Peter doesn't eat pork and feels so guilty he goes back just to make more tamales without any pork.
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The Little Things
 ph-1 (Park Junwon/Harry Park) x Idol!Reader Summary: When you’re in a relationship, there are aspects of being single you tend to look over or take for granted. It’s sometimes those things that cause a rift between you and your lover. Word Count: 1k+ Warnings: Fluff, established relationship, lowkey jealousy, kinda a social media au, typos as I have not proofread this, i use y/n 🤢 , etc.
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A/N: i hope you see this nonnie and I hope you like it!
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It was like a snowball rolling down a snowy mountain. By the time it got down to the slope, it was an enormous boulder, an avalanche. That’s what it felt like on this one lunch date.
It was like a hundred little things came crashing down on us. Things like forgetting to call back, not replying soon enough if replying at all, arriving late, forgetting to heat up lunch, forgetting it’s their turn to buy, all came crashing down when we got the wrong order at the café.
And although it was neither mine nor Junwon’s fault but actually an employee’s error, we had already snapped at each other in the middle of it and found it exhausting to talk to each other. It made my stomach ache after eating.
It would have been fine, had I not had anything to do after our lunch, but unfortunately, I had a long schedule ahead of me that day, and it made me irritable. Thankfully, after a while, my stomach was pacified, but the same could not be said for me and Junwon.
The entire day, we had not talked, nor the day after that, which made it the day  after that feel like it was hanging up in the air because we had a special date planned and yet we still hadn’t broken the silence.
Oh well, if he’s gonna be petty about it, I can play petty.
Now I know you’re going to ask, why not just be the bigger person and text him or something. Well, maybe if I was the one that snapped first I would have. Maybe if I was the one who didn’t even bother telling how he felt then maybe I would have been more inclined to break the silence. 
Junwon has never been the confrontational type, so if there was something on his mind, he usually just let it slide.
And if something really bothered me, I would tell him.
So the little things that got on his nerves that didn’t bother me began to bother me when he made a fuss about in in the wrong time.
He can take a hint; I’ll make him take a hint.
<14:15> ootd [boomerang attatched] <14:16> gotta keep my eye out for (ph-2)  🤮 <14:17> If you feel like your problems are big, remember we’re just a tiny speck in the universe.
I was already in the planetarium when I shared this. It was supposed to be a special date, but I was now here alone. It was good we had already split our tickets, or else I would have had to buy another ticker for myself.
I arrived to the place a little earlier than when we would have gone, and was in awe of the place. I have always been so fascinated with the heavenly bodies. I love the stars so much and find joy in knowing we both are made of star dust and shine like them, albeit 1000x lower than the eye can see.
I was having fun for about the first 5-10 minutes of my time here, until I saw something, stopped, and thought, ‘I have to show Harry’. It all kind of went downhill from there.
The place was beautiful and distracting, but It was pretty hard to enjoy myself, when all my thoughts began to be, Harry would like this, OMG Harry would find this so pretty, this is what I was telling Harry, and the classic, it’d be more fun if Harry were here.
Shut up, I am not a simp.
I’m just... lonely.
<14:34> So many stars  <14:36> Missing You by BTOB <14:36> where is homenobody when you need him? 😤 <14:37> kinda want coffee too
At this point, I was starting to lose interest in the place as my thought began to get geared so hard into just wanting to call Harry and make up. I think that was why I began to just walk around aimlessly.
That was also why I was taken aback when someone tapped my shoulder, since I was pretty out of it.
I turned around and saw this dude smile at me, “hi.”
I raised my brows and gave a soft smile. This might not end well.
“I, uh, couldn’t help but notice you when you walked in. You look absolutely stunning.”
I chuckle and shake my head, “uh, thank you.”
He nods and places his hand in his pockets, “no yeah, the pleasure’s all mine. I also noticed you weren’t really here with anyone and neither am I, so would you maybe want to tour the rest of the place with me?”
“Eh, actually, I had this day planned out with someone,” I pull my phone up and continue, “I’m about to check up on them right now.”
“Ahh,” he nods, “well, I can keep you company while your friend isn’t here.”
“No, she’s good,” another voice speaks. I am suddenly in Harry’s arms as he throws an arm over my shoulder. He turns to the dude, “her boyfriend’s here now.”
The dude smacks his lips then nods slowly, “okay then. Nice talking to you, babe.”
Junwon throws the guy a look as he walks away, “did that dude really just call you babe?”
I pull him into an embrace, “huhuhu, I should have called you sooner.”
He sighs against me and places his cheek on my head, “I should have called sooner too.”
“Yeah, you really should have.” 
I feel the vibrations against my face when he chuckles, “yeah.”
I tighten my arms around him and sigh, “you smell nice.” I pull away and pout, “I’m glad you’re here.”
He gives me a quick kiss on the lips, “me too. I kept getting @-ed by your fans. I was so close to being cancelled.”
I snort. He smiles, “I was checking your stories anyway though, so I knew you were being petty about it.”
I make a face, “you’re talking like you weren’t being petty.”
He pulls me back into his arms and sucks in a breath, “I’m still kinda ticked off on how slow you reply though.”
I chuckle against him and push him off, grabbing his hand, “I’ll reply even slower now!”
He rolls his eyes.
<14:50> [replying to <14:36> where is homenobody when you need him? 😤] Literally right here 🤢 everyone stop @-ing me
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