#i was like galaxy colored banan??
adorablemonk643 ยท 10 months
i just misread something in a h.o.p game as cosmic banana and was so confused
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maine-writes ยท 6 years
The Tale of Banan
"Gather 'round gentlefolk of all creeds and species!" cried the cartoonish equine, a pork pie hat with a low flat brim on his head. "For I have a tale for you; a tale of adventure and tragedy. The tale of the legendary Banana Pony."
The pavilion he set his stall in front of was built to the style of alpine chalets. Humans, critters, and even a few ponies wandered about, passing by the reddish pony as they entered the restaurant in the building. Few stopped, intrigued by the showpony's speech and promises of an entertaining tale.
"Allow me to transport you all, boys and girls and all in between, to a time and place unlike our own." he said as he ducked behind his stall.
Two crudely made puppets emerged from behind the stall; one that looked like the reddish unicorn, complete with his poofy brown mane, and another that looked like an angry purple pony with a slick, black mane.
"Long ago, there was a distant planet; Banan VI, a place of tropical beauty where bananas grew." the showpony said. "There, one pony believed that the joy of bananas should shared with the galaxy. He loved the sweet taste, the creamy texture, and whimsical form and color, and he saw that others loved those things too."
As he spoke, the showpony somehow moved a picture of an earth-like planet across the stage of his show, along with actual bananas. Children, human, critter, and pony, sat in awe as they listened to the tale.
"But his father, the Business Pony, saw this too." said the showpony, moving around the purple puppet and making it mumble in a low, grumpy voice. "If others want bananas, said the Business Pony, they should pay for it!"
The red puppet quickly withdrew beneath the stage before suddenly appearing again, but wearing a puppet-sized business suit.
"The Banana Pony respected his father and so worked with him to bring bananas to others, but for a price." said the narrator. "But this did not bring him joy. He saw that some could not afford to pay for a banana, and his father turned them away. Then one day, he met a young filly."
Either he began using one of his legs or the showpony sprouted a third arm, but a third puppet emerged; smaller than the others, chocolate brown in color, wearing a hat with a yellow banana on top.
"He was the Plantain Kid, a filly who wanted to bring bananas to other kids." said the showpony to the cheers of children. "Together, they defied the Business Pony and stole all the bananas, bringing them to our world and many others!"
The children cheered as confetti rained down and puffs of banana-scented smoke filled the air.
"But what of Business Pony?" the showpony continued, "He now hunts the Banana Pony, seeking to stop his son from spreading joy and bananas. Where is the Plantain Kid? He continues his work elsewhere while the Banana Pony stays here, on our world, telling their tale to those who would listen."
The starry-eyed children watched as the showpony solemnly emerged from behind his puppet stage, a puppet in each hoof and one somehow manipulated by a curl in his mane.
"So remember, young hearts, to spread joy to others, for this world and many others are full of those like you who need it." he said, "Be a Banana Pony; be happy, be kind, and excellent."
And with the end of his show and his inspiring speech, the mysterious showpony and his stage disappeared in a sudden puff of banana-scented smoke, leaving behind a crate full of bananas with a note, "For My Friends."
As the children cheered and scrambled to grab a banana, two critters waiting in line to enter the restautant looked on.
"Is that story true?" Patty asked.
"I'm not really sure." Maine replied, secretly wanting to walk over to grab a banana. "Last week he told kids a story that sounded a lot like the plot of Thor. It even had a Banana Hammer in it and the Plantain Kid was his brother."
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